It Is What It Is

By Eric Trager

Published on May 23, 2016


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"Um, OK..." Sean said glancing over at Andy. "Hey, why the tears, And? What's wrong, bud..."

"Sean-o, I dunno how much more bad news I can take. I know I'm gonna lose you, and now yer gonna tell me that we both have to move on and all that stuff, aren'tcha..." Andy dissolved in tears.

"And, man...what the fuck are you talking about? And stop it with the tears, wouldja now?"

"I know how this is gonna end. This fucking SUCKS!"

"And, shut the fuck up, stop talking crap and listen to me! I'm IN LOVE with you, Brown Eyes!"


"I'm not going anywhere. I'm in love with you, dumbass! I want us to be together always, and I'm gonna try my best to make that happen. For us. Remember when we were in Janesville and I said that this wasn't the beginning of the end?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Well, it may just be the end of the beginning..."

"Now it's my turn: what the fuck are YOU talking about! Whadya mean yer gonna try to make it happen? I have no idea what you're saying!"

"And, I'm gonna figure out a way, if there is a way, for me to take you with me. It's not like we won't have the money, or anything. And if we get that house, it's big enough for an army, so why the fuck not? I just gotta figure a way is all..."

"Are you shitting me?" Andy asked with the faintest glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"I shit you not, Brown Eyes!"

"So, what's your plan? Oh, and by the way, I got money, too, ya know. I got over 60 grand in the bank. I'm smart enough not to make it look obvious, either – there's about maybe 15 different accounts none with a huge balance, and I have accounts at every bank in town, and some online accounts that are out of state. Checking accounts, savings accounts, five or 6 CD's spread around – it would take some work to figure out where is all is. Anyway, if those assholes do go to the cops there won't be anything obvious about money. The account I use for my debit card, I only keep a couple hundred bucks in it. That's not suspicious. Besides, I don't get paper statements so there's no banking info lying around for anyone to see. I don't keep any personal computer records of any of this, and if they get a warrant it'll prolly only be to look for weed, or other drugs, I never had other drugs anyway, and all the weed's gone now."

"Jesus – at least you're prepared! Sixty grand? Well, that's something to work with! As for my plan, I dunno yet. I mean, look, it'd be hard enough getting my dad to agree to it, but what about your mom? She's not gonna like just let you pack up and leave and move 70 miles away. That's retarded! So, I gotta think of something, I dunno...I can figure something up before school starts for sure. Anyway, look, And, I got something else to tell ya, too..."

"Um, OK..."

"Well, I know this is sudden, butcha know, Noles is really a good guy. He opened my eyes tonight and showed me you've been here all along but I was too dumb to see it. I dunno how I missed it for so long, man, how I could have been so fucking dense... It was right here in front of my face all the time! I'm sorry, man... I'm so sorry if I upset you, or made you feel like I could just move on without you. I can't. I need ya with me, man. So, are ya with me?"

"I'm with ya, Sean-o. Always and forever!"

The two young men smiled broadly at each other.

"OK, this is it! Turn in here!" Andy said. "The driveway's still just gravel, but go up a ways and stop in the driveway. We don't want tire tracks going to the septic tank!"

"OK, what are we looking for..."

"I know where it is. Follow me. It's a cement cover on the ground about 18 inches in diameter. That's the cover for the septic tank. It's heavy, but if you lift it off, I'll stash the shit down the hatch. I brought bungee cords so I can hook the gym bags onto one of the baffles."

"OK, and then when we're done we better fuckin' beat cheeks the fuck outta here, man. Hope there's no one around!"

"Nah, the work crew is only here from like 6:30 in the morning until sundown. The electrical permit was just issued yesterday, so the power wouldn't be on yet. Hey, Sean-o! Over there!" Andy pointed to the septic tank cover, which could just be seen in the moonlight against the bare ground. "Let's be quick! Just get the frickin' cover off!"

"OK, And, cover's off! Now just get the shit down there and let's go!"

"Done! Put the cover back on and we're outta here!" Cover on, the boys bumped fists, grinned and ran back to the Equinox.

With their late night mission accomplished, they headed back to Andy's house.

"Sean-o, let's talk when we get back. I think we'll both feel better, but for me, I just gotta be clear about where we are, where we wanna go and what's the best way to get there."

"Yup, I think so, too. We gotta have a plan here..."

Two hours later: "Thanks for vacuuming!" Andy said. "I'm sure glad we talked this out. We got a lot of things clear. I might not like all your ideas about how to handle this a hundred percent, and you might not like all my ideas a hundred percent, but I think together we made sense out of it. Besides, we both showed that we don't panic! You were always a cool customer, but so am I, and together we're gonna be a helluva team, Blondie! I'm really tired, though. Let's go to bed. I need some peace and quiet..."

"Me, too, And. Me, too. I'll prolly be asleep when my head hits the pillow."

Sean and Andy crawled into bed, spooned into one, and within 60 seconds were sound asleep.

In the morning, Sean was the first to rise. It took him a few seconds to realize where he was. He looked over at Andy, smiled inside, and thought of a line from Shakespeare's `The Tempest' that he read in his Sophomore English class:

O wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in't.

Yes, it was to be a brave new world, and Sean was willing to grab onto it with both hands. Not since his mother died had Sean felt this much at peace with himself. "Yes, I can knock down good grades, yes I can be the unflappable varsity quarterback, and yes I do believe that I have found love. Now I have to make this work for me and for Andy. Mom, if you can hear me, please gives me a sign, some kind of a sign that this was meant to be. Yes, I've been strong, mom, and I can be even stronger, but to be stronger I need a partner of equal strength, and I've found that person. He was here all along, Mom. I'll wait for your sign."

Sean got out of bed and began to make his way to the bathroom. He needed to get there fast as his bladder was full to the point of being painful. Entering the bathroom, he pulled up the toilet seat and noticed a penny on the floor. Curious, Sean picked up the penny. What was it doing there? Last night Sean meticulously, to the point that Andy made fun of him and accused him of having OCD, vacuumed the entire basement including the bathroom floor which he also scrubbed on his hands and knees. This penny had not been there the night before. Of that Sean was dead sure and no one else had been in the basement since. Sean held the penny between his thumb and index finger, eyeballing it for a few seconds when he suddenly saw its year of minting. The year was 1968, the year his mother had been born. This was a penny from heaven, and it was all the sign that Sean needed. With tears forming in his eyes, Sean looked toward heaven, and said in a voice barely audible, "I'm gonna go ahead with this, Mom. I'll make you proud. I promise I will make you proud!"

Remembering why he had gone to the bathroom in the first place, Sean placed the penny on the sink, stood in front of the toilet, pulled out his half-hard dick, and emptied his bladder. After flushing, he looked in the mirror, took a deep breath and said to his reflection, "Now, get back in there and do it!"

Returning to the bedroom, Sean saw that Andy was still asleep. Sean sat down on the side of the bed with his back slightly bent, his forearms on his thighs, and looked at the floor. After a minute, he turned around and gave Andy a nudge. "Hey, And, wake up, man... Andy?"

Andy curled up into a ball and groaned, "UUHHHH, wher tahm iss et..."

"It's 8:00 in the morning, sweetheart!"

Andy then turned to face Sean and asked, "Did you just call me sweetheart?"

"Yeah." With that, Sean shed his shorts, dove back between the sheets, pulled Andy into a passionate hug and kissed him full on the lips. "I want you, And! I want you now!" Sean grabbed Andy's boxer shorts and had them off in less than a second.

"Sean-o! What the FUCK?" Andy gasped.

Sean pulled Andy closer, kissing him again with all the love and passion stored up in his 17-year-old body. Sean kissed Andy on the lips, tounged his ear making Andy squirm, moved down to his neck, then to his nipples, then drew his tongue down the length of Andy's torso, past his pubes and in one flashing moment engulfed Andy's now rock-hard erection with his mouth. Sean was more sure of this than he'd been sure of anything in the past few days. He wanted his old friend as his lover, and he was going to take him.

Sean gently grasped the base of Andy's cock with his left hand, and with his mouth and lips drove Andy to the point of no return.

"Uhhhhhh, Oh, GOD!" Andy hissed. "Do it, Sean-o! DO IT NOW!"

Sean kept going, jacking Andy's hard dick, which Sean saw was larger and thicker than his own, with his left hand while fellating the length of the shaft and the now purple, swollen head. Andy grabbed Sean's long, golden locks with his fingers, moving in time to Sean's ministrations. Faster and faster Sean went while Andy writhed and hissed beneath him. Sean moved his right hand toward Andy's perineum, and into his ass crack which Sean was delighted to find was not smooth, but fuzzy and warm. Andy gasped, his entire body going rigid.

Sean's finger made its way along Andy's crack, then finding Andy's hole he gently flicked it, over and over, to Andy's cries of lust. Sean removed his finger from Andy's hole, brought it to his mouth, smelling Andy's musk, licked his finger and returned it to Andy's hole. This time, Sean penetrated Andy's hole slowly, slowly, in and out while continuing to jack Andy's dick and suck the length and the head. Sean could taste precum, and he could feel Andy's hard dick begin the final swelling and twitching telling Sean that Andy was close.

Sean continued fingering Andy's hole, going ever deeper until he hit the hard nut of Andy's prostate. Sean pressed and massaged Andy's prostate and tasted a gush of Andy's precum on his lips and tongue. Andy's entire body twitched and contorted in a pre-orgasmic rush. Suddenly, Andy cried out, "Oh God! I'm gonna cum!" and filled Sean's mouth with blast after blast of thick white cum. Sean could feel every spasm, and each time swallowed the load his friend delivered.

Andy lay limp gazing at Sean with glazed eyes and a half smile that told Sean that Andy was in love with him. "Holy shit, Sean, what got into you this morning?"

"Your cum got into me, Andrew, that's what! I love you, man, and I knew I had to show you. You had to be sure. I knew we were past the point of talking, and that we hadda take the next step on the road. I want you on the road with me, And. I need you with me. I got more to tell ya later, but right now I gotta call Coach and go see him this morning. I'm gonna have a talk with my dad tonight, too. Let's get up and shower, and get ready for the day. I promise you there's more later!"

"OK, and Sean-o?"


"I love you, too, and I want to be on that road with you. You've always been right in here, man..." Andy whispered, putting his hand on his heart.

Sean leaned in, gave Andy a quick peck on the lips and a huge smile. He then grabbed his phone and dialed Coach's office.

"Irv Anderson!" rasped the gravelly voice on the other end of the line.

"Hey, Coach, this is Sean Wyman. I wanted to know if you had time to see me today. I have something I need to discuss with you, and if possible I'd like to do it right away."

"What is it..."

"I'd like to discuss it face-to-face, Coach. It's not an over the phone type of thing. I promise I won't take up too much of your time, but do you think you'd be available this morning?"

"Sure, son. What is it, 8:45 now? Can you be here in an hour?"

"An hour, or sooner, Coach."

"OK, if it's sooner that's fine – I'll be in my office."

"Thanks, Coach. I'll be there as soon as I can."

Andy looked up and asked, "Want me to come along?"

"Nah, I don't think it's necessary... I'll call ya afterwards and letcha know how it went."

"Sean, just to be final, you're gonna tell Coach that you're resigning from the team and moving to Janesville?"

"Yes, and I will be telling him the truth. I am not going to gloss over anything. I mean, some things I'll leave out – it will be on a need-to-know basis – but I won't lie to the man..."

"No, I know ya won't."

"OK, let's get showered up then! Afterwards, we gotta concentrate on our plan. We need to get some things a little more refined before we put it into action."

"OK, I'll go over what we talked about and see if I come up with anything new."

"Good deal, now let's move it!"

"Fuck you, Sean-o!" Andy laughed.

Sean and Andy showered up, dressed, grabbed each an English muffin and a mug of coffee. Sean got ready to head off to the school to see Coach bidding Andy, "OK, And, I'll call ya later then. Hey, about this morning, I really do love you, you know..."

"I know, ya big galoot, now get that pretty, blonde ass of yours out of here, do whatcha need to do and get back here after yer lawns are done! Git!"

Sean piled into the Equinox, fired up the engine, buckled up and pulled out toward the school. Once in the Tremper parking lot, he figured he'd park in the teacher's lot. School was not in session yet so no one was enforcing parking rules right now, and it was closer to the door he needed to go in for the Coach's office.

Inside the familiar building, he made his way down the long hall toward the Athletic Department offices, turned in and headed toward Coach Anderson's office. Sean heard the door he'd just come in open behind him. Turning, he saw Jim Nolan headed his way. "Hey, Noles, whatcha doin' here this morning?"

"Well, Wymo, prolly same thing you are..."

"Coach know you're coming?"

"Yeah, I talked to him about 15 minutes ago."

"OK, I think I should go first. If there's fallout, let me be the air raid shelter, OK, Noles?"

"Sounds fine, and if necessary, I'll corroborate your story."

"Great, well, here goes!"

Sean stepped up to Coach's office door and gave his knock.

"Door's open!" Coach growled.

Sean entered the room. Coach motioned him to sit down, and said, "Hope you've had a good Summer so far, Wyman, but I don't think you wanted to see me to give me a report on it like it was the first day back in Second Grade. So, what can I do for you?"

"Coach, you've always been straight up with me. I'm sure that you'd expect nothing less from me if I had something to say that might affect the team."

"That's right, I wouldn't. Now, whatever it is you have to say, I'm an old man so get on with it."

"Coach, four days ago my dad told me that he was offered a new job. The job he was offered is Plant Manager at the General Motors plant in Janesville. My dad and I went out for dinner that night and discussed what it would mean if he took the job. What it would mean is that my dad and I move to Janesville in about two weeks. My dad gave me some input into the decision, and a few days to gather my thoughts. I made a trip to Janesville at my dad's suggestion to check things out. This isn't easy. I'm sorry, Coach, but I will not be returning to Tremper this coming year. Up until last night, I hadn't decided which way I was going to go. I'm sure you can appreciate that I don't want to hold my dad's career back, but at the same time I'd have to leave everything I know and worked for here to go to a new place I'm unfamiliar with. Anyway, last night I had the opportunity to meet with most of the guys on the team who will probably be starters this year. Their input to me was that they did not wish me to continue to be part of this football team, and they said that even though they were unaware of my dad's job offer. Therefore, I have decided to endorse my dad's opportunity to make the move."

"What!" Coach Anderson gasped. "Wyman, who told you they didn't want you on the team! And why!"

"Coach, I can only speak for myself. I am content to let the others speak for themselves. I don't mean to make this any more painful that it has to be, but I can suggest that you may wish to speak with Mark Braden, Joe Regent, John Berrifield, and some of the other guys. I'm sure they can give you their reasons. It's also possible that they might give you some bullshit reasons because at that point I won't be here to dispute what they say. Rest assured, Coach, I have no reason to lie to you and what I am telling you is the truth. They made it as clear as anyone could that I was not wanted on this team any more."

"OK, look, son, I'm going to ask just once more: why don't they want you on the team? I am too old to give much of a fuck what the reason is, but I'm also too old to beat around the bush. I'm asking you man-to-man, why did they say that you're not wanted?"

"I ran into another team member after I left the meeting. This person was not at the meeting, and also has a dissenting view from the others. He asked me what I would say to you. I told him that I'd tell you the truth because you deserve to hear the truth. Coach, the reason they don't want me to continue to be a part of this team is because they saw a video, where it came from I don't know although I have my suspicions. The video showed me engaged in a hug and a kiss with another male. >From what I gather, the rest of them first saw the video the evening before when I was out of town. I was unaware the video existed until it was shown last night at the meeting with all the others present, including me."

"Another male! Who? Anyway, you still haven't told me the reason that they said they didn't want you on the team!"

"I'll get to that, Coach, but with all due respect, and I mean this in the best possible way, the identity of the other person in the video is not important. That person is not a member of the football team. He does, however, now fear for his safety. Anyway, after the video was played in front of everyone, again about which I was not warned in advance, I was told that the team could not have a member that is, and I quote, "a fucking homo."

"They don't want you because you're a fucking hom...I mean, gay, huh... They don't want you on the team because you're...GAY? OK, well, I'm gonna need you to tell me every detail of last night, son. All of it..."

Sean proceeded to tell Coach the entire story of being called to the team meeting at Braden's, and each and every detail of what took place that evening up to the time of hiding Andy's weed – Coach didn't need to know about that as it was not part of his domain. Sean's recounting of events took an entire fifteen minutes, and at the end of it Coach was red-faced with his eyes bulging out.

"Wyman, I'm gonna give you just one chance here! You look me in the eye and tell me if what you just told me, if every bit if it is true."

"Coach, it's the truth. All of it."

"Jesus fucking Christ! I can't have that! Guys on one of my teams applying authority that belongs with my office, or the school! Doing it on their own in some fucking stupid-ass, half-baked way in a Goddamn basement for Christ's sake! Behind my back! Probably breaking WIAA rules! Maybe breaking some laws! What the fuck did these fucking idiots think they were doing! I'm sorry, Wyman, I'm not yelling at you. This isn't your fault. Now, I'll deal with circumstances as they need to be dealt with. There's so many rules and laws these days, any one of `em gets broken and I'll spend from now until the day I fucking die filling out paperwork about's just how things are. It's not like back in the day, let me tell you! I've had too long of a career to just let this go, and now I'm probably gonna hafta pay a for lawyer to tell me what I need to do so I don't step on my dick. Is there someone else out there? I was expecting Nolan. You said he can back you up. Is Nolan out there right now?"

"Yes, Coach."

"Get him in here!"

Sean rose, opened the door and called out, "Noles...."

Jim Nolan walked through the door. Sean was astonished to see that walking in behind Nolan was Joe Regent.

"Nolan, Regent, siddown next to Wyman over there! Nolan, I was expecting you. Regent, I wasn't expecting you. Nolan, I've got a pretty good idea why you're here. Regent, what brings you this way on a fine morning like this?"

"Um, well, I figured Wymo would come in to talk to you this morning, and I, um, saw his car outside and I kinda, well..."

"Jesus Christ, man, spit it out! Why are you here?" Coach bellowed.

"OK, I'm here to give Wymo a DVD. He said if he didn't get it he'd call a lawyer. Here ya go, Wymo..." And with that Regent handed Sean the DVD.

"Rege, not so fast. I need to know that the DVD is the only copy, and that no one has it on their cell phone. And I need to know no one posted it to like Facebook or anything. I said that last night and I don't make promises I can't keep."

"It's the only copy, Wymo. There was only one cell phone video and that's gone. I erased it off of Braden's phone myself when he was still on the floor. Nobody posted it online. You have my word on it, and you've also got two witnesses to what I just told you."

"Will there be anything else, Mr. Regent?" Coach asked.

"Um, just, well, Wymo, what was done to you was wrong. I thought it might backfire. I said so, but I didn't do anything to stop it, and I should have. I'm sorry. I know you won't play with us this year. I don't blame you. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive."

"I might, Rege. But not today."

"Alright, Mr. Regent," Coach interjected. "If that is all, you are excused. And shut the door on your way out."

"Sure." Regent said looking dejectedly at the floor as he left the room.

"So, Mr. Nolan, I understand you were not at that meeting last night, but you ran into Mr. Wyman afterwards, is that correct?"

"Yes, it is."

"OK, then, why don't you tell me what your discussion was at that time. And not a word out of you while he's talking, Mr. Wyman."

Jim Nolan went on to tell Coach the details of their discussion, stopping, as Sean had, at the point when they went to Andy Churchill's house.

"Alright, I've heard enough." Coach said. "Your stories match. I'm convinced you're both telling the truth. Now, I have to ask you guys who organized the meeting? And I need you to tell me because it appears to me that I am going to have to take this to the Principal. This is way above my pay grade, gentlemen. Did you have anything else to add Mr. Nolan?"

"Yes, Coach. I won't be returning to the football squad, either, this year. I can't put my name to what those guys did. I can't associate with them and keep a clear conscious. Besides, I'm gay, too. They wouldn't want me, either."

"I figured as much, Nolan, and I can't blame you. Now, again, before I forget, tell me who organized the meeting..."

"Wymo, let me answer that because you were out of town the night of the park meeting. Besides, the fact they didn't know you were out of town, and you didn't get a call about the park meeting means you were not invited on purpose. You were being set up for the real' meeting, the one last night. Coach, there was a meeting at the park the night before last. The meeting at the park, well, it was Berrifield who called around to everyone to tell them about it, but at the park it was pretty clear Braden was running the show. He had the video on his phone and passed it around. I saw it just like everyone else did. I left right at that point. I told em I wouldn't be involved with anything like that. Braden said I was a loser. After I left the park, I wanted to warn Wymo he was being set up, but I don't have his number. I had to work all day yesterday, too. I couldn't go to his house to warn him anyway because I don't know where he lives. I didn't know they were having another meeting last night because, well, I guess I must have left the park before they set it up, but I saw all the player's cars pull up to Braden's. I live almost right across the street. I figured something was up so I watched the place to see who would come out first. It was Wymo and I went to ask him what happened. The rest you already know. I guess Braden and Berrifield were both in cahoots to some degree. Coach, Berrifield wouldn't take a shit unless Braden told him to. If it was me, I'd be looking at Braden."

"Nolan, you should be a fuckin' lawyer some day!" Coach said.

"Alright, gentlemen, you've left me with a tough row to hoe this season, if there even will be a season. Most guys would get pissed and kick your asses out of here right now, but I'm not most guys. What I see in front of me is two fine young men, and I don't give a shit who ya sleep with. I'm too fuckin' old for that. Nolan, I'll see you around, maybe sooner than you think. Wyman, I'd like to shake your hand, and wish you all the best that life has to offer. That will be all, gentlemen!"

Sean and Jim excused themselves. What they didn't know was that when they were walking down the hall toward the exit, Coach watched them, tears flowing down his corrugated, old cheeks. Coach returned to his desk and fired off an email to the school Principal letting him know that he had a matter of urgent importance requiring attention, and the sooner the better. Coach sent the email with a read receipt attached. He then printed off two copies of it, putting one in his filing cabinet and the other in his briefcase. Coach didn't trust administrator types at all when it came to handling difficult matters, and he knew this had the potential to blow up. He knew as well he had to have documentation showing he acted the instant the matter was brought to his attention. He pulled out his cell phone and placed a call to Garrett Crossman, an attorney in town, leaving a message asking for an appointment any time within the next day, or two.

Coach decided he'd had enough excitement for one day, closed up his briefcase, got up from his desk, headed toward the door, turned out the light, locked his office, and left the building. But, he did not leave by his usual route. This time, he headed down toward the central office to see if the Principal was in. Upon reaching the office, he stuck his head in, spied the school secretary, and called out, "Hey, Betty! Is Principal Roberts in right now?"

"No, Coach. He'll be in about 1:30 this afternoon. Can I give him a message for you?"

"Ask him to look for an email from me."

"Will, do, Coach. Have a good one, now!"

"You, too, Betty!"

As Coach left the building, he saw Wyman and Nolan riding out of the parking lot in Sean's Equinox. "Good luck to those guys." Coach thought, shaking his head.

"OK, Noles, I'll drop you off, then I gotta go do my lawns for the day. Maybe we can get together later, but I know I'm gonna hafta talk with my dad tonight.

"Sure thing, Wymo. And thanks. That was an ordeal!"

"Yeah, it was...."

Sean pulled the Equnox over to the curb.

"Why we pulling over?" Jim asked.

I gotta text my dad and then I gotta call And." Sean sent a text to his dad saying, "Decision made. Talk 2nite 6:30 K?" Then he dialed Andy.

"Hey, And, well the meeting with Coach is done. Yeah, I'll tell ya about it a little later. I gotta go do those two lawns then I'm free after that. Hey, I want ya to come over at about 7:30 tonite. OK, later, Brown Eyes!"

"Brown Eyes?" Jim exclaimed. "What the fuck is Brown Eyes?"

"It's a nickname for And. I just made it up the other day."

"You got it bad, Wymo!"

"Fuck off, Noles. Now we gotta find you a boyfriend. Hey, how big is your dick anyhow?"

"Why, you wanna suck it?"

"No, douche bag! I thought if it's really big you could fuck the shit out of Braden until he barks like a dog!"

"Not that he doesn't deserve it, but I wouldn't fuck Braden with your dick! Ya know, I'm a firm believer in Karma. What goes around comes around. He'll get his someday, you mark these words. Now about finding me a boyfriend..."

"Well, yeah, I mean, you're a hot guy. There's gotta be a lotta guys at school who'd die to go out with you. You're hot, you're honest, and you're sweet. You got a good heart, man. Tell ya what, you come over some afternoon and I'll show ya how to dress for success because, well, man, you dress like fucking crap. We're going shopping!"

"That's like SO GAY, Wymo!"

Both boys dissolved in laughter.

Sean dropped Jim off, and decided he had enough time to make a quick stop at Andy's before he was due at his first lawn job of the day.

Sean pulled up and gave a beep on the horn. A few seconds later, Andy came out with a huge smile on his face. "Afternoon, loverboy! I thought you were going to your lawn jobs..."

"Yeah, I am, but we got get set for tonight. Here's what we're gonna do. I'll start out before you get there..."

"I're gonna start off telling your dad it's a go and then..."

"OK, so we're all good?"

"All good, Blondie! See you later!"




As soon as Andy came to the window of the Equinox, Sean gave him a quick kiss and whispered, "I love you!"

"I could get used to this, Sean-o!"

"Well, then, get used to it!" Sean shot Andy a huge smirk, and then was off down the road.

A few blocks down there came a return text from his dad, "What's your decision?"

"Wait & see LOL"


Next: Chapter 9

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