Island Girl

By Mas P

Published on Apr 24, 2010


Thanks for reading. :) And thanks for all the kind words folks. This is the last part of this story. Was gonna separate it into 2 parts but I don't think I need to. It's a bit longer than usual.

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch then hit me up at:

Island Girl - Part 6 By Mas

It happened like every other time. The same build up to the same shadowed figure growing closer and closer. I felt the scream become trapped in my throat. When I opened my eyes I heard the echo of it bouncing around the room but something was different.

Someone was holding me, shushing me. Singing too me.

"...and I'll be sitting 'til the evening comes...watchin' the ships roll in...and I'll watch 'em roll away again..." the tears were wiped away as she softly sang to me.


Soon my heart wasn't banging in my ears. My death grip on her relaxed but still she held me tightly, calming me as she sang.

"...sitting on the dock of the bay, wasting tiiiiime..." I don't know how long she sang but I knew that she didn't stop until I fell asleep again.

Roc groaned loud and deep enough to wake the dead that night. After moping around Terry's door all night she finally allowed him in the bedroom.

I stared into darkness until my eyes adjusted enough to pick out the different furniture and objects scattered throughout. I felt a shiver and closed my eyes. She was awake and watching me.

"Why aren't you asleep?" For a long time she didn't respond. I began to wonder if my senses were all jacked up now.

"I can't believe that you're here." I turned and reached out until my hand held her cheek. "I keep expecting to wake up and find you gone."

Her doubt was a physical thing. I felt it hovering between us. If staying over made her feel like this I wondered what she felt like whenever I went home...or sent her home. A pale light, barely bright enough to see with, pushed against the edges of her curtains.

Her features became more and more discernable.

I didn't know what to say. The moment was strange to me. Do I tell her it was crazy to be afraid? I'd be lying since I was scared too. Or do I tell her that I'll never leave her?

Never is a long time. Forever was even longer. I heard that it's not so long when you're with someone else, someone that you like at the least. What about someone you just might, possibly, love?

I love you Terry...I think.

Instead of telling her something that I didn't fully understood I hugged her and looked over her shoulder to the clock. It was 5am. I'd usually be out my door and driving to the beach but I didn't want to miss a moment with her.

Then the dream rushed back to me. Neither of us had brought it up but it was another thing between us. Tangible. The tip of my finger trailed over the soft hairs of her eyebrow.

"Thank you," I said quietly.

She looked confused for a moment and then she gave me a lopsided smile. "I told you I'd sing for you Jo."

I wanted to pinch myself to see if she was real. Or should I be pinching her? It felt like she was carefully studying me and from her expression she had no idea what was going on in my head.

"Let me make you some breakfast." She managed to smile at me through the clouds of doubt. I think that the both of us knew that something pretty big and worth discussing happened last night. The good thing about emotions was that you could push them aside if you needed too. That is if they weren't strong enough to be stubborn.

"What you gonna make?" I crawled on top of her, causing her to grunt when my elbow dug into her stomach.

"Sorry. Ummm...some eggs?" Her hands locked at the small of my back.

"Sounds good. What else?"


"Don't have any but I do have some ham."

"What's the difference? They're both salty." She chuckled and told me to continue. "Do you like smoothies?"

"Not particularly."

"You'll love mine, I promise you that." I added toast to the list and heard her stomach rumble.

"You'll spoil me today and then tomorrow I'll have to turn back to my two cereal bars and orange juice for breakfast."

"Maybe I can cook for you tomorrow too..." I began to trace the line of her collar bone and followed my fingers with my eyes. Anything to avoid the reaction my words produced. I was moving too fast. I felt it in my bones but I couldn't stop. I didn't want to.

"Maybe," I looked up at her. She looked cautious and hopeful at the same time. Roc moaned. The moment was lost. He plopped his big head on the bed and looked at us pitifully. "Someone needs to take a dump. Ouch!" She rubbed her side where I poked her.

"That was kinda crass don'tcha think?" I rubbed his head affectionately. "Don't worry baby, Terry's gonna take you out right now."

"I like to handle my business first ya know."

"Terry, look at him." We both did. The dog managed to look even more pathetic. A long groan filled the bedroom and Terry threw her hands in the air in defeat.

"You're such a drama king Roc. You're not sleeping in here again if you're gonna mess up my flow big guy."

We walked down the hall. Well, Terry and I walked, Roc practically skipped.

"Be back in a few minutes Jo." She was reaching for the handle when I called her back. Before she could ask what I wanted, I pulled her down and kissed her, slow and deep.

"You can't leave me without a kiss missy."

She gave me a lop-sided smile and winked. "I'll remember that."

Soon both of them disappeared around the house even though I heard Roc's barking for a few more minutes. I pulled out the eggs and the ham before my mind caught up with the incredibly domesticated way Terry and I were with each other that morning. I dropped the ham and wiped my hands feeling unsure. "Joanna, what are you doing?" I asked myself.

I studied the bowl of lemons Terry always had on the counter now. Consistency. I longed for it. It was what I knew very well. Coming home alone, waking up alone, hiding just enough of myself from my mother, co-workers. These were constants.

Waking up in a beautiful, sweet, caring woman's arms and making her breakfast as she walked her dog was not keeping in line with the "consistency" that I knew.

I breathed in deep and slowly reached for the fridge again. I pulled out a package of strawberries. "I can learn. I can learn this." Soon my hands were working on their own because my brain was fully occupied with keeping me from running like a mad woman out of that kitchen. "Relationships are easy...relationships are easy..."

When Terry returned I saw the relief that swept over her face. She tried to cover up it by telling me about Roc's antics. I realized that morning she may have been in need of some consistency too. My fears settled down as we ate and talked as if we did it everyday.

I was sitting at a stop light on my way to work when I realized that something inside of me wished that it were true.

It was Friday evening and my mother was pissed. That, of course, wouldn't be the word that she'd use. "Disappointed" would be the word. Between Terry and I staying in and stealing hours either at her house or my apartment I evaded all of my mother's phonecalls. Jamilla was letting me off the hook because she knew I was going through that "new" stage of our...relationship.

Yes, relationship. I was in a relationship with Teressa Lawrence and loving every minute of it.

My mother seemed to hate every minute of it if her messages were any indication. "Joanna Larnet, you better pick up that phone and call me as soon as you hear this. I haven't heard from you in a week. I called Wednesday night but you weren't home..." No shit mom, I thought. Even for my mother that was a bit much.

Something was wrong.

I decided to call Jamilla before I got railroaded.

Bobby answered and we chatted for a few minutes before he handed the phone off to Jamilla.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to come up for air."

"I know, I haven't called in a while. How are my girls?"

"They are fine even though now and then they ask me about that black hole you disappeared into..." I laughed and promised to be better. "Ahhh, young romance, I remember those days. How's it going?"

"" Do I tell her about us? The hot sex? The tender moments? I didn't know where to start or if I even wanted too. "Well..." Knowing every detail of your sister's sex life had to be overkill. Me and the little voice in my head decided to keep Jamilla in the dark.

"It's okay Jo. I'm gonna get it all out of you when you come by this weekend anyway. What's up?" And she was that good too.

"Mom's up. She's been calling everyday with these urgent messages."

"Oh yeah! I was supposed to tell you! I think she knows Jo and she's scrambling to find a shred of heterosexuality in you now."

"Oh shit." My head began to pound. It was gonna be a long night. "She knows?"

"Well, we always had a feeling she knew...something. One of her old lady friends had to have seen you recently with Terry."

"Great. But we only went to the park to walk Roc." I'm sure that I didn't notice any old ladies watching us.

"Which park?"

"Near her house, the one near Pine Way."

"High Park? JOANNA! That's where those old ladies who live in Newland Estates walk their dogs."

"How am I suppose to know that?"

"And I bet you two were holding hands and being all lovey dovey too right?" I thought back to that afternoon we spent at the park. Reaching for her hand, leaning into her, feeling her hug me; it all felt so natural to me that day.

"I have to see mom tonight. I'm gonna tell her."

"You need me to be there Jo?" I declined the offer and promised to call her when I was done. I thought about calling Terry but decided to call her after. I grabbed my keys and drove toward possible disownment.

She was frozen. It was like I turned her into a block of ice. It had to be shock. Waving my hand in front of her face got no reaction so I sat back and just stared at my mother. Her expression hadn't changed since I told her that I was a lesbian.

"Mom, you're scaring me." Still no change.

Then as if someone flipped a switch she looked mad. Very mad. "It's that bastard's fault. Leaving you when you were just 11! That Samson Larnet. The best thing I ever did was divorce him, now look what he's done!" Her anger turned to sadness and I moved closer to comfort her sobs. "I have been the best mother that I could be!"

"I know you have mom. You didn't turn me gay."

"Don't say that! You're not gay! You are not a sissy!"

"I am. I prefer the term lesbian though."

"No you are NOT!"

"Yes I am mom. I've been this way as far as I could remember."

"It's his fault! I'm going to call him right now and-" I grabbed the phone from her before she could follow through with her threat.

"I already called daddy mom, he's not to blame for something that-" She wasn't listening to me by then. I replayed what I said and closed my eyes, cursing softly. You never, and I mean never, made one of your divorced parents feel as if they were out of the loop. I broke that cardinal rule and was about to pay the price at any moment.

"You called your father before you spoke to me?" She sat back and crossed her arms.

"Mom, it's not what you think..."

"You called that man living with that home wrecker in NEW YORK, thousands of miles away before you talked to me?" The hurt flooded her eyes. Her pretty face crumbled again and I felt even worse. "I'm such a bad mother. Where did I go wrong?"

My headache felt like a vibrating golf ball in the middle of my forehead. "Mom, you are NOT a bad mother. I had to ask him about something and we started to talk about other stuff." It took half an hour of assuring her of her regal status of favorite and best parent for her tears to stop, but it wasn't so great when my sexual orientation was once again the topic of conversation.

"I hoped I was wrong when you were fifteen. I prayed to God every day that I was wrong." The quiet admission had me sitting up. We sat in uncomfortable silence the 10 or so minutes before and I didn't know if I should have patted her leg or made a dash for the door but her admission had me staring at her with mouth open.

"You knew all along...even then..." I whispered.

"Of course I knew. I'm your mother! But I prayed to God-"

"You knew what I was going through and never..." She started to shift around in the couch under my accusing glare. So many days I walked around confused out of my mind and she always knew. Now I was mad.

"One of my friends came over and I just...I never saw you look at any of Jamilla's boyfriends like you did Sarah." I racked my brain for the memory. It was a fuzzy one. Sarah was another woman who lived in the neighbourhood a long time ago. I had a small crush on her but thought that I was very good at hiding it. Apparently I was as inconspicuous as a twenty foot tall, purple elephant.

I crossed my arms and stared at the old figurines that decorated my mother's house for as long as I could remember. It figures that the one person I wanted to hide my gayness from knew all along.

I chuckled then looked at my mother with her tense expression and the laughter bubbled out of me. Soon, both of us were laughing until I ran out of air and fell back on the couch holding my stomach. She quieted too and we both sighed.

The somberness fell over us again. "All I want is for you to still love me. That's all I want mom." Her eyes began to tear and she patted her lap. My fists were balled and tucked beneath my chin as she ran her hands through my braids.

"You are still the beautiful, smart daughter that I know Joanna. I'll always love you. Some things...this may take time but I'll always love you baby." I cried and cried until I passed out holding my mom's hand in my own.

My mother didn't let me leave her home until I was stuffed. We were a bit strange around each other but I managed to leave her knowing that I wasn't disowned.

Apparently I wasn't the only one with family issues that night. Terry's issues spilled into that Saturday morning and I walked right into it.

Mel's voice was thick with tears. It was obvious that she was upset. My worry was full blown so I just opened the front door but came face to face with an angry Mel.

"Jo! Please explain to her that I'm an adult and not a baby! She scares everyone who talks to me!" I stood with eyes opened wide trying to understand exactly what Mel was shouting about.

"This isn't about me treating her like an adult-" Terry crossed her arms defiantly and scowled at her little sister. My mouth opened then snapped shut. Something told me that to choose a side wouldn't be a good idea.

"She's forbidding me from going out with the guys tonight. Mom wouldn't even forbid me! What am I? Twelve?"

I watched Terry's eyebrow slowly reach for her hairline. "Well mama isn't paying your tuition."

My eyes widened in surprise. I was about to say that I was surprised at the revelation when I saw Mel's face darken. She was mad.

"Oh, well you can stick your money where the sun don't shine then! I don't want it!" Terry looked from her to me worried.

"What do you mean you don't want it? You're going to university."

"Not if I won't be allowed to go to a movie and drink a few beers with people I've grown to know as friends. You're a control freak!" Terry threw up her hands and looked at me for help.

"I am not a control freak!" She breathed in deep, collecting herself. "I drank with those guys before. All they talk about is three things!" She held up the fingers incase we couldn't visualize the actual number. "The pussy they've had, the pussy they have, and the pussy they want to have. You are NOT going around that kind of-"

"Who CARES? I'm gay! You've known since I was in highschool! So what if the guys hit on me? Evelyn is gonna be there too. It's just one night T. K.!" Her wet eyes turned to me and just like Terry's pouty face I was a sucker.

"Terry, maybe you're overreacting a little-"

"No I'm not! You don't understand Jo." I tried not to feel offended at the brush-off and pressed on.

"Well, it's not so hard to understand actually. You're trying to protect you're little sister." Terry crossed her arms again, squaring her shoulders. "But she's twenty two Terry."

"What's that supposed to mean? Mama lets her do whatever she wants so I should too?"

"That is soooo untrue!" Mel looked like she wanted to hit her.

I stepped between them. "And she's right." Terry looked at me as if I betrayed her. Mel looked at me as if I was her champion. "Evelyn's going to be there right? Come on, we all know that Evelyn of all people won't let them get away with anything. I'd think that she'd be the last person to let anything happen to Mel."

Something about the way I said it triggered something in her brain. I was too busy wondering why she was looking at me so strangely to pay any attention to Mel's scared expression no less that two feet away.

"Oh yeah?" She knew about...something.

"Yeah...?" I looked at Mel who had her face covered. "Something like that..." I finished weakly. Oh shit.

She zeroed in on Mel again. "Is she fucking you Mellisa? Is Eve fucking you?" Mel's mouth fell open then her shoulders grew tense and I wondered why in the hell I didn't keep my big, mouth shut in the first place.

"And so what if she is?" She challenged.

"Because she's a dead woman. I use to cruise with Evelyn. I know her style. You are NOT going to see her anymore and I'm gonna make sure of it." She marched down the hallway and Mel looked at me scared.

"I'm so sorry, I thought I was helping."

"I hate her," came the controlled response. "I'm always gonna be a baby to everyone." Terry came back out in her boots and a light jacket looking like she meant business.

"Terry, please sit down," I said.

"No." I grabbed her arm and when she tried to shrug me away I held it with both hands. "No Joanna, you can't come after-the-fact and expect to just fix everything."

"I know that you're mad but don't put this on me. I hate when people do that."

"Well you weren't here-" She motioned toward Mel in annoyance and shrugged her arm away. She finally started to really irritate me.

"Oh! I'm sorry for choosing last night to out myself to my mother and console her all night since she thought that she was a bad mother! I'm sooo sorry. I should have picked a better night to be there at your beck and call Terry." She looked properly chastised. When she opened her mouth to say something else I held up my hand. "Save it! Right now you're being a big, selfish baby and a control freak. She is twenty two years old and can date who ever she wants." I wrapped my arms around Mel's shoulders leading her out of the house. Before I left I turned around and pointed to the doorway that led to the living room. "You better sit down and chill the hell out Terry."

I hugged Mel as she cried on my shoulder near the car. When she finally settled down she pouted at me. If it was one thing that I knew it was that Evelyn wouldn't be able to tell that pretty face no when she came at her all teary eyed.

"I'm not going to university. She's just gonna use it to keep me under her watchful little finger." I chuckled and shook my head.

"She's afraid Mel. Even I can see it." Confusion clouded her eyes. "No one likes to see their little sister growing up and going away."

"I'm not a baby anymore Jo."

"I know, but unfortunately you'll always be her baby sister." She wiped her face some more and sighed. "She loves you a lot you know?"

"I know. I love her too, but sometimes I just want to kill her."

"That's how I felt about my sister 95% of the time." She laughed and leaned against the car. She looked at me again and chuckled.

"I guess the cat is out of the bag about Evelyn," she muttered.

"About that..." I had no idea she was seeing the woman. I thought they were just beginning to become aware of each other.

"I'm not sleeping with her. I told you that she thinks I'm a baby too. For good reason with Conan the barbarian in there." I leaned against the car too.

"I'm sorry about that Mel." Something about the disappointment in her eyes told me that she was falling hard for Evelyn. I wondered if the little blonde knew.

"Don't worry about it Joanna, she was bound to find out about it anyway." I told her to go home, let both of them cool off and come back tomorrow when all of the emotions weren't clouding the way.

We hugged. "I don't even know if that ogre even deserves you."


She promised to drive safely instead.

I met Terry right where it told her to be, sitting down in her living room. "I'm surprised you actually did as you were told."

"Well the way you said it left no room for disobedience." I tucked a leg underneath me as I sat next to her and pulled her hand from her lap. "I'm sorry."

"About what?" She shrugged and sighed. Her head rolled back onto the couch as she stared at the ceiling.

"For being a big, selfish, baby and a control freak." I tugged her close and leaned over to press my lips to her cheek.

"You're forgiven."

"That was actually the part where you say, 'oh baby, you're not a big, selfish, baby and a control freak!'". I threaded our fingers and rubbed the back of her hand.

"You love your sister and just wanted to protect her." Her eyes lit up. "But this isn't the way to do it." Her shoulders slumped again.

"So her and Evelyn..."

"Barely say two words to each other." She let out a relieved breath. "But, she does like her. A lot." Her scowl returned.

"Evelyn is thirty four years old Joanna." I shrugged. "She's had many women. I should know since we use to go to the same clubs together and TALK about those women." I shrugged again. "I'm going to have to kill her if she breaks Mel's heart." I rubbed her thigh.

"That's what sister's are for." Suddenly it began to rain. Roc started to cry at the back door. The light rain turned torrential a moment later. I stood up and pulled her behind me as we entered the kitchen.

"So you told your mom? I'm such an idiot. I'm sorry for blaming you. I was just so mad." Roc bounded inside dancing around our feet. I petted his nose when he moved it under my hand.

"Let's talk about it later. Suffice to say it wasn't a walk in the park." I sighed as strong arms pulled me close. Her cool nose rubbed against my neck. Her hands began to slip beneath my shirt. "This is some freaky weather these days."

"Mmmhmm. I love the rain." Her mouth latched onto my ear lobe.

"So I've been told."

"I'm not even gonna ask who told you that." We laughed as I led her to her bedroom.

"Come on, you have some energy to work off. All that fighting." She didn't put up any resistance.

"We gonna have some make up sex now?" I pushed her onto the bed and crawled up her body.

"What do you think?"

I finally pulled myself away from Terry to resume my running. Even though substituting it for really hot, morning sex gave my heart a good work out in the mornings, I couldn't say the same for the other parts of my body.

"You ready babes?" Terry decided to see if she could keep up. Even Roc was up for the challenge.

"One sec." I grabbed my stopwatch and we all settled into her truck. I begged off swimming in exchange for unlimited sexual favors that night. Terry readily agreed but from the glint in her eyes I could tell that she was going to take full advantage of our deal.

Roc was having the time of his life even if he was scaring most of the runners to death. He'd look strangely at the people jumping away from him and run back to the water to play in the waves. Terry kept up with me halfway through then fell behind. She made me agree to keep going at my usual pace when she did.

By the time I was done she was still making her way down the beach at a slow jog. When she finally reached me she studied me with awe as she tried to catch her breath.

Roc ran over to comfort his distressed master, licking her legs and trying to reach her face. "I'm okay Roc, go play." He ran off a moment later. "You," she pointed at me. "Are...amazing." I laughed and rubbed her back.

"You did pretty good for someone who doesn't run." She snorted. We walked a little, our shoulders brushing. I saw a couple walk by holding hands and felt envious of them. It was so easy for them.

I looked at Terry who had a hat on her head. Her face was shiny with sweat. The tank top she wore tight across her chest and the shorts revealed strong legs that stretched on forever. Why shouldn't it be easy for us too?

I took her hand, swinging it between us. Roc chased seagulls and stopped when a guy showed even a little interest in him. He sat still smiling happily as a few more people walked closer to pet him. "Look at him," Terry said. "The center of the universe as he should be." I laughed and we walked down the beach to get the hedonist.

Some of the faces that looked up at us and down at our joined hands were familiar. I saw one guy who look disappointed and tried to hold in a laugh. "Come on Roc, that's enough for today." He ran over to us and stood still as I attached his leash.

"He's a beautiful dog," one lady said. The woman next to her agreed. "I'm Fea Moore and this is Benny." I tried not to draw conclusions about the woman named Benny's more masculine aura. Not every pair of women I met was an item right?

"Nice to meet you." I said and pointed at Roc. "That's Roc. I'm Joanna and this is Tereesa."

"I've seen you at the bank," my eyes widened in surprise. Benny then turned to Terry. "And you worked on my dad's property. Landscaper right?" Terry and Benny chatted about what a small world it was as Fea and I petted Roc some more.

"Benny kept saying that she remembered you but sometimes she swears that she knows someone and she's so wrong it aint even funny."

I laughed and our gazes locked in mutual understanding. They were a couple too. Her face softened and I'm sure mine did too. It was a good feeling knowing that there were other couples who weren't afraid to be together openly. They gave me courage.

"When either of you are at the bank don't hesitate to say hello."

We said our goodbyes and I took Terry's hand as we headed back to the truck. "They were nice." She smiled down at me and agreed.

"Benny has some land she wants fixed up. I may have gotten a job out of it too." Her smile broadened and I knew that I was falling deeper and deeper in love with her. "Maybe we can visit my brother's place today."

"Maybe we can."

Timothy Browning was a tall, strong, handsome man who loved women and owned Palm Tree Resort on the eastern end of the island. He was also Terry's half-brother.

Their father was a "bad" man, in her mother's definition, who had as many children as he could before he moved to the Florida Keys. Terry flew in now and then, as over every few years, to see him and whenever he was in town he visited his children and brought a boat load of sea food each time. He may have been a womanizer but he loved his children. Terry had no idea how many children her father officially had since there were so many smaller islands and all of Florida for him to populate.

"So you're the woman who's keeping her away eh?" His deep booming voice filled the patio. Loud calypso music blared from speakers and tourists and diners ate and talked happily. Even a few brave couples danced.

"Guilty as charged." Terry placed her hand over mine and smiled at me. Her pretty eyes twinkled at me.

"Good. So I guess Mel already told you about the time she peed her pants when she was eleven then?" Terry looked like she was ready to commit homicide.

"This will never end will it?" She mumbled with slumped shoulders.

"Please! Do tell!" I said. We both laughed at Terry's defeated look and I promised to not ask for anymore stories about her. I was rubbing her thigh when I spotted Mel peeping around the door frame. Timothy's voice boomed in greeting. We all hugged and I sat back as Terry squeezed Mel close.

They talked quietly for a moment and Mel slapped her stomach. When she reached up to kiss Terry's cheek I allowed myself to relax. Timothy chuckled at me and nodded at his siblings.

"Those two can't stay mad long."

"So you heard about the argument huh?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes. "Gina told me the minute Mel came home." Though she couldn't stay long since she was meeting up with a friend for dinner Timothy bribed her with a bowl of desert.

We sat for hours talking about their family and about how amazing Gina was for treating him like her own flesh and blood when other families would have kept him outside as the bastard child. As far as Gina was concerned the only bastard was their father. Mel glanced at her watch and jumped out of the chair hugging everyone before dashing out of the resort with a promise to visit Timothy during the week.

I asked about his resort and we talked about my job. I sat back as they talked about their childhood and the mischief they got into. The love was practically glowing between them and when we stood to leave he didn't try to hide the tears in his eyes.

"I'm happy for you TK." They hugged for a long time. When he wrapped me in his arms I breathed in the pleasant scent of his cologne. Terry teased him about settling down but I didn't see a man like him settling down for at least another decade.

"It was so great meeting you Tim."

"Likewise lovely. I can see why she's never around. If I had a girl like you I'd keep her hidden away too." He rubbed my arm and his look turned "You sure she's satisfying you Joanna?" He burst out laughing at my expression. I had to be a dead ringer for a deer in the headlights.

Terry punched his arm and pulled me away. "Mine, Tim. Mine."

"I don't feel objectified at all..." He rubbed my arm again, this time in a very platonic way and promised to have a three course meal and a room waiting on us for the honeymoon. Terry quickly looked at me and told him to shut up. When I only laughed and waved him away I felt her relax next to me.

I didn't know if it was an "okay, that didn't freak her out" kind of relax or if it was an "I hope she doesn't take him seriously" kind of relax.

I mean, who took the weathermen on the island serious anyway?

Just because they said "We are in the direct path of Tropical Storm Paul" didn't mean that we were actually in the path or were ever going to be in the path.

They made the entire island shut down twice for nothing more that a really heavy rain. Everyone learned to take what those men said with a grain of salt.

We sat in the break room and listened intently to the radio as it talked about destruction throughout the West Indies. We all wondered if we were too quick to throw our poor weather men to the dogs.

My boss stepped into the break room and called for an emergency meeting.

"Shit," Karl growled. "Those idiots should have told us from last week to buy supplies. It sounds like it'll hit in a few fucking days!" He was already thinking about all of the things that he and Vic had to do. Vic's mother lived alone on one of the outer islands.

We all stepped into the conference room and stood around. The hair on the back of my neck rose but when I looked around to see who was staring at me everyone had their eyes trained to the front of the room.

Ms. Peters sighed and shook her head. "It looks like we are about to experience the first hurricane of the season and hopefully the last. This means that the bank will have to close at noon tomorrow so you can expect busy days and longer hours today and tomorrow. I will try to have most of you home by 1pm to prepare yourselves tomorrow and if you live alone you need to see me after this meeting to arrange how we'll accommodate you."

I looked up and my stare connected wit Amanda's. She whispered something to the woman next to her and it must have been loud enough for everyone within a five feet radius to hear because they all snickered and looked at me.

I ignored them as Ms. Peters told us the additional tasks we'd take on and what she expected, then dismissed us fifteen minutes later. I hung back to talk to Ms. Peters when I heard a commotion outside the office. I looked through the window to see Karl talking no less that an inch from Amanda's face. If I didn't know that Karl was as queer as a the dollar bill I would have thought that he was coming on to her.

It was the opposite. Karl heard her call me a dyke as she walked by him and rushed to defend my honor.

I stepped outside just in time to hear Amanda announce to anyone within hearing distance that she saw me kissing some woman at a hotel on Sunday. I closed my eyes as all eyes turned to me.

"You jealous or what?" He demanded. I opened my eyes again to see Amanda's face morph into that of Cruella.

"I just don't think we need to have someone like her working in this bank."

Someone like me?

I pushed Karl away and got in her face myself. "Fuck you Amanda." My voice lowered. "You have a problem with me then tell me to my face. We both know why you're so mad though." Her eyes turned to slits.

The crowd around us began to disburse as they all noticed Ms. Peters standing on the outskirts with a full view of our little "scene".

"You're not gonna get me fired from this job no matter how horny your ass is. Get laid and shut the fuck up." Those still around burst out laughing and she just got madder.

"Dyke," she sneered then turned to Ms. Peters and pointed at me. "She needs to be reported to HR Ms. Peters!"

"Not until I find out what exactly is going on here." Amanda nodded her head and moved toward Ms. Peters' office. "First I'd like to hear Joanna's side." Amanda glared at me and marched down the hall to her office. If the door could have slammed I'm sure we would have felt the walls shaking from the force.

"Joanna, in my office." Karl looked at me with pity but I squeezed his arm in assurance as I walked by.

When the door closed behind me I stood unsure at her desk. She motioned for me to sit down and sat down too. We studied each other for a few moments then she sighed and pulled out a key. The draw next to her opened with a soft click and she pulled out what looked like a photo frame.

She studied the photo with fondness then handed it to me.

It was a picture of a younger version of my boss standing next to a slim woman. By today's standards she'd be considered plain. Her hair was long and fell in a long braid over one shoulder. After I took in the photo at first glance I really looked at it closely. The woman was looking at Ms. Peters the same way I caught Jamilla looking at Bobby.

A quick glance at Ms. Peters confirmed my suspicion. They were together, which meant that...

She smiled at me. I gave her back the photo and she locked it away again.

"This is how I have to be. I have to hide her because of the time I grew up in." She sighed again and leaned forward on her desk. I wouldn't have guessed if she never told me, which made me wonder if she knew about me. "I knew you were gay for a long time Joanna." Well, that answered that question. "Don't ask me how, I just did. What I admire about you is that you aren't hiding. Not the way I do. I only see her when I have holiday time and I can fly to her. You don't have to live that way and I hope that you never choose too."

"I did," I confessed. "For a while," she nodded her head in understanding.

"I knew Terry since the day she was born though she doesn't know me as well as I do her. I may not be able to live the life I wanted to but I'd be damned if I see two people that I care about be denied it."

My smile was gradual. "You set me up." She was trying to hold back a smile of her own.

"I impart my wisdom where it's needed." I laughed and sat back. "There is no clause in your contract about being a homosexual. I'll take care of Amanda."

"Thank you."

"Are you happy?" I tilted my head as I thought about the time I spend with Terry and Roc and her family and even the time that I spent away from her just thinking about her. There was only one answer to her question.

"Yes Ms. Peters. I am happy." She made me promise that what she told me remained in her office. I agreed, but nearly cried when she told me to keep it from Karl too. She knew how close we were. I promised. It was going to be hard but I would have to bear the burden somehow.

I called my mother as soon as I returned to my office. I had a few minutes before my next meeting.

"Mom, have you heard about the storm?"

"They say it's gonna turn to a hurricane soon Jo, who can I find to board up this house?" That was a good question since all of our extended family were probably boarding up their own homes and the only way most of the men on either side of my parent's family line would help was for a fee anyway.

I'd rather do it myself if it came to that.

"We'll get it boarded up mom, Bobby is probably buying supplies and boarding up their house now, he might finish early but either way I'll find someone. Make sure Jamilla has all of the things you'll need though, flashlights, batteries-"

"You need to come to Jamilla's right after work tonight. We need to make sure that-"

"Mom-" How was I going to say that for the first time I didn't think that I'd be staying with them during a storm? I hadn't spoken with Terry yet but instinctually I knew that I should be with her. "I'll talk to you later. I'll stop by tonight to check on you okay?"

I stared at the phone worriedly. Was Terry going to her mom's home?

Terry picked up on the second ring. "What's up baby?" Something was being sawed away in the background.

"This hurricane is what's up."

"Yeah, we're trying to rush a few jobs now. I'm gonna be the enemy by this evening. Workin' 'em hard." She cursed and ordered someone to stop. "Hold on Jo." I heard talking and murmuring then silence. "Sorry' bout that. I had to send Mel with a crew to help my mom with her house."

"Who'd you send?"

"Eve and two guys." I smiled. She must have known. "I'm not a barbarian even though Mel thinks that I am."

"Are you playing matchmaker?"

"I'd rather her than these randy asses I have around here."

"My mom needs to have her windows boarded up too. I think I may have to pay a cousin to do it." My mind drifted off as I crossed off names of family on my mental list. The list was dwindling down quickly.

"Where does she live?"

"I didn't tell you that for you to do it." She was quiet for a beat and asked me again for the address. I told her. "You're bossy, you know that?"

"Actually, I do." She told me that she'd probably have a long day. There was no mention of me heading to her place.

"I need to check on my mom and my sister, make sure they're gonna be ready." The thought of spending the evening snuggled up on her veranda was tempting though. "Today already started off wrong."

"How so?" Someone called out to her. I knew that I had to let her get back to work. She'd just let me ramble on and on if I let her.

"I'll tell you later."

"Okay. Tell your mom I'll have someone at her house by six this evening. We'll chat later?"

"Thank you Terry. We better." A silence stretched between us that I think we both knew needed to be filled with three words.

I filled it with four instead. "Hug Roc for me."

When I finally reached my mother's house that night she and Jamilla were waiting for me outside. The girls ran to me excitedly. I waved two happy meals in front of their excited eyes. I was not above buying back their affections, though my absence was quickly forgotten by the time they snatched the bags away with squeals.

"What do you say?!" Jamilla asked dryly.

"Thank you Auty Jo Jo!" They shouted around mouths filled with fries.

After hugging them both and promising to play with them later I was met with a beaming smile from Jamilla and a curious look from my mother.

"Well if you said you were going to have your friend come by I would have been more presentable Joanna." Jamilla shook her head and waved me in as my mother huffed away, her curlers bouncing with each step.

"She was so impressed with her that she told her to come by for dinner this weekend."

"Really?" I felt nervous and immensely happy that Terry made enough of an impression to squeeze an invitation from my mother. "Then why is she grumpy?"

"You know mom, she has no idea what to say so she was all frazzled you know?" I laughed and followed the women into the kitchen where Jazzy Jazz and Joey happily munched on their food.

"Can you pick us up from school this week Aunty Jo?" Jazmine asked looking from her mother to me.

"Honey, I told you that a storm is coming. No more school until next week remember?"

"We met you're girlfriend Aunty Jo!" Joey announced unaware of the awkwardness her little announcement created.

"She promised me ice cream!" Jazmine said only to be told by Joey that Terry promised her ice cream. I looked from my mother to Jamilla who looked guilty enough for me to know that she was to blame.

"What did you tell them?" I whispered.

"They must have overheard me talking to mom or something." The doorbell rang and Bobby stood their with a tool belt looking confused.

"Who beat me to the windows?"

Jamilla pointed at me. "Joanna's girlfriend apparently." He looked from me to my mother then Jamilla and shrugged.

"Less work for me. What else do you need me to do mum?" He was sent out back to check that everything was secured with Joey following close behind. Jamilla decided to make herself scarce so I was stuck with my mother and even more awkwardness.

"So, that was Tereesa Lawrence? She's a nice girl." Woman, I thought but mentally shook my head. Anyone younger than the age of 50 would be a girl to my mother.

"I'm happy she got here in time."

"She bought new wood too. I didn't know that the wood started to rot." I saw that she was keeping her hands busy. Putting away this, moving that. Through her little whirlwind of activity I felt affection coming through. She liked Terry but didn't know how to tell me.

"I'll tell her you appreciated her help."

"She's a good girl Jo." I felt the weight of the words press in on my chest.

"Thanks mom."

"You gonna come by Jamilla's tomorrow after work? Jamilla says that you have to work until twelve. I'd think that with this storm coming they would give you tomorrow to prepare."

"They always close at noon on the day before the storm is forecasted to hit mom." She huffed away my explanation. "And I'm not staying with Jamilla tomorrow." She accepted it with a surprising amount of calm. She knew all along that I wouldn't be staying with them. I didn't want any question as to why so I just told her. "I'm staying with Terry at her house." The fact that Terry didn't know this yet wasn't relevant.

"I see." She wasn't pleased but she wasn't going to fight me on it. "We always stay together, as a family."

"She and Roc are my family now too mom."


"Her dog." I beamed as a picture of the cute yet scary-looking dog flashed before my eyes. She finally stopped moving.

"You seem happy." I walked over and covered her hand with mine.

"I am." We weren't a family that hugged every time we met like Terry's family but my arms wrapped around her sturdy body anyway.

"Well, you make sure she has a manual phone and a radio. And make sure..." I wrote down the things she wanted me to give to Terry knowing that she'd have a list of her own. I hugged her, hugged the girls and promised to keep in contact.

By the time I left work the next day I was exhausted. I felt like one of those women on speed dating, except that I was the one date that everyone else wanted to get with.

Amanda made sure to sneer at me whenever she had the chance but someone needed to be an adult. I nominated myself. It wasn't all bad though, Tiffany, my assistant quietly enquired if she could only be my assistant. When I asked her why her diplomatic answer was that she didn't perform at her best with some of the other staff.

The only other person that she assisted was Amanda.

I hugged Karl goodbye and promised to check up on him and Vic.

"You staying with the wifey or your sis?" I punched his arm but he just smirked. "You know she's about to pull out a ring any minute now."

"Well, if you're asking if I'm staying with Teressa or my sister then the answer is Terry."

"Good. Tell her I said hello and stay safe."

"I will." When he turned away I grabbed his hand and made sure that I had his attention. "Thanks again for yesterday Karl. You're a very good friend."

He hugged me and held my cheeks. "I agree," he said. That earned him a slap in the stomach. "You know I love you girl. Call me."

Roc was running around the front yard terrorizing some animal. I heard Terry nailing something behind a bush but only saw the top of her head. All of the windows were still not boarded up. She didn't mention having any of her crew come by to help so I was worried about her having enough time to get to every one of them.

The sky already began to turn a sickly pink. At one in the afternoon that was a sure sign of trouble. That morning we were warned that the storm intensified over the night to a category 2.

Roc spotted me and ran over nearly knocking me down in his excitement. I hugged his thick neck and even kissed the top of his head. "You missed me big guy?" His long tongue tried to swipe at my face but I pushed away right in time. "No kissing buddy. What would your mother think?"

"She'd be very jealous actually." Terry came out of the bushes with a question in her eyes.

"Hey, those windows aren't covered up yet. I hope you're not waiting 'til the storm actually comes." She laughed and pointed to a little symbol in the corner of the glass then explained that they were hurricane proof.

"Ohh, fancy shcmancy." We walked into the house hand-in-hand. "What do we need to prepare? My mom sent a list for you." She released my hand and studied her shoes. I took the time to drop my bag on the floor.

When she looked up at me again her eyes were brimming with tears. I rushed to her wiping them away when they fell. "Reesa..."

"I thought you were going to stay with your mom."

"So did she." She laughed and shook her head. Her eyes looked anywhere but at me. "I told her that someone had to look out for you and Roc."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." I grabbed the front of her shirt, pulling her into me until our lips met. Like always I felt like I was coming home. Lips meshed and rubbed gently as hands held on, bringing our bodies impossibly closer. When we came up for air I kissed her nose and her eyes. She never told me that she liked the careful way I treated her sometimes but I knew that she did. The look in her eyes said it all.

I patted her chest and tugged her toward the kitchen. "We have a radio? Manual phone? Water? Canned food?" I saw her pull herself in the corner of my eye.

Together we looked through the kitchen, pulling out things that we needed. I carried things into the living room, where we decided wait it out the storm. Terry was stealing glances at me and a few times I caught her gazing at me. The caution was there but I saw it slowly melting away.

This was where I was meant to be.

By 3am the storm hit Potters Island.

By 3:15am electricity was off and Terry's backup generator kicked in.

Roc was huddled on the floor in front of the couch as I snuggled up with Terry on the couch. He didn't like storms. Whenever thunder rolled he groaned and buried his nose even more beneath his paws.

"Poor baby," I crooned to him rubbing his head.

"It's okay boy," Terry said reaching over to pat him, but nothing brought his nose up for air. She hugged me closer when I jumped at a strong gust of wind hitting the house. "I oversaw the construction of this house Jo. It ain't going anywhere."

"I know," but the uncertainty was there. We looked through the window watching the trees bend nearly 180 degrees. Objects were flying around the yard that had to be from neighboring properties. Like Roc, storms and I weren't the best of friends.

The phone rang and I rushed to pick it up. I needed anything to keep my mind off of sudden death.

"Jamilla!" We chatted for half an hour, making sure everyone was all right and then I heard a loud bang and a squeaking sound come from beyond Terry's windows. Terry nudged me until she had room to stand up. "I'll call you back Jamilla." As soon as I disconnected I grabbed Terry's hand. "What was that?"

"I don't know, it sounded like the generator or the garage door."

"We'll check if it's the garage from the inside." She nodded her head and all three of us checked together. It wasn't. The squeaking sound came again. It was a scary sound.

"What in the hell is that?" She asked.

"I don't know but we need to wait it out and see."

"No, I wanna check." She started to pull on a raincoat but I just yanked it off.

"Are you crazy? You're not going out there." She rubbed my arm and tugged the coat away.

"I'll be okay. I'll be a second."

"Don't be an ass Terry."

"Jo, I genuinely have no idea what that is. If this roof is about to fly the hell off we need to know." She threw on tennis shoes.

"I thought you said this house wasn't going anywhere! There are 120 miles per hour winds out there Terry! We are in the middle of a HURRICANE."

"I know that but I have to check on my house. I'll be fine. I've been out in worse." She opened the door and slipped out a second later, tugging it close.

"Ter-Terry! Shit!" Roc barked at the door, sensing my unease. "Who goes out to explore in the middle of a damn hurricane?" Something on the radio caught my attention and I quickly walked over to turn it up.

"...17 year old Micheal Ferris died at 5 am this morning when he was electrocuted. Ferris went outside his residence to check on the generator when he was struck by lighting and killed..." My eyes widened and I looked at the door.

I was going to get her back in the house if I had to drag her back. The first jacket that I found I shrugged on and bent down to slip on shoes when the lights flickered once, twice then turned off completely. Roc began to bark again. I felt the fear vibrating from his tense form. "It's okay boy, it's okay, mama's gonna be right back and then we'll both kill her." A minute passed by and still Terry wasn't back. After I found a match and a few candles my heartbeat reduced from a pounding in my ears to a steady drumming.

After another minute passed I couldn't take it anymore.

The wind was like a Mac truck at 120 miles per hour hitting me over and over again. I envisioned Terry on the floor dead, or passed out with blood dripping down her head as I held on to the porch rail. A gust of wind nearly bowled me over in the darkness. I held on tighter using the faint light from the windows to guide me.

"Terry!" My shout was swallowed in the wind. "Terryyyy!" It was final; I was going to kill her. It was going to be a slow and painful death. As soon as I stopped crying.

At some point the tears mixed with the rain. My hair was getting soaked beneath the rain coat. So were my clothes. Roc was howling in the house, his faint cries loud enough to be heard when the wind eased.

"Terry! Shhit!" My foot stepped on something slippery. When you added the wind I was sliding to the edge of the porch in no time. I screamed and grabbed at anything I could find. "Terryyyy!"

"Joanna!" A tall shadow moved closer to me until her face was an inch from mine. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"I couldn't find you!" She grabbed me and pulled me up holding my arm until we made it inside the house. Roc was having a fit by then.

She was soaked. I was soaked. She looked at me and tugged off the coat but I punched her shoulder. "Owww!"

"I thought you were dead!" I shouted.

"I came back and couldn't find you!" She shouted right back.

"Some boy got killed fooling around with his generator and you...when the lights turned off I thought you were going to fix it!"

"In the middle of a hurricane? Fuck no!" She shook her head and yelled for Roc to quiet down. He groaned but obeyed. "I was only checking on the house Joanna, I told you-"

"I said not to go! You shouldn't have gone! I was scared! What if you died?!" Her eyes widened and she stepped forward. She looked scared too.

"Jo..." She reached out for me.

"No! Don't Jo me Terry. You could have died! What would I have done if some lightning bolt came and fried your ass?!" I yanked off the excuse for a raincoat as we studied each other in the dark hallway. Only the lightning illuminating our scared faces.

"I'm sorry Jo, I was just-"

"I can't lose you Terry. I love you too much. When I say to stay inside-"

"Wait, what did you say?" She stepped closer. I stopped tearing off the soggy clothes.

"What do you mean what did I say? I said that when I say to do something-" She stood in front of me and shook her head.

"No, no. I mean before that." The darkness couldn't hide the intensity I felt around her right then. I thought back, trying to think of what words would make her hum like that. Then I knew. I stepped forward pressing my body to her.

"I love you Terry. I'm in love with you and if anything were to ever happen to you..." My voice cracked.

"Oh" She kissed my face. Every where her mouth could reach she touched with her lips. I held her, running my hands over the wet clothes that clung to her body. "I've wanted to tell you that I loved you for so long." She pulled off my shirt and yanked down my sweats as she walked me into the living room.

"I love you Terry." I pulled off her t-shirt and made quick work of the jeans that hung heavily on her hips. We stumbled in the darkness until we found the couch. Like sixteen year olds we felt around frantically for each other, pulling off the last of our underwear, our bodies already grinding into each other.

The adrenaline and fear all melted away leaving two people who needed to connect badly. She licked and sucked at my neck, trailing the tip of her tongue down my chest. She sucked greedily on my nipples as my thighs wrapped around her.

We arched into each other when her teeth bit down on the hardened nubs. Her lips tugged. I felt each pull between my thighs. My hands cupped her head and pushed her closer. "Reesa..." I whispered.

Her ears were keen that night. The sound of the storm faded away that night and I began to focus on her tongue licking its way down my stomach. Sporadic shafts of light showed her face, tense with longing, nuzzling me. Then I felt her.

One long swipe of her tongue and my eyes snapped shut.

She began to feast greedily and I began to grind into her. I gripped her shoulders feeling the dampness of her skin but holding on even more. She groaned and I moaned, pulling from me every ounce of moisture her tongue could find.

Soon I was too close. I needed to see her face.

I ignored her murmurs of protest and she ignored the pressure of my hands pushing her away. My fingers slid down between her mouth and my flesh and she kissed my fingers.

"Please Jo...please..."

"Come up here Reesa." She obeyed. Our lips fused once again but I pushed at her shoulders. "Do you know how much I love you?" Her eyes opened and focused on me. "I love you." She smiled.

"I love you too Jo." When I took her hand and placed it between my thighs she knew just what I needed. My hands moved to her hips, firmly holding onto her as I pushed my thigh between her. Her wetness coated my skin. I knew that it wouldn't take her long.

In one smooth movement she pushed two fingers inside of me. Her dark, hooded eyes watched me carefully. It felt like we were both straining every bit of loving out of the moment. The more I took the more I felt until the heat inside of me was too much to hold on to. The orgasm took my breath away.

"That's it baby, let me love you baby." Her earnest whispers filled my head.

"Reesa..." My body arched again as I held her fingers inside of me. I trembled and moaned out my release. She murmured into my ear as she rode my thigh and then I felt her orgasm trembling into me.

Instinctually my arms tightened around her. The both of us holding on saying those three words over and over again.

We ran Roc out of the room at some point but he found his way back eventually. The rain was only pattering against the roof by four that afternoon but the sky was still a dark grey. There was enough wind to make the palms dance around the yard.

Terry was dead weight on top of me. Her face was buried in my neck and the warm breaths were comforting. I knew that I needed to find a blanket when I felt the fine bumps on her back but I didn't want to wake her up. I rubbed her skin instead. She made a sound similar to a cat and snuggled deeper into the couch and my arms. Her body grew still again.

Roc looked up when he heard movement. He panted happily and walked over. When I just stared back at him he lost interest and curled up again ready for another round of sleeping.

I raked my fingers through her hair and continued to rub her back. The little bumps began to disappear.

Her breathing grew shallower. Soft lips rubbed against my skin.

"I think it's just about gone now." I said. She hummed into my neck.

"I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life as I was last night looking in your eyes Jo." My hands stilled at her neck. "I saw my own death." I laughed and continue running my hands over her warm skin. "I thought you were about to wring my neck. My mother can't even make me that scared."

"You'd be wise to remember last night when you feel inclined to ignore my orders." I felt her smile. "Or else I'd have to punish you." Her head popped up. I think that both of our thoughts raced back to that evening in her office. She growled and rolled us over forgetting that we were on her couch. We fell to the floor with a loud thump.



We looked at each other and dissolved into a giggling tangle of limbs.

"I think that I'm gonna like having you around," she said with a bright smile.

I held my arms open as she stretched over me. I thought of everything I didn't know about her then all the things I wanted to tell her about me. All of that turned into one word in my head. Future. I had a future with this woman. That knowledge left me with a warm feeling in my chest. My smile was as bright as hers. "Funny, I was just thinking the same thing."


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