Internet Connection Series

By Alain Mahy

Published on Mar 18, 2015


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  • He has a sense of humor. He is a keeper my son.

  • I have every intention of doing just that, Mum: keep him.

And with that he grabbed my hand over the table and kissed my fingers.

My three weeks stay flew by. Richie took time off work as much as he could and we did a lot of fun stuff together. He showed me the city and I was amazed at his knowledge of the town. We had lunch with his Mum every Sunday and it was always pleasant. His Mum kept on saying he had to keep me and his answer never changed. We went to dance at the Ballroom and discovered we were really good dance partners, as well!

The closer we got to the date that I had my return flight, the more nervous Richie became. We had agreed I would fly back home, pack what had to be shipped and sell what I didn't need anymore. When all this was done, I would fly back to Richie. Despite the agreements, he got even more nervous when the day of my flight approached. I asked him why.

  • Well, I know I will miss you like crazy. But I am getting nervous at the thought that maybe, once you are back at your place, you will have second thoughts. Your time here was pure holiday Fred! Once you will face reality of the daily life, you will maybe think I was a holiday fling. You'll meet friends and family and will be faced with your work, even though you are self-employed.

  • Why are you thinking like that, I asked. Is my word not sufficient for you? I told you I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Ok, we know each other for a little less than three weeks, but I can assure you that I have never been so sure about my feelings as I am today! You know that any relationship is based on Feelings, Trust and Respect. So please, tell me I am doing the right thing and trust me. I will be back in a very short while, but this is something I have to do. I can't leave everything behind just like that. A lot of things are the result of hard working hours and days. I love you with all of my heart and my soul. I can leave a lot of things behind, but some of them are just part of me. You want me, but I am a complete package and some things are part of that package. You will have to accept this or we have to go apart right now.

  • NO! he shouted, we don't go to leave this just like that! You are crazy or what? I love you baby and nothing or no one can tear us apart. I am sorry if I get so nervous about this whole thing. I guess I am just scared. I don't doubt about you or our love. I think I'll be a nervous wrack while you will be gone.

I could understand him as I was feeling the same. Just the fact of waking up in the morning and feeling his strong body against mine, was something I really got used to too quickly. After almost three weeks I had finally understood the working of the controls of the apartment. I was so used to have him around that it surely was going to feel weird from the moment I set a foot on that plane. We had less than forty-eight hours left before he would have to drive me to the airport. He had arranged his work schedule so that we would have a maximum of time together. I didn't know where we got the energy from, but we made love at least three times a day. It was so satisfactory each time and during our short three weeks we had pretty well discovered all the necessary buttons to have us going. We were both versatile and that increased the possibilities and variety of our lovemaking.

The morning of my departure, we woke up early so we had the time to make love before leaving. Richie was his romantic self and made love to me in such a tender and caring way that I almost stayed in bed with him and not going back to my place. That guy knew how to have me wrapped up in his love and his lovemaking. I knew I would miss him a lot and made a mental note to finish all the things I had to do in record time.

The check-in at the airport was fast and smooth, as I had no luggage. The time came for us to separate before I went through the security control. As I was just about to go through, Richie caught me by the arm, pulled me in a warm embrace and kissed me in front of I don't know how many hundreds of people. He didn't care what people would say or think and neither did I. The love he put in that kiss was almost palpable. I wrapped my arms around his neck and responded his kiss with the same fever and passion. I didn't know how much time we were standing there in people's way and I didn't care. This was my man and those who didn't agree could go to hell.

When we broke the kiss, Richie's eyes were moist and I guessed mine were as well. This departure was a lot harder than whatever I had imagined. Just like in bed, the same morning, I was tempted to just let that plane go without me. But I had to be rational. It was a very temporary separation. We were adults and we knew it had to be done. When I heard the last call for my flight, I disentangled from Richie's arms. I had to go through. I gave him a last quick peck on his lips and turned firmly around and went through security control. I didn't turn around although I could feel Richie's eyes in my back. If I turned around, I knew I would not board the plane. With a decided step I walked to the gate and gave my boarding pass to the lady who was about to call out my name once more over the PA system. Once I set my first foot on the plane I wanted to run back, but I didn't because the flight attendant was already closing the door. I was not even seated yet when I felt we were moving. The pilot surely didn't want to lose his slot.

As soon as we were in the air, I grabbed my hand luggage and found my blindfold and my sleeping pill. I swallowed the pill and put on the blindfold. I had about eight hours to kill, so better sleeping than winning over the fact I had to leave my love behind. I didn't know how much time it took me to sleep, but I remember the flight attendant shaking my shoulder to wake me up as we were already descending towards our destination. We were allowed to switch on our cellular phones and I immediately texted Jon, a friend who was going to pick me up, that we had landed safe and well. As I had no luggage, I was the first to walk out and collapse in Jon's arms. He looked at me and said I was not looking well.

  • I guess Scott was a good reason to go, he said.

  • Scott was the reason I went, I answered him, but I left him the very first morning. The next day I met Richie and that is why I don't look so well. I didn't want to leave him. I already miss him like crazy.

Jon didn't understand at first, but once we were in his car and on our way to my place, I told him the complete story.

  • Wow! That's quite an adventure Fred! It is almost unbelievable. If it were not you who was telling me this, I would not believe a word of it. But I know you and I know you wouldn't lie to me or make up a story like this. But hey ... I am happy that you fell in love like that and that Richie guy seems to be really someone. So, what are you going to do now?

  • I am moving and I am going to live with him, I said matter-of-factly.

  • What??? You know the guy for three weeks and you say you're moving in with him at the other side of the world?

  • Yes, indeed, that's what I said and that's what I am going to do. And I would really appreciate it if you would help me sorting everything out here. I have quite some stuff that has to be packed and shipped over. There are a few items that have to be sold. I will probably have to find someone new to rent my place as I don't want to pay the fee for breaking the contract with the landlord... As you can see, quite a lot of things to do before I fly back over to my man!

  • Ok, ok ... If you need help you know you can count on me, but ... Are you really sure of what you are going to do?

  • Yes Jon, I am very sure of what I am doing. I believe in Richie and I believe in my feelings and both of them together confirm me that I am doing the right thing.

  • Ok, I guess you have thought it all over carefully. I have to admit that I have never seen you so decided and so convinced about doing something. You are not the guy who goes over thin ice and as you tell me he is a lawyer, I suppose you don't have to worry about any legal issue. After all, you will be a foreigner in that country.

  • Richie is already taking those matters in his hands. He said he would keep me up to date with any legal actions that have to take place. Hey, by the way, you're hungry? Yes you are! You always are. Let's go to Gino's and I'll show you the list of things to do.

So, we went to Gino's, a nice restaurant hold by a friend of ours. Of course, once we were in I had to repeat my whole story and Gino was as surprised as Jon was when I told him. We had some pasta and a bottle of wine. While we were eating, I went over the list with Jon and he added a few things I hadn't thought of. He made some suggestions that were really good and I felt even better prepared to go through all the hassle.

When Jon dropped me of at my place, I went in and strangely enough, it didn't feel like home anymore. Yes, I knew the place and I recognized my things, but there was something that was definitely missing. I took my cellphone and called Richie. He answered on the first ring.

  • Just hang up darling and I call you back immediately. My phone bills are tax-deductible.

I hung up and, indeed, it took only a few seconds before I heard his incoming call.

  • Hello Darling, how was your flight?

The only fact that I heard his voice was enough for me to calm down and relax. Richie's voice had that effect on me. I told him that I had slept the whole flight so I guessed it had been ok. After that all we said during almost half an hour was that we already missed each other and that we loved each other and ... well, you know! Just like two love-sick birds whose world came to an end because of a temporary separation. Richie told me that all the papers were ok and that I would have a whole bunch of them to sign as soon as I was back so that he could get the bureaucratic machine started. I had not done anything yet as I had just arrived but told Richie that Jon would be of great help and that Gino had also said I could count on him for whatever it was. We reluctantly hung up after sending thousands of kisses.

I went to bed, but it felt strange. Although I was in my own bed, I had the feeling it was a stranger's bed or a hotel bed ... well, you understand what I mean. I didn't sleep that well and when the alarm clock went off in the morning I could have smashed it against the wall. I got up very quickly and did my morning routine in the bathroom while some fresh coffee was brewing. I need my coffee in the morning, except if it is replaced by Richie's kisses.

Things went well. The landlord understood my position, although I didn't give him all the details. He said he would not charge me any fee to end my contract before the accorded date. He was grateful that I said I would try to find someone new to take over the place.

The shipping company I found over the Internet assured me everything could be sent if it was well packed and with all the necessary papers accompanying the load. They even said they could take charge of that for a small fee. I agreed.

I set up an "Out of Office" message for my on-line clients and said they could reach me by phone in case of emergency. That same afternoon the shipping company sent over four guys and a huge load of carton boxes. Everything that had to be shipped was well packed in less than three hours. My place looked like a hurricane had gone through.

I had agreed with Jon to meet him after his work at Gino's. He came in all excited and surprised me with his first question:

  • Do you think your landlord would agree to have me in the apartment? I was thinking about it and it is the best solution. My place is getting really cramped and small. Your place is just the right size for what I need.

I took out my cellphone and called the landlord. I explained to him I had found someone for the apartment and he was overjoyed. I assured him that Jon would take good care of the place and that there would be no problems at all for what the rent was concerned. We agreed to go by to his place to sign the new lease. Everybody was happy and it was a win-win-win situation.

I was amazed. I was here only forty-eight hours and almost everything was done. I didn't think it would go that easy and smooth. Actually, the only thing left on my to-do-list was to sell my car. I would miss it because I loved my car, but I guessed I could buy a new one once I was settled with Richie and getting used to find my way in the new city. Once my car was sold, I could buy my ticket to heaven!

At the start I had thought that I would need three to four weeks to settle everything, but here I was with nothing left to do. I was just hoping that the ad I had placed on a specialized site would have the necessary response to sell my car. A guy from a secondhand car shop called me the next day and we made an appointment to meet. We agreed on the price and before I even realized it, I handed over my keys to the guy. I just asked him to take good care of it.

When I called Richie, he was in heaven. He was so glad that everything had gone so quickly. He was convinced that it was a sign of Destiny to have me back in his arms so soon. It was only when he was over his over-excited state that I gave him the date of my arrival. It was less than forty-eight hours away.

That night, Gino had surpassed himself, inviting all my friends for a goodbye party. I was overjoyed that he had done so because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to see them all before my departure. Gino had put all the tables in a row and set them up beautifully. He served his best dishes and got very good wines out of his cellar. The party went on till late and when the first ones departed, there were a lot of hugs and even some tears. All my friends wished me well and said they would come over to visit. I knew a few ones would do it, but understood as well that not everybody could afford such a trip. Out of the blue I told them all that they had to save time and money to come over for my wedding, as it is legal in Canada. More congratulations and good wishes came to me from everyone. The strange thing about it, and they didn't even know, was that I had not even asked Richie yet!

When we had that last long distance call when I got to what was now Jon's place, I asked Richie:

  • Would all the paperwork go faster if I were to be married with a Canadian?

Richie was silent for what seemed to me the longest time. It probably was only a few seconds.

  • Are you asking me to marry you? Richie asked in almost disbelieve.

  • Yes ... no ... yes ... Oh my, I am not making a lot of sense here. I am asking you if it would make the paperwork less stressful. You have already enough on your mind with your daily work and I thought that if it were making things easier, it would be a good idea. You know as well as I do that the only difference would be a question of time. I would have asked you sooner or later to marry me, because I love you, but if we could catch two birds with one stone it would be even better.

I heard Richie laughing and crying at the same time.

  • I had been thinking of asking you to marry me very soon as well because I know we are made for each other. I was afraid I would scare you away if I asked you so soon, but you beat me here. And yes, it would make it all a little easier. Be sure to bring all the necessary papers with you, your birth certificate being the most important one. By the way ... I never thought someone would ask me to marry him over the phone! But my answer is yes, of course.

The next morning Jon, who had taken off work for the occasion, drove me to town hall and about an hour later I came out with my birth certificate in my hand. He then took me to the airport. I checked- in and then we still had time for a coffee and a bite to eat. Instead of ordering coffee, he ordered a plate of salmon, knowing it was my favorite, and a bottle of Champagne. He said it was worth it. We enjoyed both the salmon and the bubbles. The traditional "We'll keep in touch" and "If you need be, count on me" were exchanged just before I went through security control. Both, Jon and I, had moist eyes when the goodbye was definite.

The uneventful flight, as I was sleeping again the whole time, brought me closer to my lover. The flight attendant was blatantly flirting with me when I came aboard. I guessed he had to be disappointed when he saw I was sleeping all the time. Nonetheless, he was smiling and very friendly when we disembarked. I was nervous as heel waiting for my luggage. When it finally came through, I collected it and went as quickly as I could towards the exit. It was the second time I was coming out of baggage claim and looking anxiously for the man of my dreams, although this time I knew he really was.

Richie, the successful lawyer was standing there, looking me straight in the eyes and opening his arms. I literally ran to him and threw myself in them. Richie grabbed me with strength and our lips met ... at last. The separation we had refueled our energies apparently. When we broke the kiss, Richie whispered in my ears:

  • You are the hottest man that came through these gates. Now, my Darling, hurry up because otherwise I will rip off your clothes here and now. I want you and I need you and even more now that I know I will call you my husband in a very short time.

He kept his hand on my lower back while I pushed the trolley with my luggage in front of me. We reached his car and he opened the backdoor so we could put my luggage in and be on our way. I had never seen Richie speeding, but this time he was clearly in a hurry. We reached his apartment in record time and as soon as we were in the elevator, he was all over me. We kissed passionately with our crotches pressed together. We were both hard already. We reached our floor and got out and into the apartment. The door was not even closed when Richie started to undress me. We left a trail of clothes from the entrance to the bedroom. When we fell on the bed we were both as naked as the day we were born.

Richie was not aggressive, but his actions were feverish. He kissed me with an undeniable passion and soon went for my earlobes and the tender flesh between my ears and my collarbone. He wasted no time and before I had the time to move he was already licking and softly biting my nipples. I moaned out loud and tried to grab him, but it was as if he was in a hurry. He licked out my navel and I knew it would take no time at all to feel the warm moisture of his mouth on my rock-hard cock. And so it was. But as we were both so horny, I could feel my raging hormones preparing themselves to spurt out of my cock and into his mouth. Richie sensed it and turned around with a surprising agility. In this 69 position we sucked each other to completion in no time. As soon as I felt his first spurt into my mouth I shot my load in his. We sucked each other dry, but our cocks remained hard. We had not enough of this.

As the urge of the first climax was over, we could now enjoy each other even more in a relaxed way. Richie turned around once more and we were again face-to-face. We didn't need words as our bodies spoke for themselves. The kissing resumed and our tongues were once again dancing together. Our saliva mixed and we happily drank each other. Our hands were roaming over the other's body and caressing every bit of skin that was in our reach. The tingling of the skin contact woke every nerve ending in our body till our toes were curling in pure pleasure. Richie came to lie on top of me and I could feel his weight pushing me into the mattress. I loved it. He held my face in his hands and kissing me all the while grinding his hips and made our cocks rub against each other. From time to time he broke our kisses just to be able to look in my eyes. I always responded to his gaze with as much love as I felt inside, and that was a lot! The first climax had made us sweat abundantly and it made the rubbing of our bodies even more pleasurable.

I was pleasantly surprised to feel that neither cock was deflating. Having climaxed though, our cock- heads were super sensitive and it gave a new dimension of pleasure to our soft rubbing. Richie licked me all over my face and kissed as if we had been years apart. If that was what it took to have such a satisfactory lovemaking, I would certainly try to be away from time to time. He repeated the same journey as before, but a lot slower, taking his time to lick out my ears, nibble on my earlobes and leave his mark on my neck. I returned the favor as much as I could in my position. He followed his previous trail down to my nipples and dedicated enough time to each of them till they were fully erect. He licked the fine hair on my chest as if he wanted to comb it and leave it nice and tidy. My navel received a special attention and no washcloth could have cleaned it better. All his ministrations made me squirm under him. He got on his knees between my spread legs and kissed my balls, twirling them and pulling softly on them as to not hurt me. He leaned down once again and covered my manhood with his wet and warm mouth. It seemed like his mouth was one hot furnace and I could almost feel my own body temperature rise with his sucking.

I had to concentrate on my breathing, as my body was so much alive. My heartbeat was increasing steadily. I tried to spread my legs even further as to give him even better access. Richie had his nose buried in my pubic hair. My cock entered his throat and he started humming. That sent vibrations through my cock and to my whole body. But he did not only suck my cock. Richie was ne of those men who can do more than one thing at the time and while he was deep-throating me he massaged my balls tenderly and one of his fingers was also searching its way towards my puckered hole. Although I had my legs really spread out, I did my best to also lift them and give Richie even better access to my complete nether regions. I silently hoped he would French kiss my rosebud and even push his tongue inside of me. He had done it in the past and I loved it.

Before he reached my anus, I asked him to turn around in a sixty-nine position so I could return the favors he was giving me. He didn't hesitate one second and I was soon rewarded with his cock between my lips. But I had other ideas and pushed myself up till I was licking his tender flesh between his balls and his ass. He understood rapidly and we were soon in an ass sixty-nine, licking out between the ass-cheeks and trying both to push our tongues inside the other. I pulled on his hips to get even deeper and Richie suddenly straightened his back and literally sat on my face. He pushed his ass on my tongue and I ate him out feverishly. His musky scents made my head spin. He moaned and groaned out loud and the more he did it, the more I worked his rosebud. I added my fingers to the game and could easily push first one then two fingers inside of him. I stretched his hole wide open and licked the inside. By stretching him I could go further inside with my fingers as well and soon I found his prostate that I massaged avidly. An outpouring of pre-cum immediately rewarded me. I knew if I went on like that he would climax, so I slowed down my attack on his love tunnel and just let my tongue wandering and around his gaping hole. But Richie wanted more and with his usual agility, he turned around and impaled himself on my rod. In one forceful thrust he was sitting on my pubes. We both gasped for air. He gyrated his hips and my cock was touching places inside of him that none of us knew he had. He threw his head backwards and the expression on is face was of pure ecstasy. He gyrated some more before he started his up and down movement. Just as his mouth before, his ass was a furnace and I feared it would burn my cock-head. While going up and down he used his ass- muscles with skills he only had. I had never felt something like that before and his actions were making my juice boil in my balls. He massaged my chest and pinched my nipples and with that I had reached the point of no return. The familiar tingling in my nether regions announced a forceful climax and it was. I spurt my load into him by pushing my hips upwards and staying in him as deep as possible. I grabbed his cock and started to stroke it with frenzy. He moaned out loud and at the same time his semen spurted out, hitting me in the face, on my chin, on my chest and then dripping on my stomach. When nothing more came out, he fell on me and our lips met.

It took us quite some time to come back from our post orgasmic height. Our chests were pressed together and our heartbeats were fast and vigorous. I had wanted to feel him inside of me, but the way he milked my juice was more than satisfactory. Now that I was back here in his arms and in his bed, we would have more than time to have him penetrate me on a daily basis.

When our heartbeats and our breath was back to normal, and that our cocks at last deflated, he took me by the hand and pulled me towards the shower. The water poured down over us and it was amazing the effect it had on us. I took quite a large amount of soap in my hands and started washing him, letting my hands roam over his body. I washed his hair and massaged his scalp. My hands found their natural way to his genitals and I washed them conscientiously. I was awestruck when I felt his manhood coming to live again although we had just shot two loads in less than an hour. I continued stroking it to see if it would get fully hard and yes, it did. I couldn't wait any longer and turned around, pointed his dick at my entrance and thanks to the soap he was in me up to the hilt in no time. He wrapped his arms around my belly and started stroking my cock that came to life very quickly as well. I didn't think we could spurt another load, but the feeling alone was enough for me. I loved feeling my man going in and out of me. I heard and felt his breathing getting heavier and his stroking was accordingly to his thrusts in my ass. His other hand stroked my chest and when he pinched my nipples I knew the third load was on its way. Strangely enough it came faster than we both thought as we moaned in unison when our cocks spurted. He filled my inside while the cascading water drained my juice away. We rinsed off the remains of the soap just in time before the giant fan started to blow hot air over us.

Richie went over to the kitchen to prepare us something to eat. Meanwhile I undid my luggage and put everything in the walk-in dresser. I could see he had made some space for me. Once everything was in its place I went to the kitchen to see if I could help, butt Richie had everything under control, but as I was caressing his back I could see not everything was under control as his cock was definitely not flaccid. I didn't think it was possible. Ok, we were both naked, but we had shot three loads! I mentioned it to him.

  • That's what you do to me, he said, and even when you are not here, it's enough for me to think about your gorgeous body and it starts to swell. When you physically touch me, the process is a little faster... While we wait for all this to be ready, why don't you serve us a glass of wine?

I opened the bottle that was on the counter and took out one glass. After all, we were going to drink the same liquid, we kissed and sucked on each other's cocks... why not drink out of the same glass? I felt it as an even closer connection.

  • Look on the coffee table. I bought you a new cellular phone with a Canadian number. If you keep on using yours, it will be international calls every time, so I thought it was better to have a new one.

There was indeed a little box on the table and he had gotten me the last iPhone, identical to his. I switched it on and asked for the PIN number.

  • For the moment it is a basic 1234 one, but you can change it whenever you want. It would even be better if you did. I also put in the various numbers you can reach me on, being it my cell, our home number here and the one of my office. I guess you can have all your numbers passed from your phone to this new one.

1234 was indeed the PIN number and I changed it immediately to the PIN number I was used to on my other phone. I tend to forget my passwords and access codes, so I used the same one for everything I have. I checked the agenda and saw indeed that he had put the numbers in, even one that I didn't know. I was surprised to see I already had a SMS and when I opened it I saw it was from Richie. It just said: "I love you". I went over to Richie and gave him a big, sloppy thank-you-kiss.

He served the meal and I was pleasantly surprised to see Richie was a very good cook. I just hoped he wouldn't cook like that every day because my weight would fast suffer with such a diet. It was our first meal since my return and I accepted it as it was. During the meal we talked about any and everything. After that we cleaned up the table and put everything in the dishwasher.

  • I have another surprise for you, Richie said.

He took my hand and led me to the entrance. He showed one of the guest rooms that he had transformed into an office. It was completely furnished with very good taste and with the latest equipment available: a computer, printer, scanner and so on. It was all very professional. A nice desk and comfortable chair were facing the window.

  • You said you were working from your home in the past. Well here you have your personal space. You can arrange it to your own taste. I just put the basics in here. You have a landline as well if you have to contact people for your business. The number is in your iPhone. There is an Internet connection and everything is set up and ready to be used. I didn't know your business e-mail, but the program is set-up, it is just a matter of introducing the necessary data. As you are leaving your place and have to start all over, I thought the least I could do was putting you up with what you need.

I was flabbergasted. He had thought of everything. I just wondered how he had done all this in so little time. I gave him another thank-you-kiss and his cock swell to the occasion. As there were not yet a bunch of papers on my desk I just got on my back and lifted my legs. Richie didn't let it pass and was soon pounding me like a mad man. The fourth climax of the day filled my insides. I thought it would be good to christen all the rooms of the apartment like that. The bathroom, the bedroom, the kitchen, the living room and now my office were already christened. We still had the dinning room, the guest room and his home office to do. Oh yes... I almost forgot the terrace, the entrance, the elevator and the garage. Hmm ... I liked the idea but didn't tell Richie, as I wanted to surprise him each time.

I didn't think I had ever slept so well. Being in the arms of my loved one, I was completely at peace and I felt safe and secure. If there was ever to come something negative, I knew I had my man at my side and together we could face whatever was coming our way.

What more could I ask?

To be continued É

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Next: Chapter 4: Internet Connection 4

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