Internet Connection Series

By Alain Mahy

Published on Mar 29, 2015


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The next day we flew back home in our plane. Stewart and Troy had about a month to move to The Bahamas. They would first stay in the same hotel we had stayed at, till the private house on the hotel's land was finished. On the plane they were starting to plan there move. Richie and I were cuddled up together and took a nap. Wow, only two months ago we had no idea we would start such an important project, but we felt happy with it.

Back in Toronto we knew we had a lot of things to organize. All was good to have an important project, but we had to bring it to a good end, otherwise there was no need to start it in the first place. We had reached a point of no return as the land was bought, the architect and the constructor hired and paid partly. We knew, from the constructor that the total project would take about a year for what his part was concerned. We would still have the gardens to landscape, install the necessary equipment through the hotel and hire personnel. Stewart suggested hiring Troy's brother once more, as he had done such a wonderful job in the Toronto hotel. There was no doubt for me to accept, but wanted to have as much as local providers involved. We made copies of the plans Charlie had sent us and gave it to Donald, Troy's brother, so he could start on a few designs and calculating what he would need.

The private house for Stewart and Troy was the first thing that had to be built. They wanted to be on site to overlook the constructions and see that everything was done to the standards we had asked for. The house would be an example for our needs. Terence, the constructor, had to import quite some stuff and that would delay the totality of the project a little, but not too much. Nonetheless, he could start with the foundations as well for the hotel as the house. His company had a very good name on the island and when he put an ad to hire more people to achieve the construction in time, he had no problems finding the right craftsmen, being it carpenters, electricians, plumbers and general builders.

Just as Terrence had promised we received the complete project with all the details in our e-mail. Once printed out it represented quite a workbook! A complete schedule of the works was impressive, with very specific dates according to the arrival of the containers with building materials. He suggested as well a meeting every fortnight to point out the evolution of the works, the problems that could eventually rise and the solutions that had been found. We would receive an update from Stewart every week, but as time went by, we received an e-mail almost daily.

After the promised two months, the house was finished. All standards had been met and the house automation that Troy had designed almost surpassed the one we had at our apartment. We flew over, taking Jessica with us as she had done most of the administrative work of the project. It was a house- warming party that Stewart and Troy organized. If that party was an idea of how the opening of the hotel would be, it was sure going to be a huge success.

The house was simple but practical. It was a three bedroom house with all the possible equipment you could dream of. A spacious living room with adjacent dinning room opened to a nice terrace with stunning views. Each bedroom had a private bathroom and the kitchen was every chef's dream coming true. Richie and I shared a bedroom and Jessica got the third one. Donald seemed to have found a special friendship with Charlie and the rumors spread around that they would probably be permanent lovers, even when the works were over.

After the Champagne bottles were opened and we had a nice talk on the terrace, supper was served. I knew Stewart and Troy were both quite good in the kitchen, but as they sat with us at the big dinning table, I guessed there was someone else in the kitchen. I asked Stewart.

  • Well, he said, I have been looking around for a good chef. At the cook school in Toronto I found a few, but when mentioning that they would have to move, there was no one left. I started to look here, but didn't find anybody that lived up to my expectations. It is Terence that advised me to go and see a local caterer. When I arrived I found a whole family in tears. It seemed they had to close down the business, as there was not enough demand for catering services. I suggested that the main chef, Louis, would do some trial work here at the house, with the possibility, if he were good enough, to obtain a contract once the hotel would be finished. He came over and prepared us three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Fred, the only thing I can say, we were so pleasantly surprised with his skills that we hired him on the spot. Louis knows his way around a kitchen and is very creative with the presentations of the plates. He will be working for us till the hotel opens and then become the official chef. You can see by yourself what his presentation are like and you can taste the quality of his work. I don't think we will be disappointed. His wife and his sister are his helping hands, but I will hire them only when the hotel opens.

  • That's very good! I replied. I can see you are your usual self and very practical. I support your decisions without arguing.

  • There is another thing with Louis. His parents run a small family cleaning company. Louis' father wants to retire, but his wife, who is about twelve years younger, doesn't want to stay home yet, doing nothing. She offered to take charge of the cleaning department of the hotel. I guess it would be a good idea. As you can see, the house here is spotless and Maria was here only two hours.

  • My God Stewart, you already have everything under control I see. I can't be happier that you accepted the job of general manager of the hotel.

  • Thank you Boss. By the way, have you begun to draw up a website for the hotel? Because I think it would be good to advertise already now, even if the construction is still busy. It would be nice to show our potential clients how the evolution goes, with a weekly update of pictures about the place. It would be nice as well to give them information about everything there is to do on this island. Some pictures of the private beach would certainly have the reservations coming in already.

  • I hadn't thought about that, but it is a good idea. As soon as I am back in Toronto, I'll start that. The only problem is that we still don't have a name for the hotel. Let me know if you think about something.

  • Ok, I'll send you some ideas.

The next day of the house warming party we went to see the evolution of the works. Terrence and Charlie were both there with a big smile on their face. The foundations and the basic structure of the building were already completed. We received an extended tour of the work with Terrence explaining what had been done, what they were doing right then and of course what still had to be done. I couldn't believe they worked so fast but Charlie said they were right on schedule. Of course, with just the walls and the roof, the place looked huge.

As walls and roof were in place, it was then the turn of electricians and plumbers to do their work. When they were finished, the carpenters would come in and then, finally the painters and decorators. In the garden there was already a big hole for the swimming pool, but the gardeners were already landscaping the places where no trucks or machinery had to be. A lot of the plants were just green, but Charlie assured me that by the time the hotel would open, all the flowers would blossom and give a very nice touch of color all around the gardens.

Richie and I couldn't be more satisfied with how things were going. Back at Stewart and Troy's house, we sat down at the table with the schedule of the works and started our own schedule. Jessica was very useful as she noted down everything on her iPad. If the construction followed its schedule, the opening could be foreseen for the end of June. I wondered if they had a Gay Pride in The Bahamas as well because it would be the ideal moment for the opening. But at the time of opening the hotel there was not yet a Gay Pride. Nonetheless, a grand opening at the end of June was a good idea, certainly regarding the climate.

We flew back after the long weekend we had enjoyed in The Bahamas. It was a stupid thought I had, but I wondered how we had managed so many trips with commercial flights. Our plane was so comfortable and we could fly when it pleased us. Having the money we had definitely made our life easier. Jessica was spoiled as she had never flown before and her very first flight was on a private jet! To say she loved it wouldn't describe how thrilled she was.

In the six months towards completion of the hotel we flew almost every two weeks to The Bahamas. As the land we had bought was big enough, I asked Stewart to get the necessary information to have a private runway. It would certainly be easy for us, but also for the upscale clients we intended to reach. The regulations were so complicated and strict that we almost discarded the idea, but after a lot of negotiations and quite some money, we obtained what we wanted. The hotel had its private runway for planes and even a heliport.

The website I had created got quite a lot of response. The pictures of the evolution of the works were a great success and soon enough the first reservations came in. We were thrilled with them. At one month before opening, we were fully booked for almost 5 weeks. We had restrained our publicity to the gay community and were happy to see the responses were more than positive. We had kept about seven rooms for guests of us that we wanted to see at the opening, but all the others were booked by people we didn't know... yet!

As we had given carte blanche to Stewart and Donald, we didn't fly down during the month previous to the opening. Richie and I wanted to be surprised with the final result. As all the invoices were sent directly to us, we could make a balance of what was foreseen and what was really spent. We went a little over the budget, but then again, a lot of unforeseen things had been added, the runway and the heliport taking the most part of blame to go over the budget.

Then, finally, the weekend of the opening arrived. On Friday night we would have the pre-opening for providers, press and officials like the mayor, captain of the fire department and chief of police. Only burning torches lighted the alley from the entrance of the property till the reception area. There were beautiful flower pieces everywhere. The magnificent Oriental rug gave a sensation of luxury and peace. On the terrace next to the pool there was a Champagne fountain, built up by Champagne glasses in the form of a pyramid. Filling the top glass, the Champagne was flowing into the lower level of glasses and so on. The lights in the swimming pool changed of color depending on the water temperature. Well-hidden lights in the plants in the garden gave a mysterious but pleasant glow to the place. A band was playing soft background music.

The people from the specialized press were awestruck. God knows that those people had seen new hotels all over the globe, but from their first comments we could deduct they just loved the place. The same guy that had added a star to the Toronto hotel was there as well and I heard him whisper to one of the reporters that the hotel would get its four star luxury as there were not enough rooms to give it the desired five stars. The mayor, of course, held a speech and Stewart answered the speech as general manager of the place. He called me over to the microphone to say a few words, as owner of the hotel and its land. I hate to speak in public, but I knew I couldn't avoid it. I just lifted my glass of Champagne to the success of "The Rainbow Mirage" as that was the name that had been finally chosen. I also pointed out Charlie as the architect and Terrence as the constructor, without forgetting Donald as the decorator of the place. They sure received a standing ovation from the crowd!

The next morning we were flabbergasted by the comments in the local and international newspapers. We would have to wait for what the specialized magazines would publish, but if it was as near as what was written in the papers, it would be a huge publicity. After our breakfast we joined Stewart at the reception desk, as the first clients would arrive for the official opening the same night. I recognized a few of them, as I had seen them at our Toronto hotel. Among the guests was John who had flown over especially for the occasion. Of course, I had to tell him our story of Richie's father but I left out the real amount of the heritage.

I had sent our plane back to Toronto to pick-up Richie's Mum, Jessica and Adrian. When they arrived their eyes got as big as saucers with all they saw. Richie's Mum congratulated us and announced she would probably start to spend winters over here. With the money Peter had left her, she could afford it effortless. Jessica asked if there was any job opportunity in the hotel but Richie told her she was far to valuable in the lawyer's office. Adrian was silent the whole time and when I asked him what was going on, he admitted he wouldn't mind being manager of the place. I told him he was doing a great job in Toronto, but that I would keep it in mind if I decided to go all the way in the hotel business.

For the official opening, all the guests were asked to wait outside the reception area. A red ribbon had been placed in front of the main doors. It had to be cut and we chose Richie's Mum as godmother of the hotel. After a few short speeches, she was presented some scissors on a red velvet cushion. She was dressed up for the occasion and was beaming with proud. She cut the ribbon under a loud round of applause. We then went all to the terrace next to the swimming pool where the Champagne fountain had been set up once again. The cocktail was served and the Chef had surpassed himself with beautiful canapŽs that were almost to nice looking to eat. The band was once again playing nice music and a few people even started to dance, which was not foreseen in the program but was a welcome entertainment. Mark and his father, the Captain, were there as well and truly enjoyed themselves. In the corner of my eyes I saw the Captain going over to the band and talking to its director. It didn't take long before Richie and I heard our song, The Blue Danube by Strauss, and we couldn't resist the pleasure to waltz in front of everybody. It was a gay-friendly resort after all. We were joined by an older couple of gay men and we could see we had some serious competition as they danced in perfect unison.

Stewart had reserved the grand suite for us, as he thought it would be good for the owner to know what was on offer in The Rainbow Mirage. Around midnight, when the party was slowing down, Richie and I went to the suite. When we opened the door we thought this was equal, if not better, to our grand suite on our last cruise.

As soon as the door of the suite was closed, Richie took me in his arms and kissed me softly on the lips.

  • You have done it Fred. Your ideas were fantastic on paper but the final result is even better. This hotel will be a huge success. I knew it when you asked for advice for the investment. I am so proud of you!

I blushed and looked at my feet, but Richie put his finger under my chin and forced me to look in his eyes. I could see the proud shinning in them and felt an irresistible urge to kiss him and so I did. The soft brushing of our lips woke all of our senses and the kiss turned to a passionate one. We had had no much time to make love in the last six months, as we were constantly busy with all the things that had to be done for the hotel. Now that it was officially opened, we could relax and leave it all in Stewart's capable hands. There was a huge weight that fell off our shoulders and we could finally relax. We felt this relaxation and both our hormones woke to the sensation. I slowly started to undress my husband and he did the same to me. There was a trail of clothes from the entrance to the suite to the bed, where we fell down naked with legs and arms intertwined. We had learned over the years that our favorite action was kissing and we became masters of the kissing techniques. Our lips found their natural place together and, just as we had been waltzing near the pool, our tongues danced together in our mouths. We were no teenagers anymore and our cocks took a little bit more time to swell to full masts. But I liked it so much to take Richie's manhood in my mouth and feel it grow bigger and harder. I loved it the way it filled my mouth slowly to the point that I could feel the swelling veins on my tongue. It was a sensation that woke up my horniness in an undeniable way. I also knew that using my tongue on Richie's cock-head was going to increase his heartbeat and make him gasping for air. This time again, the action caused the desired effect and I knew he was enjoying it. Richie hadn't lost any of his agility and turned around so we were in a sixty-nine position, giving each other as much pleasure as possible. We both loved the sixty-nine as it allowed us to feel each other's cocks in our mouth, but it also gave us the freedom of movements with our hands. It was not a routine, but we had our hands firmly on the other's ass-cheeks, caressing them and kneading them as if we were preparing bread to go in the oven.

Most of the times, I knew what Richie would like. If his fingers probed my rosebud before I did his, he wanted to top me. Otherwise he would like for me to top him. Fortunately we were both versatile and enjoyed it equally giving or receiving. That night Richie's fingers were in my ass, searching for my prostate, before I spread his cheeks. Knowing what was coming, I spread my legs and lifted them in the air so that he could have a better access to my puckered hole. He pushed his way to my rosebud and I could feel his tongue licking and French kissing my hole. He was so skilled that I soon was gasping for air. I had to let go of his cock to breath. He took the opportunity to turn around once more and was soon kneeling between my spread legs and diving in for another rim job. I enjoyed his ministrations to the highest point and even started to feel that familiar sensation in my nether regions, announcing an upcoming climax. But Richie knew my body and its reactions all to well. He came up to my face and kissed me again, knowing it would make my climax fade away for the moment.

But my legs were still spread and his cock-head found its way to my rosebud. Without breaking the kiss he took the tube of lube and prepared me for the penetration. That was a sign for me to relax and open up to receive him inside of me. Once I was lubed-up, he pressed his hips onto mine and thanks to years of lovemaking, he didn't have to search for my entry. He pushed softly and his cock-head passed my sphincter muscle without causing pain. He then pushed forward even more and I could feel his manhood penetrating me with an excruciating slowness. Nonetheless I was fully aware of him entering me till his trimmed pubes tickled my ass-cheeks. He was deeply in me, being it his tongue in my throat as his cock filling my bowels. He started pumping into me. First with long slow strokes and increasing his speed bit-by-bit. That night he took his time to rub my prostate with his cock and I was oozing pre-cum by the faucet. We were sweating profusely and that made the rubbing of our bodies even more pleasurable. Richie pumped faster and faster and was reaching places that, even after all these years, I had not known existed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on to him as if my life depended on it. Our mouths were glued together and his hands were cupping my buttocks. He didn't stop pumping in me and as our chests were pressed together, we could feel each other's heartbeats. I could actually feel his cock getting even harder and knew he was about to come. I concentrated on the feelings he was causing and felt my balls retract into my lower abdomen. When Richie pushed his final and forceful thrust in me, I started to unload between our stomachs. That made my ass-muscles contract in a spasm and Richie unloaded in me. Five, six spurts filled my insides while my own spurts lubricated the friction of my cock trapped between our bellies.

When Richie emptied his last spurt of semen into me, he collapsed on top of me and we kissed passionately till we came down from our sexual height. Richie then let his cock plop out of me and let himself off of me, lying down next to me and resting his head on my chest. That's the way we fell into a restful sleep.

The following morning, as agreed, we met most of our gusts and friends in the big dinning room after that we had taken a wonderful shower. I was at awe at the breakfast buffet that was set-up. I had to compliment Louis for his fantastic work and Stewart on his good choice for a chef. I was only half surprised to see that Charlie and Donald were sitting next to each other and looked like two lovebirds. I guessed they were already an item as I had seen them always very close to each other during the construction of the hotel. I just smiled because I love to see people getting together and being happy.

So, I was at peace. Stewart had, once again, everything under control. The kitchen was certainly a winner in this resort. The place was absolutely spotless and I supposed it was due to Maria, the housekeeper. The gardens were magnificent. The swimming pool was shinning in the sunlight and the personnel were dressed in their uniforms, according to the department they were working for.

I couldn't ask for more. I was financially secure, I had a fantastic husband that I loved and who loved me. Very good friends and professional people for our businesses surrounded us. This was heaven on earth and many dreams come true. Life was beautiful.

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