Into the Woods

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Feb 26, 2023


Into the Woods Chapter 7: At the Mercy of the Big Bad.. Beast? Evan Andrews 2023

This is a fan fiction.

Most of the characters depicted in it belong to and are trademarked and copyrighted by Disney and/or its subsidiaries. The rest are from their competitors. I am not related to any company and make no claim of ownership over the characters.

This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the true sexuality of either actors or characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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The boys had by now gotten used to the Woods' tactical caresses, and several times Naveen and his companion Aladdin, and (in another part of the Woods) Flynn and his partner David had to stop and work out a load by hand before they could continue. Towards evening both couples came out into the clearing at the same time.

The four young men froze, surprised to find more people sharing in their predicament.

"Uh," Flynn said after a pause, "I..."

What the young thief had been about to say was cut off by a scream in the distance. (This clearing was noticeably larger than any other they had come across, and not round.) Their eyes met; they nodded; and they all four sprinted off towards the cry. A few hundred feet away, where the clearing grew in size, they found an honest-to-god cabin set off to one side, surrounded by a lawn of grass and daisies.

Suddenly a young man, sporting a mop of blond hair and woodsman's clothing, sprinted out of the cabin door.

"No!" he screamed as he stumbled, "You can't! I won't let you!"

Recovering, he raced for the Woods. A fraction of a second later a great furry beast tore out the door in hot pursuit—and hot it must have been because a massive erection swung between the beast's thighs.

"What the fuck?" Naveen said.

"Yeah, I'd run from that too," Flynn said, wincing as he remembered Li Shang's dick forcing his throat open. The captain's rod had been a toy compared to the beast's tool!

The beast pounced a great pounce, landed on his prey, and tore away the blond's clothes. (Clothes, that was what was off, Naveen thought. This hunk still had his clothes, so he couldn't have been here for long.) Scraps of leather, fur, and fabric flew through the air before falling to the ground, and the beast, grabbing the blond mop with his clawed fingers, drug the crying, struggling boy back to and back inside the cabin.

"That was fucking unreal," Aladdin said, his eyes wide.

A scream of agony sang out from inside the cabin.


"But that was very real," David said.

Recalling the beast's hard dick, Flynn said, "Probably fucking unreal."

Needing no conference, the four accidental heroes all raced towards the cabin.


The door was still standing open, and Flynn, David, Naveen, and Aladdin all rushed inside the cabin. Rushed in and saw it all.

The cabin had only one room—in it a couple of tables, chairs, a stove. Yes, and two beds that sat side by side against the back wall of the cabin. On one, the blond (Kristoff, but they hadn't been introduced yet) had been casually tossed onto his stomach. A big man with long fox-colored hair (Adam, ditto the introduction thing. Oddly there was no sign of the beast that they'd seen earlier) lay on top of the wriggling blond, throwing a mercilessly hard fuck into the boy.

"Fuck! No!" Kristoff cried. "It hurts! Stop! Argh! You're killing me!"

"Stop?" Adam grunted as he thrust. "Dream on, boy. You know your tight hole needs to be filled with my cum!"

And no sooner had he said that than...

Adam suddenly threw his head back and howled. His muscular body shuddered as his balls filled the blond's anal cunt with a flood of hot sperm.

"Fuck! So goooooood!" Adam cried. "I'm breeding you, you sweet bitch boy!"

And then the big man started fucking again—just as hard!

"Oooooooooh!" Kristoff moaned, tears coursing down his cheeks.

"What the hell is going on here?" Aladdin whispered in Naveen's ear.

Naveen could only shake his head. He had no idea, but he was getting turned on by the brutal display of sexual dominance. A glance at the other two showed David and Flynn rubbing the hard-ons that were distending their short clothes. Naveen reached for Aladdin's crotch and found him ready for action too.

On the second bed another blond, muscular but with a beard (Phoebus)—well to say lay wouldn't be quite the truth. Stark naked and on his back (more or less), Phoebus' hands and ankles were cuffed to headboard leaving his ass stuck out in just the right position to be violated. And it was clear he had been-- several times if the amount of cum leaking from his butt was any evidence.

"Leave him alone, Adam, you bastard!" Phoebus screamed at the muscular top. "Stop it!"

Adam, feeling the fucking vigor returning to his piece, ignored Phoebus and continued pounding the shit out of Kristoff's anal plumbing.

Phoebus only now noticed the four boys in the door of cabin.

"Stop him!" he mouthed silently at them.

Not pausing to think of anything beyond the fact that they outnumbered this fuck-fiend Adam, the heroes threw themselves on top of the big stud, pulling him out of Kristoff's no longer virgin hole and down onto the floor. Once there, the four friends wished they'd brought reinforcements because, with an unexpected raw animal strength, Adam tossed them off and leapt onto the bed again, his dripping cock leading the way.

"Mousefuck," Flynn said, and while the other three piled on Adam for a second time, the young opportunist grabbed the jug off the dining table.

Adam had gotten half his fat cock back inside the struggling Kristoff before they managed to pull him out and back to the ground again. Using wrestling moves this time, they held the sex-beast at bay long enough for Flynn to bring the jug down on his handsome head. The crockery shattered, and Adam collapsed. Before he could come to Naveen and Aladdin, using some heavy bucked leather straps they found on the bedside table (oddly not topping for a moment to wonder why the traps were there), bound the rapist tight. David in the meanwhile took Kristoff up into his arms and was comforting the sobbing boy. That left it to Flynn to release Phoebus from his restraints.


"Okay," Flynn said as he unbuckled Phoebus' right wrist, "Spill it. What the hell is going on here?"

"The whole story?" Phoebus asked as he rubbed at his abraded wrists.

"You got anywhere pressing appointment you need to keep in a strange woods in the middle of the night?" Flynn said.

"Not if he's really secure," Phoebus said, staring at Adam.

The bearded man walked over, stooped to double check the restraints, and smiled.

"Yeah, that should hold him."

"So," Aladdin said, "Tell us a story."

The six men sat down on the beds-- Kristoff between Flynn and David, and Phoebus between Naveen and Aladdin. Phoebus was caught up in thought for a minute until Flynn prompted, "Once upon a time..."

"That, yeah. Okay, let me guess. You all woke up in this place, alone, with no idea of where you were or how you got here?" Phoebus said.

The four amigos (and Kristoff) nodded confirmation.

"That was me—yesterday. I wandered, exploring and trying to find a way out, and briars and thorns tore away my clothes."

`Yeah, that I noticed,' Flynn thought as he surreptitiously enjoyed the big blond's frame. Both Phoebus and Kristoff had pulled on short shorts, so Flynn had to use his memory and imagination to fill in the rest of that picture. Happily, Flynn had a good memory, and he felt his cock stir.

"Well, along about evening, I found this clearing, and the cabin. I looked inside and saw there was bread, cheese, and wine on the table. Since I hadn't eaten all day I made a pig of myself and then passed out on this bed. Sometime in the middle of the night I felt someone climb into bed with me. The moonlight was bright enough that I was able to get a good look at Adam, and, well, admit it, he's not that hard on the eyes. He cuddled up to me without a word, and like an idiot I fell asleep again. I woke up early because everything ached—for a good reason. While I was out, that lug had stripped off my shorts, and laid me on my back. He'd already cuffed my hands to the headboard (and no, do not ask me how I missed the fact that the beds were fitted up to cater to a bondage freak), and he was just then fastening the buckle of the cuff on my right ankle. I fought as well as I could with only the left foot free, but eventually he got that cuffed as well and there I was. Defenseless and with an ass open to anything he wanted to do."

"Wow," David said. He knew there were freaks like that that lived at the fringe of the surf community, but his bros were thick enough they guarded each other's backs—in more ways than one. Still, there were stories...

"I tried to get him to let me go—I mean I had no issue with getting it on with him. (Did you notice he's fucking gorgeous?) He had other ideas though, and the first was to eat my ass open. Frankly, my asshole had never had that much attention lavished on it, so I almost came from him licking my butthole. But then he turned to his real interest, which was plugging my ass and fucking me senseless."

Kristoff gulped at this point.

"Well, you can imagine," Phoebus continued. "He knelt there on the bed and forced his bludgeon of a cock inside me. It hurt like hell..."

"I can imagine" Aladdin said.

"No, you can't," Kristoff corrected the young thief.

"As I was saying," Phoebus continued, "It hurt like hell. Then he started fucking me, and that was worse. You saw him piledriving our boy there, well, he used me just as hard. I couldn't believe it, but he fucked me for what felt like hours before he seeded my guts. `Thank you, lord of light,' I thought, like a fool believing that my ordeal was over."

"It wasn't?!" Naveen whispered, totally caught up in the story.

"Not by a long shot. You might not think it to look at him, but that stud has tremendous staying power. He can fuck and cum, and fuck and come again, and then fuck and cum for a third time before he needs to take a rest! I was all but fucked into a coma by the time that third orgasm rolled around. And who knows what might have happened if he hadn't decided he deserved a break. Oh, but then he showed he wasn't entirely a monster. Before leaving me, he fell on my cock and sucked me until I came in his mouth."

"And?" Flynn said. "What next?"

"Turns out Adam there has a twisted sense of noblesse oblige. He got breakfast, and then sat on the bed and fed me while he ate. Then he sponged us both clean. And then he raped me again. And again. And again. He took a break until noon when he raped me again, and then another until just a bit ago. I think I've had more cum shot inside me than the entire red-light district of whores back home when the navy's on leave."

David reached behind his balls and thanked the great kahunas that he'd woken up to Flynn kissing him sweetly and not to Adam raping his ass. What was this place they were in?!

"Well, he was working on his last load, but as the light outside started to fade, blondie there..."

"Kristoff. Hi."

"Oh, and I'm Phoebus. Well, Kristoff wandered into the cabin—without knocking. (You might want to think about that next time, kid.) Well, despite standing there gawking with his mouth hanging open, he figured out the rules of the game in half a second and didn't really need me to yell, "Run". He just screamed, took to his heels, and was back out the door—with Adam (who'd gone all furry beast) in hot pursuit."

"You didn't know he could beast-out like that?" Flynn asked.

"I was too busy with other things at the time," Phoebus said. "Like how to stop him from ravaging my ass, to wonder about what else he might be able to do."

Kristoff took over the story there.

"I'd been taking a nap on a sunny hillside back home, but when I woke up I was in a pile of leaves in the clearing here, and the sun was going down. I saw the cabin and like an innocent I figured any port in a storm' and just wandered on in. Adam was fucking Phoebus there hard, and I was fool enough not to quietly slip away. Instead I gasped. Adam heard me, and he shot me one of those predator smiles and said, Great, fresh ass'. I screamed and ran. I mean, who wouldn't? I'm going to guess you all were here already too, so you know the last bit of the story.

"Yeah," Flynn said.

"Now what?" Aladdin said, eyeing the bulge in David's speedo and Phoebus' rebounding woodie.

"If you're as leery of leaving the cabin tonight as I am," Phoebus said, "I recommend we shut and bar the door and stay here. The larder seems to have an unending supply of the basics."

"How're we going to fit into just two beds?" Naveen said.

"Oh, I've got a few ideas," Phoebus said, "Let me show you."

He put a hand behind Aladdin's head and pulled the street rat into a man's kiss. The remaining young men smiled all around. Naveen inserted himself in Phoebus and Aladdin's lip lock, and the three on the other bed fell back experimenting on their own with the ways three men can share a kiss. The kisses grew in intensity, and, as shorts flew through the air, the action escalated predictably.

On the first bed, Flynn and David split their forces in their exploration of Kristoff's body. Flynn concentrated on the blond's smooth chest while David introduced the woodsman to his own oral woodworking skills. Where Adam wanted his sex prey under his control, this pair left Kristoff free to react to their sex play as he saw fit. Mostly that involved writhing under their concerted stimulation.

"Oh fuck!" Kristoff gasped when Flynn moved down and took on the blond's balls while his buddy sucked cock. "Fuck!"

"Later," Flynn said, smiling.

This set every men in the first bed laughing, and they fell back into another grand three-way kiss.

On the second bed, Phoebus had pushed Aladdin's head south of the beltway where the young thief lavished the blond's thick piece with oral worship.

"Fuck, yeah! Suck me!" Phoebus ordered, and Aladdin complied—happily.

Meanwhile Naveen came to his feet on the mattress and presented his dick for Phoebus' approval.

"Nice," the muscular blond murmured before taking the swollen head into his mouth and running his tongue over the sensitive flesh.

"Oh fuck yeah, nice!" Naveen crowed as Phoebus swallowed the rest of his cock, inch by inch.

While bed two was absorbed by their daisy chain, Flynn, on bed one, started eating out Kristoff's ass.

"Oh my god," Kristoff sighed. "That's so... Fuck! I don't know what you're doing, but don't stop!"

David kissed Kristoff's cheek and then brought his surfer cock where the blond could see it up close.

"Kiss it," he ordered.

Still wriggling under Flynn's tongue-work, Kristoff brought his lips to the surfer's dark cockhead. Adam hadn't wasted time on oral preliminaries, not with Phoebus and not with Kristoff, so this was the first time the blond had had his mouth anywhere near to another man's little head. Tentatively, Kristoff ran a beginner's tongue around the glans and decided he enjoyed the sensation—and the taste of the surfer's precum.

"Oh fuck, Kristoff," David sighed, "Suck me!"

As Kristoff filled his mouth with David's shaft, Flynn began experimenting with fingerfucking the blond's previously abused butthole.

Bed two had abandoned the standing cocksucking chain, and Naveen and Aladdin now lay on their backs, their butts pressed together and their cocks pressed together to form a shaft that was maybe as mighty as Adam's alone had been. Phoebus, standing astraddle the pair, slowly let himself down until their brother cockheads pressed against his cunt.

"Can you take us both, Phoebus?" Aladdin asked.

The blond simply smiled and let his ass relax as he swallowed his rescuers' cocks anally. As the boys gasped at the hot gripping insides of Phoebus' butt, the big blond began to bounce up and down.

"Oh fuck!" Naveen and Aladdin cried out like a Greek chorus.

"Oh fuck!" Kristoff added on the next bed as David slid his mahogany into the blond's butt.

Kristoff pushed himself up off the mattress and met the surfer's thrusts by pressing back. In the meantime, Flynn was on his back, sliding underneath the blond until the boy's swinging cock slapped his face and his own hard-on was all but poking the boy in the eye. Without prompting, Kristoff grabbed hold of the ne'er-do-well's cock and began to tongue-tease the weeping head. Flynn, smiling at how fast the boy picked things up, began to gobble at the blond's own shaft, eventually swallowing almost all of it.

On bed two, Phoebus' face was screwed up into a mask of `I'm about to cum'.

"Guys, I'm going to blow!" he announced.

"We kind of figured...," Naveen gasped. "Shoot it, stud!"

Phoebus had been beating his hard dick with a fury, but he fell back, using both hands to support himself, roaring as his shaft spat wad after wad into the air. Flying every which way, the blond's jism glistened at the top of its arc and then fell back to land, mostly, on his own belly, though more than enough dappled Naveen and Aladdin's bodies as well.

"Fuck!" the boys howled as their paired shafts added to the cum-loads that Adam had previously planted deep inside Phoebus' guts.

On the first bed, Flynn and Kristoff both anointed the other's suctioning mouth, and David had the honor of being last to cum as he shot his wad up the woodsman's butt.

"Fucking yeah," the surfer sighed as he pulled his still leaping dick from Kristoff's tight hole.

Six hot young men on two beds collapsed, the two trios holding each other close, until they heard a voice from the floor.

"Uh, gentlemen," Adam, his cock once again erect, said, "If I promise to be good, is there any chance I could get into this action?"

"No beast?" Kristoff said to which Adam grinned.

"Not unless you beg me to...," he said teasingly.

Flynn looked at Phoebus.

"What say you?"

"Well, we outnumber him now, so... sure. Let him loose."

They released Adam from his restraints and pressed the beds together before climbing back on and forming one big sex-pig pile. There may have been moments that night when one or another of them grabbed a short nap, but only between near-continual bouts of carnal dalliance. By the time the sunlight peeked in around the door, each man had experienced every other in ways they never would have thought possible mere days before.

Yawning, they tumbled out of bed. Flynn warmed water to wash while the rest emptied the larder for breakfast. Once they were stuffed (with something other than cock) they pulled on their minimal clothing and opened the door. Bright sunshine filled the clearing, beckoning the boys to leave the cabin and explore.

"What do you think?" Naveen said. "Shall we keep trying to find a way out of here or settle down in the cabin?"

"I say explore," Adam said. "If we don't find a way out, maybe we'll find a place where they have one big bed, and not two that keep sliding apart."

They laughed and weighed their options. The cabin had practical appeals, but only if they meant to stay in this strange place. In the end, they decided to keep exploring. Whatever else was wrong with the Woods, there didn't seem to be anything out there intent on killing them. The intent, if anything, was more concerned with driving them into sexual situations—something they could do as well out there as in the cabin.

That decided, the now seven friends chose a path and stepped back into The Woods.


Qasim stands in the door of the abandoned cabin, a cup of coffee steaming in his hand, and watches them go. His cock is no longer at full staff, and a dribble of cum leaks from his piss-slit. Clearly he has just jerked off.

"Fascinating," he says. "Ones became twos, and now they've jumped to a seven. (Oh, and that other two who are still stumbling around on their own.) Things really seem to be escalating. I didn't expect to find an orgy quite this soon. I wonder what they'll find wandering around the Woods today?"

He sets his cup on the table and strokes his cock again.

"And I wonder what we'll find."

Next: Chapter 8

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