It's all because of him

By Shawn

Published on Apr 23, 2019



1.0 Meeting him.

This is going to be a very long story so be prepared for a long ride. My name's Victor, a simple high school student. Life seems pretty normal for me, I had no complaint. Growing up as a homosexual seems pretty hard for me. My parent knew about it. It's a stupid mistake to not to delete browsing history especially when sharing computers with your family. Just imagine words like gay orgy and interracial gay threesome popped at search history in front of your dad. Well not like they disown me or anything horrible like that, it's just we never talk about it. I feel like a huge disappointment to my dad especially when you're expected to grow up being a manly man, date a girl, and play football like my older brother. Dad always been tough for me, and I feel like he's really annoyed by my lack of masculinity, according to his standard.

Well enough talking about my family. Growing up closeted made me feel inferior to other gay guys with accepting parent. I don't have the confidence like them. Hell, I don't even have confident being shirtless in public. I'm jealous seeing young and sexy gays enjoying themselves at the beach during summer, mingling with each other while exposing their beautiful and muscular body. Having impressionable body is like a precious asset in gay dating world. It's not like the most important thing in relationship, but it gave a huge boost in percentage to date much attractive male. It's a natural law for mating among living species.

Best example is Alam, my classmate who also gay but the different is he's very open about his sexuality. Alam is like, goal for all closeted gay boy. He's a complete package, good looking, popular, rich and also spoiled. You can say that he's the Regina George of gay community. He don't associate himself with regular people. He always surrounded with other hot gay guys. He's also our school's gymnast, famously known for his flexible body and his flamboyance. Despite Alam being shamelessly flamboyance, he don't really look like those typical skinny twink in Helix Studio porn. Years of being a gymnast gave him a natural muscular body. It's a perfect balance between his body fat and muscle, especially his ass. It's not hard to tell that he's a bottom, just look at his ass, he got big and juicy ass that wiggles each time he take a step. You know that big ass really popular these days, even football jocks can't always jokingly spank his ass his locker room.

Meanwhile, I'm in my room jerking off to gay porn like a loser. That's my way of coping with loneliness and lust. Once I downloaded Grindr, hoping to find a decent guy to share my love and affection but there's no luck for me. I didn't know that you need to be at least 6 foot tall to find love these days like goddamn there goes my chance to find a relationship. Among 50 guys that I said hi, there's only like 3 people who replied back and typed "no thanks". How can I impress them? Do I have to write poem or something? Don't expect me to send dick pics since my 4 inch not gonna impress them and I don't have ass like Chris Hemsworth. I guess dating apps is too much for me. I just accept the fact that a guy like me should just jerking off to Pornhub like all incompetent losers do. Besides I'm too busy working on my academics performances so that I don't end up laying bricks in construction sites like my dad.

So there goes my boring and normal life, but it's gonna get interesting at this point. It all started during my band performance during sports day. It's a hot and sunny Saturday, where I bang drums for school's entertainment. Among thousands of eyes watching, one guy particularly caught my attention. He's about 6 foot tall lean body with Mediterranean tan skin and by looking at his muscular legs and arms, he might be an athlete. His face is not like incredibly hot, but I like guys with boyish charm and he could be considered handsome in his own way. I can't concentrate on my performance and missed a few beats. The sight of that particular guy sweating really distracting. His sweaty skin look so shiny and beautiful under evening sun, not to mention he wear a skin tight shirt and very short shorts and highlight his impressive muscle. For like 15 seconds I swear that the guy stare back at me intensely with his sexy brown eyes. I can feel my heart beat faster than usual and my blood rushing through my body. The whole situation gave me a hard on like I never felt before, but thank god for my small 4inch erection, no one noticed lol.

Later that night I spend the rest of my day laying on bed. The whole situation before lingers in my head all night. I can't forget that guy like who is he? As I stare at empty ceiling, I think a lot about that guy. Someone as masculine and good looking like that must be straight, and he's probably banging cheerleaders while drinking beer at the same time like all jocks do. There's no way in million years I could lay my hand on a guy like him. Damn I can't get afford to fantasize about him, it's just unrealistic. Despite all of my thoughts about him, I'm too tired to lower my short and jerk off about that evening. Eventually I dozed off and let my body rest.

Weeks goes by and eventually I forgot about the guy. Occasionally I would go to sports tournament for sightseeing. There's lots of hot and muscular guy sweating their ass off in fields. Something to look at and memorize for jack off material as sometime I got bored looking at porn. I want to look at something real in front of my eyes. Plus I'm in luck today, I'm seating in the first row among the audiences that night. Today's the final match for football. While other concentrate on the game, my mind wandering concentrate on the guys playing the games. Damn this is better than porn. But then there's something caught my eyes during the half-time. One guy take of his helmet of whatever you call that thing, what lying under that shocked me. It's the very same guy I look at during my band performance. So now I knew that he's a football player. This explains his muscular leg and arms.

Once again this sight made me nervous like before. I never get nervous even when changing clothes in locker room full of half-naked classmates. Something about that guy really gave me a strange feeling. It's not lust or having a crush, it's something else. His brown eyes feels genuine and honest, unlike other dumb and cocky jocks who use their brain mainly on banging cheerleaders and drinking alcohol. He gave me a warm smile at me while I'm staring at him. I'm so nervous that I don't know how to react to that, never once a hot guy smile at me for no reason. But tonight I felt like someone gave me a huge compliment by just smiling at me. Like Lady Gaga said, "there could be 100 people in the room, but it take only 1 person to look at you and acknowledge you for who you're". Later that night I left the stadium with butterflies inside my stomach. For once in my pathetic life I felt happy. I slept so well that night.

I can't concentrate in my class. I kept thinking about the guy from the night before. I need to see him smiling again, even though the smile not for me. He gave me reason and motivation to wake up in the morning and go to this hellish high school. My high school years about to end in 5 months and I need to talk to that guy once at least once. I did whatever I can to find this guy. I look into school magazines from previous years to find out his name. No luck. Maybe he just moved here from somewhere. It made me lot harder to identify who he is. I can't go asking people if they know him or not, like people gonna think like I'm some sort of stalker. I spend hours after school to investigate about this matter. Maybe I should just gave up for today, I rest my head on library's table and dozed off. Suddenly I felt like someone gave a pat at my back. I woke up, thinking that the old lady at the reception interrupts my sleep. But what I saw nearly gave me a heart attack. The guy that I spend so much time finding just standing at my back, smiling at me.

"You snored so loud," he said.

I literally just sit there, motionless and speechless. I don't how process this situation. I just stared at him for a solid 10 seconds before I decided to smile to break the awkward situation between us.

"You always in library? I never seen you before." His voice sounds masculine yet so gentle at the same time. His voice soothes my heart. It's rare to find someone to be good looking and polite at the same time. Bet his parent did a good job teaching him about mannerism.

"Oh I'm looking at something and I got tired. How about you?" I tried to make the best effort to keep this conversation going. One mistake and he might have ill thoughts about me.

"Nothing really. I just love hanging out in library. It's quiet and peaceful here, unlike my house."

Did he trying to tell me about himself? I feel like a golden opportunity came to me. "Why is that? You have lots of siblings or something? Haha" I made a small joke to entertain him.

"Haha...I don't get along with my parent so well... It's better to be here than going home." Wow I forgot that hot people have their own life problems too.

"Oh me too." I said.

"Really? What happened? You're gay?" He asked.

Holy shit. Among millions of possibilities he could think why he chose to ask of I'm gay?! What should I say to him? "Kinda..." I answered his question with lower voice so that our conversation remain private between us. I don't know why I'm being honest with him, but I feel like I could trust him. It made me think that maybe he need someone to talk to, considering he's telling about his life problem to a stranger like me.

"I guess so haha... You don't look like a straight guy anyway." He said with a small laugh to lighten the situation. "Ok2 I'm just joking. Same thing happened to me too," he said.

Did I heard that right? He's gay?! Am I dreaming for hearing this? I need to reconfirm his words. Maybe I'm don't heard him right. "You're gay too? You don't look gay," I said with serious tone.

"What you think all gay people look like? Rupaul?" He said it like he talking to a close friend.

"Okay sorry about that." I apologized despite knowing that he's being funny and sarcastic.

"You're not used to sarcasm huh? Btw I'm Calem," he introduced himself.

"I'm Victor, just call me Vic." I said.

And just like that, a friendship grow between us. I'm grateful for this relationship, like I really need to have a friend. I don't remember the last time I had a friend to talk with. You don't believe me if I said that Alam was actually once my best friend. Well I don't know if `best friend' is a correct term to define our relationship. We're not that good to each other, but we're close. We met each other at kindergarten. Alam always been an asshole to me since the first time I met him. Well I'm the only friend he got since all the kids annoyed with his attitude. He's a bratty kid who always whining and bitching about everything.

He stole lots of my toys. I still remember my Power Rangers figures I get for my birthday. There's all five of them with five different colours and I play with them all the times. But one day Alam claimed that the Power Rangers was his. He started crying and yelling of I don't let go of my toys. Considering that I'm always been submissive and introvert I gave up to him. I lost all of my favourite toys because I'm too scared to fight back. But he left the Pink Ranger to me because `pink is for faggots'. Bitch fuck you who's wearing pink crop top and shorts at prom night now?

Time goes by we spend less and less time talking to each other. As he growing up he realized that rich kid like him should be friends with people at the same level with him. I'm not one of those fake people who be nice to Alam for his money and popularity. They know goddamn well even Lord Buddha would lose his patience to Alam. I pity for his parent who had to raise him for 18 years, must be hard lol but that's not my problem anymore. As for me, I don't bear any ill feeling for him, maybe he's not that bad anymore except for jealousy. Wish I had a sexy and flexible body like, added with his confidence to wear tight pants to show his bubble butt to everyone who might interested to stick their cock and tongue inside it.

I still couldn't believe that I befriended a hot guy I met at school. It feel like daydreaming that I slapped myself so hard just to make sure that I'm not dreaming. Even knowing that he's gay, I don't feel like I had any chance to date a guy like him. I mean like he deserves more than just a skinny twink with a small dick like me. His jock body are made to fuck someone super-hot, like what he truly deserves. I'm grateful enough of this friendship. I forgot ask if he had boyfriend because we're too focus on sharing about our life problems. Suddenly I realized something too important that I forgot to do, I should've ask for his number. I feel so fucking stupid right now. I could've say goodnight to him by now, or even texting each other. I got to ask for his number tomorrow. What could go wrong? Later tomorrow I rushed to the library after school just to meet him. As expected he he's already there, just sitting around reading encyclopaedia about insect world, lol what a geek.

"Hey Calem!" I called him from afar, unknowingly annoyed nearby readers who trying to study.

"Oh hey Vic," he replied. He called me Vic? No one ever call me that way. Not even my mom. Did he already pick a nickname for me? That's so cute :P

"I forgot ask your phone number. You know, maybe we could talk or hang out or something." I asked for his number straight to the point without hesitating. Deep down I feel so nervous, fearing he might rejected my request.

"Oh yeah of course."

Instead of taking my phone, he gave me his phone to dial my own number. My fingers literally shaking from holding his phone. He probably seeing me shaking from typing his phone.

"Don't just save my number, text me if you got time."

"For sure," I said. His words is like an invitation for a greater friendship. I definitely gonna text exactly when I get home. We just talked about so much things for the rest of the evening. Strangely we feel so connected with each other. We had nearly similar childhood experiences and our sense of humour exactly the same! I guess this is what true friendship feels like. His smile and laugh was so addicting. I don't mind hearing him talking all day long. He's very enthusiastic about everything, whether the conversation is about me or him. He's not of those fuckboys who only brags about themselves, he actually interested to know about me, about my normal and boring life. He know how to keep the conversation interesting. We keep on talking and talking from the library to school gate and eventually going on separate way. Now I realized that I'm no longer captivated by his boyish charm, but rather his honesty and unique personality. He's genuinely a nice person. It feels so wrong to think of him in a perverted way.

Walking alone on my way home, I can't resist myself to smile all the time. This day definitely is the best day of my life. There's nothing could ruin my mood for the rest of the week. I can't wait to go home and text him before I go to sleep. People usually be kind to me just because they need something from me, but not Calem. I don't have any suspicion on him, not even in the slightest. I should ask him if he want to spend time with me this weekend. Final Harry Potter movie gonna come out this Saturday, so I guess it's a perfect opportunity to hang out with him since he's a geek like me. He even admit that he's a Slytherin, unlike me, I'm a Griffyndor. I kinda doubted that someone genuine like him being a Slytherin lol.

That's all for chapter 1. First I need to apologize for my grammar and vocabularies as English is not my first language. Please be kind if you're leaving comments about my writings.

I intended this series to focus more on drama and relationship instead of just fucking each other like wild animals. But don't worry, there's definitely sexual elements in later episodes. And also this story going develop into cuckold/authoritarian/relationship/drama genre. But first I warned you that this story is not for the fainthearted, be prepared for heartbreak and intense jealousy for later episode. So please be patient and leave a comment on my email

I do accept donation to my PayPal, it's not compulsory and I don't mind if you donate how much you want. Your donations would motivate me to produce more stories. Thanks!

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