Cast of characters - it was always about the bets

By Mike Simmons

Published on Jan 28, 2021


I woke before the alarm to a great looking Wednesday morning and dressed for the run. Downstairs Cole was ready and we went outside, met up with Ray and then JJ and the run was on at a great pace. We finished earlier than usual so I had an extra 5 minutes. I put coffee on and jumped into the shower and was joined by Cole. I smiled and Cole said, don't get any ideas, I have practice and besides that I wanted to ask you to be nice at the USGA meeting today and please keep me out of things. Cole, no worries as it is my first meeting and I'm not sure why I am there. I have no reason to involve you and if it goes down that path, I will react. He said, thanks and gave me a hug and I left him in the shower. I dressed in the clothes I had selected last night, grabbed a travel mug of coffee and left for the office.

At the office there was a quick stop at security to check on the appointments for the day and they was indeed available. I chatted with Ruth and was asked if I had a minute? Once inside my office Ruth sat down and said she had two recommendations for a housekeeper and both were older women from church. She handed me a brief outline of their background. I thanked her saying, I'll discuss this with Megan and she will schedule a meeting. Once Ruth was gone I called the flight school and scheduled the flight check-ride for tomorrow afternoon. I was reviewing notes when dad came in and sat down. I smiled and said what's up? Mike, we need a trust meeting and looking at your online schedule I scheduled it for Friday afternoon. I laughed and said I noticed it was a light afternoon and it won't last long. I took care of inviting the others. I said dad, thanks and that works, but the damn schedule is light because of you and it will get lighter as after the Executive Directors meeting there will be no need to meet with Jordan, well till Monday. I looked at the time, grabbed some papers and said dad, let's get this started.

In the conference room was Kyle (CEO), Dillon (COO), Jordan (CFO), Riley (Executive Secretary), Major Jim Messer (PR), Major Jack McBane (Robotic Director) and Carl McNiff (Security Chief). Dad and I sat down and Riley started by saying we have an agenda so if you don't mind I'll start. The first topic was the location of divisions in the new building. After it was decided that the first floor would be the GE people and that the NASA people would be on the second floor. That involved furniture changes. They were the largest number of people. Smaller departments would be on the third floor. All the Executive offices and the cafeteria and the workout room would be on the 4th floor. Riley would work deal with the furniture people and get the necessary permits Including the occupancy permit.

The next topic was the video game division and it was determined that we would keep it as is and review in 6 months. Then the budget came up and I went into details as to where Jordan and I were in the process. Then I said I wanted each department head to submit their own budget and include expanded needs and ways to increase business. It was agreed that we would review those numbers next Wednesday. Finally it was the discussion on new uniforms for security. The recommendation of the Chief was Grey slacks, various Navy shirts depending on the weather, was accepted. That concluded the list and I was glad that there was nothing else as time was getting tight. I thought it was a good "tight" meeting and that there were very few issues and I simply let the team make recommendations and agreed. I laughed when it crossed my mind I was getting like dad, doing the big things and not even thinking about the details. I wasn't sure I was happy about that but it would have to do, well for now.

The drive to the club for the meeting was easy as there wasn't much midday traffic. I was surprised as there were no more cars in the lot than usual. Inside I found that the meeting was in a private room off the main dining room. I went in the room and was immediately met by Carol Semple Thompson and was introduced to the USGA Executive director, several Executive Committee members and I knew the people from Oakmont in attendance. I was immediately wondering why I was included as everyone here was older than my dad. I was asked what I was drinking and I replied an Arnold Palmer. Just then I heard, DID SOMEONE MENTION MY NAME. I laughed and got a big hug which seemed to shock a number of people. I was under dressed as I was the only one present not wearing a USGA blue blazer and tie. Lunch was a buffet and for me that was a salad and a slice of ham. I was sitting with the Oakmont Pro, Carol and AP. I looked at them and asked why am I here? Carol said Mike, you and I have talked and all we ask is that you be your self, say what you think and don't wait to be asked. I laughed and said what if these stuffed shirts don't like it? AP laughed and said well that's the issue and they need a young successful dude to point that out. Respect the tradition and move forward. I laughed and said, so I have been set up? The Oakmont Club President said we have your back and I'm sure you know the boundaries and how we feel about the bridge and other shit. I finished the salad and went out and got another Arnold Palmer.

As soon as I returned we were all seated in assigned seats, which I found amusing. We were handed an agenda and a quick glance and I realized that there was some concern about the attendance for next years Women's Open. The meeting was dragging on about technical logistics and who was doing what and when the topic switched to attendance I was immediately focused. There were a few ideas thrown around and suddenly I was asked, how do we attract people your age to attend these events? I took a deep breath and said, I'm not sure that's possible. There is not a kid my age who could afford the ticket structure. Besides it isn't that much fun, sure a lot of us enjoy playing, even if we aren't very good. So basically you would have to make available individual tickets and lower the cost. What do you mean it isn't fun? Well the best example would be it's like looking into an aquarium or a display at the zoo. You enjoy what goes on but there is no interaction. You are quiet and respectful watch the amazing talent. You might even wish you could do what they do but you really are not involved. I was quiet for a second and then added, it isn't like any other professional sport where you can yell and scream and talk with your buds, three seats away without offending anyone. There was complete silence and I said, well you asked.

Then I said since the meeting started I have been thinking about the attendance problem for the Women's Open. You could offer anyone who purchased tickets to the women's event the guaranteed opportunity to purchase tickets to the Men's Open. All you have to do is maintain a data base and send out offers to purchase, no discounts. This would eliminate the hassle of a lottery for tickets and you haven't lost anything. Hell, I know it's not complicated as I know something about computers and data bases. Run it by legal issue a Press Release and sit back and collect money. Talk about a quiet room, I just leaned back and smiled. There was some discussion and Carol looked at me and smiled.

Then I was asked again about young people attending. I replied, let me ask you something do you really want us? These tournaments are about funding your organization. You don't really want more people here for the same or less revenue. You have about 300 people working at the USGA, you test and regulate equipment, run the handicapped system and countless other things. People my age are not you customers, we need to grow and mature to that, well most of us.

With that the topic moved to the Men's Tournament and the first question was direct and to the point, can you build a bridge to the other side of the course. I just sat there and the Club President said well that is an expense we are not ready to accommodate at this time. The reply was instant and blunt, we will not award another tournament to your Club until the bridge is built. I politely asked if there was another way and was told no, there isn't. Carol leans over and whispered, be polite and let them have it, coming from a member is important. I took a big breath and said, well as the youngest member here and with as many connections I have in this community, I am respectfully suggesting that when you awarded us another Open, we will sign a contract guaranteeing the bridge will be in place for the event. There was a mini conference and I was told, that doesn't work for us.

I said, if you don't mind please let me summarize; you don't care about the long-standing relationship with my Club. The 4 USGA past Presidents, means nothing. The fact that we have hosted more USGA events than anyone else, all that means nothing. The fact that we could host any event you have with a few days notice, means nothing. So you require advanced control of the course, a bridge to be built, our greens to be slowed down and trees to be cutdown to accommodate people and about 40,000 sq ft of turf to build special accommodations and grandstands. All because you want a bridge? Which we will guarantee to build in any event. Understand something and I am speaking for my self, I could build the bridge, simply write a check, but I will not be bullied into it and I don't think others here will be either.

Then the Club President said we asked Mike to be here and be on our committee because he is the future of this Region and has a way of telling it like it is. I assure you that he speaks for the membership of this Club and while we will work hard to make the two events we have memorable and a testament to your organization, I wish you well going forward. With that it was suggested that we take a 15 minute break. I immediately got up and went onto the patio and was watching people putt.

Almost immediately Jim, the Executive Director came up to me and said Mike, I guess we are painted in opposite corners? I laughed and said, I actually offered to build a bridge and was told that was unacceptable. Ok, so where does that leave us? I laughed and said opposite corners and it will be what it becomes. I said Jim, I love this place, the traditions and the course, it means a lot to me and Latrobe and South Hills think I spend too much time golfing here. So Mike, what's your handicap? I said, look I play and submit scores and don't pay attention. He laughed and said, you are scratch golfer. So why did you ask? To see how honest you are and that answer tells me you are honest and hold personal shit close. I said Jim run your silly games as I am who you see in front of you.

Back inside the Club President asked, how did that go? I said well we are locked in opposite corners. Look we can try to get the PGA or do a very elite tournament or give in or wait it out. The reality is that they are right about the trees, they should all go, He shook his head and sat down. The meeting lasted another hour and then Carol, AP and I had a light dinner. Once we were all seated I looked at the two of them and asked, why did you put me on this committee? They looked at each other an I was told they didn't, it was the club membership. We simply said that you would be perfect. We had a nice relaxing dinner and I drove home and was considering a workout and realized I needed to study for the check-ride.

At home I grabbed an iced tea and went straight to my room and hit the books. First I concentrated on the plane limitations and then engine performance. I remembered much from a few days ago and as always was thrilled that my memory was so fucking good. After about an hour and a half, I went looking for Cole. I found him in his room and he was packing for an Amateur Tournament in Ohio and he wanted a couple of practice rounds in. He said that his practice session was only ok and his Pro said that was because he stopped working. He felt that 2 practice rounds and a bunch of work at the range would help. He asked about my meeting and I gave him the Clifton Notes version. He smiled and said, well you know I want to play in that event. I smiled and said, of course you do. Then he said don't bother looking for the rents as they ate at the club.

I went downstairs and left a note asking when they were available to interview a housekeeper and said that there were two candidates if they were interested. Then I called South Hills CC and was going to leave a message for Mike the manager. I was surprised when he got on and I told him about the wine and asked if he could get a read for me on how good it was? I added that the wine was no cost to the Club. He said sure and that there was an event there tomorrow and if I dropped it off he would get it distributed. I assured him I would drop it off first thing tomorrow but that feedback was important and thanked him. I was surprised as he didn't ask what this was all about.

It was back to the review of the airplane and it's limits and capabilities. Quickly board with that and sure I was ready, I grabbed my headphones and but on some soft classical music to relax. In thinking about the day I realized that while I believed everything I said at the meeting, I was set up. I guess there is a price to pay, I love that course and the Club so fitting in, if I must, is a small price to pay.

I was about to jump into the shower when my phone rang. I laughed when I saw it was Mary Ann calling me. I answered by saying good evening, this is Mike, how can I help you? She laughed and said, damn you can be an ass. Before I could say anything she asked if we could please quit with the games, as neither of us will win and just hang out, say tomorrow evening? I laughed and asked, are you asking me out on a date? She replied, well I guess so and I really want to get to know you. I replied, well that works for me, what do you have in mind? She laughed and said, damn do I have to do all the work? I thought for a minute and asked, should I just get a room and see what happens? Mike, that would be an expensive way to watch TV as I assure you that's all that would happen. I laughed and said, that's good to know. Then I said how about hoagies at Danny's and walk in South Park. She laughed and said, that sounds like an innocent enough first date. I laughed and said, so me buying lunch wasn't a date? Then I said, I'll see you tomorrow, your place, say 5:30? She said that was great and we hung up.

I immediately stripped and jumped into the shower. I just let the hot water stream over me thinking that Mary Ann was indeed different. She is chasing after me, I just need to figure out why and what she really knows about me. I was determined to keep this on the down low, without actually lying to her. The most extravagant thing I would do would be to take her up in the single engine plane. This budding relationship is requiring work. With all kind of shit running around in my head, I simply feel asleep.

In the morning Cole was skipping the run and apparently so was Ray as he wasn't around. I was glad to see JJ was running and we did our usual route. This time however I stopped at his driveway and asked if he was interested in leaving Saturday, after the team practice, and going to the lake and returning Monday? JJ asked if I would have free time for him or will it be all work? I said well we will have Saturday to ourselves. Then business and lunch on Sunday and most likely Monday morning and fly home Monday afternoon. Then he asked if he could fly part of the way? I smiled and said ask your dad and I have a check ride for the twin engine thing today. If your dad clears you to fly some, I'll bite the bullet and take the Cessna. With that, I went inside and put some coffee on and took a shower. Once that was done, I called the office and told Ruth that I was working from home and would not be available from 10:00 till 1:00. Other than that I would be available by phone. I changed into new jeans and a non descriptive polo shirt and dockers. Next, I delivered the wine to the club and went back home.

I spent the next couple of hours reviewing things for the check ride. At 9:15 I collected my log book, made sure my license and medical certificates were there and added my checkbook then drove to the airport. Once there I checked the plane for the maintain records and other items and went inside and met my instructor, Vincent. I was glad to see that he was younger, well not my dad's age. We had a friendly chat and I was asked to call him Vince. The he started to review my log book and the medical form and the license. He smiled and said, well there are a number of thing here that speak very highly of your qualifications and they are from very impressive people, an astronaut and a more recent jet jock. He asked a few questions about the plane and it limitations and I answered them quickly, right out of the book. He laughed and said well I see you have studied and have an excellent memory, I'll ask more questions during the flight. He smiled and said, I'm thinking this will go quick and smooth. I was wondering what was in the damn log book as I never read it and never look when I enter shit into it.

At the airplane, I started with a very detailed pre-check and left the fuel to the last item. I was asked, why I checked the fuel and I smiled and said, not trusting that gage. Inside I was immediately asked, which is the dominant engine in this aircraft? I replied left and that the propellers spin in the same direction and that requires an adjustment to stop a drift right. While I was answering the question I was conducting the pre engine start. I did this from memory and when finished I grabbed the written check list and made sure I didn't forget anything. Vince, chuckled and I asked if we were ready? He said absolutely. I started engine 2 and was asked why? I said because it is opposite the "air bridge". Then I started engine 1 and checked the RPM's, oil pressure and a few other things. I then checked ATIS and got the wind and weather report and found a moderate crosswind. Vince asked, is that crosswind within craft capabilities? I said yes. He immediately asked if they were within my abilities? I said yes, well according to the simulator. Then for the fun of it I reviewed the procedures. Vince, shook his head and said let's get going, if you are as good in the air as you are on the ground, I should just sign off now.

I chose the correct radio frequency for ground control and asked for permission to taxi. I was immediately given the same runway as usual and looked for the airport map, which Vince had in his hand. He smiled and said according to the log you have done this like 40 time, why do you need the map? Double checking everything isn't impressing me, just get us there. Once we were in position, I contacted the tower, gave my location and asked for permission to take off. We were immediately cleared and I didn't waste any time and as soon as we were off the ground, I adjusted the rudder for the cross wing and there were no issues. Following ATC directions I made a left turn and started climbing to 3,000 feet and retracted the landing gear. I asked where to and he said, it doesn't matter and as soon as we got to altitude, Vince said let's see how good you do with one engine and he turned off engine 2. I immediately adjusted the engine and eliminated windmilling. I then checked the altitude and was pleased to see that with an adjustment we had only dropped about 50'. The heading was a totally different issue as we were being pulled right. I adjusted that with the rudder. Then it was left to reduce drag by establishing and maintaining a bank toward the operating engine and proper inclinometer ball placement. With all that done I grabbed the restart engine checklist. I looked at Vince and said, this isn't redundant, no mistakes. He smiled and said, I know different but go ahead. Once the engine was successfully restarted there were a series of maneuvers. There were stalls, slow speed, sharp turns and bunch of questions about emergency procedures. After about an hour he asked me if I knew where we were and I said, well not exactly but we went past Morgantown about 15 minutes ago and as after all those maneuvers we are heading due west so I would say near Zainesville. He shook his head and said, look out the window. When I did I just laughed and said, shit am I good. As we were approaching Zainesville. With that he said get us back and avoid Greater Pittsburgh. Unless you want to piss a lot of people off. I turned around and was heading due East. Finding my way back was easy enough and I contacted Allegheny Tower and gave distance and checked ANTIS and discovered that the crosswinds were a little less and asked for permission to land and entered the pattern as instructed. There was indeed traffic and we were eventually cleared to land and with the crosswind, I put it down about a foot from the center line. That totally pissed me off. Vince's, laughed as he saw I was pissed. Look Mike, that was most likely the best check ride I have conducted and 1' with that wind is insignificant. You worry me though as you are too good and might get careless. Just be aware of that and don't push the fucking limits, unnecessarily. Let's get the paperwork done so we can both enjoy the day.

While I was waiting on Vince, my mined turned to football and I was wondering if I should take some teammates to the Cabin? I knew that JJ had other ideas and quickly ruled that out. Before I could think that thru, Vince appeared and sat down and set the papers and my log book on the table. I asked about his fee and he said $275 so I took out my checkbook and wrote a check for that amount. He looked and asked, you have a checking account, I smiled and said yup. Then he asked when I would be getting my instrument railing? I said well there is football so before January, unless I get really busy. I said Jets by the spring. Well, good luck with that and think about asking for me for future checks, it's fun working with someone who knows what the fuck they are doing. I laughed and said, absolutely. I looked at the materials briefly and put everything in the log book, shook hands with Vince and decided to drive to the office.

On the way I stopped at Wendy's and ordered a single with lettuce, tomato and cheese, fries and an iced tea. While eating I started to make a list of people I needed to call and that started with Coach B and Sean. Then I remembered that I should call the Major. When he answered he said yes, with limits. I laughed and said, well that wasn't the reason for the call, I passed my multi engine check ride this morning. In typical Major Jim fashion I heard, fuck it's about time. I said thanks and I'm on my way in and I'll discuss the limits with JJ. I finished eating and started the 20 minute drive to the office and was thinking about Mary Ann and where that was heading and if I wanted to head anywhere. She was unlike anyone I had been involved with before. Cute but not a knock out, smart as a whip and street smart. She pushed me challenged me and kept me on my toes. The question was could we mold that into a dynamic force? She lived in an area of the district that was unfamiliar to me and I would check that out.

At the office, I said hello to Ruth and went looking for dad. He was in his office and I was immediately waved in. He laughed and asked, did you move into your office, this isn't working from home, if you are here. Dad, I haven't worked at all as I passed my multi engine rating test this morning. I just stopped in to let you know and that I'm going to workout and then have a date. So I won't be home for dinner. So Mike, you are good with Megan and I hiring a household? I said sure and if she enters my room I'm moving out. He said Mike, remember the Foundation meeting tomorrow at 10:00. I said I got it and was told to get out of here as he had work to do. at my office, I called Alex and asked him for a meeting at 8:30 tomorrow to review the sales agreement and financial needs. The I called Tim and asked for a meeting at 9:15 tomorrow to discuss the legal ramifications of the Foundation financing the property for dad's start up. With all that done o drove to school for a much needed workout.






Next: Chapter 211

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