J & M's Pig

By Rick Smith

Published on May 28, 2024


J and M's Pig 6

We arrived at the farm which was secluded and about 3 hours from the city. I unpacked and opened up the cabin. Mark had me show him around. He then unloaded a few things. He took me inside the cabin and made me kneel beside the toilet. He did not do anything just said to wait. I did. He set about doing things, unloading a few more things, I heard him talking and making a few calls. He then came back in the bathroom. He had me stand in the shower. He then showered me in cold water and cleaned me up. Then he put on rubber gloves. I looked at him quizzically. He said, this is a depilatory cream and it is quite strong pig. I will leave you hairless for at least 6 months maybe much longer. The more times you use it or the longer you leave it on the more damage it does to the follicles. I looked at him bewildered. He said, again I had agreed to this. I just nodded. He then applied the cream and set a timer and told me to stand there. I am not sure how long it was on, but it began to get warm then if felt as if I was burning and itching. I began to squirm and he said, "pig stand the fuck still". I said yes Sir. I tried but it was beginning to burn more and more. I resumed squirming. He said, "fucking pig I told you stand still". I said, I am trying Sir. He said not good enough. I apologized. Then the timer went off. He began spraying me down with cold water again. This actually felt soothing. He rubbed me off and then applied aloe all over. I was then completely cleaned out, and surprisingly he did not reapply my plug. He put a large collar on me and let me outside and to the barn. In here he had fixed up one of the stalls. He led me inside and tied my snout ring on a 6 inch chain to a pole. He then started putting equipment on me. First was a plug with a horse tail, then he placed a harness around my waist. This went between my legs, attached to my chastity and firmly held the plug lodged in my chute. Next was a harness that went on my torso it attached to my collar and the harness on my waist. Next he pulled my arms into cuffs at my waist. He then shackled my legs with maybe an 8 inch heavy chain. Next he put a contraption on my head it was a mesh of leather in the back and in the front there were blinders on the side of my eyes, and wide strap went over my nose and under my chin. There were metal bars at the side. He then produced a bit, he slid it in my mouth and over my tongue, I matched the curve and went partially down the back of my throat. It had a phalange that attached to each of the metal pieces. He then tightened down some nuts and I was now mute, gagged, and tethered. Next, he attached a strap to each nipple piercing. He then stood back and held up his phone, and began shooting video. I must have looked like an alien. He walked all around me then put the phone down and unhooked my snout ring from the chain and led me out of the barn by my nipple's reigns. He took me to a post that he had placed in the barn lot. The post had a long lead on it, and he attached me to the lead. He then told me to start walking in a circle. I did so and he would bark out orders like raise my knees high or run on the balls of my feet, he then produced a bull whip, and told me to keep moving. Every time I got out of step or slowed down, he lashed me. This went on for a long time, I was sweating, panting, and was becoming exhausted. He then told me to halt. Which I did, gladly. I was led back to the barn and tethered there again. He said, wait here, chuckled and left. I stood in silence and tried to relax but given all I was wearing it was hard. It must have been an hour or two and he returned. He removed my bit and offered me some water, it was warm, but I was so thirsty. I drank it up. He then took the bit gag and fucked himself with it, and I could see it was coated in shit, he then placed it back in my mouth and down my throat and locked it in place then he replaced snout to the pole and said he would be back. He went about doing some things, he would pop in now and then. It was going on a few hours now and he returned. He said OK piggy how was your day? I said nothing , well because I couldn't. He came over and rubbed me down a bit, I must admit I was very stiff from standing in one place. He started to remove some of the gear. The waist and chest harness then the collar attachment. He left the plug and gag in place. He then led me outside it was cooler and twilight now. He took me over to another building and I seen he had set it up as a pseudo dungeon. He placed me bent over a sawhorse and said now about about that fidgeting earlier and your defiance. He produced a rather nasty looking strap. He removed my plug and began strapping my ass. At first, I was quiet then it builds and I was crying quietly, then he went harder and I began to cry out louder. Eventually I was whaling, and he did not let up, it felt like he was strapping the skin off of me. Then he stopped and I heard voices, it was Sir and Master, they told him good work he could take over now. But he continued to record. He mounted me and fucked me hard. He abused my hole a while. Then he pulled out and brought over a large toy, It looked like a tentacle and he started slowly fucking me with it, it was long and huge. I felt every ripple and suction cup. He then started going faster and faster. It has passed the point of feeling good and was now hurting. He did not stop. My ass must be gaping by now. Then he stopped and placed a huge plug in my and stepped to my mouth. He then fucked my throat for the first time since my teeth removal. I noticed he was much deeper in my throat. He just groaned and said fuck yeah this is why pig slaves do not need back teeth. He fucked me and honestly, I did not gag or lose air, it was like it had changed a lot. He then built-up momentum and released his cum down my throat. He spit on my head and left me there. He went inside and came back a bit later, with a bowl. He untied me from the sawhorse and ordered me onto all 4's. I compiled. He then placed the bowl in front of me and poured a mushy mixture into it. He said, one word, "eat". I began eating and at first there was not much taste, then I got a few foul bits. I consumed it all as I was very hungry. He then took me over and hosed me off and led me back to the barn. He tethered me lower on the post this time and I had about a foot chain. He just said, sleep well piggy and left.

I tried to get comfortable and rest. I finally got to sleep a bit. Then bright and early mark was waking me up. I was a bit disoriented, but he yanked my snout ring and led me outside. We went to the new dungeon space and I was hooded. Then he led to a spot and told me to lie on my back. I did so. I heard some movement, and tried to make out what was happening, I then heard the sounds of mark taking a dump. It was not long and I could smell him. He said, "open up". I did and he set down on my mouth, and said, "clean". It was foul and I licked him and licked him. I thought I was about done and then it happened, he set down hard on my face and pushed. Oh god no pleas no. He was not done, he proceeded to finish his dump in my mouth. I was not prepared for this. I could not move, I just had to take it. He deposited what was left in my mouth and said, "eat or you will be punished". I was stunned. I started chewing, it was awful. But then a switch flipped in my head and I just chewed and chewed. I swallowed and retched but it was out of my mouth, thankfully. He then held his cock to my lips and said open, I did and he filled my mouth up with piss and told me to rinse, I gladly did. He did this 4 more times and finally my mouth was rinsed out some. He then let me up and led me back to the barn. I was dejected. This was mark, we were friends, equals. But we were not. He tethered me to the pole again and removed the rest of my gear. He then released the tether, and said I could relax now. We went to the house and I was still kind of shell shocked. He told me that all we had done was recorded and uploaded to a website for use later, and Master and Sir had watched live. He was hard on my because if he went soft we would both be punished double. I said OK I understood. The rest of the week was less hard, we played, and I continued my toilet training and he applied the cream once more. It was time to head out and back to visit Master and Sir. We packed up and left for the airport. We would be gone about 2 weeks at least.

We flew in and were picked up by Master and Sir. We were placed in a cage in the van and taken home. Except this was a new place. Master said, we have a new place with much more room for activities slaves. They showed us around the yard, the house, it was a nice two story stand alone house. It had 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Then we were led to the basement. This was where mark and it would live mostly. There was a dungeon space, a small cell with a single bed, an open shower and toilet, and a workout room. It was very nice. We were all tired, so they locked us up for the evening and went to bed. Mark and I talked some, and fell asleep.

Bright and early we were woken up. We were leashed and led to the van. Wen then ended up back at the piercing and tattoo shop. I was told I had an extensive appointment and mark needed to be marked some too. First my ear tags were put back in and they did hurt going in again and on top of that the humiliation of them. I was then placed face down on a table and my back was tattooed. Then the inside of my biceps were tatted, and I was flipped over and my piercings were removed. It was explained that I would be getting much larger ones and they would be welded in place this time. This was the first I had heard of this. This too was permanent. I started to say something and Master spoke up and said, "slave do not say a fucking word or you will be punished right here and now". I said nothing and just wept. The holes were much larger in my nipples, pa and guiche. He then laid a leather piece on me and welded them closed, they got hot and yes burned me some. I just cried out in pain and not one person seemed to care. I hoped it was done but it was not he then removed my snout ring. Next he strapped me down and said on time to stretch this one. He then shoved the hot awl though the hole and twisted and turned it and I screamed in pain and begged him to stop. Of course he did not. There was no way I could have any cartilage left between my nostrils. He then put in the ring, placed the mat and welded it in place and splashed my with cold water. I jumped in surprise and this caused serous pain. I was then stood up and bent over a bench and fucked. At this point I was numb. I was taken to a mirror and shown what it looked like the snout ring filled both nostrils and hung between my lips, my nipple rings were huge as were the pa and the gulch rings were now welded together, I was in permanent chastity. Then I was shown my back. There was a huge silhouette of a pig, and the words J & M's piggy as a tramp stamp. Below that were the words CUM DUMP in bold. Then I scanned up and on the back of my head was something different, and on the inside of my biceps was in 2 inch cursive lettering OINK on both arms. I said what is on my head. They laughed and said that is a scan code piggy, anyone who scans it will be taken to a website with all of your videos on it, you are now a walking advertisement for yourself pig. I did not think it could get any worse, but it had. I just said, why would you do this Master and Sir? They said, come on piggy it's your destiny. I was not sure. I then seen mark and he had large piercings and new tattoos too. He looked so hot, he came over to me and hugged me, which hurt, and kissed me and told me I was such a hot pig brother. I told him not as hot as you. We were loaded in the van and taken home. We healed up for a few days and tended to ourselves. We were told as soon as we healed we would be resuming full service. I was accepting all that had happened to me and honestly it was freeing, I was becoming the pig slave it was meant to be and mark even said he felt free to be himself too. We were free to express ourselves and it was great.

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