It Is What It Is

By Eric Trager

Published on Dec 10, 2016


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"Sean, it's the reason why the test results were a day late..."

"I'm not understanding here. Can you bottom-line it for me? One sentence only please?" Sean said, a little bit testily.

"Sean, when they ran the test the first time, the DNA results appeared to be, for lack of a better word, garbled. So they ran the test again. With some adjustments. The bottom line is, as I said, that you are going to be a father. You are going to be the father of twins."


"Twins, Sean. Identical twin boys."


"Those are the results we have. It's all there in the paperwork I gave you."

"Um, OK! Well, thank you... I guess I better get back to school now. Thank you, Nurse!"

"You're welcome, Sean. And good luck to you."

Sean smiled at the Nurse, left her office and headed toward the lobby to give Andy the news. He felt on the one hand relieved that the waiting was over, but on the other hand he felt anticipatory and nervous. He'd thought he would have another life that was dependent on his to care for but now he would have two.

Andy caught sight of Sean entering the lobby. By the look on Sean's face, Andy already knew the outcome. Sean looked ethereal. Like he was in an alternate universe. "So, do I get one guess and a prize if I'm right, hun?"

"Yeah..." Sean said, still seeming like he was elsewhere.

"We're gonna be parents, aren't we..."

"Yeah, but it's not what you think."

"Whadya mean? We're gonna be parents, so I don't get what you're saying... Please tell me nothing's wrong, Sean-o. Pleeeeease?" Andy worriedly pleaded.


"WHAT?" Andy almost leapt out of his chair.

"That's right, Brown Eyes. Twins. Twin boys."

"OH MY GOD! Twins? Really! REALLY?????" Andy was beside himself.

"Yup. I dunno how I should feel. I mean, I guess I feel like, well, TWINS!" Sean was absolutely jumping up and down.

"Sean-o, I'm just as tickled as you are, but we got a long way to go you know... I mean, there's gonna be a trial, and we'll have that asshole Bill Kennedy to deal with... I just want you to know that I'm here with you every step of the way. I love you so..."

"I know, and I love you, too. Think we can handle being dads?"

"I think we don't got a choice. I think it is what it is. I guess the good news is that when they graduate from High School we'll only be in our mid-thirties if you think about it..."

"Well, I guess there's something to be said for that."

"Do we tell the guys?"

"Not yet. I wanna talk to dad tonight first."

"OK, that makes sense. Whadya think we need to do about Colleen? I mean, she can't be trusted to carry through a pregnancy on her own I don't think..."

"I don't think so, either and that's why I wanna talk to dad..."

"Yeah, and you know if we know, then the Judge knows and he said he'd give his decision on bail right away."

"It'll take a little while. I mean, once he's notified he's gonna hafta write it up and everything and I'm sure he's busy with other stuff. I guess George will let us know..."

"Well, we'll see what we see, Sean-o..."

Classes and practice completed, the boys headed home. Joe had already been put on alert. John knew what was going on, so he told the other two to relax while he got dinner on the table. It was easy for him to do as he was only going to heat up one of the meals the cook had already prepared, finish up the salad and get it on the table.

All the while he was doing this, John thought deeply about his brother Sean. He meant it that night not long ago when he told Sean that he was his hero. He knew that while Sean could never understand some of the hardship and the mean life which previously had been John's lot, and that while Sean had grown up a rich kid, he nonetheless marveled at his older brother's consistency, strength and unflappability. The difference as John saw it was that while John still felt he had but a tenuous hold on his new life and the opportunities it could afford, Sean lacked that tenuousness, and that while hard- working and talented no doubt, Sean always carried himself although affably a bit as if to-the-manor- born with a regal bearing that John did not yet have, if he would ever have it at all. The link between John and Sean would always be the fact that Sean rescued him, but the personal link would be Andy. Andy lacked Sean's unruffled nature sometimes, but at the same time he was just as noble. John sensed that Andy had not always had it as well-off as Sean, although the three of them shared losing a parent at a young age. He did not know Andy's full story as it had never been talked about from start to finish, but he knew Andy was the one he could lean on more so than Sean if he ever felt a lack of confidence in himself. Lack of self-confidence was simply not in Sean's universe, and John knew that.

At any rate, John knew that right now what he must do is what he could to ease the strain of the whole Colleen situation in any small way that he could. And that is what he set out to do. He was sure Sean was up to the task before him, and in the event Sean should stumble, John would hold his cape for him just as he did after the rape.

At dinner, Joe said there was still no word as yet from George and that they would just have to wait. No one had a huge appetite that evening.

The boys had nothing better to do, so they retired to the library to do their homework. About an hour later, Joe summoned them into his office.

"Boys, I just got off the phone with George. Here's the deal. Colleen was denied bail. However, the Judge is saying that he will entertain alternative incarceration until the time of birth. He is further saying that the trial will be after the birth of the babies. For now, Colleen is to remain at the County Jail, but he has scheduled a hearing at the request of the Defense Attorney to see if alternative incarceration can be worked out. George will go over with us what we'll present to the District Attorney. He asked if we'd like to do this tonight, or tomorrow. I suggested to him that if it wasn't too much we'd probably like to get the ball rolling tonight. You guys done with your homework?"

"I think we'll be done by the time George gets here, dad..." Sean said. The other two boys nodded in agreement and returned to their books cranking out the remainder of their work lickety-split.

Once George got their they settled into Joe's study and listened.

"OK, guys. I'm pretty sure your dad filled you in, so what are the ideas here?"

"Well, Ginny was talking about that Convent up around Stevens Point..." Sean said.

"Yes, but that's a Convent. It's not set up for incarceration."

"According to Ginny, it's more like a Cloister. And what if Colleen had to wear an ankle-bracelet? And maybe we could pay for the local Sheriff to monitor her?" Sean said.

"OK, well, that's a start..." George said.

"Ginny said she already made the arrangements. I think the only other thing I'd like to see is that I pay for Colleen's medical care." Sean went on.

"I see..." George said. "Why's that?"

"Because if I pay for it I have control. Oh, I'll make sure it's good care, and all, but I know she doesn't have insurance on her own and I want her dad out of the picture on this. Completely. If I pay for it, I have control. Not Bill Kennedy."

"Very well, Sean. Let's look at how much this is going to cost. I'm just going to ball park it here for ya. Let's say the cost of Sheriff monitoring is $50,000 over the term of the pregnancy. And let's say the cost of the health insurance policy plus any deductibles, co-pays and so forth is $25,000. And the cost of birthing is another $25,000 if there are no issues. You're basically looking at a minimum of a hundred grand. Are you OK with that? Because if you aren't we can't go down that road."

Joe Wyman looked at his son, but would not answer for him. He was content that he'd done his job as a parent, and that Sean's judgment in this instance would be not only sound, but well-founded.

"I'm fine with that," Sean said. "I have the money, or the assets to convert into the money anyway. And you know what? I don't give a fuck. These are my kids. She fucking drugged me and raped me. She's only carrying them because she planned all along to rape me, but she took no precaution against a pregnancy because she's too fucking irresponsible. Her shitty decisions don't count for shit from where I sit. I'm gonna be the one calling the shots here, and I don't think there's a decent person who would see it any other way. Done! And her fucking father? He doesn't scare me. He's just an asshole who doesn't know he doesn't hold any cards. No, I'm sorry, those are my kids, and they're gonna be my kids, not her kids, and that's exactly how this is gonna go..."

Joe had been looking at Sean the entire time and had not looked away. He was proud of his son because the answer that he just gave George Dickson was exactly the same answer he would have given himself.

"Sean," George began. "I'm not surprised at your answer. Look, I'll put all this before the Judge. I have your financial statement already. I have a statement from Ginny regarding the Convent. Ginny was smart enough to already get a confirmatory statement from the Mother Superior over there. We'll offer that the insurance will be bought through the same carrier that Kennedy already uses. We will volunteer to the Court that $150,000 be put in escrow within seven days in order to defray these expenses which ought to be more than enough."

"OK, but what if Bill Kennedy doesn't agree?"

"He's in no position not to agree. His daughter is an adult. Whatever Bill Kennedy thinks doesn't count for shit here. My belief would be that in the eyes of the Court you are showing not only appropriate concern for your unborn children, concern that their mother demonstrably has not shown, but you are also capable of, and prepared to pay for it, and that you are in some way asking for mercy for her. Pregnant defendants can be a touchy issue. And I'll have a word in advance with the Judge."

"That sounds good," Andy spoke up. "But what about the custody of the kids once they're born?"

"We should not broach that subject at this exact time. It's not a matter for this Judge anyway," George answered. "I don't foresee that Sean will need anything beyond what's already there to show his fitness as a parent versus Colleen's unfitness in order to get custody, but if he does he's got the Ace in the hole."

"The birth certificate..." Sean stated.

"That's right. Kennedy's birth certificate," George answered deadpan. "They even so much as twitch about you having custody and you hold that birth certificate right in front of Bill Kennedy's face. You won't even have to say a word. That'll be all she wrote."

"Alright, I think we got a plan. When will the hearing be?" Sean asked.

"The Judge already scheduled it either for tomorrow or the next day at 8:00 a.m. What's your pleasure, Sean?"

"Tomorrow. Let's just get this done."

"Very well, I shall text the Judge right now to confirm. The Judge wasn't in any mood to really waste time on this anyway, he's just doing it as a favor to Steele. I already told him earlier that I figured tomorrow would be a go. The Judge will notify Steele. He's the one that asked for the hearing anyway, so he can't really bitch about the scheduling. And he can't say he didn't have time to prepare as what Attorney is going to ask for a hearing if he hasn't got anything to say? OK, guys, I'll see ya in the morning then." George then took his leave.

At 8:00 the next morning, the Bailiff called the hearing to order.

The Judge asked the D.A. if he had anything to say. The D.A. merely stated that he understood that the hearing was to be about alternative pre-trial incarceration for Colleen Kennedy, that he would listen to what both sides had to say and after that he would speak for the State.

Attorney Steele opened for Colleen Kennedy noting that the trial had been put off for nine months until after the birth and that it would be unfair for his client, not having been convicted of any crime to be subjected to incarceration for that length of time while pregnant. He moved that his client be given in effect house arrest and be confined to her parents' home with an ankle bracelet.

George Dickson was up next. He stated that in consultation with his client, the alleged victim in the case, Steele's proposal was unacceptable. He noted that while this was a hearing and not a trial the amount of evidence, and the nature of it, that had already been furnished to both the D.A. and Defense Attorney by the investigators was massive and overwhelming. He stated there could be little doubt of a conviction in this case. He then went on to present Sean's financial statement, Sean's offer to place $150,000 in escrow, the statements from Ginny and the Convent, and his opinion that Colleen would have insufficient supervision were she to remain at home and had demonstrated conduct not only injurious to herself, but also with a high probability of being injurious to the unborn children and that his client as the father of the unborn children was not waiving his rights. He stated that Colleen did, in fact, present a flight risk as there was nothing to lead one to believe she would act responsibly and in the interests of the unborn children. He commended their proposal to the Judge.

The D.A. wound up, saying that the people would not object to the proposals of Attorney Dickson, but could not accept those of Attorney Steele. He stated that the charges against Colleen Kennedy were several, that they were serious, and that the fact she was carrying two unborn children made the well- being of those unborn children superior to any wants the Defendant might have.

The Judge asked if anyone had anything further. No one indicating that they did, the Judge retired to his chambers admonishing those present that this would be a 20-minute recess.

During the recess, Bill Kennedy attempted to approach Sean but was brusquely cut off.

"Mr. Kennedy, I'm not sure why you seem to think that I have some need, or obligation to communicate with you," Sean glared. "I don't. And your Attorney, if he didn't already, ought to have explained that to you. I'm going to say this one time: back off. You're under a restraining order anyway. You probably shouldn't even be here."

Bill Kennedy looked shocked. He stood stock still for a few seconds, wordless, then turned around and stalked off.

The hearing reconvened, the Judge announcing his decision. "This Court in the matter before it today decides as follows: Written copies of the decision shall be distributed to all parties upon adjournment. The Defendant, Colleen Kennedy, is hereby ordered released from the Rock County Jail to be taken upon said release to the Sacred Mother of Mary Convent located in the Town of Hull, Portage County. Said release shall be made as soon as practicable, but not before arrangements have been made with both the Sacred Mother of Mary Convent and the Portage County Sheriff conforming to this decision, that are satisfactory to the Rock County Sheriff, and the Rock County Sheriff's delivery to this Court of written confirmation of their satisfaction. There the Defendant shall remain until she is delivered of the children she is now carrying at which time the Defendant shall be returned to the Rock County Jail pending trial.

"The trial of the Defendant is hereby scheduled to commence on July 21, 2015 at the Rock County Courthouse subject to the Defendant being delivered of children prior to that date.

"Further, while the Defendant is at the Sacred Mother of Mary Convent it is ordered as follows: The Defendant shall be fitted with and wear an ankle bracelet at all times, said bracelet to be monitored by the Portage County Sheriff. The Defendant shall not leave the Convent for any reason other than medical care and not without escort by the Portage County Sheriff. The Defendant shall not have telephone, or internet access while at the Convent other than telephone access for the purpose of communicating with her Attorney and immediate family. The Defendant shall have contact with no persons outside of the Convent other than her Attorney or immediate family and in no case without prior notification and written clearance by the Portage County Sheriff.

"Further, the alleged victim in this case, Sean Wyman, is hereby ordered to not later than the close of business three days hence provide this Court with evidence of his placement of $150,000 into an escrow account, the escrow agents to be Attorneys George Dickson and Edward Steele as Officers of the Court. Said escrow shall be used for the purposes stated in Attorney Dickson's written proposal to the Court which shall be appended to the Court's decision without amendment and become part thereof.

"Failure on the part of any of the parties named above shall result in this decision being vacated and the Defendant being held at the Rock County Jail pending trial.

"This hearing is now closed. Court is adjourned." The Judge brought his gavel down, the Bailiff admonished all to rise and the Judge exited the chambers.

Colleen Kennedy sat ashen faced and motionless. She looked only straight ahead, catatonically, turning her gaze neither toward her father, nor toward Sean. The Bailiffs had to physically lift her up to get her out of the Court Room. She offered no resistance and shuffled as she walked, head down, leaning on both Bailiffs in turn.

Sean made a mental note to add psychological counseling and therapy to the insurance policy he'd already taken out. He had no feelings for Colleen one way, or the other in the least. She'd put him through hell and only by sheer force of his own will had he been able to begin to heal. As soon as the babies were born, as far as Sean was concerned Colleen Kennedy would be out of the picture forever, but inside her were his children and he was not about to take any chances.

Sean nudged Andy saying, "Let's bolt, And. I think we're done here."

"I agree. Let's get over to school and just get through another day. At least we won one today, Sean-o. Sometime soon when we both have the time we should make a plan for the future, you know, once the kids are here."

"I was thinking the same thing. Jeez, And, those kids are gonna grow up without a mom. Well, I guess I did a little bit and you grew up more than me without a dad. We're gonna be good parents. We have to be. We have no choice. I guess from now on those kids are the focus of my life. It's like a lot of things, ya know? I mean, I didn't ask for Steve Gimmel to be injured and for me to be the starting Quarterback when I was only a Sophomore. I didn't ask to get ambushed at Braden's house. I didn't ask to move to Janesville. And I didn't ask for a kid, never mind two at once when I'm seventeen and my team is trying to win a Championship. My mom always said that God doesn't give us any more than we can bear. I guess we're gonna find out, aren't we..."

"We'll be fine, Blondie, we'll be fine... We will do this together, and I will be your shelter from the storm. We have a long history and this is only the next chapter. It is what it is."

"I love you, Brown Eyes. I love you so much... I couldn't do this without you, ya know..."

"I know. And that's fine. That's why we're here together." Taking Sean's hand and squeezing it tight, Andy added, "And don't you ever forget that!"

"I guess I don't have a choice!" Sean smirked.

"Good! Now let's get going!"

At school Sean thought he noticed odd glances from some of the other students. He knew nothing of Colleen's legal dealings had been in the local paper, or on the news and he was pretty sure Kathleen wouldn't talk about it, if for no other reason than she considered her elder sister to be both an embarrassment and an impediment to her own life. Sean decided to ignore it. His reasoning was that he'd done nothing wrong and therefore had no obligation, if others actually did know, to explain himself to anyone he didn't have reason to. He knew also that sooner, or later he'd have to tell the story to all the guys on the team for the same reason he told them about the rape. In Sean's world, one did not keep secrets from their team mates, especially if there was a reasonable possibility of them finding out anyway.

At lunch, the boys were sitting at their usual table, and John was sitting as usual at another table with Kathleen. Sean filled Tim and Brett in on what went on in Court. Brett listened attentively, only adding that Sean appeared to have won one that day. Tim, while ecstatic at the outcome was a bit circumspect. "Wymo, trust me, you haven't heard the last of Bill Kennedy. See, the issue of the custody of the kids after birth wasn't settled today. I know that's not what the hearing was about, but if I were you I'd begin to build a case."

Sean looked at Tim, pursed his lips and nodded. "Understood," was his monotone response.

Just then, a girl Sean didn't know appeared at their table. She did not sit, but looked at Sean asking, "Is it true? I mean, you know, like what's going around, or whatever? Is it like for reals?"

Sean stood, saying, "Follow me," and started exiting the cafeteria with the unknown girl following in his wake. He headed outside in order that whatever she was going to say would not be heard by anyone else. Once outside, he wheeled on her.

"OK, just what the hell are you talking about..."

"Well, like, there's this like rumor and everything? And it's like, you know, going around school. Everyone's saying, you know, like Colleen Kennedy's like pregnant and everything? And like you had her thrown in jail, or whatever..."

"Really... And just who is `everyone'?"

"You know, like everyone's talking about it... It's all over school..."

"OK, here's the deal. I did not have Colleen Kennedy thrown in jail. Period. If she's in jail, then it's for something she did. I had nothing to do with it. Got it?"

"OK, whatEVER! What about everyone saying she's like pregnant?" The girl, whoever she was, was now becoming a little bit demanding.

"I can't answer that. If she is, that's also something I had nothing to do with. Now, is there anything else you want to know?"

"Well, not, like, right now, you know?"

"Fine. And look, I don't know who you are, and I'm not sure I want to know. So don't tell me your name. And I'm not sure why you found it necessary to come up to me in the middle of the fucking cafeteria blabbering on about this crap. So, you can go back to your blabbermouth friends, whoever they are, and you can tell `em that you asked me about whatever it was you asked me about and that I said I have nothing to do with it. Are we fucking clear?"

The girl at that point looked somewhat frightened.

"I didn't mean to scare you," Sean said. "I'm not a dick, but I told you the truth." Sean knew he had told only the half-truth, but he also knew he hadn't lied. He recalled Joe's old saying about dealing with people, and that was, "Son, never lie but at the same time there are situations where you don't show all of your cards." Sean knew that this was such a situation. He had no idea who this half-cracked chick was. He'd never seen her before. He hoped what he'd told her was enough to quiet things down.

On his way back into the building Sean stopped by Coach Slater's office. He was lucky, Coach was just returning from his own lunch, and hailed Sean when he saw him coming down the hall.

"Mr. Wyman, something tells me you'd like a couple minutes of my time. If that's accurate, step into my office." Coach had a knowing look on his face.

Once inside Coach's office, Coach looked at Sean simply saying, "Spill it, Mr. Wyman."

"OK, Coach. Here you go..." Sean went over the events of that morning and spared Coach no detail. He then asked for a couple minutes at the end of practice to address his team mates. "I can't keep secrets form the guys, Coach. We're a team. The rumors are already going around. That's not how I roll..."

"Very well, Mr. Wyman. I'll grant you the time. I would ask you to consider very carefully as to whether, or not you mention specific names. I probably wouldn't if it were me, and I'll tell you why. The reason is that this is not an investigation any longer. It's a Court case. If it were me I think I'd give the guys honest information and just leave the names out."

"That is what I had planned to do, Coach."

"That doesn't surprise me, son. Now, are you holding up alright?"

"Actually, I am. Now I know who raped me. It almost feels like a weight off. I want you to know, though, that once those kids are born they will not be given up for adoption. I intend to raise them, and they will have to be the center of my attention. I don't anticipate this will affect my ability to play either this year, or next year, but those kids will come first."

"That is as it should be, Mr. Wyman. Now, if that is all I've got to get to work on this week's game plan. You will be featured as starting Quarterback this week."

"Thank you, Coach. I won't let you down."

"No. No you won't. I'm certain of that." At that, Coach Slater rose from his chair and extended his hand to Sean. Sean shook the older man's hand, thanked him and left for his first afternoon class.

Walking into the room, Sean looked natural, but kept his gaze and gait exactly as they would be had nothing whatever been going on. At this point he decided he really didn't give a shit.

Coach blew his whistle at the end of practice and admonished the team to gather round. "Gentlemen, good practice today! I've got this week's game plan worked out, and you will all be emailed. Now, I'd ask you to give your attention to Mr. Wyman."

Sean removed his helmet, tucked it under his arm and strode to the middle of the pack.

"Guys, remember when I told you that I'd been raped? Well, there's more, and I'm sure everyone's heard the rumors going around. I'm gonna clear that up now. The person who raped me has been caught by the law, and the law put that person in jail. She's pregnant. There's been tests done and the babies are mine. I'm told it's gonna be twin boys. I can't name names because now it's a Court case. I won't have any involvement in the case other than maybe as a witness and that won't be until probably after school is over this year. I just wanted you all to know, and to know that I had nothing to do with putting the person who raped me in jail. The D.A. did that. Remember, I was drugged and didn't have anything to do with any of it. I gotta say, too, guys, don't worry about me. I won't let this get to me, and I won't let you guys down. I said when I came here that I came to be a team player, and that hasn't changed. You guys are my team mates and I didn't want you hearing anything through rumors. I wanted you to hear the truth. From me. OK, that's it, guys..."

One by one, Sean's team mates slapped him on the back and offered encouraging words. More than a few of them told Sean not to worry, and that they'd see to it if they heard anyone saying anything that the rumors would be stopped. Sean offered his heartfelt thanks, making a note that he needed to talk to his father that night.

After dinner, Sean went to Joe's study and knocked. "Dad, I need a minute, or two if that's OK..." "However much time you need, son. Come in and have a seat."

"Thanks, dad," Sean began. "Look, I don't want to get into it tonight because it's not time yet, but you know at some point before those babies are born we're going to have to have a plan of action that we can take to Court to show that this is the right place for them. I don't want to just depend on the Kennedys not being able to provide that."

"You're right, son, and that's very mature of you. I think by the time she's in the fifth month of pregnancy we need to have something finalized. Andy should be put in charge of choosing the room to be used as the nursery and getting plans ready for whatever conversion, or things are needed. That's his area of expertise. We already know Ginny's got a Nanny standing by. We have a cook. The Court already has your financial statement. I can give them mine if need be. I own this house outright. I don't believe there is anything that could reasonably be questioned."

"Neither do I, but I'm still worried. I don't trust the Kennedys. Well, I mean I don't trust Colleen and I certainly don't trust her father."

"I don't either, son. Now, you should not repeat this to anyone. And I do mean anyone. I've got Ditmar doing a high-level, or low-level, however you want to think about it, investigation of Bill Kennedy, his Company, his wife, Colleen, the whole nine yards. It'll take a while, but by the time they're done I'll know how often Bill fucks his wife, what their favorite position is, what kind of douche she uses, everything about every cent they've ever made and spent, what goes in and out of his business, all of his State Contracts, and everything there is to know about Colleen from the time she was ten years old. If she picked her nose in fifth grade, I'll know about it. Hell, I'll know on what date in what year she had her first fuckin' period if I ask `em to go that far. Those guys have ways of doing this shit that I don't even really wanna know about. And nobody'll even know they're doin' it. But you cannot mention this to anyone."

"I won't, dad."

"Good, because I don't need anyone finding out. In particular George Dickson. Now, George is a family friend and he's our Attorney, but sometimes there's shit you don't even want your Attorney to know. This is one of those times. At least for now. If after the investigation is over and we've read the report we think there's stuff George needs to know, we can run it by him at that time, but for right now I don't want anyone at all knowing this investigation is going on. NO ONE! Not even Andy."

"I got it, dad..."

"I feel bad about you keeping a secret from Andy, especially since I told you a while back never to do that, but that's just how it goes right now for the next little while. I just wanted you to know that you're going to have assistance here. That's all. You're my son."

"Thanks, dad. I get it. The thing is, I'm not really comfortable with not sharing this with And. I mean, he's everything to me. I'd feel dishonest. I think we need to talk a little more about that..."

"I understand what you're saying, son. Go get Andy and bring him here. Where is John right now?" "He's studying in his room."

"Good. Get Andy and leave John in his room."

Returning with Andy, the boys sat down.

"Sean, shut the door, son," Joe said. "OK, Andy, I just got done talking with Sean about this, and before I start I need you to understand that what I am about to tell you is for your ears only. Do you understand me, Andy?"

"Um, yeah... What's this all about?"

Joe went into the details with Andy, and again swore Andy to secrecy. Andy promised on his father's grave he wouldn't mention anything. To anyone. "I told Sean-o I'd be his shelter from the storm, and I will. That's my bottom line. And it always will be."

"Very good, Andrew," Joe said. "These are serious matters and I'm glad I can rely on both of you. Now, if you don't mind, I just need to get this pile of work done before I turn in for the night."

"Thanks, dad," both boys said, exiting the room.

"Wow, I don't think I've ever seen dad act like that," Sean said. "I mean, I know how serious he can be when the situation calls for it, but he was just plain ruthless."

"Yeah, that was ruthless. Like take no prisoners. Well, think about it, Sean-o... I mean, I think for dad it's not a matter of a Court Case. To him, this is about not only his only blood son, but his grandchildren, too. And when it comes to family people can get really protective. I never really had that once my dad died, but if I hadda bet, that's what I'd bet is turning around in his head. He probably thinks Kennedy's gonna try to steamroller his way to getting those kids once they're born. And what if Kennedy did?"

"Whadya mean..."

"Kennedy could hold those kids over you until the day he dies. We've seen how this town works, the Old Money Underground, and we're this close to being part of it," Andy then made a gesture holding his thumb and index finger about a quarter-inch apart, "but if Kennedy wins, not only will he get those kids, he'll crush us. Like bugs. Because he knows he has to."

"I'd thought about that, well, maybe not as together as you just put it, but yeah, I agree. I foresee a power struggle could come up. Honestly, I wouldn't want to crush anyone, but if I had to, I mean if I had no choice, I'd fuckin' take him down."

"I believe you not only could, but that if you had to you would..."

"Yeah, I would. And not for me, but for our sons, And. They are all that matters here..."

"That's right. So for now, let's just play it cool."

"I always play it cool!" Sean smirked.

"Fuck you!" Andy laughed.

"Wanna fuck me?" Sean winked.

Without saying a word, Andy grabbed Sean's hand and pulled him mightily up the stairs and into their room. One in the room, Andy shut the door, locked it and forcefully began to strip Sean's close. When he got to the pants, he undid them and lowered them together with Sean's boxers. He took Sean's cock into his mouth feeling it grow and stiffen all the while teasing Sean's taint and asshole which produced soft whimpers from his mate. Andy took Sean's hand, guided him up off the bed and into the adjoining, unused bedroom through a connecting door.

In that room, the boys had installed a sling suspended from the ceiling. They know they'll have to remove it if that room is used as the nursery, but for tonight it would be used as intended. It was Sean's idea to invest in the sling, but Andy's construction expertise meant that they were able to suspend it from the old, original lath-and-plaster ceiling without damage. Under the sling, they installed a removable restaurant kitchen rubber floor for ease of cleaning. A couple times, they'd lent the room to Tim and Brett, each time Tim taking a pounding from the lanky, blonde boy's big cock.

Andy fairly threw Sean into the sling, ordering him to get his feet in the stirrups. Once in, Andy began jacking Sean's throbbing dick while aggressively fingering his fuckhole. First one finger, then two until he at last had all four fingers of his right hand jamming his lover's insides. He worked Sean's prostate until precum gushed to the floor. Sean's whimpering intensified, now into an unintelligible cross between cries of pain and pleasure mixed with facially contorted gasps. Andy had never tried it before, and the boys had never talked about it, but by now Sean was so loose Andy got it into his head that he should try fisting him. Sean was so in a state of rapture that Andy didn't think he should say anything, he thought he should just go ahead and do it.

A ton of lube on his entire hand all the way up to the wrist, he folded his fingers and thumb into a pointed wedge and went for it. Thrusting at first gradually, then gradually going in further and further presently Andy found himself able to go in almost up to his wrist. He kept it up rhythmically, increasing speed and making sure each stroke palpitated Sean's prostate.

By now, Sean couldn't take it anymore and began jacking off at lightning speed. Andy reached out and stopped him, ordering Sean that he was not to cum. He was to lie there and take it. Sean's lips were quivering, his legs shaking like Jell-O. His entire body shook in rapid spasms. All he could muster was for Andy to fuck him while meaningless syllables staccatoed gutturally from his throat. Andy withdrew his arm from Sean's ass, grabbed both of his hips and thrust with one stroke his big, blood-engorged dick up Sean's hole. Sean tensed and gasped, continuing to spasm, legs almost in a seizure-like fashion. He whimpered, and begged Andy to fuck him.

Andy took his partner, fucking him like he was a rag doll. Sean begged Andy to go faster, fuck harder and again started beating cock, now purple with each vein bursting in stark relief, the head flaring and his balls sucked up tight to his abdomen. Tears rolled down Sean's cheeks. Andy grabbed Sean's hand and rudely jerked it away from his cock telling him again he was not allowed to cum. Andy could feel his dick grow and stiffen, the nerve ending in the head telling him he was close. He fucked Sean so hard he was sure his intestines would come out. At the last second he withdrew his cock, grabbed Sean by the shoulders bringing Sean's face to his crotch and spewed thick, creamy, sweet-chlorine ropes of cum 1-2- 3-4-5-6-7-8 on Sean covering him from forehead to chin. He scooped up his cum and roughly forced it into Sean's mouth, then ordering Sean he was to jack off.

"Jack off, jock boy. Jack that dick. Cum for me, Sean. Yeah... C'mon, Sean-o, cum for me!" Again, Andy tortured Sean's shithole, this time with two fingers that stayed in, massaging the prostate, milking Sean for all he was worth. Thick pre-cum goo oozed out like a river. When he knew Sean could take it no more, he reached up with his other hand pressing down and rubbing just above the base of Sean's cock.

"Cum NOW, Sean! Shoot it!"

Sean convulsed and spasmed making animalistic grunts and cries. His body stiffened but still he didn't cum. He jacked off faster and faster until Andy could no longer see the discrete hand motions in the blur. With a howl and scream he shot one small dribble of cum followed by five, or six shots over his head, one of them hitting the wall that was at least six feet away. His body shook, his breathing ragged, his heart racing and face bent out of all recognition. For what seemed like five minutes, Sean continued to writhe like a snake, convulse, and breathe like a fish out of water. His legs hung limp, Andy's now liquefying cum dripping off his face.

"I can't... I can't get..." Sean gasped trying as hard as he could to remove his feet from the stirrups, but too weak to do so.

"I'll be right back," Andy said. He disappeared to the adjoining bathroom, returning with a warm washcloth and a soft towel. Tenderly, he cleaned Sean's face, dried him and massaged his thighs and calves to calm the ameliorated, but still shaky muscles. "Shhhhh!" Andy said. "Just lay back and relax. What you do to me, Sean-O. You always have, you know..." Reaching forward and kissing Sean softly on the lips. "You are the love of my life, Blondie. You always have been and you always will be. I want you to know that my whole life, if it's long, or short, will always be loving you."

Andy took Sean's larger hand into his own, raised it to his lips and kissed it.

"I love you, so, too, Brown Eyes. I can't do what I do without you. I couldn't for one day. Here, help me out of here so I can see if I can stand up..."

Andy disentangled Sean from the sling and had him naked in front of him, both boys standing face-to- face and loving eyes to loving eyes. Sean sank down on his knees taking Andy's now deflated but still somewhat engorged cock and head into his mouth. Lovingly Sean fellated Andy's rapidly hardening penis into his mouth and throat. He didn't play with anything else, he wanted this to be an old-school blow job. The full length of Andy's big cock Sean slammed down his throat. It didn't take long before Andy's dick noticeably grew in girth, the head twitched and Sean's gullet was bathed in multiple firings of his lover's thick, creamy sperm.

Disengaging his mouth, Sean stood, exchanged Andy's cum with a kiss whispering, "Never leave me."

"I won't, silly," Andy replied hugging Sean tight and for all he was worthwhile taking his hand, leading him back to the bedroom. Andy laid Sean down on the bed, and cuddled up next to him, laying his head on Sean's furry chest. Andy began to slowly stroke Sean's body simply reveling in its supple musculature and the not ungenerous quantity of blonde hair accenting it all.

For his part, Sean lay with his eyes closed, nuzzling Andy a little bit, enjoying just being relaxed after the seeming eternity and torrent of upheavals that was his recent life. Andy's stroking relaxed him and he began drifting off in to a semi-trance world without worries, or cares. He felt his penis engorge a little bit and flop over from resting on his pubes to his inner thigh producing a twinge of feeling in the head and a slight further engorgement. He feathered the fingers of one hand offer his chest, pausing only long enough to titillate his responsive nipples as they stood to attention. His right hand fell softly down his torso until the fingertips grazed the length of his semi-hard dick, pausing to almost imperceptibly stimulate the underside of the glans.

Slowly, Sean began to softly and loosely jack his cock. The slow stimulation engorged his dick more than usual and he could feel precum start to leak out. He bade Andy lay his head onto his stomach, telling him that his soft hair would feel good. It did. Andy said nothing, merely feathering with only the barest tips of his fingers Sean's nipples which responded instantly through the masculine, dark blonde hair on his chest.

At once, Sean's breathing grew ragged. He kept up the slow, sensuous jacking of his cock never saying a word. He gasped. After a further little while his breathing grew still more uneven, he sucked in a great breath announcing in a hoarse whisper, "Oh, God! I'm gonna cum!"

He pulled Andy's face close to the tip of his cock letting go with thick, steamy ropes of cum first laid down across Andy's cheek, then his lips and back into his waiting throat. His breathing rapidly returned to normal. He lay back, silent and thankfully looked at his lover simply whispering, "I love you."

Andy squeezed Sean's hand.

At a mansion north of town along the Rock River, Bill Kennedy got into his car. He laid some paperwork on the passenger seat next to him, mouthing "You're dead meat, ya little fuckin' faggot."

At the house Kennedy just left, Ed Steele picked up his phone, dialing George Dickson's private line. Even though he knew it was late, and that the call would be transferred to George's home office, he made the call.

"George, Ed. Sorry to bother you at this hour, but here's the deal: Bill Kennedy just left my place over here, and he's going to file suit tomorrow for custody of his grandsons when they're born. Just thought you might wanna know."

"I appreciate it, Ed. You are aware of course that he doesn't have a prayer..."

"I advised him that was my opinion, yes."

"Very well. Thanks for the heads up, Ed."

"Anytime. You have a good evening, George."

"You, too. You bet. Bye."

"Well, what was that all about now, George?" Peggy asked.

"That was Ed Steele. Kennedy's gonna try to get those babies."

"Well, that's just retarded, don'tcha know. How the hell does he think he's gonna do that?"

"We'll let him make the first move. I know exactly how to put a stop to this."

"OK, there, whatcha cookin' up?"

"I won't involve the Wymans. I'll have Tim pay him a visit and hand him a copy of his birth certificate. That oughta be all she wrote."

"You sure Timmy oughta get involved here?"

"Tim is the perfect person. He loves Sean. You know he does, Peg. Like a brother. And it wouldn't involve the Wymans, or their Attoney which is me. It's perfect. Kennedy won't do anything to Tim, anyway. Tim's too big."

"Well, OK. You don't tell me how to teach Math and I won't tell you how to be a Lawyer. You about done, for the night, ya old coot? I'd kinda like ya to fuck me."

"Don't hafta ask me twice, Peg. I could use getting my rocks off after that phone call..."

The next morning at breakfast, George explained to Tim what was going on and what he'd like Tim to do.

"In a fucking heartbeat, dad. A fucking heartbeat."

"OK, good. Here's an envelope with the birth certificate in it, and here's a second envelope. This is for you. Open it."

"Jesus Christ, dad! Fuckin' A!"

"Thought you'd like it..."

"So, when am I gonna confront Kennedy?"

"This Saturday afternoon at the Club. Show up at 2:00. After golf. You come to the bar. Guaranteed he'll be sitting right there at the bar. Handle it any way you want, but hand him the certificate, make sure he knows what it is and if he says anything you just tell him to be careful what he wishes for. He'll remember Sean told him that same thing."

"You got it, dad. And I won't say a word to anyone."

"Good. Don't."


Tim was still savoring the previous night's victory and the team remaining undefeated. He'd also pulled a fast one with Brett the night before, each one telling their parents they were spending the night at the other one's home but renting a room at a motel near the Interstate highway. While Tim remained Tim, it astounded him how much Brett had grown in their relationship to the point where Tim would feel diminished without him. In the beginning, Tim relied on Brett to be someone he could open himself to, but the intervening weeks brought love, and then the realization that here was his equal, and in some ways his superior. Instead of trepidation it brought Tim security. The tall, lanky blonde boy with the looks of a Greek, or Roman statue genuinely loved him. The love was mutual, deep, and a necessary ingredient for both young men, just on the thinnest cusp of adulthood. And they had plans to make...

Tim told Brett what he needed to do that afternoon. Brett said he would go with Tim, but would stay invisible as too much stimulus to a guy like Bill Kennedy especially in terms of one more tall, athletic young man might produce only an intimidation factor and not achieve the desired result. Tim agreed but gave Brett a sign that if necessary and if issued, would draw him out of the background.

At precisely 2:00 p.m. Tim and Brett pulled into the parking lot at the Janesville Country Club and made their way to the bar. Stopping to scope it out, Tim saw Bill Kennedy right where George said he would be. Tim whispered to Brett to go around to the other side of the bar behind Kennedy's bar stool where he wouldn't see him and act nonchalant.

Once done, Tim made his way over to Kennedy, extended his hand saying, "Hey, Mr. Kennedy! I haven't seen you for a long time!"

"How you doing, Tim... No, I guess you haven't."

"Well, what's new? How are Colleen and Kathleen?"

"Um, fine... Not much to talk about..."

"Say, Mr. Kennedy, actually I got something here that I'd like you to take a look at."

"Sure, what is it."

"Oh, OK... Just a minute, it's in my pocket here." Tim fished out the birth certificate that was in an envelope and handed it to Bill Kennedy.

Kenney took the envelope, opened it, withdrew the piece of paper and unfolded it. His eyes bulged and his face went purple. "Follow me outside," he quietly instructed Tim. Tim followed motioning for Brett to follow him.

Kennedy exited the bar through the rear door that led to the tee area of the golf course, kept walking and in about seventy-five yards came to the relatively secluded area of the Greenskeeper's house. He stopped. He wheeled on Tim exploding, "Just what the fuck is this about, punk!"

"I was asked to give that to you, Mr. Kennedy. What significance it has I'm not sure."

"Don't play dumb with me, Dickson! You're just like that fuckin' father of yours. Always behind the scenes doing other people's dirty work. That's all your fucking family has ever done in this town. Weasel-ass, piece-of-shit Lawyers for whoever'll pay you the most, that's all you've ever been."

"Look, Mr. Kennedy, I won't play dumb. OK, I know what that piece of paper is and I know exactly what significance it has. And so do you. So I'm just gonna cut to the chase here. You leave Sean Wyman alone, you hear me? `Cause if ya don't you'll end up on the short end of the stick."

"You fuckin' little prick! You and that Wyman kid, fuckin' little faggots all of you! You're gonna be sorry you ever fucked with me, Dickson. And so is that Wyman kid."

At that moment, Tim gave Brett the sign. Brett sauntered out from around the corner of the house with his phone in his hand."

"Who the fuck is this?" Kennedy bellowed.

"I'd introduce you, Mr. Kennedy, but it's not important. You get that on tape, hun?"

"All of it."

"Hun? You called that pole-smoker over there hun? Fucking hun? You disgust me. You and that Wyman faggot thinkin' you're gonna play hardball with me. Go ahead and fuckin' try it. You'll wish you hadn't."

"Speaking of wishing, Mr. Kennedy, you be careful what you wish for. Something tells me you've recently heard someone else give you that advice. It's good advice, too. Now, you keep that piece of paper I gave you and every time you get an idea in your head about how you're gonna do something to someone you take it out and read it. You read it real good."

"You fucking smart-ass punk!" Kennedy roared, face purple with rage and winding up his fist. He uncorked a blow right in Tim's direction. Tim stood stock still not so much as lifting an arm in defense.

"THUD!" came the noise as Bill Kennedy crashed to the ground. He hadn't seen Brett's roundhouse kick sailing toward his groin and now he lay on the ground with the birth certificate in one hand and clutching his testicles with the other.

"I'd say we're done with our conversation now, Mr. Kennedy. You have a nice afternoon now, and please remember what we talked about," Tim said. With that Tim and Brett turned and walked off.

"Mission accomplished, Sweetheart!" Tim smiled at Brett, taking him in his arms and giving him a full kiss still within the eyeshot of Bill Kennedy.

"Why didn't you raise your hands to block his punch?" Brett asked.

"Two reasons: first if he hit me, you're a witness. Second, I had a feeling you wouldn't let him hit me. I love you for that. Well, I love you anyway, but now I love you even more. That guy's such a fucking dick. You know, he's still gonna try to get those kids. He got a warning just now, yeah, but the guy's fucked up and in the end he won't care. He'll do it anyway."

In London, Ginny's cell phone rang. "Hello?"

"Verhgeenia, eess Olga. I von't keep lonk. Diss call to London cost money. Ven you come back to home, yoo must to be very careful. Der iss someone who haff piece uff paper. He know come from yoo. I tink yoo vill be threatened, or maybe vorse. I am not sure, but dat iss vut I see. Yoo must not go to yoor home vitout someone check for yoo first to be safe. Dat iss all vut I haff to say. Goot bye, Vehrgeenia."

Ginny heard her sister's telephone hang up on the other end. She knew what she had to do. She placed a call to Chicago to the storage garage that kept her Mercedes indoors while she was in London, and a second call to George Dickson and a third to Joe Wyman.


Next: Chapter 34

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