J & M's Pig

By Rick Smith

Published on May 15, 2024


J & Ms Pig Part 4

I had rested up and healed for the most part. The piercings had to be kept clean of course. I was still not used to my new ear tags. I wanted to ask if they were permanent but I did not dare question and risk a punishment. It was evening and approaching bedtime. I was taken to the bathroom and plug removed, piercings cleaned and was cleaned out. Sir had to work the next day and he wanted to use me some before bed. I was led to the bedroom, and placed face up on the bed. This was not particularly comfortable my head was hanging off the end and I was bound tightly. Sir approached and said it was throat training time. He then proceeded for the next 30 minutes to use and abuse my throat to its capacity. I was a mess, teary eyed, throat slobber everywhere, and every time I gagged he slapped my balls with a riding crop. I was begging and screaming, pleading for it to stop. Of course it did not. Sir in fact said, "if you don't shut up I'll give you something to cry about". I just laid and wept as quiet as possible. Finally Sirs assault on my throat ended. But this was just the beginning. Sir and Master decided to have a contest and I was the contestant. I had all vision blocked a different collar was placed on my neck. Then they spoke. It was time for a test. They wanted to see if I could tell them apart by scents. I could only lay there and listen. They said that I would be presented with various scents and tastes and I would raise my left hand if it was Sir and my right if it was Master. For each one I got wrong they would deduct a point for each one right they would add a point. When they determine the game is over, punishment would be assessed. They asked if I had any questions. I asked if I ended up with a positive number would I still be punished. They said that was not my concern. This worried me some. Ok a lot. They then put on noise cancelling headphones. It began I felt a finger in my mouth and opened, piss filled my mouth, I swished and swallowed and raised my left hand, then another finger and more piss, I raised my right hand, it was at that moment I knew I was wrong, I received a jolt of electricity zapped me. So this is how I knew I would be wrong. Now I wondered if both were wrong was that negative 2 or just 1? Next fabric was placed on my nose, I raised my right hand, then a second and I raised my left hand. No shock, yay, I celebrated in my head a bit. Maybe I was even now. Next my mouth was opened again and what must have been spit was dripped in, I had no idea, I guessed and raised my right hand, then more saliva and I raised my left. ZAP! Damn, I was wrong. This went on for a while, there were arm pits, feet, balls, breath, taints, farts and finally rimming. While rimming they completely blocked my nose and all I had to go on was taste. Now let me tell you this went further than we had ever gone it was more than ass cleaning at this point, I had more to go on than a little taste, we had discussed more than toilet paper service and I assumed it would happen, this was the beginning. Had I not been so worried about getting right who was who I probably would have thrown up, but my mind was focused on who and not what. I did get it down and actually did not get zapped! When it was over, I thought I was negative 6 or maybe 8. I was tired, worried, a bit nauseous and worried more. They removed the headphones and spoke. They said well piggy you did ok. You only ended up negative 3. 3? I thought how. But did not ask. I was still blindfolded, they asked how I liked the game? I said I enjoyed it thank you Sir and Master. Then they asked about the finale. I said it did not gross me out as bad as I was afraid of. Then Master said, great, expect more of that. Sir then said ok time to pay up piggy. I was untied from the bed and led out to the living room. Master said, we can try out the new equipment we made and got today. I was a bit confused. I was led to something and my legs bumped into it. Master said put your knees on the ledges in front of you, so I did. He then guided me forward and my chest rested on a downward slope, leaving my ass high in the air. From underneath something pushed against my cock and balls and they protruded out between my thighs taught. My head was then pushed onto a rather large phallic object that hit the back of my throat and caused me to gag a bit. Sir said, calm down and open your throat piggy. Eventually I relaxed to the invasion. A strap was placed around my head now, and my wrists were pulled tight down in front. My ankles and thighs were strapped in. I was now mostly immobile and could not really speak. Master said about that punishment. Negative 3. That means we roll 3 dice, if you are lucky you will hit all ones. He rolled the first dice, and pronounced it was 5, the second, he announced a 4, then the last he said a 6. Hell yeah I hit a straight. Wait were we laying Yahtzee. So 15 is what you will get piggy. I was gagging now and then so I could not really respond. He said but 15 what is the question. Well since we both played you will get 15 from each of us, of the implement of our choice. Master said I am giving you the first 5 from my new purchase today. He had mentioned a few things, I was hoping it was not the worst one. Then I heard the whoosh, fuck me, oh no! Then another whoosh. Finally he the third whoosh landed squarely on my upper cheeks, I screamed into the gag it was a cane. I was so scared, these hurt so bad. He gave me 3 more quickly, I was crying, screaming and shaking, then he landed the last one and I cried out in pain. My god that hurt. I lay there in agony, ear tags flopping, the gag driving into my uvula, it was awful, I wanted to throw up, but there was no room in my throat for it. Sir was up next, he had chosen the flogger, and flogged my back 5 times in rapid succession, it burned but not to bad. Master was up again, this time he chose a paddle, but it had metal studs on it and they hit hard, I was back to a chorus of screams and tears, more gagging. Then Sir again, He chose a crop and leaned into 5 hard smacks with the 5th landing squarely on my balls. I squealed like a real pig now. Master had his last 5 he chose the belt and laid into me and I had little fight left, I just took them and whimpered and sobbed. Sir took his last 5 with the flogger directly to my balls, this relit my fire and I was whaling again. Then they were done. It took a while for me to calm down. I was strapped there for maybe 15 more minutes the gagging had stopped, Sir removed the plug and shoved his cock deep in my guts, and fucked me hard, the worst part was he would hit my piercing or my ear tags would flop, and that hurt like a mother fucker. I was then cleaned up and led to kneel. Master said we are going on a trip tomorrow piggy just you and I since Sir has to work. Sir said on that note I should get to sleep, pig I need to piss. He stepped up to me and released his bladder. Master said ok lets get ready for bed. I was led into the bathroom and caged. It was hard to sleep, my piercings were hurting, my ass was on fire, my balls were in bits and I could still taste their shit. What had I done?

Sir woke me up in the morning and did his morning routine, blumpkin, ass cleaning, off to work, but he led me into bed with Master. I was told to crawl in and place my face in Masters crotch or ass whichever was accessible. First it was crotch, then he rolled over and I buried my nose in his ass. I spent time under the covers, learning his scents, in case there was another game show. He woke up some time later and said piggy it's a big day. He got up, did the morning routine and I made him breakfast. He reshaved all of me, and we went out to the van. He had a big bag of gear, that I had not seen. We headed out of town. I was thinking maybe hiking?

He pulled onto a gravel road, and we drove a while, then he pulled up and stopped. He picked up a phone and said the is Master J and piggy. They buzzed and the gate opened. We drove back on a property, and pulled up in the middle of several buildings. He got me out and leashed me, he led me into a barn. I was taken to what appeared to be a small stall. I looked around there were a few others here too. He tethered me to the wall, and I could see slave mark next to me, he was looked over and smiled. I nodded and he took my hand. This comforted me, but we did not speak. We knelt there and waited, there were about 10 more slaves that showed up.

Master came back and got me and led me into another room. He then said piggy, this is a slave farm, we are here for the day maybe longer. You will get to live out some of the fantasies we chatted about. I said, thank you Master. He then brought the bag over. He had a horse bit, and other tack he placed on me. I was also hobbled, with only about 6 inches of chain between my ankles. He then placed a harness on me and some arm binders. I was led out of the room and to a mirror. I had a horse mane and tail butt plug, my arms were bound behind me, and I had a bridle, bit and blinders on. I looked non human. I was led outside and seen mark dressed up like me and he was attached to a cart. I was then hooked up too. The reins were attached to my nipple rings, and my bit. The harness was attached to the cart. I was then led around to get used to pulling the cart. Then the hobbles were removed. We all stood in line. Master got in the cart and I noticed Sir Rudy did too. I seen mark flinch then he pulled forward, just then Master flicked my reins, and I knew to follow. We took a slow stroll on even ground through a meadow, Sir seemed to enjoy the ride. He would guide me left or right. We picked up the pace a bit and were trotting, I was getting a bit tired. I do run some so I was ok. We then turned and headed back to the barn, Sir Rudy flicked his whip at marks backside and he took off in a sprint. Just then Master did the same I lurched forward in pain and began to run in earnest too. We made it back to the barns in no time and we were placed in the shade. We were then led to a water trough to drink. Once we cooled down we were unhooked. It was lunch time now. I seen all the owners setting down at a table eating. We were led into the barn and placed in stalls 2 per stall, I still had all the gear on and was tethered with little movement, so were all the others. At least it was cool in here. We rested.

A while later Master came in and needed to piss, he made me kneel there and I took him, for some reason, I was about humiliated doing this in front of all the others. I was then tethered back up. Most of the afternoon went on and we did nothing but stand there. I noticed a few slaves just pissed right there, so I had to go and did too. I splattered on my feet but oh well, animals do this. It was beginning to become dark. Master came in and so did Sir Rudy. We had our tack removed and were moved to a cell together. There was one small bed and one blanket. Master said sweet dreams piggy, I see you in a few days. Wait, what? He then spoke to Sir Rudy and I heard Sir Rudy say, yes he would do all that was discussed and I could be picked up in 3 days. But I was supposed to go home tomorrow! I started to protest but I sensed it would do no good. I followed mark to the cot. He got in and I did too, we shared a blanket and cuddled. I asked if he knew what was discussed about me. He said usually that meant Sir Rudy was going to do more modifications. I said I was supposed to go home tomorrow. He thought likely that is why they were doing them now, I could go home then and heal up. I was very worried now. We cuddled, fondled each other and drifted to sleep. The next morning we were woken up, fed and mark and I went with Sir Rudy. We took a cold shower and stood to drip dry, when Sir Rudy returned, he collared us both. Then he said to mark, take him to the processing room. I was led into a white room. I was blindfolded and led to a pole and restrained. I had my ear tags removed and grommets placed in my ears, this was a bit painful but at least there were no tags now. Then I was placed in a chair. Oh gosh please no. I felt my nose being pinched and the bridge being pulled out. I heard Sir Rudy ask if mark had a good angle with the camera so Sir and Master could watch, he said yes. Then he did it, he punched something like and awl through my nose and it hurt, I screamed bloody murder, he wiggled it back and forth and in and out, god this was awful, I could literally hear cartilage tearing, next was a larger one and this one was hot, I whaled in pain. He then pronounced it large enough and cauterized. He placed a heavy ring in my nose, so big it touched my upper lip, it must be at least 2 inches in diameter. I was crying now and whaling. Next I heard a buzzing and he began tattooing my chest, this took a while, I was getting tired and it hurt. Next he tattooed about my pubic area. And finally he told mark to hold out my lower lip. He then tattooed something inside my lip, this was awful. I was then given a shot and I remember being in the cell with mark again and sleeping. I woke up and was given water and liquids and back to sleep. I woke up again and it was daylight, mark said how are you feeling. I proclaimed I was in pain. I asked what day it was, he said I had been a sleep for 24 hours. He gave me another drink and some liquids and I was out again. I woke up again, what I was told was 12 hours later. I said I was feeling a bit better, mark led me to the showers. He cleaned me up, then took me to a mirror. Oh, what had they done. I had a huge septum ring, large holes in my ears, and it said urinal in bold black letters on my chest, and piggy above my pubic area in pink. I had tears on my eyes and mark kissed them away saying how awesome I looked. Just then I was led out to a room where Sir and Master were. They were glowing and said I was the hottest piggy ever. I asked why they had mutilated me, they just said oh come on piggy you like it don't you. And honestly deep down. I did! I then asked what was on the inside of my lip. The then took me to the mirror and showed me. It said, J & M's toilet. I was devastated, I knew what this meant.

They loved it, but said it was time to head home, and for me to go back home and rest. I was told to thank Sir Rudy, and I learned that slave mark would be going home with me to care for me. This brightened my mood some. We went to Sir and Masters house and packed and we were off to the airport. They hugged me and told me they were so proud of me and mark and I boarded the plane. We arrived home and walked into the house. We were tired, mark cleaned my piercings and we went to bed in my king sized bed. I convalesced for a few more days. Then I was doing better, and mark and I started getting out and doing things. I asked him how long he was staying. He said then entire time until I go back in a month. I said, reallly? He said, yup and we can play when I am up to it. This made me happy. I would video chat with Sir and Master. They were doing well, hiking and whatnot. Mark and I talked a lot, he really worked for Sir Rudy and was not owned by him. We talked a lot about his future and where he would go and such. Then I devised a plan.

Next: Chapter 5

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