It Is What It Is

By Eric Trager

Published on Mar 11, 2019



"Yeah, Brown Eyes, it's tough to think how far we've come. I mean, remember how this all started?"

"Yup. You came over that night pretty shook up because your dad said he might take the job here down the plant. He'd just told you... I'll never forget that..."

"Yeah, and then it must have been that asshole Berrifield made that tape of us kissing in your garage. I'll never forget that kiss... Not as long as I live..."

"And you punched Braden out."

"Well, hit him in the nuts actually. Wanna know something? I was really scared because he was coming at me like a maniac. Shit, the guy's twice my size and all I could think to do was just punch him in the balls. Worked like a charm, though..."

"Yeah, until Berrifield flipped out and hired those guys to beat me up."

Sean's lower lip trembled. "I've always thought maybe that was my fault. Maybe I shouldn't have decked Brade, huh..."

"Don't you ever say that!" Andy flared. "How were you supposed to know in that moment? How? Look, Berrifield would have hired those guys anyway. Maybe if I hadn't come with you it just would have happened some other time. Don't you ever think it was your fault!"

"OK, I won't then, but still..."

"But still! Anyway, remember the first person we met here?"


"I'll never forget that. When he came out to us."

"Me either. And then you magically found Brett. How that happened I'll never know..."

"Me either. Kismet?"


"And then there was the whole first football season here. That was unreal..."

"None of us will ever forget it. I never will anyway."

"And remember when we found the Bambino?"

"Never forget that one, either. Crumpled up like a sack of potatoes. Passed out cold." Again, Sean's lower lip trembled.

"You love our little bro, don'tcha, Sean-o..."

"Yeah. I guess we all do. He was so pathetic that day but all he was ever about was the second chance. That was all he ever asked for. He still carries that chip on his shoulder... I think he'll always have it."

"Prolly... Thank God for Kathleen, though. I think she saved him."

"Yep. And her sister almost ruined me..."

"She did a number on you that's for sure, but hey, we got the twins out of it. Sean-o, I never loved anything like I love those two little boys. I love watching them grow..."

"Me, too, and we're gonna have another one any time now, too."

"You ready?"

"I'm ready, Sean-o. I think we were meant to be parents."

"Speaking of parents, remember the first time we met Mrs. Dix?"

"Oh ya, don'tcha know..." Andy laughed, imitating Peggy's classic Milwaukee accent.

"We need to keep her close now that Ginny's giving way."

"Jesus! Remember the first time we met Ginny?"

"Who could ever forget that," Sean laughed. "I didn't know what to think..."

"You think she picked us maybe like even before we got here or something?"

"You know, I've thought about that a time, or two. I'm kinda thinkin' maybe she did. Remember the time we heard her say she saw great things for us?"

"You took the words right out of my mouth..."

"You think it's all been worth it?"

"Oh hell yes!" Andy declared. "I mean, Sean-o, just look at what we got now! And the topper to it all is the twins. Well, the twins and our new little one whenever it gets here..."

"I hope it's soon. I know how you've been waiting..."

"Well, I really have. And we'll be giving this kid a life they'd never dream of if they didn't know. And I want to be a good dad. Like you are..."

"You really think I'm a good dad?"

"Hun, the twins adore you. Oh, they come and hug my legs but it's you their eyes shine on."

"Well, I try... Even though Mrs. Cheadle doesn't always think so..."

"Yeah, well, she can be stroppy for sure, butcha know she only has their best interests at heart. We're lucky to have her, and so are the boys. I can't imagine life without old Queen Victoria around..."

"Me, neither? Hey, you think she'll ever get married?"

"Nope. Not unless your dad asks her."


"A couple times I think they've slipped out at different times and then met up trying to hide it from us."

"Never noticed that..."

"I could be wrong, butcha never know!"

"I guess stranger things have happened..."

"I'm not claiming that's what's going on, just that I noticed weird timing a time or two..."

"Maybe I should be more observant then!" Sean smirked.

"So, whadya wanna do with those Portland guys?"

"You mean like do I think we should invite them over for a night in the sling?"

"I might mean that. And Dix and Brett... I've always enjoyed doing it with them..."

"Same," Sean smirked. "We couldn't have better friends."

"They're really partners," Andy said.

"So I guess they are... I miss those guys..."


Andy rushed down for breakfast that morning waving his cell phone in his hand.

"What the hell!" Sean said. "Didja just hit the lottery?"

"No! Look!" Andy said, waving the phone in Sean's face.

Sean grabbed the phone and read the text. His eyes went wide. "What do we do?" he asked, honestly not knowing.

"Um, I dunno either..." Sean answered. "I guess at some point we hafta to get to Milwaukee but I'm not sure when. Why don't you call George? I mean, he's handling the matter..."

"OK, I guess you're right." Andy then called George Dickson's office line.

"Hey, George! It's Andy. Listen, I just got a text from the hospital in Milwaukee and they said the baby's about to be born. I have no idea what to do now..."

"Well," George answered, "assuming the baby is born alive and there are no complications, the hospital will want to discharge the little tyke probably at some point tomorrow. I can tell you that the adoption went through in advance subject only to a live birth. Let me get it squared away and I'll call you back..."

"Sounds good, George..."

"One more thing. We're gonna need a name. For the birth certificate. If it's a boy, or if it's a girl. Do you have names yet?"

"Yup. If it's a boy, the name's gonna be Timothy James Churchill Wyman, no hyphen on the last names and if it's a girl it's gonna be Valerie Katherine Churchill Wyman also no hyphens."

"Got it. OK, well, lemme make a call or two and I'll be right back to you."

"OK, George! Thanks! Bye!"

"OK, Sean-o," Andy began to tell Sean, "George is gonna make a few calls and he'll let us know what we have to do. That's all there is right now..."

"It's better than nothing I guess... You psyched?"

"Like a hundred percent! Sean-o, the twins are gonna have a little brother, or sister! How do you think they'll take it?"

"Good question..."

"I mean, do you think they'll be pissed? Maybe jealous? Curious?"

"If I hadda bet, I'd say curious. I've never seen either one of them be mean, I mean like to each other, or to Mrs. Cheadle, or you or me anyway..."

"Yeah, prolly... Well, I guess I'll just sit tight and wait for George to call back."

"Listen, I gotta run down the Monterey and check on a few things. You wanna come with, or are you OK here?"

"I'll stay here. That's fine. George is gonna call me back anyway. Just don't be too long..."

"I won't. I just gotta meet Brad to see how material deliveries are coming along, that's all..."

"You think he'll be OK for that?"

"Yeah, I mean the dude doesn't give a shit. Some delivery guy shows up and what he's got doesn't match the bill of lading and Brad will just stand there and tell him he's refusing delivery. He's the perfect person for that..."

"And he's gonna finish his Accountant shit at Blackhawk in time to assist Kevin?"

"He will. I keep track of that with Blackhawk, of course he doesn't know that I do, but so far he's got like an A- average and the instructors told me that he's `diligent.'"

"Yeah, Brad's diligent alright..."

"Anyway, I'm gonna fly. I won't be gone long. Hopefully George won't take long with his answer..."

"Don't be long!" Andy called after Sean.

At the Monterey, Sean found Brad at his station in a hut that had been erected at the point delivery trucks pulled on to the property.

"Everything going OK, Brad?" Sean asked.

"Yup. `Cept fer one thing..." Brad replied as phlegmatically as ever.

"What's that?"

"Woll, there's this truck try to pull in here earlier `n' he short a lot of shit. It drywall. He short. So I tol' him his invoice wrong..."

"It's called a bill of lading, Brad."

"That what I said. Anyway, I tol' im I ain't gonna let im in till he come back n' his load match is sheet. Guy pissed off. Don't give a fuck. That bullshit."

"You got a copy of anything?" Sean asked.

"Nope. Didn't let `im in. Didn't take 'is paperwork."

"You remember what company the guy was from?"

"Some trucking company," Brad said. "Don't matter none, though. Here the order book. It say right here," Brad pointed to the company name in the ledger of contractors.

"Thanks, Brad. I'll contact the General Contractor and we'll get it straightened out. Anything else?"


"OK, then I guess that's it for now. Guess what?"


"You're gonna be an Uncle again."

"What you mean again? Already am..."

"Andy's son or daughter is about to be born and we'll be adopting when that happens, or at least I think when that happens and once it does happen you'll be a new Uncle!"

"That nice. When c'n I come `n' see?"

"As soon as possible, Brad."

"Sergeant Cheadle gimme shit?"

"That's like asking if the sun rises in the east."

"Yer right. She OK. Them boys sure like her."

"They adore her, Brad. You ever want to have kids."

"Nope. Ain't got the time n' sure as fuck ain't got th' money. You n' Andy let me be your kids' Uncle n' that fine. Them boys make me happy n' I c'n give `em back when I done. That all I need."

Sean looked at Brad and shook his head. He thought Brad was for everything else a remarkable person, so uncomplicated and self-reliant. Sean admired Brad as much as he admired anyone else he had ever known.

"Alright then, Brad. I gotta fly. I'll let you know when your new niece or nephew is here."


Back at the Alamo, Andy greeted Sean with some news.

"Hey! George called back. He says everything is in order and the baby should be ready to go a day after birth as long as there's no problems."

"So, um, like tomorrow..."


"Well, let's get dad and Mrs. Cheadle and let `em know this is it..."

"OK, this will be fine. They've known about it all along..."

Once in the Library, Andy started out. "Dad, Mrs. Cheadle, um, tomorrow probably we'll be bringing the new baby home. That's really all we know... What do you think?"

Joe scratched his chin. He looked about thoughtfully for a moment. "Andrew, I can't say that I think three kids at your age is good or bad. On the bad you two are still very young. On the good, you'll still be young when they reach your age, and there's something to be said for that. I'm not sure if I should shake my head or commend you. But the die is cast, and we have to move forward."

"Sir," Mrs. Cheadle said directed to Andy, "I am ready for the new one. The twins are well along now and I've told them in ways they understand about new babies. I've done this before, Sir. Not to worry. They're in good hands."

"I remember you told us that before the twins came," Andy said. " That they're in good hands. You're right. I'm sorry. I guess I'm a little nervous."

"I know," Sean said. "I was, too. You know what Mrs. Dix says. `Everything will be OK. You'll see!'"

"Don'tcha know!" Andy laughed. "I want you to fuck me tonight," he whispered in Sean's ear.

Sean giggled. Mrs. Cheadle rolled her eyes.

Andy then said he had some studying he better get ahead on because once the baby came he might not have the time.

Sean said that was fine. He had an appointment with Ginny anyway. "I'll make us all something special for dinner tonight. It'll be a surprise!" Sean smirked.

"Get outta here! Surprise my ass! It'll be Shit on a Shingle..." Andy answered. "Don't forget about later, either..."

This time, Joe rolled his eyes.

Sean arrived at Ginny's front door where she buzzed him in even before he could ring the bell.

"In the office, sweetie!" Ginny called out.

"Hey, Ginny!" Sean greeted her as he entered the office.

"Have a seat, Sean," Ginny said. "How you doing anyway..."

"Fine, I guess," Sean answered somewhat warily. He'd really never been asked a question like that by Ginny before. Casual. Unspecific.

"Well, that's good. I see the football team is doing well this year. Any regrets about not being the Head Coach since Slater retired?"

"No and hell no." Sean answered. "I've got more than enough on my plate otherwise. Besides, yeah, I did it last year for half the season but those were extraordinary circumstances. To take the job permanently right now wouldn't be good. I'm too close in age to the players. I'm not a teacher. I've got the City Council, the Monterrey, this maybe business deal with the Portland people... And I've been looking at some ways to reorganize and streamline the business holdings here for the future, we're about to have a new kid, yadda, yadda, yadda... I don't see how I'd have had the time to be the Head Coach and do a good job. Besides, Coach Schmidt is a good coach. I see a lot more of Coach Slater in him all the time. We're undefeated and between you and me I can smell another state championship this year. Kris Krieger is as good as Tim or I were at quarterback the year we won State. He played in a championship game as a Sophomore when I was hurt, so he's experienced. He doesn't fold. And he's got a good head for the game, too. So anyway, no... No regrets about not being Head Coach."

"That's a smart answer, Sean. And how is that cute little cowboy, Andy's cousin? How's he adjusting? He reminds me so much of our Andy..."

"Oh, he was only here for a month. He's in school up in Madison, but he got a place with Eric Trager off campus. Tim and Brett were gonna let them have a room in their house, but it's not that big of a place so they thought they'd find a place on their own. I think it's on West Mifflin Street."

"Mifflin Street!" Ginny exclaimed.* "I wouldn't have thought it!"

"Well, it's pretty close to the engineering school and stuff, so..." Sean said.

"And they're an item?"

"Looks like it. And I think that's good. Eric had to get over the torch he still carried for Tim. He always said he had, but I never thought so... And then Billy Dean came along. At first I thought he was maybe a hick and some guy who would be here for a little while and we'd never see him again but I don't think so. He grew up with a lot of hurt. And then just when he was gonna finish up school and had one year to go he got the carpet pulled out from under him. He needs someone to help him come back from that and I think Eric is good for him. If you asked me a year ago I'da toldja that I never thought Eric Trager would be good for anyone, but I woulda been wrong. I think it's been good for both of them."

"And you say neither one of the Tragers wants to be part of the organization?"

"That's funny. No, they don't. Now, both of them told me and And and the Bambino that we will always have their loyalty. We believe them. They know we helped them and their mom. Hell, I about GAVE that Columbus Circle house to her at cost so she could move out of that shithole place by the dump! Even though she's got money now! I'm not worried about them..."

"Whadya think they're gonna end up doing?"

"If I hadda bet money on it Billie Dean comes back here as an Architect. Eric, now don't laugh, but he's getting a business degree. I'd bet he ends up teaching Business at Craig or Parker. Something like that. He had it tougher than Billy Dean and I think in life stability is important to him. He's in love with Billy Dean and if he can get a halfway secure and decent job with good benefits and retirement, he'd be happy. The question is Tory..."

"Yes, Victor..."

"Well, before when we didn't know they didn't want to be part, I said something to him about how would he like London..."


"Well, he said that was always his dream and we could get him a foot in the door, don't you think? I mean he could live at the Chelsea place until he got his feet on the ground... Maybe when he graduates from Craig he could get into a school over there. He'd owe me twice then."

"Doesn't matter if he owes ya once, or a hundred times. What matters is that he owes ya. The question is can you trust him? Those two things go hand in hand, Sean. It works this way: say a guy owes you but he's not trustworthy. So what's that worth? It's not worth shit..."

"Ginny, I've known that since, well, since I guess I can remember. Plus, look, we all know the Bambino and Kathleen are gonna get married. And the way they screw, they're gonna have a shit ton of kids. They've both said that's what they want. Now, I think it's OK if down the line Tory and J.R. had a Brokeback Mountain kind of relationship, but maybe it'd be best if he was somewhere like London for the next little while. He'll adjust. Like I said, we'll get him into school over there at some point if that's what he wants otherwise we'll figure out something else for him to do."

"That's probably wise. Outta sight, outta mind."

"Now, what I wanna talk about is how I propose to reorganize the business dealings. But I don't think now, Ginny. Me and And gotta get ready to go to Milwaukee tomorrow. If not tomorrow then the next day anyway, but we're picking up the new little one and I gotta be there for him. He was there for me, so..."

"Of course you do. And you tell Andy to let me know when you're back with the little tyke. You see Sean, Joey and Lennie are my blood great-grandsons and I know this one won't be my blood great-grandchild but for as long as I'm still around, that kid's gonna have a great-grandma. I wouldn't have it any other way. Go on ahead now and we can take the rest of this all up later on."

"Thanks, Ginny. I'll tell Andy what you said."

When Sean got home, Andy greeted him right away.

"Sean-o, we have a son. George just called me. We have a son! And he's called Timothy James just like we planned. George said he weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce when he was born and he's healthy. He said the mother had an easy birth. They said we can go pick the baby up tomorrow afternoon, or the day after. I said we're going tomorrow! And Mrs. Cheadle already knows. She's gonna come with us. I called down Enterprise Rent-A-Car and rented a Chrysler mini-van. That way there's room enough for everything and Mrs. Cheadle can easily mind the baby. I figured the other cars are too small, and the Cadillac wouldn't be practical. That's fine. We can go pick the van up now. I rented it for three days just in case. Little T.J.! I am so psyched, Sean-o! God! Just think!"

"Me, too, Brown Eyes! We'll love that little boy like he was our own. And he'll grow up the luckiest kid on the planet. Wanna know what, though?"


"I think we need to go tell the twins they're getting a little brother."

"They're not gonna understand, besides didn't Mrs. Cheadle say she already did that?" Andy laughed.

"Not sure that matters," Sean said. "What matters is that one day when they say how surprised they were we can tell them that we told them beforehand. They need to hear it from us."

"How do you think they'll take to a new little brother?"

"Not sure to be honest with you. I mean, you can tell because their identical twins they've got that `twin thing' and it's almost like they have this secret way to communicate with each other however kids that age can actually communicate, but do I think they'll be jealous? Will they ignore T.J.? Will they be mean to him? Will they take to him right off? I dunno... We'll just have to wait and see. Doesn't help that both you and me never had any brothers or sisters now, does it..."

"No, no I guess it doesn't. I guess we'll just have to take a lead from Mrs. Cheadle. She's the one who knows..."

"Oh, believe me, she'll tell us, too..."

"I'm sure. Anyway, let's go get the van and get it packed up. I wanna be there first thing tomorrow."

"You know which hospital?"

"Saint Joe's" Andy replied.

"Well, that's certainly good," Sean replied.**

"OK, well let's go get the van..."

An hour later, Sean and Andy returned with the van, packed it with some things and then went to see Mrs. Cheadle to make sure they'd have what she needed.

"Blimy! Of bloody course I've got everything ready!" Mrs. Cheadle said. "It's all packed in marked boxes in the nursery. There are three boxes. And you'd best go see your sons now and tell them they're getting a brother. Well, don't just stand there! Get on with it!"

Sean laughed. "Mrs. Cheadle, we were just gonna go tell Joey and Lennie. We just don't know how they're gonna react once the new one is actually here..."

"I can assure you, Sir, that Joseph and Leonard will be just fine. In case you hadn't noticed, they're two very loving little boys. They adore both of you. I'm sure you've seen that, Sir."

"We're going to tell them right now..." Sean said.

In the nursery, Joey and Lennie ran to hug Sean and Andy's legs.

"And how are our little men doing this today?" Andy smiled.

Both little boys grinned wide, showing a couple of new teeth each. In turn, they both eyed Sean and Andy successively. They stood stock still, eyes wide.

"They already know what we're gonna say," Andy whispered to Sean.

"Kinda looks that way, dunnit..." Sean giggled.

Andy nodded at Sean. Sean picked Lennie up while Andy scooped up Joey.

They sat down with their twin sons on the loveseat in the nursery. Sean nodded at Andy.

"Boys," Andy began, me and dad have something to tell you. We don't know if you're going to understand or not. That's OK. You're good boys. Want a brother?"

Both little boys looked at Andy with eyes full of expectation.

"Well, Andy continued, Gan-gan Rose is coming over tomorrow and when we get back you're going to have a little brother. His name is T.J.. Are you gonna like having T.J. here?"

Joey and Lennie eyed each other, then they eyed Sean and then Andy. They looked perplexed. Lennie put his index and middle finger into the palm of Joey's hand. He moved his little fingers to and fro while both little boys continued eyeing each other. Sean and Andy thought they might have seen their lips move slightly as well. They'd never seen the twins do this before.

It appeared almost to be some form of non-verbal communication.

Presently, Joey and Lennie looked up at their dads, smiled two little-boy smiles, exclaimed simultaneously, "Teeeee!" and clapped their hands.

"Well, I guess that's that then, hun," Sean said, shrugging.

"Yup, I'd say so..." Andy agreed.

"Who wants to play Legos!" Sean asked.

"Meeeeeee!" both little boys yelled jumping up and down.

Andy fished out the bucket of Legos from the toy chest and put them on the floor. The twins scattered the pieces about, picked out some and began putting them together. First Lennie would add a piece, then Joey. One by one, but they did it so fast it was uncanny. Almost as if they were thinking together about it. Sean and Andy were amazed.

Every once in a while, the boys would stop and one of them would hand their creation to Andy or Sean for approval. Their dads pointed out all the new pieces that had been added and how nice they looked and remarked about everything they could be used for.

For their part, the twins laughed and kept adding more pieces to the puzzle until they'd made something unwieldy enough so that parts of it began falling off. Each part that fell off delighted the two little boys who would point and laugh until Sean and Andy were laughing right along with them.

It seemed like Joey and Lennie were tiring of the Legos by then when they put them down and one each grabbed Sean and Andy's hands demanding that they accompany them to their trainer potties.

Both little men were proud now that they regularly used their training potties, not being quite big enough to hop up on a normal toilet. And every time they went whether it was Mrs. Cheadle, their dads, their Grandpa Joe, or John, someone had to come and see their little turds and approve of the job they'd done.

So, both toddlers took down their pants, and underwear since they'd already indicated to Mrs. Cheadle in no uncertain terms that they were done with diapers, diaper pins and all the rest. They sat on their potties and went.

They had their own names for what their business was. When they urinated, they called it "beebum." When they defecated, if it was hard then it was "hard boo." If it was soft then it was "squish." Since they pronounced those words well enough, Sean and Andy were content to play along as it was an indicator that they seemed to be gaining vocabulary. At the end, Sean and Andy took one boy each and made sure they'd wiped their bottoms well and made them show the toilet paper to prove their results. Which, of course the two little ones were almost two happy to do with big smiles, pointing into the bowls at the product of their efforts.

Patted on their butts with an "Attaboy" for both of them, the little boys squealed with delight, running on their way to play some more and leaving their dads to tend to the immediate mess.

Andy and Sean cleaned up, laughing. Sean looked at Andy with a nauseous look on his face. "How can their shit stink so much? Jesus! What if we fed them Taco Bell?"

"Don't even wanna think about it..." Andy answered with one hand over his nose and mouth.

"Welp, should we get Mrs. Cheadle's boxes down to the van?" Sean asked.

"You betcha!" Andy smiled. "Jesus, I can't wait until tomorrow!"

Next morning the whole house was up early. Sean made a light but tasty breakfast of scrambled egg filled crêpes topped with a light Hollandaise sauce and a side of hash browns made in Sean's favorite way from dehydrated hash brown shreds rehydrated in the carton, sprinkled with salt, pepper and onion powder, then cooked to a crispy golden brown on the built-in flat top grill. For drinks, Sean served a donut-shop blend of fresh ground coffee and tumblers of cranberry juice.

It hit the spot, but no one was overfilled which was a good thing.

"Well, I guess we better get going here," Sean said, drumming his fingers on the table a little bit pensively.

"Right behind you!" Andy said fairly leaping.

True to form, Mrs. Cheadle was already in the van.

Once at St. Joe's in Milwaukee, Andy, Sean and Mrs. Cheadle found the neonatal unit straight away. At the Nurse's desk, Andy announced who he was.

"OK, sir. We don't handle the final adoption at this desk but have a seat in the waiting area and someone will be right with you."

"Can we see him?" Andy asked.

"I'm sorry, not just yet. You have to finalize all the paperwork. It'll be just a little while. Don't worry..."

Presently, a middle-aged woman with a fat manila folder walked up as they sat in the waiting area.

"Mr. Churchill and Mr. Wyman?" she asked.

"That's us!" Andy said.

"I'm Carolyn Mazowiecki," she said pronouncing her name in the authentic Polish way. (Mahts- o-vyets-kee) "Follow me if you will..."

"Can we bring Mrs. Cheadle?" Andy asked. "She's our nanny, I mean the nanny for our sons. She's like one of the family..."

"Really, Sir!" Mrs. Cheadle gently admonished Andy, blushing a little.

"Certainly," Ms. Mazowiecki smiled. "Right this way then."

Down the hall they went into a non-descript small office.

"Have a seat everyone!" they were told in a friendly way. "As I said, I'm Carolyn Mazowiecki. I do the adoptions here at the hospital and I am an employee of Milwaukee County. That's only important to know so that you're aware that once we're done here the paperwork will be in order to be recorded at the Court House. I do that electronically. Now then, any questions before we begin?"

"Just when can we see our son..." Andy said.

"Yes, we can go once these papers are signed which won't take long. There are only a couple of forms."

"I guess we should get started then?" Sean asked.

"Certainly, now the first form here is..." Ms. Mazowiecki efficiently finished the paperwork, supplied Sean and Andy with a copy of everything and an original birth certificate.

"Would you like to go see your son now? I understand you'll be taking him home today and I bet you're anxious."

"Yes," Andy said. "Yes, we would."

They were led to the neonatal care unit. "There he is, right there!" Ms. Mazowiecki smiled.

"Oh my God!" Andy gasped. "He's beautiful! Look how much bigger he is than the twins were!"

"He is, Brown Eyes. He's beautiful... And just look at his hair!"

In front of them in an open crib lay a sleeping baby boy. All eight pounds and a little more. The baby looked to have a well-formed face with the tellings of sharp eyebrows and wisps of fine, red hair.

"He's got red hair just like Dix!" Andy exclaimed.

"I was thinking the same thing. I guess it's a good thing we named him Timothy..."

"He's adorable, Sirs," Mrs. Cheadle said. "And he does have red hair much like Mister Dickson."

"T.J." Andy whispered with tears in his eyes and a smile.

Sean rubbed Andy's back. Seeing the emotion in his husband's face melted his heart. It made up a long way for the trauma he'd been through with the rape resulting in the birth of the twins, some of which still might lay unresolved despite Sean's as-always cool exterior.

"Shall we?" Andy asked, beaming at Sean.

"Yes. Yes, we shall," Sean replied. "I'll bring the van around and you and Mrs. Cheadle get T.J. ready to go."

Andy reached out and squeezed Sean's hand.

In the van, Andy insisted that he sit in back and hold little T.J. in his arms as they pulled out of the hospital. Sean wondered if for no other reason than safety that T.J. shouldn't be in the infant seat affixed to the rear seatback.

It didn't matter, Andy held his new son that way all the way back to Janesville, a bit more than an hour, and little T.J. never moved other than to swivel his head as much as a newborn can and to make a few noises. He didn't awake, and he didn't cry.

Sean adjusted the rear-view mirror so he could see his husband and his newest son. He noticed a tear in the corner of Andy's eye. Sean reached up with his sleeve and wiped his own eye.

Nothing went unnoticed by Mrs. Cheadle. "Little Timothy seems a quiet baby, Sir," she observed.

"He is," Andy said. "Remember, though, the twins were the same way when we brought them back from Stevens Point."

"That they were, Sir," Mrs. Cheadle agreed. "Young Masters Joseph and Leonard will be well pleased to meet young Master Timothy. You mark my words, Sirs."

"I hope so!" Andy said.

Sean didn't say much for the rest of the trip, letting Andy and Mrs. Cheadle do whatever talking was to be done. He wanted as much as possible that Andy savor this moment of new fatherhood. To Sean it was precious, and he didn't want anything to take away from that. And Sean savored his own moment watching his steadfast husband in his new role. He had no doubt that Andy would be a good father. Again.

As Sean was driving, the van's infotainment screen indicated there was an incoming text. It was from Brad.

"Meeting set up like u want. That all."

Sean instructed a reply of "Acknowledged."

"What's that all about?" Andy asked.

"Just some meeting I asked Brad to set up for me. No big deal... How's T.J. doing back there? He's sure been quiet..." Sean didn't wish at that time to tell Andy what the meeting was about or with whom even though Sean had it planned for a while now. He was satisfied that his bland response seemed to work.

"He's asleep. I guess they must've fed him right before we left. Hasn't cried for food, and I don't smell a shitty diaper, so..."

"Indeed they did, Sir," Mrs. Cheadle said. "I saw to that. No use it would have been for young Master T.J. to have an unpleasant trip to his new home now would it... I'll have him in hand at once when we get there, Sir."

"Of course..." Sean smirked.

"It's my bloody job!" Mrs. Cheadle interjected. "...Sir."

Sean looked again into the cockeyed rear-view mirror and know that he would most likely have to masturbate that night as his husband would be busy. Or maybe not...

Once off the interstate, Sean guided the van back to the Alamo. Just as he pulled in the driveway, little T.J. decided it was time to wake up. He wailed loudly.

Mrs. Cheadle reached into her bag producing a ready-to-go bottle of formula.

"Give him this, Sir," she said. "It's the right temperature."

"Looks like kind of a small bottle..." Andy replied.

"Blimy! Of course it is! He's a newborn! Did ya think we'd be feeding him by the gallon? It will be enough, Sir. Just feed him..."

Both Sean and Andy broke up laughing as Mrs. Cheadle smoothed her dress.

"OK, that's enough for now, little dude," Andy said. "It's time to go meet your brothers. I hope you like them!"

Upon entering the Alamo two little men immediately bounded out of the living room making a beeline for their dads.

"TEEJAY!" they both yelled in unison, jumping up and down.

"Whoa there, guys..." Sean laughed. "Follow us to the nursery."

"NOOSSWY!" They clapped.

"Jesus Christ," Andy said. "These two are gonna talk out ears off in another few months..."

"Like they're not doing it now?" Sean laughed.

"Boys!" Mrs. Cheadle admonished them. "You will follow me to the nursery this instant, and you can see T. J. once you are there. Come on now! Let's go!"

The two little boys fell in line behind Mrs. Cheadle as if they were soldiers trooping the colour for the Queen. One might be excused for thinking that Mrs. Cheadle was a martinet to the two little boys. She wasn't. And they loved her.

Up the stairs they all went.

Once in the nursery, Mrs. Cheadle placed little T.J. in the double bassinet Joey and Lenny had used as babies. The twins looked at her with wide eyes. Mrs. Cheadle nodded.

She then produced a box that Sean and Andy had never seen before. It was a set of small stairs. She positioned it next to the bassinet and nodded.

Up the little stairs the twins climbed and into the bassinet with T.J.

The twins then did that odd thing where Lenny put his fingers into Joey's palm, moving his fingers back and forth for a few seconds with Joey looking fast into his eyes. Apparently satisfied, each twin lay down on one side of T.J.. One on the left and one on the right.

Curiously, they each put a hand to T.J.'s forehead. T.J. awoke seemingly with a start but did not fuss. Rather he wiggled just a little bit. Still each with a hand on T.J.'s forehead, they again joined hands in some form of communication.

"Sean-o, you think this is weird? I mean..."

Before he could answer, Mrs. Cheadle cut in.

"Sirs, I have long experience in this sort of thing. It's part of the reason I was chosen for this position. They know what they're doing. Oh, yes, it's all only mostly instinct at this point, but not to worry."

"Well, what are they doing then?" Sean asked.

"They're on a crude level, which is what is appropriate for a newborn ascertaining, or attempting to ascertain if T.J. might be capable of taking on some of their, shall we say, unusual abilities. He might be. He might not be. And maybe they won't be able to tell. But it is their instinct to find out, Sir. You see, they understand very well that little T.J. has come to live with us and with them. You can be sure of that. I've seen this sort of thing at times before."

"So, this is like Harry Potter, or something?" Sean asked with a half laugh.

"Not at all, Sir. That was fiction."

"It won't hurt him, will it?" Andy asked.

"Oh heavens no, Sir," Mrs. Cheadle replied.

Just then, the twins withdrew from T.J.'s forehead and held out their arms indicating they wished to be lifted out of the bassinet.

Once out, they both ran off to their own room without making a sound.

"Well?" Sean said looking at Mrs. Cheadle.

"We don't know just yet, Sir. I can probably figure it out by simple observation over the next few weeks. Don't trouble yourself. I know what to look for."

"Um... OK, I guess..." Andy said, a little weirded out. "Sean-o?"

"Well, what just happened just happened so I guess there's nothing we can do about it. I think it's eerie, but at the same time it's interesting..."

"So, um, what do we do if T.J. might have some ability?" Andy asked.

"Sir, everyone has at least some ability that way. It varies. But it's a matter of learning how to use it. Some people are born wired to know how to use it, but most people aren't, and most people never even think to think of it."

"I suppose..." Andy said as although he was bewildered at what had taken place he had to admit that Mrs. Cheadle's record was irreproachable, and that after all she'd been chosen by Ginny who probably had the whole thing set up. What could he do?

"We'll come back later, Mrs. Cheadle," Sean said. "I expect the little guy wants some sleep."

"Aye, and then he'll wail for his food, too, Sir! He seems to be a good one, just like the twins were."

By that time, the twins had returned and for their part wanted to stay behind with their new little brother.

"Stay!" Joey said, pointing at himself.

"Stay!" Lennie echoed.

"OK, you can stay, guys..." Sean giggled. "Just don't drive Mrs. Cheadle barmy, OK?"

"It's quite alright, Sir," Mrs. Cheadle said.

"Bawmy!" the twins giggled, jumping up and down.

Andy laughed. "Yeah, bawmy... OK, Blondie, let's go and leave T.J. to settle in. We'll come back and read to him later."

Even though they knew that some might think it uncaring for them to leave the newborn almost as soon as they brought him home, they knew it was best. Mrs. Cheadle was trained and experienced. She had schooling the equivalent of an American Registered Nurse and against that neither one of them would have the foggiest idea of what to do with a newborn. After all, they hadn't done it with the twins, either.

They went to the bar and Sean drew a beer each. Handing Andy his beer he said, "You know I have that meeting at City Hall at 5:00."

"Is that the one Brad texted you about in the van?"


"What's it about?"

"It's that fuckin' Hernandez guy. The one that cheated in the election. The Voces de la Frontera dude. I dunno what he wants. He asked for the meeting..."

"You think that's a good idea?"

"Whadya mean... Look, the guys a Commie and a fraud. I have no idea what he thinks he's gonna get out of a meeting with me... I said yes only to take his temperature."

"Be careful. See, you don't know what he's got, either. I think you should take protection."

"I am. Anyway, I should be back by 6:30 or so... Go get dad when he gets home from work. And J.R. They'll wanna see T.J., too..."

"I will. Poor little thing..."

"Poor little thing?"

"Yeah, well, his poor mother really. It must have been hard for her to give him up..."

"I suppose so. I don't think Colleen would have been bothered. It's a good thing she died if you think about it..."

"I hate to say it, but I agree."

Sean arrived a few minuted early for the meeting at his office on the second floor of City Hall. He left the door open.

A few minutes later, Hernandez showed up with a couple other guys.

"Who are these people?" Sean asked. "Never mind. The meeting is between you and me. They can go."

Hernandez hesitated.

"They can go or there's no meeting." Sean said with a look of gravity on his face.

Hernandez gave a little wave and the two men disappeared.

"OK, let's get this show on the road, Hernandez. I'm all ears. What is it you want..."

"I know who you are, Señor Wyman..."

"Of course you know who I am. I'm Sean Wyman. Get to the point."

"I know joo are Geenie Meeler's hombre... I know all about joo..."

"I said get to the point. Whadya want, Hernandez..."

"I want the Ceety to geev Voces de la Frontera a nice big grant. An' I wan' de Ceety to geev us a beelding for us to juse. An' I wan' de Ceety to stay out of de Fourth Ward."

"I see. Look, Hernandez, I want to be the Queen of England but that's not gonna happen either. It would appear to me that this meeting is over."

"I go publeec with my chit, Señor Wyman."

"That's fine. Why would you do that when I already know that your organization is funded by drug cartels and that you are an illegal alien who's here against the law and illegally ran for public office? And that's only what I;m gonna tell you know that I know about you. There's more. Wanna talk about sex trafficing maybe? You got nuthin' on me. I got everything on you."

"Joo teenk so, Señor... Joo teenk so... Joo fuck wi' de wrong dudes, Señor..."

With that, Hernandez got up and left, but not without giving Sean a menacing look and drawing a finger across his throat.

After Hernandez left, Sean signaled the editor at The Janesville Gazette to run with a somewhat ambiguous story the next day alluding that there might be proof of vote fraud in the City elections. A story the Editor had been holding onto ever since the election. Sean signaled that there might be more along those lines later on and that he would let him know if and when that came to pass.

Ten, or fifteen minutes later Sean got up and left his office.

In the basement parking garage of City Hall, he walked over to his car and as he did a non- descript Chevrolet Express Cargo van drove by. Sean was on the passenger side of the van as it moved slowly by. The passenger merely nodded and waved at Sean.

On Sean's way home, he sent another message to the Gazette Editor that he had nothing more to say on the on the matter he messaged about earlier.

That evening at the Alamo, Sean got a call from Detective Somerville of the Janesville Police.


*West Mifflin Street in Madison, Wisconsin is regarded by some as the Haight Ashbury of the Midwest.

**Saint Joe's refers to Wheaton Franciscan – Saint Joseph Hospital located on the near northwest side of Milwaukee. For many years it's been the premier maternity hospital in the area.

Next: Chapter 66

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