Interracial Buddies

By Evan Williams

Published on Sep 3, 2012


Interracial Buddies Part 3

This is a work of erotic fiction. It is not to be read by minors. It includes eroticism involving teenagers. If this type of fiction disturbs you, or if you find that you may be unduly influenced by it, please search for something else to read for your personal erotic fictional entertainment.

Timothy and his best friend Tyrone spent Friday nights finding older guys who they could pay to buy beer for them, since they still were not old enough to drink. It wasn't as though the boys needed a lot of alcohol to satisfy them; they just needed enough to get a slight buzz so that they would not be fully responsible for their actions.

Since Timothy's mom was working Friday nights, while Tyrone's mom was always in the apartment with another boyfriend, the two teenagers hung out at Timothy's place. After drinking a few beers they wrestled, tumbling across the floor and bumping into furniture. It was a wonder the neighbors didn't come up and stop them from making such a racket.

One Friday night, while the boys wrestled after getting their buzz, they bumped into a small kitchen table that had a jar of maple syrup still on it from breakfast. The boys knocked the table over and the syrup poured all over them, soaking them in its sticky sweetness. The syrup didn't really get in their hair or penetrate to their skin, but their outer clothing was a mess. They had to strip their clothes off and put them into the laundry.

The boys sat on the couch, in their underwear, waiting for their clothes to dry. After a few more beers it didn't take long for them to find something else to fight over, and the rough-housing began again.

They tumbled across the floor, clutching each other's t-shirts and boxer shorts, almost to the point of tearing them. It was then, that Tyrone felt Timothy's involuntary hard white cock pressing against his black body. Timothy noticed that Tyrone's black member was also hard and pushing against his smooth white abs.

Timothy giggled, "Dude, this is kinda awkward. I'm not really gay, you know..."

Tyrone was also embarrassed, "Me neither. No homo; but this shit's hot. Let's keep doin' it. Just go with it and see what happens."

The two boy's tugged and struggled against each other's bodies and held their grasp.

They rolled over and over across the floor – first Tyrone was on top, then Timothy, then Tyrone again, and then Timothy.

They clutched at each other's clothing, gasping in each other's face.

Tyrone inhaled the white boy's breath and felt sprinkles of Timothy's spit on his face. This sent Tyrone's black cock throbbing even harder with passion and devotion to the white boy. Breathless, they wrestled, straining their muscles against each other. Their firm muscles pushed against each other, adding to the warmth and sweat of their bodies.

With Timothy now on top Tyrone whispered in the blond boy's ear, "We just role-playin' so you should rape me like a captured Nigger slave."

Timothy froze and he drew his head back sharply, staring at Tyrone as if he were seeing the black boy for the first time. "Dude, I hate that word. I never want to hear you use it again."

Tyrone's cock secretly throbbed whenever the white boy give him such a pointed order. This time was no different. Nonetheless, he tried to brush aside Timothy's offense at the word, "We just role- playin,'man. It's just between you and me. Just go with it."

Timothy had to admit, it sure felt good laying on top of the boy's firm body. Timothy's cock was now fully erect and he absent-mindedly thrust it between Tyrone's smooth brown thighs. Timothy's cock was leaking precum and it served as a good lubricant as he thrust in and out, between the boy's legs as he held Tyrone down and used him like a pussy.

"Yeah," Tyrone grunted, "Rape me."

Timothy got carried away with the moment. He tossed his head back, flinging his blond hair wildly. He held the black boy down tighter and intensified his violent thrusts and gasped, "Take my white cock, you black Nigger."

At that moment both boys felt a jolt of electricity surge through their bodies. They tensed. It was as if a wall had finally broken down. Now there was nothing between them. Suddenly they felt an intimacy they had never known before; all from one word.

Both boys had a burst of erotic energy. Timothy pulled of his undershirt so that he loomed, bare-chested, above Tyrone. He grabbed Tyrone's T-shirt and ripped it open, fully exposing the black boy. He tore the boxer shorts off of the boy's body.

Tyrone clutched Timothy, his blond white god, tighter, pretending to struggle, pretending to resist him, but he enjoyed the warmth and firmness of Timothy's flesh pressed up against his own dark body.

Even though he was Timothy's buddy Tyrone knew that Timothy owned him just like Timothy owned his own girlfriend.

Tyrone gazed at the luminous brightness of Timothy's white skin and knew that this was what Timothy was entitled to. A tear of ecstasy trickled out of the corner of his eye as he opened himself up to this young white god to use as he saw fit.

Tyrone gazed at Timothy's smooth white flesh and the soft blond hair on the boy's arms and legs and knew he could only be happy so long as Timothy was happy using him. He needed to have this blond god working out his sexual frustrations and his tensions inside of him.

Tyrone bit his lip as he enjoyed Timothy's new-found confidence and sexual aggression as he ravaged Tyrone's naked black body.

Timothy felt his cock swell between the black boy's thighs. There was no doubt that having Tyrone under him was a real turn-on. Tyrone's thighs were now well-lubricated from his own sweat and Timothy's precum. It almost seemed to Timothy that this black boy was born for fucking.

Tyrone's arms wrapped around his white friend's shoulders as Timothy's trusts grew more violent. Timothy's sweat-soaked golden locks hung down and covered Tyrone's face, filling the black boy with passion for his young conqueror. Timothy was winning Tyrone's undying loyalty by allowing the black boy to be a part of him. Tyrone stuck out his tongue and licked the blond white boy's shoulders. He tasted Timothy's sweat, which seemed like the nectar of gods.

Timothy pressed the black boy's body deep into the mattress beneath him. "Take my cock. Take it."

This erotic rough-housing was greater than anything either of the two boys could have imagined. Though both had their own girlfriends, this was a time for males to bond and boys to do what they had to do. It was the best of sports and the best of sex.

Tyrone surrendered his body. Timothy felt a rush of pride and mastery as his young, hard body conquered his black buddy. Tyrone lay under Timothy, watching the white boy's smooth, muscle toned arms as the boy pumped violently between his black virgin thighs.

Timothy's lean, muscular body glowed like a white marble statue of a heroic warrior from ancient Greece. Timothy embodied virtue. Tyrone submitted. He felt Timothy's chest press against him; their hearts beating together.

They now had kinship like neither of the two boys had ever known.

Next: Chapter 4

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