It Is What It Is

By Eric Trager

Published on Dec 12, 2019


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After a long day with Brad and Tommy showing them around Glen Muick Lodge, and looking over Tommy's sketches upon which Brad made some surprisingly incisive recommendations, and after a nice dinner, Sean sent Tommy off to do his homework. His own sons having been fairly pliable compared to the horror stories one hears about kids doing their homework, Sean really didn't notice that Tommy nodded his head and simply made his way without fuss to the den where he had his things already set up.

"Should we get your stuff put away?" Sean asked Brad.

"Sure, but how about a cocktail, or two first... Brandy Old Fashioned Sour, right? Point me the way and I'll mix 'em," Brad said.

Sean pointed to the wet bar next to the kitchen. "Might as well make a pitcher," Sean said. "Smoke a bone?"

"You think we oughta do that with the kid around?"

"I think he's seen worse..." Sean said.

"Guess you're prolly right. I mean, I hadda turn tricks and shit, but I was a lot older than him... I was over 18, and it was my choice. I'm not proud of any of that, you know..."

"That was a long time ago, Brad..."

"Why did you stop and help me that day? You know, that day at school when those thugs were gonna beat the fuck out of me... Why did you stop?"

"Honestly? I don't know why I did it. Something inside me just told me to do it. I'm glad I did. You've been a good friend all these years. You're, well, you're dependable..." Sean said as he rolled a joint. Brad poured to tall glasses with the Old Fashioneds. "Maybe we really oughta go outside to smoke that.

He's just a kid, Sean..."

"I guess you're right. I'll tell him we're going out to check security for the night. He'll be fine." Sean went to the den to find Tommy. "Hey, Champ! Uncle Brad and I are gonna go outside and make sure everything's locked up for the night. We'll be back in a little while..."

"OK," Tommy said. "I wasn't gonna ask you guys to share the joint anyway..." he snickered.

"Don't say anything to your dads. If you do, I'll get yelled at."

"Deal," Tommy smiled. "Grandpa?"

"Yeah, Champ?"

"I um... I love you."

"Love you, too. Now back to work!" Sean winked, as he mussed Tommy's shaggy brown hair.

Sean and Brad went out the front door and walked toward the garage, which was a large steel structure not much smaller than the cottage itself. Sean opened the door.

"Starting to get kinda nippy out!" Sean said.

"Yup," Brad said, topping up their glasses from the pitcher.

Sean lit up the joint, took a hit, and passed it to Brad.

Exhaling his hit, Brad looked at Sean.

"So anyway, Sean, like I said, I know why I'm here..."


"Yup. I'm here because of what Andy told me."

"What?" Sean had no idea of what Brad was talking about.

"That's right, and I'm sorry to bring Andy up, but he's why I'm here. I want you to know, in case you don't, that right before he died he told me the thing he worried about the most is what would happen to you. What it would do to you. He knew you'd take it hard. And he knew he wouldn't be here to help you through it. He asked me to look after you and the boys. I told him not to worry, that I would do it. I tried my best all these years to honor his request." Brad said, staring off into space a bit.

"What's the matter, Brad?" Sean asked.

"I was just remembering back to that time. I mean that time I went to visit him on the hospital..."

"Whadya mean?"

"Well, I guess I might as well tell you the story..."


Brad went on to recall his next-to-last visit to Andy in the hospital.


Brad was finishing up his work for the day. He called out to Kevin that he was going to stop off at the hospital to visit Andy

"H... How's he doing?" Kevin asked.

"Far s I know he ain't doin' good. He pretty weak n' shit... Don't look too good."

"And Sean? H... How's h... he is taking it?"

"Not good, either. This ain't gonna end well I don't think... Sean puts on a strong face for Andy but they both know it bullshit. It hard t' watch..."

Kevin pursed his lips. "Y... Yeah. It is..."

Brad left the office and made his way to the hospital. Once there, he parked and made his way to Andy's room. Andy was asleep. Brad's heart broke at the sight. Two months ago, his friend had been the picture of robust health. He was nearing his thirtieth birthday. He had it all. A loving husband he'd known since they were boyhood friends, four good boys as sons, a home the envy of entire the town, a successful civil engineering career, a successful high-end interior design business on the side, independent wealth, travel, still had his looks, and on and on and on. Andy really, truly had it all.

And Andy had been a good friend to Brad. Honest and supportive. After Brad was rescued at school that day, it was Andy and Brett that had appealed to Brad the most, more than Sean or Tim. It was Andy and Brett who drew Brad out of his shell and convinced him that he could trust the other two. God, that was a long time ago, Brad thought.

But on that day at the hospital, to look at the ravaged, emaciated figure lying in a hospital bed told a very different and dire story.

Just then a nurse came in with a small tray that appeared to be some medication, or something. Brad didn't know what but doubted it could be anything else. She gently roused Andy as she poured him a glass of water. Andy looked up at the nurse, and then over at Brad, greeting him with a weak smile.

"Hey, Brad," Andy said slowly and hoarsely once the nurse left.

Brad leaned over and kissed Andy's forehead. "How you feeling today?"

"It's no good..." Andy said, a tear in his eye.

"Tell me."

"I saw... I saw the doctor this morning. It's spread to my brain and my liver. My liver is failing. Fast. He said I had days, maybe a week or two... There's nothing more they can do... It's not their fault... We all knew the bone marrow transplant was the last hope and it just didn't work..."

Brad felt a tear course down his cheek, but he noticed Andy was stoic.

"Sorry to be a burden to you, Brad."

"Don't say that. I'm sorry, Andy, so sorry..."

"I know what this is gonna do to Sean-o. I just know what it's gonna do..." Andy said, looking downcast as he stared blankly out the window.

"He doesn't know?"

"No... Not yet... I'm gonna tell him when he comes later. I have to... Brad, when I'm gone please take care of Sean. Please watch over him and the boys. They'll need it. I know they will. Please promise me."

"I promise, Andy. I will. Don't worry."

Just then, Andy dissolved into a horrific coughing fit. Brad hit the call button next to his bed and took Andy in his arms until the nurse came. The nurse immediately called for the doctor on staff. Brad was horrified.

"Sir," the nurse said to Brad, "I'm sorry but you're going to have to leave now."

Brad nodded, again kissed Andy's forehead, went back to his car and headed for his condo at the Monterey.


"I stopped in the next morning to check on him," Brad said, "and that was the last time I ever saw him."

"I... I never knew... I never knew he asked you that. He never said..."

"I didn't think you knew. Some things are best left unsaid in the moment, anyway. And everything after that was so fucked up. It was always gonna be... But that was then, and this is now. I'm here to save you, Sean. It's been long enough. I've watched you suffer every day since the day Andy died. I waited and waited and waited for you to snap out of it, butcha never did. If I don't do anything I'll be breaking my promise to Andy."

"I... I mean... I've been trying, but..." Sean croaked out as he broke down crying.

"There wasn't anyone else around to do it, to watch over you and the boys," Brad went on. "Tim and Brett were gone out east, J.R. and Kathleen had all those kids, your dad was in Florida, and everyone else had their own lives. Andy asked me and I promised. I was the only one who didn't really have a life. So, my life became taking care of the boys. And watching out for you."

"Now I feel like a total ass," Sean said.

"Don't feel that way. Andy was your whole life, Sean. Anyone could see that. We all knew it. But again, that's not really the whole reason why I'm here, is it..."

"Why then?"

"Like I said, it's because of what I told Andy I would do. I came here to be your husband, Sean. But what about you? After all, you invited me here, so there must be a reason why you did that other than to look at my pretty face. If that was it, I could have sent you a selfie... But, yeah, that's why I'm here. You're self-reliant, and you like to think that you can always just do everything on your own. Just by your talent and your wits. But you can't. You suck at doing it alone. Sorry, butcha do."

"You're just gonna walk in here and tell me that you're gonna be my husband? Just like THAT?!"

"Yup. And I'm gonna be, too. Like I said, you're great at life, but you suck at doing life alone. Totally. And I've watched you just about kill yourself for close to thirteen years now. Enough is enough. You're not going to do it alone anymore, Sean. I care about you too much. And I promised Andy. So, why don't you tell me... Why did you invite me here? This is a long way to drive for a take-out meal you know, Sean..."

"Because I wanted... I wanted to... I..."

"That's OK, Sean. Like I said, I know why I'm here and I just told you. And just in case you think I don't get it; I know that I can never be Andy. Andy was the love of your life. No one could ever replace him, and I wouldn't even try to. But what I can be, what I will be, is your husband. I can love you, and you can love me back, I can be your support and your partner in life, because that's what this is, Sean, it's life. But I'll be Goddamned if I sit by anymore and watch you destroy yourself and waste your life. Hell, we're not even 45 years old... So, yeah, that's why I'm here. Now, you still haven't told me why you invited me here..."

"Because I wanted to... I mean, I was... Because... Because I had a talk with Lennie. Just him and me. He said I should think about you. As in me and you. He told me to think about it. I guess... Well, I guess I did. I... I wanted to see if... Maybe... BECAUSE I WAS GONNA MAYBE ASK YOU IF YOU'D BE MY FUCKING HUSBAND IF I THOUGHT YOU WOULD! Or I thought I would try to ask you... Try to reach out... See if maybe... Maybe see if there was anything to what Lennie told me... But I didn't know how to do it! I figured once you were here I'd figure out how to say that kind of stuff! But I couldn't... The words wouldn't come to me! Then I got scared and I thought that you'd think I was an idiot to drag you all the way up here for nothing! Maybe you'd think I'd gone completely nuts! There! Satisfied?"

"Well, that was hardly romantic, Sean, but I don't blame you for any of that. Don't forget, I've been watching over you for years. I know you like the back of my hand. And whether you know it, or not, pretty much all the Consortium's financial stuff comes over my desk. I've saved you from a few missteps over the years, Captain America. Never said a word about it because there wasn't any point. That's one way I knew for sure that you being alone wasn't working out."

"Was anything serious? I mean, anything I fucked up?" Sean asked, embarrassed.

"One or two of them could have been. Maybe... Probably... Anyway, I just made the necessary changes, had Kevin sign off on `em, and we went forward. Don't worry, none of it cost anything really material in the end, it was all just tax stuff... Sometimes it's not worth bothering the boss. It doesn't matter now, anyway."

"Well, thanks... Now I not only feel like a total fucking loser, I feel like an idiot, too..."

"You're neither. There was a lot that you held together. A lot that you did well. But when it came to other people, you just totally checked out. And that's because of what I said - you suck at doing life alone."

"Funny, Lennie used that phrase – checked out."

"Well, your sons and I talked a lot over the years. We still do. So maybe one of us got it from the other, who knows, but that doesn't change anything. Want another drink?"

Sean nodded and passed the joint to Brad.

His glass filled, Sean looked at Brad and simply said, "You're right. I suck at being alone."

"Hey, it wasn't what I meant to do, to make you doubt yourself. As if you ever have doubted yourself..."

"I guess I never have. With everything else, I guess I've never done that."

"No, you haven't. But you've almost ruined yourself. At least mentally, anyway. You're not happy. Oh, sometimes you might look like everything's OK and you're on an even keel and all that shit if you have to be `on' for an hour or two but that's just an act you put on... I'd kinda like to see the cocky guy who saved me that day make a reappearance..."

Sean took a long draw from the joint and washed it down with most of the glass of his Old Fashioned.

"You're not taking no for an answer, are you..." Sean said.

"Hey, you're the one who invited me here, Bucko... You tell me..."

"I don't want to be alone anymore. I can't do it anymore, Brad..."

"I'm going to be your husband, Sean. And, like I said, I can never be Andy to you, but I'm gonna be the next best thing. You know, you can't always get whatcha want, but if you try sometimes you just might find you get whatcha need. So, let's drink up and smoke up and let's go to bed. You're not sleeping alone tonight."

For one of the few times in his life Sean followed someone else's lead. He nodded, drank and smoked up and followed Brad back into the cabin.

For his part, Brad breathed a sigh of relief. He'd been as strong as he felt that he could be, but he made his point and he was sure he'd got through. He knew that Sean was outside of his comfort zone, but so was he, by a mile.

"I'm putting my stuff in your room since we'll be sleeping together," Brad said. Show me where that is..."

"It's here," Sean said, pointing into the master bedroom. "I'm gonna go check on Tommy."

"Which side of the bed do you want?" Brad asked.

"Doesn't matter, just fold the sheet back for me, please... I'll be right back."

It seemed weird to Sean, but he was somehow anticipatory at the prospect of being in bed with Brad. He hadn't said anything about it, but he hoped Brad was naked. He almost felt himself slipping into his Black Dog, but he didn't. He willed it away. He felt, well, he didn't exactly know how he felt.

At Tommy's door he knocked.

"Yes?" he heard.

"I'm just saying good-night, Tommy. I'll see you in the morning, OK?" Sean said, cracking the door open and noting that Tommy was already in bed.

"G'night, Grandpa..." Tommy sleepily replied.

Sean returned to the master bedroom. Brad had left the lamp on the nightstand on Sean's side of the bed turned on. Sean began to remove his clothes and paused slightly when he got to his underwear.

"Lose the drawers," Brad said.

Sean did so, and jumped under the covers.

Brad pulled Sean into him and Sean rested his head on Brad's chest. He started silently sobbing. Brad said nothing, he merely held Sean close, stroked his hair and rubbed his back. He held Sean silently until Sean had sobbed himself out. Then he waited a minute before whispering to Sean.

"Everything is going to be OK. I promise. I'm here to take away your pain. I'll do it if you'll just let me. And I think you will. I love you, Sean..."

"I... I... I love you, too. You came all this way to save me. Because you promised And that you would. I... I... I want to be my old self... Please just help me do that..."

"That's my job from now on," Brad whispered as he rubbed Sean's chest. Brad marveled at Sean's taught body. It appeared that over the years he hadn't neglected everything. Sean's softly furry chest felt wonderful, the still strong shoulder and back muscles were sublime.

For Sean's part, he always knew Brad was at least a couple inches taller than he was, but instead of being too slim, or skeletal, Sean's hands found Brad to be unexpectedly sturdy, if not well-muscled. Sean felt how his shoulders were wider and tapered down nicely to a slim waist and beyond that into strong thighs. He felt with his palm that Brad wasn't smooth-chested, either.

Sean didn't know what to do. He WANTED to do something, but he was arrested in that state of mind where one finds oneself caught between being anticipatory and not wanting to take a chance on ruining whatever it was that one conjured up to oneself. But, he did want more. That was undeniable. He finally decided that enough was enough. And he did what he hadn't done for many years. He squared his shoulders.

"Brad?" Sean whispered.

Brad had no idea what Sean was about to say, but figured it had to be that he was about to be accepted or rejected.

"What?" Brad asked, after baring his soul and feeling as if he had fulfilled his promise to Andy. If he was to be rejected, that wasn't anything he could help. In that case, he would walk away knowing he had done all he could.

"I know, well, I guess it's pretty much settled, but I still have to ask. Will you be my husband? Will you marry me?"

"I'm going to fulfill my promise to Andy. And I'd marry you anyway. You're a wreck and there's no one else here to put you back together but me. You're also a wonderful man. There's no one else like you. Of course I'll be your husband, Sean. Of course I'll marry you. In a heartbeat."

Brad was no fool. He knew full well the task he was about to take on wasn't small. He wouldn't have even considered doing it unless he thought he could make a success of it, and at the bottom line if he really didn't love Sean. He did love Sean. His heart had gone out to him for years. And he knew Sean had a lot to offer as a person, never mind the superficialities of looks, dress, or money. Sean had a backbone. At his best, he had confidence. He was genuinely a nice guy. Even though he'd been bereft for years and brokenhearted, Brad saw that there was still deep down inside a live ember, no matter how small, of the person Sean once was with Andy at his side. It would be Brad's job to tend that ember and to carefully stoke it back into a fire. If Brad hadn't thought he was up to the task, he wouldn't have gone to the cabin in the first place. Brad was no fool.

"Will you make love to me? Will you? Now?" Sean pleaded.

"How do you mean? When I turned tricks, I was pretty much a bottom. You want me to top you?"


"OK, but first I need to make sure you got a clean hole. You think we can both fit in the shower here?"

"Yeah, the shower's pretty big... Um, follow me?" Sean asked, getting out of bed.

Brad extended his hand with a smile. "Pull me up and I'll follow you..."

Sean pulled Brad up, and standing in bare feet he was still a good two inches taller than Sean. Sean almost gasped at seeing Brad's nude body standing in front of him. Slim, yes, but perfectly proportioned.

The same golden-brown hair on his head showed on the rest of his body. The downy dusting on his chest filling both pectorals and tapering down to his navel then spreading out to a beautifully triangular pubic bush framing a semi-hard cock that topped a nice, low-hanging set of balls. Brad's thighs were on the slim side, too, but faultlessly proportioned and carried a heavier dusting of golden-brown hair. Sean, having been a football player, was more used to a football-player's build, or Andy's shorter but still robust build. In front of him he gazed upon what appeared to be a slim, dancer's body. He could feel his own cock filling.

Still having Brad by the hand, Sean pulled him into a full embrace.

For his part, Brad was almost consumed at the feel of Sean's athletic body. The firm muscles, the supple pecs, the bulge of Sean's biceps and the flex of his thighs he felt at they hugged.

Brad could feel Sean's gradually, sensually hardening cock against his own.

Sean smiled. A little.

Brad returned the smile. He pulled Sean into a kiss. An unhurried, warm, lover's kiss.

He was gratified when Sean returned it. And he was gratified when he felt Sean's cock still interested.

"Shower?" Brad asked, cocking his head.

Sean nodded and led Brad to the master bathroom.

Once in the shower, Brad turned Sean so that Sean was facing forward. Brad doused Sean's head, applied shampoo, grabbed the body wash and a nice loofah and began washing Sean's back, working down to his round buns. Brad put the loofah on the shelf and began massaging Sean's ass cheeks with his hands. Once he felt Sean relaxing under both the warm water and his ministrations, Brad moved to Sean's ass crack.

He felt Sean give way rather than tighten up.

Brad reached around in front but low on Sean's torso and wrapped his hand around Sean's now fully erect cock. Sean gasped; he felt a shock go through him and his cock jumped. Brad liked the feel of Sean's cock in his hand. He judged it to be nice and average. He thought that sometime when he had the chance it would feel good to have Sean fuck him.

Sean returned the favor, reaching behind him and taking Brad's cock into his own hand. He was surprised. Brad had a large, fat cock just like Andy had. In fact, Sean had difficulty wrapping his entire hand around it. As Sean's had done, Brad's cock pulsated at the touch. Brad groaned lowly and gutturally into Sean's ear, his body shivering.

Brad dropped to his knees behind Sean. He parted Sean's cheeks, noting all the while that Sean's ass was not smooth and the alluring treasure trail running down his crack. Brad was in heaven. Physically, Sean was his absolute ideal. At the same time, Brad bore in mind well that he had but one chance to make a first impression as a lover.

Brad's lips softly engulfed Sean's hole, and his tongue lightly teased it. Sean let out a groan and went wobbly in the knees. Brad did not stop. He tongued and ate Sean's hole for a long while. After a time, he reached a hand up to masturbate Sean's penis. Even though the shower was on, Brad felt the sticky precum flow between his fingers, and he could feel Sean breathing hard.

Brad stood up. "Think we're clean enough yet?" he whispered.

"Just... Just fuck me, Brad..." Sean managed to respond between gasping for breaths.

Brad shut the water off, grabbed two towels, wrapped one around his own waist and began drying Sean with the other. He could feel that Sean was like butter in his hands. Quickly drying himself off, Brad took Sean's hand and led him back to the bedroom.

"We need lube," Brad whispered.

Sean opened the nightstand and produced it. "Just fuck me!" Sean said, handing Brad the lube and getting on all-fours on the bed.

Brad, proving surprisingly strong to Sean, flipped Sean right over on his back. "I want to see your face when I cum inside you, Sean. And while I'm fucking you. I need to know that I'm pleasing you. And I'll want to kiss you while I'm inside you..."

Sean demurred, flipping his legs up and spreading his cheeks. Brad again went down on Sean's hole, then lubed up two fingers and inserted them. Sean's body jerked. Brad found Sean's prostate, massaging it until Sean began leaking like a sieve. Brad lubed his cock, jacked it to its full hardness and began to enter Sean's now quavering hole.

Sean gasped, then smiled, his eyes wide. "Shove it in!" Sean begged, feeling the girth and heat of Brad's large erection. Brad obliged. Sean stared at Brad's long, lithe body. With little excess fat, every flex of every muscle was revealed in the dim light of the bedroom. Sean felt Brad thrusting in and out of him. Brad did so with authority, yet with obvious affection. Brad leaned down to kiss Sean while continuing the fucking he was giving. Sean reached down and masturbated his penis. Brad's cock felt so good inside him. Every nerve from his sphincter to his prostate was on fire, his body was jelly, and Sean was beginning to feel dizzy. He masturbated his hard penis faster and faster until Brad batted his hand away.

"You're not gonna cum yet, Sean... I'm gonna blow inside you and then you're gonna stand over me and cum on me! I wanna feel your hot cum spew on me, Sean!" Brad commanded as he commenced fucking Sean faster and deeper.

"Fuck! Fuck, Sean! Shit! Pulse your hole on my cock! Milk me, Sean! Fuuuuuuuck... Do it!"

Sean did as he was told, being in a state of intoxicated rapture. His whole body was shaking, his asshole pulsating, his raging boner leaking a river of precum all over his lower belly and his pubes. One spurt of precum was so substantial that Brad reached down with two fingers, scooped up a goodly amount of it, sticking those fingers into his mouth, withdrawing them slowly and lasciviously.

Sean begged Brad to fuck him harder.

Brad obliged until the last second.

"Oh, God! Sean! I'm gonna cum! Oh God!"

"Cum in me, Brad!" Sean demanded. "Cum in me!!"

"Oh, God! Oh, God! I'm gonna cum, Sean!" Brad said hoarsely and breathlessly. "Oh God! I'm gonna cum!"

Sean felt Brad unleash six or seven hot cum volleys into his intestines. Sean masturbated his cock furiously. But Sean remembered what Brad said. He stood up, steadied himself with his left arm grabbing the headboard of the bed while he continued to masturbate with his right. Sean saw Brad's slim, taught body below him. He saw the man who had savored and tortured his asshole. He masturbated faster and faster. "Stick a finger in my ass!" he instructed Brad who obliged, finding Sean's prostate again while massaging Sean's taint with the palm of his hand. Sean was weak-kneed. He flexed his legs, thighs bulging and shaking. He was on the hairline of cumming but wanted to hang on to Brad milking him.

Finally, Sean could stand it no longer. "Brad, I'm fucking cumming! Fuck! Fuck! Here it comes!"

Brad's cock had long since returned to full hardness. Brad jerked his big cock for all it was worth. "Cum on me, Sean! Make me cum! I'm gonna cum again!"

Sean let out a gasp. He sprayed Brad's mouth and chest with gob after gob of creamy, fragrant cum. Brad lapped up the cum Sean sprayed on his lips and mouth, savoring it.

"Oh, God! I'm gonna cum, Sean! Ungggggh! Uhhhhhh! Fuuuuuuck! Fuck, Sean, FUCK!" Brad growled, letting fly a second sizable load, the first few shots hitting himself in the face.

Out of breath, they both collapsed into each other's arms.

They hugged tight, kissing passionately. Sean raised his head up looking Brad quizzically in the eyes. He studied Brad, the lines of his face, the shape of his eyes, his graceful neck, his half-smile.

"You really do love me, don't you..."

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't, Sean. So yes, yes I really do love you. I only hope that you will love me back."

"I promise you that I will, Brad. Believe in me. I need that more than anything."

"I believed in you since the first day I met you. Maybe it didn't look that way, but I did."

"Really? You did?"

"Yeah. Now let's go to sleep..."

In two more days, Brad started packing his things to return to Janesville. He was happy. Happy that Sean had accepted him, and happy that he would finally get to keep his promise to Andy. He crossed his fingers for what lay beyond that. All the while Brad was packing, and Tommy as well since he would be returning with Brad, Sean was pacing the floor. Confronted with the impending reality that Brad and Tommy would be gone, and he would be all alone a wave came over Sean telling him that he really didn't want to be alone.

"You know what, guys?" Sean said. "I think I'm gonna go back with you. I just... I mean, I just don't wanna stay up here alone. I need to get back. Brad?"

Brad nodded, giving Sean a quick smile. "Thank you," Brad mouthed.

"I'll pack quick and then we can stop in Rhinelander for breakfast. Anything else, I'll tell Tim to have someone come around and clean and to send me the bill."

"I'm glad you're coming, Grandpa," Tommy said. "I want you to take me to that school... The one you told me about... The one by the high school..."

"We'll do that, Thomas," Sean said.

Packed and on the road after a nice greasy-spoon breakfast, with Brad driving, Sean riding shotgun and Tommy swallowed up in the massive backseat of the big Buick coupe they motored their way out of northern Wisconsin.

"Grandpa?" Tommy asked.

"Whatcha got Champ?" Sean answered.

"Woll... I dunno..."

"C'mon, it can't be THAT bad..."

"Woll... Are you and Uncle Brad like, I mean, are you, um... Are you guys like boyfriends and stuff?"

Sean was surprised and he looked side-eyed at Brad. Brad nodded.

"Thomas, I guess you could say that... See, you had another Grandpa. His name was Andy. Andy Churchill. He was my husband. He died twelve, almost thirteen years ago now..."

Sean went on to recount the entire story of his life with Andy, from when they were small boys, to growing up in Kenosha, moving to Janesville, and all the rest of it. He skipped over the story of how the twins appeared, merely telling Tommy that he and Andy "started a family when they were pretty young."

Sean could hear Tommy sniffling in the back seat.

"You OK, Thomas?"

"Yeah... I guess... You loved Grandpa Andy, didn't you..."

"Very much... He was everything to me..."

Brad reached across the console and squeezed Sean's hand three times with a smile.

"He was everything to me. But I guess he couldn't stay," Sean said hanging his head a little bit. "So, I felt bad about it for a really long time. Uncle Brad promised Grandpa Andy to look after me when he was gone but I didn't know about that. Now I know. So, anyway, Uncle Brad and I are gonna get married. Whadya think about that?"

"Do I hafta call you Grandpa Brad?" Tommy asked.

"Only if you want," Brad answered.

"What are we gonna do about a wedding? I mean, do you want a wedding?" Sean asked, looking at Brad.

"I think it would be nice. I don't belong to a church, though..."

"I belong to Saint John Vianney, but if we're gonna have a Catholic wedding I'd want it at Saint Mary's. Brett and Dix got married there, Danny and Jim Nolan, too... Same day, same mass. They just did a massive renovation and rebuilding on the church. They say they've restored the interior to its original appearance from 1901, all the original paint colors, gilding, stations of the cross, lighting, all of it. We can plan that. When should we do it?"

"Soon I think..."

"I suppose we should look for a place to live?"

"Whadya mean?"

"Well, your condo's not gonna be big enough for us and I've been thinking about selling the Alamo for a while now..."

"We'll talk about that later..."

Sean was surprised how assertive Brad had been over the past few days. It was as if Brad had singlehandedly ordered Sean back to life and was steering him subconsciously. He didn't mind it, though. It seemed almost the same way that Andy had done it. That was scary to Sean in some way, but in some other way it was reassuring. It was more so reassuring, actually, Sean thought. He knew that an eight-cylinder engine firing on only four cylinders was no good. Why had he done this to himself for so long?

He had no answer.

Or no answer that to him was really good enough. Why had he waited so long to even ask himself the question?

"Fine, we can talk about that later, Brad," Sean said evenly.

It was hard for Sean to stay in the Alamo. All the memories of his dad, Andy, the boys when they were small, and Mrs. Cheadle who was now supposed to be their somehow Grandmother. It was a desolate cavity of its former self with those memories lurking everywhere. Oh, sure, there were the splendid renovations that Andy did to make the house look the way it always had since they'd lived there, and of course all of the craftsmanship was first rate, but for Sean there were just too many memories.

In every nook and cranny, and around every corner, there was the ever-present, always-there ghost of Andy.

It was hard.

Sean finally decided he wouldn't argue. He'd wait to see what Brad had to say.

"Thomas?" Sean said.


"When Uncle Brad and I get married how'd you like to be our ring bearer?"

"What's that?"

"Well, it's the person who keeps the rings until it's time for us to put them on, and then the rings are presented on a little cushion. You'd hafta dress up, though. We'd have a custom-tailored suit made for you. You'd be perfect. Please?"

"OK, Grandpa. I'll do it. Do I hafta say anything?"


"That's good `cause I don't like talking in front of people I don't know."

"So you'll do it?"


"Who we gonna have as best men?" Brad asked.

"I was thinking that I'd ask Dix..." Sean answered.

"Well, I was thinking I'd ask Brett..."

"That works. We'll all get tailored suits. They wore morning dress which I liked. It looked a lot better than tuxedos. What about flowers?"

"I dunno... I don't really know anything about flowers..."

"Me either."

"Well, maybe we can just find a florist in town who's done a wedding there and tell them to just make it look good, show us what they plan, and then we can sign off on it? That way we're not driving ourselves crazy over that... What about a reception?"

"Well, we'd do it right around Christmas, give or take, right?"

"I think so... Let's see..." Sean called up the calendar on his cell phone. "Christmas this year is on a Sunday. Weddings are typically on a Saturday, so let's do it on the 24th? Saturday, December 24th?"

"A Christmas Eve wedding... I like that! We can tell the church they can keep the flowers there for midnight mass. So, reception?"

"Country Club. That's the only place I can think of..."

"Yeah, but that seems kinda usual, ya know? Don'tcha think? How about that music hall downtown?"

"The one that used to be a Methodist church?"

"Yeah, it's not so big, and we could have it catered from the Monterey..."

"I like that," Sean smiled.

Brad felt more confident seeing Sean smile. The whole thing had been a whirlwind. But, Sean had committed, and Brad was sure that Sean would have done no such thing if his heart wasn't in it. Brad felt that had to be true. He supposed that the next month, or so, would tell.

"Thomas," Sean said, "I want you to call your dads and ask them what we should do with you when we get back from Janesville. Tell them we'll be back sometime around 3:00 in the afternoon, maybe 3:30, or thereabouts..."

Tommy dutifully complied. "They said you can take me home. One of them, or both of them, will be there. They said I gotta call Mrs. Dickson, too."

"OK, Champ, and just one other thing..."


"Well, the wedding, me and Uncle Brad?"


"Can you keep it a secret?"


"Because I want to announce it at Thanksgiving dinner."

"I think that's a good idea," Brad said. "You want me to get the house ready while you handle the meal?"

"That would be awesome."

"I'll need a guest list. The names you think I won't know just make notes as to who they are. That way it will be easier for me to plan out the seating."

"What do you think for a menu?"

"It's Thanksgiving, just keep it traditional. That's what people will expect. Now, as far as seating goes, what do you think about having all the cousins seated together?"

"That's fine, and Thomas with them."

"What?" Tommy said.

"Cousins," Sean repeated. "Your dads and all of their cousins. And you, too. You're new, you should get to know them. They're all your family now, too..."

"But what if they don't like me?" Tommy said, obviously terrified.

"Tomas, they will like you. You're a blessing that's come into our lives. Yes, they are all a little older than you are, but you're roughly in the age range where you could be their cousin, too. So, meet your new cousins. It'll be fine. I promise."

"Woll... Like... How many are there..."

Sean counted up on the fingers of his hand. "There's ten unless I missed someone."

"TEN? That's a lot!"

"They'll love you. Don't worry. And you'll have some Aunts and Uncles to meet, too... Relax, Champ, they're your family. They're all in your corner. You gotta believe that."

"Woll... OK..."

"I promise, Champ. If I'm not right then I want you to tell me so, OK?"

"I guess... I'll try..."

"I know you will. I'll be right there for you, too."

"Me, too," Brad said. "You know, Tommy, I first met Grandpa Sean when we were in high school and two guys were gonna beat me up because they wanted money from me. I didn't know Grandpa Sean from a hole in the ground, but he saw the whole thing and he stepped up and saved me. He didn't have to. He could have looked the other way, but he didn't. Then he helped me make my life better. See, I had just lost my parents a year or two before that and..."

Brad recounted the whole story of that time of his life so many years ago, including his turning tricks. "And so, ya see, if Grandpa Sean says he's in your corner you can take it to the bank. That was twenty-five years ago and look at me now... I'd probably be working at Walmart and living in my shithole old house if it wasn't for your Grandpa. He's gonna help you just as much as he helped me. If you never believe in anything else, believe in that..."

"It's hard for me to believe stuff sometimes," Tommy said, sniffling.

"I bet it is," Brad said. "I'd be surprised if it wasn't, but you promise us this: you promise us if you're having a hard time believing something, then you say so. We're never going to lay a hand on you, and we're never going to hurt you, son. Ever."

Tommy sniffled in the back seat and curled up into a ball.

Brad could see a tear run down Sean's cheek, too. He reached over and squeezed Sean's hand three times quickly again. Sean pursed his lips and nodded.

That was when Brad knew, or felt that he knew anyway, that everything would be just fine. Brad knew it had been a long, hard road for Sean. But Brad had known long, hard roads himself. Brad thought if there was one thing that would bind Sean with him it would be that. Brad knew that he was taking on a considerable challenge with Sean. He was buoyant and confident, though. Mostly.

For his part, Sean didn't know what he felt. He felt that maybe something had been lifted off of him, but it was a vague feeling. He knew he would marry Brad, he wouldn't go back on that, and he felt he even loved Brad. The way Sean looked at it was that out of nowhere an old friend came, an old friend with no baggage, who extended his hand and said to Sean that he was offering him a new life. And that he should take it.

That was enough. Sean convinced himself that he could take that risk. After all, what did he have to lose? But then Sean thought that was cynical and ascribing ulterior motives to someone else when there was no reason to suppose any existed in the first place - what risk was there?

Sean felt guilty then. To assume automatically that someone else might have false pretenses. Least of all Brad who had never shown him anything but kindness and loyalty.

At that moment Brad was feeling mostly hopeful. Sean was feeling hopeful too, but also a little bit hopeless as people sometimes do when they realize they have to part with sadness simply because sadness is all they know. But they both earnestly to themselves wanted to make a go of it. Brad was done waiting and Sean was ready, or as ready as he would ever be.

Sean looked at Brad and smiled.

Brad pointed his thumb toward the back seat where Tommy was curled up into a ball and shrugged as if to say he'd like to know what that was all about.

Sean pointed to the text screen on the car's dash. He texted out, "The twins say he does that sometimes if he's scared or when he's thinking. He's not scared, so he's thinking."

Brad read the text and nodded.

Sean then added to it, "He's thinking what it's like to have a real family because he doesn't know."

Again, Brad nodded.

Once back in Janesville, Brad dropped Tommy off at Joey and Lennie's house on Garfield Avenue. Joey met them at the door. They went in and got the grand tour as neither Brad, nor Sean had been in the place before.

"Jeez, this is a beautiful home," Brad said.

"We bought it right away once we saw it. It's one of the few Victorians that never had any rooms modified, combined, or deleted. We, um, we used what we thought dad might do as far as how it should look, I mean having the house be what it is, an 1885 Victorian. It should look like what it is," Joey said.

"We didn't hire a decorator, either," Lennie added. "We looked at a bunch of colorized old photos and it was kind of obvious what to go by. The furniture, dad? We just asked your furniture guy from the Monterey to come over, we gave him a budget, and this was it... Yes, we paid him for his time. Handsomely, too."

"Good," Sean said. I'm not an expert by any means, but your furnishings are, shit, sorry, but they're exquisite. Can I see Tommy's room?"

"Sure, dad!" the twins said in unison. "Show us the way, son," they said to Tommy. Up the stairs they went to the second floor, then halfway down a hallway that looked to be forty feet long then to the left and into what appeared to be a suite of rooms.

There were doors leading to a large bedroom, a study probably the same size as the bedroom and having a full bathroom off of it, and beyond that what was furnished, including a blackboard, as a classroom. At the back of the classroom were bookshelves containing every textbook that Tommy would need to graduate from high school and some math, science, and history books that would be well into college level shold he ever need them.

Sean and Brad were impressed.

"Little Tommy's got a good setup here. Nice call on the full-size bed because he isn't that big, and if he grows you can always improve that. I like the headboard, too That's an awesome craftsman-style piece. You guys really did this place justice..."

"Yeah, it's nice alright," Brad echoed. "Well, should we get going?" Brad said to Sean.

"Sure. OK, guys, see you later..."

Brad drove back up Garfield Avenue in the direction of the Alamo.

"You gonna drop me off?" Sean asked.


"Whadya mean?"

"I'm not dropping you off. I'm coming in and I'm gonna stay the night. I have tomorrow off, too, and I figure we got a lot of stuff to plan out. Besides, I want some more of what we had up at the cabin. Is it OK?"

"I was hoping you would... Would want more." Sean said somewhat sheepishly.

"We'll get to bed early tonight, have breakfast in the morning, and then we'll plan. I figure we don't need that much time to plan Thanksgiving. You got the meal covered and for the rest of it I'll get a hold of a catering house for dishes, flatware, tablecloths, any extra tables and chairs we'll need. You can include the drinks order with the food. We'll make sure the bar is fully stocked and that's about it for that."

"Jesus, Brad!"

"What? Did I overstep?"

"Fuck no! I'll need the help. I think the biggest thing I hafta do tomorrow is to line up the church for the 24th, I mean Saint Mary's. What do you think if I got a hold of Archbishop Taylor in Milwaukee and asked him to do the service?"

"Would he?"

"I think so. We've had a good, um, relationship over the years."

"I know... I'm one of your accountants..."

"I need to get the guest list for you so you can plan the seating. And I gotta call T.J., Scotty and my dad so they're all here, too..."

"I think I wanna kinda mix up the seating a little bit so that not everyone is sitting by the person they came with and stuff like that. Whadya think?"

"I think I'm pretty psyched about all this. I'm just..."

Brad leaned over and kissed Sean on the cheek.

"I'm still kinda scared, though, Brad..."

"Don't be. I promise everything will work out. You know Tommy, how we talked to him that things take time sometimes? Well, it's the same for you, Sean. I think you've already made your decision, right?"

"Yeah... I have..."

"And it is..."

"I'm gonna be your husband, Brad. If I decided, I won't take it back. I'm just a little scared that you'll get tired of me."

"Tired of you?"

"Well, tired of how broken I am... Maybe in time you'll think it's not worth it, not worth the bother for you..."

"You're forgetting one thing."


"I promised Andy. I'll never let that promise go, Sean. Never. And now I'll say what you always say..." Sean looked up at Brad with quizzical eyes.

"Believe in me."

Sean was gob smacked.

"That's all you need to do, Sean. Believe in me. I believe in you."

Sean sat silent. He felt like he'd been hit by a tsunami. At that moment he lost the sense of fear he had. Not fear of loving Brad, but the fear that loving Brad meant that he had to give up the world of the black dog. He had to admit that the black dog hadn't been a good companion. But that brought on another dog. The dog that he'd basically abandoned his sons when they were young and they might have needed them most.

The feeling was almost as bad.

"I know what you're thinking..." Brad said.

"You do?"

"Yeah, you've reconciled yourself about you and me, but now you feel bad about your sons... Am I right?"

"Um, yeah... How'dja know..."

"Because it's how I would feel..."

"You know a lot, don't you. I mean about me..."

"I've watched you for years, Sean. Because I said I would. I never interfered, but I watched. A few times I helped you into bed at the car museum when you'd passed out from too much brandy. Don't worry, I never blamed you. I never thought there was anything wrong with you. I was keeping a promise. That's all... No doubt there was a time or two when you woke up in the morning and didn't remember going to bed..."

"Yeah... Yeah there was... I mean, there was a time or two... That was you?"

"It was me..." Brad smiled. "I promised, what can I say?"

"How did you get a key to the museum?"

"That's for me to know."

"What can I do to be as good to you?" Sean asked. "I'm just a wounded soldier... I'm..."

"You're no good at doing this alone, Sean. Let's just leave it at that and look forward. You're not a project for me, or someone I take pity on. I really do love you; you know... I wouldn't be here if I didn't. I wouldn't toy with you."

"Well, I'll try to be less of a downer then..."

"That would be constructive," Brad smiled and half-laughed. "You hungry?"

"I could stand a bite, yeah..."

"I'm in the mood for Chinese. Let's go down the Cozy Inn. You remember that time we were down there in high school, I had just met you guys, and I laughed at the old Chinese lady because she was acting like a Nazi and then she hollered at me?"

"Oh, Christ, and And let you have it, too! You and your goofy laugh... Yeah, I remember that..." Sean laughed.

Brad did not reply. He wasn't going to interrupt Sean's mirth. He hadn't seen Sean laugh like that in a long time.

"Yeah," Sean said, "Cozy Inn is fine. Let's go... Can I drive the Buick?"

"Yes, I'm surprised it took you this long to ask... You'll like it, it's pretty cool. It made the trip up to the cabin and back pretty easy..."

"Welp, I got the Suburban and then I got the old Malibu, so... I don't have a real car, though. That Buick is a real car. I can tell."

"It was an impulse buy, Sean. I didn't need it. I knew you were gonna invite me up to the cabin, so I went out and bought it. Because I thought you'd like it..."

"So, maybe... I mean... When we get married we're only gonna need one nice car... Can the Buick be that one and I can buy something more, um, more... More modest for everyday use? The Malibu is getting pretty old and tatty. I mean, I work from here in the house, and you could do that, too, if you wanted, or else your office is only four blocks away..."

"Let's get back to planning, Sean..."

Sean laughed. He actually reached out a hand and squeezed Brad's shoulder.

"Oh," Brad said, "You prolly don't know this, or haven't noticed it, but I wear contact lenses. I have a pair back at my place that are green with gold flecks. I want to wear them at our wedding, but not before..."

"Ever worn them before?"

"Yeah, to work once. Don't worry, Kevin didn't notice. But I know they work and they're' comfortable. I just want you to see me with them before I show up with them in. I hate my eye color, Sean. It looks like a mud puddle, or baby shit. My eyes are so flat..."

"Brad, I'd like to see you in those contacts. But if they don't work out, it's not your eye color that I love..."

"So, you really do love me?"

"I really do, Bradley... I don't see why you'd want me, though..."

"Well, that's for me to decide, innit, Sean. I want the cocky guy I used to know to come back. And I think I can make that happen, but I need that cocky guy's help to do it... Is he gonna help me?"

"Yes... Yes, he will..."

"Good. Now, let's go get something to eat, and then when we come back let's just hit the sack. We can get up tomorrow before the crack of dawn and continue planning shit..."

"I have something I'd like to show you," Sean said.


"Follow me..."

Sean took off, went up the stairs to the second floor of the Alamo, disappeared into a bedroom and then came back out with a skeleton key in his hand.

"Follow me!"

Sean went a little farther down the hall, stopped in front of a door, and stuck the skeleton key in. He slowly unlocked the door.

"Lock's tight. Prolly because I haven't opened this door since, well, since..."

"It's OK, Sean..." Brad said.

Sean had the door fully open by that time and beckoned Brad to enter the room.

Brad was floored.

The room wasn't large. It and painted a warm, dark gray. On two sides of the room were darker gray loveseats upholstered in what looked to be a sturdy yet comfortable fabric. On the arm of each loveseat were fresh, heavy, white cotton towels, face cloths and hand cloths. On a small table to the side of one of the loveseats there appeared to be a selection of personal lubricants, and some bottles of water.

"None of those lubes, or anything would be any good anymore," Sean said, "but this was our room, the one we used for..."

"Fucking," Brad cut Sean off. "That's not hard to tell with the sling hanging from the ceiling. You think the sling's still good?"

"Well, there's one way to find out..."

"Let's go eat and we'll find out after..." Brad laughed. He then grabbed Sean, pulled him into a hug and kissed him. "I love you," Brad said.

"I know... I love you, too..."

After dinner, Sean got back behind the wheel of the big Buick Electra. He looked over at Brad.

"You know, if we're getting married this quick we better nail it down with Brett and Dix that they'll be best men for us..."

"I hadn't thought of that, but yeah..."

"Let's run over there now. I bet they're both home, I mean, it's 6:30..."

"Sounds good."

Turning into Winnebago Drive, Sean got a lump in this throat when Tim and Brett's house came into view. How many hours had he spent in that home with Ginny he wondered? Just as there would never be another Andy, there would never be another Ginny. Sean could only describe Ginny as `larger than life.' There had been other mentors in Sean's life, his high school coaches, his dad, his old customer back in Kenosha who told him to always stick up for himself, but as a mentor no one matched Ginny. Larger than life, that had been Ginny Miller.

Turning into the driveway, Sean and Brad were immediately met by an armed Wisconsin State Police officer. Sean rolled down the driver's side window.

"Gentlemen?" the officer greeted them, "What can I do for you?"

"We're here to see the Governor and his husband," Sean replied.

"I see. Are they expecting you?"

"No, but we're old friends."

"Please produce your drivers licenses, gentlemen. I'll see if they will see you," the officer said, then radioing for a backup officer. "Once my backup comes, I'll go inside. You are not to exit the vehicle unless granted permission. Do you understand?"

"Yes, officer," Sean and Brad said.

A couple minutes later, the officer returned with Tim.

"Wymo! Brad! Well Jesus Christ! Hey, c'mon in!" Tim said. "These guys are old friends, Steve," Tim said to the officer.

"You may exit the vehicle, gentlemen. Here are your licenses," the officer said. "Please lock the vehicle after you exit."

"Thank you, officer," Brad said.

Once in the house, Tim said, "What brings you guys by? Want a beer? Let's go into the family room. Hey, Brett! Wymo and Brad are here!"

Presently, Brad came down the hall and into the family room.

"Grab a beer, hun," Tim said to Brett. "So, yeah, anyway... What brings you guys by?"

"Well..." Sean began. "We um..."

"Since when are you starting to get like Tim?" Brett joked. "By the way, we got your Thanksgiving invite and we'll be there. Us and the boys."

"Good," Sean said. "Um like I was saying, we, well... We..."

"We're getting married and we came to ask you guys to be our best men," Brad cut Sean off. "Tim, you for Sean, and Brett, you for me. We're planning December 24th."

"Well it's about fuckin' time!" Tim said, shaking his head.

"Which one of you guys went first, I mean which one asked?" Brett followed.

Sean was shocked.

"What?" Sean asked, "You mean you guys knew?"

"No, we didn't know," Tim said with air quotes around `know.' "But we always figured that someday, somehow you two maybe might get together. I know I've heard Lennie and Joey say that, that they wish you might..."

"I'm always the last to know..." Sean said. "Anyway, I invited Brad up to the cabin for a few days and he announced that he was going to be my husband and that was that."

"Well, you agreed!" Brad laughed. "And then you asked me to marry you later on just to be sure..."

"Where are you gonna have the wedding?" Brett asked.

"We thought Saint Mary's. I'd like Archbishop Taylor to do the ceremony. If he will..."

"Leave the Archbishop to me," Tim said. "He'll do it."

"So, will you guys be out best men?" Sean said.

"We wouldn't let anyone else," Brett said emphatically.

"Good," Sean said. "It'll be morning dress just like you guys had. We don't need the mass to be in Latin like yours was. The church is gonna need to get ready after the wedding for midnight Christmas mass anyway, so we'll need to be done with it probably by no later than 2:00 in the afternoon."

"Reception?" Tim asked.

"Yeah, at the music hall downtown. Just simple. We'll have a buffet catered by the Orleans Room at the Monterey, and an open bar. Not for too late, though. We know everyone will be having Christmas the next day." Brad said.

"I'll make appointments for the tailor downtown for our outfits. Tommy's gonna be the ring bearer. BUT... No telling anyone! So far, only you guys and Tommy know. We'll tell everyone else at Thanksgiving dinner."

"None of your boys know?" Tim asked.

"Nope," Sean said.

"Only you wold be so diabolical..." Tim shook his head. "Where you guys going for your honeymoon?"

"Um..." Sean said.

"We haven't talked about that," Brad said. "This all just happened."

"Welp, I guess that's about all we wanted..." Sean said.

"Sean," Brett said, "thanks for writing the Lambeau speech for me. No one can write like you can."

"Well, you improved it..."

"I did, but it hit every mark I needed to hit. The press went nuts. There was even an article in The New York Times."

"Well, I didn't say anything that wasn't true," Sean said. "You've done a great job. Did you know you would do a good job going in?"

"Honestly? I was scared shitless," Brett answered. "All I ever did was what I said I was gonna do. That way no one could ever fault me."

"True that. Anyway, we better get going..." Sean said.

"Wait one, Wymo," Tim said. "Can I talk to you alone for a minute?"

"Sure. I guess..."

Tim and Sean went to the private three-season porch located at the back of the house.

"Are you gonna tell me not to do this?" Sean asked, looking almost panicked.

"Fuck no! Wymo, I think this is the best thing you ever did. Brad's gonna make a fine husband. He's loyal, and he's smart even though we didn't think he was very smart way back when. There's no bullshit about him. A lot of us have thought for a while he'd be a good match for you. He'll help you. You know that, right?"

"I believe that, yes..."

"I'm so fuckin' happy for ya, bud," Tim said, pulling Sean into a hearty hug.

"Whadya think that's all about?" Brad asked Brett.

"My guess is that Tim's wishing Sean well. Those two have a pretty long and deep history, you know. Tim was Sean and Andy's first friend when they came to town. They were team mates on that State Championship team. Tim loves Sean like a brother. And he feels bad that for all the years he was in D.C. he neglected that friendship. He feels like he let Sean down, and no matter what I've said about that, that's what Tim thinks. He feels really bad about that..."

"I guess that makes sense..."

"And as for you and me, I'm happy for both of you. Sean's lucky. He's lucky no one ever snagged you before. See, Sean's always needed someone. But he needs someone like you, or like Andy. Someone who's strong, and honest. He's needed someone for a long time now, Brad, and I'm glad it's you. Out of all the people in the world, I'm glad it's you. God bless you both, Brad."

"I really do love him, you know... I can't tell you everything, but I probably should have gone after him a long time ago."

"I dunno, Brad. It might not have worked. He had to be ready for it."

"Yeah, but I hated watching him destroy himself all those years."

"I know. But that doesn't mean he would have been ready."

"You're probably right... I told him I can't be Andy but I can be the next best thing."

"Nonsense. You'll be just as good for him as Andy was. Trust me. He'll realize that in time and I'd bet not that long of a time, either."

"I'll do my best."

"It'll be fine."

Just then, Sean and Tim reappeared.

"Have a nice chat you two?" Brad asked.

"Yeah... Yeah we did..." Sean said. "Anyway, ready to go, Brad?"

"Ready when you are!"

After saying their goodbyes, Tim and Brett stood in the doorway and watched the big Buick pull off down the street.

"Whadya think?" Tim asked, wrapping an arm around Brett's trim waist.

"I told Brad it'll be fine. That's what I think. It'll be fine."

"I think so, too. It's been a long time for Wymo. He deserves someone like Brad."

"Brad is a hero."


Brad was driving the Buick and headed toward downtown.

"Where we going?"

"To that adult store on Main Street."


"Well, you said none of that stuff in the room with the sling was prolly any good anymore, so we're gonna get some fresh stuff. And then I'm gonna get naked and get in the sling and you're gonna fuck me."

Sean smiled.

"I, um... I've been thinking about that all day..."



It was Brad's turn to smile.

Three hours later Sean and Brad exited the little room on the second floor of the Alamo.

"Jesus!" Brad said. "I didn't know you were gonna be able to go three times!"

"Well, so did you!"

"Yeah, and now the room smells like sweat and cum."

"I think it's gonna smell that way a lot..."


Sean was up early on Thanksgiving morning. 5:30 in the morning. He went down to the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. The morning wasn't that cold, even for late November, so he wrapped his bathrobe around him and went out on the patio to smoke a Camel straight.

Sean chuckled to himself that Brad was just like Andy in that he never got out of bed until he had to while Sean was a perpetually early riser.

Brad and Sean finished up decorating the house the night before, all of the tables and chairs were in place, the tables were set, and there were name cards at every place. Sean went back in and checked all the envelopes he had. For each one of the school kids that would be in the kitchen and serving, Sean had an envelope with $300 cash in it for the serving kids and $400 cash for the kitchen kids as they would be working longer. He had invited all of the kids' parents, too, and for each set of parents he had an envelope with a $2,500 cash card in it. Sean had deliberately gone through the school's records and offered the kitchen and serving positions to the poorest kids. He reckoned the kids would be happy to be paid well for their work, and Sean felt that they should be paid well for something above and beyond. He reckoned as well that these being the poorest families in the school, the $2,500 would come in handy to the parents as they tried to provide their families with a nice Christmas. Maybe they could afford something extra that year, or pay a bill that had been hanging over their heads Sean thought.

Sean walked through the rooms that were to be used as dining rooms noting with approval Brad's selection of decorations. Each table had a bountiful-looking wicker cornucopia filled with baby pumpkins, apples, grapes, oranges, mint leaves, miniature wheat sheaves and dried Indian corn. The sideboards had a smaller version of the same, the rooms were adorned with baskets of fragrant dried flowers and necklaces of cranberries strung together. The house looked and smelled marvelous. Sean had to admit that Brad's decorating sense wasn't far off from Andy's, at least to judge by this effort. It was simple, yet elegant and perfect for the holiday.

Sean checked the kitchen and found that to be ready as well. The two eight-hole steam tables were in place, serving platters and utensils neatly stacked, butter plates, gravy boats, and all sorts of other necessary plates, platters, vessels and tools. There were to be six servers, two per room, and Sean also noted that there were six fresh black aprons laid out. Each serving kid had been given a credit at a local clothing store with the instructions to purchase a pair of black pants, black belt, a white dress shirt, black sox and black leather shoes. Sean had chosen each piece beforehand, so all that need be done was for each kid to show up and be fitted. The kitchen kids were four, and each of them had fresh kitchen whites laid out for them with white aprons.

A blackboard was up on one of the kitchen walls detailing the meal and the order of service.

Hors d'ouevres were brought in by the Orleans Room at the Monterey and were in the refrigerator. Service would begin at 1:00 p.m.. The kitchen kids were told to be there by 11:30 and the servers by 12:30.

There was nothing left to do, and nothing had been left to chance.

Later in the morning, the first guests to arrive were Joey, Lennie and Tommy. Then came T.J. and Scott with their fiancés and their parents. J.R. and Kathleen together with their seven kids walked over from their house three blocks away. Danny and Jim Nolan were there. Then came Tim, Brett and their boys. Billy Dean and Eric came. Tom Cunningham and his wife and kids, Joe Wyman and Mrs. Cheadle, George and Peggy Dickson, David Dickson with his wife, two daughters and two sons, Kevin Dickson, Tory Trager and Mark Braden were there. Even Archbishop Taylor came down from Milwaukee.

Everyone was told that the bar was open. Sean had a bartender from the Country Club on duty and people could get whatever they wanted.

People mixed freely. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. The food came in delivered by two vans from the Orleans Room. The kitchen staff made short work of getting everything in the prepositioned steam tables and ready to serve, thermometers verifying that the food would be at the precise temperature it needed to be.

Brad pulled Sean aside and whispered at him to look over near the corner of the bar. There, Sean saw that engaged in animated conversation were Kevin Dickson and Tory Trager. Tory was actually smiling.

"Well, whadya know..." Sean said. "Do you think Kevin is, you know, gay?"

"And stuff?" Brad laughed. "Sean, I've worked for him for how many years? Yes, he's gay. I mean, he never told me he is, but it was pretty obvious."

"But... Tory Trager? I mean, he can be such a jerk sometimes..."

"Ah... I think he's mellowed out a lot over the years. He grew up to be pretty good-looking, I mean look at him!"

"Well, I'll admit that, he's handsome alright..."

"So, do you think they could, you know..."

"Why not? We'll see who Tory leaves with," Sean laughed.

Just then, Alan Kohler, Scott's fiancés Allison's father came up. "Just wanted to thank you for inviting us. Great place you got here, Wyman. They don't make places like this anymore."

"No, no they don't. I've lived here since I was seventeen. My dad owned it and then I bought it from him."

"Is your dad here? I'd like to meet him..."

"Oh, yeah, he's here. I'll introduce you..."

"Great, but one thing before you do..."

"What's that?" Sean asked, somewhat apprehensive.

"Well, don't say anything. I'm sworn to secrecy, but Allison's pregnant. They said they tried not to get pregnant, but I guess it didn't work. She's about eight weeks along now. I think they want to get married pretty quick, before the baby's born. What do you think?"

"Wow!" Sean said. Then he broke into a smile. "Wow! We're gonna be grandfathers! I think this is awesome! What do you think?"

"I think I was hoping you'd say that," Alan Kohler smiled.

"Oh, and I'm sorry for the oversight, but here's someone I'd like you to meet. Alan Kohler, this is Bradley Fletcher. Bradley's my fiancé."

"Pleased to meet you, Bradley," Alan Kohler said, extending his hand. "Yes, Scott told us that he'd had two dads and one of them died some years back. I'm sorry about that. Anyway, your Scott is a fine young man. And I wish you guys all the best. Like I said, this is quite a place you got here."

At that moment, Brett came up to thank Sean and Brad.

"Great job, you guys! This is perfect. I haven't ever seen this place look this way. It's, well, it's festive!"

"Well, if it isn't the Governor!" Alan Kohler said. "How you doing?"

"Just fine, thanks, Alan. And thank you for bringing that iron casing operation back to Wisconsin. Those 1,500 jobs mean a lot!"

"Couldn't have done it without you guys in Madison making it sensible from a business standpoint. By the way, nice job in the election. How many seats did you pick up again?"

"Well, we were never gonna pick up that many because we had big majorities to start with, but after the election we've got 77 of 99 in the Assembly and 26 of 33 in the Senate. I'm afraid it's probably downhill from there. No one's ever had majorities like this before. People wll get tired of us just like they get tired of everyone if they stay too long."

"Well, you're gonna run for a second term, right?"

"I'll hafta cross that bridge when I come to it. I never ran in the first place so I could be a career politician. Never planned on it. I'll have to see where we are when it's time to decide that."

"Be a loss if you didn't have another term."

"Between you and me, we're planning to put a few things in place that will make our reforms difficult at best to undo no matter who's in office. I think that's wise. No one likes government-by-slingshot. We've got a lot more done than we'd planned to by this point, so... I guess I'll just hafta see. My life is here, not in Madison..."

"Can't say as I blame you, Governor."

Sean and Brad then separated and made the rounds of the guests.

Once seated for dinner, and Sean having handed out the money envelopes and cash cards to dumbstruck students and parents, everyone was seated. The service came off as professionally as would be expected in any good restaurant.

The fare was traditional, as Brad had suggested. There was white and dark meat roasted turkey, rich dark turkey gravy, sage and onion bread stuffing, creamy whipped potatoes, fresh corn, asparagus with Hollandaise sauce, crisp, hot yeast rolls dripping with butter, fresh cranberry sauce with julienned orange peel, and apple, pumpkin and cherry pies with house-made vanilla ice cream.

Everyone ate their fill and was stuffed. Once the main service was over, there was a special table set up in the library for the kitchen kids and servers so they could each have their fill, too. The kids then trooped off to the kitchen and packed up the leftovers to take home with them.

Sean banged on his glass with the edge of his knife in order to get everyone's attention, and then he stood.

"Thank you for coming, everyone, and I hope everyone got their fill. I'd like to thank our kitchen staff, serving staff and our bartender, too. None of this would have happened without them. The kitchen and serving staff are from a local school, they're learning valuable skills and I'd say they're learning well. Good job, guys! Anyway, I have something important, well, it's important to me, that I'd like to share with everyone..."

At that, Alan Kohler almost swallowed his tongue thinking Sean was going to announce that Allison was pregnant.

"I've been alone for a long time now, and it hasn't been a happy time for me. It's been a very dark and difficult time. But a few weeks ago, someone I've known for many years came into my life in a way I never expected, and we've decided to get married. Up until now, I hadn't told pretty much anyone. I wanted to save it for today. Anyway, we're getting married December 24th at Saint Mary's and the Archbishop of Milwaukee, Archbishop Taylor who is here with us today, has agreed to officiate at our mass. We'll be sending out invitations, but you are all invited. Anyway, I owe this person an incredible debt." Sean then raised his glass toward Brad. "To my fiancé, Bradley Fletcher."

Joe Wyman caught his son's eye and with a smile raised his glass to Sean and then to Brad. "To Sean and Brad!" Joe said.

Sean thought that of anyone, his father knew what he'd been through. Losing a beloved spouse at a relatively young age with a young kid to take care of, or four of them in Sean's case.

"Thanks, dad," Sean said, his eyes moistening.

George Dickson began applauding and soon everyone in the house was applauding Sean and Brad. Sean half-smiled somewhat shyly, uncharacteristic for him, while Brad looked on unperturbed and simply nodded his appreciation.

Unnoticed by Sean and Brad, or Joey and Lennie, at the cousin's table Tommy had indeed made a hit with the younger relatives. He told of being found all beat up, then taken in by Joey and Lennie and in quick order being adopted. He didn't mention all of his circumstances as he was still too shy, but he came out of the whole thing with a good deal. Kevin and Maggie invited him to meet them after school the next week and they would show him around and make sure he met the Principal. Tommy said he would as long as one of his dads could drop him off. Kevin volunteered to drive him home afterward and Tommy was fine with that. Tommy was still a bit afraid of walking down the street, or in other open areas, on his own.

Hours later when all the guests had left, and everything had been taken down, Sean and Brad sat at the bar. Brad was behind the bar mixing Old Fashioneds. Sean rolled a joint.

"Sean, this was a really great day. I've never had one like it. It was magical..."

"It went well, that's for sure."

I wanna say something..."


"You're not selling this house."

"I dunno... I mean, everywhere..."

"Yes," Brad cut him off. "Everywhere you turn in here is a reminder of Andy. Something here, or there. I understand," Brad put his hand on Sean's. "But this is your home. It's your family's home. It's the heart of everything, this old house is. I understand how you must feel, but think of that. Besides, there will be memories of Andy wherever you go for the rest of your life. That's just how it works. This is your home, Sean. This is where you belong. And if you do sell it, I'll buy it and we'll hafta live here anyway."

"You drive a hard bargain, Bradley..."


"Don't be. And you're right. I don't think another house would do. Not after this one. I guess if there are memories of Andy here, there are also memories of me here, too. And dad, and J.R., and the boys, and Mrs. Cheadle... I guess in time there will be memories of you, too. You're right. I'm not selling this house."

"I'm glad. We can figure out some updates if you want after the wedding, but even if it stays how it is this is a grand home, Sean. And like I said, it's the heart of everything..."

"Tomorrow we'll finish the wedding plans," Sean said. "I think I could turn in. Bedroom? Or...?"

"I think `Or' sounds good."


Next: Chapter 71

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