Jace Switches Masters

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 2, 2023


The limousine pulled to a stop in front of the huge house. jace felt the lump in his throat get even bigger. He was moving in, at least temporarily, with Dr. Gabe Landman. It was the most recent of a series of stressful, challenging acts that had been set in place since he left his Dom Philip. The driver came around and opened the door. "Let me get that for you jace. And please hand me your bag." "OH, No sir, I can get it." The driver smiled. "jace, it's my job. Please don't get me in trouble with Dr. Gabe." jace looked at the fear that passed over Ralph's face (he had gotten the driver to tell him his name, reluctantly). "I'm sure we'll be seeing each other more jace. Dr. Gabe has me on call and I live in one of the outbuildings. " He told this to jace as they walked to the house. "Dr. Gabe spends a lot of time out, especially at dinners. He'll expect you to go with him. That's when we'll see each other." "I understand. Thank you Ralph". Ralph rang the bell to the big house, and jace heard the rich baritone say "come in." The voice... that was one of the things.... and jace's cock, which had been as hard as it could get in the cage, struggled again. The key to the cage was in his shirt pocket. Dr. Gabe would take off the cage and put his own on jace, but that was coming.

Things had been topsy turvy since he went to that party, met Matt, and either went home with him, got picked up, was kidnapped, submitted to Matt, however you wanted to put it. It had made things at the lab more stressful, because now Matt wasn't cruising jace all day: now, he was watching the man whom he regarded as his property to make sure he wasn't flirting, or disobeying any of his rules. There were many and they seemed to change all the time. Just the other day, jace found himself on the receiving end of a flogging, because when he helped another "lab rat" with a bubbling beaker of liquid, Matt had seen his hand touch the other man's hand. "HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU HAVE TO BE TOLD. NO PHYSICAL CONTACT WITH OTHER MEN, CUNT?" was just one of the things that Matt had yelled while he whipped jace. There were supposed to be ten lashes, but anytime jace cried out, two more were added. Eventually, he received 18. It was hard to sit after that, but Matt insisted: on a seat with a wicker cushion. Of course, jace was naked except for his cage. That was another requirement.

Matt had been possessive since the day he brought jace home. He had gotten more possessive after Philip came back from his business trip, and they "had it out." They had it out via a wrestling match. Matt brough jace, and he had to watch, tied up, gagged, shirtless, outside of the ring, while Philip and Matt went at it. Philip was big and strong - at least jace thought so - but

he was no match for Matt. The big ruddy footballer beat him in two straight falls. jace tried to feel the humiliation Philip must have felt in the second match: Matt had him in a submission hold, and as he tightened it, he would ask Philip "who's jace's DOM? " He repeated the question over and over again until Philip grunted out. "YOU ARE, OK? I GIVE. HE'S YOURS. JACE IS YOURS." Matt had released the hold, and shoved Philip away. "Get up and get the fuck outta here." As he left Philip looked at the bound and gagged jace. He sneered. "You might've thought I loved you. If you did, you're even more stupid than you are submissive. All you were to me was a fucking sub. DOMS don't love subs. They use them. " He laughed and walked out. jace thought about that quickly. Had he loved Philip, or had he loved being used? He knew the answer, he just didn't want to admit it. So at least the feeling was mutual. Matt used him, and he used him hard: but when he fell into Matt's arms at night, and when Matt would do small things like squeeze his shoulder or nibble his ear, he knew: Matt loved him. Did he love Matt? No. He was trying to learn. He loved what Matt did to him, and he loved how he felt when Matt did things to him. Did he love Matt? He was trying. He was REALLY trying. That all changed after the lecture Dr. Landman gave, but... we're getting ahead of ourselves.

Matt, wiping some of his sweat off with a towel, was catching his breath. He came over to jace, and lifted his head up to stare at him. "Now... you belong to me . You do what I say." jace could only whimper a "yes sir," blocked by the gag. He saw Matt smile. "I'm gonna fuck you right here in the wrestling ring, jace. Then I'm probably gonna take you home and fuck you again. " He grinned. "And now... the rules get stricter." jace felt his cock get even harder. It continued to harden as Matt spread eagled him on the floor of the wrestling ring, and shoved his legs in the air. His rough, fast style filled jace with pleasure. He LOVED a big, thick cock in his butt, and he was getting that. They went home after that, had dinner, and Matt dragged jace to bed, pulling him into his body, whispering "we'll make an appointment this weekend. Start getting that tattoo removed. We'll think about something to mark you as mine, but it ain't gonna be a butt tattoo." jace sighed. "yes sir. I'm yours now," as he backed further into the warmth of Matt's body, feeling that body hair that he loved, prickle all over his skin. Matt rubbed fingers over jace's nipples, and jace moaned "thank you Sir," before he fell asleep.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm very glad to introduce our next speaker, Dr. Gabriel Landman, or as he prefers to be called, "Dr. Gabe.' Dr. Gabe has made fundamental discoveries in the immunology of pediatric endocrinology, and I'm pleased to say, he's opening a new lab in our city. He's going to talk to us about his work. There will be a question and answer session afterward." Matt, remembering the chance meeting at the bar, made sure he was sitting next to jace. Pediatric endocrinology was something that interested Matt greatly, and he was torn between taking notes, and watching jace. jace had pissed him off the night before by saying precisely the wrong thing: "when you grow up Sir, do you wanna be just like Dr. Gabe?" That had gotten him a SMACK across the face, and Matt on top of him, pinning him down. "Your fucking precious Dr. Gabe ain't worth shit. He may be smart, but so fucking what? I've got the cock you like, and I've got the key to your cage. Keep that in mind, bottom." "yes sir. I'm sorry I offended you." As they listened to the lecture, jace tried to focus on what Dr. Gabe was saying, and not on Dr. Gabe. This was NOT an area that interested him, but attendance was mandatory. He was also hoping that Dr. Gabe noticed him. Dr. Gabe did. Landfeld didn't think much of it when he was lecturing, but when part of his mind was disengaged, he thought about the two of them sitting there: Matt and jace. "YEAH. Those are the two from the bar. The burly one, the DOM, and the cute one. I could've had him. I will." After the applause from the lecture and question and answer period, the lab director announced, with a laugh. "I shouldn't say this, because Dr. Gabe is trying to poach my best researchers. He's staffing up his lab, and as he told me "I want only the best. He sure pays better than here." The director laughed. "Hell I may apply myself. So, the email will be available, submit your resume' if you like."

Landfeld stepped down from behind the lecture podium, and began speaking with the attendees. jace knew that if Matt caught him trying to talk to Dr. Gabe, there'd be problems. So he didn't approach him. Then he felt the strong, warm hand on his shoulder. "HEY. You got away from me once jace, you won't do it again." jace blushed. This was CLEARLY a flirt. "Oh. I'm sorry Dr. Gabe. It was... it was a great lecture but..." jace felt himself trembling and then he dropped everything in his hands. He bent down to pick them up, and Dr. Gabe kneeled down with him. "You look hot on your knees, jace. Now, jace was coloring badly. He saw that Matt was talking to the director so he was ok. "Thank you Sir. I'm sorry I'm embarrassing you. I'd like to see you again." "I... I... I'm in a relationship Sir. " Landfeld grinned his evil smile. "Ever hear of a spit roast, jace?" jace dropped all the papers and books he had just picked up. "Yes sir. I know what they are, but... I think you want something that my other half has reserved for himself. " "Everything can be negotiated jace." jace looked down, feeling hotter, and hornier, than he had during the lecture. "JACE. C'MON, we gotta get back to the lab. " "I need to go Sir. I'm sorry." "No problem. We'll see each other again. By the way... nice shirt. Glad you're not hiding that body under a sheet anymore." jace wanted to die.

At home that night, Matt cuffed jace's hands behind his back after he was undressed, and then pushed jace's face into his crotch. "SUCK. Slowly. Make it last. " Then he sneered. "Pretend I'm Dr. Gabe." jace thought "you don't hold a candle to that man" but wrapped his tongue around Matt's shaft. It hadn't been long, but he knew exactly how Matt liked his blow jobs, and he was doing his best to avoid what happened when the blow jobs weren't good enough. Matt would take off the cage, wrap jace's dick in moist rawhide, and then leave him tied up until the rawhide had dried so much that jace was screaming for relief. Then he'd get a fucking with the 12 inch dildo before Matt took him with his own cock. "Ha ha. You must be imagining I'm Dr. Gabe. That's the best one you've given me from day one." Matt pitched his hips forward, and his cum ran down jace's throat. Not swallowing a drop meant he'd have to tongue was Matt's boots - something he hated.

After they were done, Matt sat down at the computer. He WAS sending a resume' to Dr. Gabe. "It's a good job, and apart from that, we shouldn't be working together anymore. So sick and tired of Florence's glances and giggles, and then everyone else. " He looked at jace. "You're not telling her anything are you?" "NO SIR! She saw the mark you made on my neck one day and that just started everything." "Bitch needs more on her mind. Staring at your neck." He smiled. "I'm the only one who gets to do that. It's sexy. Makes me wanna chew it whenever I look." "Thank you Sir. I'm glad it pleases you." "And... there we go. One resume', delivered fresh and hot to Dr Landfeld. " He turned to jace. "And now.... I think we need a little foot tickling session. Go get the hogtie ropes. "

Dr. Gabe had been inundated with resumes since he had appeared in town. There were many scientists who fed into the local labs from the university, and with competition, came lower wages. All that education and they were making a bit more than a good server did at a fine restaurant. He laughed. Offering a competitive wage, was all it took. He found Matt's resume'. He had a feeling: this one wasn't about the money. He read through it. It was a good resume', but there were a lot of good resumes. He could've gone one way or the other on it, but... he DID need an Assistant Lab Director, and after all, Matt came with side benefits. No, not side benefits. He had something to trade... " Gabe snickered to himself. Sometimes, these things were just too easy.

"So, Matt.. I have to tell you, your resume' intrigues me. It intrigues me mightily. A footballer who turned to biomedicine." Gabe smiled as he sat back in his chair. "Thank you Dr Landfeld. I think I always knew that science was the way for me, but my grades...No school would take me as a science student with my grades, so ... I played football for the scholarship, and saved my money. "And also studied very hard Matt. I can see that." "Well, thank you Doctor. I could have done better but...." Then Gabe smiled. "But you clearly were undergoing a period of conflict." Matt looked puzzled. "I beg your pardon, Sir." He put down Matt's resume'. This is outside of the scope of this interview, Matt, and if I weren't interested in hiring you, I wouldn't be asking this: when did you first realize you had dominant sexual tendencies?" Matt was having trouble figuring out how this factored into pediatric endocrinology, but he didn't want to lose the job if he had it. "Well, to be honest Sir, I was always big enough to be a bully as a young boy, and I enjoyed trapping, and dominating the younger boys. I never realized there was a sexual component..." "Until you met your first experienced sub." Matt blushed, then smiled. "I feel like you were there, Doctor" "Well, in a way, I was. That was my experience too. Many, MANY years ago. I still remember bradley. SUCH a beautiful boy. Maybe he's the reason for my obsession with..." he stopped. "I'm drifting. My apologies. I do that when I talk about this kind of stuff. Now, to get back to task, I want to thank you and your boy for making my visit to that bar as pleasant as it was. New meat in a bar is never the best experience." Matt smiled. "It was both of our pleasures, Sir. Much more so jace. Dare I say it, he's somewhat infatuated with you." "He shouldn't have said that," Gabe thought. "Maybe he's NOT as smart as I thought, or maybe he just hasn't figured it out." He smiled. "Yes, it was sort of obvious in the bar, and then at the lecture. I hope you put him in his place. " Now Matt smiled. "I did Sir. But please don't ask me what I did." "No, no. Every DOM has his secrets. For sure." He paused. "I'm about to ask you a very difficult question Matt, and then I'm going to explain why. Please pay attention. I am NOT asking if YOU love jace. That's clear. " Gabe then used 'the stare': something that Gabe dreaded until the very end. The stare that said "you lie to me, I'll flay you alive." "I AM asking: do you think jace loves YOU?" For Matt, this was a question that came up in his mind a lot: if there were going to be a relationship in the future, he wanted jace to love him. Right now, he thought the answer was no, he didn't. He served Matt, recognizing him as his conqueror, but he didn't LOVE him. Would he grow to love him? He heard the sighs of contentment when he pulled jace into him at night, but that was it. "No, Sir. I don't think he does." Gabe dropped his voice. "That was the right answer Matt. He doesn't. And I applaud your honesty. And that answer, it just got you the job as assistant director if...." Matt was grinning ear to ear: like a boy who gets a bike for Christmas. "REALLY SIR? REALLY? I MEAN, THANK YOU. I WON'T LET YOU DOWN." Gabe held up his hand. "No, no, you won't. I know that. But this job is contingent on one thing: you just told me that jace didn't love you. That bothers you, doesn't it?" Matt paused. "Yes sir, it does." Gabe sighed. "Trust me on this: trying to convince a man who doesn't love you, to love you, will leave you with great sex, and a life of regrets. " He paused again. "You and I are both clear: jace is obsessed with me." "He is Sir." "And I have to be honest: I'm very taken with him too. Release him. Let him know that if he wants to move in with me, he is welcome. He doesn't have to say yes, but you have to ask him. That's my one condition of you getting this job."

On the way back to his own lab, Matt was thinking, and crying a little "I waited all those years to have my chance at jace, and I got him. And Dr. Gabe is right: he doesn't want what I want." He sniffled, and told himself "FOOTBALLERS DON'T CRY." He pulled his car into his space, and went back to the lab. "HEY. How did it go? " One of the other "rats" asked him. "Not good, huh?" Florence saw his face. "Uh, no. He offered me the job. He gave me a few days to think about it. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" one of the rats is gonna get the CHEESE! Let me see if the director has a bottle or two of bubbly. We gotta celebrate this. " Matt shook his head. "no, no. Not yet. I wanna think about it."

When he got jace alone he said "tonight. Serious talk. REALLY serious one. About more than the job." "Yes sir. Whatever you say. Should I do something before?" Matt smiled. "No. Just think about your life as it is a little." jace thought that maybe the job meant travel. Well, if Matt said they were moving, they were moving.

That night, Matt picked at his dinner. "Is the steak not good, Sir?" jace asked, concerned that Matt wasn't eating. "No, it's good. I'm just not very hungry. Very serious talk with Dr. Gabe today." At the mention of Dr. Gabe, jace's eyes lit up. "Tell me about it." "First, let me ask you something jace. Something very, very important. It's a question with a very simple answer: do you love me?" jace's face took on the look it did when he was working on a serious problem. His voice dropped very low. "no Sir." "I didn't think so. It's ok." He put his hand on jace's, and felt jace start to pull it back before he stopped. "Do you think you ever will?" Now, jace took a deep breath. He moved HIS hand to cover Matt's. "I may cry when I answer you Sir. You give me everything I want and need. I've tried to do the same. And I'm very lucky, I know it every day, that you rescued me from Philip. " He paused. "There were times when I thought I wasn't going to make it to 40 with him. " He paused again. "Sir, there are SO many things you do that I love. All day, I look forward to feeling your hair against me, your hand on my nipples, your cock in me...." He looked up and he looked sad. "But I don't think I will ever love you Sir. I can't explain it, but, no. I'll serve you, I'll be happy as your sub, but no, I don't think I'll ever love you." Matt smiled weakly. "I knew that. I just needed it confirmed." He looked at jace. "I'm asking you this for a very simple reason. Well, not so simple. Dr. Gabe knows how you feel about him. He figured it out. He has similar feelings. He'd like you to move in with him, but he wasn't going to do anything unless I released you. He's an honorable man that way. " He looked up and directly at jace. "So, boy, I'm releasing you. If you want to be with Dr. Gabe, go for it. I have a phone number, you should call him and the two of you arrange it. " Now it was jace's turn to be the kid who got the bike for Christmas, except he took all of his will to suppress it. "Sir... you wanted me so badly, and....." "Yes, I did and I do. But you don't want me the way I want you to. We'll be miserable. Go to Dr. Gabe." He smiled. "If you visit him at the lab, come and say hello to me." jace spoke. "Sir, can I hug you? Please? A standing hug?" "Of course. For as long as you want." And an hour later, jace made the call. Dr. Gabe was crisp and direct. "Have you paper and pencil?" "Yes sir." "This is what you bring with you. Nothing more than that. We'll arrange for the rest after you're ensconced. Friday afternoon, after work . Don't be late." "No Sir. Thank you.." the phone went dead.

So on Friday afternoon, jace was standing in Matt's living room, checking to make sure he had fulfilled what Gabe had told him: "oxford shirt, white or blue. Two buttons open, sleeves pulled back. Make sure it's tailored. Jeans. As tight as you have them. Tuck in the shirt. Sneakers. Red if you have them. Take three changes of clothes, your toiletries, any personal items you want. I'll make sure that Matt sends your cage key with you. He checked his watch. "SHIT. " He hadn't called a cab. He'd be late. "FUCK." LAST thing he wanted to do. That's when he heard the honk of the car outside the door. He smiled. Had Matt arranged it because he knew jace was scatterbrained? He stepped outside and saw the limousine. "Jace? " The driver took off his sunglasses and came over. "Please let me take care of that." He opened the passenger door at the back of the limo. "Please get in. I'll be taking you to Dr. Landfeld." "OH. He sent a car." "Dr Landfeld was very clear that you should come with me. Please Jace. He does not like to be kept waiting." jace had shared a limousine with six other high school students at his prom. He had never been the sole patron. "Excuse me Jace, there's a small selection of non alcoholic beverages in the cubicle next to your seat. Please feel free, but know the road is a bit bumpy, and I wouldn't want you to mess up that beautiful shirt." jace had put on his best white shirt. It was one that Matt had bought him: it cost upwards of $150, and it was for "special occasions." Well, this was a special occasion. He took two more: a blue one, and a stripped one, khakis, jeans, gym clothes, and his black leather shorts. There were other items in the bag too, but he thought of those, as his cock stirred. His cage key was in his shirt pocket and he felt it press against his nipple. All he could think was "DR GABE. I'LL BE DR GABE'S SUB." When they pulled into the garage of the huge house, the driver got out and first got jace's bag from the trunk, and then opened the door for jace. "I'll be bringing your bag to the bedroom. Dr Landfeld has asked that you meet him in the study. He's waiting for you." Ralph turned the key in the door. "Go forward about twenty steps, and turn left. You probably should knock. jace began to feel his knees shake. He was here. "OH MY GOD" he thought as he knocked at the door . There was Dr. Gabe, sitting in a big arm chair, with a huge book in a foreign language. He had on a "banker's shirt" with the white collar and the light blue fabric, and beautifully cut trousers. His feet were up and jace knew enough about shoes to know they had been custom made. And from the way the shirt fit Dr. Gabe's torso, he knew... Dr. Gabe was VERY fit. He looked up and smiled. "Welcome jace. Let me just finish this section. It's an obscure Greek text, on how to break a recalcitrant slave. Listen: "After the Master has the slave spread out, arms horizontal and legs as well, then it is time to apply the ingredient: this can be honey if the Master chooses ants, fish oil should he prefer felines, and so forth. The first treatment should be to bare feet only. Should it be necessary, the slave's member may be added in a second sessions." Dr. Gabe looked up at jace and smiled. He was pleased that jace was looking down, and had his hands behind his back. "Got to admit, that sounds kind of alluring. Probably not to the slave. ha ha ha." jace didnt' say anything. He was so nervous that he didn't want to do something stupid. "Look up sub." "yes sir" jace whispered. "NO WHISPERING AROUND HERE. TOO MANY FUCKING DRAPERIES. HARD TO HEAR ANYTHING. " "Now, you're going to do two things. First, you're gonna reach in to your pocket, take out the key and put it on that small felt pad on my desk. NEVER PUT ANYTHING METALLIC ON THIS WOOD. Then..." Dr. Gabe smiled. "Here's your first test, sub boy. Assume you walked in and I was in the middle of a book, like this one. " By now, Dr. Gabe had taken his legs down and was sitting normally. "I haven't told you to do anything. What would you do? Don't tell me. Just do it."

jace thought for a minute. He kept telling himself "don't fuck this up." His fingers were trembling as he put the key on the pad. Should he go back to standing sub position? Something told him that was the wrong response. He approached, and knelt down at the right side of Dr. Gabe. He put his hands behind his back, and he looked up at his new DOM. Gabe smiled. He began playing with jace's hair. "Good boy. There were many right answers. That was a REAL good one. Snuggle up against my leg if you want to, but understand: I don't go for this puppy play shit. If I wanted a puppy, I'd get one." "Yes sir. I understand." jace did rub against Dr. Gabe's thigh. There was "something" that Dr. Gabe gave off. jace couldn't explain it: was it an aura? Was it a scent? He didn't know, but he had noticed it in other Doms before: the "air" of superiority. He had never felt it as strongly as he did with Dr. Gabe, who was now, stroking the area right behind jace's ear. Then he pulled back jace's head. "Is that your best shirt?" "Yes sir." "Hmmm. Fits you well, but cheap shit. That we can fix. He got out of his chair, and put his hand on jace's neck. "We're moving to the sofa. My sub has to kiss well. Let's see how you kiss." He put his arm around jace, pulled him closer, and teased his lips with his fingers. Then, when jace's mouth opened, Dr. Gabe's tongue pushed in. "MMMMMMM" he couldn't help saying. dave had been a good kisser. So had fred. This boy had them both beat. He had plans for jace tonight, but he could've sat here, kissing him until midnight. "EXCELLENT. JUST EXCELLENT. " Dr. Gabe smiled. "I want my boy to be a good kisser. You're beyond that. " "Thank you Sir." "Now, onto our next phase. Go get me the key from the desk. " "Yes sir." jace went to get it, hoping he wouldn't drop it and wouldn't trip. "Slowly jace boy. Slowly. I don't wanna administer first aid before I fuck you." "Yes sir. Sorry Sir." He tried to give Dr. Gabe the key, but Dr. Gabe just smiled. "Now undress for me. " jace gulped. His idol was about to see him naked. As he was stripping , he saw Dr. Gabe open the zipper on his pants. He caught a very quick look at the thick, bright red penis behind it. "Slave position, sub. " "Yes sir. " jace stood there, naked, hands behind him, as Dr. Gabe got up and began examining him. "OOOOH. Torturing you is going to be EXQUISITE jace." From behind, he ran his fingers up and down jace's nipples, and felt him wince, and heard him whimper. "I thought about asking Matt where your hot spots were, but I'll have more fun finding them myself." He slipped a thumb in between jace's butt cheeks. "Should I bend over Sir?" That's when he felt the first SLAP from Dr. Gabe, right on his ass. Gabe didn't yell, but his voice was firm. "If I want you bent over, I'll tell you. Don't make assumptions sub boy. You have no rights here. You do what you're told. No more, no less." "Yes sir. Sorry for being presumptuous." jace felt a finger penetrate him. "nnnnnnnnnnnng" came out of him. "So you're a noisy one. Ok. I've got plenty of gags. " He paused. "You still have your cage key in your hand?" "Yes sir." "Open your cage. Then hand it to me." "Yes sir." jace fumbled. He wasn't used to this either but he got it off, and handed the key and the cage to Dr. Gabe. "I'm going to have these melted and turned into... toys. I'm not sure what. I pair of nipple rings would be useful, but they'd mar that beautiful chest. Perhaps I'll just have a brass arm band made . I don't want you to forget your origins. You'll be locked up in MINE , after we milk you." "Yes sir." "Now, you're going to milk me. With your mouth. I think you've been through enough today so you don't need to get fucked tonight, but tomorrow.. as of tomorrow, that ass is mine." A "ping" went off in jace's head. He couldn't say "SCORE" but he felt it. "Get on your knees. Get to work." "Yes sir." Dr. Gabe was a little shorter, and much thicker than Matt. jace was used to sucking Matt, so he had to adjust his technique. Dr. Gabe "helped" him by controlling his head movements. He wasn't long enough to make jace gag, but the thickness was a challenge. jace was trying to get his tongue everywhere, to please every one of Dr. Gabe's nerve endings. He looked up at Dr. Gabe for a minute. Dr. Gabe didn't look pleased. "I'm sorry Sir, but if you release my head, I can take care of your glans better." Dr. Gabe smiled. "Sounds like a plan. Make it worth my while." jace did. He heard the moan come out of Dr. Gabe. "FUCK I DIDN'T THINK A BLOW JOB COULD BE THIS GOOD" he moaned, and it only encouraged jace to work harder. Dr. Gabe began pounding his face, faster and faster, and then... the controlled explosion. There wasn't much, but it was thick: almost like a paste, as it filled jace's mouth. Dr. Gabe pulled jace's head off his cock, and smiled. "If fucking your ass is as much fun as fucking your face, you are not ever leaving this house. " "Thank you Sir," jace answered, but he felt. "SCORE" again. "Are you hungry boy? I know you just had a smoothie, but, you interested in some real dinner?" "I'll try Sir. I may be too nervous to eat much but..." "Get your clothes back on. No need to be formal tonight. There's an Italian joint not far from here. I eat there a lot."

jace got more than a few looks as he walked in with Dr. Gabe. One almost made him laugh. He saw a guy he knew was a sub from meetings and bars, and the guy whispered "lucky dog," as they walked by. "I usually don't let my subs order, but this is day 1, so we're in transition. You'll get a menu. Don't plan on that as a regular thing." jace looked down. "Thank you Sir, but I haven't ordered my own meal in about five years. I'm also..." he teared up a bit. "I'm not used to being allowed to eat at a table." Dr. Gabe smiled. "Then look at this as a treat. And a punishment. NO, you HAVE to choose your own meal." jace didn't realize it was going to be that difficult to do, but he did it. During dinner, Dr. Gabe explained his new life. "Yes, you'll keep your job. I have to work, you have to work. But you'll let me know when you're leaving for home, ever day. Melissa is my housekeeper, and she'll be there to let you in until I get you a new key. I expect to find you naked when I get home. TOTALLY NAKED. I'll choose what you'll wear for the rest of the night. Now, when we get home, I'll put your ownership collar on. It's a metal chain with a lock. The lock has my name on it. You wear it ALWAYS, unless you're in the shower. Am I clear? "Yes sir." "You'll have duties around the house. Melissa doesn't work on the weekends. That's when you become head housekeeper. My shoes need polishing DAILY. If you spill any 'fluids' I want them cleaned up immediately. And of course, you're familiar with all the details of being a good sub. You've had experience. " He smiled. "I'll turn you into a better sub. SHOULD you go to someone else, he'll get a superb slave, but... I have a feeling you're not moving any further than this house." "Thank you Sir. I'm honored." "Now part of your life with me WILL involve torture games. You'll learn those on a day by day basis. I have favorites, and regular games. Mostly bondage, and toys. " He paused. "OH. The first thing that's gonna happen.. Matt told me about laser treatment coming up: for hair removal and for that tattoo on your ass?" "Yes sir. That's correct." "Yes on the tattoo, no on the hair removal. I enjoy shaving subs. Once a week. " He smiled. "You probably have hair under your arms that needs shaving right now." jace blushed. "I do Sir." "Well, we can take care of that. Let's talk about your clothes... Is that REALLY your best shirt?" "It is Sir. Matt bought it for me. It was about 150.00. " Dr. Gabe had some wine in his mouth and he almost spat it out. "And it LOOKS it. You deserve better. If you wanna wear that shit to work, that's one thing. When you're with me, you'll look good. So, we'll be seeing my tailor. No more of your novelty shorts like that stupid pair of white ones. You're a classy boy, sub jace, you're gonna start looking it." No one had ever called him classy. jace bit his lip. "yes sir. Thank you Sir." "Ok, one last thing before we get home. I was watching you tonight, and I have a feeling I know the ONE thing you want to do tonight, if you're not getting fucked. Let me see if I can guess." He closed his eyes, and smiled. "You wanna get your nose and tongue in my pits." jace's eyes got wide. "OH MY GOD YES SIR" Then he blushed. "Sorry. How did you know, Sir?" "Experience, boy. Experience. Let's get home. time for bed."

As they went into Dr. Gabe's huge bedroom, jace wasn't surprised to see the restraints on the bed corners. He WAS surprised to see the large wall painting of the very stern looking woman. "That's mom." "She looks formidable." "She is. You'll have to be prepared when you meet her." Then jace saw two small photos on Dr. Gabe's vanity. "Ah. Ok, that's the one thing you can have. Those are my two exes: dave and fred. I lost them both to the same Dom." "Their loss Sir. My gain." jace saw Dr. Gabe smile. "If you want the pictures gone, they'll be gone. "No Sir. I have photos of Matt and Philip too. You told me I could bring personal stuff. Could I?" Gabe scowled, but he was faking. "Yes. You're going to have your own studio, you can put them there. Now..." He turned to jace. "Let's see how you undress a DOM. Start with my shirt and tie." jace tried to keep his fingers still. He had fantasized about this. He had to keep his cock under control too, because he wasn't locked. "Nice. Good job. Good job. " Dr. Gabe was standing their, bare chested. He smiled and lifted his right arm. "Well, what're you waiting for, boy?" "yes sir." jace breathed hard as he dove in, taking in Dr. Gabe's odor, and the salty taste of his body. There was almost a smokiness about it. Scotch maybe?" He felt Dr. Gabe's arm around his neck, holding him in place. Then he laughed. "Enough. You're gonna lick me a raw spot. " He sat down on the end of the bed. "Shoes and socks. Then my pants. Then... my briefs." jace didn't know how he was gonna deal with Dr. Gabe's underwear. He moved quickly and when he took them off, he hesitated. "Go ahead. You know you want to. I can tell." He pointed to jace's very erect penis. "Thank you Sir." jace held them up to his face, and sniffed deeply. "Enough boy. I'm tired. Bed." Dr. Gabe took down the comforter. jace had never seen such big pillows. "Do you want me to go in first Sir?" "Yeah, do that. I wanna see what you do." For both Philip and Matt, jace had slept "spooning," into their bodies. He turned to take that position." "Nope, boy. I'm a cuddler. Face me." jace smiled for the first time. "YES SIR" He felt Dr. Gabe throw his leg over him and pull him into his chest. jace's face was resting right on Dr. Gabe's pecs. "One last thing." Dr. Gabe smiled, kissed jace's nose and said "Welcome home." before he kissed his lips. "Sleep tight boy. We have a big weekend ahead of us."

Next: Chapter 5

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