It Is What It Is

By Eric Trager

Published on Jul 12, 2016


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Coming to a halt, Brett ran his finger down the list until he saw his name. "Dowling, B. - Safety1, Wide Receiver2." Brett also noted, as he already knew, Tim and Sean's names. "Dickson, T. – Quarterback," and "Wyman, S. – Quarterback."

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I MADE IT! TIM! I MADE IT!" Brett yelled loud enough to shock Tim. "Jesus Christ, I made it... Oh my God, I am so happy! Tim!"

"Whoa, there, dude!" Cunns exclaimed sneaking up behind them. "I toldja before, Dowls, you might just find out yer good. Well, yer first string D, so there ya go. Hey, Dix! There's no ranking on you, or Wymo! What the fuck is up with that?"

"Dunno, Cunns. Maybe Coach made a mistake. Guess I'll let him know at practice, hey?"

"Well, OK, sounds good. And, Dowls, congrats, man. I watched you out there all this time at practice, and you were good, man. Real good!" With that, Cunns fist-bumped Brett and said, "Gotta get to class now, dudes. We'll see ya at practice!"

"Later, Cunns!" Tim and Brett called after him.

Tim grabbed Brett, spun him around and hugged him like a bear, telling him, "Don't get mad at me, hon, but I already knew you made the team. I didn't know position, or depth, but yesterday Coach told me you'd made it. I asked him when Wymo and me had the Quarterback meeting with him after practice. Coach swore me and Wymo to secrecy and said he'd cut us if we toldja, so I hadda zip my lip. Please don't be mad..."

"You!!!!" Brett grinned. "I'm not pissed, I'm fucking ecstatic! I wanted so much to be on the team with you! I love you, dickhead!"

"I love you more!" Tim replied.

Just then, Coach Slater opened the door, snickered and said with a wink, "You two! Keep it in your pants, or go get a room! Now, get your asses to class, already!"

"OK, Coach!" both boys replied, laughing. "See you at practice, Coach!"

The rest of the day went about uneventfully for all the boys, except for John who went with George's to the office in the morning.

Arriving downtown at his law office, George turned to John, "OK, son, we'll go inside and take your statement and get photos and stuff. We'll need photos of your injuries for Court. This won't be difficult. Should take about an hour. After that, I'm gonna take you up to the school and get you registered. I'll just get a power of attorney from Joe and then we'll get that part done. You might even be in class this afternoon, bud!"

"That's great! I really want to make a new start, and I don't see any point in waiting until Monday. Besides, I said I'd help Andy at football practice this afternoon."

"Good man, John, now let's roll!"

Upon entering his office, George bade John to take a seat, and then called Joe. "Hey, Joe, let me have your fax number and I'll send over a power of attorney to register him. Sign it, have your Secretary notarize it, and get it back to me. OK. Will do. You bet. Bye."

Turning to John, George told him, "OK, sport. Let's do what we need to do and then we'll getcha lunch and getcha up to the school."

"Awesome! OK, let's do this!"

Two hours later, George strode into the Principal's outer office at Craig High School. "Hello, I'm George Dickson. Bill is expecting me."

"George! Hey, good to see ya!" called out Bill McVay, the long-time Principal.

"Same here, Bill. Anyway, I got this Indian over here to register in your school so whadya say we git `er done!"

Once in the Principals inner office, a large room with pristine blonde-colored solid wood paneling and built-ins typical of the mid-century modern style in fashion when the school was built in 1954, Principal McVay looked at John and started in, "OK, so you're John Wyman. Good. I know your brother Sean is here, too, so let's get down to business. You'll be in average level classes, and here's your schedule. It'll all be good. Don't be nervous, or make more out of this that it is; you only missed a few days, and it shouldn't take much to catch you up. There's peer-to-peer tutoring available in your off period, so you'll have an easy time getting up to speed. I'll meet with you personally next week to see how you're doing. I want you to do well, John. I know it hasn't been easy for you, but we got your back, young man..."

"Um, thanks. Like I told, um, my dad I'll be good. I want this chance."

"Well, like I said, my door's always open. I'm gonna call in your Counselor, and we'll get your books and locker assignment. Welcome to Craig, John."

"Say, Bill, there's one other thing I wanna letcha know. Joe Wyman is legal guardian for another one of your students, Andy Churchill. Andy has a reason that he can explain, but Joe wanted me to set up a meeting for him and Andy to come in and see you about setting up a fund for students that have been victims of bullying."

"Sure thing! Just tell Joe that any day an hour before classes start, or at the end of the day will be fine. Have him call me direct to set it up and we'll go from there!"

"OK, thanks again, Bill. John, now you have a good afternoon in class, and you meet Andy at football practice afterwards, you got it?"

"Yup, and thanks, George, and Mr. McVay! Thank you SO MUCH!"

Coach blew his whistle long and loud at the beginning of practice. "OK, everyone gather round! Gentlemen, there is a special announcement. Please give your undivided attention to Mr. Dickson."

"Thanks, Coach!" Tim began. "Alright, guys, I'm gonna make this short and sweet. I won't take any questions. Everyone's probably a little confused this morning that there was no depth listing at Quarterback. That will be clarified now. You all know the guy I'm about to introduce. He's a top-shelf Quarterback, a helluva competitor, and off the field a real gentleman and an awesome friend. Last year he was the starting Quarterback for Kenosha Tremper. This year we're lucky enough to have him on our team, and he'll be back next year as well. I give the floor to by far the best athlete I've ever gone up against, Sean Wyman."

"Thanks, Dix. OK, guys, everyone knows Dix and I have been in a runoff to see who will be this year's starting Quarterback. Dix, man, we worked, and we sweat, and we died, but the competition's over now and the best man won. Guys, the leader of our offense this year is Tim Dickson. You've all known Dix a lot longer than I have, so I don't hafta tell ya they don't come any better. Dix! Get back up here, man!"

Tim strode over somewhat sheepishly. Sean put his arm around Tim's shoulder and continued, "I'm proud as hell to call this guy my team mate and my friend. We're gonna send Dix and all the Seniors outta here in style this year! Guys, we all know what Vince Lombardi said: football is a game of inches. I want you to look at the guy next to you! Look into his eyes! I think you're gonna see a guy who will go that inch with you... You're gonna see a guy who will sacrifice himself for that inch because he knows when it comes right down to it you're gonna do the same thing for him, and at the end of the day that's what makes the FUCKIN' DIFFERENCE between winnin' and losin'! That's a team, guys. That's football. That's all it is... Now, what are we gonna do?" *

The entire team exploded in a deafening, seemingly endless crescendo of unity.

Coach Slater felt a gulp of pride in his throat at the two fine young men who addressed their teammates that day. It really did pain him to have to choose between the two, and he couldn't help think, at least a little bit, that the one he put at number two was perhaps more the natural-born leader.

For their parts, Andy and Brett looked on, their hearts beating out of their chests with pride at the gallant, stunning young men who were their mates.

John watched Sean go through his paces at Quarterback with Tim. Even though Coach said he didn't have anything for him, he managed to run around giving the guys water and towels when he saw someone needed it. He was a young man on a mission to take advantage of what he now had.

Once practice was over, Andy and John waited outside in the parking lot for Sean to shower up and change. Tim, Sean and Brett came out of the locker room together, making their way over to Andy's Cruze.

"Hey, And!" Sean yelled, motioning Andy to get out of the car. Andy got out. "Tell J.R. to get out, too!"

John exited the car somewhat trepidatiously wondering what this was all about.

"Hey, J.R.," Sean said, "I want you know yer one of us now!"

John was in awe of the big football players who even though appearing as if they could break him in half looked at him with kind eyes let him know, as Tim said, "You get any shit from anyone, don't worry about it, we gotcher back!"

Once in the car, John, seated in the back, said, "Wow! Your friends are fucking cool, man! I was scared shitless! I'm so small compared to them and I didn't know what they wanted! Thanks! I really hope I get to stay with you guys!"

At 3:52 that afternoon at the Janesville Country Club, Joe Wyman strode in. Walking into the bar, Joe greeted Ed the bartender asking if his room was ready. Told that it was, he let the bartender know he was expecting only one person by the name of Herb Dowling. He ordered a glass of Miller Lite and asked that once Dowling got there that a pitcher of Lite and another glass be brought in along with some mixed salted nuts, cheese spread, crackers and Usinger's liverwurst pate from the bar's snack menu.

Finding a parking space in the Country Club lot, Herb Dowling exited his vehicle. Entering the Club House through the front door, he informed the doorman that he had an appointment with one of the members. When asked whom, he gave Joe's name and waited.

"Yes, sir. Mr. Wyman arrived just a few minutes ago. The Miltimore Room is reserved for your meeting. Just go right that way into the bar, and the bartender will direct you. Enjoy your meeting, Sir."

Directed to the Miltimore Room by the bartender, Herb walked in, greeting Joe, "Hey, Joe. Thanks for agreeing to meet me like this. And thanks for the interview down the plant yesterday, too..."

Herb took note of the surroundings. While not a sophisticated man, neither was he a Rube. The room was cozy with the rich, old English walnut paneling and fireplace mantle salvaged from the old clubhouse, the Floor-to-ceiling Lannon Stone fireplace, black 1940's leather club chairs, well-worn, but shined to a fare-thee-well, and the old Victorian tables and lamps that were a gift from one of the prominent old-money families in town. This was clearly a room designed for the private, informal and easy conduct of business between two men.

Nevertheless, Herb appeared a tad nervous to Joe who put him at ease, "No problem, Herb. Listen, I asked the bartender to bring us a pitcher of Miller Lite and some snacks. I didn't think we'd eat dinner here if that's OK."

The bartender announced himself, wheeling in a cart laden with the beer and snacks. "Will there be anything more, gentlemen? Any other snacks I could get for you? Cigarettes? Cigars? Pipe tobacco"

"You know, Ed..." Joe replied, "I think I'd have a cigar. A Fuentes Don Carlos sounds good. How about you, Herb?"

Not being a smoker, Herb's first instinct was to decline but then he weighed the fact that he was at the Country Club courtesy of the guy who ran his place of work and who had just given him an interview and a chance at a significant promotion. Herb figured he better have a cigar. "That would be fine. Make it two, then, please," Herb told the bartender.

"As you wish, gentlemen. I shall return shortly," replied Ed as he left.

"Well, Herb, what can I do for you?" Joe asked somewhat quizzically.

"This is kind of tough, Joe, but I guess I shouldn't beat around the bush since we're on your nickel here as far as time goes. It's about my son..."

Ed the bartender reappeared bearing a wooden tray complete with two cigars, two pewter ashtrays, a cigar cutter and a metal tray filled with wooden matches. "Here are your cigars, gentlemen. Would you like me to cut them for you, or would you prefer to cut your own?"

"I think we'll cut `em ourselves thanks, Ed," Joe replied, picking up the cigar and drawing it under his nose. "Top quality as always, Ed. Thank you, I think that'll be all for now."

"Of course. I'll be at the bar should you require anything." Ed replied as he left the room.

"Anyway, as I was saying, Joe, it's about my son..."

"That's Brett, right?"


"We had dinner over at a friend's the other night and Brett was there. Seemed like a real nice kid. Didn't get to talk to him too much, but anyway, what's up?"

"Well, I'm not sure how to say it so I might just as well get right to the point. A little while back we found out that Brett's gay."

"And?" Joe asked in a direct yet friendly tone, cocking one eyebrow. "Wait said that you `found out' Brett's gay, not that he told you he was. Am I reading too much into that?"

Herb hesitated for a minute. Joe picked up his cigar, trimmed the end and lit it, waiting for Herb to respond to his question. Not being a smoker, Herb didn't know really what to do with the cigar, but being a quick study he imitated Joe's actions.

Taking a draw on the cigar, and finding he enjoyed its complex smoothness, Herb began his reply. "No, Brett didn't tell his mom, or me he's gay. Here's how we found out..."

"So, lemme get this straight. You found out your son's gay because his phone beeped that he had a text and you looked at it because he wasn't home?" Joe asked a little bit befuddled.

"I'm afraid so. Once he got back from picking up his paycheck we got in an argument and he hasn't been home since."

"Well, I gotta tell ya, I've never had occasion to look at my son's texts, but I'm pretty sure if I had he'd probably look at it like I opened his mail, or something along those lines. No offense, Herb, but that wasn't exactly the smoothest move... So where is Brett anyway if he's not at home?"

"Yeah, I know..." Herb replied. "Not sure I'd do it again if I had the chance. Guess I was thinking that you never know what kids are up to these days."

"I get ya," Joe replied. "Let me ask you a few questions about Brett if it's OK."


"OK, what are his grades?"

"Straight A's."

"Does he help out around the house?"

"Yeah, he cuts the grass and shovels in the winter. He's done his own laundry since he's been about fourteen."

"And he has a job?"

"He's a stocker at Woodmans. Been there almost two years."

"And he went out for football?"

"Yeah. I can't figure that one out. He never went out for sports before. He doesn't even watch the Packers. I'm not sure if he even knows who Aaron Rodgers is..."

"That's a good one, Herb," Joe chuckled. "Anyway, if he's not at home, where's he at?"

"According to his mom he's over at some friend's house. Name's Tim Dickson. Brett says this Dickson kid is'boyfriend.' See, that's what I just don't get. How can a GUY have a boyfriend? I never had any experience with this shit and I just don't get it. Sometimes I wonder if it's that Dickson kid trying to take advantage of another kid who was always a nerd and didn't really have many friends. I gotta say, I don't like the whole idea at all..."

"I understand what you're saying Herb. Sort of..." Joe replied.

"Sort of?" Herb asked. "By the way, I'm not a smoker, but this cigar is good. I could get used to this."

"Well, yeah, I sort of understand... Look, I'm going to tell you something about my son, Sean. I need to be clear that whatever is said in this room stays here. What we're talking about won't have any effect on your chances for the General Forman job, but if any of what I am about to say gets out, it could..."

"I hear you loud and clear, Joe."

"OK, there's a lot of moving parts to this, so here goes. My son, Sean, is a Junior this year over at Craig. He'll be on the football team, too, so all these kids know each other by now. Anyway, without getting in to too much detail Sean came to me before we moved here and told me he's gay."

"Really? What'd you say?"

"Herb, there was nothing for me to say about it... Sean's mom died of cancer when he was thirteen. She was the love of my life. Sean's an only child and he's all I've got. Was I thrilled about it? No, I was not, I can assure you. But that's not the point. The point is I'd already lost my wife and I'll be damned if I'd ever lose my son, too. Especially over something like that. Sometimes a guy's just gotta know when to hold em and when to fold em. It is what it is."

"Wow. And you're OK with it?"

"Like I said, there's nothing for me to say. I have to be OK with it, don't I... It's like that old prayer says, God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference between the two.' Anyway, without getting into too much detail Sean's boyfriend is now also my ward. He moved with us to Janesville as well. They're both good young men. At some point ya gotta let em grow up."

"I guess I see your point, it's just that no one asked me how I felt about it. It was just like `BANG! Here ya go!' and that was it!"

"Well, Herb, you did say you snooped on to Brett's phone, so that might not be an entirely fair characterization. Look at it this way: down the plant we got all kinds. Maybe not everyone is a hundred percent the way we'd be all the time, maybe we think some people we work with are weird, or whatever, but we got a job to do, and ya just gotta roll with the punches if the job's gonna be done right at the end of the day, ya know? Whatever else we are, we're a team."

"I guess I hadn't looked at it that way..." Herb replied. "I still don't like it, though..."

"No, I betcha don't, but what really are you gonna do about it? Act like a dick? And from how you described Brett, he sounds like a kid any parent would kill to have. Besides, all these kids are almost adults anyway. If he's not eighteen already anyway, he's probably damn close to it and it wouldn't do anyone any good just to piss him off at this stage of the game. Ya know, a lot of kids these days are so damn lazy. They think they're entitled to everything under the fuckin' sun without having to lift a finger for it. When the real world hit's em in the ass they're gonna be living in their mom and dad's basements when they're thirty-five, staring at faded Yes We Can' posters on the wall, picking their noses, wondering what the fuck happened and how come they're not all winners and they didn't all get a trophy just for breathing. I don't think Brett's one of those kids from what I saw."

"No, you're right about Brett. He's a worker. Always has been. So, do you know this Dickson kid, Joe? I mean you said you met Brett over at the Dickson's..."

"I know Tim's parents, George and Peggy, pretty well. Haven't known them long, just since we moved to town, but I can tell you they're stand-up folks. George is doing some legal work for me. And let me just say this: if your son is going to have a boyfriend, well, they're not gonna get any better than Tim Dickson. Tim and Sean are competing for starting Quarterback and they've gotten really close. There's nothing to worry about with Tim. He's got his head on his shoulders, and he's got good parents. He's a fine young man."

"Well, whadya think I should do, Joe?" Herb asked.

"Herb, look, I'm not one to sit in judgment of others. You asked me to talk dad-to-dad and that's fine. The way I see it is that you got a good kid there, a lot better than most these days. I guess I'll just bottom line it here for ya, so here it is: I think you're gonna hafta suck it up, bud. I hate to put it that bluntly, but..."

"I hear ya. I suppose you're right. Whadya recommend?"

"Well, I think that the best thing to do would be to treat Brett and Tim like men. They're almost men anyway so ya might just as well. If it were me, I'd probably take them to breakfast, or lunch somewhere and just let em both know what's going on. Be honest with them. If you're not, they'll see through it. If you feel like apologizing, then apologize to Brett only and don't do it in front of Tim. You didn't have an argument with Tim. But I guess I'd let em both know that it is what it is and that you'll deal with it. That's really all a guy can do here."

"Simple as that, huh?"

"Yeah, pretty much... I mean there's no need to make a federal case out of it. Let's look at it this way: down the plant we have a mission, and our mission is to deliver a flawless product on time and at a competitive price to our customers, otherwise we all starve. I'd say that with respect to your son, you delivered a great product, so I'd just leave it at that. He's gonna be his own man anyway, Herb. Now, speaking of the plant, I just wantcha to know that I'm not gonna drag out the process of the General Foreman position. I've got a couple more interviews to go and then after that I'll be making a decision. I figured you'd wanna know."

"Thanks, Joe. I've still got to digest this a little bit more..."

"That's probably a good idea."

"I gotta thank ya, Joe. Say, what do I owe you for the beers and the cigar?

"Nada... It's on the house. Besides, I have an account here and I can write this off as a business meeting. After all we did mention the plant a time, or two. Anyway, you let me know how this all shakes out, and if you ever need to talk, or anything, maybe meet up for a beer just let me know."

"Thanks again, Joe, and I'll sure let you know." With that, Herb got up, shook Joe's hand and took his leave. While he wasn't totally satisfied, he knew as Joe said, that he'd have to suck it up. Maybe he could grumble privately to himself if he felt the need to, but it wasn't going to work to reopen the wound. He finally decided that, as his own father had told him many times, you can't win `em all.

Back in her downtown hotel room, Marilyn Dowling mentally went over her meeting the previous afternoon with Peggy Dickson at the school. She decided that she'd visit Herb that night, but before she did so she wanted to reduce her meeting with Peggy to writing so that if her husband became cantankerous she'd have her talking points in front of her. Marilyn's years as a secretary to the Rock County Board meant that she could do this sort of thing easily and quickly.

Marilyn recalled how warm and friendly Peggy had been, and how even though her blue-collar Milwaukee accent made her seem not so bright, underneath that veneer was years and years of wisdom gained from raising three sons and teaching Middle School age kids at a time when most of them were at their most unruly. Marilyn could tell that Peggy wasn't a woman who got rattled; she was a woman who saw things clearly for what they were and what the best way forward would be. Peggy Dickson was truly a Steel Magnolia.

Having finished reducing the meeting with Peggy to writing, Marilyn got in her car and drove to her home. Even though by now it was late, she walked in. "Herb, we need to talk. I want you to know that I'm not here to argue; I'm just here to talk like two adults. Can we do that?" To reinforce what she just said, she went to the kitchen and poured them each a beer. Returning to the living room, she handed her husband a beer and sat down facing him.

"Look, Herb, I don't wanna cover too much ground here tonight. I just want to get a couple of things straight. First off Brett's at the Dickson's, and he's gonna be there until we clear this up."

"I want him home..." Herb replied.

"Herb, like I said, I'm not gonna cover too much ground right now, but this is the part of the conversation where I talk and you listen. When I'm done talking I'll listen to you."

Marilyn then continued. "Here's the deal, Herb: I don't want our family torn apart by this, and I don't think you do, either. You've been a good husband, and a good father. I know that, and I wouldn't change a thing. But sometimes in life a person's got no other choice but to play the hand they're dealt. Sometimes it is what it is.

"I can tell you for a fact that Brett didn't choose to be gay. It's genetic, just like his blonde hair is. That's just a scientific fact. He's our son, Herb. I want you to think back to when we brought him home from the hospital, how proud he was when he learned to use the potty instead of shitting his diaper, when he was a Cub Scout and came back from camp all scabbed up, and missing another tooth, but pleased as punch to show us two new merit badges. I want you to go look at his school report cards. There's nothing but A's on any of `em. Think about how other kids sit around and don't do anything, but he's got a job and is trying out for the football team at the same time. Did you ever picture Brett going out for football?

"I want you to think about all those things before you think about being bullheaded. Herb, I want you to go talk this over with a shrink, or our Pastor, or anyone else, but before we bring Brett back here we need to have a path forward so our family doesn't tear itself apart. That's all the ground I wanted to cover right now, but I need to be clear: I'm not going to bend on this. Is this something we can do?"

For all his old fashioned views, Herb was not a stupid man, and knew when the jig was up. While not letting on that he'd met with Joe Wyman, in order to try to preserve some vestige of his pride, he did at least concede that, "I can't promise anything right this second. I'll think about what you said. Is that OK for now? I still think this gay shit is weird. Give me some time..."

"That's fine, Herb. Like I said, I didn't expect to solve all the world's problems here tonight. I'm going back to the hotel now." Marilyn finished her beer and went back to her hotel room thinking sometimes it's best to catch flies with honey rather than with vinegar.

Once back in her room, Marilyn picked up her phone and called Peggy Dickson. They had a nice chat, Peggy letting Marilyn know that sometimes baby steps at first are what the Doctor ordered. Marilyn asked if she could talk to Brett for a minute.

"Hi, Mom..."

"Hi, Brett. Are you doing OK?"

"Yeah, everything's OK. Tim's parents gave me one of their spare rooms. I'm doing all my work and stuff. I'm OK."

"What about clothes, do you need some clothes?"

"Well, if you want to bring me some, I guess... I mean, I don't wanna go home until we all think we can get somewhere with this. I'm not gonna fight over this, mom, but I'm not going to give in, either. I can wear Tim's clothes, though, because we're the same size, and he's got a lot of clothes!"

"I'll bring some of your things over then. Text me the Dickson's address and when you will be there. I had a talk with your dad tonight, Brett. We're not out of the woods yet, but I think it will be OK. He's old fashioned, Brett. I told him he needed to see things for how they are, and I'm telling you to just give him some time. Is that something we can do?"

"Yeah, mom, that's fine. I love you, mom."

"Love you, too, son. Now you go get a good night's sleep and say hello to Tim for me, OK?"

"OK, mom." Brett smiled. At least his mom was on his side.

Tim came to Brett, wrapped his arm around his shoulder and asked, "Everything OK?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Mom said to say hello to you, so I guess that's a good sign. She said I need to give my dad some time. I just don't want to impose on your mom and dad here, though..."

"Bullshit!" George interjected, walking into the kitchen where the two boys were. "Brett, you're family. This isn't the end of the world, but we do need to give it some time. You are not imposing, and I don't wanna hear that ever again!"

"I don't know what I'd do without you guys!" Brett smiled.

"Don't worry about it. Someday when we're old and in the nursing home crapping our Depends you can pay us back then, son..." George winked.

The three men shared a huge laugh at what George said. "OK, well, George, I think that's kinda shitty..." Brett shot back causing both George and Tim to double over in laughter.

"I'm heading off to bed now, guys. You guys should turn in soon, too!"

"OK, dad, we're gonna hit the sheets!" Tim said.

"You go ahead, Tim. I wanna say good night to your mom..." Brett told Tim.

Brett walked into the family room and found Peggy reading one of her magazines. "Peggy?" Brett said.

"Oh hey there, Brett! Yer still up now are ya!"

"Yeah, I just wanted to say thanks for talking to my mom. You've got a lot of common sense, and that's what we need right now..."

"No trouble there, Brett. I think of ya like you were one of my own sons, don'tcha know. This is all gonna work out. You'll see!"

"I know. I told my mom that I'm not gonna fight with anyone over this, but I'm not going to give in, either. I am who I am. I just wantcha to know I couldn't do this without you and George and Tim. I just wanted to say thanks is all..."

"I think it's gonna work out, too. Like I said, you'll see! C'mere and give old Peg a hug, then you get your ass off to bed!"

Brett hugged Peggy and she hugged him back. "Sweet dreams, Brett."

"Thanks, Peggy, I'll see you in the morning! I'm gonna go say good night to Tim now."

"OK, but no late night snackin' there, now, good lookin'!"


"Get outta here and get to bed!" Peggy laughed.

At 9:00 Saturday morning, Joe and the boys met Charlie Ditmar at the Alamo. Charlie was already there when they arrived and had a PowerPoint presentation set up in the living room for them all to look at. Charlie had carefully prepared the viewing area by making sure all of the drapes were drawn and that there was no chance anyone could see into the house from the outside.

At the same time over at the Dickson home, Brett's cell phone rang the incoming number indicating that it was a call from his dad. Brett paused, deciding whether, or not to answer. At the last second before it would go to voice mail he answered. He was prepared and there was no need to put it off. If he was going to hear a rant, then Brett was prepared to stand his ground.


"Brett, it's dad. Before you get mad at me and hang up, I'd like ya to listen for a minute. I was wrong to react the way I did. I wasn't prepared for it. Besides, I've never had any experience with shit. I'm old fashioned, and there's things in life that I'm not familiar with. I was raised in a different time. I need you to know that I'm still not done processing all this, but I've talked to other people and I think I can put my feelings aside at least for now. What I really wanna say is I want our family back together."

"Wow, dad, I wasn't expecting to hear that!"

"Maybe not, but I'd like to meet Tim again, too, and I won't be a dick. Are you guys available this morning? I could take us all to breakfast..."

"Well, dad, I got plans in about an hour, and I'm not sure how long it's gonna take and all. I don't wanna keep you waiting on me all day so maybe could we go to breakfast tomorrow?"

"I think that's OK, son. And Tim will come, too?"

"Oh, he'll be there, dad! He told me this would all work out..."

"Alright, then. I'll pick you up tomorrow. Just text me the address and I'll pick you guys up."

"Thanks, dad..."

"I'll see you tomorrow, son."

"See you tomorrow, dad."

Brett flashed a thumbs up to Tim. Tim hugged Brett close. "See, I knew this would all be OK!"

"Yes, you did. Dad's taking you and me to breakfast tomorrow and he said he won't be a dick. You're my rock, Tim."

At the Alamo, Charlie had made sure that his vehicle as well as Joe's XTS and Andy's Cruze were parked in the garage so it would appear as if no one was home.

Once everyone was ready, Charlie fully armed the system and began. "Hey, Joe, Sean! I guess this must be Andy, and who else we got here?"

"Chaz, this is John. He'll be my new son once the adoption papers go through, and of course he'll be living here. He's fifteen so he doesn't have a car yet, but I'll need you to get him an iPhone spec'd just like the ones the rest of us have."

"Good to meet ya, John!" Charlie said, extending his hand, "Your dad and I go way back. Anyway, let's get started. First of all, guys, the security at the GM condo was not done on a permanent basis, but this place is. It's way more than just open doors and motion detectors. We have room-by-room isolation if we need it, high-def and infra-red video surveillance, audio surveillance for the exterior, the garage doors are bomb-proof up to two sticks of dynamite, and as you've heard even the draperies and window shades have security built in. There is fingerprint recognition, voice recognition and all of this ties in with your vehicle security and iPhone security and special aps that are installed. It might sound a little overwhelming, but it's really simple once you realize that there's a central brain that operates the system just like you would yourself.

"The brain of the system is multiple-redundant. The system has power back up sufficient for seven days' worth of continuous operation in the event of a blackout. The system is tied in to the Janesville Police Department and the Rock County Sheriff's Department as well as my firm. We even thought of some rather amusing little tricks. For example, if the system detects motion and/or video presence involving certain parameters, like let's say in the middle of the night someone hopped the fence into the yard in addition to everything else, the lawn watering system in that zone will fire up not only frightening the intruder by noise, but getting them soaking wet as well, and if they run off in another direction, then the adjoining zone will fire up.

"There are special, exterior surveillance lights that will actually follow any intruder at night. If the same thing should happen during the day, then a menacing, yet non- lethal laser strobe will follow them. In the event of an intruder alert, all draperies and shades will be automatically drawn. If it is at night, all interior lighting will be cut off and go to black-light except for that which is not viewable from a window. If an intruder tries one of the doors they will, of course, not have clearance by any of the methods I just mentioned, and the outside door handles will deliver a powerful, but non-lethal electric shock. The system will notify anyone in the house of the sector in which the intruder is.

"This will all be taking place at the same time automatic, electronic notifications have gone out to the Police, Sheriff and my firm."

"Wow!" John said, "This is like from James Bond!"

"Yes, I suppose it is, son, but let's just get through this, and you'll see how easy it all is. I bet you could run the thing from your iPad! By the way, speaking of iPad, there's also special hardware firewalls built into the computer networking in the house. Nothing any of you do online can be traced to the address of the home, and the IP address is not traceable. In addition, there is a private server located in the basement that has its own domain, and is hardwired to the outside. No above- ground wiring brings internet to the property. All computers inside are connected via Ethernet cables. Laptops and tablets can connect via encrypted wireless VPN whose range does not extend beyond the property lines. All of the exterior cable is fiber optic and is buried underground. It's routed through two discrete satellite connections located on, shall we say, another private property, so there is redundant connectivity in the event it's needed."

Chaz did not, and would not reveal, even to Joe, that the other private property was owned by none other than the Congressman from Wisconsin's first district who was also the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. Chaz knew him and he was more than happy to cooperate in protecting the safety of the man heading the area's most important industrial operation. In order not to attract attention, a permit application stating that a trench needed to be dug in the yard for purposes of upgrading the lawn watering system had satisfied the City. No one had come to nose around at the Alamo, and no one from the City ever nosed around the Speaker's home.

"Chaz, I gotta hand it to ya, I thought you outdid yourself on the Kenosha house, but this is a thing of pure beauty!"

"Well, let's just say that all those days back in the Green Zone in Baghdad taught me a thing, or two and now a lot of this stuff is available for private citizens, so what the hell... By the way, if you are all away for the day, say at school, or at work and there is an intrusion, you will all be notified to remain away from home until the premises are inspected and deemed safe. There is no professional thief anywhere who would bother to tangle with this system, and the point that most of it is there is for your physical protection and safety. Now, we were required by City Ordinance to post security placards, and we posted the minimum necessary to comply as we do not wish to call undue attention. None of them announce the extent of the security, but they are tagged with my office's name and logo. Any professional thief will know enough by that alone to move on to an easier target, and the non-professional hoodlums will make mistakes and get caught before they can do any real harm."

"Mr. Ditmar?" John asked.

"Call me Chaz, son..."

"OK, Chaz, when will I get my iPhone, and can you show me how to use it?"

"I got your phone right here, son, and we'll go over that afterwards."

"Will we need to have any changes made to the cars?" Sean asked.

"Nope, the security on the cars was installed with just this kind of upgradability in mind. All we need to do is some additional programming which is downloading right now to each vehicle and we're good to go."

"What about thumbprints," Joe asked.

"I've got the pad right here, and we'll just thumbprint everyone and then make sure they all work on each pad of which there are four on the exterior of the building, and two more on the gates. The garage door openers work on voice recognition and by remotes in the vehicles, of course very sophisticated remotes... Keypads on garage doors are too easy to compromise."

Chaz, Joe and the boys finished up the lesson, took all the thumbprints and made sure they all worked. Everyone was duly impressed although John was somewhat intimidated wondering if he'd make a mistake and get hosed down, or worse. Sean and Andy reassured him that in a couple of weeks it would all be second nature to him, but at the same time letting him know what he shouldn't exit the premises, or enter without them until he got used to it. As Sean told him, "this system isn't worth shit if it's not armed and working, so we'll all just take it slow. I grew up with these systems, so just do what I say and you'll be fine."

The men exited the house, going their separate ways, Chaz back home to Milwaukee, Joe to his golf match and the boys back to the GM condo to get ready to meet up with Danny and Jim.

On the way to the condo, Sean got a text letting them know that Danny and Jim were about 20 minutes away. Sean texted back letting them know that they'd meet them at the condo, and sent them the address again just in case. Sean turned to Andy and said, "Hey, And, I just thought of something and this is fucking excellent!"

"Oh, no...I can see those blonde wheels turning now! What is it..."

"Hey, fuck off! It's about the surprise they all think they're expecting! We're gonna tell `em that J.R.'s our surprise! That way when we pull the real one they will be like totally unsuspecting!"

"Hey, Sean?" John asked.

"Yeah, lil bro?"

"So, um, like what's this surprise anyway?"

"OK, butcha gotta promise not to let on. I mean, you haven't met any of these guys yet, so when we do just follow my lead."

"Um, OK, I guess..."

"Now, look, you already met Tim and Brett. Just like me and Andy, Dix and Dowls are boyfriends.

"You guys have any straight friends?" John asked mischievously.

"Pipe down, lil bro!" Andy said with a smile on his face. "We know a few straight guys we keep around just for appearances..."

"OK," Sean continued, "so the two guys that are coming to visit are Jim who goes by Noles, and Danny who's Dix's cousin. Now, Dix and Danny LOOK JUST ALIKE. I mean, not a little bit, or kinda sorta, but DEAD FUCKING RINGER ALIKE. So, the real surprise is that I bought two identical sets of clothes, and we're gonna get Noles and Dowls away from their boyfriends over at the Alamo and then I'm gonna have Dix and Danny dress up just alike. Then the other two gotta pick the right boyfriend."

"Yeah, and how we're gonna do that," Andy said, "is that when they get here, Sean-o is gonna take them over to the Alamo while I go pick up Dix and Dowls. You will come with me, J.R."

"Um, OK...I just hope I can keep this all straight!

"Don't worry, Dix will be too busy making you feel like one of the gang, and Dowls will prolly be on the quiet side. It's gonna work, you'll see!"

"Yeah, but And, this kinda goes against what dad said about us being apart..."

"I know, but we've been over this and there's no other way. Besides, I won't be alone! I got J.R.!"

"OK, so it's half a violation, then."

"Hey! I'm not half of anything!" John declared, reaching from the back seat to his older brother's head in front of him and proceeding to give Sean a noogie that hurt. "You take that back! Right now!"

"OKOKOKOKOKOKOK!" Sean screamed in laughter. "Jesus Fucking Christ, lil bro, you're a fire cracker! Bossy, too! You sure you aren't related to Brown Eyes, here?"

"Fuck you, Sean-o. You deserved it! All that practice with Dix is rubbing off – you're talking before you think!"

"Yeah, I'll fuck you later..." Sean said, turning to Andy and wiggling his eyebrows.

"EWWWWWWW" John feigned disgust.

All three boys dissolved in laughter.

They had been home about five or ten minutes when the doorbell rang. Andy went to the door as fast as he could go. Although his leg felt to him as if it was all healed up, the Doctor would not be removing the brace for another couple of weeks. "Guys! Noles! Danny! C'mon in!" Andy beamed, high fiving both of the other boys.

"And! Good ta see ya!" Jim Nolan picked up Andy in a bear hug. Danny patted Andy on the back.

Sean and John came running out just in time to see the mutual hugs, and Sean joined in. "God, thanks for coming, guys! It's so fucking good to see you! C'mon in! Want something to drink?"

"Hey, who's this guy?" Jim asked pointing at John.

"Well, he's a surprise!" Sean said, "J.R., go ahead and introduce yourself!"

"Um, hi, guys... My names John. I'm Sean and Andy's little brother..."

"Little brother?" Danny asked, "Doesn't it take like nine months to have a baby, and this one's almost grown up? How did that happen?"

"J.R., tell `em your story!" Andy said, beaming at his new brother. "Go ahead, these guys are our bros, and we want them to be your friends, too! Guys, J.R. is a really special kid, now you listen to his story..."

After hearing John's story, Danny sat in stunned silence with his mouth hanging open. Big Jim Nolan's emotions, as they often did, got the better of him, and he sat in his chair with tears and snot running down his face, reaching for Kleenex after Kleenex. "Jesus Christ, little guy, I thought I had it bad. Come here!"

John went over to Jim who pulled him into a bear hug and rubbed his back. "It's gonna be OK, dude. You got two of the best brothers anyone could have. You just follow their examples! I think you're a great kid!" Then Jim said to the others, "I can't believe the balls this kid must have! Balls of steel, I tell ya! I mean at the age of fifteen to put up with all that!" Jim reached for another Kleenex.

"Well, we got a couple of surprises of our own!" Danny announced. "I'll save it for when we meet up with Tim and Brent."

"Brett!" Sean corrected him.

"Oh, yeah, Brett. Sorry, I only heard his name once. Glad you said that now rather than I make as ass out of myself! By the way, I was really surprised to hear Tim's gay. I wish he had talked to me about it. I maybe could have helped him..."

"He's fine..." Andy said, "We managed to give him the little shove that he needed, or at least he got himself there, really. The best thing about it is that once he brought it to the surface, he was fine with it. And Brett's a really good guy – he gives Tim what he needs. You should see those two!"

"OK, guys, we're gonna go over to the Alamo – that's our new place – and show ya around. And's gonna pick up Dix and Brett. Hey, And, c'mere for a sec..."

Sean and Andy went into the kitchen. Sean looked at Andy, kissed him softly and said, "OK, here's how this is gonna go. We park in the street on the side of the house. First one there texts the other one. Whoever is first goes to the basement media room. Second one goes to the study and has J.R. take either Brett or Noles upstairs. Then whichever one of Dix, or Danny it is goes to the study with the other one and they're told to change into the outfits. I'll stay in the study and then I'll text ya when we're ready and I'll text J.R. to come to the living room. I'll be in the living room with both guys and that's how we spring it!"

"OK, that's simple enough. This is gonna be fun!" Andy said in a conspiratorial tone.

Sean got to the Alamo first as he figured he would since Andy had to pick up Tim and Brett. He proceeded to show the two guys around and they were speechless. At first, Jim thought it might be some kind of a joke until Sean reassured him by putting the security system through some of its paces with verbal commands. Danny understood, and was appreciative of Andy's decorating skills. "Andy absolutely killed it, Sean. This place is like nothing I've ever seen before. I think you guys are gonna be really happy here, and the neighborhood is so pretty, too! I mean all the other big, old homes. It's stunning!"

"Yeah, I knew he'd pull it off. Dad was so proud... Oh, hey! They're here! Hey, Danny, I'm gonna take you to the study. You wait there for a minute. I got something I gotta show Noles! I'll show you later, it's just something ya show people one at a time."

"Um, OK..." Danny said, wondering what it could be.

Sean dropped Danny off in the study and walked back to the front door with Jim. "Hey, guys!" Sean called. "Dix, you come with me. J.R., you take Noles and show him the upstairs! And, you take Brett down to the media room! That way we can all wander through the house little by little and get to see it all!"

It all happened so fast that no one had a chance to ask what was going on. The plan was going like clockwork. Back to the study Sean dashed with Tim in tow. Once in the study, the two cousins embraced like two long-lost friends. "Welcome to the club, Tim!' Danny smiled. "Hey, I heard you snagged a great guy. Do I get to meet him?"

"Yeah, he's here, downstairs I think. I dunno what just you and me are doing here, though... What's the deal, Wymo?"

"OK, guys, here it is: neither one of your boyfriends has met the other guy yet. You two could pass for twins, so I got these!" Sean unpacked the clothes. "These are two identical outfits, even shoes. I want you both to change right now, then we're going to the living room. Your boyfriends will meet us once we're there, and then they both have to pick the right boyfriend!" Sean howled with laughter.

"You're fucking evil, Wymo, but I love it!" Tim said.

Danny simply snickered and said, "Gimme the clothes...this is gonna be a riot!"

Changed into the new clothes, Sean texted both Andy and John to come to the living room. Sean led Tim and Danny to the living room, "Quit laughing, guys! Then they're gonna think something's up. You gotta play this deadpan! No snickering! Here' Danny, let me smooth your hair back just a little. Your hair's just a skosh longer than Dix's. OK, that looks perfect! Jesus Christ, this is fun!" Sean was positively giddy. "Now when we get there, I need you to face away from where they're gonna be walking in and then when they're in, you guys will turn around and say "HELLO!" both at the same time. Got it?"

Both boys indicated that they knew what to do and scurried along behind Sean to the living room.

By good luck, both John and Andy arrived at the living room simultaneously. Sean had neglected that detail and kicked himself even though it had worked out in the end. He made a mental note of his oversight. Hey, guys, whadya think so far?

"Jesus, Wymo, this place is unreal!" Brett said. "Andy really did a superb job! I don't normally use that word, but it's all I can come up with! Hey, who are those two guys?"

At that moment, Tim and Danny turned around and hollered out, "HellOOOOOOOO!"

Brett and Jim stood agape. Neither one of them said a word.

Brett regained his composure first. "Tim?" he said looking back and forth at both guys. "What the FUCK???? I mean, who... what... What the hell?"

Jim was speechless a minute longer. "OK, one of you guys is Danny. Which one of you is Danny? This is un-fucking-real! I mean, who the fuck is other guy? What the fuck is going on here?"

"OK you two," Sean said looking at Brett and Jim. "One of these guys is Tim, and one of these guys is Danny. We're gonna play a little game here. It's called Pick The Right Boyfriend!"

Right on cue, John started humming the Jeopardy theme song, which cracked Andy up.

"Yeah," Andy said, "butcha can't go up to them. Ya gotta pick from where you are, then whichever one ya pick is gonna come up and give you a nice, big wet one!"

"You guys are fuckers!" Brett said. "I mean, I had no idea!"

"Jesus, what if I pick wrong?" Jim looked worried. "Danny, if I pick the wrong one, please forgive me!"

"I can't decide, Jim!" Brett said. "You?"

"Me, either! Jesus fucking Christ!"

"Think you could tell if you saw their dicks?" Andy asked.

"What the fuck?" Jim gasped.

"Do I need to draw a diagram for ya, Noles? I asked if you guys would be able to tell them apart if you saw their fucking dicks! So..."

Both Jim and Brett stood silent and stunned.

"OK, Contestants, drop your pants!" Andy commanded. "NOW!"

Brett and Jim looked at each other, then looked at the two young men in front of them, then nodded and motioned with their hands for them to continue.

"This is like taking candy from a baby!" Andy thought, secretly always finding both Danny and Tim extremely hot. For his part, Sean looked on with interest yet in typical cucumber-cool fashion not giving one iota away of what he was thinking.

John was panicking. "What should I do?" he thought. He certainly wasn't interested in seeing the other guy's penises, was a little worried where this might be going, but at the same time was more afraid of pissing off his brothers and the only chance he had at a decent life. John elected in the end to stay put.

"OK, Contestants, thank you for displaying your penises! And nice penises they are, too! Do our boyfriends have any idea which guy is theirs? Going once... Going twice... GONE! Contestants! Follow me to the garage!

Andy led the other boys into the vacant garage. "OK, Contestants! Get hard!"

Surprisingly to Andy, both Brett and Jim again nodded and motioned for continuance. Doubly surprising, John was watching attentively.

"OK, hard Contestants, jack your dicks!"

Tim and Brett looked at each other, shrugged, and began to jack their already hard dicks.

"Christ!" Sean oathed, dropped his pants and started jacking his dick, too.

Andy threw his cane aside, dropped his pants, freed his big dick and matched Sean's strokes.

John boned up and looked with wide eyes at the older boys. "Hey, J.R., might as well get with the program! There's gonna be about four gallons of cum on the floor when we're done! C'mon, li'l bro!" Andy nodded and winked at John.

John looked around at all the other guys who had taken him in, been so kind to him, and promised him a better tomorrow, shrugged, dropped his pants and joined in.

Tim was the first one to shoot it. Typically for Tim he shot his load a medium distance, but with a very heavy volume. Sean was next jetting a healthy load about six feet across the garage floor. John then unloaded with wild eyes, mouthing "Fuck! Fuck!" as he added to the mess. Andy pulled himself, Danny and Brett into a close circle with the others watching close.

"On three, guys!" Andy hissed sensing all three of them were close. "One! Two! THREEEEEEE!" Andy moaned as all three of the remaining guys soaked the garage floor with load after load of hot, musky cum.

The garage reeked of male fluid. Seven guys stood around heaving with sweat, hearts racing, breathing rapid.

"I still don't know who Tim is!" Brett said, breaking the ice.

"Well, as Hillary Clinton would say, what difference does it make...." Sean said. "This was primo! I mean, this was fucking HOT! Grab a mop, And – it was all your idea..."

"Anyway, whoever Tim is, get over here, lover boy!" Brett ordered.

Tim obeyed, fairly running to his mate, embracing him and locking lips. Both Tim and Brett could feel their loins coming alive again, and they moved their hands to openly palm each other's growing erections. The other four gay guys began to chub up. John didn't know what to do.

"OK, guys, save it for later! Get a room! Jesus Christ!" John called out.

"Hey, Wymo, your new little bro is just as bossy as Cass, isn't he..." Tim observed.

"OOOOOHHHH YEAAAAAAAHHHH!" Sean answered, winking at John. "But the poor kid, he's straight. I mean, like what are we gonna do with him?"

"Well..." Brett said, "You and Andy better check out the chicks he dates. He's a regular little Hot Tamale if ya ask me, and the chicks are gonna be all over him like stink on shit!"

"Yeah," Danny cut in. "Poor thing, straight and all... We could teach ya things ya only read about in books, lil guy..."

"I'm gonna fuckin' hurl!" John said making a mocking motion with his hand and mouth of gving a blowjob. "I like girls, but I want all you guys to be my friends. I hafta start a new life, and all...."

"I know, lil bro!" Sean said. "All of us are gonna have your back, J.R."

"That's for sure, J.R.," Tim said. "If you're Wymo and Cass's lil bro, then yer my lil bro."

"Mine, too!" Brett said.

"And ours!" Jim said, pinching Danny's cheek. "We won't let anyone hurt a hair on your head! You're lucky, dude. You're never gonna want for anything in life from now on. Your dad's a big wheel in one of the largest corporations in the world, you got two older bros that are jocks, and good students, you live in maybe the best house in town...Jesus Christ! All the opportunities in the world just fell at your feet, kid, and you need to know that. And it's up to you to make the most of it. You're one lucky fuck - you hit the fuckin' jackpot..."

"Is all that right?" John said looking at his brothers.

"Um, yeah, it pretty much is," Sean said, "Now, Noles over there, well, he's always gonna tell it like it is with no window dressing, and yeah, he didn't lie."

"Wow, nobody told me that!" John said, still absorbing it all. "I won't fuck up! I'm going to be somebody someday. You'll see."

"We didn't think it was necessary to tell ya, lil bro," Andy said. "See, what we wanted was you. It didn't matter who we are, that's not important, what matters is who you are, and that we wanted you – YOU – to be part of our family."

"J.R.?" Brett asked.


"You're gonna meet a whole bunch of new people. You're gonna meet a whole bunch of good guys. You just go with the flow and it'll all be OK. You're a pistol, I can see that. In no time at all you're gonna forget your old world, trust me on that. It was six months ago, not even, and I was a shrimpy little nerd that nobody would give the time of day to and now I'm on a championship quality football team, and one of the hottest guys in the school is my boyfriend. A year ago if I'd have predicted that out loud I'd have gotten a swirly..."

"I love you guys!" John said.

"We love you, too!" Sean said.

"You stick with these guys, and yer not gonna go wrong..." Jim said.

"Hey, I heard there was a whole separate apartment over the garage, and I don't think we saw that. Can we see it?" Danny asked.

"Oh, yeah!" Andy said. "That got done over, too. It's not as grand, but tell me whatcha think of it as an apartment! Follow Sean-o, I'm still a little slower than the rest of you!"

The boys all followed Sean into the garage. "We gotta go through this way. There's two ways into the apartment. One is through the garage, and the other one is a private outside entrance on the side of the house, and I dunno how Chaz had that one set up."

Once up the stairs, the boys were greeted by a 1920's style apartment with all hardwood floors redone to a fare-thee-well, two bedrooms, a bathroom with separate tub and shower all finished in the original jade green and black tiling but with new Kohler period-appropriate sink and plumbing fixtures. The kitchen was original as in the main house, except Andy had the appliances redone in stainless steel, albeit with lesser than the professional grade found in the main kitchen. Here he opted for the current line of Maytag appliances conveying solid quality, looks and performance, but at a fraction of the cost of up-level appliances. There was also in- unit laundry again Maytag with a top-loading Bravos XL washer and a matching gas dryer in white. Andy explained that he had the HVAC systems of the main house and the apartment separated, the apartment having the central A/C unit on the flat roof of the garage, and the high efficiency gas furnace in a closet off the kitchen with the cold air intake and the exhaust exit at the rear of the house so as not to ruin the home's curb appeal. Joe had given Andy no direction on how to finish the rental unit, so Andy did what he thought was best: spend the least amount of money required to finish it to a mid-to-upper-mid level condo standard that would appeal to a yuppie tenant. In his own mind Andy certainly didn't want trash around, and if the unit was good enough to command a top-shelf rent, then that wouldn't happen.

Jim and Danny eyed each other over the looks of the apartment as did the rest of the boys all saying they'd kill to even live in the rental unit. Danny whispered to Jim, "We need to talk about this later..."

"I think I know what you're thinking and yeah, we'll talk about it..." Jim said with a wink.

"OK, dad said we can all go to the Country Club for lunch! Just follow us! We'll be eating outside on the patio! Jackets are not required outdoors, so we're all good! Let's go!" Sean called out. "I'll come out last and make sure the security system is on!"

Sean waited until they were all back at the cars and armed the system via his iPhone. Then receiving the "System fully armed. No errors" response agreed by hitting the "OK" button and they were off.

On the golf course, the older men were on the 14th hole. George let Joe know that the adoption would go through without a hitch provided that a legitimate parent didn't show up claiming the kid and able to offer an alibi satisfying the court. George told Joe that the longer it went on without any claim the better it would be for Joe, and that Joe's physical custody of the minor child, along with an identity of the minor child, must be advertised in a newspaper of record once a week for the next four weeks.

"George, I'm worried about that," Joe said.

"How so?" George asked.


*Some of Sean's speech to the football team is adapted from Al Pacino's soliloquy in the movie Any Given Sunday.

Next: Chapter 22

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