
By cal ritchie

Published on Nov 9, 2004


Matt continues the story.

Alice was packed and ready to leave to stay with her sister, and I was placed in charge of the house for the two weeks, while Jack was placed in charge of me. Alice seemed to have a very old-fashioned idea that despite my being 21, I was still unable to function properly if left alone so she looked towards Jack to give me a firm and helping hand. If she'd only known that Jack's hand wasn't the only firm thing he'd been giving me, she might have worried more. Even as I'd waved to her from my bedroom window as she left in the cab, she'd have had no idea that Jack was kneeling in front of me, out of sight of the road, with my cock up to the root in his warm and tender mouth. I'd tried not to shake while standing there waving, but it wasn't easy, and I'd just hoped she'd not seen any evidence of my body trembling as I came.

As soon as she was out of sight, we'd dragged each other to my bed where I think I may have broken the world speed record for stripping naked and having a guy's cock, hard and long, right up inside me. It may have been the prospect of us being alone at last, or the fact that I was totally his for a while that did it, but whatever it was, he displayed a passion for me that was almost savage in its passion. If he could have got his balls inside me as well, he would have, as I lay there, sweating and spread under him, my butt in the air while he pumped himself into me. I was surprised and a little disappointed when he pulled out and sprayed his jizz up and over my back, but in the haze of unreality that the afternoon had become, I supposed that we were both actors in our own private porn film, and I'd imagined, as I lay there being poled, that I was the victim with a dozen guys taking their turns with me, and that I'd look forward to the cum shot, with them showering me with their spunk.

Being the weekend, night followed day followed night in the sex department, and what I thought might have exhausted me and jaded my appetite for sex merely sharpened my desire for more, as I became Jack's very willing bed mate. We spent most of the time round the house buck naked, and it only took the sight of even a slight hard-on for one of us to grab the other and fuck; in the front room on the big soft settee; on the kitchen table; in all the bedrooms; up against a wall in the garden or just where we were. At a guess I could only describe it as how newlyweds might act when they've been on a diet of strictly limited sex, enjoyed furtively, but only occasionally, before the ceremony, and then all of a sudden being alone and totally free to fuck.

I simply couldn't get enough of Jack's body and he obviously couldn't get enough of mine, and now here we were, having fucked most of the night, just before dawn on Monday and that cold light was stealing across the floor of my room. He lay on his side, his back towards me, while I stroked his warm smooth skin with as light a touch as possible. My ass had been well filled again and I was leaking copious amounts of jizz onto a towel that I'd now learnt to place under me, knowing how much semen Jack had in store for me.

My mind still couldn't quite take in what had happened and how my fevered wishes had been fulfilled in this way; how it had come to be that here, naked in my bed, was my desired stud with the everlasting cock. Moving closer to him I pressed my hardness against his back, and he shifted sinuously against it, then pushed back further against me. I reached down between us into the cleft of his ass, running my fingers down into the hot crack, before slowly sliding down the bed, pulling the covers away from me as I moved until my face was level with his butt. Then I moved closer and licked both cheeks with my tongue, working its cunning way into his hot, moist crevice.

As if sensing my intentions, he rolled over onto his stomach, and parted his legs so I edged over, and lay between them, my hands gently spreading his cheeks to reveal his puckered ass, waiting there just there for me. I lowered my tongue to it and began to. I knew that there was no sensation in this world that can compare to being rimmed - a dexterous tongue rooting round inside the sphincter ring and taking crazed pleasure in that deeper taste. Jack at once began to writhe against my tongue as soon as it was within him, spreading himself, arms outspread across the bed and jutting his ass up at me. I caressed his muscled back and sides up to his armpits, overflowing with tangled black hair, with both hands while I buried my face in him.

From where I lay I could just about hear him give out with an occasional gasp and strangled cry whenever I touched a new area of pleasure or reached an especially juicy zone. I licked two fingers and warily touched his asshole with them, then discovering that I could slide them effortlessly into him. He squirmed a little, so I squeezed in two more, keeping my hand flat, as he writhed and raised his thighs at me, his hoarse voice begging for more, so I hand-fucked him for a while, delighting in the twisting and turning reaction of his body to my loving moves.

I rotated my hand tenderly in his anus and he slithered right back hard against my hand, pushing it in a little further while he moaned low in his throat. I decided to risk all and eased myself into him just past my knuckles. With a loud sigh he rolled over onto his back with my hand still up inside him, his arms stretched high above his head with a rapturous look on his face, his thighs flung wide.

"God YES!" he hissed. "Oh my fucking CHRIST that's good!!! Don't you stop now, Matt, FUCKFUCKFUCK!!!"

His cockhead swayed before my eyes shimmering and dribbling with drool, so I did the only thing possible and sucked on it while my hand was up inside him. I could taste myself on him - funky and aromatic - as I suckled on him, licking the underneath and his bulging tube, all the way up the shaft then taking him deep into my mouth, feeling him quake in agonized delight. His upper torso twisted this way and that as if trying to escape from me, yet his lower body, where I was working so lovingly, spread itself as wide as humanly possible, offering itself up to my worshipping mouth.

All this time I was gently maneuvering my hand inside his ring, sucked into his dark interior and feeling the heat from him as his cock blossomed and grew between my lips, leaking precum like a slowly running faucet. He was now fully buried in my mouth, the head way down my throat, making my eyes water and stream, and my face was deep in his bush. I'd just begun to masturbate him with my hand and mouth, the fingers of my free hand running up and down on him just in front of my lips, when he gasped and sighed loudly, his body suddenly tensed, then he heaved his thighs up off the bed and released his cum, filling me with it and spraying out from between my lips as he pumped hard and long, his ass clenching and contracting on my hand in rhythm with this shuddering, jerking climax.

After an age he gradually subsided and the flow eased, leaving me to frantically chew and swallow his overflowing liquid gift and trying not to gag, until all I had left was the smooth velvety after-taste, and I lay there, exhausted, but licking my lips like a satisfied cat who'd thoroughly enjoyed the cream. I gradually withdrew my hand from inside him then slid myself along his body to lay against him, kissing him softly on the cheek, after which we both dozed fitfully until I had to get up and get ready for work.

I rose and showered, leaving Jack spread out on the bed, his cock finally still and soft, annoyed that I had to go to work despite the lack of sleep, and that I'd have to leave Jack naked in bed, in order to spent my time in the upper hierarchy as an insurance salesperson, my mind more on cock than on the work before me on my desk.

I finished dressing and leant over to kiss Jack goodbye. He gripped my crotch through the suit material, and pulled me to him. He smelt of sex and sorts of delicious bodily aromas that I wanted to dive into and explore.

"We've still got time for one more!" he murmured, before I twisted myself out of his grip.

"Gotta go," I protested. "What are your plans for today?"

He thought for a moment.

"I figured I might search out that gym you told me about. Want to meet me there after work?"

"Sure," I replied. I wasn't sure how much work I had on my desk, but I thought I'd get away around 4.00.

"Sounds good to me," said Jack.

I drove away from the house, my ass still aching for him, and headed for my office where life would go on as though nothing had happened in the world.

I worked through the morning on documentation - I had no rounds or appointments to keep - and it looked set for me to catch up with Jack and get some steaming in this afternoon, plus my sales figures were up, so my mood was high.

"Hey, Matt," Barry crashed into my office just then. "Hey ol' buddy - feel like a few beers lunchtime?"

Barry was OK - a bit loud but a good guy - but behind him, in the doorway stood a handsome hunk who I'd not seen before. Barry saw me look past him, and turned.

"Oh, hey! This is Robb. Robb meet Matt," Barry went on, "Robb is from one of our smaller subsidiaries. He's with us for a few days."

Our eyes met.

"Pleased to meet you, Robb."

"You too, Matt."

"Robb's joining us for a beer. C'mon Matt!"

I agreed and said I'd meet them down at the bar after I'd cleared away, then I stood in my office doorway, watching Robb's cute, tight ass walk away behind Barry. I'd age him as about 30, but a looker, and I'd say he packed a man-sized cock under those stylish pants.

I locked my office and wandered down the corridor, saying 'hi' to various people I knew on the way. The day outside was still very warm - there seemed to be no break in the heat wave we'd been having - so I slung my coat over my shoulder and marched smartly into CJs Bar, our firm's hangout at lunchtimes, evenings, special occasions... you name it.

Barry waved to me as I entered - he'd got a table towards the back of the drinking area, and a few other colleagues had joined us. I ordered a round of drinks on my way over to the table and sat among the chatter and the noise opposite Robb. Our eyes kept meeting, and he tried to engage me in conversation, but there were too many decibels surrounding us to make this possible, so I hooked a beer and glanced occasionally over at him - for some reason picturing him naked - and just listened in wherever I could. I checked my watch a couple of times, in between Barry's interminable gags, and gradually the guys started melting away, back to the office. I didn't see Robb go, but I guessed I'd catch him another time.

I was the last to leave and right now I needed to take a leak - four beers seemed to go right through me, so I headed for the can, which was way out the back, and pushed open the door. There were two cubicles inside, and just round the corner were the washbasins. Robb was there, combing his hair and about to dry his hands. He looked at me in the mirror as I entered.

"I thought you'd gone back to the office with the others," I said as I swung into a cubicle,

leaving the door open in case he wanted to talk while I pissed.

"I needed a piss, besides I was getting tired of Barry's non-stop gags."

I laughed as my stream hit the porcelain.

"You work out?" he asked.

"Nah, I go to a local sauna a few times a month. Maybe it's sex that keeps me in trim."

"I guess you must get a lot of sex then," he said quietly.

"I can't complain."

It felt good, as the steaming stream of piss left my body and I relaxed, with one hand resting on the wall, then shook off the drops and was about to zip myself up, when I became aware that I wasn't alone in the cubicle.

I glanced over my shoulder and there he was, up very close, and I caught his aftershave. His hands were on my butt, stroking me in a circular motion, and his cock was hard against me. I turned, my zipper still undone and my cock hanging out, as his hand grasped me, tenderly stroking my rapidly growing meat. I reached down between us and with both hands unzipped him, letting his heavy, swollen prick loll out at me.

"Lock the door," I urged in a low voice.

He reached behind him and closed the door, sliding across the bolt, and all the while his eyes never left mine, then we both stripped off our shirts and ties in silence, hanging them over our jackets on the hook behind the door, I bent down, eyes level with his cock and undid my shoes then removed my socks and pants, giving his dribbling piss-slit a light kiss before I rose and we stood there, cock to cock.

The cubicles were of the type that had ceiling to floor doors and walls, so no-one was going to see two pairs of feet. I stepped up onto the toilet lid, then turned and thrust my stiff cock at him. He needed no engraved invitation as took me deep into his mouth right away, running his eager hands up and down my body, fondling and tweaking my nipples and stroking my six-pack. My lungs felt full to overflowing and almost bursting with excitement as I leaned back, staring at the flaking ceiling as he sucked me. This was urgent, dirty sex and I loved it. Partly because of the risk element - something I could never have contemplated when I was 18 and now I could hardly remember the time when I was so shy I wouldn't have a piss with the light on in case someone saw me! Now, here I was standing on a toilet bowl in a downtown can letting a man I barely knew blow my cock, surrounded by gay graffiti and phone numbers on the walls

He knew his stuff, sucking on me deep and long, and seeming to draw my very soul out through my piss-slit and I was crazy for sex.

Right now.

And my legs shaking with so much with lust, and desire for his cock to fuck me that I had to brace myself against the grimy walls with my hands to stop falling over, while all I could hear in the cubicle was the sound of his nasal breathing as he licked and fed on me while I fucked and pounded at his mouth, longing to cum and longing to spray my jizz, and gritting my teeth as if in a fight. And from just outside in the bar, in the real world, came the distant sound of background music and the song 'Move Closer'

I closed my eyes, thinking of my nights with Jack, and his shooting into me, and my drinking his juices, and with a gasp and a jerking, quaking tremble, I came. I screwed up my face in delicious agony as he held me still and firm in his mouth, while I gushed my essence over his tongue and down his throat, and all the time he was gulping and slurping on my juice, until I sagged back against the wall, shivering and trembling. Then his mouth let me go, leaving fine strands of milky cum clinging to my cock and joining me to his lips. I tried to catch my breath - it had all taken place so fast, and I watched his hand cover my cock, which was still seeping, the little white streams of spunk still trying to escape into the open air.

I carefully climbed down onto the floor and he'd just sat down on the seat and opened his thighs, when just at that moment someone entered the next cubicle. We stopped and listened, though he carried on stroking and masturbating his big cock as we waited patiently for the guy to finish his business next door. Robb pressed his ear to the wall and grinned, then nodded for me to listen. I closed my eyes and concentrated, then heard it - the regular tempo of someone beating his meat. Not quite a slap slap slap but a sound just audible enough to be recognized. He seemed to take forever to reach his climax - maybe we should have let him watch us - then the beating sound became accompanied by a long drawn-out moan, which rose to become a low cry, then a loud gasp as he thankfully shot his wad down the bowl, then he flushed and we heard the outer door bang as he left.

We stayed leaning against the wall for a moment or two after he'd gone, just gazing into each other's eyes, as he stroked and fondled his straining erection while looking up at me, then I stood facing him as he spat a large gob onto his cock as inch by inch I lowered my butt and squatted on him.

His mouth formed a tight 'O' as I sank down, my sphincter willingly letting him through the ring and stretching itself obligingly round his meat, letting him all the way up inside me, yet still making my eyes water slightly at the size of him. His eyes were now tight shut, as his hands ran over my body, and I leaned forward, kissing him lightly on his spunk-flecked lips, as I started to rise from him, before descending once again.

His hard, thick cock seemed to drag itself out of me as I rose, almost scraping against the walls of my rectum I hovered, crouching with the tip just inside me, before sinking again and bringing forth another hissing gasp from him. I increased the pace slightly until we were really moving together, smoothly and firmly, and he was now so hard it seemed like he was punching at my stomach from within. I watched his face as I rose and fell on him, his head lolling from side to side, eyes half-closed, while we fucked ourselves into the afternoon in that piss and disinfectant-smelling can. He stretched his arms out to brace himself against both walls, his forehead dripping with perspiration, while his breathing became more and more ragged and uneven, the air seemingly being ripped from his lungs as we strove towards his climax.

OH fuck, Matt! Let me fill your...aaahhhhhSHITTTT! I...I'm...gonna...!!!"

Suddenly his eyes snapped wide open, and his mouth pulled back in a grimace that almost looked like pain, and he stared at me, though unfocussed, as his climax approached, and at that moment he blurted out little rhythmic gasps, jerking up to meet my downward thrusts, until with one massive, jolting judder his hands on my hips forced me down so his cock reached right up into me as he let go his wad, the cum burning into me as it swamped my bowels. Then he lifted me and brought me down again, hard and heavy, as he continued to spray his seed into me.

At last, sensing he'd shot it all, and seeing him loll there - though his cock still felt hard in me - I rose and let his jizz leak heavily out of me, hanging and drooling downwards like a spunk rope, even as his glossy, coated cock emerged to point accusingly up at me. As I stood there ripping toilet tissue off the dispenser and stuffing it up into my ass - I figured I'd clean myself up properly when I got back to the office - he slumped back against the cistern, he was still hard and slowly disgorging cum from his cock head, the sluggish, milky stream coursing down its length and spreading across the toilet seat between his thighs like a translucent lake.

"You OK?"I asked.

He gazed up at me, almost dreamily.

"Great, Matt. Just great!"

I helped him wipe off his dick, then we kissed and he gave me his card as we both dressed. The toilet was starting to smell like toilets did when I was a youth, when they still held the mystery of What Men Did When They Were In There. I had very soon found that out, and now, in some ways, I found that smell comforting.

It was me and my past, and my present.

At last we were fairly presentable, though my ass area was throbbing and felt real wet. I turned at the door and mouthed 'I'll go first' as I slowly opened it. There was no-one else in the can, so I turned and kissed him, and his cum-tasting lips then left him in the cubicle while I wandered back through the now almost empty bar, exchanging a cheery wave with the manager as I went.

I was at my desk, cleaned up and working, when Robb popped his head round the door to say goodbye with a warm look in his eyes that made me think that I might well be seeing, and feeling him, again before too long. I looked at my watch, and then out of the window.

It was a heat wave and I was going to meet Jack in a gym.

How crazy could I be?

But then the day still held out the promise of sex and more sex.

I locked up my office and left, got into my car and dropped the roof, then headed out towards Jack, and dark rooms full of anonymous men.

Next: Chapter 6

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