It Is What It Is

By Eric Trager

Published on Aug 18, 2016


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The Officers observed the video for just a few seconds. Officer Greene reached for his walkie-talkie contacting Police Headquarters.

"This is Officer Greene badge 4071. Requesting backup. We responded to a possible B&E at 908 East Court Street. There appears to be suspicious activity by at least one unknown individual at the rear of the property. Have backup come through the ravine off Holmes Street. We are moving to the rear of the property now."

Joe Wyman asked the Officers if there was anything they should do.

Officer Greene responded, "No, sir. Is there a way to the rear of the property where we can get into the ravine without having to go back through the front and all the way around?"

"Yes, there is. There is a gate in the back fence. I will need to go with you because it requires thumb- print ID to open and it only opens from the inside. Once I let you out I re-lock the gate."

"Very well, sir, show us the way. And leave those floodlights on. We don't want any accidents here."

"Boys, I'm going with the Officers," Joe instructed. "I'll be back in a couple minutes. You just sit tight and either go back to bed, or watch the monitor. Do not go outside."

"How are we supposed to go back to bed with all this going on?" Andy asked. "This is awesome!"

"Awesome?" Sean asked, dryly. "What the fuck do you mean `awesome'? Yeah, it's so fucking awesome... Just like when dad found you in the park, and just like when Berrifield tried to kill us. Oh, yeah, this is just really super fucking awesome..."

"Please don't fight, guys. The Cops are here and whatever it is out there, they'll figure it out." Brett said.

"Well, I think it's awesome AND scary!" John said.

"Guys, everyone just shut up and watch the screen, already," Tim said, a bit exasperated. "The house is secure, there's no one on the property and we got two Cops here with probably two more on the way. It is what it is. It's all good. And Wymo, you apologize to Cass. Now."

"You're right, Dix..." Sean said, turning to Andy. "I'm sorry I yelled at you, Brown Eyes. It's just that I thought I almost lost you twice now and I don't wanna go for three times. I couldn't take that." Sean then went to Andy, sitting beside him on the love seat with an arm around him.

"I'm sorry, too, Sean-o," Andy whispered, looking eyes down at the floor. "I wasn't thinking..."

Through the screen, the boys could make out Joe leading the two officers to the gate. The shape of the person in the ravine could still be seen moving along the opposite end of the fence line appearing to be unaware of the presence of the Officers since their speed and direction of movement did not change. Whoever it was, was moving in the opposite direction of how the Officers would initially be moving once they exited the gate. The cameras on the house of course did not extend their field of vision far enough to be able to reveal the exact moment when the additional officers would be showing up.

The officers were now moving through the gate and out into the ravine. At that moment, it appeared as if the unknown person might have heard something. The screen showed the person halting movement and turning their head from side-to-side as if wanting to decide from which direction they had just heard a noise. The figure then began moving at a more rapid pace than they had been previously in a direction away from the Officers. Soon, the figure was out of range of the floodlights on the back of the house and the boys could only see by means of the night-vision camera on the drone where the figure was. Even then, it was difficult to follow at times due to the dense tree cover in the ravine.

This went on for a minute, or two until the figure suddenly changed direction and began moving toward the edge of the ravine, slowing down while they climbed its steep sides. In another thirty seconds, the image of the figure disappeared altogether. The drone had a range of 300 feet from the house, and once farther away than that the computer couldn't track it any more and instructed the drone to return.

At that moment, Joe walked in to the study. "So what's going on out there, guys..."

"We don't know right now," Andy said. "We could see them on the screen but now it looks like they are too far away. The Cops are still on the screen, though. It looks like they're going in the same direction as whoever-it-is down there..."

"OK, I'm goin' back to bed, guys and I suggest you do the same. You guys have to be up early, and Brett, you have to be at work by 10:00. If the Police need anything further, they'll be in touch. At least we know the security system worked at it was intended to."

"Yeah, I'm goin' back to bed, too," Sean said. "I'm tired..."

With that, all six men trudged back up the stairs and hoped to get the rest of the night asleep and in peace quiet.

Sean arose the next morning at 7:00, ahead of the alarm clock. He felt rested enough and decided another few minutes sleep weren't worth it so he might as well start breakfast for everyone else. He went to the bathroom, took a piss, pulled on a pair of gym shorts and one of his extra-baggy t-shirts and a pair of flip-flops. As quiet as he was, Andy was semi-roused out of his sleep and asked, groggy-voiced,

"You want some help with breakfast, Blondie?"

"Nah, just come down in a few and maybe you can help set the table, or something. I got this. I'm really sorry I lost my temper last night. I guess it was just déjà vu all over again, ya know?"

"Sean-o, what you did wasn't losing your temper. As if you ever do. I love you, anyway. Now go on before I change my mind!" Andy laughed.

"OK, just come down when you're ready. I'll make the omelets and hold them warm in the oven. Once everyone is up and having coffee, I'll toast the English and then I'll serve."

By 8:30, everyone had come down and eaten their fill. Typically, for teenage boys Sean had to make seconds on everything, and Brett ate a third omelet. "Hey, Brown eyes, do you mind cleaning up while I take these guys home? After I get back I wanna go to Woodmans – we're kinda low on food and I wanna get some shit to grill out. Anyway, I'll be back in a few."

"OK. Hey, Dix, Dowls, we gotta do this again sometime!"

"Smartass, Cass..." Tim said.

Sean dropped Brett off first, then headed off toward Tim's neighborhood. "Don't tell Andy, Dix, but I'm still half-spooked over last night. It's too easy. It's just too easy to be here one minute and gone the next. I know that's irrational, so most of me says to suck it up but there's this little devil on my shoulder that says watch out. I don't care about me, it's And..."

"Wymo, it all turned out OK. Nothing happened. Who knows, maybe the Cops caught whoever it was. Maybe it was just a drunk that got lost in there. Shit, it coulda been Colleen staggering around for all we know. That woulda been a hoot... Anyway, we don't know. Piss on it, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Besides, that security system you guys got is like something from the CIA! Jesus Christ! I mean, and what's with the Captain Kirk alarm? Brett said that was fuckin' the balls, man...I fuckin' slept through it..."

"Yeah, you'd probably sleep through a nuclear bomb. I guess you're right, though. Nothing happened. So, you're gonna have lunch with Trager, hey?"

"Yeah, we'll see how that goes. We used to be friends, well you know the story..."

"Make the best of it, Dix. He doesn't seem like such a bad guy."

"He's not. That's the problem..."

"Whadya mean?"

"Well, he told me last night he, um, well, that he..."

"Dix, fucking spit it out!"

"He said he used to have a fucking crush on me! OK? God!"

"Used to."

"Well, I had a crush on him, too..."


"I know; I know... I just don't wanna be tempted is all..."

"Do you think you will be?"

"That's just it. I dunno..."

"Why would you be tempted? Brett's a winner. Like totally. He's the whole package, Dix. You fucking won the Grand Prize, OK? He's smart, sweet, loyal and smoking hot. And he loves you. Everything about you. He fucking told me so."

"He did?"

"Yes, dumbass. He did."

"So what do you think?"

"What do I think? I think if you need to ask someone what they think you're asking the wrong person. I'm not your boyfriend. Brett is. If there's something that's making you feel weird then you need to talk to Brett about it. Not me. And not anybody else. He'll listen. I know he will. Like I said, he loves you. And you better not ever forget that or forget what he's done for you, either. I remember the guy who came over to the condo not too long ago and was having a breakdown, crying his eyes out all over the place. Do you remember that guy? Because if you do then this just got real easy. And if you don't then you're a moron. The Dix I know isn't a moron."

"Jesus Christ, Wymo. You're like Mr. Spock sometimes. The hell of it is, you're a hundred percent right. I think what I'll do is have lunch with Trages, take his temperature and go from there."

"Wow, Dix... Did you think of that all by yourself, or did you have help?" Sean asked, making a retarded face at Tim. "You're a regular fuckin' Einstein over there I tell ya..." Sean smirked.

"Fuck you Wymo! And the horse ya rode in on!" Tim laughed. "But I mean, seriously, what would you do if you found out Cass had a fling and did another guy?"

"Well, I think I'd handle it as the facts were. I can't see him ever doing that, but if he did I'd need to weigh everything up and that would include having a discussion about it. Ya see, I love him as much as Brett loves you. I can't imagine myself being better off without him than I am with him and ultimately that would be the decision-making point."

"You have everything figured out, don't you..." Tim said. "I'm glad you're my bud, Wymo. I almost fucked that up, too."

"Nah. I wouldn't have let you," Sean said as he pulled into the Dickson's driveway.

"OK, well here's where I get off. I'll letcha know how lunch with Trages goes and I'll talk to Brett tonight."

"OK, smell ya later, Dix."

Walking into the Alamo after dropping Tim off Sean spied Andy on his phone so he went to find J.R. who was in the bar watching soccer on TV. "Jesus Christ, you Mexicans and your fucking soccer..." Sean teased.

"Oh, hey, Sean. You wanna go shopping now?"

"Yeah, And's on the phone. Come with me, we'll get him and then we'll go." The two went to where Andy was and seeing he was just getting ready to hang up said, "Hey, ready to go shopping?"

"I just got a call from Scott Branson. He's my lab partner at school. He said we should work some on our report that's due on Wednesday. I think I better do that because with practice and all I'm not gonna have time on Monday or Tuesday. He's gonna come over in a little bit. Is that OK?"

"Sure. Ask him if he wants to stay for dinner." Sean said.

"Yeah, I don't know any more people than you do. The only one I really know is Kathleen so far this year." John said.

"Yeah, this morning you had to give yourself a hand job!" Andy teased.

"Fuck you, Andy! I fucking KNEW I never should have told you guys!"

Sean burst out laughing. "Hey, bud, you said you wanted big brothers... Taking shit goes with the territory. Does it beat the alternative?"

"Yeah, I guess so..." John said resignedly, looking down and pawing at the floor with one foot.

"Good, because we don't wanna hafta take you back for a refund..." Andy said, giving John a pat on the head.

"OK, J.R. let's go. I don't need a list, I got it in my head. Anything you want we'll get while we're there.

You want anything special, And?"

"Nah, I'm good."

"OK, we're outta here then. Make sure dad knows we'll be back in about two hours."

"Yup." Andy then made his way to Joe's study figuring Joe would be there catching up on some work.

Sure enough he was. "Hey, dad. Sean-o and J.R. took off for Woodmans so I'm supposed to letcha know I'm here by myself. I sure wish this by myself shit would come to an end. I mean, I get why and everything but it's just so confining sometimes."

"I know, son. Hopefully before too long it WILL be over. I think once we get past the trials we should be good."

"OK, well, I have a friend coming over. His name's Scott and he's my lab partner. We're gonna work on a report for Wednesday."

"That's nice. Say, when he comes over why don't you guys come with me for about half an hour. Remember I said I was gonna find you a place for the anti-bullying office? Well, Ginny is gonna show me a place downtown in a little bit."

"OK, that sounds cool. Sean-o asked me to see if he'd want to stay for dinner, too." "That's fine. If Sean asked that means he's cooking," Joe laughed.

"Alright, I'll be back once Scott gets here."

At the store, Sean was stocking up on grill food as well as fruits and vegetables and staples like coffee, tea and baking supplies. "Is there anything you want, J.R.?"

"You like to cook, don'tcha..." John asked.

"Yeah, I do. I mean, I like clothes and I like to cook. I don't have any artistic talent. Andy has all that, not me. I can cook, dress and throw a football. Beyond that, I'm pretty fuckin' useless..."

"You like Mexican food?"

"I fucking love Mexican! I don't really know how to cook it too well, but I love it..."

"Well, I know how to cook Mexican, so why don't we get some stuff and I'll show you how. I used to do all the cooking after my mom died, so I know how and I'm pretty good, too ya know... We'll start with carnitas."

"What's that?"

"It's pork that you roast in a little bit of flavored liquid and then you put it in pieces and make it crispy. It tastes really porky. You can eat it any way you want, but I like it in soft-shell corn tortillas. You're gonna like it, I promise."

"J.R. can I ask you something?"


"Are you happy being with us?"


"You heard me..."

"Why? Don't you want me anymore?"

"I want you to stay and be my brother more than you will ever know but I need to know that you're happy."

"Sean, please don't ever send me away. I love you and Andy and dad. I love our house. I love the new friends I've made. I wouldn't trade you guys for anything. And I'm gonna be somebody someday. You just watch me! I've prayed for this chance forever."

"We'll never send you away, li'l bro. I just want to make sure you're happy is all. We all love you." "Good. And don't ask me this ever again. OK?" John said, looking at Sean very seriously.


The boys then proceeded to finish their shopping and decided to stop off at Culver's for a burger and fries. In the meantime, Scott Branson showed up at the Alamo.

"Hey, Scott!" Andy said as he answered the door. "Dad has something he wants to show us before we get started."

"OK, what is it?"

"It's a building downtown that he might buy. I'd be using part of it for my anti-bullying offices." "Sweet! OK, well, let's roll then!"

"Dad's in his study. Follow me and I'll introduce you."

Scott dutifully followed Andy and once at the study Andy knocked on the door.

"C'mon in!" Joe called out.

"Hey, dad. You said to come get you when Scott got here. Dad, this is Scott Branson. He's my lab partner at school. Scott, this is my dad, Joe Wyman."

"Nice to meet you, Scott. Branson you say? My late wife's maiden name was Branson. I wonder if somehow you might not be related."

"I'm afraid I wouldn't know, Mr. Wyman. But my mom is really into genealogy and I guess I could check. Can you give me something to go on?"

"Sure, my late wife's maiden name was Valerie Branson and she was born in 1968."

"I can check on that later when I get home and give Andy a call later, how's that?"

"That would be great, and I already told Andy, but if you want you can stay to dinner. Sean and John went grocery shopping and I think we're gonna grill out tonight."

"Thanks! Wow, that's awesome!"

"OK, well guys, let's head downtown. Scott, we're going to be taking a quick look at a building I might buy down on Main Street between Milwaukee and Court."

"Wow! That's an up-and-coming area down there. Or so I've read, anyway..."

"Andy, take Scott and meet me in the garage."

Once downtown, the guys met Ginny in front of the building for sale.

"Nice to see ya, Joe! Andy, you get cuter every time I see you! And who do we have here? Another hot young stud for my calendar?" Ginny cackled, eyeing Scott.

"Ginny, this is my friend, Scott Branson," Andy said. "Scott this is Ginny Miller. She got us our house."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Scott. I'd love to take you home as a pet..." Ginny teased.

"OK, let's go in," Ginny continued. "As you can see, there are two storefronts and upstairs there's four apartments. The apartments are all vacant and they've been vacant for years. They'd be total gut jobs. One storefront is empty, and the other one is rented on a five-year lease. There's some parking out back off the alley. They want $240,000 and there might be some room on that. The building is an estate sale that I'm doing for an old friend of my husband's."

"Alright, well, let's do it then!" Joe said. "Let's look at the empty apartments first, and then the vacant storefront and the basement. We don't need to bother the tenant on the other side when they're running their business. Are there any city code violations, Ginny?"

"Knew ya'd ask. There's a city work order out to correct the peeling paint on the trim. That's it. And we can see the trim needs painting from out here on the street anyway. Now, Andy, when we're in there I wantcha to keep your eyes peeled for what the place would look like done over. I heard what you've done with the Alamo, so..."

What they saw on the inside was an 1870's commercial building in surprisingly original condition complete with wood floors, stamped tin ceilings and most of the period woodwork intact. The apartments were useless and uninhabitable in their present condition, but all the original trim was intact and they were all two-bedroom units which was a plus.

"Ginny," Joe said when they were finished. "I'd like you to write up an offer for $210,000 cash with contingencies for a building inspection and to review the tenant's lease. Make the earnest money $10,000. Email it to me this afternoon if you can. I'll sign it and send it right back. I ran the comps before we came, and I think that's a fair offer that doesn't dick the Seller around. If they take the offer, I'll close in ten days. The tenant can stay if the lease is acceptable. If they counter, I'll go to 215 but that's it.

There's a lot of work to do here so the building can generate income again. I'm sure the Seller knows that."

"Consider it done, Joe. If I really could take Scotty over there home with me for a few days I'd tell you to offer a little less. Jesus, it isn't fair what you young men do to me!" Ginny said, fanning herself.

Scott's jaw dropped open and his eyes were wide. Andy laughed, poked Scott in the ribs with his elbow, laughing. "That's Ginny!" he said, giving Ginny a wink.

"Alright, guys, let's get going here. You got work to do and so do I. Ginny, I'll look for your email." Joe said.

"You got it, Joe. Good to see you, Andy, dearest-heart. Nice to meet you, Scott, you little hottie!" Ginny said as she walked toward her Mercedes.

"Is she always like that?" Scott whispered to Andy.

"Fuck yeah! The old broad's a trip and a half for sure, but she's got a heart of gold. She's the real deal," Andy replied.

Just then, Joe's cell phone rang. Joe didn't recognize the number, but he answered anyway. "Joe Wyman here..."

"Mr. Wyman, this is Detective Mike Meinecke, Janesville Police. I'd like to see you if I could, sir, and would sometime today be convenient?"

"I'm downtown right now, but if you'd like to stop by in about half an hour that would be fine. Can I ask what this is about?"

"It's about the incident at your home last night, sir."

"Very well, half an hour at my house would be fine. Do you have my address?"

"908 East Court Street?"

"That's right, Detective."

"See you in half an hour, Mr. Wyman."

"See you then."

"What's that all about, dad?" Andy asked.

"It was a Police Detective. He wants to talk to me about what happened last night. He's coming over in half an hour. You guys just do what you were gonna do and if he needs to talk to you I'll come and get you. You'll be studying in the Library, right?"

"I think so, dad, yeah..."

"Can I still stay for dinner?" Scott asked.

"Yeah!" Andy said. "Besides, I want you to meet Sean and J.R."

"OK, I'll just call my mom and dad and let them know."

When Joe got back, Sean and John were already in the kitchen putting the groceries away. "Sean, we just went to look at a building downtown. I'll tell you all about it later and what my plans are. There's a Detective should be here in a few minutes about last night. Stand by in case the Detective wants to talk to you."

"OK, dad."

"Sean-o, this is Scott. He's my lab partner I was telling you about. Scott, this is Sean. My boyfriend."

"Nice to meet you, Scott!" Sean said, giving Scott a patented Sean smirk.

"Same here, Sean. You guys had a great game last night I hear..."

"Scott's gonna stay for dinner. Can we take him home after?"

"Sure, I'd be glad to give you a ride, Scott. Well, I didn't mean it THAT WAY..." Sean teased.

"You guys are funny." Scott smiled. "Hey, Sean, your dad seems to think there's a possibility you and I might be related somehow."

"Oh, yeah... Andy told me your last name is Branson. That's actually my middle name. My mom's maiden name was Branson." Mentioning his mother, Sean's lower lip trembled almost imperceptibly.

Andy didn't catch it, but Scott did.

"Well, my mom's into all this family tree shit, so when I get home tonight I'll ask her. She's got computer records on the family that go way back and boxes full of letters and pictures. I looked at them a few times and there's tons of people on there I never even heard of. I know your mom's name was Valerie, so I'll ask and I'll call later if I find anything out."

"Sweet!" Sean said. "I'm glad you came over, Scott. Anyway, me and J.R. gotta get dinner prepped, and I know you guys got a lab report to do, or whatever, so let's do what we gotta do and we can talk later."

"Follow me..." Andy said in his Addams Family Lurch voice. "We'll study in the Library. We got a big table in there and a computer and all that shit."

In the kitchen, Sean asked John what he thought they should make for dinner.

"Well, we got time for carnitas. I'll show you. You got a pressure cooker?"

"Um, yeah. It's an electric one, is that OK?"

"Yeah, so here's how we do the pork..." John then led Sean through the steps and preparation for an authentic Mexican meal. The menu would be carnitas tacos with sliced onion, cilantro and shredded queso fresco, pickled jalapenos and carrots, refritos, Mexican rice, tomatillo salsa, guacamole with chips and a drink that was similar to lemonade but made of grapefruit.

Sean was stunned with the culinary ability of his younger brother. He acted as the prep cook for this meal and did John's bidding. "Li'l bro, this is awesome! You gotta teach me more sometime!" Sean was glad that he and John had a love of cooking as a bond between them and was hoping that a similar bond could be found with Andy. Yes, they both used to sell drugs, but something else was needed.

Meanwhile, the Detective had shown up and was with Joe in his study. "Mr. Wyman, I won't waste your time. I'll get to the point. Last night, four of our Officers responded to a call at this address. Our Officers did, in fact, apprehend a person in the area of the ravine at the rear of your property who had no reason that they could see to be there. The person is as yet unidentified. We are holding them at the Rock County Jail. The reason we haven't been able to identify the person is that they had no ID on them, and they refuse to speak when questioned. The inmate seems confused and the only thing we've heard them say that leads us back here is they keep muttering the name Sean. We know your son's name is Sean. That's really all we have to go on. I can tell you as well that the individual was carrying a gun. Although they were carrying ammunition, the gun wasn't loaded, however they broke the law by not having a conceal carry license on their person. We are charging them with that."

"I see. How can we help?"

"Do you think you and your son would be willing to accompany me to the jail to see if you can identify the person? It would take about an hour round trip."

"My son, Sean, is preparing dinner right now, but I'll see if he can go. Wait here, Detective." Joe then left the room and headed to the Library.

"Andy, Scott. I have to take Sean for about an hour on a matter of Police business. They're holding a person who they think might have been the one from last night and they think we might be able to identify them. If John needs help with dinner could you two help out?"

"Sure, dad, but you know I suck at cooking..." Andy answered.

"Don't worry, Andy, I know my way around a kitchen a little bit. We'll be fine. Besides, we actually got a lot done on the report." Scott said. "We'll help John, Mr. Wyman. You go do what you need to do."

"Very good," Joe said, heading for the kitchen. "Sean, I need you to come with me and the Detective. We'll be back in an hour. Andy and Scott will help John with the rest of the dinner."

"What's going on, dad?" Sean asked.

"Let's just get this over with. I'll tell you in the car."

On the way to the jail, Joe explained to Sean why they were going.

"A person babbling my name? What the fuck is that? Jesus Christ, dad, are me and Andy ever gonna get out from underneath this shit? I mean, this whole thing started with a fucking thirty-second video that some asshole took back in Kenosha and then that idiot Braden thought he had some fucking Master Plan' or whatever the fuck he thought in that pea-size fucking brain of his, the fucking douche bag. It all seems so long ago and far away... I fucking hate this, dad. I hate what it did to Andy and I hate that we just can't put it all behind us and say don't bother us with this fucking shit anymore.' It's fucking bullshit is what it is... I'm just a simple guy and all I want to do is live my life... Is that too much to ask?"

"You are a hundred percent right, son. Everything you just said. Let's just see what we find when we get there. Maybe if it brings it closer to an end it will be all good, I dunno..."

"I know. You're right, dad. I was just venting is all... I know that's not my style, but Jesus..." Sean laughed.

Once at the jail, Joe and Sean were escorted into a small room that looked like some sort of holding room with a window at one end. Detective Meinecke walked in. "Gentlemen, the suspect will appear on the other side of this window. It's one-way glass, so they will not be able to see you. All we're going to want to know is whether or not you recognize the person, and if you do recognize them if you can identify them by name. It shouldn't take but a minute and then you will be free to go."

In a few seconds a person was led into the room opposite Joe and Sean.

Sean gasped.

Joe gasped.

"Do either one of you recognize the suspect?" Detective Meinecke asked.

"I do," Sean said.

"So do I," Joe followed.

"I am going to give you each a piece of paper and a pen. I'd like you to write down the name of the person on the paper and then hand it to me. Please do not speak any further until I instruct you that you can. I need you to be silent here so that we are able to achieve a multiple identification. In addition, I am going to begin videotaping this session at this point if you have no objections."

Both Joe and Sean indicated they had no objections.

"Very well, gentlemen. The tape starts now." Detective Meinecke pushed a button and began speaking. "This is Detective Michael Meinecke of the Janesville Police Department. I have Joseph Wyman and Sean Wyman in the room with me. They are here to possibly identify a suspect now held in our custody. Gentlemen, please write the name of the person you believe to be the suspect in the next room on the paper in front of you and then fold it in half and hand it to me. Do not speak until further notice please, gentlemen."

Joe and Sean complied with the Detective's instructions and handed their papers over.

"Thank you, gentlemen."

Detective Meinecke then unfolded the papers and read what Joe and Sean had written.

"Joe, I see you wrote the name Jane Berrifield.' Sean, you wrote Mrs. Berrifield.' Sean, why did you not write her first name?"

"I never knew her first name. See, I knew their son John from school, and I did their lawn but I always dealt with Mr. Berrifield. John was never really a friend of mine too much and I think I only met his mom a few times. Nobody ever told me her first name, but that's Mrs. Berrifield I guarantee it."

"Very well. And, Joe, how do you know the suspect's whole name?"

"I've known the Berrifields for years. We're all members at the Kenosha Country Club. Her first name is Jane."

"Very well, gentlemen. This interview is over. You are free to go."

"Thank you, Detective. I'd like to give you the contact information for my Attorney should anything else be necessary. His name is George Dickson. Here's his card."

"I know George. I'll be in touch with him if there's anything further."

"Good evening, Detective."

"Thank you, gentlemen, I appreciate it."

"Dad, this is getting really weird," Sean said.

"Agreed," was all that Joe could muster as a response.

In the car on the way back to the Alamo Joe called George Dickson and filled him in. George told him not to worry about it and that he'd handle anything that might come along regarding the matter. In another room of the Dickson home Tim was on the phone with Brett.

"Can I come over and talk to you for a minute?" Tim asked.

"Sure," Brett replied. "It better be something good! I need some Tim time..."

"Hun, it's nothing bad, I mean, it's um, well, you know, I mean it's..."

"Just come over, Tim," Brett said.

"Um, OK..."

Tim rang Brett's doorbell and was relieved when it was Brett who answered the door. Tim was nervous enough as it was and didn't really want any small-talk with parents.

"Come on, Tim. Let's go to my room and we can talk," Brett said.


Once in Brett's room, Brett shut the door, turned to Tim and said, "Well, I'm all ears."

"OK, well, um, you know that I, um, like, had lunch with, um..."

Brett walked over to where Tim was sitting and began massaging his shoulders. "Tim, I know you had lunch with Eric Trager today. We already talked about that. Just take a couple of deep breaths and tell me what you have to say."

"OK, well we had a really nice lunch and everything. I think we'll be friends again... But that's not what I wanna say. I gotta keep going or I'll start getting tongue-tied. See, the thing is he used to have a crush on me back when we were in Middle School. I didn't know it at the time. But that's what he told me. And I used to have a crush on him at the same time. Maybe that's why these past few years we hated each other so much, you know how emotions can swing totally the opposite. Anyway, I talked to Wymo about it and he said not to talk to him, that I should talk to you."

"OK, well, like I said, I'm all ears..."

"OK, well..."

"Tim, just take a deep breath and keep going."

"OK, well, Brett, I love you and only you. I don't want anyone else but you. But I have to get Trages out of my system."

"Tim, I think I know where you're going with this. I'm OK with it if you want to have sex with Trager once. Just once. I mean, we're not married yet. But it comes with a string attached."

"How did you know all this?" Tim gasped.

"Timothy, I know you. I'm not dumb. I've observed you for years before you even knew who I was. I know the sweet guy who looks deep into himself and sometimes has doubts. I knew that when we met at the Mall that day. Yeah, I was scared it might backfire that day, but I knew deep down I had to go for it because I knew it was now or never and I knew what I was getting into. I love you, Tim. I'm not bothered by Eric Trager. Not at all. Would I give up Tim Dickson because he has some unrequited crush from three, or four years ago? Not on your life I wouldn't. You're stuck with me, Timothy."

"Wow. I don't think I deserve you..."

"Yes, you do deserve me. And I deserve you. Now, do you want to know what my `string attached' thing is?"

"Um, OK..." Tim said, looking at the floor, shuffling his feet.

"It's this: if you wanna have sex with Trager I'm fine with it, but it has to be a three-way. Me, you and Trager. And I'll even be willing to explain the deal to him if you don't want to."

"Wow, I hadn't expected that!" Tim said, looking up.

"So, is that OK with you?"

"You know what? I think it would be fuckin' hot... I mean, there's no one I want except you. I mean for a husband. Trager's not a husband. He's hot and all, but he's not husband material. At least not for me. You're the one for me. I love you so, Brett. I was dying inside before that day we met at the Mall. I'll never forget that day. Not as long as I live. So, if we can get him to do a three-way, fine. If not, then I'm done with him. I mean in terms of sex. You ever look at anyone that way?"

"I'll answer that once the Trager thing is settled. Everyone always thought I was just some dorky geek, but I think about sex all the time. The thing is I don't want just sex. I could find that anywhere. I want a real lover and a husband and a Prince. I found him, Tim, and it's you. I hope ya know that..."

"I know that... And so did I..." Tim said sheepishly.

Walking into the Alamo, Joe went into the kitchen, "Scott, do you mind if I borrow Andy for a few minutes?"

"No, sir. We actually have everything in. I think John's just waiting for it to finish cooking so we can eat."

"Yeah, dad. All we have left to do is make the grapefruit coolers. We're good."

"OK, and call me Joe, Scott. If it turns out you are related to Sean I'll want you to call me Uncle Joe. Andy, come with me."

Once in the study, Joe bade Andy and Sean to take a seat. "Andy, Sean and I just got back from the County Jail. The person they apprehended last night is Jane Berrifield, John Berrifield's mom. I'm no expert, but it would appear to me that she went ahead and went off the deep end when John was shot and killed. I don't know at this time if they're going to let her go, or hold her for observation, or anything else. She had a gun on her but didn't have a CCL and I've been told they are charging her for that to start with so they can hold her. George Dickson is coming over tonight to have me sign a petition for a restraining order which, if granted, will order her not to come within a thousand feet of the two of you, or this property."

"Dad, this is like really getting weird..." Andy said.

"Yes. Sean was a bit more expressive when we were on our way to the jail. But I agree with you, Andy. And just so you know, I'm going to have a Private Investigator keep an eye on both Mr. and Mrs. Berrifield. I've known them for years and they're odd ducks. If I need to get a restraining order on him, I'll do that as well. Now, I don't want you worrying John about this. I'll talk to him myself about it."

"OK, dad..." Andy said. "I'm not gonna worry about it too much. They got her."

"I guess you're right, And..." Sean agreed. "It's still a pain in the ass, though..."

"Well, let's go see if John needs help finishing up dinner. I dunno `bout you guys, but I could eat a horse," Joe said.

The three trooped back to the kitchen. "Just in time!" John said. "I'm just plating everything, and then we can eat. It's nice out, so should we eat on the patio? It'll be easier to clean up that way, too. I found these Chinet plates and we can just use those and throw `em away when we're done. Less dishes to wash."

"A man after my own heart!" Sean grinned. "Yeah, the patio sounds good. Food smells good, too. My first opportunity to learn how to cook Mexican and I hadda miss it... Shit."

"We'll do it again, Sean. I promise," John smiled.

At dinner barely a word was spoken as the five guys were busy stuffing their faces. "Jesus, this is good, John!" Joe said with his mouth full. "I've had Mexican before, and I've been to Mexico many times on business but this is the best Mexican food I've ever had! I can't stop eating it!"

"Your dad's right, kid. This is awesome," Scott said. "Never had carnitas before. Can I have about a gallon to go?"

Sean and Andy simply continued to eat everything in sight. "Hey, J.R.," Sean said with food coming out of his mouth. "Do you know any Mexican finger-food type stuff? We're gonna have a party over here at some point during the season, and if we can get like three, four different items that are easy to make can we do that? And the grapefruit drink, too. I mean, we can get a juicer if we have to, or rent one..."

"Yeah, there's a lot of little things we could make. The cool thing is we can do stuff that like half of it is the same basic thing and just with different stuff in it so we won't go crazy making it. You know like carnitas tostadas and chicken tostadas. Mostly the same, but taste totally different. And a lot of it can be done a day or two before."

"Good. Dad and And just got drafted..." Sean laughed.

"I'll screw it up, Sean-o" Andy said, deadpan.

"You do, you die, Brown Eyes..." Sean teased.

"We'll all help," Joe said.

"I can come over and help too, that is if you want me to..." Scott said, hoping he wasn't getting out in front of skis.

"OK, we got a plan!" Sean said. "It's Mexican for the party after the Parker game!"

The dinner went on much the same. Everyone enjoyed John's food and complimented him until he felt he couldn't take any more praise. Presently it was time for Scott to go home. "Hey, And, I can drive Scott home. You're comin' with, right?"

"Yeah, I mean of course! And thanks for coming over, Scott. I think we're almost done with that report.

We can finish it up on a free period, or something. I think it looks pretty good, too."

"Yeah, it does. I think it'll get us at least an A- for sure," Scott said. "Thank you for dinner, you guys. It was nice to meet you, Mr. Wyman. I'll call later and let you know if you're Uncle Joe or not."

"Alright, let's go, dudes," Sean said. Sean dropped Scott off at his home, a neat-looking, well- maintained, over-sized 1920's Bungalow on a street near the High School.

"That's a nice house, Scott," Andy said.

"It works for us. It's pretty much all original on the inside. They don't make houses like that anymore," Scott answered. "Sometime I'll show it to you. My mom says she wants to redecorate, but I dunno if she'll get around to it..."

"Have And talk to her about it. He did the entire Alamo you know," Sean proudly said. "I could never do that. I suck at it."

"And other things..." Andy snarked. "Sorry, Scott."

"I don't care if you guys talk about gay shit. Like I told you the other day, I don't even know if I'm gay or straight anyhow. I think if anyone would suck my dick I wouldn't care who it was to tell you the truth... Just turn the lights out and have at it. Oh, well, I'll never get the chance anyway... I'll probably go inside and beat off now... Scott said with the car door half open, getting out of the car. "I guess I'll see you guys later, then..."

Sean looked at Andy with one eyebrow raised. Andy crinkled up his lip sideways.

"OK, see ya, Scott!" Andy and Sean called.

About a half-block down the street, Sean looked at Andy and said, "Scott's a nice guy. I like him. I wish I could make a friend, or two who weren't on the football team. I mean, I love those guys to death.

They're way better than the Kenosha guys, but I'd just like to get to know some different people is all..." "Well, you know that Trager guy."

"Yeah, but he's hard to read. I can't tell if he means to be chill, or if he means to be a dick. And I don't think he likes me all that much."

"Well, maybe we should fix him up with Scott and find out!" Andy laughed.

"You're mean... Anyway, I got some studying to do myself when we get back, and then I think I `m gonna turn in early. I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Yeah, me too."

"So, do you wanna do Sott?"


"Do ya wanna do him?"

"Well, I dunno. I mean, I'm not gonna like have an affair or anything. I'm not gonna fuck around on you, Sean-o. Not ever. Why are you asking anyway?"

"Well, Scott seems really nice. He's kinda hot, too ya know? I love you, Brown Eyes, and I don't want anyone else. There's no one else like you. I shouldn't have brought it up..."

"Well, we did fool around with Dix..."

"Yeah, we did. Look, I'd rather you have Scott for a friend than to get off with him. I kinda feel like a sleaze for even bringing it up."

"Don't. What you and I have is different than if Scott's my friend, or if we fool around. What we have is special. In one way or the other, Blondie, we've loved each other since we were kids. But we're still teenagers like it, or not. We're horny all the time and this shit comes up. You don't have anything to feel bad about."

"Hey, ya know I think Dix kinda wants to do Trager."

"What? No way!"

"Well, he said they used to have crushes on each other a few years ago. Neither one of them knew the other one had a crush and then they ended up hating each other. He asked me what I thought he should do about it."

"What didja tell him?"

"I fucking told him to talk to Brett. There's no way I'm getting involved in that. It's between him and Brett. I love Dix like a brother, butcha know Brett's a top-shelf guy. I'd never tell Dix to do something that might hurt Brett. I gave him a lecture about how lucky he is to have Brett in the first place."

"Well, he is."

"Yeah, he is. And I made sure he fucking knows it, too."

"Maybe we should just all do each other..." Andy said, half laughing.

"To be honest with you, I would. If everyone got together including Danny and Noles, I'd have a fuck fest."

"Well, let's arrange it sometime."

"You really wanna?"

"Yeah. Just once, yeah. Is that bad?"

"Fuck no! Anyway, let's let that sleeping dog lie at least until the season's over. We got a championship to win and I'd rather get past that first. Plus, there's gonna be the trials and we still got school just like everyone else who doesn't have anything extra on their plate..."

"I think you got that figured out right. Can you imagine if it went wrong and everything ended up like it did in Kenosha?"

"That's what we're gonna avoid, my dear..."

Back home, Joe called Sean and Andy into his study. "Guys, while you were gone the Rock County Sheriff stopped by. He delivered these, one for each of you." Joe then handed a paper to Andy and one to Sean. "These are Summonses, dad..." Sean said.

"That's right. It looks like they're for the Braden trial. They're going to try him first before they do the others. Now, George is stopping by in a minute with that Restraining Order deal, so we'll go over it with him when he gets here."

"Do you think we have to go, or can we do it by online video?" Andy asked.

"I don't know. He's being tried for a felony, and it will be up to both the D.A. and Braden's lawyer. My guess is you guys are probably gonna hafta show up in Court."

"Dad, the trial date is the day before the Parker game... I got the season schedule right here in my phone." Sean said. "I'm gonna hafta talk to Coach about that."

"There's nothing the Coach can do about a trial, son. If you have to show up, you have to show up."

"I know, but I'm still going to hafta know the game plan and everything. I mean, I call the plays when Dix is in so I can't be sitting there with my thumb in my ass..."

"I'm sure Coach will make sure you know what you need to know. Why don't you and Tim go see him together so that you two are coordinated just like if nothing happened. Oops, I see in the camera that George is here. I'll get the door and you guys just hang tight for a minute."

Returning with George, Joe got George a chair and said, "OK, tell us whatcha got there, George."

"Well, which one do you want first, Mrs. Berrifield, or the Summonses?"

"Let's do the Summonses first, George," Sean said.

"OK, well what you guys have there are standard-issue Court Summonses. They command your appearance at the time and date stated in the Court House stated."

"Can we testify by video?" Andy asked.

"It's possible, but I doubt it. The D.A. is going to want an ironclad conviction here because the following trials will depend to some degree on the outcome of the Braden trial. I know the date is the day before the Parker game. We can't do anything about that, but since you will be testifying for the Prosecution. We can see if the D.A.'ll get you guys on the stand as early in the day as possible so you can be back here in time for practice. That's probably the best we can do. Sorry, guys, but that's how it goes. I don't know what they'll have to ask Andy, and we won't know until a few days before the trial. Sean, I can't see your testimony going any longer than about half an hour including cross-examination. You don't have that much to say, really, other than to testify to the veracity of your voice recording of Braden. Andy, they may not even call you, but we don't know that."

"OK," Joe said, "What about the Restraining Order?"

"I've got the application right here. Just before I came over I called Meinecke and here's what he told me: because you identified Mrs. Berrifield they were able to contact her husband in Kenosha and let him know about it. She still has to appear in Court on Monday to be charged. She's been assigned a Court- appointed Attorney. That could change if her husband hires an Attorney. And she's still in a state of mental confusion. She says she doesn't know where she is, and she keeps muttering Sean's name and something about killing John but other than that she won't talk and she's not eating. Meinecke told me that unless she snaps out of it by tomorrow they will try to get her moved to the Psych Ward at the County Hospital for observation. He didn't mention anything else about her husband."

"So, she flipped out?" Andy asked.

"Well, you could put it that way," George answered.

"I'm not having real warm fuzzies about this..." Sean said.

"Well, that's what the restraining order is for. And we named her husband on it as well. I'll have it approved this evening. I already texted one of the Judges that I know and he's expecting me at his house in about 30 minutes. Once the Judge signs off on it the R.O. is valid and I'll drop a copy off at Police Station and the Sheriff's Office. The Rock County Sheriff will serve Mrs. Berrifield in her jail cell, and they'll have the Kenosha County Sheriff serve Mr. Berrifield at home tonight."

"Do restraining orders work on crazy people?" Sean asked.

"I can't say that they do, Sean, but once she's charged in Court she's either going back to Kenosha or she'll be thrown in the Booby Hatch. If she goes back to her home in Kenosha we'll move that due to her mental state she be ordered not to leave Kenosha County without Court approval and to have an ankle bracelet put on her. I will argue that she's a flight risk. I think that's an easy argument to make stick in Court. If she ends up in a Psych Ward she won't be going anywhere, she'll be doing the Thorazine Shuffle. With those precautions, it's unlikely she'll be back."

"And Mr. Berrifield?"

"Sean, I've already talked to Crossman over in Kenosha. He knows Berrifield. He's going to let him know that in this instance discretion is the better part of valor, in other words not to get any wise ideas here.

In fact, knowing Crossman he's already called him."

"OK, that makes me feel better."

"Alright, guys, that's it for now. If you got any homework go finish it up. And check on John to make sure he's doing his, too."

"OK, dad. Thanks for coming over, George," Sean said.

"Anytime, guys."

Sean and Andy repaired to the Library finding John there hard at his books. "Hey, Li'l Bro," Andy chirped. Dad wants us to make sure you're doing your homework."

"I'm almost done. My classes are really easy. I think I like History the best."

"You do?" Andy asked.

"Yeah. My class is the History of World War Two."

"No shit?" Andy exclaimed.


"Man, if you need to know anything ask me! I fucking love World War Two!"

"Good, because I promised dad I'm gonna get all A's. And I will."

"You're all business, J.R., I'll give ya that much..." Sean smirked.

"I have to be. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. You guys took a chance on me and I'm not about to blow it. It's the only chance I'm ever gonna get. I just want you guys to believe in me."

"You got nuthin' to worry about there, Squirt," Andy said. "We got your back."

"Talk to dad, J.R.," Sean said. "He wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth, either. He came from nuthin'. He's the best guy to talk to about shit like that, trust me."

Just then, Andy's phone rang.

"Hey, Andy. It's Scott. Hayadoin'?"

"Fine thanks. What's up, bro?"

"Not much. I talked to my mom and I said I'd call tonight if I found out anything from her genealogy stuff so that's why I'm calling."

"Oh, OK. You want me to put Sean-o on the phone for ya?"


"Sean, take the phone. It's Scott."

"Hey, Scott, what's up?"

"Well, it looks like you and I are in fact related."


"Yeah. From my mom's charts it looks like our Great-Grandparents were brothers. My Great-great Grandfather was Warren Branson and the one I think was yours was Theodore. They were from Wisconsin, but Theodore moved to Boston and apparently no one knew why. Anyway, I think that makes us second cousins. Your name didn't appear on the chart, but your mom's did. There was a Valerie Branson born in 1968 in Dorchester, Massachusetts which is part of the City of Boston. Is that where your mom was born?"

"I think so. She was from Boston, anyway, I know that much. She and my dad met when he was at Harvard. She did have a little bit of a Boston accent, too... Oh, yeah! I know they we married at Saint Margaret's Church in Dorchester in 1995. I was born in 1997, but I was born in Kenosha."

"I told my mom that your mom passed away. I hope you don't mind."

"No, that's OK. It's rough sometimes, but I know she's still around..."

"Anyway, my mom asked if it would be OK to get a copy of your birth certificate, your dad's and yours so she can add you to the family tree. I know that sounds weird, but..."

"Actually, I think that would be great! So, what do we call each other now? Cuz?"

"I don't care. I just think it's cool. I won't say anything at school, though. I know you're way more `up there' than I am..."

"Scott, I like you anyway. So does Andy. We'll be `cuz.' That's fine by me. Besides, I don't have any other cousins, at least not that I know of. I think it's awesome!"

"Well, that's all I wanted so I won't bother you guys any more. Just let Andy know we should finish up that report tomorrow so we have time to check it over before we turn it in."

"I'll do that, Scott...I mean cuz."

"You're funny, Sean. I'll see you guys Monday then."

"OK, bye!"

Once Sean hung up his own phone rang.


"Hey, Wymo, it's Brett. Can I come over and talk to you for a minute?"

"Um, sure, what's up?"

"Well, it's about Tim. Or, really it's about Tim and me..."


Next: Chapter 26

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