It Started at the Vid Booth

By Blake Cotera

Published on Jun 13, 2014


It Started At the Vid Booth – Part 6

So about a month went by. I got sporadic texts from vid booth guy (ya, I know his name was Colby but that sounded too prepschool dinky to me) saying "sup" and "u around?" but after while he faded out. Good. Asshole. My hair had grown back but I kept it short cuz I was rockin out the jarhead marine look. Def got some women because of it. Went out with a few chicks, nothing special, but my dick enjoyed the attention. The whole thing with vid guy still kinda bothered me, the way I got used like a weak little bottom boy. If I was gonna have sex with a guy I wanted to be the top guy. I wanted to be in charge. That's who I was. So I cruised the usual social media sites and met up with a guy (Riley) who sounded just right. We met up for beers one night and agreed to take it to the next level. He was exactly what I wanted. My age, a couple yrs out of college, lean but not skinny, nerdy (I always associated nerds with bottoms for some reason), looked a lot like the guy in the Geico commercial saying "FRAUD, not FROG". And he was hot for me. I knew I could do anything I wanted to him cuz...uh...he told me haha. He was a horny little prick and I wanted to use him like I'd been used. So he invites me over to his place on a Saturday night. Got a nice place in the burbs with a sweet pool, Bose sound system, and fire pit in the back. We chilled, drank, smoked, shit like that. He asked if I wanted to go for a swim. Told him I didn't have a suit. Told me I didn't need one. Perfect answer. Only thing I wasn't sure of is whether I'd nail his nerdy ass outside by the pool or in the house. Was hoping he had the balls to do it outside. We swam for awhile, then he went inside to grab some more beers. I was thinking about my line to get our asses out of the pool and get down to some serious penetration of his hot little ass. As I swam around by myself I got a freakin boner right in the pool. Water felt so fuckin good on my bare skin. I thought, "ya, this is perfect. He'll come back with beers, I'll jump out of the pool and say `hey I think it's time you took care of this' and badabing I'd be lubin him up and making him squirm".

I didn't notice it at first. It was dark. And my brain (and dick) were already switched over to sex mode. But as he got closer to the pool it hit me. He wasn't naked anymore. And he wasn't alone.


WTF was he doing there??? Before I could say anything Colby said to Reily, "Looks like we got a mouse in the trap." Then I realized what was happening. Riley was too good to be true cuz he wasn't true. I got set up by fuckin Colby. I decided to flex my muscle, I'm not pussy and I'm not getting pushed around. "Dude I'm done being your bitch ok. Just take your shit somewhere else and I'm outta here." Felt pretty good about that stand, till I saw Riley picking up my clothes and dumping them in the firepit. Erection gone. I was fucked.

Got out of the pool, dried off while Colby yammered at me. Told me how last couple times were warm up for tonight and how if I didn't like it I'd never hear from him again. Told me to get in the car and go with him and he'd make it worth my while. The he tossed me $500. Five. Hundred. Dollar. Bills. The $$ was big. And it's not like he physically hurt me. And he was pretty freakin hot. And I never backed away from a challenge. So off we went, once again me riding shotgun naked thru suburbia. Drove about 30 min to a suburb that I knew was a really wealthy area. Pulled into a driveway of a house that had to be like 20,000 sq feet. Shit you not. I didn't even know houses like this existed in town. Or anywhere. There weren't any other houses around but there were tons of cars all over the street. "C'mon lets go". "Uh...there's no way I'm walking into a house like this naked." "There's no way you're going in clothed. Don't worry man trust me on this one, no this gonna give a fuck that you're naked." And the asshole was right. Men, women, young, old, and everything in between. I mean ya I got some glances but there was, idk, maybe 20% of the guys there we're naked as me. Some of em said something to me but it was in some other language (German maybe) and the fuck if I knew what they were saying. Colby took me up to the main house ("That's the place you wanna be at" ) and at first I didn't really see anyone. Huge house. But as we walked thru people started talking to me. General stuff. "Thanks for coming. Hope you didn't have any problem getting here. Did you get something to drink. Here come this way." I walked what looked like a back hallway till I got to a room where this woman opened a door, smiled at me and said "right this way". I walked in the room. She did not. Colby was gone. She closed the door behind me. I heard it lock. WTF.

There was a guy in the room. My age. Good looking. Built. A little shorter than me. Naked. Did I know him? Talk about awkward. He looked at me and said "you too huh?". I did know him. Ok not KNOW him. But I knew who he was. Big time college wrestler. State champ in high school. D1 wrester, but got release from program for some reason I couldn't remember. His name was Kenny. Had a lot of pub around here. Tough as nails. Crazy strong for wrestling 152# weight class. "Me too what? What is this place? What are we doing here?". He spent the next 10 min explaining to me a story that sounded like Steven King meets Bob Guccione. These guys are euro soccer. Someplace in Germany that takes soccer very, very seriously. Owner of the house is Merek. Lives here like a month out of the year. Comes here with this whole entourage of soccer players of all ages for tournaments and training. Guy obviously has megabucks. And for entertainment, he brings guys like us in. Kenny said, "Raol bring you in?" I said, "No. Colby." Kenny said, "I been listening to them. Colby's their top bloodhound. Looks for guys like us for the German assholes. He give you $500?". I'm like ya he did. Kenny said, "Ya, and they pay Colby like 10 times that for finding us." After the initial shock I said "why doesn't he just het hookers?" Kenny explained to me that they considered hookers trash. They didn't want women cuz women cry rape and get pregnant. Boys our age are safer and more "fun". The door to the room opened and in walked a woman in her late 30s and a big bald dude dressed in black that, if he had a nickname it would probably be "the executioner". He handcuffed Kenny and lifted his cuffed arms over his head and put them on a big hook on the wall behind him so he was practically dangling there naked. Did the same to me. The woman stood in front of Kenny, grabbed his cock and balls and squeeeeeeeeeeeezed. He was a tough dude but you could tell he was in serious anguish. Then she dropped to her knees and started to suck his dick. WTF...but he wasn't complaining. When his dick got to full mast she pulled a little tape measure out of her cleavage and measured him. "Five and a half. He's small, But I think this one's the virgin." She motioned to the executioner who grabbed one of Kenny's ankles and lifted it over his head in what was one of the most awkward positions I ever seen. Then the chick licked one of her fingers and shoved it right up Kenny's asshole that was exposed based on the position he was in. Mr Tough As Nails started making sounds like a baby with a foot caught in a bear trap. She quickly pulled her fingers out and said, "Ya, he's virgin. He'll go to Blue 3." Then she stood in front of me. Looked me right in the eye. I stared the bitch right down. "This is the defiant one." Grabbed my cock and worked it till I was hard. Bitch wouldn't even blow me. Pulled out the tape measure and said "Almost 7. Too bad he won't have a chance to use it. He goes to Green 1." They walked out of the room, leaving is hanging and naked. And wondering what the fuck did all that shit mean.

Next: Chapter 7

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