Into the Woods

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Jul 2, 2023


Into the Woods Chapter 11: Three Pigs and a Wolf, Part 2 Evan Andrews 2023

This is a fan fiction.

Most of the characters depicted in it belong to and are trademarked and copyrighted by Disney and/or its subsidiaries. The rest are from their competitors. I am not related to any company and make no claim of ownership over the characters.

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The massive pole of blood-engorged flesh slammed back into Wasabi's virgin asshole.

"Fuck!" the big black stud screamed, but in his mind he was saying, `Damn it, this is all Fred's fault."


After being thrown out of the roundhouse, Fred, Wasabi came back to his half-timber structure where he found no Tadashi waiting, and no message. Instead, a chunk of red-clay brick had been left on the threshold.

Wasabi looked at the sky, which had faded from rosy fingered to grey and was now deepening into black.

Good,' Wasabi thought, He found his damned brick house. And it probably has a separate bedroom for each of us. I suppose I could make it there before it's pitch black, or...'

No, the black stud decided. The smart thing to do would be to hole up here tonight and then go on in the morning. Fetching Fred he conveniently forgot.

Entering, Wasabi finally got a chance to look this house over. He was pleased to find it consisted of a great room with an adjoining bedroom. In a larder by the fireplace (yeah, it had a fireplace), the black stud found both food and drink. Wasabi eventually got a fire going on the hearth and lit the lamps. Then he grabbed some food. Dried meat, cheese, bread, root vegetables—those he expected to find. But there were also tart green apples—which ought not to have been in season—and several stoppered bottles. The black stud made for the table with its three chairs-- three, curious that there should be three. Dismissing that though, he parked his butt in a chair and fell on what today amounted to a feast.

The food was tasty and surprising not in the least stale. It was as if it had just been left here today, which worried Wasabi, but then he tasted the stuff in the bottle. While not alcoholic, the bottle's contents were dark, bitter, and very stout. It tickled his mouth and left him with pleasantly sauced, willing to turn a positive eye on things. If somebody lived here, he would apologize and strike some deal with them when they returned. If they returned. After that, he checked out the bedroom, Little more than a place to get away from the public eye, the bedroom held a wardrobe (empty, he checked) and one seriously massive bed.

Remembering the chairs, he wondered, `How many people are meant to share that bed?'

Tadashi was the one who paid real attention to history, but Wasabi seemed to remember that in the bad old days any number of people would share a bed for nothing more than sleeping. Why not? It beat sleeping on the floor.

Wasabi was oddly pleased with his snug little home, sturdier than Fred's hovel and probably homier that Tadashi's brick house. Picking up a lamp, he opened the door and peeked outside-- just to make sure Fred had not come to his senses or Tadashi come back. Nobody. As he moved his lamp from left to right to make sure his friends weren't playing some trick on him, Wasabi completely missed the sprites that snuck into the house and took up residence in the lamps and fireplace. After closing and barring the door, the muscular young man thought about making his way to the inviting bed, but the fire was warm and comforting, so he drug pillows and a rug in front of the blaze and sprawled out. Warm, full, and totally content, Wasabi slid towards sleep, and as he did so his hands ran over his body. His fat black dick plumped up and pressed against the tight yellow knit of his briefs.

"Fuck," Wasabi sighed as he absently rubbed at the distended pouch.

The black hunk's day had exhausted him. Everything was so not what was supposed to be happening that he'd been constantly on guard. Finally safe and fed and warm, he wasn't sure he really needed to jerk off too, no matter what opinions Little Wasabi had. With that thought on his mind, Wasabi slid into dreamland, where his randy cock played havoc with his dreams.


Hours later, someone pounded on the door.

"What?!" Wasabi cried out as he shot up out of the blankets.

Little Wasabi had been orchestrating a dream in which the big man was fucking—well, someone. The person's face had not been clear (and later Wasabi realized that neither had the sex).

Coming to his feet, Wasabi staggered to the door where he yelled, "Who is it?"

"Dude, it's Fred," their friendly neighborhood slacker gasped. "Let me in-- fast!"

Concerned by the note of panic in his friend's voice, Wasabi unbarred the door and pulled it open. Fred stumbled in and immediately started pushing the door shut behind him.

"Come on!" the slacker said, the panic still straining his voice. "He might be right behind me!"

"Who might be behind you?" Wasabi asked as they slammed the door shut and barred it. His buddy wasn't making sense.

"I don't know!" Fred said, backing away from the door. "All I do know is that someone or something broke into the hut and fucked the shit out of me."

"Did what...?"

"Fucked me, dude! Raped me! First up the ass, and then he stuck that big fat thing of his into my mouth!"

"But you're straight," Wasabi was confused. Fred was a pathetic pussy-hound, so, if what he was saying was true, he'd been through a traumatic experience.

"Why do you think I used the word `rape'? Jesus, Wasabi, get with the program."

"You're sure about this? It wasn't a dream?"

Fred grabbed his buddy's hand and shoved it down the back of his shorts. Something warm and sticky was leaking out of Fred's butthole, that was true, and when Wasabi smelled his slimy fingers he got confirmation. That really was cum, and there was only one way that much jizz could have gotten inside his buddy's ass.

"Fuck, dude," Wasabi said by way of consolation, but when he made to hug his friend, Fred backed away.

"If it's okay with you, dude, I think I've had enough of being touched by men for the night."

"Oh, yeah," Wasabi said. "I should've realized..."

"No, it's okay. I just... Dude, do you have a bathroom in this place?"

"There's a chamber pot," Wasabi said, "In the bedroom. And there's a tub out here, but no running, let alone hot, water."

"Naturally," Fred said.

The slacker followed Wasabi into the bedroom and then shooed him out to get the tub down and maybe heat some water while Fred dropped his shorts and tried to crap out all the sperm that whoever it was had filled his guts with.

It was a weird feeling. crapping always was that what with turds pushing out over his anal guy-plumbing. But the difference this time was the distinct memory of something going the other direction. Something long and fat, going someplace nothing had ever gone before. Fred groaned, and then he noticed that his fuck-monster had picked up on his thoughts and was getting plump.

No! He wasn't going to cum again! Standing up, Fred discovered that there was nothing to wipe his ass with, but he figured even a cold bath would take care of that. Stepping out of his briefs and holding them in front of his half-hard junk, the slacker walked back into the main room where he found Wasabi had the tub half filled.

"Right now it's still cold," Wasabi said as he tried not to stare at his friend's all-but-naked body. He knew the slacker was hung beyond what was normal, almost as big in the cock department as he himself, but now the black stud wondered what Fred's fat prick would look like. The monster pressing against his briefs, the one that had slid into the shadows when he let Fred in, started to sneak back. Fuck, Wasabi didn't want his just-fucked friend to think he had designs on his slacker bod.

As Wasabi turned away to give him privacy, Fred tossed his briefs aside and stepped into the tub. He shuddered because the water really was cold, and, with his hands covering his privates, Fred waited for Wasabi to pour the first of the pots of water heating on the hearth to make it survivable.

Splash! Splash!

The two pots of hot water took the worst of the chill from the bath, and Fred lowered his aching ass into the tub.

"Fuck!" he moaned, and he gently rubbed at the swollen red muscle that usually guarded his ass, scrubbing away the shame that had recently filled his guts. "More water, dude."

Another pot of hot water joined the first two, and Fred finally started to relax.

"Yeah," the slacker said. "Keep `em coming."

By the time the fourth pot had been poured in, the bath water had reached an equilibrium. The tub was radiating the heat as fast as Wasabi could warm it up. Fred languished for a few minutes before saying, "I think I may be done. Any chance my shorts could be washed out and hung up to dry overnight?"

"Already done, dude," Wasabi said, pointing to where Fred's tighty-whities hung on a stand before the flames.

"I don't think they do much laundry inside," the black hunk said, "But I sort of improvised."

Fred climbed out of the tub and accepted the towel Wasabi (with averted eyes) held out for him. The slacker dried himself and then wrapped the now wet towel around his waist.

"Well, that's all we can for now," he said.

"Except go to sleep," Wasabi said.

Fred hesitated a moment, which made Wasabi say, with a reassuringly grin, "Bro, I'm straight too, remember. I'm not going to take advantage of you in the night."

Fred grinned back sheepishly. He really hadn't been worried about that, but then he'd been sure he'd been safe in his bed in the round house.

"I'm holding you to that," the slacker said. "I don't want to wake up to find you fucking my naked ass."

They both laughed and headed off to bed.


A violent pounding on the door tore Wasabi out of another erotic dream. (And this time he remember he had been fucking a dude. WTF?) Fred sat up as well, and Wasabi noticed that the sheet had fallen away leaving Fred's hard-on jutting up for all to see. (And yeah, he was as hung as Wasabi was, impressive for a scrawny white boy.)

Turning away from his naked erect friend, Wasabi rolled out of bed and headed for the bedroom door.

"Dude!" Fred was frantic. "What're you doing?!"

"I was gonna go see who's at the door," Wasabi said. "Any reason I shouldn't?"

"But... What if it's... HIM?!"

Wasabi stopped and considered. Tadashi would've been smart enough to hole up for the night, and even in his most worked up state, his friend could never pound that hard.

"Okay, let him pound away," Wasabi said.

The pounding continued, louder and with greater emphasis. If he kept on like that, the door would fail before too long. Wasabi, just to be on the safe side, shot the bolt on the bedroom door.

"Come on, Fred," he said. "Help me pull the wardrobe over to block the door," but even with two of them the wardrobe wouldn't budge.

"Dammit. We'll just have to hope the front door holds," Wasabi said as Fred crawled into the middle of the bed. "But if it doesn't, he's got another door to get through, and then me with..."

Wasabi looked around the spartan room before settling on the bedwarmer.

Fred whimpered, and Wasabi grimaced, "It'd help if you showed a little faith in me,." which was when the front door gave way with a crash.


The howl was all too human, and at the same time bestial. Even with his muscles and the silly improvised weapon, Wasabi shuddered. The black muscle-stud hoisted the bedwarmer like a Louisville slugger, and waited by the bedroom door while the who- or whatever it was tore up the outer room.

Then, with no warning, silence fell.

"Wasabi," Fred whimpered.

"Shhh!" Wasabi said, and he bent to listen at the keyhole.

Who- or whatever had to know that Fred, at least, was in the house somewhere, and there was only one place he could be hiding. There was still no noise from the main room, which unnerved Wasabi even further. Stepping back, he held the bedwarmer at the ready.

So, Wasabi was taken entirely unawares when the wardrobe burst open behind him. The black stud got off a wild strike, missing naturally, but that gave the man—he could see now it was just a man—time to act. The man, Tarzan, stood wide-legged taking in the room. Though long red-brown hair fell down his back, the man was otherwise hairless. Most alarmingly, a pendulous cock, tumescent heading swiftly towards full erection, hung between his spread thighs. He saw the frantic Fred trying to crawl through the headboard, but then focused on Wasabi—with the weapon. Roaring, the beast-man, Tarzan, caught Wasabi's testicles with a powerful kick, and the black stud went down, clutching at his jimmies.

With a growl, the man pounced and grabbed at Wasabi's crotch.

Fuck! The pain! Wasabi had tussled with guys before, but never before had anyone played dirty and targeted his junk, especially his balls!

"Up," the monster growled, and the black hunk slowly got his feet back under him. The powerful grip on his nuts still had his eyes watering, but he stared in fear at the beast. How he managed to be erect himself was something Wasabi never figured out.

"Me Tarzan; you Tarzan's bitch. Walk!"

As if he were walking the dog, the beast-man pulled Wasabi towards the bed. Fred made a mad crawl for the far side, but Tarzan caught him and pulled him back. The slacker's eyes were blank with terror.

"No," Fred pleaded. "Not again!"

Tarzan made no verbal reply. Instead he flipped the white boy onto his stomach, bent him over the edge of the bed, and kicked his legs apart— baring his still swollen hole. The jungle man pulled Wasabi between his friend's spread thigh and after releasing the fat shaft from the yellow briefs, placed the head of the black stud's fat brown dick at the slacker's pucker.

"No!" Fred begged. "Not again!"

"No!" Wasabi roared defiantly. "Not ever!"

That defiance earned Wasabi's balls an even tighter compression, and he cried out in pain.

"Fuck!" Tarzan commanded.

A great slap on the black boy's full ass, involuntarily forced his body forward, and his personal best into Fred's tight hole. Fred's screams filled the room.

"Fuck, Wasabi, NO! You're too big!" Fred howled, but in spite of his words, the slacker's ass opened to Wasabi's piece, and then clenched at the fuck-rod the same way someone drowning clutches at anything floating nearby.

"Fuck!" the beast again ordered, and with slaps to Wasabi's spankable butt, he urged the black hunk through his first time of fucking male ass.

"Argh!" Wasabi cried out as Fred's muscles clenched around his tool. "Fuck! Tight! Hot! Ugh! Fred!"

"Meanwhile Fred was getting just as vocal, and he seemed to have changed his tune.

"Damn, Wasabi! Your dick! In my ass! So...! Fuck me! I need your cock! Fuck me hard!"

In the throes of desires they'd never before experienced, the muscular black hunk humped the slacker's fuckhole while the white boy fucked back just as hard.

"Fuck! Yeah!"

It didn't matter who had said it, fucking was now top of the agenda in both boys' minds. For Wasabi, pure animal breeding aggression reigned supreme. His dick needed to go deeper, fuck harder, and leave the slacker's hole filled with his sperm. Fred, on the other hand, was suddenly transported back a few hours to another butthole invader grinding his prostate into a paste and triggering a no-hands orgasm into the sheets on the bed. Fred wasn't sure, but he felt like Wasabi could bring him to a similar soul-shattering orgasm.

And he might have, it Tarzan hadn't decided to change the rules.

Putting one leg up on the mattress, the jungle man aimed his own massive dick at Wasabi's own virgin cunt.

"Oh fuck," the black stud cried as he felt the fat head pressing against his sphincter. "No! You can't...! Don't...!"

But Tarzan could and he did. The jungle man's cock forced its way through Wasabi's anal ring and filled the black man's guts in a single brutal thrust.

"Aiyiieeee!" Wasabi screamed out, and, overwhelmed by the pain, he collapsed on Fred's back.

Tarzan began to pump, and Wasabi whimpered, "He's fucking me, Fred! He's fucking making me his bitch!"

Filled with miles of fat black cock, cock that was pressing forward over the now sensitized prostate, Fred was beyond any response other than moaning. Each of Tarzan's thrusts forced the fuck pile into action, pressing Wasabi into the act of breeding his buddy while being bred himself.

"Argh," Fred groaned, and "Fuck!" Wasabi cried.

"Yes, fuck! Take cock!" Tarzan was very vocal now.

Three sets of testicles and three cocks took over the thinking. The tops needed cunt, and the bottoms needed dick. And none of them needed to be forced to participate in the fucking.

"Fuck, oh god, fuck! Fuck me!"

Crawling up onto the middle of the bed, the three hunks became a triple decker fuck sandwich. Fred lay there and took it, a role he was getting used to. Wasabi hunched back and forth alternating between filling his buddy and then filling himself with his rapist's dick. Tarzan, on the top, orchestrated the entire thing, fucking as hard as he could without bringing the three way to an orgasmic end.

Sprites who had been hiding in the fireplace and the lamps, rose into the air and, circling the rocking bed, drove the boys on. As the fairy light caressed the studs' skin, their fucking got more and more frantic.

"Please!" Fred whimpered. "Please, I've got to cum!"

"Cum!" Wasabi gasped as Tarzan beat his guts into goo. "Yeah, fucking cum.. Hot.. Fuck.. Yeah!"

"Cum! Yes!" Tarzan crowed, and thick member got steely hard in the black hunk's pussy before spraying his interior walls with white gold.

"Cum!" Wasabi, howling, echoed. "Yeaaaaaaaaah! Fucking taking my load, Fred!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Fred screamed as Wasabi filled him to overflowing. Cumming!"

The slacker's own cock pulsed as each new rope of sperm spewed out and wet the sheets.

The tower of power collapsed, and Fred smiled as Wasabi kissed his ear. Together, glued together by sperm they, eventually, fell asleep, and this time not only did Wasabi have an erotic dream-- he also had a dream in which he was definitely fucking a man, and at the same time getting fucked by one. And it was so right, and so good.

So good, in fact that his insatiable cock sprayed Fred's butt with white gold.

In the morning, both were almost sad to see their fuck-beast had slunk away in the wee hours.

Next: Chapter 12

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