It Is What It Is

By Eric Trager

Published on Jun 6, 2016


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"Well, Andy, let's discuss everything one-by-one, whadya say..." Doctor Schroder said holding Andy's chart on the clipboard which Andy looked at in a puzzled fashion. "Yeah, I still use the clipboard, OK? They want me to use an iPad. Fuck that! I'm 73 years old!"

Andy chuckled, but prompted the Doctor to move it along, "I can appreciate that, Doc, so what's the good news on my chart ya got there?"

"Well, Andy, like I said, let's take it from the top: the most serious injury you had was the spleen. The CAT scan we took yesterday addressed all of your issues, but the spleen was the most serious. What we can tell is that it's not bleeding anymore and is about 60% healed. That's good, and pretty fast, too! The lung we got the first night you were here. The puncture wasn't all that bad, and it was managed by drawing off the air that your lung was leaking into your chest cavity. How's your breathing anyway? Take a deep breath for me, try to hold it in and then exhale. On the count of three! One, two, three, inhale!

Andy drew as deep a breath as he could.

"Good, now hold until I give the signal!"

Andy gave the Doc a thumb's up.


Andy exhaled with a tiny bit of a cough.

"Not bad... Not too bad... OK, now let's skip over the bruises which are only superficial, and really not important. Your ribs are knitting just fine. If they weren't then I'd not have you draw a deep breath like you just did. The fractures weren't as bad as we originally thought. Your leg is a different story somewhat. Yes, the bone is knitting, but not as fast as the rest of you is mending..."

"It's bad news, isn't it, Doc..." Andy said looking at the floor with puppy dog eyes.

"Not all bad, Andy... Here's what we're looking at: it was not apparent until today, but the type of fracture your leg sustained was a compound fracture. We're going to need to reset it, which is not a big deal since not a lot of knitting has taken place yet. We can easily reset the bone, probably without disturbing the little bit of knitting that's already happened and put on a new cast. All it means at the end of the day is a little more healing time because it's a different kind of fracture. So, all in all, Andy, you are a remarkable patient!"

"OK, Doc, but so, like, when exactly am I gonna be out of here? No offense, you've been great, but this place is not my first choice of a vacation spot if you catch my drift..."

"Andy, with any luck you will be out of here day after tomorrow. You will be fitted for crutches; which I am told you already know how to use. You are a strong young man, and if you just follow the directions I give you at the time of discharge, you're gonna be fine! We will reset the bone this evening. You will be given a general anesthetic for that procedure, so tomorrow morning you will be a little groggy. We're moving ahead with this as fast as we can, because we understand that there are other things going on in your life that require your attention in the nearest future. A certain Mr. Sean Wyman has made that point quite clear to me! I might add that young Mr. Wyman is a remarkable friend to you. You may not know this, but he has done a lot of moving and shaking for you behind the scenes. I, and some of the other staff, have, shall we say, `endured' his visits to us. I understand that you will be moving to Janesville in the next week, or so. I have made arrangements to have you transferred into the care of a long-time colleague of mine at Mercy Hospital over there. He's already got your file, and I've already spoken to him about you. You will no doubt be amused to find out that his name is Dr. Schroeder. It's pronounced "shrayder" instead of my "shroder" but just the same, kinda ironic, no?"

"No kidding, Doc? I can leave the day after tomorrow?"

"No kidding, Andy. As I said before, you've been a remarkable patient."

With tears of joy streaming down his cheeks, Andy said, "Doc, here, shake my hand. Thank you, Doc! Thank you!"

"Of course I'll shake your hand, son. I've been a Doctor for almost fifty years, and I've always tried to do what's best for my patients. You will recover faster being with the people you need to be with than you will lying in a fucking hospital bed. That may be Old School, but it is what it is."

"Thanks again, Doc, and I'll see if I can't keep Sean off your back until I'm outta here!"

"I'd appreciate that, Andy. That young man could move a mountain if he thought he needed to, but I shan't greatly miss his visits!" Dr. Schroder winked at Andy and then left the room.

Across town, Joe Wyman walked into the Kenosha Police Department headquarters on 55th Street. Arriving at the receptionist desk, he asked to speak with Detective Chrostowski. The receptionist took his name and bade him sit down in the waiting area.

After about five minutes, the receptionist said, "Mr. Wyman, Detective Chrostowski will see you now. Please take the elevator over there up to the third floor. He'll be there to meet you!"

Getting off the elevator, Joe saw Detective Chrostowski waiting for him. "Good morning, Detective!" Joe said extending his hand.

The two men shook hands, and Chrostowski said, "My office is right down the hall second door on the left."

Once they got to the office, Chrostowski pointed to a chair opposite his desk with a motion telling Joe he should sit down. "OK, Mr. Wyman, what can I do for you today?" His demeanor was polite, yet brisk and businesslike.

"I came down about the Andrew Churchill case."

"I figured that. What can I do for you?"

"Detective, I spoke with an old friend of mine last night. We were in the Marines together. You may have heard of his name: Joe Burkheimer."

"Yeah, good old `Never Get Busted Joe'..." The Detective chuckled. So you know old Joe Burkheimer, hey..."

"Like I said, we were in the Marines together. Desert Storm."

"Well, thank you both for your service, Mr. Wyman. Now, if you will, please tell me what you have to say. Let me get the file out here. OK, go ahead!"

"Look, Detective, here's what I have: Joe's opinion was by the M.O. that it was most likely a Mexican gang that did the beating, but that it sounded to him more like a beating for hire. He felt that if Andy had gang connections he'd be dead instead of beaten. In Joe's words, `they would've shanked him,' so I'm wondering if your office is looking at that angle of it. Joe knows that Andy had no gang connections."

"Go on..."

Joe went on to tell the Detective the conversation that he'd had with Sean, but left out the part of who the individual in question was that suggested they get rid of Andy, too, as Sean had promised Andy that it would be Andy's decision whether, or not to report that. However, since neither Joe, nor Sean had made a promise regarding Mark Braden's slip of the tongue which Joe did report to the detective.

"Well, Mr., Wyman, first of all, I find no fault with Burkheimer's assessment. That's as far as I can go on that point. Second, I will reluctantly respect your son's deferral to his, um, boyfriend, if you will, regarding any specific individual. Third, I thank you for the information regarding young Mr. Braden. Now, I realize that right now I seem stiff and bureaucratic and perhaps like I don't care. Nothing could be further from the truth, but please realize that this is an ongoing investigation and as such I am not at liberty to convey to any member of the general public what we have, what we don't have, any specific leads, and so forth. What I can tell you is this: you have given me a piece of information that on the surface appears to be of interest. That is absolutely as far as I can go, Mr. Wyman, and I hope you can appreciate that."

"Detective, I fully understand what you are telling me. I should also let you know that in perhaps a week Andy, my son Sean, and I are moving to Janesville. We will let you know the exact date. I shall be Andy's guardian until he reaches the age of eighteen. I expect to receive the guardianship papers in the next day, or two at which time I shall supply you with a copy as well as the contact information for my Attorney, who in this matter will also be acting as Andy's Attorney. Once we get to Janesville, for the first approximately thirty days we shall be living in a company- owned condominium and after that at a private home I am purchasing, the address of which I shall supply to you once the sale closes and we move into it. I'll be having near-military grade security installed at both locations, so if anyone wants to come and visit they'll need to call first. The Janesville Police should know, and I guess you as well, that all of our vehicles have very much enhanced security systems. We shall not be changing our cell phone numbers, or email addresses. If you have a liaison with the Janesville Police, then by all means you are free to give that person our contact information."

"Mr. Wyman, thank you for coming by today. I appreciate the information that you shared with me. And please know that the Kenosha Police are being assisted by other agencies in this matter. We are working as diligently as we can. I trust what little I have felt able to convey to you will stay within the confines of this office. As a Marine in Desert Storm I'm sure you understand the value of not blowing one's cover."

"You have my word, Detective. What was said here stays here."

"Good day, Mr. Wyman."

"Good day, Detective."

On his way out of the office, Joe did not fail to notice that in the parking lot reserved for Police Cruisers were two normal looking Chevrolet Impalas. Normal looking except that they had US Government plates. Although not fitted out with rooftop cherries and the like that Police Cruisers carry, Joe knew enough about cars to see that the wheels on the Impalas signified that they were built with RPO 9C1: the Police Package. He was pretty sure they must be FBI.

Sean walked down the Aurora Hospital hall which he had trod so many times over recent days to room 562.

Andy greeted him with a "Guess what, Sean! Guess fucking what!"

Sean observed that Andy had not referred to him as either Sean-o,' or Blondie' so he knew this must be huge.

"Jesus on a stick! I dunno, ANDY, what's up?"

"Doc came by to see me! I am out day after tomorrow! All they have to do is reset my leg which they're doing tonight, and I'm good to go after one day to recover from the anesthesia!"

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Sean shouted as he jumped for joy. "And, this is really happening! You get out of here, we start our new lives! I am so fucking psyched! I can't believe this! You and me, man! I am so fucking lucky!"

"You? What about me? Here I am, I spend all these years with no one really loving me... Last night when I was alone, I prayed that you would please love me even though I'm crippled! I prayed I wasn't being a burden to you. Then today I walked under my own power! I need so much to do my share! And now I can start to do that! We're gonna make an awesome team, Sean-o! You just wait! There's nothing we can't do! The Doc told me that you moved mountains for me! I love you so much!"

"Me, too, Brown Eyes! This has sucked so bad for you! You look me in the eye, Andrew! I promise you, Andrew, I will be there every step of the way! I promise! I felt like you might think I wasn't doing enough. I've never been in love before, so I didn't know what to do. I did what I thought was right. I hope it was good enough. I hope it was OK."



"Let's just do what we said we're gonna do: move forward with our new lives. OK?"

"OK!" The two boys fist bumped, and with that, Andy and Sean exchanged a soft, affectionate lover's kiss. "And, wanna know something?"


"Last night I was jacking off same as you, OK?"


"When you heal up, well, I want you to fuck me! I mean it, I want to give myself to you, and I want your seed in my ass. I wanna get plowed by your big fuckin' cock! I want that so much, And! That's what I thought about when I was jacking off – you taking me!"

"Mr. Wyman! You have a deal! When I am healed I will take you!" Andy's eyes twinkled. "Sean, I know you love me, but up until now I still was afraid that the rug would get pulled out from underneath me because of my injuries making me a drag on everyone. Sean, I know now that's not true and I'm such a total fucking idiot for even thinking that. I was just so scared! I'm so sorry!"

"I was scared, too, Brown Eyes. I was sacred you might not live, and then I'd have to go through life without you. And then there was the double whammy that I had to be strong for you when I felt so weak. I thought you might think I wasn't doing enough for you. And then I had my lawn business I had to keep up with. I was being pulled every which way. And I was trying to see if I could help the police with your case. The Doctors probably hate me because I was on their ass so much. I cried privately to myself when no one, not even my dad, could see. I asked my mom in Heaven for help. I almost broke, but I didn't. I couldn't let that happen. I had to be strong for you! And you made it! We're together forever now!"

"Forever!" Andy lit up the room with his smile.

At precisely 5:00 that afternoon, Jim Nolan pulled into the restaurant where he'd had lunch that day with Sean and Joe. Upon entering, he spotted the Hostess and asked for Danny.

"Danny gets off at 5:00 so he's probably around here somewhere. What's your name? I'll page him for you."

"My name's Jim Nolan, ma'am..."

"OK, wait right here then!" The Hostess then paged Danny, "Danny Parks, please come to the front of the house. A Mr. Jim Nolan is here for you. Danny Parks to the front of the house."

In what seemed like a split second, Danny appeared. He was out of his waiter's uniform and in his street clothes: Levi's 501's, sandals, and a tan heavy cotton button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and just enough of the top buttons left open so Jim could see that Danny wasn't smooth-chested. "Jesus Christ," Jim thought, "he's way hotter than he looked at lunch!"

"Hey, Jim! I'm really glad you came!"

"I said I would...besides, um, well, you seemed like a nice guy, yeah, so, well here I am!" Jim thought he just made an idiot out of himself big-time.

"Well, where do ya wanna go? Like I said, I don't know many people around here, so you pick, Jimbo!"

"I dunno, you have a car?"

"Yeah, it's outside in the employee's lot..."

"Well, let's do's a nice day, we're already near the Lake, so wanna find a spot on the beach and sit and talk?"

"Sure, that sounds great! You lead the way! Oh, and I'll be right back, I'll get us a couple bottles of water!"

"Cool, I'll wait right here then..."

Danny came back with the water and the two young men were off down the beachfront.

"How about right here?" Jim asked, "This looks like a nice spot, we can see the Lake and there aren't a lot of people around and stuff..."

"OK, well, let's sit down then, shall we?"

"Danny, I, um, well, I...I don't know how to say this, but I'm a little nervous..."

"Nervous? I make you nervous?"

"No, not you, it's just, um, well, look, what I mean is..."

"Jim, just relax! We're gonna sit here and get to know each other. We might find that we like each other, and we might find that we don't, but we're not gonna find out if one of us is all nervous and stuttering. Let's do this: you ask me a question about myself, and I'll answer it. Then I'll ask you a question. OK?"

"Um, sure... OK, well, here goes. You said you don't know very many people around here. Why's that? I mean, you seem like a nice guy, and you're really fucking hot. Oh, Christ, what did I say! Danny, I'm so sorry, what I meant was..." Jim's face was as red as a stop sign.

"OK, I'll answer your question. I moved up here from Chicago to go to School. I'm a Freshman at Carthage College. My major is Accounting. I live here in town with my Grandmother. And you're really fucking hot, too... Now I get to ask you a question. Do you really think I am fucking hot?"

Jim smiled a little bit at Danny. "Thanks, Danny. I thought I just put my foot so far in my mouth it was comin' out my ass! Anyway, well, I'll cut to the chase here. Yeah, I do. Is that OK, or is this where we go our separate ways..."

"No, Jimbo. This is when I kiss you!" With that, Danny leaned in and kissed Jim softly on the lips. Jim felt a jolt go through his body, and although he couldn't know it, so did Danny.

"Holy crap, Danny! I never did that before. I mean, I never kissed a guy. Well, I never kissed a girl, either. Is it OK if I say I liked it?"

"It's more than OK! Now tell me a little about yourself..."

"OK, I'll be a Senior at Tremper High this year. I was gonna be on the football team again, but that's a really long story that I can go into later. I've lived in Kenosha all my life. And, well, I'm gay. There! I fucking said it! I just figured that out a week, or two ago. I've never had a boyfriend, or done anything with another guy. I think you're a nice guy, Danny, and, well, do you think we can be friends?"

"Yes, we can. I'd like that. You seem very sweet. And like I said, you're fucking hot. Now tell me the really long story about the football team..."

Jim recounted the entire story of Sean, Andy, himself, Braden, the meeting, the park, the beating, Sean's dad's job transfer, all of it. After he finished Danny was staring at him with his jaw hanging open.

"So, you mean your friend Sean is gay, too?"

"Yeah, he is... He's a great guy, and I'm gonna miss him something terrible!"

"Hey, I gotta ask you this, how old are you anyway?"

"I'm eighteen. My birthday was two weeks ago. You?"

"I'm nineteen. I'll be twenty in February."

"OK, that's cool. Why did you ask anyway?"

"At the risk of sounding crude, Jimbo, I wanted to make sure that you are of legal age in case we decide to have sex. You see, I am an adult, and if you were underage I could get in trouble."

"So, when are we gonna decide if we wanna have sex?"

"Well, we could make that decision now if you like!"

"OK. I decide yes. What do you decide?"

"It's unanimous then! Let's walk back to our cars, and if you want you can follow me to my Grandmother's house."

"I don't wanna have sex in a house with somebody's Grandmother in it!" Jim exclaimed.

"Me either. She won't be home. She's visiting her sister in Florida for a few more days. We'll have the place to ourselves."

"OK, that's better!" Jim grinned. "Hey, are you sure it's OK that I never had sex before? I mean, I don't wanna be bad at it, or anything!"

"Don't worry, I've only had sex twice before so I don't really know much more about it than you do. I think it will be fine if we take time getting to know each other even if it is with our clothes off. I'm willing to take the time, Jim. There's something special about you."

A tear ran down Jim's cheek. "Nobody ever said that to me before. I hope you still think so later on because there's something special about you, too, Danny..."

Danny wiped the tear from Jim's cheek, stood, offered his hand to pull Jim up, and said, "OK, Jimbo! Let's blow this popcorn stand!"

Three hours later Jim and Danny emerged from Danny's room at this grandmother's house. "Hey, maybe we should open the windows! This whole house smells like cum!" Jim said.

"Not a bad idea, there sweet Jimbo!"

"Hey, Danny?"


"Was I OK? I mean, I didn't disappoint you, or anything, did I?"

"Were you OK? WERE YOU OK? Jimbo, we both came three times. There's like a gallon of cum all over us, another gallon up my ass, and you swallowed a third gallon! Were you OK? You totally blew me away! I wanna do this again. With you. You're an incredible lover, Mr. Nolan! I want to see more of you on a regular basis!"

"Does that mean we're dating"?

"I dunno, I never dated anyone before. I guess if you want to then we can be dating. I'd sure like to date you! Maybe we can be boyfriends! All I know is that I really, REALLY like you!"

"Good, `cause I really, REALLY like you, too, Mr. Parks!"


"OK, guys, the movers have taken off!" Joe Wyman announced. "Hop in your vehicle, guys, and we're outta here!"

For the trip to Janesville, Joe elected to drive the Equinox pulling the trailer with Sean's landscaping equipment behind, while Andy and Sean drove down in the XTS with Sean piloting as Andy's leg was still in the cast and he needed the extra leg room.

For the last week, Andy had been getting around better every day. He could whizz along on his crutches almost faster than Sean could walk. Sean admonished him several times no weight on the broken leg until a Doctor told him it was OK.

Sean had also been careful to finish up well with his customers, and to recommend to them other companies who he felt would meet their expectations.

Andy and Sean both felt a bittersweet feeling in their hearts. It was an end but it was also a beginning. For both of them, the sweet outweighed the bitter.

"Well, here we go, And..."

"I'm psyched, Blondie! Tomorrow we'll go to the school to enroll. Can't wait to see what that's like! And you got the practice schedule, and all that, right?"

"Yeah, I sent in my physical card, me fee is paid, Coach Slater emailed me what I need to know, so I guess I'm all set! Hey, I invited Noles and Danny down sometime if that's OK..."

"Awesome! You know I'm glad Noles found somebody really nice. I mean, at first I thought Danny was a little too chatty, but then I just realized he likes people. Know what?"


"I can tell they both got it bad for each other! I mean, you think that's how we look to other people? I mean like those two are in love for sure!"

"Yeah, Brown Eyes, I think we look pretty much the same as they do. All I know is that I couldn't really have made this move without you. You are everything to me. I just know that in school this year we're gonna be unbeatable! You and me, And!"

"Yeah, and I'm not gonna be the little pot dealer that people only talk to when they wanna score a bag. Sean-o, you've given me something I never had: confidence in myself. You just watch! My grades are gonna be better than yours! And I'm gonna come to every game to cheer you on!"

"Well, I hafta make the team first. I'm likely to be viewed at least by some of the guys as a carpetbagger. We'll just have to see... Hey, I just got an email on my phone, can you see who it's from?"

"Sure! It's from Coach Slater."

"OK, read it please..."

"Sean, can you come by my office tomorrow morning at 9:30? Thanks, Coach Slater"

"Yeah, I guess... And, can ya just reply and let him know I'll be there..."


"Thanks, Brown Eyes. I love you so much! Hey, it looks like we're almost there! This is where the road goes from two lanes to four lanes..."

"OK, and you have the address in the GPS, so at least you won't complain about the streets in this town this time!" Andy snickered.

"Fine, so I'm not the best without my GPS... Hopefully I have at least SOME other good qualities!" Sean stuck his tongue out.

"Hey, don't stick that tongue out unless you mean business there, Mr. Wyman!"

"You think we could fuck while you're still in that cast? I mean, I so want you to fuck me, but, I mean, what about me fucking you?"

"Sean-o, I'd take your cock and your load any time you wanna give it to me!"

"Shit! We never talked with dad about sleeping arrangements! Jeez! Well, I guess we'll find out when we get there..."

The GPS guided them to a newer ranch-style condo that Sean initially found disappointing. It was new, didn't have much style from the outside, and there was not enough garage space for all the vehicles they had. Pulling up, Sean told Andy to wait while he came around to the passenger side of the car and helped him out. "Just stand there and prop yourself up on the car door. I'll get the crutches! Dad's not here yet, but he did give me the key fob to get in the house. I got one for you, too. Dad will show us how to work the system, and we'll get the app on your phone, too. You can control the whole thing by cell phone..."

The boys entered the condo and the inside wasn't as bad as the outside. It had higher-end finishes and appliances, cathedral ceilings, and out the back a nice view of what appeared to be some sort of canyon lush with bushes and prairie grass.

"Hey, Sean-o, look at this! Someone left a card addressed to Andy and Sean!"

"Wow! Open it and see what it is!"

"OK, here is it. It says, "Welcome to your temporary home, boys! Go down the hall to the left to see your room! If you need anything changed, just let me know! Love, Dad."

The boys scrambled down the hall finding what they were sure was a bedroom door. "Well, don't just stand there, Sean-o, go on in! I'll wait, it's easier if you open the door!"

Sean opened the door to the bedroom, walked in and yelled, "Fuckin-A! And, man, getcher ass in here!"

"Holy fuck!" Andy screamed. Inside the room, the boys' mouths were agape as they looked around. There was a California King Size bed with masculine sleigh-back headboard and footboard, two walk-in closets, a 50-inch television, two desks with chairs, and a private full bathroom with a double walk-in shower and double sinks. The room faced the back of the house, and had the same canyon view that they saw before.

"This ain't the Spanish house, but it'll do..." Sean said.

"Do you think your dad is gonna let us both sleep in that bed together, Sean-o?"

"Has to be. This place only has two bedrooms! And, let's sit down and have a talk with dad tonight. I think it's OK if you call him dad now. I'd like for him to tell you what he told me back when you were in the hospital, OK?"

"Yeah, I'd like that! Plus, I gotta talk to your, um, I mean OUR dad about my finances. I'm not sure if he knows about all that..."

About fifteen minutes later, Joe pulled up and backed the Equinox with trailer into the driveway. The boys went toward the front door so that they could meet him. "Hey, dad!" they both said in unison.

Joe looked somewhat quizzically at them.

"Dad," Sean said, "I told Andy that he should call you dad from now on. It just felt weird hearing him refer to you as `your dad' and then what was he gonna call you to your face? I think dad is good, whadya say?"

"Andy, I'd be proud to have you call me dad! And from time to time, I may refer to you as son, if that's alright with you."

"Are you kidding, that makes Sean-o and me brothers then! That's awesome! DAD!" Andy exclaimed as his smile lit up the room. Sean smirked, and Joe just chuckled and shook his head.

"What am I gonna do with you two Indians... By the way, guys, how do you like your room?"

"We love it, dad!" Andy said, "But I have a question. Does the one bed in there mean that you're OK with Sean and me sharing it?"

"Boys, I mean, sons, come into the living room and take a seat..."

All three men went to the living room and sat down. Joe continued, "Sean, Andy, here's the deal. Now, Andy, Sean's heard most of this speech before, so he'll just have to suffer through it. Anyway, sons, you're both good boys. I know that you are in love. At first, it was a surprise to me that you guys are gay, and that you're, well, boyfriends. I want both of you to know that four years ago I lost the love of my life, and I'll be Goddamned if I'm going to lose either one of you. I support you both 100%. I'm proud of both of you – you're both fine young men. So, yes, that is your room, and that is your bed to share. OK, that's the end of the speech."

"Thanks, dad!" both boys said.

"Now, Andy, there is something more. We've never had this talk before, but Sean knows all about it, so listen up. There's a guy back in Kenosha, his name's Joe Burkheimer. I believe you know him. Joe and I were Marines together in Desert Storm. Bottom line is I know how you were making your money. I will not tolerate such a business in my home, and while you live in my home you will live by my rules. Am I clear?"

"Yes, sir..." Andy said staring at the floor.

"Andy, do not stare at the floor. Look me in the eyes like the good man I know you are! Joe agreed to take back your, um, inventory and pay you a thousand dollars for it. You and I both know it was probably worth a factor of at least three, or four more than that, but in exchange for that, Joe let you off the hook. I consider that to be a reasonable bargain. It is what it is. And as I said, Joe and I were Marines together, so you can rest assured. I have Joe's word Marine to Marine. If you want to get a more, um, traditional job, I have no problem with that, but as I have already said there will be no drug dealing in my home. Very well, now do you have anything you'd like to add?"

"Yes, sir. I have money in the bank, and I'd like to pay my way here. All I ask is that I be expected to buy my own clothes, pay any school fees that I might have, any gasoline, and car insurance I might have, and a fair amount every month for food and utilities. We can work out a number for that, but I don't want to ever have anyone feel that I took advantage of your generosity, dad."

"Just exactly how much money do you have in the bank, son?"

"Last time I checked was before I went in the hospital, but it was a little over $60,000."

"And where did this money come from?"

"Um, well, it mostly came from selling marijuana. Some of it was from my Uncle helping him on construction jobs."

"I'll make you a deal. This will be a deal you can't refuse, if you catch my drift."

"Yes, sir..."

"OK, here's the deal. You're gonna be a new student at Craig High this year. You will take $10,000 of that money and set up a fund for kids that get bullied. You will see the school Principal to ask for a meeting. Then the three of us, you, me and the Principal - Sean, this matter does not concern you – will have a meeting to talk about how to set things up in the best way for the school and the community. That leaves you $50,000. Of that, you will take $15,000 which you and I will decide how to bank locally for your living expenses over the next two years. That should be more than enough. Monthly you and I will go over how you are spending your money; same as I already do with Sean. You will not pay me one fucking cent for food, clothing, or utilities. Period. The remainder of the money I will invest for your future, whether it's trade school, college, or whatever. That's my deal, and you better take it."

"I actually like it, dad!" Andy said. "I'm starting out a new life, and right off the bat I get to make a contribution to my new hometown! I never would have thought of that! I think it's great, plus I don't feel like a burden on you, and I have something for the future! Wow, thanks dad! Nobody ever thought about my future before. Um, dad..."

"Yes, son."

"I love you, dad..." Andy hobbled over and gave Joe a hug. Sean thought he caught his Marine father blinking back tears.

"I love you, too, Andy. I love both of my boys! Now, we have something else to talk about here, and this is on a lighter note. Tomorrow, we're going to go to the Chevy dealer over on Milwaukee Street and pick out a car for you, Andy. Sean, as you know GM is giving me two cars, one of which is the XTS. You already have a vehicle that serves your purposes, so we'll get Andy one that serves his. Once we pick the car, Andy, we'll have the same security system installed on your car that's on Sean's car and the XTS. I want you both to hear my reasoning behind having Andy drive the new car. If I decided to give Sean's car to Andy and have Sean get the new car, then even without saying so it looks like Andy's only getting a hand-me-down. That doesn't work for me. I've been given the responsibility to raise both of you for the next two years, and you will both be treated the same. There will be no first and second best here. You are both my sons, and you will be treated equally. Sean, you have a vehicle. Andy does not. Therefore, Andy gets the new car. The price limit will be $30,000; same as it was for Sean. Andy, you will pay for insurance, gas, and school parking fees same as Sean does. Any questions?"

"Dad?" Sean said. "That's just fine with me. I want Andy to pick something that he likes, and the Equinox already does what I need it to do. I'm'm so..."

"Go ahead, Sean!" Joe said.

"Dad, I just wanna say thanks for making Andy one of the family. That's all."

"Yeah, dad. I really feel like I'm part of a family now. I never felt that way before."

"Sons, there is no need to thank me. This is part of what dads do. You two are my family. Now, is anyone hungry after all this?"


"OK, well, I was told about a place in town that delivers really good pizza, and we've all had a long day. I'll order us a couple pizzas, and there's already cold beer in the fridge. It's a beautiful night and we can eat out on the patio. How's that?"

Sean nodded in agreement. Andy spoke up, "Dad, I just wanna say thanks again. I love my new family. I'm not used to this. I love you, dad, and I love you, Sean. Thank you. I won't disappoint you, dad."

"No, I don't believe you will." Joe answered.

For the rest of the evening, the Wyman men enjoyed their pizza and beer on the patio, played several games of three-handed cribbage, and enjoyed themselves just talking guy talk like how the Brewers were going to finish the season, and what they thought the Packers' prospects for this year might be.

When it was time for bed, they went to their separate ends of the condo, Joe warned them that he was arming the security system, and they all bid each other a good night.

Settling onto bed, Andy told Sean, "Blondie, I feel so special tonight. I owe it all to you. I will never let you down. I love you so much! I don't feel like sex tonight, but please hold me close. I'm part of a family now!"

"Yes, you are, and I love you so much, too."

The boys fell instantly to sleep.

Waking in the morning, Sean told Andy, "Hey, you go with dad, and I'll head over to the school and have my meeting with Coach."

"Cool. I think I already know what I want for a car..."


"You'll see, smirk-face!"

"OK, peg leg!"


"Douche bag!"

"Just for that, tonight you're sitting on my dick!"


Sean dressed and headed off to the school. He made his way to the Coach's office arriving on time at 9:30. As he did for his previous meeting with Coach Slater, he gave his `shave and a haircut two bits' door knock.

"Enter" he heard Coach Slater say.

Sean entered the room and was surprised to see another boy there.

"Thanks for coming, Mr. Wyman. I'd like you to meet Tim Dickson."

The two boys shook hands. Sean was a bit taken aback. Tim Dickson was the spitting image of Danny Parks. Almost the same height as Danny, a bit more muscular, but dead-on the same face, eye color, and the exact same auburn brown hair.

"Please, have a seat gentleman," Coach Slater bade.

"I asked you both to come here today for the following reason. As you both know, football tryouts start next week. Mr. Wyman, Mr. Dickson here was our backup Quarterback last year. Mr. Dickson, Mr. Wyman ended up last year as the starting Quarterback for Kenosha Tremper. I've watched both of you on video and quite honestly, on video there is little to choose between you. Mr. Dickson, I'd say you have a marginally superior arm at least for distance if not for accuracy, and maybe superior quickness. Mr. Wyman, I'd say you are superior at reading a defense and holding your cool under pressure. Gentlemen, the point of the meeting is this: one of you will be our starting Quarterback. The other one will be his backup. This year, I am coaching for at minimum the conference championship. I need to hear from both of you that whoever is picked as the starter will have the support of the other. I cannot have, and will not have, division on this team. Is that clear, gentlemen?"

"Yes, Coach!" both of the answered in unison.

"Coach, I have an idea," Sean spoke up.

"What is your idea, Mr. Wyman?"

"Well, let's just say that at the end of tryouts it's not really clear which one of us is better..."

"Go on."

"Well, why not start whichever one of us is better suited for whatever team we're playing that week? I will say, though, that if after tryouts Dickson here beats me fair and square, I'll play as his backup without reservation."

"I'll take your suggestion under advisement for the time being, Mr. Wyman. What say you, Mr. Dickson?"

"Coach, I'll be a Senior this year and this is my last shot. It is my intention to beat Wyman for the job."

"What if at the end of the day my decision is not that which you prefer?" Coach asked.

"Then it is what it is, Coach. Look, Wyman, I saw you play last year at Monterey when we had the non-conference game. You're good, I'll give ya that, but you got a fight on your hands for the job, bud."

"Fair enough, Dickson. I just wanna say, though, that because of divisions on the Tremper team that developed over the Summer the team pretty much tore itself apart. They may not be able to field a varsity team at all this year. The divisions were so deep among the players it even resulted in a student not associated with the team being hospitalized due to injuries suffered by in a beating that appears to have been hired out by a student who is associated with the team. From what I can gather, the matter is still under investigation by the Police and the FBI, not to mention the WIAA. A few of the guys aren't going return to the team this year because they didn't want to be associated with that kind of stuff."

"What kind of divisions on the Tremper team?" Dickson asked.

"OK, you asked." Sean said. "In a nutshell, part of the team couldn't deal with the fact that I'm gay. They thought it would somehow reflect poorly on them, and they ambushed me. They broke a bond of trust. There's more to it than that, but like I said, in a nutshell there you have it."

"I don't give a shit if you're gay!" Dickson said, rolling his eyes. "Look, you were honest. I respect that. You and I are here to play football and anything else doesn't mean squat to me!"

"Fair enough. I just wanna repeat for the record that if you beat me out for the job I'll support you 100% as our starter. I'm sure if the shoe ends up on the other foot I'll be able to expect the same. You will get the best competition for the job that I'm capable of, but at the end of the day I came here to be a team player."

Coach Slater interjected at this point, "Gentlemen, I believe we've covered what we needed to cover here. I'll add that I am proud of your conduct in this meeting. That is all for now."

"Thanks, Coach!" both young men said, and with that they left.

Walking down the hall, Tim turned to Sean and said, "So, you're um, like..."

"Gay? Yeah, I am. Is that going to be a problem with the team?"

Tim paused a moment before answering. "Um, well... Um, OK, look, I don't give a fuck about it. And trust me, if I don't give a fuck about it, then neither does the rest of the team. You got nuthin' to worry about. I have a gay cousin. He's a great guy. My best friend. Look, Wyman, we'll do what we need to do. I'm with Coach: I just want the conference championship for starters. I don't give a fuck how we get it. We'll work together here you and me, deal?"

"Deal!" Sean said, "Just out of curiosity, what's your cousin's name?"

"You wouldn't know him. His name's Danny Parks."

"Um, Tim, well, as a matter of fact I do know your cousin as an acquaintance. You look just like him."

"Everyone says that!" Tim laughed. "Look, good to meet you, Wyman! We'll see each other once practice starts!"

"Looking forward to it, Dickson! By the way, Danny's coming down at some point with another friend to visit. If you want, I can let you know when they're gonna be here..."

"Really? Nice... Look, let's exchange contact info. Just text me and let me know..."

"Deal!" The two boys fist bumped and went their separate ways.

"Hey, Wyman!" Sean heard Tim Dickson call out. Dickson ran back to Sean, "Look, some of the guys are getting together tonight at my house. Why don't you come by and I'll introduce you? You seem like a good shit..."

"Thanks! Would it be OK if I brought someone with me?"

"Don't see why not! Who ya bringin'?"

"OK, now remember before you told me you respected honesty..."

"Yeah, I do, so who ya bringin'?"

"My boyfriend." Sean went on to tell Dickson the whole story, not the abbreviated version he'd given in Coach's office, about what happened back in Kenosha.

"Fuck! No wonder you guys got the fuck outta there! I woulda, too! And yer right – no Quarterback could effectively lead an offense under those conditions. Look, we got a good buncha guys here. I think there might be one, or two others that are gay, but it's never come up. I don't think you and yer boyfriend got anything to worry about. You guys'll be fine! I'm glad yer here, Wyman. I didn't wanna say anything in front of Coach, but I remember when we played you last year. I said before that yer good. Yer not. Yer way fuckin' better than good. We're gonna win the Big Eight this year, bro!" Dickson slapped Sean on the back, smiled, and let him know, "I'll text ya my address and what time to come over!"

"Excellent! Thanks, Tim. Hey, what's yer nickname, anyhow? Mine's Wymo..."


"OK, see ya later Dix!"

"See ya, Wymo!"

Sean walked to his car feeling pleased with his meeting, and pleased to have broken the ice with Tim Dickson in a positive way. Returning home, Andy greeted him at the door. "Hey, Blondie, so, like, how'd it go?"

"Fuckin' excellent! You and I are gonna go meet some new friends tonight! I met the other Quarterback and he invited us over tonight. We'll meet some of the other guys on the team! Best of all, he already knows I'm gay, that you're my boyfriend and he said flat out he doesn't give a fuck, and that neither will anyone else! I'm lookin' forward to it! Whadya think?"

"Awesome! We're gonna hafta break into the school social system somehow, and this is great! We've only been here not even a day! Sean-o, I really think we made the right move here!"

"So do I, Brown Eyes. So do I... Oh! And guess what..."

"You got me..."

The other Quarterback, his nickname's Dix, well...Danny is his cousin! Just wait until you meet him – he could be Danny's twin."

"No shit?"

"No shit, loverboy..."

"Hey, I got a surprise for you, too, there Mr. Fucking Quarterback!"

"I'm your fucking Quarterback, sweet cheeks!"

"C'mon, follow me!"


Andy scooted on his crutches over to the garage. "Go on! Go take a look!" Andy was absolutely beaming with joy.

"Wow!" Sean said as he spotted a brand new car in the garage that hadn't been there before. "I'm a little surprised you picked a Cruze, And. How come?"

"Sean-o..." Andy rolled his eyes, "Take a closer look. This one's the turbo diesel. It's rated better than a Jetta! It'll get 50 miles a gallon on the highway and like 42 around town! It's got leather, sunroof, navi, upgraded paint and's loaded! And it was well under 30 grand! I haven't driven it yet because of my cast but in couple of weeks I should be able to when they change me into a brace."

Sean admired Andy's choice in its Crystal Red Tintcoat paint with two-tone tan leather interior and all the upgrades. "Just like Andy, too..." he thought, "most guys would figure a way to finagle a Camaro, or something, but Andy goes with practical..."

"Whadya think, Blondie?"

"I think it looks great! It's got your name written all over it. Hey, And?"


"Wanna get naked?"

"I'll race ya!"

The two boys scampered off to their room as fast as they both could go. For the first time since the beating, both Sean and Andy felt free, and they needed to express their love for each other.

"And, I been waiting for this for a long time... I'm gonna show you how much I love you!"

"I'll show you, too, my hairy blonde hunk!"

"And, here' gimme the crutches, and I'll sit you down on the bed, OK? Then we'll get those clothes off!" Andy draped one arm over Sean's shoulder so he could stay on his good leg. He whispered to Sean who turned his head toward Andy. Andy leaned in and began a long, sensuous kiss. Both boys' tongues explored their mouths, and both boys felt the stirring in their loins.

"I want you, Sean-o! Here, let's get our clothes off, then sit me on the floor up against the side of the bed!"

Sean sat Andy down on the bed and began to undress him. First his shirt came off, then Sean slowly unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned the cargo shorts and carefully slipped them down over his legs taking care not to move the bad leg too much. Andy grimaced a bit but let Sean know, "I'll be fine, it's OK...keep going!"

Once the shorts were off, Sean cold see the wet spot in the front of Andy's underwear, and the meaty size of his lover's hard cock. "I want that big cock of yours, Brown Eyes!" Sean slipped Andy's underwear off and marveled at the tautness of his lover's lean body, as well as the size and girth of his cock. Already a drip of precum glistened at the tip of Andy's meat. Sean swiped it off with his finger and ate it.

"Gorgeous!" Sean smiled up at Andy.

"OK, Sean-o, now lift me up and sit me down on the floor. Lean me up against the side of the bed..."

Sean complied. "Fuck my face!" Andy commanded.

Sean almost literally ripped his clothes off exposing to Andy his supple musculature, his soft skin, his long torso covered from chest to crotch with downy, blonde hair. Andy thought he's cum right then and there. "Fuck my face, Sean-o!" Andy again ordered. "Get on your knees and stick your dick in my mouth, jock boy!"

Sean knelt down and moved toward Andy. Grasping his cock in his left hand he jacked it in front of Andy's face. Sean took a pearl of his precum on his index finger and dressed Andy's lips with it. Slowly, he moved his cock closer and closer until it touched Andy's mouth. At once, Andy deep throated the entire length of Sean's pole. Sean was not quite as hung as Andy, but his cock was still on the bigger side of average. Andy swirled the head with his tongue sending Sean into paroxysms of ecstasy and anticipation.

"Suck me, Brown Eyes! Oh God! Ohhhhhh... Andy, suck me please!" As euphoric as Sean was it did not go unnoticed that Andy was furiously jacking off. "Jack it, And, c'mon!"

Sean's body began to contort, but this was too soon for him, so he pulled out of Andy's mouth, scooted back enough so he could reach down and engage Andy in an intense, passionate kiss that seemed to last forever. "And, I'm gonna move you – we're gonna lie you on your back. Here's let's go this way!" Sean, being quite strong, had no trouble pivoting Andy's body 90 degrees and lying him down on the floor, Andy's cock pointing straight toward the ceiling.

Sean reached over into the nightstand and withdrew a tube that appeared to Andy to look like a small toothpaste tube. "Whatcha got, Sean-o?"

"I'm gonne lube up my ass, and then I'm gonna have a seat. I'm gonna sit on your dick!"

"Sean-o, get over me on all fours in 69 position. Start sucking my dick!"

Sean did as instructed. While a leader on the football field, in the bedroom he was content to sometimes take direction from Andy, and Andy knew it.

"Oh, yeah... Suck that fat dick, Blondie! Now finger my asshole. Stick your finger in! Oh yeaaahhhhhhh..."

Sean almost jumped three feet as he felt an unknown sensation on his asshole. With Sean's butt up in the air, Andy began eating Sean's ass, swirling his tongue around the hole as he stretched it with his fingers to increase the surface area. "Uh, oh, fuuuuuuuuck!" Sean groaned, writhing in unrestrained pleasure. It didn't go unnoticed by Andy that Sean was leaking precum like a fire hose.

"Sit on my dick, Jock boy!" Andy ordered. "Lube up my big dick! Then I'm gonna lube your ass and get you ready, stud!"

Sean did as ordered, lubing Andy's fat cock and jacking it at the same time moving his closed hand up and down and in a circular motion that drove Andy toward the edge. "No! Don't make me cum!" Andy gasped, "Turn around and get back on all fours. Point your ass toward me so I can lube it!"

Andy reached for the lube and applied a good amount to his index finger. He positioned his index finger on Sean's hole softly daubing the lube all around the circumference. Inserting his finger into Sean's hole Andy could sense Sean tighten up, but he kept going until he felt the nub of Sean's prostate, which he began to massage. Sean jumped and his dick spit out a shot of glossy, clear precum that landed on Andy's balls.

Andy lubed and inserted his middle finger in Sean's ass along with his index finger. Andy began a slow back-and-forth fucking motion with his fingers all the while loosening up Sean's hole even more. Sean was convulsing and began to push his ass into Andy's fingers. Andy could feel Sean's asshole relaxing, parting ever more freely open in expectation of Andy's cock filling his guts with cum.

"And, I'm ready now! I want you NOW!" Sean turned himself around positioning his furry, round ass cheeks over Andy's hard cock. Sean held Andy's cock in his right hand and guided his asshole down to the cock head. At the point of contact, Sean bent his hips backwards a bit and impaled himself on Andy's cock. He took it all, sitting down on it inch by inch until it filled him.

"Fuuuuuuuuck!" Sean hissed. "Stay still, And!" Sean began rocking slowly, feeling Andy's big dick in him. Little by little Sean picked up speed until he was riding the whole length of his lover's massive cock while Andy massaged Sean's balls and tweaked his nipples. "Shit, this is awesome. Fuck!" Sean went ever faster.

"Sean-o, your ass fells so good. So hot and wet. So tight! Ride me! Ride me you fucking stud! Oh! Oh, God, I think I'm getting close!"

"Me too! Ahhhhhh! Oh fuck! Fuck me, And! Fuck my ass. Oh God, I'm gonna cum!"

"Do it! Cum on me! I wanna see you shoot! Do it now!"

"Shit, I'm cumming! Fuck, I'm cumming now!" Sean's first shot only dribbled up to the middle of Andy's stomach, but the next three shots were power blasts hitting Andy's face, hair and mouth. Three more shots landed on his chest. This was too much for Andy, driving him over the edge.

"I'm gonna cum now, Sean-o! I'm gonna cum in your ass! Feel me cum in your ass! Here I cum! Ahhhhhhh! Fuck! Yeahhhhhh! Uhhhhhhh..." Andy filled Sean's ass with a huge load of thick, hot, white cum. Sean could feel the heat of each intense blast coating his intestines while Andy quivered beneath him. "Fuck, Sean-o, fuck, man...that was fucking intense! I love you!" Andy breathlessly said, his chest still heaving.

"It felt so good, Brown Eyes! You have no idea! I can't wait to do that to you! Your seed is inside me! We are one for reals, Mister!" Sean gradually released himself from Andy's still hard cock. "I'll get a towel and clean you off, sweetheart. Then we'll shower. I'll get some clothes for you for tonight. I love you so much, And, I can't stand it. It's all I've thought about since that night in your garage was your cum inside me! Now it's real! You just wait till that cast is off, your ass will be mine!"

"I can't wait! I want you inside me, too! I want to feel your hot jock boy sperm coat my insides! Sean-o, this is better than I ever thought it would be. I secretly wanted you for so long and I never thought it would happen. This is a dream come true!"

The boys showered, Sean tenderly taking care of Andy who had to use a special chair placed in the shower. Sean took extra care to shampoo and condition Andy's hair, to gently wash every crevice of his body, and then to shave Andy's face. For his part, Andy, while not surprised by it, basked in the tenderness his man showed him. Once out of the shower, Sean dried Andy off, blow-dried his hair, and put a little gel in it to get just the right look. Andy knew that although a football warrior on the field, Sean, even though he'd never admit it, was a kind and tender lover who took pride in grooming, and expected his boyfriend to be equally well turned-out.

Sean then dried himself off, blow-dried his hair almost totally dry, put a slight wave in it with the curling iron, inspected his teeth making sure everything was ship- shape.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall..." Andy teased.

"Fuck off!" Sean glinted.

"You're so vain..." Andy sung.

Sean doubled over in laughter. "OK, ya got me there, dude!" he said, sticking out his tongue. Sean heard the text message alert on his phone. "Hey, And, it's from Dix! Here's his address, and we need to be there in about 30 minutes."

"Cool, let's get ready! We should leave in about fifteen minutes I figure..."

Joe walked in about ten minutes later. "Hey guys, how was your day!"

"Awesome!" both of them exclaimed in unison.

"Dad, the meeting with the coach went real well! The other Quarterback invited us over tonight to meet the guys, so we'll be leaving in about five minutes. We grabbed a bite already, so yer on yer own tonight, Dad! We won't be late, and we'll tell ya all about it when we get back!"

"OK, you two!" Joe chuckled to himself that his boys were starting to get on in the new town even though it had only been one day.

"OK, Blondie, gimme yer phone – I'll take the address we're going to and put it in the navi! Shit! Didja see the address!"

"Not really, why?"

"It's the same street as that Ginny Realtor lady! And it's the same block, too, except that this is an odd number and hers is even! That means this guy lives right across the street from Ginny!"

"Really? Fuckin-A! We'll knock on her door and say hello, then when we're on our way home later!"

At the Dickson home, Tim was on the patio in the back yard with about a dozen other Craig football players. "OK, guys, I wasn't expecting this for tonight, but it just turned out this way..."

"What are you blabbering bout now?" asked Tom Cunningham, the team's star Tight End.

"OK, look, Cunns, here's what I'm talking about. There's a couple of new guys on the way over here. They should be here any minute. One of them will be making a major contribution to our team this year. And I do mean major. They both just moved here. I'll let them tell you their story once they get here, but I am gonna share one thing with everyone now. They're gay..."


Next: Chapter 13

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