Internet Connection Series

By Alain Mahy

Published on Mar 19, 2015


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I didn't think I had ever slept so well. Being in the arms of my loved one, I was completely at peace and I felt safe and secure. If there was ever to come something negative, I knew I had my man at my side and together we could face whatever was coming our way.

What more could I ask?

The things I had shipped, arrived. Richie was a little worried about the amount of boxes but I told him not to worry as most of it was for my office. The remaining were clothes and a few items I was really fond of as well as a few paintings. I did my very best to store everything in its place while Richie was working, so he would not be bothered by it. I was happy that the company that packed all my stuff had done it so well and that there was nothing broken during the transport.

The only thing I would really miss was my car. I had it for a few years and had worked my ass off for it. It was a BMW convertible and I had really enjoyed it a lot. With all the costs for the moving and the all the rest, I knew I couldn't afford to buy a new one right then. I knew I would have to work hard to save the necessary to get the same one again. Richie said I could use his car whenever I needed.

One night I was talking about my sold car with nostalgia. Richie immediately suggested we'd go to buy a new one. I couldn't take it.

  • Listen Richie. You have already spent a huge amount of money on me with the office and all the equipment. I have always been self-sufficient. I appreciate what you have done for me so far, but I can't accept that you spend more money on me and certainly not on a BMW.

He heard I was upset.

  • I understand what you are telling me Fred, but listen carefully to what I am going to say to you. First of all I love you like it never happened to me before. There is no way we will ever have our own children. My parents are wealthy enough so I don't have to care for them financially. So, I am working and have a very good income. The apartment is paid for and I have no further debts. I won't say I am wealthy, but I can certainly afford a lot more than most people. When I want to give you a present, it would be nice of you to accept it. Refusing a present is upsetting the person that wants to give. Try to imagine you want to give me a present and that I refuse it. What would you think? How would you react? The important part of a present is not its price, it is the intention with which you give it. You can give a present with the hope of getting something back and that is not a good intention. You can give a present with all of your heart because you know the person who will receive it will appreciate it. For me, giving things is more important than receiving them. Receiving is nice, but giving is even nicer. Now, if I know you will deny me the pleasure of giving you things, then I will not do it anymore.

He stood up and left the room. He had given me something to think about! His way of thinking was that of a good man. The most beautiful present he had ever given to me was himself. I couldn't be happier. All the other things he had given me were more material things and I started to believe that he could easily afford them, but on top of that he loved giving me things. I would do everything I could for him, but he was right: if I would deny him the pleasure of giving, then we had a serious problem. Denying the pleasure ... When you came to think about those three words, it was horrible. It was selfish on my part to deny him his pleasure. That was not what love was all about, on the contrary! Love was giving whatever it was that your partner would like to have, being it materialistic or emotionally, all according to your possibilities. There was actually no difference: it was a question of giving and receiving.

I understood I had hurt his feelings. On the other hand I really didn't want him to constantly buy things for me as soon as I mentioned them. I had my pride as well.

It seemed I had upset him more than I thought, as he didn't come back to the living room. I went to look for him and found him in his office, looking over some papers. I went over to him, pushing his chair away from his desk and sat on his lap. Before I said anything I kissed him deeply.

  • I understand what you are telling me Richie and I am sorry of I hurt your feelings. You are right about the giving and receiving part. At the same time, I would like you to understand that, just like you, I have a past and a upbringing that both made who I am today. I have my pride, justified or not, and have always been self-sufficient and taking care for the things I needed or wanted. It would be a cruse for me if each time I mention something, you would go running out and buy it. I would be afraid to mention something and that means that I would not be able to be completely open and honest with you. That is something I don't want. We must be able to talk about anything. Presents are fine, but on special occasions, not every day. Small attentions every day are well, but with small attentions I don't include a new BMW! Do we understand each other?

Richie thought deeply about what I had just told him. It was the first time we actually had an argument or a disagreement. That was bound to happen. After all, we knew each other a very short time and we were both adults with different pasts and probably more than one different point of view on some things.

  • Ok, he said, we have different opinions about a few things. We will have to talk this over and over till we find a kind of agreement. I don't want us to be upset for any reason at all.

  • That's good, because I don't want us to be upset with each other either. Just try to understand that even if I am financially secure, but not as much as you, I don't want the money to drive us apart. You can afford to buy me a BMW, but I can't. I want us to be on an equal level. We are companions in the first place. I would like you to consider something: when you want to buy me a present, ask yourself if I could afford the same present to you. If you think I can't, please don't buy it. Is that suitable for you?

  • I guess it is as long as you do the same. You know, with the work you are doing, I can easily imagine that one day we will be on an equal level financially. So, it's a deal!

We kissed to seal the deal. That kiss was worth a lot more than any signature on a paper.

The conversation we had made me think about the situation. I had upset him because I had not all the data in my hands. We needed to communicate even more than what we were already doing. I had always heard that communication between two people was the most important part and the key to the success of a couple. Withholding things was bad for any relationship and everything needed to be talked over, keeping in mind that Feelings, Trust and Respect were the basic pillars for that relationship.

Richie and I talked easily with each other. In my mind we didn't have any secrets for each other and we respected the other's opinions. That was one of the strongest points in our relationship. I was confidant enough that we could overcome any situation by expressing our opinions and thoughts. It was a fact that Richie had, as a good lawyer, a wicked mind and a way to express himself that he could convince anyone of anything. He was a very eloquent guy and knew the meaning of each word he was using. At times I thought he had learned the dictionary by heart. He amazed me more than once with his knowledge of the language and his vocabulary.

Life went on and with time we learned to know each other better and better. I had the advantage that every Sunday, when we had lunch with his Mum, I heard a new story of Richie's youth. His Mum had a mischievous pleasure of telling me things he had done in the past. She never told anything to do him any harm, but when the time came to embarrass her own son, she was a cheeky woman.

We were fast reaching the date that I would be illegally in Canada. The bureaucratic machine was slow as usual. All the necessary papers were in hands of the "qualified" people, but nothing happened. I suggested once again to Richie that we could get married and get over all the administration in almost a split second.

  • We don't have the time to organize a complete wedding before the expiry date! Richie said.

  • No, you are right, but we can get married and organize a wedding party at another date.

And that's what we did. On a normal weekday we went both to town hall and got married. It was nothing emotional. I t was just to get the necessary paper for me to be able to stay with him. There were nor family neither friends. Just a bureaucratic act that took about three minutes and five signatures. The only thing we did, copying a traditional wedding, was the exchange of rings. We had chosen the Trinity rings from Cartier, as we both loved them. They were also a symbol of the three pillars of our relationship: Love, Trust and Respect.

When we reached the apartment after that, we would be standing in front of the door and trying to decide who would carry whom over the threshold. As it was Richie's apartment we decided he would carry me, but we were laughing so much, it took us about fifteen minutes to achieve the process. Once inside we fell to the floor and Richie closed the door with his foot. He was kissing me with his usual passion and fever. Before long, all we were wearing were our new wedding rings. Richie took me there and filled my insides, but as I had not climaxed, I took the opportunity to fill him as well. It was only when we were finished that we found that the tiles in the entrance were hard and cold. On my mental note I could scratch the entrance from my list.

It got to be a habit for us to walk around the apartment naked. None of us would have described himself as a nudist, but inside we surely were. As unannounced visitors had caught us more than once, we kept shorts and T-shirts at hand for in case. As summer was arriving, and Richie owned the complete top floor, we had no neighbors and could sunbath naked on the terrace. But we had not much time for that. As well Richie as I, had a steady flow of clients. We were disciplined enough to do often more than an eight hour daily job. We worked with closed doors so we would not disturb the other with the telephone calls. As we were both sitting at our desk big part of the day, it seemed we were losing a bit of our shape. There was a gym in the basement of the building, and as it was for residents only, most of the time it was empty. Richie and I included the gym in our morning routine and went down every day of the week to work out at least an hour. It took us time, but we regained our six-pack abdomens and lost those love handles around our waist. I had never been a gym rat, but working out with Richie was pleasant.

As the summer kicked in full force, the work diminished a little. Richie didn't have to go to court every day and as we had a bit more time to ourselves, we started to plan a real wedding ceremony and party. We included his Mum in the organization of it. She had great ideas and apparently knew the right persons in the right places. Soon enough, we sent out the invitations. I sent an e-mail to Jon asking him to gather all the friends to come over as we had discussed it during my last meal over there. He did a great job, as the following week he had a list of the people who agreed to accept our invitation. They were about fifteen coming over and I called Stewart to see if he could all have them in the hotel he was working at. He told me there was no problem and casually mentioned there was a convention room in the hotel where they had weddings before. They could set-up the tables and a dance-floor and could host over two hundred people.

I mentioned it to Richie and his Mum. Richie recalled the room and said it was not a bad idea and would make it easy for everyone to get to the place. We decided to check it out on the following Sunday after our weekly lunch.

Stewart was on duty that Sunday. It was nice to see him and he was his joyful self as usual. He showed us the convention room and we were all awestruck. It was absolutely beautiful with on the end ceiling to floor windows giving way to a nice garden, at least for a hotel in downtown Toronto. It was quite modern but with a fine and elegant touch. There was a set-up for an upcoming wedding and we had to admit that the details were unbelievable. Very nice tablecloths with matching napkins, sober plates and fine crystal glasses and sober cutlery made it all so inviting. A huge dance floor was set-up as well and Richie and I insisted that we have the same. The flower arrangements were absolutely exquisite. We all three looked at each other and had the same expression on our faces: this was perfect. We discussed the prices and the catering and Richie's Mum signed the offer immediately. The date was set for the end of June so that we would be able to enjoy the garden as well. I went over the prices with Stewart concerning the accommodation of the people coming over. He had, just as for the rest, obtained a very good price from his boss and I couldn't be happier when I saw the total amount. It was less than what I had thought in the first place. I followed Richie's Mum example and signed the offer as well. Looking at it, we had had a lot less things to organize as the hotel was doing most of it and at a very good price.

I mentioned to Stewart that in fact we were already married but that we would need a kind of Master of ceremony to repeat what had happened at town hall. He said he could arrange that as well. He had an older friend who could really pass for a real major and who would lead the ceremony perfectly. Stewart was at the end a complete events organizer and we couldn't thank him enough for his precious help.

The only thing we still had to do on our own was to go and have some suits tailored for the occasion. Richie told me he had the perfect tailor who was probably one of the lasts in the city. Together we decided we would go for pewter grey suits, white shirts with golden cufflinks and pink ties. We couldn't go together to the tailor as Richie had to go to court and we didn't know how much time we would be there before he finished. Richie went first on a Monday morning at nine am. I would go around eleven.

I had a bit of trouble finding the tailor's shop but finally got there only five minutes late. The tailor was a man of about forty to mid-forties, clearly of Italian origin. His accent was undeniable. He didn't even greet me in English but with a warm "Buongiorno". His shop was small, but you could sense the quality and the luxury of what he was making. He showed me the material Richie had indicated as his favorite and I could only agree. He also showed me the shirts and the ties and once again I had to admit Richie's choice was perfect. Then he ushered me to the back store where there was a platform surrounded by mirrors. Roberto, the tailor, asked me to stand on it with nothing on but my trousers and my shirt. He took some measurements and noted all down on a paper pad. He then handed me a jacket to try on. I did and he got to work with pins and a white chalk, consulting his pad from time to time. When all was satisfactory to him, he asked me to take off the jacket. He went to work on the measurements for the trousers. To do so, he asked me to take off my jeans. I didn't see why I had to do that, but obeyed nonetheless. I was standing there on this little platform, naked, except for my briefs and my socks.

  • Ah... Roberto said. I see you wear to the left just as your friend does.

I had no idea what he was talking about and asked for some explanation.

  • You see, my friend, if you wear to the left and I make trousers for wearing to the right, you will not be comfortable! Some people wear to the left, others to the right and a few wear it downwards.

I still had not a clue what he was talking about as I had never had a tailor made suit. Roberto saw my confusion and to show me what he meant, he grabbed my cock through the fabric of my briefs and showed me.

  • To the left ... to the right ... and downward.

While he was manipulating my cock in the different directions, I couldn't help have a rapid and serious swelling of my organ. Roberto's hands on my genitals made me all horny and as my cock had a mind of its own, it kept swelling till I had a full hard-on.

  • Now, now, now ... I can't go on measuring you like that! Roberto said. You are just like your friend Richard. I had to take care of him as well.

And with that, without asking for any permission, he pulled my briefs down and my cock was in his mouth before I could even protest. He was an expert cock-sucker. I wanted to say stop but then I recalled what he had said: "II had to take care of him as well". I was standing there, with my cock in Roberto's mouth and feeling a climax coming up real soon. He had an expertise in cock sucking and his tongue twirled around my cock-head, causing quite a pleasant and exciting sensation. I felt my knees going week and I was afraid to lose my balance. I hold on to Roberto's shoulders and he went on sucking and sucking, all the while playing with my balls with one hand and a finger up my ass that was massaging my prostate. With this kind of treatment, I knew I was going to fill his mouth with a huge load. I felt my balls retracting in my lower belly and the skin of my scrotum shrink to an almost non-existing state. Roberto kept on sucking and bobbing up and down. I rewarded him with my load that spurted out in a quick succession of various little loads, filling his mouth. He swallowed eagerly and when I stopped spurting, he licked my cock clean. Very matter-of-factly he said:

  • Now I'll be able to take proper measurements!

He put my cock back in my briefs and went on taking measurements as if nothing had happened. I was still catching my breath and trying to relax enough to have my heartbeat coming back to normal. Roberto gave me some pants to try on and went to work again with his pins and white chalk. When he was finished he told me I could dress again and join him in the front part of his little shop.

He handed me a ticket and said I could come back for the nest try-on in about two weeks.

  • I will always be delighted to serve you and your friend.

He shook my hand and I was back on the street before realizing what really had happened. I felt guilty that I had allowed a sexual contact with someone else than Richie, although, if I had to believe Roberto, Richie had allowed the same. I just wondered if Richie knew beforehand what was going to happen as he had had several suits already made by Roberto.

When I reached home, Richie immediately asked what I thought about the fabric he had chosen, as well as the shirts and the tie. I told him I agreed wholeheartedly with his choice.

  • And did Roberto ask you if you were wearing left, right or downward?

He had a wicked smile on his face when asking that.

  • Yes he did. I just wonder why he had to ask you, seeing that you already have several suits made by him.

Richie laughed out loud this time.

  • He asks me every single time I need a suit. Every single time he takes my measurements although he has them in his files. I could probably order a suit over the phone and have the perfect fit without even trying it on. Roberto is a cheeky bugger and keeps it all very professionally. It is his little secret as he is married and has six kids. His Italian origin, and probably religious upbringing, doesn't allow him to live his orientation to the fullest, but he sure likes to suck cock. Allowing him to suck me doesn't mean I have any emotional relationship with him, and it provided me with very good suits in the past. I am sure our wedding suits will be absolutely perfect.

  • Does that mean that if you have a sexual act being performed and it is without any emotional attachment, you think it is all right?

  • No, I don't think so. Roberto is my tailor for as long as I have been wearing suits. Since the absolute first suit, and that was many years ago, he has been sucking my cock. We have never met outside his little shop and we have never had any sexual encounter except when I needed a suit. This has begun far before I met you and is part of my life. I guess it will go on till he stops working. I had to tell him you were coming over. When he asked me if you were a good friend of mine I told him you were my husband. That made him probably think that he could suck you off, too. It is not a big deal ... I think. Are you upset?

I wasn't. It was just that I was confused. I would have expected Richie to tell me what had happened in the past and what I could experience during my visit at the tailor's. I had been feeling guilty about what happened and the only thing Richie told me was that it was not a big deal. We had discussed this over and over in the beginning of our relationship. We said we wanted both a monogamous relationship and that the physical intercourse was something that was reserved just between the two of us. We didn't want an open relationship because we knew the dangers of it. We had been tested and we never used condoms when making love. That was just because we said we would not allow a third or a fourth party in our games.

I expressed my thoughts to Richie. He admitted that from my point of view, I was totally right. He agreed that we had a pact to maintain a monogamous relationship. He apologized for what had happened and not have warned me before I went to see Roberto.

  • If you want, I'll make it clear to Roberto that he doesn't have to take my measurements in the future. He will understand. I don't want you to be upset for a two-minute blow-job. I don't want to jeopardize our relationship and our marriage with Roberto's extra skills.

I could see the sincerity in his eyes. He was truly sorry and his promise was coming from the bottom of his heart. I decided to not push the subject any further.

Jon wrote me an e-mail telling me he had succeeded in having all fifteen of my friends and himself on the same flight. I arranged for a bus to pick them up at the airport and drop them off at the hotel. Another v-check on my list of to do things. When I asked Richie about the transportation for us, from the apartment to the hotel and back, he said everything was arranged as well as the transportation for his Mum and some other members of his family. I v-checked that as well on my list. It seems everything was under control.

The day before the wedding I went with the hired bus to the airport to pick-up my friends. That was quite a show we gave at the airport, with a lot of hugs and kisses. A few of them had had some drinks on the plane and were really happy without being drunk. Once we were all in the bus there was a lot of laughing and some raunchy jokes, but all in good faith. Stewart had arranged the allocation of the rooms following my instructions and before long everybody was checked-in. We had foreseen a meal for all those who were coming from out of town, but most of my friends were suffering from jet lag and fell asleep before they had to come down for the supper. I asked Stewart to be sure they all had a wake-up call so that they would have time to prepare themselves for the ceremony.

I couldn't sleep that night. I was nervous as hell although there was no reason: we were already married. I guessed it was the fact that we would be the center of attention for a whole day and I wanted everything to go smoothly and without incidents. I ran over my to do list in my head to be sure I had not forgotten anything. Roberto had delivered the suits, shirts and ties and true to his word, Richie told him that there would be no use in taking measurements any more. Roberto understood and was probably a little disappointed, but accepted the fact that we wanted a monogamous marriage.

D-day had arrived. First thing I did when I woke up was opening the curtains of the bedroom and I was rewarded with a fantastic blue sky and a bright sun. It was still early but the thermometer indicated already a very pleasant temperature. It was perfect. I went to make some coffee and then slowly wake-up my husband. I had learned over time that Richie didn't like any sudden wake-up call. He needed the friendly approach if I wanted him to have a smile on his face all day. As he, as usual, had a fantastic morning wood, I decided to wake him up servicing his manhood, as he deserved. I pulled the sheets away from his body and still marveled at his exquisite body. I was still wondering what I had done to deserve him. I crept between his legs and softly caressed his legs and hips. I took his dick in my mouth and softly started to suck on it, swirling my tongue over his cock-head. It didn't take him long to start softly moaning, but the noises he made soon increased in volume and intensity. He was clearly waking up and squirming under my ministrations. I could feel his cock harden even more and swell to enormous proportions before he shot his load in my mouth. I swallowed his juice and then went up to kiss him. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

  • Come on my dear husband, we have a busy day ahead! I said.

I pulled him out of bed and straight to the bathroom. We had a shower with a lot of kissing and grabbing and hands roaming over each other's bodies. Once we were dry, we shaved extra carefully as we wanted to be presentable for our wedding ceremony. We had breakfast naked, as we didn't want to spill any coffee or other things on our new shirts and suits. We dressed just about fifteen minutes before we had to leave, as to be perfect. It was the first time we saw each other dressed completely equal. We looked at ourselves in the mirror and, even if say so myself, we were the perfect match! We went down as Richie said that our transport had arrived. Coming out of the elevator I immediately spotted a white car in front of the building door. It was a brand new BMW convertible! I looked at Richie.

  • You said the presents would be only on special occasions. I guess that our marriage is special enough. You also said it had to be something we could both afford and our accountant told me that you could perfectly afford it today. So baby... this is your new toy!

I didn't know how he had managed to keep this entire secret till today. He had done a perfect job. The car was stunning and, as I discovered later, had all the extras you could hope for. As the day was beautiful, the roof was down. Two white ribbons went from the nose of the car to each corner of the front window. There was no chauffeur to be seen. Richie told me to drive, but he didn't even have to give me a key: it had that new system where you have a card in your wallet that detects your presence.

Suddenly I didn't want to go to the wedding ceremony. I just wanted to take this beauty for a drive. Going to the hotel was really too short drive for me at the wheel of this absolutely fantastic car. I knew I couldn't, but it was very tempting.

When we arrived at the hotel, everybody was standing out side and on the sidewalk across the street. They all cheered and waved. I stopped just in front of the entrance. I found it very emotional as I saw only happy faces and big smiles. Richie handed the card of the car to Stewart so he could go and park it in the hotel parking. We went inside, followed by all our guests. In the garden they had installed a kind of altar with flower arrangements and two big white candles. As it was daylight you couldn't actually see the candles burning, but they were. Behind the altar stood a man of about sixty years of age, very well groomed and dressed. He made a sign to us to approach and we instinctively knew he was the master of Ceremony Stewart had talked about. He asked for everybody's attention and started the ceremony. As soon as he started to speak with his baritone voice, I was under his spell. He didn't use any of the traditional phrases or expressions. He had apparently informed about the people who were getting married, us, and adapted his speech that was loaded with feelings and emotions. Nobody said a word and you could only hear his voice and a few emotional sniffs. Richie's Mum had the proverbial handkerchief in her hands and wiped away a few tears at the appropriate moments. We said our "I do" and exchanged the rings that we had placed again in their original red box. When all was over he declared us husband and husband and Richie kissed me with his usual fever and passion. All our friends and family cheered at this kiss.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Lots of congratulations, hugs and kisses. Champagne was been poured without stopping. The only person who was not really into the festivities was Stewart. He was a pure professional and had an eye on everything, making sure our expectations were met. He just took about five minutes off to talk with us and have one glass of Champagne, but mid-sentence he left us as he had seen something that was not to his liking. We didn't see anything but learned afterwards that one of the waiters was not behaving as he should. He was sent off the premises at the same moment.

We sat down for the meal and it was absolutely succulent, eight courses of small dishes, but fine and exquisite. The wines were all according to what was served. After the desert the best men had their word. I feared the worst, but shouldn't have. Once those speeches were over, Richie stood up and stretched out his hand that I took. He led me to the center of the dance floor and through the loudspeakers we heard the first notes of the Blue Danube by Strauss. That was the first waltz we had ever danced together and Richie swept me off my feet. We never lost eye contact during that dance. We had been to the Ballroom several times and were now perfectly coordinated when dancing. We ended in a swirl as the last note was heard. All our guests got on their feet to applaud what they called the performance of the year. The next dance Richie went for his mother and I for one of my best friends. It didn't take long to have the dance floor packed with dancing couples. I even got Stewart to have a dance with me because, after all, he had introduced me to Richie.

Stewart looked me in the eyes and asked:

  • Do you have any idea what date it is today?

I looked at him quizzically and he said that while we were dancing, the Gay Pride was going full blast and the parade was passing almost in front of the hotel at that precise moment..

  • That means that you and Richie are now just one year together! It is not only your wedding day, but also your anniversary of the day you met.

I ran over to Richie and whispered the information in his ear. He looked at me and then went over to the DJ, asked for the microphone and announced to all our guests that the celebration was a double one as we had our meeting anniversary. More Champagne was served for the occasion.

When the waiters wheeled in the wedding cake, we could see an inscription on it that just said "One Year". Stewart had really thought about everything.

To be continued É if you guys let me know you like the story. All comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 5: Internet Connection 5

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