Jace Switches Masters

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 26, 2023


jace's dreams were filled with just a few different themes. First, there was the feeling of a new Top behind him. He had been right: Matt was absolutely covered with curly ginger fur, and it tickled when Matt first pulled him into him. His body was more than warm - you could say it was hot. And he was strong. When he draped his arm around jace's middle, and threw his leg over jace's, jace knew he wasn't getting up that night unless Matt let him. He was going to "test" him at some point: Philip did NOT like jace getting up in the middle of the night, even to use the bathroom. There was usually some punishment for that, like a spanking with one of the harsher paddles he had. The thought of those spankings was making him hard, and also made him think: what was Philip going to do to him when he got back? There was no question: jace had violated the rules and gone out. That was bad enough, but then... he not only went home with someone, but he had sex with him. If jace had sex with anyone other than Philip, Philip arranged it - and he was there, watching. Matt had put jace's cell phone in a place where jace couldn't see it, so he had no idea how many messages he had. He felt Matt's hand go up to his nipple, and begin caressing it. His mouth covered jace's ear and he whispered "I want you again, boy. I want you on your back with your legs in the air. "

"Please Sir. Can I go to the bathroom first? " Matt laughed. "Sure. You know, Philly used to tell us how he even controlled your bowel movements. Last thing I want is you dumping on the bed." He rolled onto jace and smiled down at him before he kissed him. "Because even if it's a hot, sexy, muscular sub... I don't want that kinda stuff in my bed. Go pee. " "YES SIR. I won't be long..." "MMMM. Better not be. " jace wasn't long, and when he got back, he smiled. Matt was laying on the bed, his big furry footballer body exposed, his cock in his hand. "Got myself a new toy today: your ass. Get on this bed, manbitch. And spread your legs. " "Yes sir." Matt's cock, buried in a matt of ginger fur, was so tempting. So tempting. And a sub did what a DOM said. He had been told to spread his legs. Matt helped by grabbing his ankles and pushing them apart. "NOW. First one was preliminary. THIS time... We're gonna go in the front, and the back." He started sliding his cock into jace. It wasn't a familiar cock yet: it was only the second time he had felt it, but jace felt... comfortable. Matt bent down and ran his tongue over jace's lips. "You don't have any idea how long I've had my eyes on you boy, do you?" "You said... " jace winced as Matt's cock continued to probe. "You said Sir, about four weeks before I started with Philip, Sir." He bit his lip because Matt pushed in further. "Oh, that was after I joined your lab. Before that... I guess you never noticed me checking you out at the gym, wondering.. just wondering... would he turn me down." Matt's pounding got faster. "I guess... I guess you weren't an experienced DOM Sir. subs don't have anything to say. " "I'll keep that in mind. Now roll over. I took you from the front, and now, I'll finish from behind. " "yes sir. OOOOOOOOOOOH" Matt's cock got in further from behind. When jace let out the moan, Matt's big hand covered his mouth. "Some would say you make too much noise, bottom. I say: just gives me a chance to gag you." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph." There were gags jace liked and some he didn't like. Philip always used the ones he hated. Hand gags... the warmth felt so good. And then there was the hair again. As Matt mounted him, doggie style, the bristly red hair tingled jace's back. Matt had gone to a piledriver technique from behind. He was pulling out slowly, and driving back in, fast. The pushes in got faster, and faster, and then... he pulled his hand off jace's mouth and grabbed the back of his hair. He pulled back jace's head, so he could drive in further. Then he shot. Matt felt the warm fluids going into him. DAMN it was a good fuck. How many more of them was he gonna get? How would Philip measure up after he got back?" "Sleep gumdrop. I got a BIG day planned for you." "Yes sir. " Matt didn't see it but jace smiled a little as he curled back into his footballer DOM.

Next thing jace felt was Matt's firm hand smacking his ass. "Time to get up Sleeping Beauty." He smacked jace's ass again. "MMMMM. Good morning Sir. Can I ask how late it is?" "Ha ha. It's 11. I wore you out." "OH GEEZ Sir. You must've. I don't sleep that late. Ever." "Well, that's the last time you'll get to. Early start around here. We'll skip the gym today, because we have some stuff to do, but tomorrow, we'll be there when it opens. Other people do church, we do the gym." "Sir, I need to ask you something because I'm confused. But I'm also cold. Where are my clothes, Sir?" "In the wash. They kinda got soiled last night. But I got you something." Matt was holding a pair of short leather shorts. "I had bought them as a gift for a sub boy who belongs to a bud, but I think they'll look better on you." jace gulped. The feel of leather against his skin always made him hot. "Model them. See if you like them." jace did a slow turn. He KNEW he had a nice ass, but the shorts made it look even better. Black leather on his skin, which was very pale, turned on a lot of men. He knew that because, every time he got a whistle or a woof, he knew that meant another day before his cage could come off. "Now get on the bed. Spread out like a star." "Sir. I need to ask you something. It's important." "Yeah, I know what you wanna ask me. Get on the bed. You'll get your answer. " "yes sir" jace did what Matt told him. Once he did, Matt pulled his wrists out tight, and tied each one to a corner of the bed. He did the same thing to his ankles. "Now, this is only temporary, studboi. But..." He reached into a drawer and pulled out a roll of duct tape. He ripped off three pieces and covered jace's mouth. "Now... heh heh heh. " jace saw Matt reach into his jeans pocket, and pull out his phone. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH..." "Know who I'm calling? I listened to all his messages this morning. Boy, would YOU be in hot water...." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. " The second scream was mixed with a giggle, because while Matt held the phone to his ear with one hand, he circled jace's navel with a finger of the other one. jace could hear Philip yelling. "YOU FUCKING WHORE. YOU CUNT. YOU BASTARD CHEATING UNFAITHFUL BITCH. I OUGHTTA LOCK YOU OUT OF THE HOUSE NAKED. " "Relax, Philly. This isn't your boy. This is Matt. Remember me?" jace could tell from the short silence that Philip was processing. Then the yells again. "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE MY BITCH'S PHONE?" "It came with him. Because I have your bitch. Or should I say... your FORMER bitch." Matt gave Philip a head to toe of jace, tied down to the bed. "YOU KIDNAPED HIM OR DID HE SHACK UP WITH YOU?" "Wellllll, probably a little of both. But he's here. And he's staying here." "LIKE HELL HE IS. HE'S COMING HOME AND I'M GONNA LEAVE MARKS." "No you're not stud. " He moved his finger to jace's nip, and traced that, while the phone camera panned over him. "I'm keeping him. He's MY bitch now." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" jace tried to push up. What the hell was going on. "WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT. FUCK. IF I HAVE TO CUT MY TRIP SHORT." "Nah, you don't have to Philly. " Matt laughed as he used the name Philip hated. "I wanted him, you had him, and now... I've got him." There was more chatter and then jace heard Matt "So, I know you'd rather it was poker, but nah. Possession is 90 percent of the law, and I've got jace. So I decide. Wrestling. Just like back in school. I kicked your ass then, and I'll kick it now. Especially. " He teased Philip more by reaching down and kissing jace's ear. "when the prize is such a GOOD one. You let me know when you're back in town Philly. We'll discuss this more then. Until you do, just know that your former boy is gonna be well fucked. " He hung up the phone. He saw jace's eyes. "Should I pull off the tape? You gonna act like an ass hole?" jace paused and shook his head no. Matt smiled and took off the tape. "Sir, I don't understand what's going on. You and Philip KNOW each other?" Matt sat down on the edge of the bed and began running his hand over jace's torso. "GOD. Your skin is SO fucking soft. But yeah, we do, from school. We both did sports. I did football and wrestling. Philly wrestled, and he did track: shot put. He made the mistake of thinking he could knock me out in my weight class." He paused and smiled. "If he were my type, I woulda FUCKED him. " "So.. you're doing this to spite him Sir?" "HELL NO. I'm doing this because.." He bent down and kissed jace's lips. "Any sub who can put up with Philly, is a sub I want. And so.... " "You're.. you're keeping me Sir?" Matt began to laugh. "You're not gonna be a kept man, but you're gonna sub for me from now on. You don't have any choice about that. " jace pulled at the bonds. "Now, now.. you gonna tell me you didn't wanna come home with me?" jace calmed down. "I can't do that Sir. I did." "You gonna tell me you didn't enjoy the sex?" "Sigh.. Can't do that either Sir." "What do you think'll happen if you go back to Philip?" "OH GOD SIR. I'll deserve every bit of it. " "Well, ok, you'll tell me, and you'll get what you deserve. But it'll be me. Now, we have to do something to 'transfer ownership' so to speak. " He pulled down the leather shorts. "That cage. That's not mine. You need to wear mine from now on. " "SIR. I don't have the key. Philip took it with him." Then he saw the odd looking pliers in Matt's hand. Now he squirmed harder. "SIR NO. YOU'RE NOT GONNA TRY TO CUT IT OFF, ARE YOU?" "I AM gonna cut it off. But you're gonna have to be VERY VERY STILL boy. Because I'm good at this, but you gotta keep still." jace was thinking "I'm gonna lose my cock, " but he said "ok Sir. I don't use it anyway." Matt smiled at him. "Good boy. It'll be fine. " jace closed his eyes. He didn't want to watch, but he heard each piece of metal as Matt cut through it with those pliers. He whispered. "You're doing great boy. Just great. " jace felt three more cuts, and then.. "FUCK." he thought. His cock popped out hard as a rock. "Knew you needed this. " Now, how should I get you off, handsome? Should I do it, should I make you do it, should I use a flesh light.... hmmm. " He smiled. "you look so good tied up. You're not gonna get to do it." "yes sir. " jace closed his eyes again, as the hand that covered his mouth, took his shaft and began stroking it. Philip had never done this: he said that touching a cock other than his own was "gross." Matt didn't seem to have that problem. He ran his finger over the back of Jace's cock, and then down his balls. When jace began thrusting his hips, harder and harder, feeling like he was just at the edge, Matt stopped. "You gonna be my sub? Cause if you're not, I'll drive ya back home, leave you there, and it'll be our little secret." While he was tied to the bed, jace saw all the toys in Matt's room: the flogger, the hitachi rod, the handcuffs , so much more. He saw a cock cage in the corner. He knew it was waiting for him. "I belong to you Sir. Yes sir. I'm your sub now." Matt smiled and went back to edging jace. When jace started pushing his hips further faster, and faster, Matt put a finger in jace's ass. "OH MY GOD SIR. OH MY GOD..." jace began to shoot. He didn't think he had ever had an orgasm like that. EVER. He began to cry. "Oh, you want a reason to cry, bitchboy? I can give you one." Matt took jace's balls and twisted them. "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. No sir. No. Too many emotions. WAY too many." Well, I think you're gonna find life with me not that different from life with Philly. " Matt began untying the restraints. "You get cleaned up, then I want you presented, all clean, hair washed, butt cleaned out, EVERYTHING. And then, we're gonna lock you up again." "yes sir. " jace thought the shower might give him back some energy, and it gave him a little. He knew the position a sub was supposed to take in front of his DOM, and he stood, legs spread, hands clasped behind his back, head down. "GOOD. Philip DID train you well. I give him credit for that." Matt took jace's cock in his hand, and then in less than ten seconds, jace was locked up again. Matt had a serious look on his face. "That tattoo. That tattoo is gonna have to go of course. I'll make an appointment with a laser guy." "yes sir. As you want. " "Now, your clothes are ready. Get them on. We're gonna take a drive to your place, load my car with whatever shit you've got I want, and then, your new life is gonna begin." "yes sir." As jace began dressing, he saw his cell phone, smashed, in the garbage pail. I don't want Philip having ANY way of getting in touch with you unless I'm around. I cloned your phone. I'll dump it all onto a new one when we get that done, and you'll have a new number. He won't have it. And he won't get it." He looked at jace severely. "WILL HE PRETTY BOY?" "No Sir. Not unless you say to." "Hands in front of you. No reason not to cuff you on a ride to your place." "yes sir. " "Oh, yeah. I forgot this." jace saw, then felt the leather collar go around his neck. "NOW you're ready to travel." "In the car, as he toyed with the inside of jace's thigh, Matt smiled. "Know what would be hot? Dirty but hot? Fucking you in your bed at that apartment. Leaving the traces for Phil to find when he gets home. Now THAT's hot!" jace had to admit, it was. The thought of what Philip would do to him if he found that kind of evidence got him even hotter. He thought more about it when Matt bent him over the chair, after he had moved jace's wrists to behind his back while he fucked his face, and then on the bed where he DID fuck him, shooting his jizz all over the sheets jace had washed just a few days before. Matt uncuffed jace. "Start picking the books you wanna bring with you. And any personal stuff. NO PHOTOS. He's out of your life." In a very, very tiny voice, jace said "just one Sir? Please?" Matt had a change of heart. "Take whatever you want. It'll be ok. I'll make it so you don't wanna remember him." Matt was working on jace's clothes, taking what HE liked. He looked at the drawer where jocks, etc, where kept. "I guess we need a few until we get some shopping done." "Yes sir." Two hours later, they were back in Matt's car, on their way back to his house. While they were doing all of this, Philip was looking for how he could get home faster. He could shorten the trip a few days. For that night though, there was nothing he could do . He sighed, dressed "for the occasion" and went out. While Matt was taking jace to dinner, Philip was fucking the cute Asian guy he had picked up at the bar. He thought his blow job wasn't as good as the ones jace gave, but his ass was nice and tight- not used as much as jace's. He'd need to rest, because he wanted to have that boy again.

Next: Chapter 3

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