It Is What It Is

By Eric Trager

Published on Jun 22, 2016


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"Oh, crap! I'm sorry, I was jus..." Andy said as he turned around and came face to face with his victim, another boy who appeared to be about his age. This boy was gorgeous with wavy flaxen blonde hair and beautiful golden-brown eyes. He had a slim, but not skinny build. Andy estimated his height to be six feet or a little over, weight about 175, and he possessed a classically beautiful face with a flawless complexion.

"I um, I'm sorry, guy...I just.... I mean, I didn't see you. I'm really sorry! Did I hurt your foot?"

"Nah, well, it stings a little, but I guess I'll live. My name's Brett, by the way," the tall blonde boy said offering to shake Andy's hand.

"I'm Andy, but my friends call me Cass. Nice to meet you, Brett! I'm here with my, with a couple friends. I just moved here from Kenosha. Are you from Janesville?"

"Yeah. Where do you go to school?" Brett asked, not giving away that he'd noticed Andy's slight slip of the tongue.

"I'll be a Junior at Craig this year. You?"

"Senior. So I guess we might run into each other, then, hey?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice. I've made some new friends so far, butcha never can have too many friends, ya know?"

Brett went back to looking through the shelves as Andy turned to leave.

Just then, Sean and Tim came walking up. "Hey, Cass!" Tim called out. "We're kinda done in the bookstore here, wanna go to the food court?"

"Sure, I guess so...hey, I just made a new friend. Maybe he'd wanna come, too... Hey, Brett! We're goin' to the food court, wanna join us?"

Brett turned toward Andy, his eyes going wide at the sight of Tim Dickson. "I uh, well, um..."

"Hey!" Tim called to Brett. "I know you. You're Brett Dowling. Wow, man, you've really grown!"

"Hey, Tim. Small world.... Yeah, I grew four inches in the last five months."

"OK, Brett, I guess you already met Cass. This other guy here is Sean Wyman. He goes by Wymo. They just moved here from Kenosha. They're gonna by Juniors this year. Wymo's my competition for Quarterback, too!" Tim said, playfully punching Sean in the shoulder. "So, anyway, Brett, you wanna grab a bite with us?"

"OK, um...sure..." Brett was thoroughly confused. He'd never spoken more than three words in his life to Tim Dickson and didn't really know him at all. About the closest they'd ever been was when they sat next to each other in Math because the teacher assigned seats by alphabetical order of last names. Dickson and Dowling went next to each other on the class roster.

"Excellent! Let's go, then!" Sean said. "Oh, and nice to meet you, Brett!" Sean was thinking to himself that Brett was extremely good looking, and the fact that Tim seemed to be ogling Brett didn't go unnoticed.

Sean decided to find out what Tim was thinking. "Hey, Dix, before we head down there, I just wanna show ya something real quick," Sean lied. Tim followed Sean over to the next aisle. "Dix, do you know that Brett guy? Christ, he's fucking gorgeous! I kinda get the feeling you think so, too?"

"Well, Wymo...I know him from a class we had last year. He sat next to me, and yeah, he was an OK dude, I guess. Don't really know him, though. He's not a jock. He was a lot shorter last year, but you're right - the guy's smoking hot... Did you notice his eyes? Do you think I should ask him out? I mean, I would if I thought he was interested in me... I'm really fucking nervous now, Wymo."

"You're a trip, Dix. You weren't shy about eating my cum, but now you're nervous over talking to a guy you already know. Strap on a pair, for fuck's sake!" Sean smirked.

"You're right. Let's go grab some food."

The boys made it to the food court, each one getting something different to satisfy their tastes. Andy got a burger, Sean had pulled pork, Tim got Mexican, and Brett had pizza. The four boys talked on and on for over an hour about everything from football, to cars, to video games, and showed a genuine interest in each other's company.

"Thanks for inviting me to eat with you guys!" Brett said. "I really had nothing going on today, and I gotta say it's nice to make new friends, even you, Tim. We never really ever got to know each other. I didn't know if you were a nice guy, or not."

"Wow, I mean, do I act like a dick, Brett? I try not to..."

"No, it's not that at all. You've never been a dick to me. Maybe I was just too shy to talk to you because I'm not a football jock and stuff. I guess I was wrong, and I should have opened my mouth. You seem like a really nice guy! And so do you guys, Cass and Wymo."

"OK, thanks, Brett." Tim said "I try to be nice. I shoulda talked to you, too, but I guess we're talking now, hey? You seem like a really hot guy, too!" Tim hadn't realized he'd made the Freudian slip and was a little taken aback to see Brett looking at him with eyes wide and mouth open and Andy and Sean gasping.

"What? Did I fucking fart, or something?" Tim said deadpan as he looked down at his burrito, taking another hefty bite out of it.

Sean made a circular motion towards Brett with his hand signaling that Brett should answer Tim's rhetorical question and run with it if he wanted to.

"Tim..." Brett spoke up looking Sean in the eye instead of Tim. "Um...I said that I thought you seem like a nice guy. Then you said you think I'm really hot. I'll take the compliment, but..." Brett grinned a huge shit-eating grin but was secretly terrified inside.

Tim turned beet red and began stuttering unintelligibly. Brett panicked, "Well, I mean, ya know..." Brett stuttered.

"Sorry, Dix, ya can't put the toothpaste back in the tube on this one..." Sean smirked.

Andy for his part didn't say a word but just kept looking back and forth between Tim and Brett.

Gradually, Tim calmed down and started laughing. "OK, well, I guess the jig's up, innit... So, Brett, now thatcha know I think yer hot, do ya maybe wanna hang out with me sometime, or wouldja rather I just disappear? It's your call, dude..." Tim raised an eyebrow as he asked although his expression was far more wistful than demanding. Tim couldn't believe he'd just said that. His stomach was flip-flopping. He was pretty sure he'd puke his burrito onto the table right then and there.

"OK, Tim, since you asked, I'd like to hang out with you sometime. Um, didja have a time in mind?"

Almost immediately the word "Tonight" spewed out of Tim's mouth.

"OK, then, give me your address and I'll pick you up at 7:30..."

The two boys then exchanged contact information.

"What the fuck!" Andy exclaimed. "That was like the most bizarre pick up line and date set up I've ever seen!"

"Date?" Brett asked warily. Brett still wasn't quite sure what was happening. Not that he was against any of it, but it was so surreal.

"Well, yeah, I mean he says you're hot and then you offer to pick him up at 7:30! Sounds like a fucking date to me! I mean, if it isn't then what the fuck is it?" Andy grinned as he folded his arms and drummed his fingers on the table.

"OK..." Brett said, scared shitless but summoning all of his courage, "Tim?"

"Yeah, Brett..."

"Did you just ask me out on a date? Yes, or no..."

"Um, yeah I did. And you said yes. We're going on a date. Is that OK?"

"Of course it's OK, but I need to know something here," Brett said looking quizzically at Tim. "If we're going on a date, um, does that like mean you're gay? Please don't toy with me..."

"Yes, and you're the first guy I ever asked out. I'm showing interest, Brett. I hope that's OK.... And are you gay, too?" Tim was just as petrified as Brett.

"Yes it's OK, and yes, I'm gay, too. So, I just snagged a date with the Quarterback? did THAT work out...." Brett's face lit up like a Christmas tree, he looked Tim straight in the eyes and said in calm, matter-of-fact tones, "Tim, you and I are gonna have a good time tonight."

"Wow! I was so nervous I thought I was gonna hurl all over the table and stuff!" Tim exclaimed.

Brett could not believe what he was hearing. "I made Tim Dickson nervous?" he thought to himself, "Must make a note of that..."

"Dix, that's retarded," Andy said. "You remind me of fucking Wayne's World..."

"What?" Tim said.

"Yeah, from that one episode:

The other three boys laughed so hard that they were choking.

"And just so ya know Brett, Andy and I are a couple," Sean said, still laughing. "We wanna be your friends, too... We're new in town and we think you're pretty cool. Whadya say?"

"Um, sure, guys! I mean, this has been a really awesome afternoon." Brett beamed, and when he did all three other boys were in awe of his unmistakably masculine yet pristine beauty. "How's everyone getting home, anyway?"

"Well, I drove us here." Sean said. "Do you need a ride?"

"No, I got my mom's car here" Brett answered. "Can I give you a lift home, Tim?"

"Ye...yeah!" Tim managed. "I'd like that. You don't mind, Cass, Wymo, do ya?"

"Of course not," Andy said. "Looks like your date's starting early, you two! It was really nice to meet you, Brett. I hope we get to see more of you."

"Nice to meet you, too, Cass and Wymo. I'm glad you mashed my foot, because if you didn't then this whole afternoon never would have happened. OK, well, let's go, Tim!"

Sean and Andy watched Tim and Brett walk off, observing that they were talking animatedly with each other, and smiling.

"Holy shit, And!" Sean exclaimed. "I can't believe we saw what we just saw! Do you think that's love at first sight, or something like that?"

"Could be, Sean-o. Brett seems really nice. And he's got self-confidence, I mean he point blank asked Dix if he's gay, and he led Dix straight to that date thing like a pro. I think he's got Dix wrapped around his little finger. I guess we'll see what happens. They do make a cute couple, though..."

"Yeah, they do. We'll bug the crap out of Dix tomorrow so we can get some dirt on what went down! Anyway, let's stop by the Alamo and see if it's about ready to move in to yet."

As Sean and Andy made their way to the Equinox, on the other side of the Mall, Tim and Brett emerged into the parking lot. Both boys were all smiles, and still talking up a storm.

"Hey, Brett, now that we're outside I got something I hafta tell ya."

"OK, well, keep talking then..." Brett said apprehensively not knowing what could possibly come next in this odd afternoon.

"OK, it's like this. I hope it comes out right, but here we go: Brett, I've never dated a guy, or been with a guy before. I don't know if you have, or not, and I really don't care, but that's not what I want to say. What I want to say is that I just hope I'm not gonna be too clumsy with this. I am a little nervous. You seem so nice. And you're so handsome. I guess I'm just asking you to be patient with me for a little bit, OK?"

"Tim, I've never been on a date with a guy, either. Hell, I only figured out I was gay when we were Sophomores. At first I was scared to do anything about it, but I'm gonna be 18 soon, so fuck it. My thing was that I could sit there and be scared, or I could figure it out. I had no choice in it, so screw it. And guess what, I'm a little nervous, too. I mean, here I am, just a nerd, nobody special, and then by the weirdest accident of fate I snag a date with the starting Quarterback of the football team who's a fucking hunk and who tells me he thinks I'm hot? Like a person could make this shit up? You're gonna have to be patient with me, too, a little bit, Mr. Dickson."

"OK, that's a deal, Brett. I like you. There's something about you beyond your looks that I just can't put my finger on, but it's there for sure. It's like the more we talk the more I want to know about you, and the more I want to share about myself with you. Oh, and as for the starting Quarterback thing, look, Wymo was Tremper's starting Quarterback last year. I might very well end up being his number two..."

"And you guys are friends?"

"Yeah, we are. I'd walk through fire for those two. I met them on their second day in town, and they're great guys. They helped me when I had my Come-to-Jesus moment about being gay. They were there for me. A guy needs friends like that. Oh, and just so you know, I came out to my parents. They don't give a shit. And I told them that I'd be looking for a boyfriend now, and when another guy made me that lucky, they would have to welcome that guy into our family. They were fine with that, too!"

"Wow, you got nice `rents it sounds like. Um, Tim, I haven't come out to my parents. I don't think they'd take it very well. That part does scare me. I know some day I have to, but I can't do it myself, at least not yet. It's not like they're religious, or anything like that, but they are just really, really old fashioned. I guess maybe I'll have to find that out, huh..."

"Brett, don't worry about that right now. I'd like us to just spend the rest of the day getting to know each other. Let's just concentrate on that because I'm gonna tell ya something, Mr. Dowling, I feel so at ease with you. I just feel like meeting you today was meant to be. Does that creep you out?"

"If you'd said that to me a few minutes after we met inside the Mall it might have, but now it doesn't. I feel the same way. If we weren't in this fucking parking lot I'd wanna see how much, or how little you'd care to share a kiss with me. That's how I feel right now, Tim."

"I think I'd like that very much. I have an idea, though. I asked you out on a date, so I am taking you to dinner tonight and it's my treat. You pick me up at my house like we said, and we'll take it from there. At the end of the evening if you still want to kiss me, well then, a kiss is what you'll get!"

"Sounds fair. Look, this is going to be weird, but we're going to swing by my house. Like I said, my parents are old fashioned, and if they know I'm going to dinner with a classmate, they're gonna wanna meet that person. Let's just get that out of the way now, OK?"

"Well, that is a little odd, but it's fine. Parents generally like me, so I'm not worried about it... Where do you live anyway?"

"Near Mt. Zion and Lexington. Not very fancy, but it's home," Brett smiled.

"OK, well, then why don't you introduce me to your parents, you change your clothes, then we'll go to my house. I'll introduce you to my parents, get changed and then we can go! It's not like we're on a strict timetable, or anything. I'm just enjoying this. I really am, Brett. I am enjoying your company and this day more than you know..."

"Me, too. OK, let's get the Ma and Pa Dowling thing over with!"

The boys pulled into the driveway at the Dowling home, an average sized ranch home appearing to have been built around 1960 of a type and style common for the neighborhood. It appeared to be well-kept like the rest of the area, and while typical, had good curb appeal exhibiting a middle-class family's pride of ownership.

Brett led Tim through the door, announcing, "Hi mom and dad, I'm home! I brought a friend with me!"

"We're in the kitchen, Brett," a male voice called out.

"Follow me," Brett instructed Tim.

"Hi mom! Hi dad! I have a friend with me I want you to meet. Mom, dad, this is Tim Dickson. Tim, my mom and dad."

Tim shook hands with Mr. and Mrs. Dowling letting them know that he was pleased to meet them, smiling just right, and showing just enough deference Brett thought Tim designed in order to ingratiate himself well with elders that expected that sort of behavior. It was obvious to Brett that Tim had polished manners when the situation called for it.

"Tim and I are gonna run out for dinner tonight and maybe catch a movie, or something. I'm gonna go get changed. Tim, I'll just be a minute. Make yourself at home," Brett announced.

"Dickson..." Mr. Dowling ruminated. "Name's familiar. You on the football team?"

"Yes sir. Last year as a Junior I was the backup Quarterback. I hope to start this year, sir."

"Well, you look the part anyway..." Mr. Dowling said matter-of-factly. "What's your dad do for a living?"

"Oh, now, Herb!" Mrs. Dowling cut in. "Don't embarrass the boy!"

That's OK, Mrs. Dowling," Tim smiled. "My dad's an Attorney. His office is downtown in the Hayes Block. My mom's a Math teacher at Marshall Middle School. And I've got two older brothers. The next one in age to me is David. He's in the Marines in Afghanistan right now. My oldest brother is Kevin and he'll be a Senior at UW- Madison this year. He's majoring in Finance. I'm in Brett's class at Craig."

"It sounds like you have a nice family, Tim." Mrs. Dowling said. "And now that you mention it, I did meet your mom at parent-teacher conferences when Brett had her for Ninth Grade Algebra. I remember Brett liked her. He did well in her class."

"Thank you, Mrs. Dowling. I'll be sure to let my mom know that. In fact, we're gonna stop by my house quick before we go out so I can change, too. I'll make sure mom & dad get to talk to Brett for a little while before we go." Tim smiled brightly.

"Where do you live, Tim?" Mr. Dowling asked.

"We live down on Winnebago Drive in the Indian Reservation neighborhood. It's nice because most days I can just walk to school. I think once I'm gone mom and dad might sell the house. It's the size they needed when they had three kids, but I'm the last one and once I'm gone they think it might be too big for them."

"Yup, the houses down that way are bigger than the ones in this neighborhood, that's for sure... You gotta have money to live over there," Mr. Dowling growled.

Tim thought Mr. Dowling appeared to be a little gruff, but that underneath he might be a decent man. Mrs. Dowling was a puzzle to him. She seemed to know more than she let on. Tim tried his level best to show both manners and maturity to Brett's parents, and to get on their good side. Tim wanted so much for this evening to go well.

Once in his room, Brett had to decide what to wear. He decided immediately not to overdress. He found a crisp pair of faded Levis 501's, a tight fitting white wife beater, short-sleeved yellow Oxford shirt that would set off his brown eyes, and a fabric belt. For shoes he decided on his Top Siders without socks. He put a minimal amount of gel in his wavy blonde hair, only enough to hold it in place, brushed his teeth and he was done. Looking in the mirror, he was pleased. He thought the look was causal yet neat, sexy yet proper. He thought it was subdued enough that it wasn't over the top, but eye-catching enough to impress Tim. Brett knew his parents wouldn't make a stink about it at any rate. The truth was, Brett had enjoyed the past couple of hours with Tim, found him to be an engaging, sweet person and wanted to see where this new friendship might go.

Walking back into the kitchen, Brett called out, "OK, I'm changed and ready to go! We're gonna go now, mom and dad. I won't be late."

"Be home by midnight!" Mr. Dowling said.

Mrs. Dowling noted in the back of her mind that Tim's eyes grew in size when he saw Brett enter the kitchen dressed as he was.

"OK, dad..." Brett said.

Tim shook hands with Brett's parents once more, smiled and let them know, "It was very nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Dowling. I hope we can meet again sometime. Thank you for inviting me into your home." And with that, the boys were out the door.

"Seems OK for a rich kid..." Mr. Dowling said.

Once in the car, Brett looked at Tim and asked, "So did my dad give you the treatment? How bad was it..."

"He was OK. A little gruff. I think he'll be just fine with me. You're right, he did seem a little old fashioned, though."

"Are your mom and dad like that?"

"Oh fuck no! Dad's about as real as it gets, and mom, well, you'll have to meet her to appreciate her. I know you had her for a math teacher and all, but I mean the real person. Two things, though: first of all, they'll tell you to call them by their first names. Dad is George, and mom's Peggy. Second, they know I'm gay, so I'm fuckin' tellin' `em straight out that you and I are going on a date. I don't see why not. Are you OK with that?"

"Sure. I mean it's the truth. We're going on a date. If you're already out to them, and that's the relationship you have with them, you should treat them the same way you would otherwise! Besides, Tim, if our friendship develops into something more, they're gonna know anyway, right?"

"Right. I hope our friendship does develop into something more, Brett, because the past few hours have been awesome. I'll explain it all to you after we have dinner. It's nothing bad, but I just need so much for someone to listen. I hope you don't mind. Anyway, I'm really glad to be here right now with you! Thank you so much for giving me a chance."

"And thank you for giving me a chance, too, Tim. It works both ways, you know..." Brett then reached over to Tim and ruffled his hair. He took a calculated risk doing that, but he needed to see how Tim would react. Tim reacted by turning to look at Brett with a huge smile and a giggle.

"Brett, I just wanna say something. I'm gonna put my heart into being your friend. I'll say more about that later, too, but for now I just want you to know that I mean what I am telling you."

"And I will do the same."

Brett pulled into Tim's driveway. Tim noted it appeared that both of his parents were home. He admonished Brett not to be nervous and just to follow his lead. Brett said that he was OK and that they should just get on with it.

Walking in the door, Tim spotted his dad in the living room reading the news on his iPad. "Hey, dad!"

"Well hello, Tim! I see we have a guest..." George Dickson rose, extended his hand to Brett saying, "George Dickson, nice to meet you young man."

"I'm Brett Dowling, sir. I'm a friend of Tim's from school."

"Now, Brett, call me George. And none of this sir crap, either. We're pretty informal around here. Can I get you guys a beer, or something?"

"No beer, dad! Brett and I are going out for dinner and then maybe a movie. Brett's driving. Maybe one of mom's famous iced teas? Is Iced tea OK, Brett?"

"Sure, I love iced tea," Brett smiled.

Just then, Peggy Dickson walked into the room. "Well, I see ya got company there now, Timmy. Oh, I know you! You're Brett Dowling. I never forget one of my kids, don'tcha know... My haven't you grown tall there and you're just as handsome as ever! You were a good student, too, ya little shit. Let me go getcha a tall iced tea there once. George, show Brett a nice place to sit for a minute. I think Timmy better change if they're going out. He looks like a street urchin next to Brett!"

Tim blanched, and Brett grinned from ear to ear.

"Yeah, I gotta go change, but first I got something I wanna tell you, mom and dad. Mom, dad, well, um, Brett and I are going out for dinner and that's the truth, but the truth also is that I asked Brett out tonight on a date. So, um, yeah, we're going out on a date. You guys always told me to be honest, and, well, there ya have it!"

"Well, I sure don't see how ya coulda picked a cuter one!" Peggy said.

George chuckled, shook his head, looked up at Tim and simply said, "You always were the earnest one, Tim." Then he looked at Brett and said, "Peggy and I hope you two have a nice time tonight. Brett, as long as you're Tim's friend, the Dickson home will always be open to you. Tim's friends are our friends, you got that straight, son?"

"Yes sir...I mean, um, George. And thank you!"

"I'm gonna getcha that iced tea now, Brett. Timmy, you run along and change! Dress nice for your date now!"

Tim ran to his room, anxious to get the date started. Tim had so much he wanted and needed to tell Brett about himself, and he hoped that Brett would be willing and able to take a chance on him. Once in his room, Tim picked out a pair of Levis carpenter jeans, a long-sleeved red canvas shirt rolled up on his forearms to set off his auburn hair, a black belt and taking a cue from Brett going with Top Siders for shoes. He thought his hair looked fine and didn't need any attention. Tim looked in the mirror and mouthed to himself, "You better not fucking blow this!"

Coming back out into the living room, Brett looked at Tim with approving eyes. "Boy," Brett thought to himself, "this guy is fucking hot! You better not blow this!"

"OK, well, I'm ready... Do I look OK?" Tim asked looking at his mother.

"Well, that's not for me to say, is it now, Timothy... You better just ask your date what he thinks!"

"Do I look OK, Brett?"

"Um, you, uh, well...I mean, um... OK, you know what? You were honest enough to tell your folks we're going on a date, so I'll be honest enough to tell you how you look.... You look like a million bucks, Tim... I'm ready to go if you are!"

Both George and Peggy Dickson laughed heartily at Brett's predicament and then the way he manfully got himself out of it. They were both satisfied at that point that their son had made a good choice on who to date.

Back in the car, Tim turned to Brett and said, "I'm so glad you agreed to go out with me tonight! Now we just gotta decide where we wanna eat. I was thinking about that old Supper Club up on 26 north of Milton. Their food is good, and we'll get a private table just for the two of us. Would that be OK?"

"Tim, I think that sounds very romantic if it's OK for me to use that word. It's a perfect first date. I don't think I wanna see a movie afterwards, though..."

"Oh, OK..." Tim said, crestfallen.

"No! Tim! What I mean is I'd like to go somewhere where we can just sit and talk. If we went to a movie, we'd have to sit there with our mouths shut the whole time and what I want to do is to get to know you. I want tonight to be about quality time. You know, I have something I wanna tell ya..."

"OK, go ahead..."

"You wanna know what I thought when I saw how you looked after you came back from changing your clothes?"


"I thought to myself that I better not blow this, I mean blow our date tonight. And I'm not going to blow it, either! That's why I don't want to go to a movie. I can see a movie any time, but how many times can I go on a first date with Tim Dickson?"

"Oh my God!" Tim gasped. "That's the same fucking thing I was thinking when I was changing! When I was done, I checked myself over in the mirror, and I looked myself in the eye and said `you better not blow this...'"

Both boys dissolved in laughter. From that point forward all the pressure was off.

Even though Brett was driving, he took his right hand, found Tim's left hand, interlaced their fingers and gave Tim's hand a squeeze. For his part, Tim returned the squeeze, looked at Brett, smiled, and thought to himself, "Jesus Christ what a catch this guy is!"



"Neither one of us is gonna blow this. And after we eat, I know the perfect place to go. I'd rather get to know you than see some dumbass movie, too. I guess I was kinda hoping for that if you really wanna know..."

"Tim, I feel like I missed out by not making any effort to get to know you before. I mean, we sat next to each other every day in class. I could have at least said hello, or struck up some kind of a conversation. I'm sorry, man. You are one sweet guy underneath that football uniform. I feel like such a shit. I judged a book by its cover. I'll never make that mistake again."

"Look, Brett, let's just suppose you'd done that. It might not have worked. I mean, it might have been too early for me, or for you, or whatever. Fate brought us together when fate deemed the time was right. I'm fine with it. I mean, here I am getting driven to dinner by one of the hottest guys in the whole school! And one who seems like a real sweetheart and a guy with some backbone. I'd have waited for that. I guess what I'm trying to say is let's look forward. I'd like to have a nice meal, and then I want to get to know the real Brett Dowling. The one behind the face. The Brett Dowling that only you know. I want to know what's in your heart, Brett. And I'll let you know what's in mine."

"Jesus Christ, you're deep for a jock boy. I could get to like that, you know. I've waited so long for a chance like this!"

"So have I, Brett. For now, let's enjoy a nice meal, and then we can do what we want. And I want you to know something else. Now, I will do whatever is in your comfort zone, don't get me wrong, but I just want you to know that if we do end up being boyfriends, and I kinda think that's where this seems to be heading, I will not pretend at school that you're not my boyfriend, or anything else that smells of cowardice. I will be open about it. That doesn't mean I'm gonna go around advertising it because I don't see any point in that, but it means that honesty will be my policy. I am who I am, and I don't give a fuck."

"That's in my comfort zone, Tim. I agree a hundred percent. And for my part, I won't out you. I gather Sean and Andy know you're gay. And your mom and dad. What about the rest of the team, and the coach and stuff?"

"I haven't told them yet. This has all happened so fast. I will tell them, and I won't wait to do it, but right now none of those people know. What about your parents? What if they fly off the handle?"

"Then I will just have to deal with that. I mean, it's not like I was gonna wake up tomorrow, or next week and be straight, so it doesn't really fucking matter. It was gonna happen sooner, or later anyway..."

"I like your balls, man. Well, you know what I mean!" Tim convulsed with laughter. "I mean that I admire your courage, Brett. You are an uncommon guy."

"So are you, Tim. Well, here we are! Let's go in and see if we can get a table."

Tim led the way in as he'd eaten at the little country Supper Club many times with his family, and his dad knew the owner. Tim walked up to the Hostess station. Presently a middle-aged woman came to the station, eyed Tim and Brett up and down and asked them to produce their ID's.

"Ma'am, we're both only 17 years old, but we're here to eat dinner only. We didn't come in hoping that we might be illegally served alcohol..." Tim explained.

"I'm sorry, young men, but we can't seat you. This is an eating and drinking establishment."

"Ma'am, we drove all the way up here from Janesville. My family's eaten here many times in the past. We came because the food is always so good..."

"Young man, I'm sorry, but the rules are the rules. I don't make `em, you know. Now, I truly am sorry, but I can't risk losing my job."

Just then, a burly man appearing to be in his late 50's or early 60's walked up to the Hostess station. "Is there a problem, Mary Ann?"

"No, sir, it's just that these two nice young men came in and I explained that because they're only 17 we can't seat them."

"Well, those are the rules, young men. Wait a minute! You! Red head! Aren't you George Dickson's kid?"

"Yes, sir, my dad is George Dickson."

"Seat them, Mary Ann. First available. George Dickson is a personal friend of mine. Now, which one are you? Kevin is it?"

"No, sir, I'm Tim... And this is my friend Brett Dowling. We'll both be Seniors at Craig this year."

"No shit, you're little Timmy Dickson? Well, fuckin'-A if you haven't grown up! That's the thing with kids, one time you see `em and they're just little booger eaters, and the next time you're lookin' at a full-grown man. Look, I'm sorry, really guys, but I hope you understand Mary Ann was doing her job. Enjoy your dinner."

"It's just fine, sir." Brett spoke up. "This looks like a nice place, and the food does smell good. I'm sure we'll have an excellent meal."

"OK, well nice to meet you, Brett. And nice to see you again, Timmy! Say hello to old George and Peggy for me, will you? And tell your dad next time he brings the family up, the first round of drinks is on me."

The boys were seated in the quaint dining room that looked as if it could have been out of the 1940's. Their table was off in a corner, fairly private and it suited their mood well. When they placed their order, Tim went for a Porterhouse steak, medium rare with mashed potatoes and a salad with blue cheese dressing. Brett chose the roasted duck with wild rice pilaf and a salad with cracked peppercorn dressing. When the waitress brought their drinks it appeared that they mistakenly were served two small glasses of red wine instead of the cokes that they'd ordered. Little did they know that the restaurant owner had called George Dickson to explain the earlier seating snafu, and George had persuaded him that tonight was a very special occasion for both young men, and could he see his way through to serve them each a small glasses of non-alcoholic wine.

The boys ate their meals, thoroughly enjoying them and making small talk throughout the meal. They smiled at each other just enough and were animated just enough with each other that a few of the other diners observed that they seemed like a young couple and smiled knowingly. One elderly woman who appeared to be in her 80's said to her half-deaf husband, "Cyril, that reminds me of us about 65 years ago. They're so precious at that age..."

When the meal was done, Tim got out his debit card and paid the bill with tip. He declined to take a cent from Brett. "Hey, dude, I asked you out, remember, and I said dinner was my treat! Besides, I guess I'll ask you right I gonna get a second date out of this? That way it can be your treat. But really, am I gonna get a second date?"

"Yes. And hopefully a third, fourth, fifth and keep counting. This was a great meal, Tim, and I like this place. It was really thoughtful of you to bring me here on our first date. It was perfect. Now, let's go talk to each other. I'm ready."

"OK, me, too!" Tim said with glee.

"Where are we going?"

"OK, drive us to Riverside Golf Course. Now, I usually golf at the COUntry Club, but one of the holes at Riverside, I forget which one it is, but it's just so beautiful. We can sit and talk for a little while until it's park closing time, and then if it's not too late, I'd like to invite you back to my house."

"That sounds awesome!"

It was about a 25-minute drive to the golf course, and little was said on the trip, although they did hold hands. Arriving at the course, Tim pointed the way to a spectacularly beautiful golf hole that lay athwart and old riverbed with the green perched high on a steep hill overlooking the gorge. Tim led them to a spot under a large, old tree where they had a view of the entire old riverbed, the adjoining hole, and the clubhouse.

"Wow, Tim! This is so beautiful! You're just one surprise after another!"

"I said, Brett, that I wanted tonight to be about quality time. I hope it's meeting your expectations." Tim winked at Brett.

"Tim, everything's been perfect. Now, let's talk."

"OK, I'll go first. You see, maybe once I was about fourteen or so I started thinking that I might not be like the other guys. But then, well, you know how school and everything is. I went on some dates with a few girls. I hated it. I only did it because everyone else was doing it. Yeah, I've fucked a few girls and I hated that, too! But I made a mistake. What I did was push everything about myself so far down inside me. I figured if it was way down there it would go away, but it didn't. In the last few months, or so, it's been ripping me apart. You might think this is all crap, Brett, but it's the truth. I've been so lonely. My friends go out on dates and stuff and I stay at home alone. Then when Wymo and Cass moved to town, I dunno what it was, but they came out to me and the guys on the team the first time we met them. I admired them so much for having the guts to do that, but it made me even sadder at my own situation. The stuff I buried about being gay ate at me worse and worse every day. I thought I might crack up. When I couldn't take it any more, I came out to Wymo and Cass. They said they'd help me. They even said they'd help me find a boyfriend. I just couldn't go on like that, Brett. I want someone who I can love. I have a lot of love to give, and I'd really like to share it with someone. Does any of that make sense?"

"Um, Tim..."

"Yeah?" Tim said with tears in his eyes.

"Tim, dry your eyes. Your friend Andy did help you."


"He said he'd help you find a boyfriend. He didn't know it, but when he mashed his crutch into my foot, that's exactly what he did. If he hadn't done that, we wouldn't be sitting here right now."

"What are you saying, Brett?" Tim could hardly breathe if what he thought might be coming next actually came next.

"Tim, I feel the same way you do except I don't have sports to fall back on. I'm a nerd, I don't have many friends, and I've been lonely, too. Every day I wonder if the day will ever come that I meet Prince Charming. Well, that day came today. That is, if you'll have me."

"Brett, are you saying that you will be my boyfriend?"

"Yes. I will be your boyfriend. Will you be mine?"

"Yes. I will." Tim began shaking like a leaf and sobbing. "I never thought this would happen to me. Oh, God, I am so lucky..."

Brett reached up to dry Tim's eyes. His heart went out to the big auburn-haired jock sitting next to him. Instinctively, Brett reached with his hand to Tim's chin. He turned Tim's chin up and toward himself, looked deeply into Tim's sad eyes, leaned in and kissed Tim with a gentle yet passionate kiss. Tim offered no resistance and began kissing Brett back. Soon their lips parted and their tongues danced. Both boys were hugging each other tight, kissing with abandon and moaning. At once, they fell to the side with Brett on top of Tim. Both boys could feel their erections rubbing one against the other, still kissing, in unison set up a slow, sensual grinding of their hard cocks. For several minutes they kept this up as their kissing became more passionate, and their moaning louder.

Brett broke the kiss, whispering to Tim, "Should we keep going? I mean, where do you want this to go? Please tell me..."

With that, Tim arose, pulled Brett up by the hand and led him off into the wooded rough. "Here's where I want this to go, Brett. I hope this is OK... Let me do this now."

Tim stood Brett up against a tree, unbuttoned his 501's, knelt in front of him and took Brett's hard cock into his mouth. It didn't take Tim long before he had the entire length and girth of Brett's good-sized cock in his throat. Brett was hissing, "Oh shit! Oh fuck! Timmmmmm! Shit that feels good! Tim! Oh, Tim! Keep going! Fuck!"

Tim reached around with his left hand searching for Brett's hole, and once he found it he let his index finger dance delicately over it the same way he had pleasured himself so many times before. Brett jumped when Tim did this. "Fuck, Tim! Tim, I think I'm close! Keep going! Suck my cock! Suck me! I'm gonna cum! Oh Fuck! Shit! Fucking Shit! I'm cumming! Uhhhhhhh, Unghhhhh! Ohhhhhh! Fuck!!!!! Fucccckkkkkkk!"

Brett pumped wave after wave of hot cum down Tim's throat and Tim swallowed every drop. Tim stood, took Brett in his arms, held him tight and kissed him. "I think I love you, Brett... Was that OK? I mean that I did that? Please don't say I scared you off!"

"Tim, I think I love you, too! I mean how did we get this far in one day? I don't know, but what I do know is what is in your heart, and I want to be the one you share it with. Please say yes."

"Yes!" Tim said emphatically.

"Tim, will you fuck me?"

"Do we have lube?"

"Um, I brought some just in case. I want you to cum inside me. I want to feel your cock inside me. Please fuck me, Tim..."

Tim made gentle and passionate love to Brett that night, filling his new lover's ass with his seed. Brett was not as gentle of a bottom as Tim might have thought. For one thing, there was almost no height difference between the two boys, and Tim was only about ten pounds heavier. Unlike a girl, which was Tim's only reference point, he had a partner who was his own size, and had a man's body. He liked the feel of Brett's smooth skin and the way Brett met Tim's strokes by shoving his ass back into Tim's raging dick. When Tim came, he had never cum so hard in his life. It was incredible. His entire body was wracked with and shattered by a total earthquake. For almost two minutes he was unable to stand. And he knew it right then. He knew this boy was special, and he knew that he loved him. He knew that at last he could share his heart. He thanked God for leading Brett to him.

"Tim?" Brett whispered.


"Thank you for making love to me."

"Please spend the night with me? I'm not ready to let you go just yet..."

"I'll have to ask my parents, but it shouldn't be a problem. I'll probably have to take the car back, but that's not a big deal. For now, let's go back to your house and see if it's OK with your mom and dad. I'd really like to spend the night with you, Tim. This whole day has been so overwhelming, but at the same time it's been the best day of my life! We can talk some more, too. There's so much we still have to share with each other, and I want you to know I'm ready for it. I am so fucking ready."

Tim simply beamed. "I am one lucky dude." he said. "One real fucking lucky dude."

Back at Tim's, the boys went in through the front door. George and Peggy Dickson were in the living room watching the Smithsonian Channel. "Oh there ya are now, boys! Didja have yerselves a real good time?" Peggy called out.

"Yes, we did, mom! We had a real nice dinner, then we decided not to go to a movie so we went to Riveside Golf Course and just sat and talked. It was really nice."

"How `bout you, there, Brett? You have as good of a time as Tim did?" George asked winking at Brett.

"I did for sure, and I'm really glad to have had the chance to get to know Tim better tonight."

"Mom, dad, I asked Brett to stay over tonight. If it's OK with you, Brett will call his parents and ask. We might have to take his car back home though in case his mom needs it in the morning. So, is that OK with you guys?"

"Oh, Timothy, we'd be glad to have Brett as our guest ya know!" Peggy said. "Now, Brett why don'tcha call over to your place and see if it's OK. If you get any guff, you give me the phone and it'll be OK! If ya do end up stayin' over, though, we have everything two guys your age will need! Like George said, our home is your home!"

Brett turned crimson. "Um, I don't exactly know how to say this, but you guys are so hospitable. Thank you for inviting me. I really appreciate it."

"OK, well, Brett go make yer call once. If yer gonna stay, I'll need to get you guys some drinks and some snacks! Oh, and a fresh toothbrush for ya!"

"Brett, follow me." Tim said. Tim led Brett to the kitchen. "OK, go ahead and call. I'll be in the living room.

Tim walked back into the living room where George looked up and said, "Well, Tim, is it serious with Brett?"

"I think so, dad. He's awfully nice, and let me tell you, he's got a backbone. And he doesn't bullshit. I guess time will tell, but for now if I had to lay a bet on it, I think this is gonna go. Do you guys like him?"

"Your mother and I talked about that, and from what little we've seen, he's polite, well dressed, carries himself well, and he's damn handsome. Your mother remembers him as a good student. So I guess we'd have to say so far, so good. Yes, we like him, Tim."

Just then Brett returned from the kitchen. "OK, I can stay. We do have to take the car back, though. Tim, do you wanna follow me and then we can come back? I guess that's the only way to do this... Thanks again for having me! I just want to tell you all what a great day this has been for me!"

"Anytime, Brett." George said. "Brett, if it's OK, can I have a quick word with you in the kitchen?"

"Ye..Yes. Sure," Brett replied with a look of fright on his face.

"No big deal, son, I just have a question is all. I don't bite. Just follow me" George smiled.

When they got to the kitchen, George looked at Brett, smiled and said, "I just wanted to say that Tim seems quite taken with you. Peggy and I like you, too, son. All I want to know is how you feel about Tim. Please be honest with me."

"OK, well, um, George, I can see that you are honest people. I've known Tim at school for years, but today and tonight was the first time I really got to know him. I, um, well, I hope this doesn't sound weird, or corny, but I'm pretty sure I'm falling in love with him. And I'm pretty sure he's falling in love with me. That's my honest answer, and I hope it's good enough."

George extended his hand. "Welcome to the family, Brett. I'm proud my son picked such a fine young man as yourself. Now, go on, you need to return your mom's car and get your ass back here!"

Brett bounded out, a huge smile on his face and said, "OK, Tim, let's roll. We'll be back soon!"

Tim followed him out the door with a totally puzzled look on his face.

"OK, George!" Peggy said with arched eyebrows, "Now what didja drag poor Brett into the kitchen for!"

"Peg, I asked him man-to-man how he felt about Tim, and he looked me in the eye man-to-man and gave me his honest answer. He said he's falling in love with Tim, and he's pretty sure Tim's falling in love with him. He told me that was his honest answer and that he hoped it was good enough. That took courage. Brett is a fine young man, and that's all I wanted to know. I believe they're in love, Peg..."

"Well, Jesus on a stick, George, anyone coulda toldja ya that! You see how they look at each other? I think he'll be good for Tim. Tim's been eating himself up over being gay for a while now. He deserves to be happy, and be himself. We have a fine son, and he wouldn't pick someone who'd be bad for him. We need to support these kids, George. We need to be ready if Brett's parents aren't as open to stuff like this as we are. Just keep that in the back of your head now, don'tcha know..."

"Of course, Peg. I just wanted to hear it from Brett man-to-man. You know, the whole world doesn't always treat gay folks like we do. These two will need to have a tough skin. I can see Brett does. When he answered me he looked me right in the eye and didn't flinch. He's a good man."

"OK, I see you were doing the guy thing over there, ya old coot! Well, OK, here's another guy thing for ya, then. What about them having sex?"

"Peg, they're two 17- or 18-year-old boys. Don't worry, they'll have sex alright. A lot of sex. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if they've already done it. I guess at least there's no risk of pregnancy... Don't worry, I'll have the sex talk with them... Tim's our son, and I know that Brett trusts me, so it'll be OK..."

"That's fine, George! I know you'll handle it the right way. I'm happy for Tim, ya know."

In the car on the way to Brett's house, Tim asked, "So what in the world did my dad want?"

"Oh, well, he asked me how I felt about you. He asked me for an honest answer, so I told him I was falling in love with you, and I thought you were falling in love with me. I told him that was my honest answer, and that I hoped it was good enough..."

"No shit? Brett, I know my dad. Let me tell you, with that answer you knocked it out of the park. He doesn't like bullshit, or half answers. He's a great guy, but he doesn't suffer fools. I swear, that was fucking awesome. Trust me, you made a huge impression on him."

"Then he shook my hand, said welcome to the family, and said he was proud that you picked a fine young man like me! Your dad's amazing!"

"Yes he is. He likes you, I can tell."

"Good! Now, let's get this car returned and get back to your place!"

Once Brett had run the keys in and returned to Tim's car the two were off back to Tim's house. Tim looked over and asked, "So will you sleep with me tonight?"

"Of course, ya big goof! You sucked me off, and then you fucked me, so why would I not sleep with you? Besides, I really want to. I never slept with another guy, and not with another guy that I love, so this will be the icing on the cake. Can we sleep naked? I wanna feel you naked next to me."

"Fuck yeah, I'll sleep with you naked! You know, tomorrow I wanna meet with some guys from the team, and I want you there. I'm gonna come out. I'll make sure Cass and Wymo are there, too. We need to get this part behind us."

"I agree. And you need to get it behind you before practice starts which is Monday if I'm not mistaken. I don't know any of those guys, really, so I'll just follow your lead. I'll be fine."

"You've got guts, ya know that, Brett? Don't worry about my teammates. They're great guys. You will automatically be one of us now, just like Cass is. We'll have the meeting at my house. You know, this might sound dumb, but you're pretty big, and you have the right build. You ever think about playing football?"

"No, but I'm a fast runner. I'm just don't hit people is all..."

"Well, we're a little weak at wide receiver this year. You're tall and as you say fast which are the pre-requisites for that position, and even if you didn't make first team, just consider giving it a try. If you don't want to, that's fine, too. I'm just sayin' is all..."

"I'll think about it."

"OK, that's all I can ask. Well, that and next time, I want you to fuck me. I've always wanted a cock up my butt. I want your cock up my butt. You have a gorgeous cock, Brett. And when I sucked you, you came so heavy. I'd love to feel that in my ass."

"You got it, Mister Football Quarterback! You have a really hot ass, too! I'll do ya for sure! I'll make you my biotch!"

Both boys roared with laughter.

Walking back into the Dickson home, Peggy told them that George wanted to see them on the patio. When they got there, George called out, "Have a seat, guys! How about a beer?"

Both boys agreed they'd have a beer with George.

"OK, boys! Tim, your mom made me do this... This is the sex talk. I'll make it short and sweet. It wasn't too long ago that I was your age. I remember what it's like... Guys your age are horny all the time. It is what it is. And I know you're gonna have sex. Probably a lot of sex. All I'm saying is just please use your heads. I know you are responsible young men, and that you won't do anything stupid. OK, done!"

"Dad!" Tim laughed. "You called us out here for THAT?"

"Well, like I said, your mom made me do it, so there ya go! What do you think, Brett?"

"Don't worry, we'll use our heads. We won't be stupid, I promise! You promise, too, Tim?"


"You're good men, Tim and Brett! Now that that's over with, let's enjoy our beers!"

The three men talked on the patio for about an hour. George liked what he was seeing in Brett more and more as the evening went by. He saw what he thought was probably a somewhat shy boy, but one that had brains and guts. And he could tell that his son was totally taken by the tall blonde boy. At last, George rose from the table saying, "Well, guys, it's time I hit the sack! Morning comes early! You guys be sure to behave yourselves, now..." And with that, he winked at both of the boys and headed inside.

"Jesus, your dad's a trip!" Brett chuckled.

"That he is, but he's really a great guy. If anyone ever needed someone to have their back, my dad's the guy," Tim proudly stated.

"Well, Timothy, I think I'm about ready for bed." Brett said with a sly smile. "Whadya think?"

"I think I'm ready for bed, too. Follow me!"

Tim led Brett to his room, which was located on the other end of the long, low ranch home from his parent's room. Opening the door for Brett, Tim softly said, "After you!"

Brett walked in to a very tidy room, which was large and well appointed. It was obviously a teenage boy's room, but kept much better than average. Brett was impressed. Also impressing Brett was the Queen size bed, neatly made and with plenty of pillows. Brett felt he'd be comfortable sleeping here. Once Tim was in the room, and the door shut, Brett softly padded up behind Tim, hugged him close from behind whispering, "I'm going to undress you. Just let me do it. It will be sexy, but first I am going to undress."

Tim turned around just enough so that he could see his boy as he shucked his clothing. He marveled at Brett's smooth, creamy skin and the proportions of his body. Without clothing, Brett was a good bit more muscular than he appeared to be with clothing. He watched Brett's loose golden curls wave from side to side as piece by piece he became naked. Tim's eyes traveled to Brett's half hard cock, which was quite large and was topped by a nice bush of dark blonde pubes that rose up into an eye catching treasure trail. In Tim's eyes this was a first-class example of late teenage male beauty.

Brett softly strode behind Tim and began undressing him by loosening his belt, unzipping his jeans and lowering them to the floor. Reaching underneath Tim's shirt with the palms of his hands Brett lightly explored Tim's torso and chest. The well- exercised tautness of his lover's body resulted in Brett's cock reaching full hardness. In a single motion, Brett had Tim's shirt off. All that remained was his underwear, which, after slipping his fingers around the elastic, massaging Tim's well rounded, pleasingly fuzzy buns, and caressing Tim's also now fully hard cock, Brett removed in a flash. He hugged Tim tightly into him from behind, his hard dick lodged in Tim's ass crack. Brett kissed Tim's neck softly, tongued his ear, which drove Tim into shivers. He began moving his hips making his hard pole cruise up and down the downy crack of Tim's ass.

Tim moaned, and in guttural tones admonished Brett to take him.

"Not so fast, Bucko... I want this to be perfect. I want both of us to relish this moment. I want us to remember this night always, Tim."

Brett led Tim to the bed, and outstretched his arm in a motion indicating Tim should get on the bed. "Lie face down!" Brett ordered. Tim complied. Brett parted Tim's buns, lay his mouth on Tim's asshole, and suckled it. Tim's body became rigid. Tim gasped, and then bucked. He begged Brett to fuck him. Brett was having none of it. Gradually, Brett's oral ministrations to Tim's anus resulted in Tim turning into jelly, moving his buttocks in a circular motion and softly moaning Brett's name.

Brett removed himself from Tim's butt asking, "Are you ready now, my love?"

"Yes!" Tim hissed. "Fuck me, Brett! I want this so much!"

"I won't make you wait any more, Tim! Flip over on your back!"

Brett reached for the lube, making ready to lube up his boy's hole and ravish him. He lifted Tim's ample thighs up, squirted a large dollop of lube onto his index finger, greased up Tim's hole and inserted his finger. Tim gasped. "Yessssss!!! Oh, Brett! Stick it in farther! Don't go easy on me! Fuck me hard! Oh, God!!!!"

Brett deemed Tim to be ready, quickly greased up his pole, jacked it to full hardness and assumed the position. He bore down on Tim's hole with abandon. Brett was a natural, and after only initial clumsiness Brett's dick was buried to the hilt. "Oh yeah!!!! Fuck me, Brett!!! Take me!!! Fuck you feel so good!!! C'mon, FUCK ME!!!!"

Brett did as he was asked to do, and the truth was Brett could wait no longer, either. The intimacy between the two young men drove Brett crazy with lust. He wanted this, he needed it, and he was going to have his way with Tim. Slowly at first, but surely he fucked Tim's ass. Tim for his part writhed and hissed under his lover's taking. With each stroke he felt Brett's cock ram his prostate. Tim transitioned into delirium. He knew he couldn't last much longer.

"Fuck me, Brett! Fuck me harder! Faster! I'm gonna cum soon! I love you Brett!!! Please fuck me!!!! C'mon, FUCK ME!!!!" Tim began jacking his leaking dick at lightning speed. He'd lost all grip on reality as Brett pounded his ass with a strength and force Tim couldn't have imagined.

Tim's jacking set Brett on the unstoppable climb to orgasm. "Oh shit! Tim, I'm gonna cum! Oh God, I'm gonna cum!!! Jack that dick, Tim! Cum for me!!! Make me cum, Tim!!! Oh, fuck I'm cummmmming!!! I'm cumming, Tim! God! Fuuuuuck! Oh shit!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Christ!!!! Tim's body went rigid as he shot a huge load that went everywhere, his body writhing and spasming uncontrollably. That pushed Brett over the edge. Brett filled Tim's ass with what felt like a gallon of cum. Tim felt Brett empty himself into his bowels. Brett crumpled on top of Tim. Both boys felt their hearts beating as one a mile a minute.

They lay that way for a long while, each one unable to come down from orgasm for some minutes. Brett could smell Tim's cum in the room. It was a smell he'd never forget. The smell of love and lust.

Gradually they returned to Earth just enough to gaze into each other's eyes, smiling, and not saying a word. Nothing needed to be said.

Disengaging from their coupling, Tim instructed Brett to stay in the bed, returning a minute later with two towels and two washcloths dampened with hot water. "Here, let me clean you, Brett. With a tender touch Tim cleaned Brett's cock, balls and hands. He gently wiped him dry with the soft towel. In his turn, Brett returned the favor cleaning Tim's ass and drying him.

Tim gathered the cloths and towels, folding them up into one of the towels and placing them at the foot of the bed. "I'll wash those in the morning. If mom did it, she'd tease us for the next two weeks!"


"Yes, Brett?"

"Was I OK? Was it worth it?"

"Oh, God, Brett... You drove me into another world! I've wanted this forever – someone to love. You were perfect, and this whole day was perfect! I love you, Brett! Now it's my turn to ask. Was I OK? How do you feel right now?"

"Like you said, it was all perfect! And I love you, too. I want us to love each other. Always. Let's snuggle up and go to sleep! We have a big day tomorrow! You're gonna come out to your teammates, and I'll support you all the way."

"Brett, please stick with me...I don't want to be lonely anymore."

"I'm sticking with you like dog hair on a jelly bean, Timmy!"

The next evening, the football team gathered in the Dickson back yard, the crowd including Brett and Andy as well. It was pretty much the same bunch of guys that greeted Sean and Andy that night a while ago. Tim had already told Cunns what he had to tell everyone, and true to form Cunns stood by his friend with his `who gives a fuck' attitude. Peggy and George provided the guys with snacks and sodas, and as far as it appeared it was a typical informal-done-right gathering at the Dickson home.

All the boys chatted easily with each other mostly talking about their prospects for the upcoming season. They all knew that on paper they had what it took to go all the way, and as a group they were bound and determined to do it. After a time, Tim was ready to say what he had to say. He sought out Sean for a last minute pep talk. "Jeez, Wymo, I ain't nervous, or anything, but I just wonder how everyone will feel being called over here just so they can hear me tell `em I'm a fudge packer... I really hope they take a shine to Brett. Brett insisted that if I was gonna go through with this that he'd be at my side, and if I outted myself, then by God he'd be outted, too."

"You scored a winner with Brett, Dix. He might think of himself as a nerd, or whatever, but he's absolutely fearless. I can see you're happy, Dix, and that's all that counts in the end, ya know? I know this is all happening really fast for you two, but trust me, go with it. OK, bud, it's time. Get your ass up there and just tell it like it is!" Sean reached out to shake Tim's hand and clap him on the back.

"Hey, guys!" Tim announced in a strong, firm voice. Gradually the din died down, and all eyes were on Tim. "OK! Well, guys thanks for coming over tonight. I'm gonna make this real short and sweet. Most of us have known each other for years. Sometimes in life there's things that are out of our control, you know, those times when ya just gotta look at what's in front of your face and go `it is what it is.' Well, that's why I asked everyone over tonight, because this is one of those times. This has been a tough Summer for me, guys. I had a lot of time to look inside myself and I discovered a few things that I always knew were there, but I'd been a coward and buried way down deep inside myself. It started to tear me apart. I didn't like the person I saw in the mirror. I felt like I was gonna just break down at any moment. I've experienced depression and loneliness that I never knew could exist. A person can only go on like that for so long because like the old saying goes, the truth will out. So, I'm gonna tell ya all what I have to say and then if anyone wants to say anything to me, well, go right ahead, but I need to get this off my chest. The truth is, guys, I'm gay. It doesn't get any fancier than that, and there you have it. That's all I have to say."

No one said a word at first. After a long silence Cunns stood up and started clapping. One by one the rest of the team followed. Tim was speechless and sheepishly looked at the ground, pawing at it with his right foot. He hadn't expected this reaction, and in that moment he knew that for the coming season this bunch of guys was a team.

"Guys?" Tim croaked out. "I got just one other thing to say, and then we can get back to our little party. First of all, I'm damn lucky to have found the greatest guy in the world, and even though most of you know him from school, I'm gonna ask everyone to make an effort to really get to know him. I was lonely and falling apart. Then, totally by accident, I met this guy for real. This is the guy who's putting me back together. He's a guy anyone would be proud to have for a friend, and I couldn't have gone through this tonight without his encouragement and support. Guys, I'm gonna introduce my boyfriend. Brett, please come here."

Brett stood and walked over by Tim. Unlike Tim, Brett did not look the least bit sheepish. He wasn't nervous at all. He stood ramrod straight and didn't speak a word. He decided that this moment was not the time, or the place for that. These guys had not been his friends in the past, and although none of them had ever picked on, or bullied him, in Brett's eyes it would be unseemly to assume that these guys would automatically befriend him simply because he was Tim's lover.

A couple of the guys made remarks along the lines that it was surprising Brett and Tim ended up together because Brett had always been a shrimpy little nerd, but looking at how much he'd grown, and standing level even with Tim, they had to admit that he did look like Tim's equal. One guy remarked that he thought Brett had balls even to be there, and noted that Brett looked pretty much at ease. Most agreed that they should welcome Brett if that's what Tim asked them to do. There were, though, one or two private grumbles that went unheard.

The evening went on for a couple hours. Most of the guys made the effort to speak to Brett, and those that did came away impressed. Cunns told Brett that even though he wasn't gay that he was glad Tim had some support. "I could tell something was really eating him. He was as tight as a drum, but he seems like the old Dix tonight. I'm glad you came along." Cunns said.

"Me, too." Brett answered. "I've never met anyone in my life that's as kind as Tim is. He went through hell, and I guess when he couldn't take it anymore and reached out for help, I just happened to be the one who was around. There was no way I could say no to him. It broke my heart to hear him talk about the fear and the loneliness. There was no way I was just gonna walk on by. And the truth is, I needed him as much as he needed me. Anyway, Tim said I should try out for the team. What do you think? I've never played football before! I don't have any experience, so I'm not sure of what value I'd be to a team that wants to win a championship..."

"Brett, let me tell you what value you'd have. Now, I know that I've got a reputation of being a smartass, but I'm not stupid. Dix loves you, man. Anyone can fucking see that. The value you'd have is in your support to Dix, and even if it was nothing beyond that, that's value to the team. So don't tell me you'd be of no value. Please give what I said some thought... Besides, you never know, you might find out you're a good player..."

"You know," Brett said looking Cunns square in the eye, "you're right. I'm a little embarrassed, but I honestly hadn't thought of it from that point of view. I guess maybe because I might have thought it would look weird to you guys, or whatever, if I just appeared out of nowhere as Tim's boyfriend and then wanted to be on the team. Anyway, thanks for telling me that! It's a lot to think about!" Brett smiled his captivating smile at Cunns who thought Brett was beautiful enough that if he had a pussy he'd fuck him.

Cunns reached out to shake Brett's hand, telling him, "You're a good dude, Brett. I can see why Dix is with you. You're one of us now, bro..."

"That means a lot!" Brett said, "I'll still always be just Brett, though..."

"That's the way to be, man." Cunns nodded. "Don't ever change yourself just for other people."

"Thanks, man!" Brett said. "You guys are a good bunch of dudes. I'm really glad tonight went well for Tim. I don't expect you to understand a hundred percent, but Tim's the best thing that's ever happened to me..."

"Well, then, best to keep that in mind," Cunns grinned.

"If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna find Tim. I got something I wanna tell him. And thanks again!" Brett smiled and actually slapped Cunns on the back.

As Brett made his way over to Tim, Cunns thought to himself that maybe one day he'd be so lucky.

Brett found Tim talking to some of the other guys, walked up but did not interrupt. The guys Tim was talking to acknowledged Brett with nods of their heads in typical teenage jock fashion. Brett nodded back, but did not smile knowing that is not customary to use the nod greeting with a smile as the simple nod is meant as a mark of respect and nothing more. Tim, as he was sometimes wont to do, started talking a little bit before his brain was fully engaged and blurted out, "Hey, lover boy! This is going really good tonight! Fuckin-A, man, all the guys are telling me you're the balls!"

"Well, I only got two of `em and they're attached to my fucking crotch!" Brett teased.

The other guys around Tim guffawed.

"Seriously, though, I'm enjoying meeting everyone." Brett said. Then he looked at Tim and said, "Tim, when you have a minute..."

"Excuse us, guys..." Tim said, and the other boys nodded.

After walking a short distance away, Tim looked at Brett and asked earnestly, "Is everything OK?"

"More than OK, Tim. Look, I was talking to Cunns for a little bit, and he was able to help me with something. I just want to let you know that I will be trying out for the football team."

"Really?" Tim exclaimed. "Brett, that's fucking awesome! Once again, you've made me the happiest guy! You just don't know!"

"Well, I am a little embarrassed. Cunns told me I should do it to show my support for you, and that alone would be of value to the team. I'm ashamed I had to have someone else tell me that. I should have figured it out on my own. But, if I say I am going to do it, then I will, and I'll be all in, too! I promise you I will try my best!"

"I know you will, hun... And don't worry that Cunns gave you a different way to look at it. I mean, this has all happened so fast. For both of us. I love you, Brett. More than anything..."

"I know, and I love you, too!" We can talk about this more later. I would at least like to make the team, though..."

"Listen, if you can fuck our opponents the way you fucked me last night, you'll make the team," Tim smiled slyly and winked.

"OK, well, maybe you'll be getting more of that, Mr. Quarterback! You've got one hell of a fuckable ass there, boyfriend!"

Just then, Sean and Andy came over. "Hey, you two homos!" Andy said. "OK, so it looked like it went pretty well. What's you guys' take?"

"Well, Brett, why don't you tell `em!" Tim said deferring to his boy.

"Well, I don't have anything to gauge it by, but I think it went well. The rest of the guys were welcoming. Oh, and Cunns talked me into trying out for the team!"

"Really!" Sean said. "Well, we're gonna hafta figure out what position best suits you. Quarterbacks' out. Dix and I got that covered. From your height and build, I'd say you're maybe a little light to be a Tight End. Depending on your speed, footwork and hands I'd say Wide Receiver, Cornerback or Safety. Possibly Linebacker if yer mean enough. You're not heavy enough to be a Lineman, and you probably lack the experience to be a Running Back, which is one of the toughest positions there is. I mean those guys take a real pounding."

"Jeez, Wymo..." Brett said. "Ya ever think maybe I'd like taking a pounding..."

All four guys laughed so hard they were coughing. Their coughing fit was interrupted by Cunns calling for a team huddle. "OK, guys, everybody over here!"

All the guys gathered around Cunns in a series of concentric circles. "Guys, nights like tonight don't come along too often. Like I was telling Dowls – that's yer name now, Brett – everyone knows me as a smartass, but I certainly ain't a dumbass, so here's the deal: we're a tight bunch of guys. The love and respect on this team is deeper than any ocean, and that was proven here tonight. We know we got what it takes to win the Big Eight, and hell, even State. Let's get real. We do. That's the goal we're setting ourselves right here, right now. Tonight one of our team's leaders trusted us all enough to bare his soul. When he needed us we supported him. All of us. Because if we don't support him the team suffers. We're a team, guys. We're gonna be the only team in the State of Wisconsin to be led into battle by not one, but two top-shelf gay Quarterbacks and we don't give a shit. The only thing we give a shit about is winning, and these guys are winners. Guys, we will be proud to be led into battle by these two guys. Any time. Anywhere."

Cunns, ever the dramatist even though no one else on the team noticed, followed that up with an appropriate length of silence to further build emotion, and then bellowed out, "Am I right?"

The entire team broke into a deafening cheer.

"That's what I needed to hear." Cunns concluded, and then turned and strode off.

All except for Andy and Sean who remained behind saw Tim and Brett on the way out and told them they both had a lot of balls, and that their trust would be repaid. Several of the guys encouraged Brett to try out for the team as well, and he indicated he would. George and Peggy Dickson had discreetly observed the young men from a semi-hidden window, and they both were misty-eyed with pride at their youngest son's unvarnished courage, and the stoutness with which his friends supported him. "We have three fine young men as son's, Peg." George said.

"That we do, George. Or is it four now?"

"It could be four, Peg. You know, Tim did tell us Brett's apprehensive about coming out to his folks, especially his dad. He won't be able to hide his relationship with Tim from them for more than a couple of weeks and we both know that. I don't think it's in Brett's nature to be a hider anyway, and he's no chicken shit, either. Brett will tell them point blank what the story is, and at that time we'll know better. He'll expect his parents to accept it, even if not gracefully, but if they don't then we should be ready in case Brett needs us."

"You always were the planner there, George. I'll get David's room ready enough so that if Brett needs it, it's done but I won't do so much as to make Timmy suspicious. You know, I'll just vacuum it, change the bedding and make room in the closet and the bureau. I'll get some fresh toiletries stocked, too. If we don't need em for Brett, we'll use em ourselves. No trouble at all, don'tcha know! Brett's been good for Timmy. Those two boys are very much alike."

"Yes, they are. They'll both stand there and tell you the truth. And they've both got strong personalities. I told Brett our home would always be open to him. That's the kind of people we are, Peg. We'll let the situation play out and then we'll know how it's gonna go for Brett. Either way, I love the boy."

"Oh ya, me too, George. He was such a sweet boy when I had him for Math at Marshall. The only difference is that he's a lot bigger now. Every time I see him I see that little Brett Dowling peeking out of that blonde hair with those big, brown doe eyes wantin' to know did he do his homework right. I looked back in my records, and he was an A student. I don't see any difference now."

"I expect Tim will be a little down that Brett's not spending the night again tonight. That's OK, they'll have plenty of time for screwing. I hope they get a lot of it in, too. Once ya hit our age, it's not like it was then."

"No, it ain't, George, and that's fine. Besides, they make such a handsome couple. Any mom and dad would be proud! And it doesn't hurt that they got Sean and Andy around, too, ya know. They're not much older of a couple than Brett and Timmy, but that Sean is so mature, and that little Andy is a real Spitfire. You can tell that boy grew up on his own."

"I think the four of them together make a good foundation. Each one has talents they bring to the table. If they stay together as friends, nobody can stop them."

"I was thinkin' the same thing, George. Well, enough of this. Let's go to bed. How wouldja like to fuck this old broad tonight, George..."

"Race ya to the bedroom, Peg! I was just thinkin' about how nice it would be to have a good fuckin'!"

In the back yard, the four boys remaining sat down on the patio. "So, Dix, how'dja think it went?" Sean asked.

"Well, I think it was really OK, and I mean what Cunns did was totally fucking awesome! I wanna hear what Brett thinks..."

"Tim, your friends are an awesome bunch of guys. This is all gonna be fine. And I AM going to be on the football team. So there! Whatever happens, we'll face it together. It is what it is."

"I agree with Brett." Sean said. "This will be fine. I mean even though me and Cass haven't been here that long all the guys welcomed us in right off. You don't know how happy we are here. But I gotta tell ya something else, too, and here ya go: you and Brett, you guys make a helluva couple. You both just come alive around each other. You're obviously happy and please, for your own sake stay that way."

"Yeah!" Andy added. "I knew it was love at first sight at the Mall. Dix, you are the best, man. You were so kind to me when we met that first night. And Brett, you are Dix's match. I see it – in different ways - but you two are like the best combo. Like butter and cream. You complement each other so much. You guys, you better just go with this. Like old Ginny said to me and Sean-o through the window, I see great things for you two. And I know love when I see it, because before Sean-o I never had much love in my life, so when I see it I fucking know it."

Getting back home, Sean and Andy were greeted by Joe brandishing a letter from the Kenosha School Board.

"Boys, this letter is addressed to Sean. Sean, please open it and read it."

"OK, dad..." Sean said, accepting the envelope from his father.

"Jeez, dad, this letter says the Kenosha School Board wants me to come in for questioning on a matter concerning Coach Anderson, and it's two days from now!

"Really? Let me see that!" Joe said. "OK, well, that's what it says. I'm gonna give George Dickson a call about this in the morning."


Next: Chapter 18

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