Internet Connection Series

By Alain Mahy

Published on Mar 15, 2015


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  • Listen Fred, he said, tomorrow I'll check my agenda and see what I have to do or not. I can take a few days off. Your return ticket is for within three weeks. We will have the time to learn to know each other a lot more and spend time together. I know everything will go well and we will decide what to do in due time. Carpe Diem! But for now, I have a question for you. Will you spend the night with me? I want you.

That was the most direct question and statement I had heard in a long time. I wanted to shout YES, but I am not the shouting type. Richie still held my hand and squeezing it lightly.

  • Yes, I said, I will spend the night with you because I want you, too. But let's not hurry things Richie. The night is still young and you have heard a lot about me, but I haven't heard a lot about you.

  • What do you want to hear before you'll accept to go with me and make love?

  • Everything, I answered.

  • I guess we won't make love before a very long time, he said with a smile.

He was right. If I asked him to tell everything, it would certainly take some time. Of course, I had a million questions for him, and as usual, I didn't know where to start. As we were only six months away from the change of century, I asked the dumbest question ever:

  • Is your computer to crash down on 31st December?

He laughed at the silliness of the question and said he was sure that his computer problems were not the most important part of his life I wanted to know.

  • Ok, ok ... I said, how is it that your friends call you the "Eternal Bachelor"? Are you still a virgin?

  • Well, he said, I guess you are not a newbie in the gay community, wherever it is you live. It is absolute common knowledge that gays tend to hit the sack and if the fucking is ok, they'll try to find more common points and see if the first fuck will lead to something more. I am not like that, although the appearances are against me as I asked you to share my bed tonight and that we don't even know each other more than a few hours. Nonetheless, I have had some encounters with hot guys and as I said no to have a one-night-stand, they just left. Our group of friends, that you met this afternoon, has never seen me leave with someone. They haven't even seen me, till this afternoon, kiss someone. They are convinced I am a virgin, but I am not. I like to know who I am in bed with. I know of people who are having sex and don't even know the other's person name. I can't do that. There must be a kind of connection with my partner, otherwise my dick doesn't even stands up to attention. I can assure you, I tried it and I didn't even get a hard-on.

He paused a moment and sipped at his coffee.

  • With you, it is so totally different. When I saw you from across the street, I thought I wanted to know you. There was a very strong attraction. When I had the chance to look in your eyes and shake your hand, all my suspicions were confirmed. What I saw in your eyes was something kind and caring. The shake of hands confirmed to me you are a good person. I have to admit I asked a few questions to Stewart to know a bit more about you. As you know, he couldn't tell me that much, but when he told me you had travelled over three thousand miles to see someone you had met on the Internet, I knew you were someone different to most people I know. Of course, most encounters over the Internet are about people searching to just hook-up and have a good time. You were searching for more, and I liked that. I thought that maybe you would consider something more meaningful. I told you I believe in fate, or Destiny, or whatever you want to call it. I had an intuition about you and knew I had very little time to act upon it. That's why I came to stand behind you and wrap my arms around you. You looked at me, smiled and relaxed completely in my embrace. That's when I knew I was right about you and that I was going to throw all caution in the wind and go for you. Not for one night, but for as long as we live.

The whole time ha had been talking, he had looked straight into my eyes and holding my hand. That guy was as sincere as I could possibly find. I could see he meant every single word he was telling me. I thought, and I am still thinking, that meeting someone that honest was the best thing that happened in my life. Being forty-three at that time, I had met my share of liars and game players. I had seen and felt the tearing pain when you discover that someone is not who he pretends to be. I remembered so well my Mum telling me that every lie, how small or how big it was, always came out. She was very intelligent and had quite some life experience.

We paid the bill and went out again. The temperature was absolutely divine and it was so pleasant to be outside. The streets were still very animated with the Gay Pride activities. Richie and I walked with our arms wrapped around each other. A young guy stopped us and asked if he could take a picture of us. He said we were happiness incarnated. He asked an address where he could send a copy. Richie gave him his e-mail. We walked on and even if I felt Richie's urge to take me to his place, he didn't insist too much.

We passed a lot of places where the music came out of the door. At one of these place, we heard a waltz playing. Richie turned to me:

  • Please, please tell me you can dance a waltz!

  • As a matter of fact, the waltz and the tango are my favorite dances, but unfortunately, there are not a lot of places where they play that kind of music.

And there, in the middle of the street, he took me in his arms and we danced that Blue Danube's Waltz by Strauss. The whole time we were dancing we looked in each other's eyes. Just like that afternoon, we were totally oblivious of the people surrounding us. We danced in perfect harmony, as Richie was leading in a very professional way. If he had told me he was a dance teacher, I would have believed him without the shadow of a doubt. When the music came to an end, he kissed me passionately and we heard some people applaud. That's when we realized several people had stopped to watch us dancing.

  • You dance beautifully, Richie said.

  • Only when I have the appropriate leading partner!

  • We will have to do that some more! There is a place where they play all kinds of ballroom music and they have a huge wooden dance floor that is so inviting. You will love the place.

  • I am sure looking forward to it!

I was indeed hoping to see that place, and even more with a dance partner like Richie was. I felt incredibly well. I even felt light after that swinging dance on the street. Richie put his arms on my shoulder and I automatically wrapped my arm around his waist. We walked like that during what seemed an eternity, although it was probably not more then an hour. Suddenly Richie stopped and turned to look me in the eyes.

  • Ok, here we are Fred. My decision is made. I want to know what your decision is. You come up with me as we are in front of my place. We make love all night and tomorrow we start to talk about how we can spend the rest of our lives together. Or ... you think it is too risky and then you go back to your hotel and we will remember this day as one of the nicest we ever had. It is up to you.

  • I hope you live on the top floor. That will allow us to be closer to heaven!

Richie took the keys out of his pocket and opened the door. We got in the elevator and he pushed the top button, smiling with a wicked grin. Fourteen floors up, but as the building was old although renovated, the elevator took its time to reach the desired floor. As we got out, there was a small hall with only one double door. I guessed he had the whole floor to himself. As we entered Richie pushed some buttons on an electronic panel and as soon after we heard three small beeps, a red light turned to green and the whole place got illuminated. The place was magnificent. First a hall with several doors to the right and to the left and one big double door just in front of us. When he opened the double door we entered a huge living room, very nicely decorated with warm colors and apparently expensive furniture. The leather sofas were place in such a way that you could look through the immense window and see the city. But at the same time you could look into the fireplace and the huge flat screen television. On the right hand side there was a dinning table where ten people could easily sit at. A door led to the kitchen with all the most modern appliances. To the left there was a door that led us to the bedroom and a en-suite bathroom. At the far end of the bedroom there was yet another door, hiding the walk-in dress-room. Everything was huge and giving a lot of space to its users. Richie explained that at the start there were three apartments that he converted in one. The entry hall gave access to two guest rooms and his office. When doing the refurbishment of the place he installed all the commodities you could imagine and everything could be controlled from the electronic panel in the entry or the similar one that was laying on the big wooden coffee table between the sofa's and the fireplace. Even if all the places were huge, they were all inviting and cozy.

We sat down. Richie pushed a few more buttons on his control panel and soon the lights dimmed, the fireplace lit and some soft background music played.

  • Unfortunately, I don't have an automatic system that serves drinks, Richie laughed. What do you want to drink?

We both went for a Rum and Coke. I made a mental note that we had one more thing in common, but the list got so long that it was difficult to keep track of it.

  • Please, Richie said, don't think I want to impress you with my place. I inherited the three apartments from my grandmother who died a few years ago. She rented them out, but I preferred to transform the apartments in one big place for myself. You see, I need space. The money she left me on top of the three apartments paid the total works. It took the constructor almost a year to achieve what you see.

I could believe it. There were so many little details that made this place unique. The most unique in this place was of course its owner. He told me about his grandmother and it was obvious he loved her very much and missed her like crazy. He showed me a picture of the lady and you could see where he had gotten his good looks from.

As we were sitting next to the other in that big sofa, it was almost inevitable to have our hands touching and caressing each other's thighs. Richie became a little bolder and from time to time let his hand glide over my crotch. It was so subtle that the first time I felt it, I was not sure if it was really the first time. Richie was so full of tender loving care and I sensed that he only had my pleasure in mind. When he leaned in for a kiss, I was ready. I felt the feathery touch of his lips on mine and I already had my tongue out to enter his mouth. He understood my urge and responded with a feverish passion that I had never experienced before. Richie was agile and lean. He mastered his muscles and his entire body. He moved like a panther and I liked it. He was so subtle and quick that I didn't know how he had managed to get on top of me, pressing his chest on mine and kissing me as if we were already long time lovers, knowing what to do to arouse the other. Even if he pretended not being a virgin anymore, but not have been with that many guys, he sure knew how to find the places to touch to get me going. It was not the first time today that he gave me his energy and made my cock swell to the point of almost hurting me. I longed to be out of my clothes and having Richie as naked as I would be, but suddenly he stopped kissing me and moving. The expression on his face was indescribable. When I realized what had happened it was of course too late. He had climaxed in his pants. He collapsed on me and apologized profusely.

  • I am sorry Fred, I didn't want to come so fast. I don't know what it is with you, but you get me so worked up. I haven't even touched myself and made a total mess of my underwear and pants.

I chuckled at this as I knew I was on the verge of coming myself if he did the slightest move. I wrapped myself around him and used all the strength in my body to keep him pressed to me so he would not be able to move. When I sensed my orgasm was subsiding I loosened my grip and he pushed himself up on to his hands, looking me in my face and smiling like a kid that had just received a cookie.

  • I guess we'd better get up and have a shower. I'll dumb those pants and my underwear in the washer.

He took his remote control and pushed several buttons. The lights started to dim very slowly and he took my hand to lead me to the bathroom. When he opened the bathroom door I could hear the shower was already running. I just wondered what it was that he could not do with his remote control. The lights were on in bed and bathroom. We got out of our clothes and for the first time I saw Richie naked. I had found him very well built when I first saw him clothed, but naked he was even more spectacular. I knew he had broad shoulders and a narrow waist, but out of his clothes it was even more delectable to look at and probably even more to have my hands on. His chest was covered with very fine hairs that looked as if they were combed all in the same pattern. His treasure trail was a pure straight line as an arrow indicating where to go. His pubes were trimmed and I noticed that he, just like me, shaved his scrotum. His legs showed strength and were also covered by the same fine hairs as his chest was. And his buttocks ... oh my dear! I couldn't wait to have my hands on those. Just like his legs and chest, those fine hairs covered them and it all looked so masculine but nonetheless nice and elegant. I wondered why he had gone to study to be a lawyer when his physics would have given him a huge success in modeling. I wondered even more what he saw in me. I imagined I was about ten years older than him and I could not be a model. But what is handsome? It is all in the eyes of the beholder. If he found me attractive, I was not going to complain.

We were standing in front of each other, naked. He looked me over and over again.

  • God, you are so beautiful and masculine! Richie said.

  • Nothing compared to you, I answered.

  • Ok, ok ... we are in the mutual admiration society here!

Richie laughed that warm and contagious laugh he had. He took my hand and pulled me into the shower where six people would fit easily. The water had the perfect temperature. The soap and shampoo dispensers were built in! He had thought about every little detail! I would have enjoyed the shower even if Richie were not with me. But, he was! And as soon as we were both wet he took some soap and started to rub it all over my body. Even though I had noticed that Richie was having magic in him, it was nothing compared to his hand roaming and gliding over my naked skin. It was so sensual and every bit of skin he touched woke up the nerve endings below it. The mix of his hands on my body and the cascading water over us, made it all so erotic. The water stopped pouring down on us automatically and Richie told me we had exactly one minute to soap up real well before the water would come back. Our hands roamed and rubbed in frenzy. We were covered in foam in no time. Our hands glided with ease and for the first time I felt Richie's hands on my nether regions. From the start my cock stood to attention, but when he touched it I gasped for air. My heartbeat increased in speed in a split second. With his right hand he continued stroking me so softly and with his left hand he reached my ass-cheeks and crept in forcefully. The contrast of both actions was sending me to the verge of coming. Just as I thought I would spurt my load, the water came back on, almost in surprise. It had the effect of making my climax fade away for a few seconds. The white foam disappeared bit by bit under the rinsing effect of the water.

Our lips met once again and the fever of Richie's kisses became familiar to me. I answered with the same passion and force. The water stopped once again and an over-head fan started to blow warm air on us. I had never seen that before. Richie broke our kiss and looked at me, shaking his head to get the water out of his hair. The giant fan blew with force and I could feel my skin dry. I was sure that the use of towels would not be necessary. As the fan stopped, Richie opened the door of the shower and took me by the hand to lead me to his gigantic bed.

We fell on the fresh and soft sheets.

What we did then was far from fucking! No, it was pure lovemaking, expressing in a physical way what our hearts and souls were feeling. It was sensual and erotic. He made me feel like I had never felt before. We knew each other for less than twelve hours and yet, I knew I was falling for this guy big time. I knew there and then that I would not be able to live without him. The feelings of happiness were overwhelming me. I started to cry silent tears, but nonetheless he sensed it and stopped immediately what he was doing and looked at me asking me if he had done anything wrong.

  • No, you haven't. On the contrary! My tears are of pure joy and happiness. I have never felt like this before Richie. You are considered and respectful. You make me feel special. You make it feel as this was all bound to happen and now that you have it, you could happily die tomorrow if needed. I feel like the happiest guy in the world, being in your arms.

  • If you feel special, it is good, because you are, at least for me. I have the sensation that I have been waiting for you my whole life, and now that I found I can tell you right now that I won't leave you or let you go, whatever the price is to pay. I will give up everything that I have if you ask me. I will follow you to the other side of the world if that is what you want. I silently hoped you would feel that and now I know you do. Despite the fact we don't even know each other for twenty-four hours, I know deep inside of me, that I love you Fred. Please, don't walk out on me.

I understood what he was saying because I felt exactly the same. He leaned in for yet another kiss. In that simple kiss I could actually feel he was giving himself to me. It was a kiss of a pact, a lifetime pact. I knew that the possible problems for me moving to his place, or he moving to mine, were details. The most important part of it all was that we loved each other, deeply and unconditionally. There was not a shadow of a doubt that we were starting something new, together and forever.

When I woke up the next morning I was a little disconcerted, as I didn't know immediately where I was. When I felt that strong arm over my chest and that strong body spooned up to me, the memories of the day before came flooding back. I unconsciously smiled. It felt good to know I had not been dreaming and that all this was reality. I woke up because my bladder as screaming for attention. I slipped out of bed with caution as to not wake up Richie. I went to the bathroom and took care of my morning urges. I wanted to take a shower but had not the slightest idea how to make it work. All that sophisticated and modern technology surpassed me. Even if I found the remote control, I would have been totally unable to have it work. Richie was going to have to explain it to me as I had decided to stay with him and checkout of the hotel.

I wandered towards the kitchen and hoped that the coffee maker would not have its controls on that magic pad Richie seemed to carry around all the time. Fortunately, it was a good old-fashioned coffee maker and I managed to prepare two mugs of coffee. I had no idea how he was taking his, with or without milk and or sugar. I trusted my intuition and prepared the two mugs the same way. I carried them over to the bedroom. I put one down on the nightstand and brought the other as close as possible to his nose. That was something that always woke me up and I hoped it would have the same effect on him. It did for he moaned softly, opened his eyes and when he saw me, he smiled.

  • Thank you for being a reality. I was afraid that yesterday had been a dream. I surely could get used to be wakening like that every morning!

I leaned in, taking care to not spill the coffee, and kissed him on his lips. We drank our coffee and then I told him I wanted to take a shower but had no idea how it was functioning. Richie apologized for it. I told him he didn't have to apologize. He just had to explain me how that pad of him was working, It was actually very simple as it was a touch screen. You only had to touch and follow the indications the pad was giving you.

  • So, you see? If you want to take a shower, you touch bathroom, then lights, then shower. If you want the same shower as we had last night, you touch "Personalized" and within thirty seconds, the water will start to flow. When you wake up and want to start your day, you see here in the corner the options of day and night. For the moment the night icon is highlighted, so you push the day button and look.

The lights started to dim till they were completely out while the curtains opened automatically. The alarm in the entry hall disconnected. The whole place was bathed in sunlight and the views, which were already amazing at night with all the city lights, was even more breathtaking in the daylight. We finished our coffee and I took the pad in my hands and pushed bathroom, lights, shower and personalized. Indeed, within thirty seconds I heard the water of the shower. I took Richie's hand and pulled him with me to the bathroom. We stepped under the flowing water, but instead of taking soap in his hands, he took my buttocks and pressed himself against me. He was already hard. His morning kiss was even more feverish than the one of last night. The kissing and the grabbing and the rubbing indicated he was someone who loved making love in the morning. Another point we had in common.

We did all imaginable things under the water and we both came two times, but we didn't penetrate each other. Richie explained to me that he wanted to go to the clinic to be tested so I would know he was disease free. I had done the test just before travelling because I wanted to show it to Scott. I never had the opportunity, but now I was glad I had because it would show Richie I was clean. The paper was in my bags at the hotel and I told him so.

  • Are you going to checkout of the hotel? Richie asked.

  • Are you inviting me to stay her? I answered.

  • For as long as you want to stay, he said, and if that means forever, it is ok with me.

  • You know what? I said, I could take your word for it!

  • Please do, you would make me the happiest man in the world.

  • Ok!

  • What? Ok?

  • I'll stay here with you for as long as you want me.

  • You mean that? Don't you?

  • Yes, I mean that if you mean it as well!

Despite that the tears were falling down on his cheeks, Richie had the brightest smile on his face. He grabbed me and lifted me and we spun around and around. We kissed as if our lives depended on it. We made love once again before we got dressed.

After a hearty breakfast we went to my hotel so I could checkout. This time we took his car, as I didn't want to have to carry my luggage all the way. Stewart was on duty and smiled when he saw me come in. His smile turned to an expression of total surprise when he saw Richie following me right behind me.

  • Well, well, well ... that comes as a surprise. Does the Eternal Bachelor lose his title?

Richie smiled and answered that indeed the Bachelor was dead. We had some small talk and I asked Stewart to make my bill as I was checking out and moving in with Richie.

  • I hate you guys! You just made me loose ten dollars. Troy and I had a bet and he said you two would end together in bed and even possibly in life. He was right and I lost ten dollars!

But he smiled when he said that.

  • But I am happy for you. If you two can find it together, I am happy I lost my ten. But tell me, you move in with him till you have to go back, right?

  • I move in with him, point final! I answered.

  • You can't mean that. You don't even know each other twenty-four hours!

  • Ever heard of love at first sight? Richie asked.

Stewart was speechless. He looked at Richie and then to me. He had trouble believing his own eyes and ears. He took his phone and dialed a number.

  • Troy? It's me. Put some bottles of champagne in the fridge. I am bringing over some friends for celebration.

  • ...

  • You'll see when we get there after my shift.

  • ...

  • Ok, see you then. Love you.

Then he turned to us.

I finish at 4 o'clock. Meet me here and we go home and celebrate such a joyful event. And I don't take no for an answer!

After that he made my bill. I went up to my room and put my clothes in my luggage. After checking that I had not forgotten anything, I went down again to find Richie and Stewart having some small talk. I paid my bill and Richie took my luggage to the car. We agreed to be back at four.

Richie said we would have a light lunch. He also mentioned that on Sunday's he had lunch with someone and always at the same place. He insisted that I would certainly love that person and when I asked who it was he just said "My Mum".

I felt suddenly extremely nervous. Richie was surprised but understood it was all maybe too much in less then twenty-four hours.

  • You will love her and I am sure she will love you as well. Don't be nervous, it won't help you. She doesn't shout, she doesn't bite and she waited with me to find my Mr. Right. She will be delighted.

We reached a tavern that was as well bar as restaurant. It was a cozy place. We entered and I followed Richie to the far end where a very elegant woman was seated. She was the spitting image of the picture of Richie's grandmother. Richie kissed her on her cheek and just said:

  • Mum ... it's Him!

She turned her head towards me and observed me, looked me over, scrutinizing me from head to toe. It seemed an unbelievable long time before she got up, smiled and hugged me.

  • Welcome to the family, my dear.

We all sat down and she started a tirade of questions, almost without leaving Richie time to answer. He tried though, but it was not easy. It was funny to see them interact. Richie was getting it on his nerves that she didn't let him finish what he had to say and she got nervous because she didn't receive her answers. I had to smile at their behavior. It reminded me of the days when my Mum was alive and that she was doing exactly the same.

I had long given up to try to follow their conversation and observed Mum and son. They were so alike. Richie had been right. I already liked that woman.

The waiter came to take our orders. As soon as he had asked what we wanted, mother and son answered exactly the same thing at the same time.

  • The same as usual and for him as well.

I burst out laughing. That brought a sudden stop to their conversation. They looked at me wondering what made me laugh and I explained that their interaction, but even more the way they were identical was too funny.

  • He has a sense of humor. He is a keeper my son.

  • I have every intention of doing just that, Mum: keep him.

And with that he grabbed my hand over the table and kissed my fingers.

To be continued if you guys tell me you like the story. All comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 3: Internet Connection 3

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