Intimate Stranger

By Diana Martin

Published on Feb 11, 2000


Intimate Stranger 3

By Diana

Author's Notes: Just to clarify something: I'm not now nor have I ever been in an abusive relationship. This story is meant to be intense, maybe a little dark and disturbing, but it's still a work of fiction. It holds no personal bearing on me or my life. Furthermore, people who have had similar experiences in the past and have difficulty coping with it should not read this story. No one's forcing them to, and I won't feel too bad for portraying reality TOO credibly, rather than not at all. That said, enjoy!

"You're gonna burn a trench in the floor." Joey joked weakly.

The humor wasn't appreciated by JC, who was pacing back and forth on the floor of the N'Sync tour bus.

"This is pointless." the 24-year-old growled, sitting down on his bunk with a hard thump. "Who knows what that psycho is doing to Justin while we're sitting on our asses."

"Shut up, JC." Lance snapped angrily. "You don't think we know that every second we waste could be another second Justin's getting beaten up?" The blond teen sighed. "But he told us to get lost. What are we supposed to do?"

"Justin'll come to." Joey maintained the group's optimism as best he could. "He's a big boy, he'll figure out that this guy is damaged goods. We just have to stay out of the way, let him come to his senses on his own."

"Will he?" JC wondered aloud. "I'm not so sure. Curly's convinced this guy's his soulmate." He shook his head. "Forget about staying out of the way. I can't cut Justin out of my life like that."

Chris climbed into the bus at that point, smiling tiredly. "Well, I just bought us some more time with the management. Didn't tell them the whole story, just that Justin is in a 'fragile state of mind', and we can't go anywhere until we straighten things out." He crashed onto one of the couches exhaustedly. "We'll have to work our asses off when we get back, but if Justin's with us, it'll be worth it."

Being the oldest member of N'Sync, Chris was the one Lance, JC and Joey were looking to for guidance. JC more than the others... he was so freaked-out he wasn't sure he could trust himself to do the right thing.

The truth was that Chris had NO idea what to do. He'd never had first-hand experience with abusive relationships, certainly not with another man. He knew, though, that there had to be a logical way to solve this problem. The key was to understanding how things fit together.

"Okay. Here's how it is." Chris took a deep breath, looking into the eyes of each of his friends. "Justin's gay. He's involved with a guy JC's age." The obvious implications flew over the distressed JC's head, but the other two understood what that might mean. "Now, this guy is supposedly hitting Justin..."

"Chris!" JC shouted. "He IS hitting Justin!"

"You can't prove that." Chris shot back, but JC leapt to his feet.

"Yes I can! Think, dammit! Don't you guys remember when he'd come back with bruises on his face, saying a door hit him or some other bullshit? He was covering it up, the whole time! Until that son of a bitch did something Justin COULDN'T hide." JC's fists clenched. "Don't any of you see it? That's why Justin quit the band! The bastard's been threatening him!"

"Sit down, JC." Chris' voice was flat and commanding. JC complied, probably not even realizing he had.

"Assuming, for the moment, that Justin IS being beaten, he's made it very clear that he doesn't want us to interfere." Chris leaned forward, eyes narrowed. "But everything I've heard about abusive relationships shows that people in those situations don't think clearly. Justin had plenty of chances to leave this guy, but he didn't. And if we leave him alone, things will only get worse." He breathed in deeply. "So the big question is: What do we do?"

"We need a plan." Joey said. "A way to get through to Justin. If we can make him understand what a mistake he's making..."

"But he won't listen to us." Lance shook his head. "We need more than a plan. We need backup."

"Backup?" JC echoed, his eyes distant in thought.

"Yeah. Someone Justin will listen to, but at the same time isn't a 'threat' to him."

JC suddenly shot up, bright eyes shining with excitement. "Gimme the phone!" he barked. Lance handed JC his cellphone, and JC began to punch in a series of numbers.

"Who are you calling?" Chris asked curiously.

JC grinned widely as the person on the other end answered. "Backup." he replied.

Justin lay in bed, writhing in ecstasy. Between his legs, Jack bobbed up and down on the average-sized cock, licking and sucking on the head. Jack's strong fingers were buried in Justin's cheeks, keeping him in place and helpless against the warmth devouring his rod.

Unable to withstand the five-star blowjob, Justin orgasmed, screaming out Jack's name as he shot into the older man's mouth. Jack swallowed it all willingly, as he always did. He knew what Justin liked, and Justin knew what Jack liked. When they had sex, it would always be Jack sucking his young boyfriend to an explosive climax. Then Justin would be content to lay on his back and let Jack fuck him, merging their bodies with their passion. It was a pattern Justin had grown comfortable with, and he never questioned it.

Twenty minutes later, Justin and Jack were in the living room, watching MTV. Justin was sitting in Jack's lap, and one of Jack's hands was idly running up and down Justin's smooth chest.

"You should be like her." Jack pointed to the TV, portraying Anouk dancing on the sand while singing "R U Kidding Me".

"Get a gold tooth?" Justin joked, smiling despite the pain it brought to his swollen eye.

"You know what I mean." Jack chuckled, tickling Justin's sides softly. "The whole pop industry is full of talentless pricks. Any mildly attractive wimp can get a contract. You've got real talent, Just. You should experiment, branch out into different sounds. Like rock."

Justin couldn't help laughing at the image of him as a rock star. "It'd be one hell of an image makeover. I'd have to dye my hair black and grow hair on my chest..."

Jack shuddered. "Yuck. That'd be a shame." He smiled. "I love you just the way you are."

Justin lowered his head, licking Jack across the lips. Jack opened his mouth, sucking Justin's tongue into his mouth as their kiss escalated in passion.

A series of rapid knocks on the door ended the moment.

Justin froze, closely examining Jack's face. Oh God oh God please don't let that be the guys... he prayed. Not after he'd convinced Jack that they were finally gone for good...

"Go get it." Jack indicated the door with his head, his expression unreadable.

Justin got off Jack's lap and headed for the door. Sweat beading on his forehead, he turned the knob and opened the door.

The sight before him was so shocking his jaw dropped. Of all the people he'd expected to see on his doorstep...

"Britney!" Justin cried in elation, grabbing the surprised Britney Spears by the waist and lifting her up into an enthusiastic hug.

"Hey, Justin!" Britney embraced Justin tightly. "I missed you!"

Jack stood, clearly confused. Justin was similarly disoriented by Britney's sudden presence, but he wasn't worried. Jack knew that Britney couldn't possibly be a threat to their relationship.

"God, it's been... years!" Justin kissed her on the cheek affectionately. "Come in!"

"Thanks!" The pop star stepped over the threshold of the apartment and quickly came face to face with Jack, whose face was still utterly blank of emotion.

Britney held her hand out. "Hi. I'm Britney."

That seemed to break the ice; Jack gave her a friendly smile and shook her hand. "Jack Matthews." As an afterthought, he added: "Justin's boyfriend."

Britney raised an eyebrow, but she seemed to quickly recover from that tidbit. "I knew Just would end up stealing some gorgeous guy from us ladies. Cute and Cuter."

The flattery worked well. Jack's smile became genuine, and Justin breathed a small sigh of relief. They were getting along. "Can I get you something to drink? We can get better acquainted."

"Sure!" Britney chirped energetically. "Soda would be great."

Justin looked at his longtime friend in disbelief. Britney hadn't changed a bit since he'd last seen her, after their "relationship" failed. She was still perky and enthusiastic, and yet she'd maintained that core of hidden wisdom and strength he'd always admired in her. And she was still as fashionable as ever, somehow making a denim ensemble and a simple topknot ponytail look elegant on her.

A few moments later, they were all sitting comfortably in the living room.

"So, Ms. Spears... last I heard, you were still touring the States." Jack mentioned casually.

She nodded. "Call me Britney. Yeah, I've got a concert down in Miami in three days, then I'm moving on. I just thought I'd look up Just, see how he's doing."

"And how, exactly, did you know Justin was living with me?" Jack's eyes were suddenly heavy with a veiled menace Justin knew all too well.

Britney's smile didn't even waver. "I just tracked down that old clunker car of his. God forbid he'd ever get rid of it. Anyway, the guys at the DMV said he changed his address, so..." She waved with a flourish. "Here I am!"

She abruptly turned to Justin. "I'm only in town for a day or two, and I really want to spend some time with you, Just. You doing anything today?"

Justin glanced at Jack, who nodded microscopically. Britney noticed the exchange, but didn't seem to care.

"Nope." Justin replied, a wide grin spreading on his face. Britney's energy was infectious.

"You two have fun." Jack smiled at them.

Britney grabbed Justin's hand, pulling him to his feet. "Come on! I'm driving!"

"Wha... now?!" Justin stammered as she led him towards the door.

"Go ahead, Justin." Jack waved goodbye. "Don't be home too late!"

True to her word, Britney dove into the front seat of her red convertible. Justin took the passenger's seat next to her, and half-smiled as they drove off. Not only had Britney's personality remained the same, but she was just as beautiful as he'd remembered.

"So... Jack seems really nice." Britney commented as the car sped down the road. Her tone was inquisitive, and Justin nodded.

"Yeah. He's the best thing that ever happened to me."

"Got sick of that skinny freak JC, huh?"

Justin went cold, but Britney patted his leg affectionately. "Relax, Justin. I'm just kidding. JC was never your type." Again, a tense quiet. "So... what's up with that shiner? And those scars? Looks painful."

Justin nodded, checking in the mirror. The lacerations were still mostly fresh, but they were healing nicely. The area around his left eye, though, was still a purplish color. But it didn't really hurt that much anymore. "It was. Long story, believe me. But I'm okay."

The silence remained thick between them, as though they'd forgotten how to act around each other. Then, with her eyes still on the road, Britney started to sing.

She didn't really know how it happened. The words to "Born To Make You Happy" had just sprung into her mind, and for no reason at all, Britney started singing.

As she finished the first verse, Justin suddenly joined in, adding his voice to Britney's as they drove on. There was no rhythm, no music, only their two voices, perfectly entwined as they sang out together.

The surreality of it all struck Justin hard, as he realized he hadn't sung like that for... it seemed like years. He looked at Britney with a grin on his face, and she smiled back, similarly gratified by the experience.

Their relationship had never changed. After all the time they hadn't written or called each other, they were still as close as ever.

"Damn." Britney suddenly exclaimed, tapping the fuel gauge. "We're running low on gas!"

"The meter says you've got a full tank." Justin said as he leaned forward.

Britney shrugged. "My songs go to number one around the world, and I can't afford a decent rental." She giggled. "It's no big deal. We'll just fill up at that gas station." She pointed, and as Justin squinted, he did indeed see a gas station in the distance.

They came to a stop by one of the pumps. Britney unbuckled her seatbelt. "You want anything?" she asked as she got out of the car.

He shrugged. "Surprise me."

Britney paused for a moment, as though truly contemplating that. Then she nodded and shut the door.

Justin leaned his head against the window, staring out at the road. It was so bizarre, hanging out with Britney like nothing had ever happened between them. Like Jack had never come into Justin's life, like he'd never existed. It was strange... and somehow appealing.

Somehow, it felt good.

The door opened and shut quickly. Justin turned his gaze back to the driver's seat. "That was fas..."

JC grinned at him devilishly, clicking his seatbelt into place. Justin's eyes widened as the rear door opened and Britney slid into the back seat.

"Surprise." she said to Justin meekly. The engine came to life, and Justin whirled back just in time to see JC slam his foot down on the accelerator. The car took off.

"JC!" Justin shouted. "What the hell are you doing? Stop the car! Dammit, Josh, I mean it!" The landscape flew by faster and faster.

"Sit back and enjoy the ride, Curly. Time for a heart-to-heart." JC looked in the rearview mirror, making eye contact with Britney. There was a dark guilt in her eyes... she'd understood why tricking Justin was in his own best interest, but it still made her feel awful.

The only thing either of them could hope for was that the ends would justify the means.

That somehow, someday, everything would turn out okay.

The convertible halted on a deserted highway, far outside Orlando. Far away from everything and everyone.

JC and Britney stepped out of the car, coming around to stand in front of Justin's side. But the young teen folded his arms stubbornly.

"Come on, Justin." Britney pleaded. "We just want to talk to you, that's all."

Justin glared at her, and though he said nothing, his expression of rage, of a man betrayed by someone he trusted, spoke volumes. It was a sight Britney knew she'd always remember.

He opened the door and rose out of the vehicle. "You kidnapped me." he said plainly. "I'm not going to let either of you get away with it."

"Justin, we're worried about you. All of us." Britney narrowed her eyes. "Why are you dating someone who hits you?"

Justin rolled his eyes. "Oh God, not THAT again. I already TOLD you guys, Jack isn't hitting me!"

"Really?" JC stepped in front of Justin, backing him up against the car. He leaned in until their bodies were pressed together, until Justin could feel JC's breath on his face.

"Look me in the eye, Justin." JC's voice was thick, low... and desperate. "Look at me, and tell me he never laid a hand on you. Tell me he never hurt you. Tell me you got that black eye from tripping over something." JC was fighting the urge to cry, biting back the frustrated sobs as best he could. "Please... please tell me I'm wrong..."

"He... he..." He was pale, his eyes dark with haunted memories. He could lie, but not to JC. Never to JC. "He promised he'd stop..."

"And he breaks that promise." Britney put her hands on her hips. "Over and over and over again. Right?"

"B-because I keep m-making him mad... I h-have to stop making him mad..." Justin was practically whimpering, his fear finally coming to the forefront. Still, a part of him felt filthy for exposing Jack's secret, for talking this way about the only man who really loved him.

JC shook his head. "That's bullshit. Why do you put up with this, Justin? You can have any guy you want."

"You don't understand!" Justin spat, pushing his best friend away. He turned to Britney, blue eyes flashing with anger. "And you! What do YOU know about relationships? You've never had a steady boyfriend in your life! You don't know what it's like to really be loved!"

"If being loved means getting smacked around, then no, I don't." Britney shot back sharply.

"So he's not perfect! I can handle it! I can take anything he throws at me. But he's not always like that! He's not some monster who's always hitting me! He's sweet and gentle and romantic..."

"Until he hits you. Then you're terrified of him." JC interrupted.

"We're going to work things out." Justin maintained, jaw set in determination. "He's going to get help, and then it'll stop. Then I won't be scared of him anymore."

"You're living in a fairytale, Justin!" Britney cried exasperatedly, not understanding why she couldn't break through this web of illusions Justin had wrapped around himself. "Are you listening to yourself?"

"I'm not giving up on him!" the teen suddenly shouted, kicking the tire angrily. "He's all I've got!"

"What the fuck is THAT supposed to mean?" JC spun Justin around to face him. "YOU walked out on US, Justin! I love you, you know that! I'd walk through fire for you!"

"The same goes for me, Justin." Britney added, coming to stand next to JC. "You're not alone."

Justin fell silent, looking at the floor. After a few seconds, he looked up at his former bandmate. "You'd do anything for me, Josh?" he asked softly.

JC nodded. "Anything."

"Good." Justin walked to his door and opened it. "Then take me home. Now."

JC and Britney traded glances. "Home" wasn't quite what they'd hoped for.

"I can't do that, Just..." JC began, but Justin cut him off.

"You said ANYTHING, JC. I'm asking you, I'm TELLING you, to take me back home. To my home. With Jack." Justin stuck his chin out, a challenge in his stance. "Or are you as good a liar as Britney?"

Britney looked away, trying to hide her tears. She knew that deep down, Justin didn't mean to hurt her. But he still had.

When she looked up into JC's eyes, she knew they'd lost.

"All right." JC sighed, conceeding defeat. "Let's go."

The sun had long since set when Justin opened the front door. He was shaking from head to toe, not from cold but from how Jack would react. He hadn't called since he'd left with Britney...

His fears were justified. Jack stormed out of the bedroom, fists clenched.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" he hollered at the top of his lungs, pure red fury staining his soft, powerful voice.

"I..." Justin began to explain, but it didn't matter. Jack strode over to him and drove his fist sharply into Justin's stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Justin doubled over, gasping for breath, and Jack pressed down hard, forcing Justin onto the floor.

"You fucking WHORE." Jack sat down on Justin's waist, slapping him in the face once, twice, three times. Justin saw stars as Jack continued to slap him, constantly repeating those three words.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the older man rose, rolling the dazed and bleeding Justin onto his stomach.

"You think I don't know what you've been doing?!" Jack screamed, and Justin heard the distinct sound of a zipper being opened. His insides went cold. No, he wouldn't...

"You think I don't KNOW you've been fucking around behind my back?!" Jack's strong, rough hands grabbed the waistband of Justin's pants, tearing it down to his ankles and baring Justin's ass.

"I... I didn't... no..." Justin managed to wheeze, but it was irrelevant. Jack pried Justin's cheeks apart and rammed his hips forward, impaling Justin on his unlubricated organ.

"Who was it? Huh?! Was it JC? WAS IT?! Or that dumb bitch Britney? She teach you how to like cunt, whore?"

Justin screamed out in pain as Jack withdrew and slammed forth again. There was none of his usual gentleness and passion. This was an act of savagery. Brute force.

Rape. The word echoed endlessly in Justin's mind as Jack fucked him with short and hard strokes, not even bothering to go anywhere near Justin's cock. He didn't know how long he lay on the floor, sobbing miserably as this intimate stranger pounded into him, each movement bringing a fresh wave of pain.

Pain, while having sex. It was a new experience. No matter what else happened, Justin had always believed that at least making love would be sacred, that Jack's temper would never violate it.

And he'd been wrong.

"Stupid... fucking... whore!!!" Jack roared as he came deep within Justin, coating his boyfriend's insides with his seed. The now-limp dick slid out of Justin's hole, and Jack got up, heading for the bathroom without a word.

Justin remained on the floor, tears of shame wetting his face. Nausea came, but Justin refrained from vomiting. It would only make matters worse.

One last thought rang through his mind

(i have to get out of here)

and the blackness swallowed him, catapulting him into the darkness of oblivion.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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