

Published on Mar 10, 2012



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

This is a story about four gay boys who want to make it big in the world of music by becoming the first gay boy band. The group consists of two twin boys and their best friends. Along the way to stardom, the teens encounter problems within their love lives and their friendships. This is their story...

Chapter 1


"I am so nervous right now" I said as I fixed my tie in front of the mirror. I looked over and saw my twin brother tying his shoes, as he sat on his bed.

"Stop it because then you're going to make me nervous" Isaias said standing up and walking around in his shoes. We were identical twins, born from a Haitian father and a Puerto Rican mother. Our parents met while my father was fishing with his family company. My mother came to Haiti on a mission trip from school, so I guess you can say the rest is history. They moved to the states when they got married and now my brother and I are the products of it.

My father hates the fact that we are gay and swears that we are going through a phase, but my mother is more nurturing. My dad tries sometimes to at least show he wants to understand but then he goes off in a tangent and an argument commences.

I am the older twin by 5 minutes and the more responsible one too. I try to protect my brother as much as I can but it's rough. My brother is more attracted to white boys as I'm more attracted to black guys. Being that my skin tone is so light, I love to see the contrast of our skins together, only problem is: I'm still looking for Mr. Right.

My brother has dated his boyfriend since middle school, and now since we're seniors, it's only been a total of 5 years. 5 years is a long time in high school.

"I thought you were wearing the red tie" Isaias asked me as he threw on his scarf.

"I was but I thought it would clash with what I had on" I said grabbing my coat, "what do you think?"

"It looks nice" Isaias said nonchalantly. He was very up and down with his emotions, "have you called Bevaun and Savion?"

Bevaun and Savion were our best friends from 1st grade. They were cousins and both dark skinned from their African American heritages. Bevaun was much darker skinned given the fact that his dad was from Cuba.

We loved them like brothers, and the four of us have been singing since we could speak. We fought every chance we could get to be signed. We sang at churches, organizations, talent shows, competitions and always came up short.

People in the Grove knew about us, but every time we got an offer from someone to get a record deal, they would turn us down once they found out that we were all gay. We each promised that we would be the first all gay group in R&B, if we can get in the business.

We were all on our way to the new record company in town, Emanate Records. They were well on their way to being known in the south, as they discovered two females who were a duo who disbanded and became solo artists, an all female group, a rapper B-Rite, who was actually the CEO's nephew, and a host of underground rappers and singers.

We sent our demo over and now he wants to hear us sing in person. If all goes well, we will finally get the break that we've been looking for.


I opened the door to the record studio as I walked in and towards the receptionist's desk.

"Hello my name is Bevaun Edwards and I have a meeting with Phil Wallace" I said trying to sound sincere.

"I'm sorry I don't see a Bevaun Edwards" the receptionist said after looking through her sheet as I shook my head embarrassed.

"I'm sorry I meant to say that I'm here and my friends will be arriving shortly" I said correcting myself, "we're Insatiable."

"Ok I see you down here" the receptionist said as I sighed with relief, "I have you guys down for 11:00. Are they outside?"

"No ma'am, but..." I said reaching for my phone in my pocket, "let me just call them to make sure they are not too far, excuse me."

I walked to the far side of the lobby as I dialed Savion's cell phone number.

"Hello?" Savion said answering his phone on the third ring.

"Where are you?" I asked worried, "we have our meeting with Phil in 40 minutes."

"Relax B" Savion said with an attitude, "I overslept but I'm not that far."

"Well how far are you?" I asked growing impatient of my group members' lack of seriousness.

"Like 5-10 minutes away" Savion barked back.

"Savion I'm just asking because I want everything to go good" I said trying to calm down.

"Everything will be fine B, just relax. I'm on my way" Savion said as I sighed, "are Izaiah and Isaias already there?"

"No I haven't seen them" I said pacing in the lobby, "have you spoken to them today?"

"Yeah I just got off the phone with them" Savion said, "they should be pulling in at any minute."

"Ok then" I said as my phone beeped and I saw that it was Isaias calling, "this is Isaias now, please hurry and get here."

"Ok Bevaun" Savion said upset as I clicked over.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey are you at the studio?" Isaias asked.

"Yes! Where are you guys?" I asked worried again.

"Just leaving our house" Isaias said as my eyes grew big from anger, but I took in a deep breath, calming myself down, "we should be there in a few minutes."

"A few minutes?" I asked trying to not sound upset, "guys this is a golden opportunity! I can feel it! Why is everyone playing with this?"

"No one is playing Bevaun" I heard Izaiah say in the background, "we just overslept that's all."

"Whatever, look, can you guys please get here fast?" I asked impatient.

"Yea we're on our way" Isaias said solemnly.

"Is Savion there?" Izaiah asked.

"No he said he's not far from here" I said pacing around the studio.

"We're coming Bevaun just relax" Isaias said as I rolled my eyes.

"Just hurry up and get here please!" I said impatient, "bye!"


"Why does he always have to act like that?" I said hanging up upset.

"You know Bevaun" Izaiah said as I nodded my head driving through traffic, "how far are we anyway?"

"Not that far" I said, "it should be a few blocks from here."

"Good" Izaiah said, "so how did your conversation with Shane go last night." My brother was referring to my on again-off again relationship with my boyfriend Shane.

"It went ok" I said, "I guess that's why I overslept today."

"Well the most important thing is you guys are trying" my brother said, "how long has it been this time, 3 months?"

"Yep" I said quickly wanting to change the subject.

"Ok moving on" Izaiah said smiling.

"Exactly" I said, "when are you going to find someone?"

"I'm not interested in none of that right now" Izaiah said, "I just want this group deal to get signed, make my millions and not have to worry about who is with me or against me."

"Stop selling yourself short Izaiah" I said upset, "you need to stop being so insecure!"

"I'm not!" Izaiah said upset, "I just know that a lot of guys can't be trusted. The right guy is out there for me somewhere."

"How will you know if you never try?" I asked my brother as he sat in silence. I knew he just wanted to stop talking about it but I really wanted someone for him.

He's been in and out of relationships like me, but I know it's because of his sensitivity and insecurities. I just wish he would let himself go sometimes and be a little less focus on other things so much.

(Savion) check! Breath...check! Body smell...check! Voice...well I'll check that inside with the fellas. I looked out my rearview mirror and saw our manager Lena.

Let me explain something to you about Lena. Lena is the mother of Isaias and Izaiah. She is a sweetheart when she wants to be but a capital B when you cross her the wrong way.

She saw potential in us from the get-up and always told us that she was going to make us a star. My mother told me constantly that I was going to be a star. Growing up it was always me and her. She knew I was going to make it but was always skeptical about Mrs. Lena. She told me "beware of mixing business with family" and of course I knew what she meant.

I assured her that Mrs. Lena was ok. Just as long as we did as we were told, she was ok by us.

"Morning Mrs. Lena" I said getting out my car and walking over to her for a hug.

"Morning Savion!" Mrs. Lena said returning the hug, "the outfit looks good on you!"

"Thank you" I said noticing that she was by herself, "where are the twins?"

"They're coming" Mrs. Lena said checking her phone, "I had to leave early to get all the paperwork ready."

"You think we got this?" I asked nervous as Lena put her arms around me and walked towards the door.

"Savion you guys got this" Lena said as we walked inside the studio to find Bevaun sitting in a corner fuming. Oh Lord!

"Mrs. Lena where are the boys? They aren't with you?" Bevaun asked jumping up from his seat.

"Good morning to you too Bevaun" Mrs. Lena said dropping her briefcase on one of the empty chairs.

"I'm sorry good morning" Bevaun said as I cleared my throat, "good morning Savion."

"Morning Bevaun" I said giving him a hug as I sat down beside Mrs. Lena.

"Bevaun the boys are on their way" Mrs. Lena said, "I had to leave early so that I could run by the office."

"Oh ok" Bevaun said sadly as Mrs. Lena noticed.

"Stop worrying ok" Lena said patting Bevaun on the knee, "that's my job! You boys just worry about hitting the right notes.

Just as Mrs. Lena picked up her phone to start dialing the twins, they walked through the door.

"Morning mom" Izaiah said followed by Isaias as they kissed her on the cheek and hugged Bevaun and I.


It felt good to have us all in the room together. I know I bicker and fight with my friends all the time but I just want the best for us.

After we said a quick prayer, we started rehearsing the song. Before we knew it, it was time to go in the conference room.

"Mr. Wallace is ready to see you gentleman now" the receptionist said as we all looked at each other nervous. 10 years in the making and we were now about to have our big break.

"Right this way" the receptionist said leading us down the hall as Lena followed. As we walked in, we all sat down, waiting patiently.

"Mr. Wallace will be in shortly" the receptionist said before offering us anything to drink. After she left, Mrs. Lena spoke.

"Alright boys remember, we can do this" Mrs. Lena said making eye contact with each of us, "we practiced, prayed and persevered through a lot! Shake off the jitters and find that confidence. Ok?"

We all smiled and shook our heads as Mr. Wallace, a young guy, two older gentlemen, and a young lady entered the conference room, sitting across from us.

"Good morning everyone! My name is Phillip Wallace also known as Philly" Phil Wallace said as he continued, "I'm the President and CEO of Emanate Records. This man on my left is my Director of A & R Darryl Cunningham, beside him is my assistant Valerie, to my right the Vice President of Emanate Records Paul Fields and beside him is my Executive in Training Vincent Hall. Welcome and if you would please?"

"Thank you so much gentleman and lady for having us here" Mrs. Lena said, "I am Lena Dempsey, manager of the group Insatiable" and starting from my left, we have Isaias Neal Dempsey and Bevaun Leon Edwards and to my right Savion Amir Talbert and Izaiah Akil Dempsey."

"Pleased to meet you gentleman" Everyone said as I caught the young Executive staring at Izaiah very hard."


I don't know if anyone else was catching it but the young guy on the board was staring at me very hard. He was very attractive! Dark black skin, low cut, and pink lips, matched with nice white teeth and large hands.

I tried to not make eye contact with him, but once when I did, I found myself taken into his light brown eyes. I hope they weren't contacts, because if they were, this would be a major turn off.

"My assistant is very intuitive," Phil said starting out, "and to be honest with you Ms. Dempsey..."

"That's Mrs. Dempsey" Lena said correcting him.

"Forgive me Mrs. Dempsey," Phil said correcting himself, "Valerie here told me the name of the group and I said to myself, Insatiable? What kind of a name is that for a group?"

As Phil said that the gentleman laughed except for Vincent who kept looking my way.

"I mean forgive me, I'm not trying to make anyone feel uncomfortable or embarrassed at all," Phil continued, "but then upon reading each of the guys' names, Valerie here stated that the name itself, is derived from the members' initials."

"Yes sir" my mom said speaking for us.

"Isn't that something" Phil said thinking to himself, "do any of you guys know the definition of the word?"

"Impossible to satisfy" Isaias said after a moment of silence.

"Do you guys feel that you're impossible to satisfy?" Darryl asked.

"No sir" Savion spoke up, "but we know that our fans will always want more from us and we'll be able to give it to them too."

"That's good to know" Darryl said, "but you do know that the age of guy groups has died in the 90's right?"

We all looked crushed as Darryl said that with the biggest smile on his face. I wanted to say something but looked over at my mother as she sat up in her seat about to speak.

"We understand that but please understand that we are the best out here. No one is capable of doing what we can do and never will be!" Isaias said speaking out of turn as Bevaun snatched him and pulled him back in his seat.

"Do you know how many times we have heard that?" Darryl said looking at Isaias as my brother sighed, "We have heard so many artists come in here and claimed to be the best and once they get inside that booth, they freeze. They rely on autotune and cheap parlay tricks to appeal to the eye and this only distracts the ears of the audience to distinguish genuine music."

"We don't need any of that" Savion spoke up defensively, as I sat back in my seat embarrassed, "we have been singing since we were 8 years old and know exactly how to rely on our voice alone."

"Prove it!" Darryl said as we looked at him confusingly, "prove that you guys have what it takes by singing something right now."

Bevaun and Isaias looked at each other as Savion looked at me. Savion got up and walked to the back of the room as Isaias got up and followed. Bevaun was next as I sighed and got up with the guys as we huddled up and decided which song to sing.

"Is there any particular song that you wanted them to sing?" my Mom asked as Darryl and Phil looked at each other and shook their heads no.

"No we just want them to prove to us that they are indeed `INSATIABLE" Darryl said using his fingers while quoting our name. I thought he was such a piece of work but I got understood what he was doing.


"Ok" Savion said turning around as we all followed behind him. We all stood standing side by side as we paused before singing. We decided to sing a song my brother wrote since he was the songwriter of the group. I did the choreography, while Savion styled our hair and Bevaun did our gear.

"The title of this song is `Last Time'" Savion said as I counted down for us and we started singing the in harmony:

This—will be

The last time—you'll see

What—could have been

If we stayed—together

My love—er and friend

We had—for-e-ver

But this last time—

Will have to be—

"Beautiful guys" Phil said clapping as everyone joined in, "you boys have the church voice inside of you! Very nice!"

All we could do was smile and hug each other as my mom came and hugged us as well. I couldn't believe it! All these years and we were finally about to be stars. I stopped hugging the guys as I looked over at Darryl's face as he looked confused.

"I just have one question?" Darryl asked as he looked around at our faces, "who's the lead singer of the group?"

We all stopped celebrating as we looked around the room at everyone's blank faces as well as our own.

"Um" Bevaun said after clearing his throat, "we don't have a lead singer."

"Sure you do" Darryl said confidently as he sat back in his seat and folded his arms over his chest, "every group has one."

"But sir" Savion said chiming in as well, "we seriously don't have a lead singer. We all take turns singing a verse but no one is the lead singer."

"Well you boys might not see it" Darryl said completely ignoring our statements, "but from where I'm sitting I only heard on voice that over powered the rest."

"You did?" Phil asked surprised.

"Yes" Darryl said looking over at Phil, "didn't you?"

"To be honest no" Phil said turning his head back at us, "I only heard one collective voice."

"Hmmm" Darryl said scratching his chin, "sing one note again?"

"Which one?" I asked wondering if the lead singer was me.

"Vincent go grab your guitar" Darryl said getting up from his seat and walking over to us. As Vincent got up, Darryl slowly moved us around in the room so that we were standing criss-crossed from each other.

"Darryl what are you doing?" Phil asked looking confused.

"Trust me Phil" Darryl said with his back towards Phil as he sized each of us up. We all felt awkward but assumed he knew what he was doing.


I looked over at Mrs. Lena as she sat at the table looking confused but never uttered a word. To say that she was our manager, she sure was being silent throughout this whole meeting.

I watched Vincent walk back in the room as he brought a chair up to us and sat in it.

"No I want you to sit here" Darryl said placing the chair at the far end as he grabbed Izaiah by the hand and placed him in front of Vincent.

The rest of us looked stunned as we finally realized who the "voice" was that Darryl was so enraptured by.

"Okay I want you to play with a G and I want you guys to come in singing what you just sang, only this time" Darryl said stopping in front of Izaiah, "I want you to take lead as the rest of you follow in the background."

"But I've never sang lead before" Izaiah said softly.

"Look guys do you want this or not?" Darryl asked as we all looked at him and responded with a yes, "then trust me on this. Now give me the note Vin."

As Vincent played we waited on Izaiah to take the first note as we all followed in together on the next. From the smiles on everyone's faces, I could tell that we sounded better than before but what I couldn't get over was the look on Bevaun's face as he stared at Izaiah taking the lead. Once we were done with the chorus, everyone stood up and clapped for us, even Mrs. Lena as we looked at each other smiling knowing that we finally had it.

"Gentleman welcome to Emanate Records" Phil said as we screamed.



"I cannot believe that we have a record deal" Isaias said as we ate in our favorite pizza parlor downtown, "I can't wait to get in the studio next week."

"You boys deserve it" Mrs. Lena said, "I'm so proud of all of you, especially you Izaiah. Baby you sounded beautiful!"

"Thanks mom" Izaiah said smiling big as Isaias congratulated him as well. I looked over at Bevaun as he sat silent eating away.

"I couldn't believe that he was talking to me" Izaiah said excitedly, "I thought for sure that he was talking about Bevaun."

Everyone looked over at Bevaun as he still sat in silence completely distant from us. Now I knew that he was upset about what had just taken place.

"I thought so too" I said looking across my table at Bevaun as he sighed and never looked up from his plate.

"Hey Bevaun are you ok?" Isaias asked as, sitting next to Bevaun.

"What you mean?" Bevaun asked finally looking up at us.

"You've been quiet for the past few hours" Isaias said, as we kept our attention on Bevaun.

"I'm just nervous about all of this" Bevaun said after a moment of silence, "I mean this is a lot to take in."

"You're right Bevaun" Mrs. Lena said, "come next week you boys will be the first boy group from the Grove."

"The first gay boy group" I chimed in as everyone agreed.

"Do you think it can happen?" Izaiah asked looking at all of us, "do you think that we can actually make it big and be known as the first gay boy group?"

"I think so" I said drinking my soda.

"I hope so" Isaias said, "I hate to get this far and we fall flat on our faces."

"Is the world really ready for a gay boy group?" Izaiah asked, "Darryl said himself that the age of boy groups has died."

"Well now it's you boys' turn to prove him and the world wrong" Mrs. Lena said, "you have to go out there and fight like you've never fought before. Prove to everyone and yourselves that you've got what it takes. Darryl and Phil are taking a chance on you boys so use that confidence and don't give up."

"I guess it's time for us to go home and rest up" Mrs. Lena said, "we all have a big day in the morning."

As we said our goodbyes, I hugged the twins and Mrs. Lena as I tried to catch up with Bevaun. I caught him outside walking towards his car.

"Hey Bevaun wait up" I screamed running towards him.

"Yeah?" Bevaun asked with an attitude.

"I just wanted to make sure that you're ok" I asked as Bevaun got inside his car.

"I'm fine" Bevaun said as he closed the door in my face. I tapped on his window as he sighed and downed his window, "what Savion?"

"Are you sure that you're ok?" I asked as I saw Savion biting his tongue before answering.

"I AM FINE" Bevaun said through clenched lips.

"Then why were you so silent throughout the whole dinner just now?" I asked leaning on the car.

"Savion..." Bevaun said starting out, "I have to go ok. I'm not in the mood to talk right now. I mean it's been a long day and I'm tired."

"You sure that's all that's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Yep" Bevaun said quickly, "nothing else is wrong cuz."

"Ok" I said getting up, "I'll call you tomorrow ok?" Bevaun only nodded his head and turned on the ignition as he drove away. He turned his head away from me and I knew that he was inside his car crying. I just wish he would have told me but Bevaun is very proud and would never open up unless he really wanted too. I just hope that this didn't spell trouble for our group.


"Aren't you going to say anything to them honey?" my mother asked my dad as Isaias and I stood in front of him with the good news.

"That's good" my dad said feeding his fish in the aquarium. We watched as he talked to them and completely ignored our presence.

"I'm gone" Isaias said walking towards the door of my dad's study.

"Sweetie where are you going?" my mother asked my brother as I stared my dad down with anger.

"I'm not going to stand here and let him just ignore us like we're not in the room" Isaias said loudly.

"Dad you don't have anything to say to us?" I asked hurt.

"I said `that's good'" my dad said still not facing us, "what more do you guys want me to say? I'm proud my two faggot sons..."

"Samuel!" my mother said upset that my father called us that. It would hurt more if it was the first time he called us that but to be honest it's not! He's been calling us that for as long as I can remember.

"...have just received a record deal working for the biggest queer lover in the city" my dad said continuing, "yea I'm so proud of my gay sons that I can't even hold it in! Tell me something, what kind of songs are you boys going to sing? As a matter of fact who are you going to sing to? Girls or guys? I guess that was a dumb question because I know who you're going to sing too! If you want to go and embarrass yourself in front of the world then do it under someone else's roof but not under mine!"

"What do you mean yours?" my mother asked, "I live here too?"

"You encouraged this Lena!" my father yelled, "you encouraged them to be this way!"

"Sam I loved them like a mother is supposed to with her children involved" my mom said brokenhearted.

"Loving them while they are prancing around here like women and having sex under my roof with boys!" my dad screamed, "that's love? This is what you are teaching these boys? This kind of behavior is inhumane!"

"Being ourselves is inhumane?" Isaias asked, "we're a part of you! You're blood flows through our veins..."

"Don't remind me!" my dad said as both Isaias and I clenched our breaths.

"You stop it right now!" my mother said walking in front of my dad, "you apologize to your sons right now Sam!"

"I don't have to do a god-damn thing!" my dad said, "it will be a cold day in hell before I apologize to some sick faggots in my own house!"

We watched my dad leave upset from his study reeking of alcohol as my mom wiped her eyes and tried to regain herself in front of us.

"You're father has just been drinking again that's all" my mom said as she jumped from the sound of the front door slamming.

"Mom why are you protecting him?" Isaias asked softly, "he doesn't love us."

"Don't say that I told you!" my mom said clearing her throat, "you boys know how he gets with his drinking!"

"Whatever ma" Isaias said walking out of the room as my mother called out to him.

"Isaias! Isaias! Isaias come back here!" my mom said leaving me in my dad's study alone. I let the words of my dad ring inside of my head as I stood there hurt that I could have came from something so hateful.

I slowly walked out of the room and down the hall as my cell phone started ringing. I looked at it as it showed that it was Bevaun calling me. I decided to pick it up knowing that I could count on my best friend for some comfort.

"Oh my gosh Bevaun" I said answering the phone, "you don't know how badly I need to talk to you."

"That's funny" Bevaun said, "I was just about to say the same thing."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing...well it is something but I'll let you go first" Bevaun said after a brief moment of silence.

"Well my dad is tripping again" I said starting out, "you will not believe what he said tonight. My mom once again blamed it on the alcohol but Bevaun tonight he was tripping more than usual. Some of the words he said to Isaias and I just really cut through me."

I tried to contain myself but before I knew it the tears started flowing.

"I mean if only he knew how much weight his words have then he wouldn't say something's you know?" I said crying, "I just wish I came from supportive parents like yours Bevaun. My family is so dysfunctional that I honestly want our dreams to come true of being famous so that I could leave from here and go far far away. I'm tired of being talked down to and I'm tired of being treated like I don't matter in this world. I just...I just really wish I was more like you Bevaun! You are so blessed man, God, I'm, I'm happy for you and so glad that you weren't born into life like mine."

After I was done I paused and sniffed my nose, embarrassed that I was crying like this. Bevaun has seen me in worst states than this, I'm sure but I knew without a doubt that he and the rest of the guys were sympathetic to my feelings and always had my back.

"I'm sorry B, what's wrong with you?" I asked.

(to be continued)

Please feel free to email comments at Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Let love overcome HATE!

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