Into the Woods

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Jul 23, 2023


Into the Woods Chapter 13: The Wooden Boy, Part 1 Evan Andrews 2023

This is a fan fiction.

Most of the characters depicted in it belong to and are trademarked and copyrighted by Disney and/or its subsidiaries. The rest are from their competitors. I am not related to any company and make no claim of ownership over the characters.

This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the true sexuality of either actors or characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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Tulio struggled against the heavy leather straps holding him in the chair as old Geppetto unlocked the door to his cage.

Naked, his mouth fitted with a bit gag and his family jewels with a cock ring, the adventurer growled as the man and his pet monster advanced on him. He should have know better. He should have turned on his heel and run the second Miguel said they should knock on the door of the homey old hut.

"What could go wrong?" the upbeat blond had said.

Now, Tulio guessed, they knew.


The two fast friends had been travelling together through this strange woods, stripped to nothing more than their small clothes, when they'd stumbled across the hut in a clearing.

"Whadda ya think?" the dark-haired one, Tulio, asked.

The blond, Miguel, sniffed at the air, and his face assumed a beatific look.

"Well, there's smoke cumming out of the chimney, and that stew smells wonderful. I say we knock and beg for a bowl, and maybe for piece of floor for the night."

Tulio shot his buddy a fast glance.

" You remember what I said about that little voice that isn't in your head?" he asked.

Miguel looked thoughtful, well, thoughtful-ish, and then said, "Sure, but would a bad person be making stew? Especially a stew that smells that good."

Tulio's skepticism was still riding high. He'd once seen an English play (or Lope de Vega's `translation' of one) in which an evil king fed a conquered foe a stew made of the flesh of his children.

"Uh," Tulio started, but Miguel was already at the door, knocking.

Oh what the hell, in for a ducat...

He joined his friend, and they both put on their best `poor little me' faces. A minute later, an old man opened the door to them.

"Yes?" he said in a quavering voice.

"Good, kind, and generous sir," Tulio started, "We were hoping you could help us. We're lost in your fine woods, you see."

"It's getting dark, and we haven't eaten all day," Miguel said flashing his irresistible eyes at the old man.

"Could you find it in your heart to tell us where we are?" Tulio asked.

"And could you spare a dop of that wonderful stew?" Miguel added.

"And maybe you have an outbuilding where we could pass the night?"

The old man adjusted his spectacles and looked them over. It might have been simple caution on the old man's part, but Tulio felt like he was being sized up—he hoped not for the stew pot. (That play had been intense for all that it was over the top.) Then, in the same quavering voice, he said, "Oh, yes, of course you must come in. Please, enter freely, et cetera et cetera. I'm Geppetto, by the way."

"Miguel," the blond said as he slipped past the old man.

"And Tulio," Tulio said, shaking the old man's hand before stepping inside himself.

The friends found themselves in a cozier room than they'd seen in many a day. More than they could have hoped for in fact, which piqued Tulio's caution once again. A fire danced on the hearth, teasing a stew into unstudied perfection. Off to one side sat an easy chair, and there were pictures on the wall.

Geppetto ushered the boys to a table set for two, but with an extra chair. For a guest, Tulio decided, though how many guests the old man might entertain Tulio wasn't sure. They hadn't come across anyone else.

"You look famished," Geppetto said, and he dished up two hefty bowls of stew from the pot, placing them on the table before drawing two tankards of ale.

"Here, sit, eat, drink, and I'll get the extra bed ready. You don't mind sharing a bed do you?"

Tulio was suspicious, but Miguel, between mouthfuls, said, "It wouldn't be the first time."

That boy is always the optimist,' Tulio thought. Well, we're committed now.'

The stew was excellent, and the harsh bite of the ale was the right counterpart to it.

Neither Tulio nor Miguel remembered crawling into the bed Geppetto'd mentioned because they never did. The Old Man had spiked their drinks, and the friends were passed out face down on the table by the time he got back.

The wood golem that Geppetto called his son stepped into the room right behind him. He'd made another golem back in the real world, but that hadn't gone well. That golem had turned into a real boy and eventually left him, thanks to that meddling Blue Fairy.

Well, the same thing would never happen to Geppetto's new creation. He knew the secret now.

"I'll get the blond, P-2," he said, "You get the other, and we'll take them to the workshop."


Geppetto and the wood golem unlocked the door and entered Tulio's cell. It was little more than steel bars enclosing the chair, but you went with what you could get, Tulio supposed.

As they released the dark captive from his chair, they made sure, first, to bind his hands behind his back. They left his legs free, but Tulio just knew that no matter how fast he thought he was, the wood golem would be faster—and stronger. And it didn't have a soul.

Standing Tulio up, they hauled him out to where that fucking optimist, Miguel, was already trussed up in his place.

The blond captive watched as Geppetto positioned Tulio over the business end of the clockwork sybian less than a foot in front of him. The old man and his monster forced his buddy down so hard that the machine's agitating dildo penetrated him in one fell swoop.

"Argh!" Tulio cried through the gag.

The dildo end didn't need to penetrate as deeply as a man's cock would. It only needed to go deep enough to vibrate mercilessly over a man's prostate. The sybian's business end, though, went a good 7 inches, which was more than either friend had had in their ass before. As the two anally perforated friends stared at one another in horror, their captors chained Tulio's feet together under the bench the wicked device sat on. Then they joined the captives by a short leash, the ends of which strapped around the boys' balls, forcing them down tight into their sacks. As a final indignity, the captives collars were leashed together so that they couldn't turn away from each other. The collars were also attached to chains hanging from the ceiling which kept their bodies upright. The bit gags filling their mouths didn't keep them from talking, but they limited their speech, nevertheless. Not that they had much to talk about-- at least not then. Perched on the matched fuck-machines, they could only wait and dread.

Geppetto checked their restraints one last time, and said, "Are we ready?"

"No!" Miguel cried around his muffling gag.

"Fuck you, old man!" were Tulio's brave "last" words.

Chuckling, Geppetto threw the switch that brought the unholy machines to life.

"Urgh!" Tulio groaned as the device began to savage his insides. He'd once or twice had something invade his butt, but those invasions were nothing like this. The dildo drove his dick into erection and drove his insides towards climax.

`Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck, this is so wrong,' he moaned to himself.

Meanwhile, Miguel's device was doing the same thing to his insides, and his eyes were wide with terror and wonder.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" the blond gargled.

Geppetto came up, ostensibly to make sure that rubber collectors were fit over each man's cockhead. Even in the throes of the mechanical rape, Tulio shot him a questioning look.

"It's for your cum, pretty Tulio," Geppetto said as he let the collector suction into place around the dark stud's cockhead. "When I have your two loads—well, you'll see once I have them. Until then just concentrate on cumming for me."

Geppetto left the black-haired captive and went to straddle the bench behind Miguel. Reaching around, he pinched the boy's pert nipples.

"Ohhhh!" Miguel groaned.

"I've always had a weakness for blonds," Geppetto confessed as he teased the blond. "I hope you don't mind."

Moving from Miguel's nipples the old man massaged the blond's pecs before working his way down the ladder of his belly muscles. As he did this, the old man kissed Miguel's throat and nibbled ears, causing his captive to whimper. Between the machine's internal thrumming and Geppetto's expertly roaming hands, Miguel's eyes rolled back in his head in sensory overload.

"You having fun yet?" Tulio gasped through his bit.

"Mmmm," Geppetto said, turning Miguel's head so that he could kiss the blond's lips.

"Ugh, gross," said a voice from the birdcage.

Tulio looked up, surprised, and saw two homunculi in a birdcage, watching. One was tanned and blond, the other a light-olive skinned redhead.—with pointed ears! Both the miniature studs were naked as he and Miguel were, and Tulio had a feeling that that was not how they'd arrived at the small house.

Geppetto now moved in for the orgasmic kill. He slid his hand down to Miguel's shaft and made a ring of fingers around the blond's hard flesh.

As Geppetto began to stroke the exposed length of Miguel's cock, he looked over his shoulder at the homunculi and said, "You two're just jealous that I lucked into a couple of new boys to help supply P-2 with his pick me up, Pip."

"Yeah, right," the redhead sneered.

"What he said," the blond added. "So much to be jealous of." But his cock was hard, and weeping.

"Oh, be still, Pip," Geppetto admonished as he masturbated his pet, teasing Miguel's balls into overdrive. "You too, Zak. Once your testicles have recovered, you'll be up for milking again."

Up?' Tulio thought. Again?' He stared at the apparatus he and his friend were impaled on and wondered. For the life of him he couldn't imagine how the old man would milk the miniature studs, but given the looks that crossed their faces, they could.

"But thank you, my miniature studs, for reminding me that my boy needs his dose," Geppetto said. "As do I."

The old man then turned a knob that ramped up the speed of both sybians.

"Oh fuck!" Tulio howled as he felt a tingle run up his urethra.

"Ugh. Ugh. Ugh!" Miguel groaned in sympathy. They were both about to cum, and cum hard!

The adventurers felt their balls tighten, even forced don in their scrotums as they were. Their shafts plumped, and their bodies thrashed as they shot their wads, the precious white gold (There was so much of it!) being caught in the collection cups.

"Ah!" the boys screamed as long as their cocks kept pumping.

Geppetto clapped his hands and then carefully removed the collectors, making sure not to lose a drop.

"Lovely, lovely!" he crooned. "With this much I can make enough of the magic salve to make my boy flesh and blood for hours. Perhaps even days!"

He emptied the contents into a crock that had been standing by on a table, seemly in readiness to receive the boys' jizz.

Geppetto smiled, wickedly, at the boys and added, "And then we can play again."

The old toymaker mixed his brew and then brought the crock over to the wood golem. Taking out a finger's worth at a time, the old man anointed his creation: on the forehead, eyes, and lips first, then both nipples (Tulio only now realized Geppetto actually had given his monster nipples, or had they not been there a second ago?), then the middle of the chest over the heart. The final doses were reserved for the creature's pendulous balls (again, Tulio hadn't noticed those before) and its long rigid cock (that definitely hadn't bee there; Tulio was sure he'd have noticed a foot of fat erect fuck-meat.)

The golem's eyes opened, luminous brown orbs, and it sighed.

"I'm awake again!" it said. "Thank you, Father."

But Geppetto had the creature by its cock and was already leading it towards a bed set in a nook in the back wall of the laboratory.

"Oh, is it time to play again?" the golem asked.

"You might not want to watch this," the blond homunculus said, but neither Tulio nor Miguel could look away.

The old man's clothes flew off, and he kissed the gorgeous monstrosity. Geppetto fell back on the bed and spread his legs.

As if they'd done this many times before, the golem crawled up in between Geppetto's legs and stroked his monster wood, eying the old man's hole.

Handing the man-monster a bottle of oil to lube his dick with, Geppetto also greased himself up.

"Fuck me, Pinocchio," he said, and as the monster cock slid inside him he repeated at the top of his lungs, "Fuck me!"


Through the cracked door of the workshop, Qasim beats his meat-- and not gently.

"Fuck," he says, "I always forget how rough a top that little wooden boy is. And look at Geppetto's face. The man's in second fucking heaven!"

`Oh shit," Qasim gasps as his cock starts to dance.

Qasim's grunts as he fires off his own load are thankfully drowned out by Pinocchio's roars and Geppetto's howls.

Licking his hand clean, Qasim says, "I think our four brothers in affliction may need a little help to get out of this predicament—though I suppose there are worse things than acting as cum donors to a sex-crazed inventor."

As he backs quietly for the door, he says, "I wonder who's still wandering around unattached?".

Next: Chapter 14

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