It Wasnt My Fault Series

By Brian

Published on May 20, 2014


It Wasn't My Fault

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 2

School, the one thing I dreaded most. It wasn't my fault I had a learning disability. My Mom had been addicted to crack cocaine when she got pregnant with me. The Doctors attributed her addiction for all my problems. So it really wasn't my fault that I was only five foot 2 inches and a hundred pounds. Even with all the good food I had in the last month I had not gained a single pound or grew an inch.

Now normally in this State I could have quit school when I was sixteen, but I was a ward of the State so I had to keep going. I really didn't qualify for grade ten, but at sixteen they had to advance me. I knew it was going to hell for me like all the other schools I had to go to.

Jim took me to register a week before school started. He didn't tell the Principal of my short comings. All the Principal said was I looked kind of short at sixteen, but he said it with a smile. I got a list of all my subjects and books I would need. Also all the other supplies. Of course Jer and Sam got registered too and we all went to the book store for our books and Wal-Mart for our supplies.

When we got home we sat down to look over everything.

I had to take Math, Science, English, Language, History, PE and Drama. I also had to pick a sport I wanted to do. Well I was never good at any sport. Jer said because I liked to run, maybe I should put down athletics. Good as any I figured. Jer and Sam both took Swimming, Diving and Soccer.

I was even a lousy swimmer, so that was out too.

Now Jer and Sam's birthdays were only a week apart and both were going into Grade 9. Jer had skipped grade 5, so was in the same grade as Sam. Jer was real smart always getting A plus on every thing. I was always lucky if I got a C. Sam was a B student.

Grade nine and ten didn't intermix at school except at lunch. We always took our skate boards to school and skated home for lunch. We were only four blocks from school. Elsie always had lunch ready when we got home. After school we spent an hour at the skate park.

One thing new I found out about Jer and Sam and even Jim and Elsie, they were always close when we did our homework. I wasn't really a dummy, I just had trouble figuring things out. They all helped me.

I knew Sam and Jer were in love with each other. I could tell, but they still came to my room and we played around. I was also sure when they went back to their rooms they fucked each others brains out. I saw a few boys from the skate park at school, even some of the guys I had sucked. Tyler I saw a few times, but he was also into girls and only got together with me when he ended up with blue balls. Then I just sucked him off or he fucked me.

I actually was liked in Athletics. The Coach liked that I could beat everyone in the hundred yard dash and four hundred. Any longer than that I pooped out. I had never learned to pace myself. I always ran as fast and as hard as I could. I had learned that to get away from bullies.

There weren't any bullies in the school. No said anything about me being so short or that I was a half breed. Guess it has to do with all the other kids. There were all kinds. Asians, Blacks, Hispanic, and white kids all together. Most were bussed into the school.

Now everybody knew that Sam and Jer were Gay and no one bothered them. It soon got around that I was Gay too and I suppose it was my fault that I got almost raped one night on the way home.

Most times, Jer and Sam skated home with me after school. Sometimes I went home alone coz they had swimming or soccer practice. Well the shortest way home was straight down an alley next to the school, so when I was alone I always used that route.

Well one day when I came out of school it looked like a big storm was coming. It was a Friday night. Jer and Matt had gone to a swim meet, so I had to head home alone. I knew if I took the alley I'd be home quick and might make it before the rain started.

I put my back pack on dropped my skate board and took off. Now I had skated this alley probably a hundred times. There no obstacles to avoid, just a straight smooth run all the way home. With storm coming and the skies real black the shadows were darker. I was about half way when I saw a board laying across the alley. I saw it too late to stop and of course ended up sprawled on the ground. My legs and knees hurt where I had hit.

"Well look what we caught." I heard.

When I looked at where the voice came from, I saw three Negro boys walking out of the shadows. I immediately started to get scared. I had always been scared of Negros from when I was living with Big Ben. Now I had three of them standing around me.

Two of them grabbed me by the shoulders and hauled me to my feet. The other grabbed my skate board. They dragged me into the shadows and up a short stair and into a corner behind a big garbage bin. I knew then that they had planned this. An old mattress was on the floor of the loading dock.

"You are that fag boy from school so we know you are going to like what we got for you." One said.

While two of them held me the other started to undo my jeans.

"Look guys, I'll do anything you want. Just don't hurt me." The guy undoing my pants stopped.

"Anything we want?"

"That's what I said and you got to promise not to say anything."

"Okay boy. Get your clothes off." He pushed me back on the mattress.

It was still hot out, but I was shaking like a leaf as I undressed. As usual my cock betrayed me. As I pushed down my jeans my hard cock popped out.

"Looks like he's interested." One said.

As soon as I had my undies off, the one that had done all the talking stepped forward and pushed me to my knees. He pushed his uncut cock on my lips. I opened my mouth and he just shoved it in. It tasted terrible, but I just sucked him off. He didn't taste bad when he came. After him I did the other two. Two guys were what I called average. The last was way bigger and I gagged continuously as he fucked my face. He tasted bad when he came and I almost puked.

He pushed me onto my back. One held my legs back while the other clamped his hand over my mouth. The guy with the big cock just rammed it in. I screamed at his hard entrance, but after it was just like any other cock I had had. He came quick too and pulled out. The second guy was the same, quick in and a quick fuck before coming. Both just zipped up and left.

I just lay there waiting for the third guy. Then he said the strangest thing.

"I'm sorry Matt. I really wasn't into this rape. Ned and Jack don't even go to the school. I'm in all your classes and really just wanted to meet you. I knew you used that alley some times and just wanted to talk. It was Ned's idea we fuck you.

I guess I was interested, but now I'm sorry." He started to get up.

"Don't get up Gary. Come on I want your cock inside me. I hated that big guy, but even it was okay after he got it in. I want you to fuck me."

He sat down close and pushed my legs back. His entrance was slow and measured. I couldn't believe how good it felt. He fucked me slow even strokes.

"A little faster and harder is okay Gary."

Pretty soon he was pounding my butt. I loved every second. I had never felt this before. Almost like a shower of sparks every time he went in. He took along time to come. When he did my own cock shot my load all over me. He pulled out, pushed my legs back and rimmed my hole. He took along time licking up all three loads inside me. I was in total rapture by the time he stopped.

He helped me up and then helped me dress.

By now it raining cats and dogs. When I looked at Gary he was almost in tears. I pulled his head down and kissed him.

"Thank you Gary. I really enjoyed you inside me. I hope we can do this again." "What do you mean Matt? We like rape you and now you want me to do it again. I don't understand you at all."

"It's simple really. It wasn't exactly rape. I've been fucked lots before and sucked lots of cocks. Now you of all of them tasted best. You didn't so much as fuck me but made love to my ass. I really did enjoy it when you fucked me. Those other two it was more like a couple of rutting dogs."

That got a laugh out of him.

We sat and just looked at the rain. It really was coming down. I had about 200 yards to get home and knew I'd be soaked.

"Fuck am I going to be wet in just a couple hundred yards."

"I'll be almost drowned by the time I run six blocks." Gary said.

I never even thought about it.

"Gary why not come to my place. After we get dried off I'll see if my step Dad can drive you home."

"You sure Matt? You won't be in trouble bringing home a stranger."

"Your not exactly a stranger. After all you have already fucked me and I have sucked you off. Besides I might get it again. My Step Mom and Dad are real nice. I'm sure it will be fine. I'll just say you are a friend from school and we got caught in the storm."

Well we were like two drowned rats when we got to my place. I took Gary into the garage so we didn't get the floors wet. Elsie came to the garage.

"Hi Elsie. This is Gary, a friend of mine from school. We got caught in the storm."

"Land sakes boys. You better get them wet duds off before you catch cold. I'll get some towels. You can take Gary up and get you boys a hot shower. I'll get your clothes dry Gary."

She brought three huge bath towels.

I just started to undress. Gary just stood not sure what to do.

"Come Gary, get them off. Elsie won't take no for an answer."

Boy Gary's smooth black skin looked nice. His cock soft had a long foreskin. I had to control myself or Elsie would learn real quick about Gary and me. After we had both big towels around us we gave Elsie our wet clothes.

"You boys go get warmed up. I'll let you know Matthew when the clothes are dry."

"Okay Elsie. Thank you."

I took Gary up all three flights of stairs and straight down the hall to the bathroom. Once inside I locked the door and dropped my towel. I sat on the toilet and got rid of most of the cum and crap in my butt. Then turned on the shower. Gary hadn't moved.

I reached out and pulled his towel off. I had always been scared of Negros, but Gary took my breath away. He was about half a foot taller than me and a lot heavier, but still real slim. Everything was perfect, almost like a statue. I got hard just looking at him.

I pulled him into the shower and he moaned. I grabbed the body wash and started to wash him. It took a few moments before he started to return the favor. When I started on his cock, he stopped and got a real dreamy look in his eyes. As I peeled back his foreskin he started to get hard. I already was just holding his dick. Hard he had about an inch more than me and was thicker too. No where as big as some Negros I had seen. I guess the word perfect came to mind. I really wanted to drop and suck him off, but went on and washed his balls and then his ass crack. He moaned when I touched his hole. He shook himself and went on washing me. We finished and then rinsed. After drying I led him to my room and closed the door.

He was very impressed with all my stuff. Finally he just sat on the bed.

I got him an old pair of shorts that were way too big for me. He just set them on the bed beside him. When I looked at him his eyes were glassy, almost like he was near tears.

"Matt, I really got to tell you something and I want you to let me finish before you say anything."

"Okay Gary."

"I guess to start with, I am the same as you. I met Sam and Jer last year and we even sucked each other. When you came to school with them, I knew you lived in a Foster home too. Well I talked to them and they told me just about everything about you. Don't be mad at them. They told me you were afraid of black boys, so I knew you would never talk to me."

"I put that mattress in there about a week ago and have been hoping you would use the alley. I was going to stop you and ask if I could suck your dick. If you said yes then I was going to ask you to fuck me. I wasn't going to stop you like Nat and Jed did. When they came along and saw me, it kind of changed things."

"I'm sorry they did what they did, but if I hadn't they were going to tie you down and really hurt you. I just couldn't do that to you. I guess I'm in love with you Matt."

By now the tears were streaming down his face. I got up and walked up to Gary. I leaned forward and kissed him. His eyes got real big and then his arms were around me and we were necking like crazy. We ended up lying beside each other on the bed naked.

"I kind of guess I love you too Gary. You make me feel all weird inside, but a good weird. Man when you screwed me I saw stars and stuff. That never happened before."

I reached down and wrapped my hand around his cock. Man it felt so good and so smooth. Gary moaned as I jacked him once.

Then Elsie knocked on my door. Man I never saw a guy move so fast. He was off the bed and into the closet so fast I almost laughed.

"Matthew. You boy's clothes won't be dry for another hour. Maybe you should have Gary call home."

"Okay Elsie. Thanks."

"Among you three boys, you should be able to find something that Gary can wear. When you do come down, I got some hot chocolate and cookies for you boys."

"Okay Elsie."

I rolled off the bed and walked to the closet.

"You can come out now. She's gone. She would never come in unless I invited her. Jim said my room is my castle and won't come in except to inspect it on Saturday."

"Come on we'll find something for you to wear."

I got him some loose undies and cargo shorts. My t-shirts were way to small so I gave him a hoody to wear. We just put on socks. After I dressed I walked in front of Gary. He was sitting on the side of my bed.

"I guess if you love me and I love you, we're boyfriends."

"You want to be my boyfriend after what I did to you Matt?"

"Of course coz maybe you'll do it again."

"Well you got to do it to me too." We went into another lip lock. I could feel myself getting hard and stopped.

"We keep that up and I might need to rape you. Let's go down for some hot chocolate and some Elsie's cookies.

We walked down to the kitchen and sat down. Elsie put big mugs of hot chocolate in front of us.

"Thank you Mame." Gary said.

"No Mames in this house Gary. You can call me Elsie like everyone else."

I smiled at that. Elsie was treating Gary like one of the family.

We sat and ate a few cookies and sipped the hot chocolate. Elsie was looking at me with a smile on her face.

"Some things changed about you Matthew. You look happier than I have ever seen you."

"Well Elsie I guess I wasn't exactly truthful when we came in. I should have said Gary was my boyfriend." There I said it and it was out in the open.

Gary's mouth dropped open. "Well I'm very happy for you both." Elsie said.

"Gary you better call home."

Well he called but got no answer. Then he called another number and talked for a bit.

"My Mom wants to talk to you." He handed the phone to Elsie.

Well we didn't here much of the conversation, just 'I see,' okays, and stuff like that. We did hear the last thing Elsie said.

"Of course for as long as necessary." Then she said her good byes and hung up.

"For your benefit Mathew, Gary and his Mom live on River Road. The fire department is evacuating all the people because of possible flooding. Gary's Mom has moved in with her sister. She asked me if Gary could stay here until the storm is over or the flooding stops. Of course I said yes."

"Really! Oh wow, that's great."

"I was going to suggest the same thing. I talked to Jim. He said the rain is only going to get worse and he really wouldn't want to go out again. I doubt we could even get you a cab Gary. The streets even here are almost awash."

"Thank you Elsie. I guess I'm lucky Matt invited me here."

"More ways than one I'm sure Gary."

Oh wow. Did Elsie know more than she was letting on.

"Mathew, you might as well take Gary to the Rec room. We won't be having dinner until Jim and the boys get back and lord knows when that will be."

"Okay Elsie. Come on Gary, we can play some games."

Gary smiled at that. That had more than one meaning.

I took Gary to the Rec room. WE sat side by side and played Grand Theft Auto. I was pretty good at the game but Gary was better. He taught me a lot of stuff. Problem I had was I couldn't concentrate. Sitting beside Gary I was hard right from the start. I finally set down my controller.

"We got to talk Gary. Come on." I led him back to my room.

We sat on the bed, side by side.

"Gary being your boyfriend is going to be a lot harder than I thought. Every time I get near you I get hard. I can't help it, I just want to hold onto you."

"Matt I have felt the same way since the first day I saw you. I get hard thinking about us together. I know we are going to have even bigger problems. A Negro and a white boy together is not going to be easy."

"Well I'm not really white, more brown than white." I giggled.

"You know what I mean Matt. There are people that will really hate us."

"Screw them Gary. I don't care what anyone thinks."

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him back flat on the bed. Then rolled on top of him. Like me I could feel his hard cock through my shorts.

I kissed him on the lips. That was all it took we were rolling and necking on the bed. Every thing else was unimportant. I could have had him make love to me right then and I think he was thinking the same thing.

"We got to stop or I'm going to end up changing." I said.

"Me too." He giggled.

I didn't wait and almost tore his shorts off. I had his cock buried in my throat almost at once.

"Oh God Matt." His hand came down on my head as his hips bucked up. His cock was buried deep in my throat as he came. I think the first shot went straight to my stomach. He let off the pressure on my head and I was able to taste some of his sweet juice. When he finished I just sat back.

"My turn." He said and almost ripped my shorts off to get at my Dick. Well his lips touching my sensitive dick did it and I just couldn't hold back. He swallowed every drop.

We both just lay back enjoying the high and slow come down.

After coming down we sat on the edge of the bed our shorts around our ankles. I looked at Gary's soft cock. It was a lot like mine, but thicker. Near the same length. Then I started to laugh.

"You think my dick is funny Matt?"

"No! No, I think it is perfect. I was just thinking of the show we would put on if Jer or Sam walked in on us."

No sooner did I say it then some one knocked on my door.

Gary and I both jumped. "Who is it?" I said.

"It's Sam and Jer. We just got back and Elsie said you had Gary over. We just wanted to say hi."

"Just a second." I hobbled over to the door.

I stood behind it and opened it a crack. Sam's big smile greeted me.

"Come in quick." I opened the door, both boys bolted inside and I closed the door.

Gary was trying to pull up his shorts and undies at the same time, but his dick was getting in the way. Both boys just stopped seeing Gary. I hobbled back over to Gary and put my arm around him.

"Gary and I are boyfriends."

When I said that Gary stopped trying to cover himself. I saw tears in his eyes so I just hugged him closer.

"That's so cool. Me and Sam are boyfriends too." Jer said.

That I already guessed, but didn't say anything.

"We just wanted to say hi. We got to change and shower before dinner. We'll talk later okay?" Sam said.

"Okay, see you at dinner." Both boys quickly left.

Gary and I straightened our selves out and got dressed proper. Didn't help that we were both hard again. That was going to be a problem. I got hard every time I was close to Gary and I think he was the same way.

Sam and Jer stopped by and told us dinner was ready. We all trooped down together.

Dinner was all you can eat fish and chips. Gary only took one piece of fish and a few chips.

"Land sakes Gary. That's not enough to keep a bird alive. Eat all you want Son. No one goes hungry in this house."

We three boys had piled our plates. Gary took another piece and more fries. The talk was all about the storm and swim meet. Both Jer and Sam had won medals. We found out the storm was the edge of a hurricane that hit northern Florida. Lots of rain and wind but little else. Was supposed to move off in a couple of days.

After cleaning up we did our homework. Gary didn't have any so helped me. Like everyone else he was smarter than me, but being in the same classes helped me a lot. After we were just sitting in the living room. Elsie made hot chocolate again with cookies.

"So I understand there have been changes Matthew."

"Well Gary and I are boyfriends. We got stuck in the rain together and sort of came together. I guess it's weird, like we only just met."

"Stranger things have happened Matthew, but as long as you are truthful with each other, I have no problems. All you are doing is coming out to Elsie and I. You been Gay is something we both already knew, but also knew you had to admit it yourself. Jer and Sam came to us both and told us they were not only Gay but in love with each other."

"We won't try and pour cold water on you boys, but have you considered the consequences of both coming out at school."

"I know Jim, but I'm not exactly white. Heck I'm almost got as good a tan as Gary."

That broke everyone up.

"I know that Son, but to the kids in school it won't make a difference. Kids at you boys age can be very cruel. I just hope you both know what you might be in for."

"We are Jim. I don't know why but I just feel so good around Gary."

"Well from the look in Gary's eyes, its mutual. Now you boys better run along. I'm sure you have games that all four of you can play."

I chuckled to myself. I could think of several games we all could play and none of them were in the Rec room.

"As long as you boys keep the noise down after Elsie and I retire, you can stay up as late as you like, however Tomorrow is also clean up day so don't stay up too late."

"We won't Jim. Thank you for everything."

We played games for about 2 hours. I lost a lot coz I couldn't concentrate sitting next to Gary. Even though I knew he was hard he still beat the rest of us real good. We headed up to my room when we heard Elsie and Jim go to bed.

Well we had quite an orgy after I screwed Gary. Then they all tag teamed my butt and mouth, not that it mattered. I knew I was more a bottom than a top and I think Gary was a top mostly. I found out Jer was mostly a bottom too. Both boys left about eleven and Gary and I were spooned on the bed. I lifted one leg of Gary and guided his nice tool into my butt.

With him spooned against me and inside it was a real slow fuck and I was seeing stars the whole time. I fell asleep with his dick still inside me.

In the morning we were both super hard, but it was more a piss hard than erotic. Well more erotic than piss I thought. We tried to go in the can but finally just climbed into the shower together. Gary finally started to piss and stopped.

"You want to try my pee Love?" Gary said.

Well I had to do it for Big Ben before and it never bothered me so I just knelt down and took Gary's semi-hard dick in my mouth. He had a lot and most just shot out around my lips. He tasted very salty, but knew if he asked me again I would do it. I'd do anything Gary asked me.

After he was done he went down and did me. We just washed each other after. Dried we headed back to our room. Gary's dry clothes were sitting outside my door.

We just put on our undies as I started on my room. We stripped and changed the bed. Swept the floor and then washed it. We'd do the dusting after breakfast. Gary helped just as if he had always been here.

WE dressed then and went down for breakfast.

Elsie treated Gary just like one of the family. After breakfast Gary called him Mom and talked for a while.

As we finished breakfast Jer and Sam showed up.

"Matthew, after you finish your room you two boys can start on the Rec Room."

"Okay Jim."

I hated doing the Rec room coz it was always the messiest place in the house.

Most of the rooms in the house had hardwood floors except the bathrooms. They were tiled. The Rec room, sitting room and all the hallways and stairs were carpeted. So after cleaning and dusting the Rec room we had to vacuum it too. That was always the hardest part. You had to move all the furniture to get every where. I'm glad I had Gary helping this week.

Problem was I was perpetually hard working around Gary and knew I couldn't do anything about it until after lunch. I think Gary was the same way from how his jeans always showed a huge basket.

I knew my problem would get worse at school. Gary and I were in all the same classes, even PT. He was a high jumper and long jumper. I just didn't know what I was going to do.

The rest of the weekend was fantastic for me. Gary must have screwed me a dozen times. He always rimmed me after and I once wished I could rim myself. From then on after he rimmed he'd keep some in his mouth and feed it to me after he was done. Always drove me almost wild.

It rained all weekend pretty hard. Lucky for Gary Elsie had washed his clothes so he had clean clothes for Monday.

"Elsie, can Gary come home for lunch with us?"

"Of course he can. He's welcome here anytime he wants."

That just may save me if I get a chance to suck him off at lunch. I decided I was going to wear my jock to school. It always kept my dick hidden in PT. I failed to take a few things into consideration. One was the material of the jock was rubbing my dick all day and under my shorts I was bare assed. Then the proximity of Gary all day, still kept me either semi-hard or hard all the time. Lucky that jock mostly hid it too. Gary in his jeans pretty much covered his problem.

Lunch did solve our problem. I'd suck Gary off in my bedroom and when we went back to school we'd always use the alley. While Jer and Sam kept watch Gary would suck me off. Then if we had time, we'd watch while Jer and Sam did a sixty nine on the mattress. Always helped until PT. PT was second last class of the day so we always had to shower. That was a bitch too coz I was always hard showering, seeing all them cocks. Lucky most of the other guys were too.

Drama I hated too. It was last class of the day. I hated that Shakespeare character coz I could never remember the stupid language, plus I had a real short time memory. That wasn't my fault.

Things were going real good. I was happier than I had ever been. I guess with Gary helping me a lot I did better in school. I actually got a B- on my entire midterm tests except drama. There I got my usual C.

Jim and Elsie were real happy with my marks. They said Gary was having a real good influence on me. I knew that already and was addicted to having Gary fuck or suck his cock. I did fuck him once in a while, but only if he asked me. We did sixty nine a lot so he sucked me off lots.

Christmas was coming and we would have two weeks off. I asked Gary to come and stay with me a few days. He said he would with his Mom's permission, but I had to come and stay with him a few days. I wasn't sure I could. I was a foster kid and figured I had to always stay at the house.

I had never met Gary's Mom, but Jim and Elsie had. Because I was so close to Gary, part of their job as Foster Parents was to check out my friends families. They had become good friends. So when I asked if I could stay at Gary's for a few days, Jim said it would be no problem as long as Gary's Mom agreed.

Well I was so happy I hugged Gary and kissed him. We went into short lip lock.

"Well I don't see a problem with you two boys being alone for a few days." Jim said.

I guess I must have blushed or something coz everyone burst out laughing. Gary just hugged me close.

"Thank you Jim. Thank you Elsie. You are both more like my Mom and Dad."

Jim and Elsie were the best Mom and Dad that I had ever had.

"I wish you were my Mom and Dad too." I said.

"That is the nicest thing you have ever said Matthew. Elsie and I always try to treat you boys like we really were you real Mom and Dad. Looking at you Son, I'd be very proud to have you for a son."

He then grabbed me and hugged me. I started to cry. Elsie came over and hugged me at the same time.

"Matthew I would feel very proud if you wanted to call me Mom." She said.

"Can I call you Dad too." I said to Jim.

"Of course you can Son."

I just bawled my head off then. I really did have a real Mom and Dad."

We finally went upstairs to talk. We wanted to plan our days off school. Figure out what we would do and which days we would be at the others place.

"Gary you have never mentioned it, but do you have a Dad?"

"Well I had one, but he got killed about eight years ago. I still think about him lots."

"I'm sorry I asked Gary."

"It's cool Babe."

I felt all tingly inside when he called me Babe. He had started to use the word when he fucked me and it just made it feel so much better.

"Can you talk about it?"

"Sure. My Dad worked for Union Pacific Railroad. He was an engineer. He was working the downtown yard one day. He had picked up a string of flats from Garvy Mills and had to move them across the main line to a string he was making up. Well he had cross the mainline about a dozen times. Now you can't cross the mainline unless the signals are green.

The brakeman said that he stopped and waited for a green at the mainline. Now the Brakeman says my Dad got two greens so they pulled out onto the mainline. The South bound high speed freight hit my Dad's locomotive head on. He was killed instantly along with both engineers in the South bound. Now they initially blamed my Dad for the wreck until the Brakeman woke up in hospital. He said my Dad had a double green light.

When they checked the signal, it had a fault in it. Instead of going to double red, it went from double orange to double green. So my Dad wasn't to blame."

Well my Mom got a big settlement from the Railroad and bought the house we had from the railroad. We had been living in one of the Railroad owned houses. "That's about it Matt."

"God, I'm so sorry Gary. I never who my Dad was. He was just a trick of my Moms. She was a hooker."

"Well you got a real nice Mom and Dad now love. And you got me too."

Well from there we just lay on the bed necking until Gary had to go home.

Well back to school for three more days. I still had a lot of questions. Gary said he lived only six blocks away and lived in a railroad house. Well there was no railroad within five miles of us or him. So how could he be living next to the railroad?

I didn't know that Elsie, Jim and Gary's Mom had already figured out it was going to work over the Christmas holidays. What was going to happen was I was going to Gary's for four days and then he would be coming to my place for four days. They had even invited Gary's mom to spend Christmas Day with us and share dinner.

They sat me down one day after school was out to explain.

"Dad, I got a few questions."

"Okay Son. What's on your mind?"

"Well some of things Gary said don't make sense. He said he was living in a Railroad house next to the Railroad, but there isn't any railroad in town except way over on the east side. I know coz that's where I was living with my other Mom."

"Well what he said was true in a sense. There used to be a yard where he says, but after the wreck that killed his Dad, the city forced the railroad to relocate. Gary's dad wasn't the only ones killed in that wreck. Fifteen people including all three Engineers, four firemen and eleven others were killed in the aftermath and fire of the wreck. The only thing left of the Railroad downtown now id the Simpson Bridge and three Railroad houses, which Anne Southland has one."

"That must have been a real bad wreck."

"Very bad Son. Very bad indeed. Now you better pack. I'll drive you over to Gary's place tomorrow morning."

Well Jer and Sam helped me pack and we did quite a bit more than pack. Both fucked my brains out and Sam rimmed me after and did as Gary did. That is save some in his mouth and kiss me after sharing. Jer would Rim Sam, but no one else. That was cool too. We finished the night with a daisy chain of just sucking. Sure got a good night sleep after.

Jer and Sam said they'd skate down one day while I was away so we could go to the big park skate park. Dad drove me to Gary's place.

Well I'm not sure what I was expecting, a lot different than what I saw when Dad pulled up the red cinder driveway. I had been told that these three houses in a row, were the last three Railroad Houses in the city and all were built before 1900. They sure didn't look that old to me.

It was not a large house, but was two stories. It was painted in a pale yellow with brown trim around the windows and doors. The picket fence was brown too along with the shingles on the roof. There was a single car garage at the back of the lane. I saw Gary and a Black lady standing on the veranda that stretched across the front of the house. There was lots of green grass and flower beds along the front too.

Gary bounded off the veranda and was pulling my door open almost before Jim stopped the car. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss. When I looked I saw Mrs. Southland hugging my Dad. Gary let me go and led me by the hand to his Mom.

"Mom, this is Matt. My boyfriend."

"So you are the boy that has turned my Son upside down."

It sounded ominous but she said it with a smile and stepped up close and wrapped her arms around me. She gave me a peck on the cheek just like Elsie would do. When she stepped back she sure didn't look like Elsie though.

I had pictured her far different in my mind. She had tight blue jeans on that she must have poured herself into and the blouse she had on looked like the buttons were having a hard time stopping her real big boobs from just busting out. If I had been into girls she would be on the top of my list.

"Well do approve Matt?" She said with a laugh.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Southland, it's just, well I don't know."

"Relax Matt. I have the same effect on everyone. Even Jim was flustered when I first met him."

"Now can you stay for Coffee Jim?"

"Oh sure. Matt, you might like to grab your backpack and board."

"Right Dad." I headed for the car. Gary beat me to it and grabbed my stuff.

"Come on I'll show you around."

WE went inside the house.

Inside was very modern. There was a sitting room off the front entrance. It had deep leather couches and a big recliner. A flat screen TV and DVD player attached. Then he showed me the small dinning room with a big china cabinet. The Kitchen had all modern appliances. I figured Gary's Mom must be pretty rich. Off the sitting room was an office/library.

"This was my Dad's office. Mom uses it now coz she sell Real Estate."

There were lots of book cases filled with books and several model train engines in display cases.

"I'll show you my railroad later."

"You got a model railroad?"

"Yeah. It was my Dad's but I been working on it ever since he died. Come on I'll show you where we'll be staying."

We went up a set of stairs to the second level. There was just a short hallway with two doors.

"My Mom's bedroom is in front and I got the one in back."

He opened the door to his room and kind of shoved me inside.

Outside it looked like a really big room, but inside it was real cluttered. There was a Queen sized bed. It also had a computer Desk, two chests of drawers and a walk in closet. What really got me it had it's own bathroom with Shower and Tub separate, plus toilet and basin."

"Well, what do you think?"

"Nice Bed and Bath." I giggled.

He walked over and locked his door.

"My Mom and your Dad will probably talk for an hour so we got time for a quickie if you want."

Well it was hardly out of his mouth before I had kicked off my runners and pulled my t-shirt over my head. I just unsnapped my shorts and pushed both them and my undies down at once. I just stepped out of them. Gary only had his runners and t-shirt half off. I just stepped forward and went to my knees. I unsnapped and unzipped his jeans and pulled both his jeans and Undies down. I had his cock buried right his pubes above his cock instantly.

I had asked Gary to stop shaving his dick coz I loved to feel his curly pubes. He still shaved his balls and butt and I did too now. Well we did each other.

"Oh Baby, that feels so good." He moaned.

Calling me his Baby always drove me to suck harder on his silky cock. Why it felt so smooth I didn't know but I loved every millimeter of it.

Gary gently fucked my face using long slow strokes. It didn't take him long to blow and I swallowed all his sweet nectar. When he pulled out he pulled me up and we went into a long lip lock.

"Fuck me love. I need to feel you inside." He murmured.

He climbed up onto bed and lay on his back. We very seldom used lube on each other, coz we wanted to feel it more when we screwed each other. It did hurt when entering, but inside everything was perfect.

HE grunted in pain when I entered him, but was soon moaning like crazy. We both did it way we likes it, slow and deep. Gary could last for sometimes an hour fucking me, but I never lasted more than a few minutes. I drove one last time and dumped my load into him. I just lay across him kissing for a while. WE always rimmed each other after screwing. I pulled out and Gary quickly switched around so he straddled my face. He would suck me clean while I rimmed him. All I had to was reach up spread those nice brown buns and he sat down on my face. I loved all that I could lick and suck out of him. We always switched around after and shared.

After a quick wash we dressed and went back down stairs. Gary grabbed a couple of cokes and we went outside.

"Well you boys look real happy." Gary's mom said smiling.

I bet she knew exactly what we had been doing. I don't know whose fault it was that I was head over heels in love with Gary.


Next: Chapter 3: It Wasnt My Fault 3

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