It's Not for Everybody

By Justin Balancier

Published on Jan 21, 2022


"It's Not for Everybody"

Part 5

They had just showered together and Coop was standing with one foot on the toilet seat doing a balancing act. He was dripping with water and in the process of drying his balls.

"Do you know how freakin delicious you look? Said Joe

Coop took the towel and began drying Joe's hard body. "I love my hunky husband," he mumbled kneeling before him.

"Get the fuck up and find a dry towel," he babbled kissing Cooper as he pulled him to his feet.

They often fooled around saying crazy things. They were in love for sure. They did some obscene acts with outsiders, but none of that mattered. What matter to them was being together. Nobody had ever cracked that shell.

They knew they were not like everybody else. People who love each other wouldn't do the things that Joseph and Cooper found exhilarating. It takes a special brand of love to act that crazy.

A few gay people who knew them would say. "They have an open relationship." Cooper would correct them by replying. "No, what we have is each other." Folks never could understand that. They were hung up on sex and used other people to get it.

They dressed in lounge pants and went into the kitchen to have coffee and a slice of birthday cake.

Cooper loved dark black (very moist) chocolate cake with white cream cheese frosting. It was simple, but Coop was a simple loving person. Every year Joe would have the best bakery in town make Cooper a one of a kind chocolate cake for his birthday.

They carried the cake plates and coffee cups into the living room to relax and watch a movie on big screen TV. This time, they didn't bother with a movie. Instead, they sat next together drinking coffee and eating cake.

Cooper celebrated his forty-fifth birthday getting the blowjob of his life as a present. It was never planned, it just happened.

"I like him," said Cooper.

He couldn't stop thinking about their red headed visitor begging for loads. It excited him beyond words.

"Who are you talking about - Skip?" asked Joe.

"Yeah, but we should not get too involved with him."

"That is right, but man can he suck cock," mumbled Joe almost starry-eyed.

"And so friggin hot, the way he begs for cum. That stuff sets me on fire. I never had a cocksucker like that before Cooper admitted, sounding like Sylvester The Cat.

"Sure you did – `me' when we were seventeen years old," said Joe.

"We were beginners with no experience. Everything was hot in those days."

Just checkin," replied Joe, winking and smiling at Cooper. They were inseparable even after all these years. They were sluts, but solid as a rock belonging to each other.

The following day, they read the article in the magazine after it was printed. It was a wacky idea that George decided to write and was dumb. At least that was Joe's opinion.

Life in the apartment ticked away with no changes worth mentioning. It was Saturday morning with an early sun shining on the stone patio. Joe slept later than Coop, which was unusual for him. He was an early riser and first one to shower and dress.

There was no routine for breakfast. Sometimes Cooper would be flipping pancakes and sometimes it was Joe wrestling the pots and pans in the kitchen. This morning Cooper had prepared breakfast.

There was a small round table in a kitchen bay window. Here they sat every morning like honeymooners on vacation. Cooper set plates with scrambled eggs, home fries, and sizzling Canadian bacon on the table. The English muffins were ready and two glasses of cranberry juices were sitting by each place.

Joe came into the kitchen and kissed Cooper on the neck as he poured coffee. Coffee was freshly percolated just as their mothers made. They tried the solo cups but went back to the way they remembered coffee dripping and giving off that heavenly aroma.

"You look spiffy this morning. Gotta be careful, I may crawl under that shirt and take a feel," commented Cooper. "Are you going to the office this morning?"

"Yes, I have a couple interested in looking at the Jensen Place." They are available only today. I would love to see that place sell."

"That's the ranch with a fieldhouse and racetrack on the outskirts of town? That place is handsome as all get out. I'm surprised it hasn't been sold by this time." Said Cooper.

"A lot of people looked, but the price is outrageous. Unless one is into horses, a racetrack is a negative selling point. The fieldhouse is small and nothing more than an auxiliary building on the property, and folks like having that.

"But not a race track, huh?" commented Cooper.

"That's about it. The price has come down quite a bit, so maybe it will be Filet Mignon for dinner." Said Joe, taking a sip of cranberry juice.

They chuckled at what was obvious fun. Joe owned the Real Estate Company. He was partners with his dad before passing away.

Cooper was company purchaser for Macy and well paid. They managed to sock away, a handsome sum, for the future. Money didn't concern them having numerous investments.

They remained low key and never flaunted success. They would joke saying; "We are just two little girls from Little Rock" – Studs were more like it, but `little girls' sounded funnier.

"I got a text this morning. Guess who from," – said Cooper.


"How did you know that?" Yes – Skip"

"Oh, I am very smart and I know you better than you know yourself. It had to be Skip. Anybody else sending you a text, wouldn't be worth mentioning, to me"

"Here look," said Cooper showing Joe his phone.

"Hey there fellows, just saying hello." and signed "Red head nuisance."

"That's sweet. Don't you think he is kinda sweet?" said Joe

"Absolutely, once you get to know him, he's a pistol. It's a shame guys don't give him a tumble. They ignore him and chase after the Chippendales. They have no fuckin idea how hot this kid is in bed. He is just plain looking".

"You mean homely."

"He is not homely, just not gorgeous,"

"You mean there is a difference?"

"Of course."

"We talked about getting a cleaning person once a week, or every two weeks. Do you remember that?" said Cooper

"Go ahead and give him a job. I know what you're driving at."

"You're good. You know what I am going to say before I say it.," commented Cooper, pouring Joe, more coffee.

"I know" - was all Joe managed to say. It was easy being with Cooper. their thoughts functioned like one brain.

Joe left, moments later, to show the property for sale.

Cooper sat at the kitchen table tapping his fingers and munching on the last strip of bacon. He wiped his fingers and picked up his phone to return a message to Skip.

"We need a housekeeper once a week for cleaning. Are you interested?"

"Sure. I have Thursdays available or weekends. I would like to clean for you. Can I come over in an hour and see you? I want to shower first." Skip asked.

"Of course, an hour is good." replied Cooper.

"See ya,"

"Okay," replied Coop.

Cooper hadn't unloaded all week. His balls twitched like a teen ager on prom night.

What a concept.

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Next: Chapter 6

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