It Started in Bootcamp

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Oct 2, 2020



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It Started In Boot Camp

Thirty-four-year old, Charles Bellasera, Chief Petty Officer, USN, stood in front of the fifty frightened looking young men, who were lolling around on the parade field. They were all Seamen Recruits about to begin their training at Great Lakes Naval Training Center in Illinois. It was Chuck's job to shape them into able-bodied seamen, and graduate them to the rank of Seamen Apprentice. He had three months to accomplish this miracle.

He tried hard to line them up, and have them follow him to their barracks in an orderly fashion, but what followed him was a scraggly lot. They were all over the place as they strolled to their new home. Some of them were in clusters. The timid ones among them walked alone. Chuck had his work cut out for him.

In the barracks, he assigned the men bunks in alphabetical order. When he called Francis Galli's name, their eyes met. Chuck's desires went into overdrive. He knew in an instant, that Frank was straight, and out of bounds. This emotion was not new to him. He had experienced it several times before with other recruits. Chuck was deep in the closet, and fortunately, he had learned to rein in these hidden desires. Even so, he smiled at Frank, who was totally unaware that he was the only recruit who had elicited a smile from the tough CPO.

Frank Galli had no family. He never knew his real parents, and he was reared in foster care. He never learned why his parents had abandoned him. Most of the homes he was placed in were not bad, but in order to exist, there was one thing Frank learned early on, and that was to obey orders, and to act accordingly and as efficiently as possible. This trait was to make him an ideal recruit, and it forced Chuck to notice him more and more.

Frank could not put his past behind him. He trained himself not to love any of his foster parents, nor the friends he made while in their care. He suffered greatly from separation anxiety, and he would not let anyone into his heart for fear of being pulled away from them. He had forced himself to be incapable of loving anyone or of being loved.

On his eighteenth birthday, a day after his high school graduation, Frank said goodbye to his current foster parents, and joined the navy. He promised to keep in touch with them, but of course, he never did. That was unfortunate because they had truly learned to love him, but he did not recognize love when he saw it.

He also promised to stay in touch with his beautiful girlfriend. She had taken his virginity on prom night, and she loved him dearly. He promised to stay in touch with her also, but he broke that promise as well.

In his first attempt to put his foster care life behind him, he made a terrible decision. He erased people from his life, who really cared for him.

Chuck was luckier than Frank. He was reared in a loving home with a close-knit family. His childhood would be classified as ideal all-American, except for one thing. When he was about fourteen, he began to suspect that he was gay. When he masturbated, his thoughts were all on fucking and sucking males, not females. Sometimes his fantasies were men and boys he knew, and sometimes he conjured up a vision of a man with movie star looks.

Chuck was drop dead handsome himself. In the locker room and showers after a phys-ed class, his uncut endowments were much admired by his classmates. What they didn't know was that he was somewhat erected.

Just by seeing these boys naked, he was aroused, and he had to fight hard to control his emotions.

By his junior year in high school, girls were swarming all around him, and even all over his athletic body. Chuck knew that he could never be intimate with any of them, and he pretended to be oblivious to their advances.

One day, shortly after his eighteenth birthday, he decided to test out his suspicions that he was gay. He was only using the idea of testing as an excuse. He knew full well that he was gay. He went to a gay bar. He was too young to drink, but he was cruised in a minute, and went home with a good-looking guy not much older than he was. The man may not have been much older than Chuck, but he was very experienced. That night he taught Chuck much that there was to know about making love to a man.

"When you become expert at what I've taught you," the man said, "you can do your own experimenting."

Chuck went home from this encounter fully convinced that he was indeed gay. He had just experienced the best night of his life. He also knew that it was his secret to keep. His father and his grandfather were career navy men. How could he let these macho-men know his secret?

Like Frank, he joined the navy the day after high school graduation. It was a week after his first gay experience. He knew that the navy was going to be his career. His father and grandfather expected it, so he never doubted his decision, and he rose rapidly up the ranks. Now, sixteen years later, he was a Chief Petty Officer assigned to Great Lakes Naval Training Center in Illinois. He hid his `shameful' secret all those years.

Their first day of boot camp was hectic for the recruits. They lost all their hair to the barber's clippers. They were issued a clothing allotment, and a sea bag to stow it in. They were taught how to roll their garments into tight little cylinders and secure them with small ties. Rolling was much more efficient for storage in a sea bag, than folding would be.

That first evening on the base, Chuck assigned all men in lower births to the starboard watch, and the men in upper bunks to the port watch. The starboard watch was told to shower and shave before bedtime. The port watch was to do that first thing in the morning. There was precious little time for training, and this rotation aided in efficiency.

Chuck watched the men shower for a day or two to make sure they knew where the soap and towels were. He also took advantage of the situation to check out his boys, especially Frank, who was about four inches flaccid, and quite hefty. Chuck let himself believe that Frank was a grower like he was. He loved what he saw. The two men were about the same size. Both of them were uncircumcised.

The next three months were grueling. The recruits were taught all necessary nautical skills, from dangerous fire-fighting to tame boy-scout-like knot tying. Their once hap-hazard formations became sharp parade like maneuvers. Toward the end of training, the various companies competed in a marching competition with rifles. Chuck's men won easily.

On graduation day, Chuck's company was lined up smartly in front of him. Their seabags were at their sides. With the help of two of the graduates, Chuck distributed small plastic bags to each of his men. Each bag contained several double striped patches to be substituted for the single stripe on the sleeves of their uniforms.

Chuck saluted them smartly, and promoted them to the rank of Seaman Apprentice. He wished them a happy shore leave, and admonished them not to be late reporting to their next assigned duty stations. The men ran off helter-skelter to catch busses and trains bound for home.

Frank stood alone in the middle of the parade field. He looked lost and forlorn. He had no desire to be reminded of his foster care days, and he elected not to visit his last foster care parents or his girlfriend. He had not written to them once since he joined the navy.

Chuck saw the young man standing alone, and approached him.

"What's wrong, Frank?" Chuck asked. "You look like you were hit by a truck."

"I don't have a home to return to," Frank admitted. "I've been assigned to Hospital Corps School right here in Great Lakes, and my orders are to report in two weeks. The school is in a different section of the training facility. I'll report right away, and maybe I can stay on base. If not, I guess I'll stay at the Y in Chicago.

"So why aren't you running off like the rest of the guys?" Chuck asked.

"I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all you've taught me." Frank hesitated, as if he was afraid to say what he was about to, but then he blurted out, "You're the closest thing to a father I ever had."

Totally embarrassed, he picked up his sea bag and turned to leave.

Chuck was very moved. "Listen Frank," he said. "You've worked hard and you deserve a leave. I rent a nice little bungalow not far from the base. Why don't you stay with me? I have two weeks off also. We'll have fun. I'll take you bar hopping," Chuck laughed.

"What if we want to bring women home?" Frank asked in all sincerity. He had every intention of getting laid during these two weeks. He thought back to the night he lost his virginity. So far, it was his sole experience, and he wanted more. He was feeling Chuck out as to how he would feel about sexual activity during his stay.

"Don't worry," Chuck said, "I have three bedrooms. If we get lucky, we can indulge with complete privacy."

"Are you sure, I'm not imposing?" Frank asked. "I don't want to be a bother."

"Trust me. It'll be fine," Chuck assured Frank. He knew it would not be fine at all.

First of all, he wouldn't be able to go to a gay bar. Even if he went on his own without Frank, any trick he might pick up would need to have a place to entertain. That had always been Chuck's function.

Secondly, he had grown very fond of Frank. He was sexually attracted to the young man. Chuck would never admit it, even to himself, but he was in love with Frank. He feared that he would not be able to restrain himself from coming on to his young, very straight, charge.

Finally, Frank smiled at Chuck. "Yes," he said. "Thanks for asking me. I'm sure we'll have fun."

They entered Chuck's house, and Chuck took Frank to one of the spare bedrooms.

"Put your bag down here," Chuck said. "Do you have any civvies?"

"Yes, at the bottom of my sea bag."

"Leave them there and come with me," Chuck said.

In the past three months, Frank had grown another (and final) inch. Due to his rigorous training, he had sprouted muscles, and buffed up. He was nearly as much of a hunk as Chuck was. Frank followed Chuck into his bedroom.

"We're pretty much the same size," Chuck noted. "I'll give you one of my outfits, and if it fits well enough, you can borrow some of my clothes while you're here." He handed Frank a pair of jeans, a sleeveless tee shirt, and a pair of sandals.

"Try this on," he ordered.

Frank started to leave to go to his bedroom.

"No," Chuck said. "Try the clothes on here. If they fit, I'll give you a couple more outfits to take to your room."

Frank knew that Chuck had seen him naked many times in the shower, but it was a communal shower. Somehow, the thought of stripping while alone with his mentor, disturbed Frank greatly. He just didn't know why it should bother him. He stripped to his skivvies and put on the outfit. Chuck stood and eyed him up and down. Frank's uncut, very substantial cock was clearly outlined through his skivvies and the extra tight jeans. Chuck was losing his restraint. He had lusted after recruits in the past, but he was never alone with any of them, and he never came on to any of them. In fact, he was never alone with someone whom he had grown to love.

"You're beautiful," he said to Frank, and now Frank's unease turned to fear. He stood still, not knowing what to do. Chuck wrapped his arms around the straight young man, and kissed him on his cheek. With one big sigh, he gently laid his palm on the boy's crotch. Frank froze.

"Let me make you the happiest man in the world these next two weeks," Chuck whispered in Frank's ear.

Suddenly, Frank's rigid body sprang to attention. Abandoning his uniform, which was lying on the bed, he bolted out of Chuck's bedroom. He grabbed his seabag from his room, and ran out of the house.

Chuck was brought back to reality. He gave out a mournful moan. "What have I done?" he yelled out loud.

After all the years he had served in the navy, and practiced restraint, he lost his senses and came on to another man. Worse yet, he came on to a straight man. He believed that he was insane to have given in to his forbidden love.

Chuck figured that Frank could not have gone far. He rushed out of the house hoping to find him. He wanted to apologize and ask his forgiveness. He doubted that he could get him to return to his house, but he vowed to try. If he couldn't find him quickly, he decided to go to the train station, and check out the next train leaving for the naval base

There was a small strip mall two blocks north of Chuck's house. There was a bus stop at the mall, and one of the bus lines went downtown, where Frank could get to the train station. On a hunch, Chuck ran to the strip mall.

His intuition paid off. He found Frank sitting on a bench in front of a pizza parlor. He looked so sexy in the outfit Chuck had lent him, that Chuck found it difficult to suppress his desires. Frank was waiting for the number 15 bus to the city's commercial district. From there he could easily get to the train station. The young man was crying, and he looked more forlorn than he had looked standing alone at graduation. Chuck sat down on the bench next to him. Frank turned his face away.

"Please," Chuck said as contritely as he could. "I want to apologize. I don't know what came over me."

Frank remained silent.

"So, now you know my secret," Chuck said. "I'm gay. Please don't out me."

Frank finally spoke. "I'd never do that. I'm not that cruel, and besides, the fact that you're gay doesn't change the deep respect I have for you."

"I swear to you, as much as I love you, I will never disrespect you again, so please come home with me. I still want us to have a great time together until you have to leave."

Frank turned to face Chuck. The older man could tell from Frank's eyes that he was weakening.

"You love me?" Frank asked. His whole body was shaking. In his entire life, no one had ever told him that they loved him.

"I love you deeply," Chuck mumbled under his breath.

"Okay, let's go home," Frank said. "There are no more busses until tomorrow morning, and I sure don't want to sleep on this bench all night." He stood up to leave.

"Do you need help with that sea bag?" Chuck asked.

"No, old man. I'm younger and stronger than you." They both laughed, and started for home.

On the way home, Frank asked, "You said we would go barhopping. Will it be straight or gay?"

"Straight, if that's what you want, but if you get lucky and bring some lucky girl home, I won't be participating."

"To be fair to you," Frank said, "we can go to gay bars too, and if you get lucky, I'll hide in my bedroom."

It's a deal," Chuck said.

Even though he knew that he could never make love with Frank, Chuck was bursting with happiness.

For the first two evenings of Frank's stay, they did what they said they would. One evening they went to a straight bar, and the next evening they went to a gay bar. Neither of them scored, but to be fair, they didn't try very hard. The rest of the week, they were content to stay home with only themselves for company. They cooked gourmet meals, played cards, watched television, sewed Frank's rank patches onto his uniforms, and just chatted with each other. They didn't even realize that they weren't going bar hopping. They were acting like an old married couple. What was stranger than that, they each felt that way, married, that is.

Toward the end of the first week, they said goodnight to each other one evening, and went into separate bedrooms.

"Sleep tight," Chuck said.

"You too," Frank responded.

When he entered his room, Frank shut the door and climbed into bed. In the barracks, everyone slept in their skivvies, but in Chuck's house, Frank slept naked. He knew that Chuck did also. Now that he didn't have to worry about forty-nine roommates, and he had his privacy, he began to stroke himself. As his happy moment approached, he fantasized that he was stroking Chuck's cock, and Chuck was reciprocating. His orgasm was epic that night.

Frank went to the bathroom, cleaned himself up, and got back into bed. It was then that he had an epiphany. It was the awakening of all awakenings. He knew in his heart that he loved Chuck as much as Chuck loved him. For his entire life, he had not allowed anyone to love him, nor for him to love back. It was difficult for him to accept that he loved Chuck.

They were in the navy and apt to be separated after he completed Hospital Corps School. Separation was the struggle of his life, but he accepted love at last, because he didn't want to lose Chuck.

He wasn't getting much sleep as he began to formulate a plan to let Chuck know how he felt. He was sure that he wouldn't have the courage to tell another man that he loved him, so there had to be another way. The solution was obvious.

Frank crept out of bed, and walked silently toward Chuck's room. The door was ajar, so he had no trouble opening it wider without making noise. He could hear Chuck snoring softly, and he knew that he was asleep. Frank crept silently into Chuck's bed and hunkered up to him. His cock was limp, and it nested nicely against Chuck's crack. He fell asleep that way.

About an hour later he was awakened by the sound of Chuck crying. He couldn't believe that this big, burly non-commissioned officer was crying. Chuck had wakened a short while ago. Frank was hard now and his seven-inch, uncut cock was probing at Chuck's back door. When he realized what was happening, Chuck just broke out in tears.

"Why are you crying?" Frank asked. He knew full well why Chuck was crying, but he pretended not to.

"I'm so happy," Chuck whimpered.

"Hush, we'll talk about this in the morning. Try to get some sleep because I intend to knock you out tomorrow. Do you think you can keep up with the young man currently sharing your bed?"

"Try me. I accept your challenge."

Suddenly, Chuck had a thought. "You're not kidding me?" he asked in alarm. "You mean this, don't you?"

"Of course, I do," Frank laughed.

"I promise you," Chuck said, "no matter how many times the navy may separate us, I'll always find my way back to you."

They fell asleep clutching themselves tightly. Neither man had ever slept sounder in his life.

In the morning, they did their morning things separately, but then they showered together. Chuck began his instructions under the flowing water. He soaped Frank's entire body. He was not shy about fondling and playing with Frank's cock and balls. He didn't stay away from Frank's ass either. He thoroughly cleaned the young man's crack. Then he fell to his knees and started to rim him. At this point, Frank had to hold on to the spigots to keep from falling.

Chuck slowly inserted a finger into Frank's sterile ass hole, and reamed it around. Now Frank was purring. "That feels so good," he let Chuck know.

The teacher turned his student around and was pleased to see that Frank was super hard. He was also pleased that his assessment had been correct. Frank was indeed a grower. His cock was extended out at least seven inches. Chuck could not resist, he took Frank's cock into his mouth and started licking it sensuously. Now Frank was whimpering, and wondering what he had been afraid of.

"I'm cumming," Frank suddenly yelled.

"Let yourself go," Chuck ordered. "We'll fuck later."

Chuck could not believe the volume of jism Frank unloaded in his mouth, and Frank could not believe that Chuck swallowed the entire load. When they recovered a little, Chuck stood up, and the two men enveloped themselves in each other's arms.

"Do you think you could do all that to me?" Chuck asked.

"Would right now be too soon?" Frank asked, and he proceeded to do everything to Chuck that Chuck had done to him. He even swallowed Chuck's entire load of cum.

They resumed hugging each other in the shower until finally Chuck closed the taps. They dried off, and remained naked. They went into the kitchen, and Chuck made breakfast. While they were eating, they were both too emotional to speak, but they kept smiling at one another.

Finally, Chuck said, "After breakfast, I'll teach you how to fuck."

For one brief second, Frank's fears returned, but they were short lived. He realized that Chuck had given him only pleasure, and so far, he made his student as happy as he promised he would. All his fears left him. He had to wonder if he had always been gay, and had spent too much energy suppressing his true identity.

Once more, back in bed, Chuck took the helm. "I'm an old warhorse," he said. "I'm all stretched out, so please fuck me first. It'll take a lot of preparation to get you ready to receive me so that it won't hurt you. I want to take plenty of time and patience, and get you good and ready."

Chuck removed a box of condoms and a tube of lube from his end table. He laid down on his bed. He moved to the foot of the bed, and placed a pillow under his butt. Chuck took the box of condoms and handed it to Frank. "I think you know what to do with this," he said.

While Frank was putting on a condom, Chuck was generously greasing his ass with the lube. He handed the tube to Frank, who knew exactly what he had to do. He greased his eager, throbbing cock until it kept slipping out of his palm.

"I'm starting in the missionary position," Chuck said. "I want to see your face when you experience fucking my ass for the first time. We can do it doggie style another time. Actually, I prefer it that way. I always feel more connected to my partner, because we're all wrapped up like we're in a cocoon."

Chuck placed his legs on Frank's shoulders, and bade him enter slowly. Frank went in smoothly and easily. Chuck removed his legs from Frank's shoulders, and wrapped them around his waist forcing Frank's beautiful cock deeper into him.

Frank was overwhelmed. When he fucked his girlfriend, they depended on her natural juices for lubrication. Now, his cock was gushy, and it was going in and out like a well-greased piston. The bonus was that Chuck's ass was twice as tight as the girl's vagina. Because of that, there was still plenty of friction, so the pleasure came slower than it had with hand jobs and fellatio. As his orgasm grew slowly, Frank was in heaven, and he was as happy as Chuck had promised.

When Frank came, Chuck could feel his essence filling his bowels. The condom had broken and Chuck could care less. He was glad that it happened.

Frank fell on top of him, and they kissed. "I can't believe I'm saying this," Frank said, "but I love you too."

Frank opted for the missionary position also. He wanted to see Chuck's face when he came inside of him. Chuck spent a lot of time preparing Frank. He inserted one greased finger at a time into Frank's anxious receptacle. After each finger was in, he reamed and stretched Frank's ass. He worked himself into such a frenzy that he forgot to put on a condom or to lube his rod. No matter, Frank's ass was a grease pit, thanks to all the reaming Chuck did.

Nonetheless, when Chuck entered Frank, the young man bit his tongue to keep from screaming. It felt like Chuck had pushed hot coals up his ass. Chuck sensed Frank's discomfort and lay perfectly still. He kept flicking his cock inside of Frank, and somehow the flicking motion caused Chuck's cock to tickle Frank's prostate, and the pain was gone very quickly. When Frank was comfortable and relaxed, he whispered, "Oh, Chuck, honey, this feels wonderful."

Chuck took this as his go ahead, and he began to stroke gently. He lasted a little longer than Frank had. When Frank felt Chuck's cum shooting up his ass, he began to whimper also. Eventually, Chuck softened and fell out of him. They hugged and kissed for three hours before showering and dressing.

When their shore leaves were over, Chuck returned to the base to greet his new company. Frank had to stay on base during his specialized training, but he had every other weekend off. While the rest of his class ran off to Chicago or Milwaukee seeking nookie, Frank ran home to Chuck.

Chuck bought Frank a smart phone so that they could text each other, and actually call each other, whenever it was convenient.

Frank graduated from Hospital Corps School at the same time as Chuck graduated his latest recruits. That weekend, Frank came home grinning from ear to ear. Chuck wasn't so upbeat. He feared that Frank would be sent to some distant place, or assigned to a ship, and they would be separated.

"What are you grinning at?" Chuck asked. He was afraid to hear the answer.

"Listen carefully, revered one," Frank joked. "For the past three months I've worked my butt off to be head of my class. I failed. I was second in my class. We get to choose available duty stations in order of our class standing." Frank stopped talking for dramatic effect.

"And?" Chuck asked.

"There was an opening, and I got stationed at the naval hospital right here in Great Lakes."

Chuck gave out a little shriek, and grabbed hold of Frank. They held each other so tightly, they both had trouble breathing.

"I'm so happy," Chuck sobbed.

"Are you happy enough to help me sew on my new stripe?"

"You betcha."

Over the next three and a half years, the two men arranged to take an annual leave at the same time. With each passing day, they loved each other more. Frank's emotions were no longer blocked, and he gave Chuck his love freely and generously. He received Chuck's love in the same manner.

Frank even sent a short note to his last foster parents, just to tell them how well he was doing, They wrote back to thank him for writing, and they begged him to stay in touch. They signed their letter, with love. Frank was very moved.

Frank's four-year hitch was nearing an end, and Chuck's twentieth year in the navy was coming to an end at the same time. He was now eligible to retire with a good pension. It was decision time.

Chuck was now a Command Master Chief Petty Officer. With only one more Chief Petty Officer designation ahead of him, Chuck was in line for making Warrant Officer in the near future. He could retire, but he was only thirty-eight. What would he do?

Frank was now a Hospital Corpsman Second Class. Life was good for him. At his rank, he could delegate practically all his work, and he usually did.

Chuck and Frank had long discussions about whether they should stay in the navy or get out. If they stayed, there was always a chance that one or both of them would be reassigned, and they would be separated. If they got out, they would never be separated, but the dilemma was what would they do to make a living.

The decision was easy for Frank. He could take an exam to be an EMT. A high school diploma was all that was needed, plus the medical skills he already had. Chuck's future was a little stickier, but Frank had an idea. He needed to do a lot of research, but when he accomplished his goal, he was ready to present his plan to Chuck.

He wanted Chuck to be in a mellow mood, so one Sunday morning, they were lounging in bed, and Frank started to seduce Chuck. He was all over his partner, sucking his nipples, his ears, his innie, his ass, and finally, he gave Chuck the best blow job he could muster up. Chuck was surprised at Frank's fervor, but he didn't question his motive. He just figured that Frank was very horny that morning.

While they were holding hands and basking in the afterglow, Frank began his pitch. "Chuck," he said. "I've decided that we should leave the navy. Before you come up with a lot of objections, hear me out."

"I'm listening," Chuck said.

"I have all the qualifications to get a job as an EMT. I just need to pass an exam, which I've already applied to take. It's scheduled just before I get discharged."

"That's great," Chuck interrupted, "but what about me? I'm not about to retire at thirty-eight."

"Hush. I told you not to interrupt me. Let me continue."


Frank continued. "I've been in touch with Northwestern University. They give college credits for life experiences. I sent them you're credentials. The courses you took to advance in rank, plus your experience training recruits will give you three years of college credit. You're a senior, honey."

"What are you saying? You want me to go to college?"

"Will you please stop interrupting. Let me continue. With your military experience and a bachelor's degree you could become an ROTC instructor. Northwestern was very impressed with your resumé. They said that if you enrolled there, they would be able to give you a job as an assistant ROTC instructor, until you had met all the requirements for a full teaching position. Even if you don't get the assistant's job, I'm sure your pension would see you through school for a year."

"What are the requirements to be an ROTC instructor?" Chuck asked, partially won over.

"Past military service and a bachelor's degree. They even have courses in military science at Northwestern. The university really wants you, honey. They were excited about your background. They're bending over backwards to help you."

"Wow, Frank, that's a dream job. I'd be a civilian, training kids to be officers in the military, and I could come home to you every night. It's too good to be true. What do I have to do?" Finally, Chuck sounded excited.

"I have the telephone number of the dean I spoke to. He's anxious to set up an interview with you. Please call him first thing tomorrow morning. Promise me."

"I promise, and for all your hard work, how'd you like a little of the treatment you just gave me?"

"You don't hear me objecting," Frank laughed.

Chuck and Frank bought a lovely little house in Evanston. While Frank was working his butt off as an EMT, Chuck was enjoying a leisurely college life. Most of his curriculum consisted of required courses for a bachelor's degree. The hardest thing he had to do was discourage ferocious co-eds, who found the mature veteran to be very attractive. In spite of the fact that he was pushing forty, he was certainly more attractive to them than the young male students, most of whom were still teen-agers.

Three days a week, he went down to the school's athletic field after his last class, and assisted the ROTC instructor. He was getting a stipend for doing it, but he would have done it for free. After the class was over, most of the students went to the showers. Chuck never did. He had no need to ogle them, and he didn't want to waste time getting home.

Whichever one of them came home second, be it Chuck or Frank, he rushed into the house, and grabbed his partner. They began a kissing and fondling marathon that sometimes lasted so long, they didn't bother with dinner. They just fell on their bed and made love.

They joked that they were living on love. Of course, it was only a metaphor.

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