Internet Connection Series

By Alain Mahy

Published on Mar 24, 2015


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It took three weeks for Jerome to give any news. He called Richie during the office hours, apologizing profusely about his silence and saying it was all too hard for him to see us as a happy couple and he being the fifth wheel of the carriage. Being in Richie's presence all day and with me on top of it on weekends, was too much for him. He couldn't stand it. The threesome he provoked was nagging at him. He could forgive himself he had initiated it. He felt like an intrusion in our relationship and he didn't want that. He even thought we had allowed the threesome out of pity for him. Well, just to make a long story short, he preferred to stay away from us although Richie tried to convince him of our friendship and so on. Jerome insisted he needed time to sort things out. If that was what he wanted, we would give it to him!

Richie had to find someone else to help him at the office, but he swore to god it would have to be a woman!

Our Saturday routine of going to the spa changed when the spa announced they would have nudist sessions. Instead of going to the spa on Saturday mornings we now had to go on Friday nights. Quite some people apparently shared the benefits of the spa in the nude, as it was more crowded on Friday nights than on Saturday mornings. We were not obliged to go on Fridays, but we loved it. It was that sensation of freedom that appealed to us. There was no "looking-over" or "check-out" of any kind. It was just people who were naked and feeling comfortable with it. The fruit-bar next to the main swimming pool was always attended by quite a lot of people and we made some new friends there. The fact we were a gay couple was not even mentioned. A few people noticed we arrived and departure together, but that was it. No labels were put on people. It was all natural and in a friendly atmosphere. We never saw Jerome again at those gatherings.

Richie was once again getting home late, as he was alone in his office. He had put a few adds in specialized papers and had had a few interviews, but without any positive result. I suggested publishing it on the web site and as soon as it was published he got a lot of resumes to go through. Not all the people who were asking for a job were qualified or with a law background, but in some of the applications you could feel the will and the need to work hard. One girl in particular, Jessica, was just out of school with a secretary degree. Richie interviewed her and was impressed by her. She seemed quite organized and knew her way around an office. She was hired almost on the spot. I could quickly notice the effect of Jessica in the office as Richie came home earlier again. He was over the moon with her because of her skills. He was wondering how she had that much knowledge about law but soon learned she was taking Internet courses. As time got by, he raised her salary and included her in his work for the richer clients as well.

For my part, I was thinking of hiring someone as well as the queries for graphic design were increasing by the day. I still had a few clients from before I moved to Toronto, but the increasing demands from local firms and particulars made my days longer and longer. Everybody wanted everything immediately. I had to make a precise schedule of deadlines to be sure to no disappoint anybody. I did what I had done for Richie: publishing an add on my website. Once again there was a flood of resumes coming in, but before I could interview any of them, I had to look at what they had done and published. It was important to have someone as creative as I was, but also in the same kind of line I was following. It took me more time than Richie to find the appropriate person. Jason was my final choice as he was a self-employed man and I had been able to appreciate his work. He just wanted some extra work, as he needed the extra money. I wouldn't have to give-up space in my office as he was working from his place. He was married and had two lovely kids and the third one was on its way. When we met we immediately clicked! I was sure he would be a good asset. Richie prepared a contract so there wouldn't be any discussion on copyright and so on. Jason and I went over it and signed it.

Time flew by so quickly. We settled in a routine of quite a lot of work, but keeping the weekends for us. The weekends always started with a visit to the spa on Friday night and on Sundays we still had our weekly lunch with Richie's Mum. I started to realize our life was almost nothing else but routine. As everybody knows, routine is the killer of love. Oh, I don't mean the lovemaking, but the feeling of love. When all days are the same or repeat themselves on a regular basis, it is almost impossible to avoid taking everything for granted. We talked it over one night that Richie and I had finished work a little earlier than normal. Richie directly got worried. He thought I was not happy.

  • I am happy, Richie, it is just that I am worried that the routine will kill the feelings. How long is it since we did something completely unforeseen? How long is it since we surprised each other? It is not a criticism; it is just a question. Since when haven't we had guests for dinner? When was the last time we had a weekend away?

All these questions overwhelmed Richie, but he had to admit I was right. The strange thing was that when he asked what I wanted to do, I had not a clue. We were both so absorbed by our jobs and facing so many deadlines, that we couldn't think of anything exciting to do together. We needed something new to look forward to. Richie suggested having a subscription to theatre or something like that, but I pointed out that if we went once a week to the theatre, it would become a routine as well. We were suddenly both deep in thoughts about things to do that were not connected to our work and that would give us both satisfaction.

I was thinking of surprising Richie with something, but even that was difficult. We had almost everything we ever wanted. The apartment was so well equipped that I couldn't possibly surprise him with something for our living space. What I had to find, was something for us to do that was not in the line of what we were already doing. I thought about going away for a week or maybe two, but with the workload we both had, it was near to impossible. Although ... Now that I had Jason, and he was doing a wonderful job, I could probably leave for a week or maybe two without too much trouble. What I didn't know was if Richie could. As I knew he was in court most of the mornings, I tried to call Jessica. She was managing his agenda after all.

I called her the next morning and asked if she could arrange the things in such a way that Richie could leave for a week or two. She said she would have to look into it as the dates for court was something she had not in her hands. She called me about two hours later telling me that she could arrange his appointments and court appearances so that he would have 10 days off during the next month. I told her it was going to be a surprise for Richie and not to mention it to him. She giggled and agreed.

I had the dates. Now I had to think of something to surprise my man accordingly to those dates I had. I had to work by elimination. A long trip was not to consider as we had only ten days. We could take the car and discover some places we had not seen yet. A possibility. We could go an a cruise in the Caribbean. Not a bad idea. We could go skiing. I always wanted to learn how to ski, but had no clue as what Richie would want to do. Discarded. I took some time to surf the Web. There were a lot of offers for travelling. Fortunately I didn't have to look at the prices as we had both saved quite some money with a lot of work and we had not spent a lot. There was an offer for a gastronomic route, but we both sure would put on weight. Discarded.

I finally opted for a cruise. Seven days in the Caribbean, with a visit to the Bahamas and Jamaica. Seven days on the boat and one day to travel to Miami and another one to come back. Perfect. I looked at the availability and the only thing that was available was a superior cabin. I booked it. I called Jessica to say that the ten days she had mentioned, Richie would not be there as I had booked the cruise. Absolute silence was a must! Then I called Jason and told him I would be away for ten days and that he would probably have to finish the last touches on the project I was working on. He accepted without a problem. I called Richie's Mum and told her about the surprise I was preparing. She found it a fabulous idea. I once again had to be sure she would keep the secret. Then I went into Richie's home office and found his passport. It was still valid. I went through our closets and saw we had most of the things we would need for that mini vacation. I called Taxi-Port, a company that provides long-term parking at the airport and while you are away, the clean up your car inside out. My car was in need of it. Now, the only thing I had to do was keeping the secret from Richie for two weeks! That would probably be the hardest task at all.

That night, when Richie came home, I was excited with all the preparations and he knew me far too well. He asked me what I was up to. Of course I told him "Nothing!" but the suspicion got to him. I kept silent nonetheless. Those two weeks before our departure were the longest one I had ever lived. I had prepared everything very consciously and as our flight would be in the late afternoon, I would have the whole morning to pack our things in two suitcases.

The day had finally arrived. Richie went to work as normal. Jessica had arranged things in such a way that she could push Richie out of the office by two am. That meant he would be home around two thirty. Just in time to make him change of clothes and drive to the airport. Our flight was at four and we had to be in the harbor at seven. The ship sailed off at eight. As soon as Richie was out of the door, I started packing our things and took both our suitcases to my car. At one forty-five Jessica called me to tell me Richie refused to leave the office. I told her to switch me through to him.

  • Hi honey, I said, there is a special delivery here for you. The guy doesn't accept me to sign for it. Can you please come home?

Richie got unnerved about it and argued about the quality of the delivery company, but finally accepted to come home. I had problems to keep serious over the phone.

At two o'clock sharp Jessica called to say he was on his way. My calculations were right as he came through the door at half past two. I had to find a plausible explanation about the absence of the deliveryman and just said he couldn't wait any longer and would drop by the following day again.

  • Why don't you take off that suit and dress with something more casual? I asked. I take you out and have a surprise for you!

  • What surprise?

  • If I tell you, it won't be a surprise anymore! So please, go change your clothes. We'll be on our way immediately.

He didn't argue and went in for a shower and dress. When he was ready, we went down to the basement where our cars were parked. We got in mine and were soon on our way.

  • You should clean your car Fred! I haven't seen it so dirty since you have it.

  • That's exactly what we are going to do Richie! Get the car cleaned.

  • Is that the surprise?

  • That is part of the surprise. You'll see.

When we reached Taxi-Port and I got the luggage out of the car, he started to understand what kind of surprise I had for him. He had his usual grin on his face, the same grin he had when something good was on its way. Once we were in the departure hall, and after thousand questions about where we were going, I finally told him we were flying to Miami to catch a cruise ship that sailed in the Caribbean. He looked flabbergasted.

  • But, I don't have my passport with me, he said.

  • I have it for you!

  • And I am not dressed for a cruise, he exclaimed.

  • Everything you need is in your suitcase.

  • But Mum will expect us on Sunday for our weekly lunch, he said.

  • No, she won't. I called her to say I take her son on a cruise.

  • Jessica will be lost if I don't show up!

  • No, she won't as she actually helped me organize this trip and has rescheduled all you appointments.

  • You actually thought about everything, haven't you?

-Yes, I guess I did.

He took me in his arms and kissed me passionately as we reached the check-in. I put the flight-tickets on the counter and we received our boarding passes. The flight was uneventful and we were welcomed in Miami by a very pleasant climate and temperature. Everything went smooth and well and we were in the harbor around six forty-five. As we had a superior cabin, we were treated like VIP's and didn't have to stand in the cue or anything. When a steward opened the door to our cabin, I thought there was a mistake as this was not a superior cabin, but a superior suite! But the steward insisted it was exactly what I had booked after checking his list over and over again. We shrugged our shoulders and accepted this luxurious place as our home for seven days. It was a nice suite! There was a nice size living room, a separate bedroom, a huge bathroom with Jacuzzi and a terrace to die for. On the living room table there was a bottle of Champagne chilling in a silver bucket with ice. The steward was very helpful explaining everything there was. He insisted we would be at the security drill and matter-of-factly mentioned that we were invited to the captain's table. Tuxedo was required.

I opened the bottle of Champagne and filled the two glasses. There was a crystal bowl with strawberries on the same silver plate. We enjoyed both of them. We had still some time before the security drill and decided to discover the immediate surroundings of our cabin. We soon discovered quite a lot of the amenities of the ship and it was impressive. I hadn't checked them on-line at the moment of the booking. This was like a little town with all imaginable shops, pubs, restaurants and other activities. The horn blasted its typical sound over the harbor, announcing we were leaving. We followed the security drill and were impressed with the organization of things aboard. As we were expected at the captain's table at nine, we went back to our cabin to dress in our tuxedos.

When we reached the main restaurant, which was absolutely huge, we were led to the captain's table. The captain was exactly as you can imagine one. He was about sixty years of age, white hair and white beard and dressed in an impeccable uniform. He introduced himself and so did we. He then introduced us to his other guests and offered us yet another glass of Champagne. I thought that Richie would be more than horny when we would get back to our suite. The dinner was absolutely exquisite and I couldn't imagine the work of the personnel, as well in the kitchen as the waiters, to manage to serve warm meals to such an amount of people in such a short time. Despite all the luxury and the fine dinning, a woman that sat just across the table was apparently displeased. She looked disgusted with something but we hadn't the slightest idea about what as everything was perfect. The captain noticed it as well and at one point he couldn't avoid to ask her if anything was wrong.

  • Yes, she said with a pitched voice, I can't understand how a captain of you class can invite faggots to your table.

She had said "faggots" with a strong venom and expected the captain to ask us to leave his table. The captain surprised us all when he went on with a peaceful voice and looking directly at that woman.

  • I can understand it must be disgusting for you to sit at the same table as ... how did you call them?

  • Faggots, she almost screamed out.

  • Yes... faggots. My dear Madam, first of all I think that the correct word is gay and not faggots. If you are so disgusted to be at a table with gay people, I can only suggest you leave this table. The gentlemen you hatefully called faggots, are my guests and if you can not respect my guests, I would really appreciate you to go and sit somewhere else.

With that said, he called the ma"tre d and asked him to replace those people as urgently as possible. Then he turned to us and said with a smile on his face:

  • I do apologize for such behavior at my table. It won't occur again, I can promise you that.

The rest of the dinner was uneventful and very pleasant. After the dinner the captain invited us for a nightcap at the bar. He apologized once more for the woman's behavior.

  • You see, he explained, I can't stand people who can't behave. When I have guests at my table I expect them to be respectful. That woman wasn't. She will never again, no matter what kind of money she spends with the company, be invited again at a captain's table. As for me, one of my sons is gay as well and he and his boyfriend are the best people I have ever met, even if I say so myself.

We could sense he was proud of his son. Just there and then we knew we had made a friend aboard. We bid our goodnights to the captain and went to our suite. Yet another bottle of Champagne was on the table with a little card saying "With the compliments of the Captain".

  • Do you fancy to open it now, or do we keep it for another day? Richie asked.

  • What do you wish?

  • Well ... I was thinking about opening something else, he said.

And joining the deed to the word, he started to undo my tie and taking of my tuxedo jacket. He leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him a little more forceful to me, pushing my tongue into his mouth. That was the trigger and the invitation Richie was waiting for. He stopped undressing me and took my face in both his hands and kissed me passionately. He just broke the kiss to look in my eyes and saying:

  • Thank you for this wonderful surprise. I just love it!

He then resumed his kissing and his hands got really active, as it was clear he wanted me naked as the day I was born. But he was not in a hurry. He teasingly opened each and every button of my shirt and patiently removed my cufflinks. He made my shirt glide from my shoulders. He then kneeled in front of me and removed my shoes and my socks. Caressing my thighs he came back up, opened my trousers and unzipped it and it fell to the ground by pure gravity. My briefs were already tenting obscenely as I was hard as steel. I had to keep my balance by grabbing his shoulders for support. He surprised me by taking the waistband of my briefs between his teeth and pulling them down without using his hands at all. I stepped out of them and stood there naked in front of my husband.

Richie stood up and undressed at the speed of light. Once he was naked he lifted me up and laid me down on the bed, covering my body with his. I wrapped my arms once again around his neck and we kissed. It was not the usual kiss. It was a kiss filled with feelings and gratitude. He was devouring my mouth with his and our tongues were dancing, imitating the waltz we had danced on our wedding. It was so emotional that my head was spinning. I was overflown by emotions and love. I could have stayed like that for hours, but Richie's nether regions were moving over my cock and made all the hormones in my body gather. If he went on like that I knew I would climax far too soon. I wanted him in me and whispered it in his ear.

  • Please, make me yours once again and forever.

  • We are not in a hurry Baby, we have all night long and I will fill you with my seed before you get to sleep. It's a promise!

But before he proceeded to fill me he covered my body with kisses. His lips had an electrifying effect on my skin. I squirmed beneath his touch, being it his hands or his tongue. He was wakening all the nerve endings I had and they all bundled up from the root of my hair to my curling toes. I grabbed the sheets of the bed, avoiding the spasms in my body to throw him off me. In the years we had been together, he had learned to push the right buttons at the right time to have me moaning and groaning like mad. He had also learned to push certain parts of my body to avoid me to shoot my load to early.

He lavished my genitals with his spit. Engulfing my rod to the base, he pulled on my scrotum to increase the feelings he gave with his tongue on my cock-head. He pulled enough on my ball sack as to have one finger reaching my rosebud. I could feel him probing my puckered hole and introduce his finger to the first knuckle. I was panting. It had been a long time since we had the time to make love like that. I tried to push my ass on his finger, but holding my scrotum it was impossible. Richie sensed my need to feel him inside of me and let go of my balls and his finger disappeared completely in me. He immediately found my prostate and knew how to work it. I was oozing pre-cum by the bucket. But Richie had his own whims. With his usual agility, he flipped around and we found ourselves in our favorite sixty-nine position. I swallowed his cock as soon as it was in my reach, but Richie went further. I knew he wanted to French kiss my hole and I wrapped my legs around his torso to give him better access. We always loved it to eat each other out like that. I liked it even more because I knew he was preparing me for his penetration. Two of his fingers and his tongue were already deep inside of me, but I wanted more. I pushed his cock out of my mouth with my tongue and tried to make him understand I wanted him in me, now! He was my husband long enough to understand my needs.

He once again flipped over, put my legs on his shoulders and pointed his manhood right on target. His penetration was slow but decided. He had rimmed me enough and worked my hole in such a way that I didn't feel any pain when his pubes tickled my ass-cheeks. He was in me up to the hilt. Although he pushed my legs to my chest in almost uncomfortable position, his lips reached mine and we kissed while he slowly started his in-and-out movement. With each thrust he stimulated my prostate. My heartbeat was going wild. I grabbed his buttocks and pulled him even deeper into me. I was in heaven when he increased his speed of thrusting. I could feel his cock getting harder and even bigger if it was possible. Knowing he was going to unload in my bowels got me even more excited and my juice was boiling in my balls. It took us very little time to climax. We both threw our heads backwards at the same time our first spurts shot their load. I coated both our stomachs and chests while he painted my insides. Once we were spent, I let my legs come down from his shoulders and Richie collapsed on top of me. We stayed like that for some time till I suggested to shower if we didn't want to stick together with dried cum.

I saw Richie looking around, apparently searching for something. He then burst out laughing and when I asked him what was funny he just said he was looking for the pad to control the shower. On that ship there was no pad, but the shower was ample enough for the both of us and the water was the perfect temperature. After our shower Richie decided to open the bottle of Champagne after all. We sat in bed with our glasses filled and were having some small talk. That as well was a long time since the last time we had a proper conversation not related to work or daily routine.

The excitement of the day, the flight and the dinner at the captain's table had worn us out as much as the lovemaking we just had. Our eyelids got heavy and we switched off the lights. We were soon sleeping in each other's arms.

The next morning we woke up to a lovely sunshine coming through the terrace windows. We wanted some breakfast and found out we could have it served in the room. Richie called and ten minutes later a cart was wheeled in. The steward set-up everything and disappeared as silently as he had arrived. The presentation of the breakfast was absolutely fabulous. There was no way we could eat everything that was served. However, we had never started the day with Champagne at breakfast. It seemed to be it is a healthy habit to have a glass of Champagne on an empty stomach. He had some toasts with smoked salmon, freshly scrambled eggs with warm tomatoes, some sausages and a few rolls and croissants with strawberry marmalade. To top it all off, we had a nice cup of coffee. We just wondered when we last had such an elaborated breakfast.

After a shower and putting on some shorts, T-shirt and flip-flops, we went to discover the rest of the ship we hadn't seen yet. When we got on the main deck we were greeted by the tropical sun and a sky so blue, you could only see it that way in the Caribbean. The bluest sea surrounded the ship. We discovered various swimming pools and even a wave-maker for those who wanted to have a try with a surfboard. There was even a climbing wall. Personnel of the ship watched all the amenities. Everything was made sure to be safe and secure. There was even a two-lane running track on the upper deck and a gym that would make any amateur jealous. If we didn't find anything to do, it would be our own fault. But as this was supposed to be a holiday and a time to rest from hard work, we laid down by the main pool on some deck-chairs and soaking up some sun. We skipped lunch as we had had a very good breakfast. At the hottest moment of the day, some waiters came around offering various types of fruit, nicely cut and in bowls. It was welcome and healthy refreshment.

During the cruise we had the opportunity to visit various places. If we had had to book all these places to visit them by ourselves, it would have cost us a fortune. Here, we had the opportunity to have a first sight and discover if we liked the place enough to have a holiday at that place. When we were at sea, we benefited of all the amenities during the day. We used the gym on a daily basis, but as well the sauna and steam room. We had several massages given by Thai guys and girls. In the evenings we had supper at the various restaurants on board. After our meals we would enjoy the shows in the magnificent theatre. We even tried our luck in the casino, but soon abandoned the place. We had to work too hard for our money to lose it in such a hazardous way. We even did some shopping in the high quality shops.

One night, as it was so warm, we got out of our cabin around 2 am and had a walk on the upper deck as we couldn't sleep. We were dressed in just shorts and open shirts. It was still warm although we were at open sea. A light breeze was nonetheless refreshing the atmosphere. We walked hand in hand and were surprised to be the only ones walking around. We went to the bow of the boat and could slightly hear the ship cleaving the waves. Richie stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist. We felt so at peace and happy. We knew it was a moment we would always remember. I turned around and kissed that beautiful man who was my husband. As we were alone on this spot of the ship and that our horniness got the better part of us, we made love to the sound of the ship slicing the waves and under a full moon in a cloudless sky. When we had climaxed and coming back from our post-orgasmic height, we dressed and Richie mentioned that he hoped their were no surveillance cameras.

  • Even if there are, the ones watching the monitors can only have a good time, I replied.

We went back to our suite and slept like babies.

The last evening onboard was a blast. We were once again invited to the captain's table and very nice people surrounded us. The last dinner onboard was a dancing one, meaning that there was an open space for dancing all through dinner. A band was playing all kind of music. When an Argentinian tango was played, Richie leaned towards the captain and asked his permission to dance with me in public. We were not surprised that he said yes.

We got up and went to the center of the empty dance floor. Richie took me in his arms and we started dancing the tango like we had learned at the Ballroom. We had had the chance to have a true Argentinian teacher and after several weeks we could dance it perfectly. We knew we would give a show, but we didn't care, as we danced for our own pleasure. The guitarist of the band was doing a wonderful job and we thoroughly enjoyed our dance. When the music came to an end, Richie was holding me almost laying flat on my back on his knee. He leaned in and gave me a kiss on the lips. When we heard the applause, we didn't know if it was for the band or for us. We went back to the captain's table and the captain, as well as the guests, were standing up and applauding. We were beaming.

  • That was absolutely beautiful, said the captain. We could clearly see you both enjoyed that. I would almost be tempted to offer you a contract to give us such a show on each cruise.

Richie and I were blushing at such a compliment, but had no time to recover as the band played "our" song: the Blue Danube by Strauss. We went back to the dance floor and danced away, oblivious of the people watching us. Although being gay is a lot more accepted our days, people are still a little uncomfortable when faced as directly to it as they were on the ship's dance floor. I was sure the lady of the first night had already left the dinning room! But as I said, we didn't care what people thought or said. We truthfully enjoyed ourselves and that was the only thing that mattered for us.

Just as we were bidding our goodnights, the captain shook our hands and gave us his card.

  • If you ever decide to take another cruise, be sure to call me. I would love to see you dancing again. I am sure my son and his boyfriend would love to see it, too. They would probably ask you to give them dance lessons! It was a delightful pleasure to have you onboard gentlemen. Have a safe trip home tomorrow!

We thanked him profusely for the nice cruise and assured him we would keep in touch.

  • Oh, and by the way, he said winking at us, the camera on the bow of the ship is switched off tonight!

Richie and I were beat red in a second. That night we made love indeed, but in the privacy of our terrace. We ordered breakfast for quite early in the morning, as we would anchor in Miami very early as well. We got up and showered, dressed appropriately to travel back to Toronto. Our suitcases seemed to be smaller than when we boarded, but it was just because we had bought quite a few items. Going to the exit to disembark, we received smiles and goodbyes from quite a lot of people, being it passengers or personnel. Our dances of last night had not gone unremarked. Our steward was at the exit and we left him a nice tip. He had been perfect after all. The last one to greet us was the captain and we repeated our promise to keep in touch.

Before we even realized it, the plane was descending towards Toronto airport. We took the shuttle to Taxi-Port and were at awe when the drove my car to the exit. It had been washed and waxed and was shining just like the first day I laid my eyes on it. The inside was absolutely immaculate. I took the roof down and we drove home.

Entering our apartment, we could see the housekeeper had done a wonderful job as well. We were very pleased. Our cruise had been the best way to re-charge our batteries and we were ready to face the daily work again. Just before we shut our eyes that night, Richie thanked me again and said he owed me one. I was looking forward to what he would find to surprise me!

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