J and Jc

By Kevin Michael

Published on Mar 9, 2000


Hey everyone - think I forgot you all? I didn't. Just a few minor life traumas lately. Those of you following "Two out of Five" know some of them! Well, I won't make this too long seeing as it's been ages since the last chapter. I even had to go re-read it to see where I left off! Well here - we go - as a reference the date in the story is Jan. 30.

Legal "stuff" If you are under age or prohibited from reading this material, please stop now. This is a work of fiction and implies nothing about the real lives of the members of N Sync or the Backstreet Boys. (Oops - gave something away!) Well, read on and enjoy!

J and JC part 4.

Justin awoke to find JC snuggled next to him. He smiled and kissed him on the forehead. JC stirred slightly.

"Wake up Josh. I can hear everyone else is up already. We have to get ready to go out."

"Can't we just stay here?"

"Nope - we're taking Lance out to try and find him someone remember?"

"I thought we were taking you out for your birthday tonight?"

"Well, that too I guess."

The two got up and went down to see what everyone was up to.

"How are the love birds?" Chris asked.

"Fine" JC said kissing Justin's neck.

"So what's going on tonight?" Justin asked.

"Dinner and then a club. " Joey answered "And now we have two things to celebrate. Your birthday and Scoop's coming out!"

"We are not celebrating me." Lance said pouting.

"Lance you're either going home with someone or coming home with J and I" JC joked.

The guys all decided on a place to eat and where to go after. They would have dinner in Disney Village and then head to Pleasure Island.

Dinner was going well until dessert. Lance, JC, Joey AND Chris all went to the bathroom together, leaving Justin alone.

"They're worse than girls" Justin said to himself. It was then that he noticed something sparkling in the corner. He turned to look at it only to see the guys and every waiter/waitress in the restaurant coming towards him with a big cake with sparklers on it.

Justin started to blush before they even began to sing. As soon as they got to the table, the crown began to sing, followed by cheers from the staff and the patrons Justin wanted to crawl under the table and die. Especially when Chris made a comment about birthday spankings.

They all had cake and joked.

Joey looked at his watch and said "Well, Justin's has his sweets for the night, let's go find some for Lance!"

Lance blushed and threw his napkin at Joey. The guys went over and got into Pleasure Island. They met up with the VIP liaison who made sure Justin and Lance could get into Mannequin. Normally the club is 21 and older only. He had even given them wrist bands so they could drink. They cruised around stopping at BET and celebrated the "New Year" with the crowd at the North stage.

They then headed into Mannequin and JC went to get a round of drinks. The guys hung out by the dance floor waiting for JC. After a while they turned to see JC dodging the crowd with more drinks than he could carry. Justin ran over to help him.

They handed out the drinks and decided they would work their way on to the dance floor. As they pushed through the crowd, Justin felt a slap on the ass and someone say, "Hey sexy." He turned to see someone with their head down and a baseball cap on. Then there were hands over his eyes and someone whispered "Guess who."

Justin pulled away Just as Joey was running towards the first figure yelling "AJ!!!!!!!!"

Justin quickly turned around to see Nick standing in front of him. Justin just stared. 'Wow. He got his hair cut. He's fucking hot.'

Nick pulled Justin into a hug. "Happy birthday J."

"Same to you old man!"

Chris walked over and said "What's this, the kids night out? Where are the grownups?"

"They're with their women" AJ sighed.

Nick simply made a gagging motion.

"So you two . . .uh . . . you know?" Chris asked.

"Hope - Just Nicky here. I'm bi- but in the mood for a woman tonight." AJ replied. Nick blushed furiously that he was just out-ed to N Sync.

"Don't worry - we have our own Nick. We're cool with it." Joey said pointing to JC, Justin, and Lance.

"Lance is gay?" Nick asked very quickly.

"What, am I not good enough?" Justin joked.

"You kidding? You and JC have been all but married since I've ever known you." Nick shot back.

Joey and Chris laughed.

"Well guys, we were just going to dance, wanna come along?" Joey asked.

"Uh, where's Lance at?" Nick asked. Chris laughed and pointed over towards the bar.

"A little horny Nick?" AJ joked.

"Shut up. All I heard the whole way here is how you want a piece of fish tonight." Nick replied.

"Nice Nick, real nice. You can at least act straight and call them women. They do pay for all your new clothes and car and all." AJ reprimanded the boy.

"Whatever." Nick said walking over to Lance.

"Gonna by me a drink for my birthday?" Nick joked putting his arm around Lance.

"Hey Nick! What's up? Happy birthday! What are you having?"

"Long Island Iced Tea."

"You heard the man" Lance said to the bartender.

The two chatted catching up on old times. When all 5 of them were together, the Backstreet Boys usually snubbed the guys from N Sync. When they were one on one, the guys got along great.

The two got their drinks and went onto the dance floor. They were inseparable all night. Talking, dancing, etc. They even went to the bathroom at the same time. The rest of the guys found it quite amusing. The hung on each other's every word and action.

As the night drew to a close, Lance and Nick were the center of the guys attention. AJ informed the guys that Nick had come out about 6 months earlier and Howie and Brian took it less than well. Nick had never been with a man before, but just knew it would feel right. That's why AJ would take Nick out from time to time so he could be 'himself' without having to act straight in front of the other three. The guys felt bad for Nick. And saw a sparkle in Lance's eye.

"I haven't seen Nicky smile like that in ages. Lance is gay, right?" AJ asked.

"Lance is a clean slate, but I think they're going home together tonight!" Chirs and Joey laughed.

"Um, I don't know how to say this but uh - Nick lives at home with his parents. And I live with Brian and Howie. He doesn't have a place to bring someone." AJ added.

"Shit, and Lance's mother is coming in tomorrow morning I think." JC said.

"OK - my family's gone and JC is in my room, so Lance can have his. And Joey and Chris can stay downstairs OR go to Joey's for a change." Justin said.

"Cool." AJ said with a smile.

They all walked over to Lance and Nick. Justin pulled Lance aside to tell him they could have JC's room if they want.

"I don't even know if he's gay OR interested." Lance shot at Justin.

"He is," Justin paused to look at Nick staring at Lance "and HE IS! Now go get him tiger!"

Lance walked over next to Nick.

"AJ's heading home, so I guess I have to go" Nick said, sounding depressed.

"Well," Lance started, looking at Justin "We're hanging at Justin's for a while and crashing there. You're more than welcome to come over. If you want to."

"I'd love too!" Nick said a little too enthusiastically.

"Joey couldn't hold back a chuckle as he asked AJ to give he and Chris a ride to his house.

The guys all left to head home. Nick and Lance just stared into each other's eyes the whole way home.

Once they got there, they sat around talking, when JC and Justin decided to go to bed.

Nick just looked at Lance and said "You can go to bed if you're tired."

"Not too tired yet!" Lance smiled.

"Lance, I should tell you something." Nick said looking at his feet, a tear in his eye.

"Let me help" Lance said. "Nick, I'm gay. I think. Maybe Bi-."

Nick just leaned over and kissed Lance. Nick pulled away saying "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. I just . . . You're gay but you don't like me right?"

Nick's babbling was stopped by a kiss from Lance. Lance pulled Nick to his feet and said "I'm kinda tired now!"

"Uh, Lance, I've never. I mean I'm a . . . "

"Me too. We'll go as slow as you want."

"I want it all right now!" Nick giggled.

Lance laid Nick on the bed and said "I'll be right back."

He ran and knocked on the door to Justin's room furiously. A half naked JC answered the door, "Can I help you."

Lance pushed into the room. "I need a condom. Maybe a few. And whatever else I'll need to do this."

"Scoop, just go slow. Make sure you're ready for this step. And I figured you'd need them. In the drawer to the left of the bed is a towel, lube, and some condoms. DON'T stain my sheets!"

Lance reached to hug JC and in doing so looked over his shoulder to see handcuffs dangling from the headboard. He looked at JC questioningly.

"My surprise for Justin's birthday."

Lance shook his head and left the room. He went back to find Nick shirtless and laying on the bed with the towel, condoms, and lube already removed from the drawer.

"In a hurry?" Lance laughed.

"Nope - but al good guys are prepared so I figured JC was. Hope you didn't mind I went into his stuff."

"I'm sure it's fine."

The two embraced and kissed, rolling on the bed.

Justin came into the room and JC stripped him immediately, kissing every part as he went.

"Happy Birthday Justin. I love you."

"I love you too Josh."

JC lifted Justin to the bed and laid him down. He kissed him as he pulled the boys hands to the ends of the bed. All of a sudden "Click"

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Justin screamed feeling cold metal against his arms.

"Shhhhh" JC hushed the boy who was fighting against the handcuffs.

"Trust me, okay?"

Justin stopped struggling and nodded yes.

"Now, I want to give you something that you gave me already, ok?"

"We don't have to. I DOES hurt a little."

JC didn't respond, just rolled a condom onto Justin's erect penis.

"I love you Josh!" Justin moaned out.

HAHAHAHA - Cliffhanger times TWO!!!! Sorry, but had to do it. Next chapter will be out soon though. So - what should Lance and Nick do?? Let me know - studat25@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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