Into the Woods

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Feb 15, 2023


Into the Woods Chapter 6: Interlude in a Dungeon Evan Andrews 2023

This is a fan fiction.

Most of the characters depicted in it belong to and are trademarked and copyrighted by Disney and/or its subsidiaries. The rest are from their competitors. I am not related to any company and make no claim of ownership over the characters.

This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the true sexuality of either actors or characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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Metal cuffs circled both his wrists, and chains attached those to the stone wall behind him. Philip once again rattled the chains and then tried to force them—but to no avail. They were no more vulnerable now than they had been hours ago when he'd awoken, stripped all but naked and trapped in this dismal cell. At least the place wasn't an icebox the way most dungeons were. Shaking the chains a final time, Philip threw himself down on the ledge that served the cell as a bench. He supposed he was stuck here until either his captor showed his face and placed his demands on the table, or else until he was rescued. The former seemed much more likely to happen.

Little did Philip realize that a hero (of sorts) was already on the way.


`First, spy out the ground' some ancient strategist general had written, and Li Shang agreed with the logic. Getting above the trees seemed to be a good idea for several reasons (The leaves along the path had stoked his testicular fires again), and he was in luck. In the distance the captain thought he could make out a tower. Fighting the brambles that seemed determined to prevent his advance, he persevered and eventually found himself at the base of a towering stony outcrop. A castle sat on top of this monolith, and a suspiciously well-tended stone road curled around the tor. Well, there was no way Li Shang was going to try climbing up that steep slope, especially given that the briars and brambles continued up those crags (but not, curiously, the road.) What if he fell? Or got caught up? Perhaps he should have brought the Flynn creature with him as a servant (for servant read breakfall.) Oh well, hindsight and all.

Since climbing was out of the question, he'd have to take that curious and suspicious road up to the great gatehouse. Like most of the paths that Li Shang had been following through the Woods, briars and brambles pressed up along this road, and they gave off the aura that they meant not to tease him but to tear his skin the same way their cousins in the Woods had earlier torn away his outer clothing. Oh well, he'd just have to tread carefully, and if the going got impossible he could always back out the same way he'd gotten in. Stepping cautiously over the slabs of dressed stone, the captain made his way up the road. At the gatehouse, Li Shang found the portcullis up and the doors wide open. It made no sense to the captain. Why a castle if you were going to leave the door wide open? If he could make it here, so could anyone—or an army of anyones. No, that was paranoia. Li Shang had only seen one other person in this place. Still, the ancient wisdom said to take the high ground, so, cautiously, he stepped into the bailey.

Beyond the gate, the castle seemed deserted. The only sound in the courtyard was the wind and the comings and goings of birds. Li Shang strode towards the great door to the main hall and forced the swollen wood aside just enough for him to squeeze his muscular torso through. After that, everything else followed easily.

The hall was absolutely devoid of life. Not even spiders had visited to weave their traps for unwary insects. The furniture remained, however, set out as if for a great feast. Even the high table was set with the eating utensils westerners preferred. More magic.

"Helloooooooo!" Li Shang called out, and he waited until the echoes died down to see if there would be a reply.

The captain, after listening attentively, was certain he had heard a whisper of something, but if it hadn't been a figment of his imagination then the answer came from some distance away—deeper inside the castle.

"Where are yoooouuu?!" Li Shang called.

Again there came the barest whisper of a response. This time, however, Li Shang was ready, and he identified the direction the sound had come from. Moving carefully, he crossed the floor and made his way down a dark corridor. A hundred feet or so later, the captain discovered an opening onto a staircase that spiraled up to the tower (where he wanted to go) and down into the depths below the castle.

Li Shang pulled the wand out of his waistband and said to it, "Well, what do you think, stick? Ought we to...?"

A very real cry from below broke off the Midrealmer's soliloquy.


Li Shang sighed. That tore it. He had to find out who needed help, and what help he (the voice was a man's) required.

"Can you make light?" Li Shang asked the wand as he shook it into the darkness.

It seemed the wand could because in niches in the wall, torches of fairy lights woke and (thankfully) illuminated the worn treads.

Metaphorically, Li Shang girded his loins (hard to do with a loincloth that showed all too clearly the erect cock inside it) and took the first step down into the depths.


It took several minutes for Li Shang to make the cautious descent, but when the captain got to the bottom, he found a single door shutting off a special cell. No key hung from the hook beside the door, but since his luck had been good so far Li Shang tried the door, which opened easily. It had been unlocked. As far as security went, this whole place was a sham.

"Who's there?!" cried a man from inside the cell. "Whoever you are, let me out of here."

Li Shang pushed the door all the way open and was not really surprised to see a young man standing there, his body clothed in nothing more than a pair of red briefs. Although the man had just come to his feet, he had not advanced towards the door, and Li Shang saw why. He was chained by the wrists to the wall. What a strange land this was.

The captain said nothing, but he and Philip stared each other down, each assessing the other. As they did, Philip couldn't help but notice the impressively tented loincloth and the general sexiness of his rescuer—unless this was his captor.

Li Shang, for his part noticed that inside those lurid red briefs Philip was as hard as he was himself. The young man's wood clearly tented his flimsy garment. Between the two, the sexual tension mounted. Li Shang got off on being in charge (as that scene with Flynn had shown), but this boy also seemed to be inspired by being chained up nearly naked and helpless. Well, some men, Li Shang knew, like being another's mercy. Even and emperor or two had enjoyed such recreation, if the stories were true. Well, if this white boy were of that sort, Li Shang would make the most of it.

Li Shang pull out his hard cock and stared at Philip.

"You want me to let you go?" the captain asked stepping towards the prisoner.

Philip's eyes, already showing surprise, were focused on the captain's raw dick. All he could do was nod.

"Well, then, if I were you I'd start sucking this dick."

Philip shot a frightened look at the Midrealmer's face.

"Suck...?" he stammered.

Li Shang smiled and waited. After an uneventful pause, he roared at the prisoner, "On! Your! Knees! Now! Boy!"

Surprised by the command in the voice, Philip came to his knees and screwed his eyes shut. This had to be a dream, or a nightmare. A rod of fleshy rigidity slapped him on the face. One cheek and then the other. And each strike left a trail of salty precum. Then Li Shang ran his juicy cockhead over the prisoner's lips. Philip ran his tongue over the anointed lips and shuddered. He had of course tasted his own juices—well, once or twice—but that had never moved him the way this did. He wanted it, and he wanted more.

Li Shang grinned at the look blooming on Philip's face and said, "That's right, boy. You know want my meat. Now, open that mouth and suck my cock!"

Philip opened his eyes at last and watched as Li Shang slid his piece into the prisoner's now open mouth.

"Now close your mouth, boy, and mind those teeth. Make a seal with your lips, relax. Let my dick slide in as far as you can take it and then suck as I pull out. Got it?"

Philip understood the words, nodded, and after only a few of Li Shang's thrusts he was putting them into action.

"Oh fuck, boy. That's not half bad," Li Shang sighed. And it wasn't though Flynn had sucked dick better. Oh well, just another reason he should have kept the boy.

Philip swallowed cock and sucked cock, and, when directed to, he licked Li Shang's shaft from base to piss-slit. He kissed, mouthed, and worshipped the firm balls of—well this vision was either his captor or his liberator, not that he cared at this point. As he applied his mouth to those swollen orbs, he could feel his own dancing a jig in his own sack. The prince had never considered that his nads might have a life of their own. It was all strangely erotic.

Surreptitiously, Philip reached down and rescued his own cock from the prison of his briefs. Li Shang still gently thrusting in and out noticed, and he smiled. Since the bitch was getting off on sucking his martial shaft, clearly it was time to up the ante.

Grabbing the prisoner by the head, the captain proceeded to use his mouth and throat like a cunt. Thrusting hard and deep, he made the boy gag and retch with the intensity of his unleashed lust. He felt the fuck slime drool out of the hard-used face-pussy and run viscously down the boy's chin and his own reaming shaft.

"Good boy," Li Shang crooned. "Very good boy. Take that big dick!"

Having no way to escape the skull-fucking, Philip rode the—well, he supposed technically it was rape—and just prayed for it to end. Hypocritically because at the same time he was frantically jerking himself closer and closer to orgasm. Each of Li Shang's violent thrusts brought him a little bit closer to completion.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" Philip gagged.

Suddenly Li Shang pulled out of Philip's oral cunt and hauled him to his feet. Pushing on the boy's shoulders, he sat him down on the stone bench. Philip looked up as if he knew what was coming next. He was right. Li Shang whipped off those red briefs and lifted Philip's legs, rolling him up so that he was reclining on his back. After spreading the boy's legs wide like a whore's, the captain wiped the sex slime from Philip's face and used it to lube up his rod.

"Please..." Philip begged, but whether he meant Please, fuck me' or Please, don't fuck me" was never clear. Probably not even to Philip.

In any event, he wasted his breath. Li Shang took careful aim and, in one thrust, buried his fat cock to the root in the prisoner's tight hole.

A total virgin anally, Philip screamed like he was dying as the hard dick forced his hole open. His hard-on disappearing as he was breached.

"Oh god, no!" the prisoner screamed, "No! Please! It hurts so bad! Argh!"

The top in Li Shang ignored the whining bitch, and he pounded the boy's pathetic ass, occasionally letting a big dallop of his saliva add to the lube he had started with. Slowly, Philip felt the agony decrease, marginally, and bit by bit his anal rape started to affect his body. The prisoner's cock got hard again and bounced off his belly in time to the captain's assertive thrusts. The castle, in short order, echoed with the very vocal sexual congress in its dungeons.

"Fuck me, you beast! Take! That! Hole!" Philip now screamed demandingly.

"Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!" was all the response Li Shang could manage as he bred the prisoner's ass, but what he meant was `This bid dick is all for you, cunt'.

Inspired by the sex-pig mask that was now Philip's face, Li Shang climbed up onto the bench and, rolling the boy up, proceeded to straddle and drill fuck him.

"Oh god!" Philip cried as Li Shang's pounding sent him into a different realm of ecstasy. "Fuck! That! Hole! Sir! Fuck me!"

Grinning, Li Shang fucked away until he felt inevitability race up his urethra. Pressing in as deep as he could, the captain cried out as he seeded Philip's hole, painting his guts with sperm. Philip's face reflected his shock as Li Shang blew that massive wad inside him. Untouched, the prisoner's cock flexed and spewed. His own ball juice hit his face with force, and in short order he wore a mask of his own man-goo.

Li Shang watched Philip's cock unload, the captain's cock being massaged by contractions in the boy's slimy warm hole. Then he dismounted and stepped back down onto the floor. Following him, Philip slid off the bench and fell to his knees in front of his ravaging angel. Grabbing hold of Li Shang's knees Philip held onto the big man and kissed his magnificent cock clean.

Li Shang looked down at last and said, "I suppose you still want to get out of here?"

Philip met his gaze and simply nodded.

"Well, as it happens, I find myself in need of a boy. Interested in the position?"

"With you... sir?" Philip asked.

"Of course."

"Then yes, sir. I want to go with you."

"Then let's see if we can do anything about those chains."

The captain pulled the wand out of his waistband and waved it towards the prisoner, saying, "I don't think we need those chains anymore."

Instantly Philip's cuffs sprang open, and the chains released from the wall. Clattering, they rattled to the stone floor on either side of the kneeling boy.

"On your feet, boy," Li Shang said as he repositioned his loincloth.

Philip came to his feet and pulled his own briefs back on.

"Hmm," Li Shang said as he regarded the chains, "I think..."

He picked one of the chains, with attached cuff, up off the floor and snapped the cuff closed again. He draped the chain around Philip's shoulder and threaded the free end through the cuff. Pulling tight, it made an adequate collar and leash. Just what the ancestors recommended for the possibly recalcitrant.

"Let's get out of here," Li Shang said, giving the leash a gentle tug.

"Yes, sir," Philip replied with a smile. "Lead on, handsome stranger."

Together, they mounted the stairs.


When the sound of footsteps has grown faint, Qasim steps out of the shadows.

Picking up the remaining handcuff and chain, he says, "I wonder why Li Shang didn't use the wand to release put boy Philip in the first place? Ah well, I suppose someone is just getting off on being in control of a given situation."

He tosses the chain back onto the bench and says, "And it looks like someone else enjoys being told what to do. How lucky they met."

"I wonder what the Woods will make of those ingredients?" our guide says, looking up and smiling, "Shall we see where things go from here?"

Next: Chapter 7

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