It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

By Fritz Jorgensen

Published on Jul 5, 2004



Time for the usual disclaimers. If you are too young to be reading this, leave; if this type of story offends you, don't read it; if reading this type of story is against the law in your area, move or get the law changed. Remember, you have to assume responsibility for your own actions. I have no control over you.

This is a work of fiction. It is a product of my imagination. (Some might say of my twisted mind although others might question whether of not I have a mind.) It is not based on anyone I know or any actions I am aware of. If it resembles any one you know, or know of, it is a coincidence. I personally hope there is no one out there who is like the principal character in the story.

This story is my property. Feel free to quote from it as long as you properly credit it to me. You may not use the story for any use other than your own enjoyment. For those of you who might wish to post it on another site, I require that you ask my permission before doing so. I will be the sole judge of where I allow it to be posted.

Preface. This story is different from any I have seen, perhaps with good reason. This may not be the type of story that one enjoys reading. It might properly be called a horror story (not to be confused with whore story). In this one I have attempted to both paint a picture and create a mood. I have opted for a somewhat dramatic style in order to accomplish this. While not of the same caliber, it is my attempt to write something that might have been written by some of the classic authors. I'll leave it to the reader to guess which of those authors I was attempting to emulate.

As there are as many different likes and dislikes as there are readers, I have no idea whether there are many who will like this story. It is somber. If I were forced to guess I would say the majority will not care for the story. It doesn't have a happy ending. However, if I have managed to succeed in my telling of it, I think you will find it very erotic. Then again, that is only my opinion. I find it very hard to be objective in judging my own work. It is easy to look at stories from other authors and criticize them. With my own I cannot seem to do that. I get too wrapped up in them.

To those of you who read the stories posted on the web, both by others and by myself, I would ask a favor. As we receive no pay for them, I would request that you take a few minutes and write a short or long review about them. If something really worked for you, mention it. This is the only way we who write have any idea what you would like. If you didn't like it please try to tell us why. Don't just write a long diatribe saying what a horrible story it is without giving your reasons. While I write for my own pleasure, you can have a big influence on what and how I write. I can only speak for myself but I cannot express the high I feel when someone is kind enough to let me know they enjoyed one of my stories. Feel free to email with comments, criticisms, and suggestions. I will try to answer all of them. Put the story title in the subject line so I don't delete you accidentally.

Here, for your enjoyment, I hope, I present the following. Fritz

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

It was a dark and stormy night. The wind blew the rain sideways against the windows and I could hear it moaning in the trees outside the house. It had originated in the Gulf of Alaska and, when I glanced at the weather monitor, I could see the temperature was dropping rapidly. It now stood at thirty four degrees and was still going down. It would soon be snowing. Along with the noise of the wind and rain, I could hear the waves crashing onto the rocks below the house in which I lived which is located on the Washington coast. The weather forecast called for eight to ten inches of snow but I was sure it would be much more. The monitor had said the wind was fifty eight miles per hour with gusts to ninety. I was glad I didn't have to go out. The remote road I lived on would probably have trees blown across it.

I poured some brandy into a snifter and walked over to my desk. The fireplace popped and crackled and was a welcome relief from the weather. I sat down and taking up my pencil, tried to come up with a story plot but my mind would not concentrate on one. All I could think of was the darkness that was trying to engulf me. It was out there, just beyond my vision, trying to catch me with my guard down. Just when I thought I could make it out, it would retreat, waiting patiently for me to slip. It had been lurking out there for some time now. I was afraid. Afraid of the darkness. Afraid of what I would do when it overcame me. Although it was warm in the house, I shivered. I wished the darkness would go away. Go away and let me write my next novel. Go away and let me live in peace. Go away and let the sunshine into my heart. It wouldn't leave. It just stayed out there. Ever vigilant, ever watchful, ever patient, waiting and waiting to capture me. I loathe the darkness, I hate the darkness, I rail against the darkness but it pays me no mind. It just stays out there, just out of my vision and waits. I know it will capture me soon and I am afraid.

I sat at the desk jotting down ideas, and then discarding them. I already had a wastebasket full of them. None of them looked like I could make a story out of them. My publishers had called today and to say they were getting impatient was putting it mildly. They correctly pointed out that the novel I had promised them was now almost a year overdue. I had told them that there was a conflict in the middle of the plot and as soon as I could work out a solution I would finish it. I don't think they believed me. The truth was I hadn't even an outline so how could there be a conflict. I just sat there sipping my brandy and trying to keep the darkness away.

Over the wind and waves I thought I heard something. I listened. I heard it again and realized someone was knocking on my door. I went over and opened it. The rain was now mixed with snow. On my porch stood two young men who looked to be about twenty. They were dressed in jeans, sport shirts, light jackets and tennis shoes. They were shivering violently. The taller of the two had blonde hair, plastered down from the rain, blue eyes and was very slender. It looked like the only thing keeping him on his feet was his companion. The companion was about three inches shorter, say five foot ten inches and was much more athletically built. He had broad shoulders, curly brown hair and brown eyes. Through chattering teeth he asked if they could use the phone.

"Of course you can" I replied while grabbing them and pulling them through the door. "But first we have to get you warmed up. You look like you're about to freeze to death." Closing the door I led them to the bathroom. "The fastest way I know to warm you up is with a hot bath."

As I started filling my large sunken bathtub I told them to get undressed. The shorter started to help the taller one and all of a sudden I knew they were more then friends. It wouldn't have been obvious to most people but to my experienced eye I knew they were lovers. After I had them in the tub I told them I was going to fix them a hot drink. I went into the kitchen and grabbed two large mugs and mixed up some cocoa with a shot of Creme de Cocoa in it. While putting both mugs in the microwave I wondered if they would be able to help me dispel the darkness. When the microwave beeped I took the mugs and placed them on a tray and headed for the bathroom. As I went past my desk I grabbed the cordless phone and added it to the tray. I walked in and setting the tray on the edge of the tub handed each a mug. Although the mugs were not filled to the brim, they were shivering so violently I worried that they would spill most of it before they managed to drink any.

"I think you should wait until you're teeth stop chattering before you try to call anyone" I said. "By the way, my name's Mark Justin. Call me Mark please."

The shorter of the two introduced himself through chattering teeth as Mike Dexter and his companion as Tim Elliot.

I added some more hot water to the tub. "I'm going to go get a couple of bathrobes while you warm up. In a bit we can put your clothes in the dryer."

I went to my bedroom and dug out a couple of spare bathrobes and two pairs of sweat socks. I didn't know their shoe size and thought the socks would be a fair substitute for slippers. I took as much time as I could. When I got back their skin looked a lot pinker and the shivering had dropped from violent to mild. I hung the bathrobes up and got out a couple of the large bath towels I prefer.

"When you warm up you'll find me at my desk." Since the living area is one big room I knew they would see me as soon as they left the bathroom.

I walked to my desk and picking up the brandy snifter sat down. As it warmed in my hand I sniffed the heady aroma and thought of my two unexpected guests. Although they were both cold and shrunken their cocks had both appeared about normal, say around six inches, maybe slightly more. Tim's appeared the more slender. His chest was almost hairless, just a light blonde fuzz. Mike had lots of curly brown hair covering his chest and trailing down to his pubic hair. He reminded me of Eric, my last gay lover. God, it had been almost ten years since my wife had caught me and Eric in bed. I was thirty seven now. Where had the time gone? I wished I could go back to that time. The darkness didn't bother me then. It was a time of joy and exploration of each others bodies and of happiness. I took a sip of the forty year old brandy, once again marveling at its smooth rich taste. I could hear them talking softly in the bathroom. I couldn't make out what they were saying. I reached into the front of my slacks and rearranged my cock. Thinking about them and Eric had caused it to harden. I again considered what I had seen of them. Both looked to be in pretty good shape. Their stomachs had been flat and with no hint of a spare tire. Both had legs that were well muscled like runners or bicyclists develop. Their faces were nicely featured. All in all I would have to say they were two very attractive young men. Mike had a pleasant baritone voice. I hadn't heard Tim's yet.

After about fifteen more minutes had passed I could hear splashing. I figured they were getting out of the tub. All that time I had been thinking and wondering about how they could help me. Tim opened the door and started through. I could hear Mike say "The phone doesn't work."

Tim walked across the floor and stuck out his hand. While I was shaking it I heard his voice for the first time.

"Thank you Mark. If you hadn't been here I don't know how much longer I would have lasted.

He had a pleasant tenor voice. Mike came walking up behind him with the phone and handed it to me.

"It doesn't appear to be working."

I hit the browser button on the computer. After a few seconds the screen flashed up, unable to establish a connection.

"Looks like the phone line is out." Picking up the remote I turned the television on. Snow filled the screen. "Cables out too."

About then the lights went out. They didn't flicker, they just went out.

"Don't worry; the auxiliary will come on in a short time." By the light from the fireplace I led them over to some chairs. I could hear the auxiliary generator start. A couple of switches clicked and the lights came back on.

"Could I offer you a brandy?"

Shaking his head no Tim responded. "If we might get a sandwich that would be better."

"I had spaghetti this evening and there's lots left over. How about I heat it up and fix a salad?"

Mike smiled. "We'd sure appreciate that. We were going to have dinner down the road."

"What were you doing on this road?" I asked heading for the kitchen.

They followed me and Tim explained. They had been to visit his brother and see his nephew who had just been born. On the way back to Seattle they had missed a turn. He'd lived in the area when he was young and knew the road went through so they had continued down it. They came to a tree across the road and when they tried to go back found it blocked also. He remembered a resort a couple of miles from where they were so they had set out for it.

"That resort burned down three years ago" I said. "You must have walked about five miles. I don't know how you made that far it in these conditions dressed as you were."

Mike shivered. "We were about to give up when we saw your lights. Even with the lights to go for I didn't think we were going to make it."

"If you'll get the stuff out of your clothes I'll put them in the dryer." I had already put the spaghetti in the oven. We went back to the bathroom and they removed their billfolds and the like from their sodden clothing. "If you don't mind waiting I can throw them in the washer first? That way they will be clean in the morning."

Tim smiled. "I don't mind. I like clean clothes." Tim appeared to have one of those bright bubbly personalities that everyone likes. Mike appeared much more reserved.

We headed for the washer and got it started. Returning to the kitchen I ground some beans and started the coffee. While I finished fixing dinner we chatted. They asked me if I was married. I told them about my wife. How I had gone on a book signing trip and when I returned she was gone. About the missing five thousand dollars and that my best friend Eric was also missing. How the police had been unable to find any trace of them these last ten years. They told me they attended the University of Washington, what they were studying and where they were from. When dinner was ready I served them and the conversation slowed. They dug in like they might never get another meal. Mike asked for seconds and as I filled his plate he said.

"I haven't had spaghetti this good since I was home last time. Mom came over from Italy and she makes damn good spaghetti. Yours is seasoned a lot differently but it's just as good."

I set the plate down in front of him and refilled their glasses with Chianti. As Mike worked on his second plate Tim leaned back with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Mark Justin, that name seems familiar. I keep thinking I've heard it before."

"You're probably thinking of Marcus Justin, the mystery writer" I said.

"That's where I've heard it. You probably get mistaken for him all the time."

I laughed. "Actually no, I am the mystery writer."

"Awesome dude. I like your stories. You've got a creepy mind."

Mike had finally run out of room. He had about three bites left and he pushed the plate away. He leaned back in his chair, took another swallow of the Chianti and smiled.

"Man that was good. Makes me feel like I was home."

I got up, poured coffee for all of us and we returned to the living area. We all settled into the large overstuffed leather chairs around the fireplace.

"Glad you feel like home because judging by the snowfall so far you may have to be here a few days. Don't worry, I have plenty of food and fuel for the generator and I really could use a break from writing. The county knows I'm pretty self sufficient and the only permanent resident on this stretch of road. They normally plow the others first. The only problem is I only have one guest room. It has a king size bed but if you'd like I can fix a bed on the davenport?"

Tim laughed. "We were assigned the same room as freshmen and I doubt I could get to sleep any more with out his snoring."

I knew that they would want to be together but figured it better not to tip my hand too soon. The conversation continued with those carefully worded questions and answers that go on when strangers are trying to become better acquainted. Mike yawned.

"Why don't you guys hit the hay? Getting that cold takes a lot out of you."

I showed them the guest room and told them their clothes would be in the dryer in the morning. After that I picked up and went to bed. As I lay there I debated. Should I turn the lights off? The darkness was still out there waiting for me. It was growing stronger and I weaker. God I am afraid.

When I awoke I was surprised to find I had turned the lights off and slept soundly. I dressed and went to the bathroom. When I started past their room I could hear them snoring. I peeked in and they were wrapped in each others arms sound asleep. They looked so handsome and desirable.

I went to the kitchen and fixed coffee. Looking in the fridge I debated about what to fix for breakfast. After deciding and starting the grill, I went to their door and beat on it. When Tim answered I told him if they wanted breakfast they had better get up as I was about to cook and the next meal would be lunch. It was seven forty and time to get up any way. As I squeezed oranges I could hear them head for the bathroom. Soon the sounds of water in the pipes told me they were getting cleaned up. In a short while they walked into the kitchen. Motioning to the table set for three I asked them how they liked their yolks, soft or hard. They started on their juice. Tim drank his down and asked if he could have more. I pointed to the old fashioned juice press and told him to help himself. He squeezed another glass and I put the breakfast on the table. Bacon, eggs and French toast. While eating I told them it had snowed about sixteen inches overnight and was still snowing. I explained that even with chains we wouldn't be able to get out. They seemed resigned to that.

When we finished, I poured coffee and we retired to the living area. I started another fire in the fireplace and we sat back, relaxed and drank our coffee. Time to put my plan into action.

"Fellows, I wonder if I might ask a favor?" After getting the go ahead I continued. "Uhh, I don't know quite how to ask this. Last night ,,,,I ,,,,well I ,,,,, well you seem like more then friends. I ,,,, I could have uhh ,,,,, misread things and if so I apologize." I looked up. I could tell I had Tim hooked but Mike had a guarded look on his face. Looking back down I went on. "Well, there's this book I want to write and I was hoping you guys might be able to help me with it." I paused. "Oh hell, I'm making a mess out of this. Maybe if I start at the beginning you'll understand."

"I had this friend when I was in school. We grew up together. When we got old enough we double dated. We partied together and shared secrets with each. He never seemed to score with the chicks but it didn't seem to worry him. We were best friends. One Saturday afternoon after we had graduated from high school but before we went to college we were hanging around his folk's house listening to the radio when he got real serious. He told me he needed to talk to me. He stammered and kept starting over but finally got out he was gay. I was shocked. I couldn't think of anything to say. He went on and after a bit I realized he wanted me to be his lover. I called him a queer and a faggot and told him I never wanted to see him again and ran out of his folk's house and went home. I was mad and scared and upset. When I got home the folks had left a note saying they had gone out with some friends. I sat there brooding all evening and finally I realized what an honor he had paid me. He loved me. I felt terrible. By then it was late and I decided to go over the first thing the next morning and try to apologize. I never got a chance. The phone woke me up. Another friend called to tell me he had been killed in a car accident." I looked up at them. They were both hooked. "Ever since then I have wanted to find a way to make people understand that gays are just people too. When I became a writer I got this idea for a story. It has to be well done. Unfortunately I don't know enough about gays to make it good enough."

Tim spoke. "How can we help?"

"I thought maybe you could share some of the experiences you've had. The good, the bad, the problems facings gays in the straight world, what you think would help resolve those problems. Those sorts of things"

They looked at each other. They had been together for quite a while and had learned to communicate without words. I couldn't read much of it but in a very short time they had come to a decision. They would help.

We spent the rest on the morning and most of the afternoon talking. They told story after story about their lives as gays. Mike surprised me by his depth of understanding of some of the issues. I kept making notes on a legal pad. Soon it was almost full. We became caught up in the discussion. I know I fixed something for lunch but I have no idea what it was. We ate it and continued talking all the while. Finally in the late afternoon they ran down.

"Thank you" I said. "You've given me a lot of insight on the gay perspective."

"Any thing else you'd like to know?" Tim asked.

"No, I don't think so. Now if I can just come to terms with the sexuality of it I should be ready to write the book."

"What do you mean?" Mike wanted to know.

I explained that in order to make the characters real I needed to understand their emotions and minds. That I had never had any gay experiences and just didn't see how I could figure that part out. There was more of that no words communication and they asked to be excused for a few minutes. I could hear they were talking in the guest room and when they came out it was Tim who took the lead.

"If you'd like Mike and I will help you discover what it's like."

"I couldn't. I'd be too embarrassed."


I couldn't explain. They talked and I talked and finally I said I'd think about it. I told them I would let them know at dinner. They retired to the guest room and I to my bedroom. The trap had worked to perfection. The darkness was much closer and stronger. I could tell it was restless. I knew it wouldn't wait much longer. Oh God. Why hast thou forsaken me? Why hast thou sent the darkness to torment me? Why? Please tell me why?

Looking at my watch I noted it was about time to start dinner. As I headed for the kitchen I passed their door. I could hear soft laughter from the other side and idly wondered what they were amused at. Going to the fireplace I put some more wood in it. I thought a nice fire would be right for what I had in mind for the evening. The wind had stopped and the snow was gently falling straight down in little fine flakes. I could see that there was about two feet on the patio. Stopping at the stereo I looked through the cds and picked out some light soft music and put it on. Turning the light on in the kitchen I started preparing dinner. Just when I was about ready to call them and tell them dinner was ready they came into the kitchen. I detected a faint odor which told me they had been enjoying each others company that afternoon. I served dinner and poured the wine. There was almost no conversation with dinner. We ate with a purpose. We seemed to know that when dinner was finished we would get to the important business of life and not before. When we had finished, I poured us each a brandy and we retired to the chairs around the fireplace.

"Fellows, I have decided your right. The only way the book will ever be completed is to have the experiences we talked about. I can think of no one who would be better for me to have them with. You have opened your hearts and minds to me. It is time for me to accept that. I would like to think that we have become friends and friends should not be afraid to share."

We discussed where to start. Tim asked me if I had ever had a gay blow job. I told them I had only had a couple of blow jobs from my wife and that they were disappointing. Tim said that Mike gave the best blow jobs he'd ever had. I asked what was so great about a gay blow job. They explained that gays knew what worked because they could experience it. I told them that sounded logical. The tall case clock in the corner strikes eight.

We turned the lights off. By the flickering light of the fireplace I saw Mike slowly unbutton his shirt and let it slip down his arms. He gently tossed it on the floor beside him. He then started on his jeans in the same manner, slowly unbuttoning the top button, drawing the zipper down and letting them slide down his legs. When he did the same to his boxers I could see that he was fully erect. He withdrew one foot and with the other gently kicked them over with his shirt. He walked towards me. I could hear Tim's clothes softly land behind me. When Mike was less then a foot from me he reached up and put his hands on my shoulders. He slowly moved them inward, pausing to gently rub my nipples. He continued to the buttons which one at a time opened under his fingers. When they were all undone he gently opened it and lifted it off my shoulders. I could feel his warm breath on my chest and neck. Tim took the shirt and slipped it down my arms and when it cleared my hands tossed it aside. Mike knelt in front of me. His attention was now directed to my trousers. In that same slow motion he undid them and let them slide down. Tim leaned his chest against my back. The warmth from it seemed to flow through me. Mike hooked his fingers in my briefs. He pulled the front forward and my cock sprang up from where it had been imprisoned. It stood at attention like a marine on a parade ground while he worked his hands around under the waistband and slipped them off my hips. Tim wrapped his arms lightly around my shoulders steadying me while Mike lifted first my left foot and then my right, removing my slippers and working my trousers and shorts off. When he was done, Tim released me from his embrace and started to massage my neck and shoulders. I felt Mike lightly grasp my cock. It is as if a bolt of lightning had hit it. I gasped. Tim continued his massage and Mike just held it. Mike seemed to know when I was under control again. His head moved forward and with the tip of his tongue he licked my cock. It was like pins and needles of pleasure and pain radiating out from the touch of his tongue. Tim shifted his position until he was tight behind me. I could feel his erection pressing into the crack of my ass. He wasn't trying to fuck me. He was just trapping his cock between the cheeks of my ass and his belly. As Mike continued to lick I started to sweat. Mike seemed to pay a lot of attention to that area just under the head of my cock where the foreskin is attached. His tongue was warm and when he started on the slit that I piss from it felt like he was trying to get inside me and possess me. He changed tactics. He started licking the underside starting at my testicles and sweeping his warm tongue up along the underside clear to the tip. By now I was starting to pant. Tim's body had trapped enough of my perspiration on my back and in the crack of my ass so that as I rocked back and forth he slipped up and down me. Mike took me in his mouth. He just held me there. I could feel the warm breath from his nostrils in my pubic hair. When I stop rocking, he started. His head bobbed slowly back and forth. He applied almost no pressure. His mouth was a warm tunnel. I started to move, to try and go down that tunnel, to look for the joy and pleasure which were at the end of it. I didn't know if it would keep the darkness at bay. I just wanted to find it. Tim wrapped his arms lightly around my shoulders, his hands crossing in front. With his left hand he rubbed and pinched my right nipple and with his right my left. Mike slowly picked up the pace and started to apply a little more pressure. Tim and I responded. He was like a conductor of a well trained orchestra. Where he went, Tim and I followed. He was headed for the climax of the number and we had little choice but to follow him. Tim laid his head on my shoulder. He was grunting. I threw my head back. There we were, the three of us in perfect time. Tim was dry fucking me, Mike was sucking me and I could do nothing but respond to them. Eric had never been this good, never came close to making me achieve this plateau. I had had no idea this level of sexual stimulation even existed. Every nerve was stretched. Every emotion expanded. My body was on fire. Mike again picked up the pace and increased the suction. Tim and I matched him. My testicles felt as though they were being squeezed in a vise, that someone was slowly turning the handle trying to cause them to burst and release their load. I knew the end was near. I was torn. If it didn't end soon, I would collapse. Yet, I wanted it to last forever. I was exalted. It was if I was standing on the top of a mountain and the universe was opening before me. Tim was biting my shoulder and growling. His arms tightly clenched around me. I wondered where he got the strength to squeeze so hard. Mike increased the pressure. I felt as though I couldn't get enough air. My chest was heaving, trying to draw in the precious oxygen needed to sustain me. Then it started. I felt a twitch deep within me, in that secret place where I exist. It radiated outward encompassing me. I broke rhythm and lunged. I felt Mike's nose and forehead hit my pubic hair and abdomen. Tim fell out of sync with me. As I rocked back to get another lunge I felt his pelvis against my ass driving forward. The perfect rhythm was broken. Each of us was on his own now. I could feel Mike sucking and swallowing. I could feel Tim climaxing in the crack of my ass, his semen running down it and my legs and me thrusting, trying to drive my cock through the back of Mike's head. I could feel Mike's hair under my finger tips. It seemed to go on forever. Each thrust seemed to take more of my strength. Tim slowed and stopped. I continued but my strength was fading. After a few more thrusts I could no longer continue. I stopped. I could feel Mike's forehead against my abdomen and his hands on my knees. Tim's arms were still around my shoulders and his chin rested on the right one. I felt his ragged breath on my cheek. If they had not supported me I would have collapsed like a prizefighter whose opponent had just scored a knockout punch. Finally my strength started to return. Mike let me slip out of his mouth. Tim turned me and kissed me. Mike stood and joined us in kissing, sharing my taste with both of us. I was ecstatic. The darkness had retreated some and I was amongst friends and lovers. We finally broke our embrace and went to the chairs and sat down.

By the light of the fire I could see Tim. His head was thrown back and he had a dreamy smile on his face. His eyes were closed. Mike sat with his head leaned forward. His face was in the shadows. All I could see of it was a profile of the right side. It no longer had that guarded look he normally wore. He had an expression of peace and contentment. We just sat there, each of us trying to absorb the recent experience into our psyche.

Mike spoke. "Are you ready to take the next step?" His voice was soft and had a tender quality that I had never heard in it before.

"Could I have a few more minutes?" I was still trying to come to terms with an experience that had shaken me to the core. I had thought I knew all about love and sex. It was obvious that these two young men knew far more then I did. Maybe if I could find out what is was I could defeat the darkness, banish it forever. I knew it was still out there but it had retreated. I could feel the anger and restlessness in it. I couldn't figure out what it was they had. I just knew that if I could have it, the darkness would leave me alone.

I asked what the next step was. Tim explained that it was the invasion one person allowed another because of love. That unlike rape which was a true invasion and the violation of a person, it was a sharing of each other because of mutual respect and love. He explained that if done for the right reasons it was not disgusting as some people thought. He pointed out that sometimes a person would experience pain in the beginning but that pain would go away and the sharing and pleasure would remain.

"I want to take the next step."

They advised me to get out some lubrication. After they explained, I told them I didn't have any. The truth was I hadn't had any for these past ten years. We decided to search around the house and see what we could find. After a bit we found a tube of hand cream I sometimes use after I have been scrubbing the house. We returned to the area by the fireplace. I added some more wood. It had burned down to mainly coals. As the fire started to pick back up I asked.

"What am I supposed to do?"

They explained they thought it would be better if we started with me on my hands and knees on the floor as that way I would be in a better position to pull away if I found I could not continue. They had decided during the afternoon that if it got this far, Tim would get the honors as Mike was thicker and they thought that as this was the first time, that would make it a little easier. Besides, according to Mike, Tim was a lot gentler. I knew right then that I wanted Mike but couldn't say so as that would be a break in character.

I kneeled on the floor, my legs together. They patiently explained I should spread them so Tim could get between them. I obliged. Mike knelt down by my head. He leaned down and putting one hand under my chin turned and lifted my face toward him. He started kissing me. Tim started to rub some of the hand cream in the crack of my ass. Mike continued kissing me. His tongue explored my mouth. I could feel the excitement build within me. Tim added more of the cream and then he started to massage my anus, working it in. Finally, after rubbing and massaging it, Tim inserted a finger. I jerked. Mike told me to relax as Tim was just trying to loosen me so it wouldn't hurt as much. I just wanted them to get on with it as I could feel the darkness trying to sneak in and hoped that it wouldn't interfere. Mike went back to kissing me as Tim finger fucked me. After a while he added a second finger. It hurt. It had been so long since Eric had last pleasured me that my anus was no longer stretched. Mike again instructed me to relax. As Tim continued his work I started to lean back into his hand. My cock had hardened. His fingers were sending waves of pleasure through me as they touched those places that had long been undisturbed. I could tell by his breathing that he was aroused. I was rapidly loosing control. Normally my mind could control my emotions and desires but that was becoming impossible. I swung around till Mike was in front of me. His cock was fully erect. I reached for it and started to lower my head towards it. He stopped me. He nodded at Tim and told him he thought I was ready. Tim brought the head of his cock to my puckered hole. He held it there. I wanted it so badly I leaned back. God. The pain and burning was intense. I had forgotten what the first time was like and although this was not the first time, my anus had tightened and it felt like it. I clinched my teeth and I could hear my labored breathing hiss in and out between them. I tried to relax and push down. Slowly the pain started to subside and the burning fire died down. As I became aware of something besides the pain I realized only his head was in me. I leaned back some more and felt it slide further in. The pain was now rapidly leaving and the burning was increasing. It was not a burning pain anymore but a burning passion. My teeth were now unclenched. I leaned back some more and felt my ass press against his pelvis. He was now buried in me. I paused to rest and catch my breath. Mike moved his hips towards me. I could just reach his cock with the tip of my tongue. I licked it. The taste aroused me further. I lunged forward and engulfed Mike in my mouth. Tim followed until he was once again fully in. I leaned back until only Mike's head remained inside my mouth. I swirled my tongue around it and leaned forward again. Again Tim followed. We started that old ballet that has been around since humans discovered sex could be for pleasure and not just procreation. I'd lunge forward and Tim would follow. I'd lean back and Mike would follow. We swayed further and further and faster and faster. The waves of pleasure flowed along my tightly stretched nerves spreading warmth and joy that can only be experienced at times like this. The pace had increased to the point where I knew anything would break it and leave us discordant, like an orchestra warming and tuning up. Mike got there first. I could feel him tense and then lunge forward. I greedily sucked him and swallowed like a hungry child nursing at its mother's breast. Then Tim made it. The warmth I felt as he slammed against me seemed to travel upwards towards my core. They were now on different rhythms. Sometimes both would lunge into me as though trying to make me shorter. Sometimes both would withdraw as though to stretch me. I felt like I was only a wave of pleasure floating between their lunging cocks. In a perfect word times like this would last forever but alas, we live in an imperfect one. They soon ran down and stopped. We collapsed in a sweaty pile. When we fell Mike pulled out of my mouth. I wanted to search for him but had no strength to do so. As Tim relaxed I could feel him slip out of me. Once again I am alone. Once again I have no protection from the darkness.

"Jesus" Mike gasped.

I could hear our ragged, labored breathing. I could feel Tim's breath on my back and feel his arms around me. Tim finally pulled his right arm out from under me where it had been trapped when we toppled over. He moved a little and snuggled up to me laying his left arm across me. Mike finally rolled around and backed into me so that I could feel his back against my chest, the cheeks of his ass against my groin. I managed to raise my left arm and drape it over him but could do no more as that took all my strength. I can feel their breathing slow and their muscles relax. I am spent. I realize they have dozed off but I cannot. My mind is filled with feelings and emotions. They swirl around like dust in a tornado. No matter how I try I cannot come to grips with them. I take a deep breath and try to relax. Suddenly the darkness rushes in and seizes me. I am one with the darkness. The tall case clock strikes eleven.

I look up from the computer screen. It is daylight and the sun is shinning. I look at my watch. I have been writing for two and a half days. The words just keep flowing. My eyes burn and my back aches but I am not tired. I know the story will make the New York Times best sellers list. I realize I am hungry. I decide to eat as I only have part of the last chapter to write. I remember hearing the snowplow yesterday. The power is back on, the generator shut down. As I start to rise, I see the legal pad filled with notes. I take it over and throw it in the fireplace. It's a shame I think to myself. That would have been a great story. I guess I'll have to treat it like the one about the missing wife and friend. Great stories that can never be written. I think about Tim and Mike. They were such nice young men. Too bad. Oh well, they wouldn't have made it much further on that dark and stormy night.

The End

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