Jack Is a Jerk

By Ryan White

Published on Sep 2, 2023



There it was again.

The fiery inferno that he was so afraid of coming closer, ever closer the more and more that the seconds seemed to tick by. He was standing there shaking like a leaf, and for the life of him, it didn't seem like his legs had any will to actually move away from what he was seeing.

He could feel the warmth, the heat cascading onto his sixteen-year-old body, the sweat and tears rolling down his face like a sheer waterfall, he could actually hear the internal screams of a desperate woman's voice resonating from inside the burning vehicle that had been slammed so horrifically against that large, big telephone pole that was situated next to the side of the road.

He tried his best to scream for help, but nothing was coming out of his dry-wretched throat, his voice was shot, his limbs were refusing to carry him away from the fires of hell that was being launched straight at him...he could feel it PEELING and nipping at his nervous flesh, until the flames starting engulfing his skin, devouring it like some raw beast on steroids...



Jack's body sat upright so fast and so sudden that the first thing that came was mind was to grab his still-burning legs and get them to safety, but of course now that he had awaken from his terrible night terror, there were no flames to actually speak of. He was still trembling as he hastily touched himself, everywhere on his body that he could think of reaching, to try and get rid of the heat that he could SWORE that he was still feeling, even after he had now woken up, before he reached over to his nightstand and grabbed the glass of water that Mama Hartman had so kindly placed there and gobbled up every drop, before his bedroom door was flung open, and in stepped the kind older lady herself.

"Jack! Are you alright, my dear?" she quietly asked him, and when Jack could do nothing else but simply shake his head in the negative connotation, she rushed herself towards him, plonking her body next to him on the bed, before she clicked her tongue sympathetically, drawing him towards her like only a mother really could. For a few seconds, both Jack and Mama Hartman sat together quietly, whilst she helped Jack get his breathing and his incessant heart rate under control, before she looked up as she suddenly saw two shadows standing in the doorway, in the forms of her two other adopted children, namely Tommy and Stacy, who was curious as to what had wakened them up in the middle of the night.

"Guys, everything is going to be okay, you go back to bed, I'll just sit with Jack for a while..." Mama Hartman gently said a she kept up a rhythmic rocking, reassuring notion towards Jack, meanwhile Tommy, who had by this made it his permanent mission to get rid of Jack, snorted out loud, given him a WTF look from Stacy, if ever he had seen it.

"Did he have another of his dreams again? Jesus, I have to be at school in a few hours, what the hell is wrong with you dude? Go to a fucking shrink and get yourself checked out, so we don't have to get waken up this time of the bloody morning ever again..." he muttered in a voice full of distain towards Jack, of which he received a dangerous dagger to his face from his adopted mother herself.

"Tommy, go to bed, I'm not gonna ask you again!" she once more said, still gentle with her cubs, as she liked to affectionally call them, but with just a TAD little more authority in her rich, powerful voice.

"Come on, let's just go...there's nothing we can do here," young Stacy agreed as she stifled a yawn and tried to pull her adopted brother along with her, but Tommy stayed where he was, a nasty smile curling around the lips of the young teenager, as he stared down at what he felt, was his biggest enemy on this planet.

"Not so much of a jackass now, are you, you son of a bitch...getting me suspended from the athletics team knowing full well, all that was YOUR fault, and guess what...nothing the hell happened to your ass, all because you're the coach's favourite and because you have my best friend by the balls, it seems like..."

"TOMMY! GO TO BED!" Mama Hartman yelled out loud, now really angry with her adopted child refusing to listen to her, yes, she knew that Jack could be a handful, but Tommy didn't have to take all of this so far and so personally either. Jack was clearly struggling with a problem that was totally and completely beyond his control, and his adopted brother didn't make things easier right now.

Tommy smiled at Mama Hartman and simply shrugged his shoulders, and in typical teenage fashion placed both of his hands in the pockets of his pajama trousers.

"Oh, I'm going, Mama, don't you worry about that. Do you have a pair of ear buds or something though? Because if he decides to scream blue murder again in an hour, I don't wanna fucking hear it..."

Jack looked up, for the first time since Tommy had started with this little revenge plot of his, and stood up gingerly, his legs nearly giving away underneath him, with Mama Hartman carefully keeping the boy upright, and nervously looking back and forth between the two boys.

"Why don't you come over here and say that, huh? Adopted brother? Too much of a coward to actually fucking face me close up..." Jack hissed towards Tommy, both of his hands bawling into a solid pair of fists as he did so.

Tommy smirked out loud and actually as he could, leaned against the wall, before he looked Jack up and down with sheer disgust and more than devious amount of hate in his young heart.

"Give it your worst...I'd hate for you to do something that would have you end up back in that stinking orphanage and being taken away from us here, oh God, what a shame that would be..."

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU! LEMME GO!" Jack shouted out of sheer and pure desperation, and if not for a superhuman effort from Mama Hartman herself, Jack was sure that Tommy Hartman would have been reduced to nothing but sloppy cat food underneath his touch, Jesus Christ, he was THAT angry at his adopted brother, who simply laughed and winked at Mama Hartman before he walked away.

"Mama...you really want someone that violent living here? For real? What would the cops say about this?" he muttered just loud enough for both Mama Hartman as well as Jack to hear, before he cackled once more, finally walking down the corridor to where his own room was situated.

Mama Hartman sighed and turned towards Jack, feeling his forehead with the back of her hand, to check if he was warm, but other than his pulse being a tad high from getting as severely angry as he did, she was satisfied that the boy was okay...

...she had dreaded doing what Jack's father, the notorious Capetonian gangster and drug lord Curtis September, had been demanding of her since the previous week. She still hadn't had the guts to tell Jack that Curtis was in fact his biological dad, and more to the point, she didn't know if she had in in her to tell the absolute FABRICATION of lies that he had ordered her to, to Jack either.

She ordered Jack to get back into bed, and after being reassured that he wanted nothing more than to go back asleep, she leaned down and softly kissed his forehead, before she left the room and closed his bedroom door behind her. She thought back at Curtis's threats...her ailing mother was currently living in an old age home, and when Curtis had realised that SHE in fact had adopted Jack, his only son, he started blackmailing her, constantly digging at her that he would harm the old woman if she didn't do as he said, giving him information about Jack, what he likes and dislikes, photos of him where possible, and just generally how he was doing.

Now, Curtis was ready for Jack to finally meet him, but it wasn't because he cared about the boy...she highly doubted it. Jack's biological mother, Sheridan Lavery had been in fact been the only daughter of a very rich, very prominent family living in Cape Town. As their only living grandson, Jack would therefore be entitled for some of their fortune, and THAT was what Curtis September was after. More than enough riches to kick start his entire drug empire right here in the coastal town of Freedom, and with Jack right at his side. Curtis had also tasked her of telling Jack that his mother wasn't a good person, and she had hidden him from his father for no apparent reason...she basically was ordered to get Jack to hate Sheridan...where as Curtis would step in and play the very-much living, very doting dad.

She hated what she was doing...but he had a hold on her, tighter and harsher than she had ever thought possible. Curtis didn't just make idol threats, that she knew...she realised it more and more every passing day. If she didn't do exactly as she was told...her mother would be as good as dead.


Jack closed his eyes and tried to get back to sleep the moment that Mama Hartman had left the room, but his entire body was now fully awake and so much on red alert after his altercation with Tommy, that he knew it was a waste of time. There would be no way that he could fall asleep now, being as worked up as he was. He sighed, and reached over to his night stand, where he picked up his phone and saw that it was nearly four in the morning. A sudden idea bounced around inside his brain, and he quickly dialed Josh's number, hoping and praying that the boy would actually pick up, even at this ungodly hour. God knows, he really needed to speak with him right now, Jack thought and closed his eyes, as the ringtone blasted out over the phone, desperate for Josh to actually pick up.

Just as he was about to end the call, his eyes flickered open as he heard Josh finally answer...

"Joshy Boy? You there, man?" he asked with a giant smile on his face, his heart once more beating a mere million times a minute, like literally every single time that he was even near Josh, which had more than frequently happened these days.

"Jack...Jesus, do you have any idea what fucking time it is..." came Josh's tired, sleepy murmurs over the phone, and Jack's smile got even wider, as he imagined Josh in his bed, perhaps shirtless since it was such a warm night, perhaps he was only wearing boxers, or even perhaps he was sleeping naked as the day that he was born...he had of course tasted both Josh's cock as well as his cum when they were back in Cape Town, and he honestly couldn't wait to actually do that again.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I had one of my nightmares and I just...well, I just had to speak to you. I'm sorry that I woke you up, brother..." he said as softly as he could, not wanting to wake anyone in the house up because he was speaking to the boy of his dreams.

Josh sighed and sounded a little more awake and a little more with-it as he finally replied.

"I nearly didn't answer...saw it was you and thought, I might as well..."

"Come on, you can admit that you missed the hell out of me..."

"Dude, we literally saw each other at school yesterday afternoon, why the hell would I even miss you?"

"Because I'm fucking irresistible, that's why..."

"My fucking hero...seriously though, are you okay? I know those night terrors really does a fucking number on you."

Jack sighed and laid on his side, with his phone clutched to his ear, and imagined that Josh was here, right here next to him in his bed, instead of several blocks away from where was.

"Yeah...you'd think I would be used to that shit by now, but of course I had to scream the entire house down and I nearly had a beef session with Tommy again..."

Josh groaned out loud as he heard the final bit of Jack's sentence.

"Fucking hell, dude why the hell can't you two just GET ALONG? Man, it's getting a little boring always having to come between you, can't you guys just grow the hell up?"

"Just wait a fucking moment, dude...I didn't do shit to him, he came in here and started talking shit about what happened the other day..."

"Jack, its not like you didn't go and look for it, either...I mean when you first got here, you were a real douchebag to people..."

"I KNOW, OKAY? And I'm sorry! How many more times do I have to say that?"

Jack immediately felt panicky as he didn't hear anything back from Josh, to the point where he honestly thought that Josh had hung up, before he heard the boy clear his throat.

"Brother...as fun as this is...we have to be up in literally two-and-a-half hours..."

Jack swallowed. His heart felt like it was stabbed for a moment, before he too nodded and held the phone closer to his ear.

"Yeah, I suppose so...I'm sorry for calling you. I just...I should just have..."

"No...Jack, I'm really glad you did. I...Tommy doesn't know you like I do. He doesn't see the good in you, the big fucking heart that you have. I mean, I gotta be honest with you, the other week when you took me to see the orphanage, and I saw you playing with those young kids...dude, I just...I really don't know how to say it..."

"To say what?" Jack asked, his eyes now wide open, as big and as wide as saucers.

There was another morbid silence on the other end, before he heard Josh sniff through his nose.

"It's just...I can't believe how wrong I was about you...when we first met, I thought you were the biggest jerk that I had ever met. I honestly think people call you Jack the Jerk, because I fucking started it. But now...I can't stop fucking thinking about you, man..."

Jack smiled happily, as he rubbed his face affectionally against his pillow, before he sighed with complete content, stifling a yawn in the process.

"You also live fucking rent-free in my head, Joshy Boy. You can be sure of that. See you in a few hours?" he whispered softly, eager as anything to hear his buddy's reply.

He heard Josh giggle over the line, before he heard the boy speak one last time.

"Can't wait to see you too, brother..." he whispered back, before Jack heard the connection break. Poor guy, he had totally more than earned his sleep.

Jack turned around in his bed, clutching the covers and the duvet to him, closing his eyes as he finally found peace in his heart and in his mind. He had never, ever been this happy...he couldn't think of a time that he wanted to LIVE more than what he did now. It was like...everything horrible that had ever happened in his life was totally and utterly forgotten, every single time that he was around Josh Pallister.

"Josh..." he silently mouthed as his breathing started to evenly cascade in, and out, as darkness overtook him.


"Get in the car, I don't have time for your shit this morning, I just wanna tell you that, right from the off, okay?"

Josh smiled sneakily, as he opened the car door and got into Tommy's car, looking at the back of the vehicle to see if Stacy and more importantly, Jack was also in there, but there was no one except the two of them. Josh fastened his seat belt, before Tommy rolled his eyes, placed the car in first gear, before near God damn storming out of the parking lot from the Pallister apartment.

"Wow, dude! Let's get to fucking school alive and in one piece, okay?" Josh shouted over towards his supposed best friend as he looked towards Tommy, who literally seemed like he had been struck with various bouts of lightening.

"Sorry...I just didn't get enough sleep, that's all. Jack the Jerk was screaming us all awake at like four in the morning and of course I couldn't get back to sleep again after that. And guess what, we have a whole fucking day of school to get through...with no athletics for me this afternoon all thanks to the jerk himself. Yay me..."

"Tommy, no one told you to fucking attack Jack in front of everyone the other week, and even more, to actually hit Mama Hartman right in her face..."

"I was aiming for Jack, you dork! Jesus, why can't anyone understand that? God Josh, you have literally known me for over ten years, have you EVER seen me do any of that?"

Tommy had a point though...before Jack had gotten into town, Tommy was his best friend...still was...but recently he wasn't sure any more. He had seen a side of Tommy that he hated, that he actually couldn't stand, and he didn't know if he wanted to hang with someone that could go as far as to hurt the sweetest, kindest women on this planet and expected to get away with it.

They were halfway to the school, and had just managed to take a shortcut, meaning that they had a solid open road before them, when Tommy turned around, looked at the back of the car window, turned forward and checked his rear-view mirror, before he nudged Josh next to him.

"Dude, I kinda thought that I was seeing things or being paranoid again, but that car has been following us for ages now, ever since we left your house...I fucking swear it."

Josh frowned and looked in his own rear-view mirror on his side, before he saw the red BMW behind them, riding at a steady pace and keeping up with their every movement. He frowned, before he turned to Tommy and raised his eyebrows.

"I didn't notice anything...are you sure?" he asked, his heart beating fast as he did so.

Tommy nodded as he once more took a good look, a worried flicker now more than evident inside his eyes.

"Sure, I'm sure! I didn't wanna say anything, but that's why I took the short cut in the first place, back there...he's following us, dude!" he whispered, his hands shaking just a tad as he tried to maneuver the steering wheel into place and keep them focused on the road.

They drove to the school in sheer and utter silence, before Tommy made another turn, this time to actually get into the street that the school was situated in, but before he could do that, the red BMW started speed towards them, possibly because the driver knew what Tommy's plan was, and he etched into the right lane...together with a massive U-turn, the bigger, faster, more modern car easily over took Tommy's and blocked them off from entering the school gates.

"Jesus...what the hell is going on..." Tommy whispered, his voice full of tension and terror, as the driver's side of the BMW opened and out got the person who had just successfully chased them down after following them for nearly all the way since they had left home.

"What the fuck...I saw that dude with my dad the other day...what the hell..." Josh murmured as he saw the exact same guy that had been so threatening towards his father when he had arrived home from Cape Town, that had his dad on the edge of his seat and more scared, more nervous than he had EVER seen Ethan Pallister in his life...what the hell did he want with THEM?

The man smiled as he neared them, and stopped at the open window at Josh's side of the car, before bending down slightly, smiling ever so smugly at both boys with his bright, white teeth and his numerous tattoos fully on show.

"Howdy boy? Great day out here, isn't it?" he asked, with that smile still more than evident, but like the day when Josh had seen him at their apartment with his father, the smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

"What...what do you want...we don't have any money on us or anything..." Tommy started to say, before the man rolled his eyes and suddenly all fake kindness was gone as quickly as it came.

"Shut the fuck up, kid, I ain't fucking talking to you...okay, then. Cards on the table, this is how things are gonna go down. You...pretty boy..." the man said as he pointed his fat index finger towards Josh, who cringed slightly as he tried his best to move away from where the man was...where the hell was the school's security guards? Can't they fucking realise what was happening RIGHT on their doorstep?

"You...pretty boy...your dad owes me some cold, hard cash. Didn't you know? Yeah, your old man borrowed TEN THOUSAND BUCKS from me weeks ago, and so far, his daddy weak ass has only paid back like...what...two? Man, if this was Cape Town, he wouldn't be able to walk anymore, you know what I'm saying..."

Josh swallowed; he was fucking trembling now...his heart was pounding in his teenage chest. So that's where all the food in the fridge had come from...that's where the new TV had come from...MY GOD...that's how his father was able to afford sending him to Cape Town to go to Nationals...holy fucking shit.

"I...I don't have it either...I didn't even know about any of this..." he managed to croak out of his dry throat, immediately realizing how fucking stupid and awkward he sounded, before the man smirked at him, and reached forward and grabbed his shoulder, actually hurting him as much as he could without any passersby realizing what he was doing. Josh hissed with the sudden pain, with Tommy a mere statue as he was literally frightened beyond belief.

Curtis grinned that nasty way towards them once more, that was so own to himself, before he squeezed Josh's shoulder a final time, making the boy cringe and utter a quiet gulp of pain, before he stood up and looked Josh straight in his eye.

"Tell your father that if he doesn't pay off the extra EIGHT THOUSAND that he still owes me, that I'm going to be visiting you this way more and more. And don't even TRY to fucking hide from me, because I'm fucking everywhere...I'm your fucking worst nightmare, boy...every time I want to try and chat to your dad like a fucking adult, he's never at home, he never answers his phone when I call him, so I had to find his weak spot...and it looks like I did..."

Tommy blew out some pent-up breath, before Josh nodded slowly, his hands shaking and his voice cracking as he cleared his throat.

"I'll tell him to...to contact you..." he said softly, not taking his eyes off the more-than-vulgar piece of scum that was parading himself before him.

"Good. Oh...and say hi to your dad for me..." the man managed to get in a final word, before he got back in his car and drove off, as if he had never been there in the first place.

"Dude...the fuck? What the hell has your dad gotten us into?" Tommy shrieked as he got his car started and immediately, as quickly as he could, drove into the school yard, both boys now way late for the early morning assembly. As they passed the security cabin, Josh angrily launched a middle finger at the guard, who had his earphones on and who was clearly watching something else than the cameras that he was actually supposed to.

"I don't know, dude...I really don't know and I don't think I even want to..." he whispered, as Tommy parked frantically parked his car.


Josh dreaded going home.

He knew he was going to have to tell his dad about what had happened this morning, but he felt so damn guilty and so damn angry at the same time, that he wasn't sure how to, and not to actually KILL his father at the same time. He knew that they were struggling financially, but to go to a fucking LOAN SHARK? Those people were dangerous! And those were just the ones that he had seen on TV and in movies...Curtis September was very much the real thing for sure, and he couldn't understand why his dad would even BEGIN to do this to both of them.

Oh...but YOU were the one who just HAD to go with the team to nationals which you KNEW would cost a small fortune...that little irritating voice at the back of his brain kept reminding him over and over. Josh sighed. He had always known that his father loved him beyond belief, even more than after his mother had passed away, but he never realised just how much. Ethan did this for him...he went to a fucking loan shark because his son needed the money. Jesus Christ.

His phone vibrated on silent inside his jacket pocket. He quickly checked upwards at where the teacher was, but he was still in the middle of telling them all about the boring as hell Civil War. It should be safe to check.

It was a WhatsApp message. From Jack.

At once, his heart was racing just a tad quicker as he opened said message and quietly read it.

"Meet me in the bathroom in 5 minutes. Hurry."

Holy shit.

This morning's stresses suddenly all but forgotten, he smiled nervously as he checked how much was left of the lesson, which was in fact a little more than fifteen minutes, before the school would be out for the day. They had athletics practice afterwards and he would see Jack then...but that same little voice was now telling him that running was the last thing that Jack had in mind at this moment and time.

"Excuse me, Sir?" he belted out in front of all the kids in the class, before the old teacher had to actually squint his eyes in order to see who he was talking to.

"Oh, it's you Pallister, is something the matter?" he asked, as he looked up from where he was nearing the end of his lesson.

"Uhm...may I please be excused to the bathroom, Sir?" Josh asked, his voice slightly breaking...he has never, ever done anything like what he was about to, ever in his life...and the thrill of knowing that Jack was waiting for him, excited him like nothing ever had before.

The old teacher checked his watch, before he nodded slowly, and proceeded to go on with the lesson. Tyson, who shared the class with him, frowned as Josh sneakily winked at him, before he trotted out to the bathroom...afterwards the dude simply shrugged and continued to try and keep awake during the lesson.

Josh nearly tripped over his school shoes as he tried his best to get to the bathroom in sheer record time, careful to not let anyone hear or see him. He came to a sudden stop in front of the bathroom doors, and struggled to get his breath back...fucking hell, he swore he had never been out of breath like this ever before, not even after a 400-meter relay race...before he swallowed quickly and opened the doors.

He immediately saw Jack's head peep around the corner of one of the toilet stalls and he couldn't keep the smile off his face as he saw all of him. Neither could Jack, apparently as he literally jogged towards Josh and took both sides of his face between the palms of his hands.

"I missed you..." was all that Jack managed to get out before he pushed Josh against the wall of the bathroom and immediately locked his lips onto the boy's own. Josh groaned with pent-up emotion and relief as he placed his arms around the boy's back and held him towards him, his dick rapidly getting harder and harder by the passing second, kissing Jack back in every sense imaginable, giving as good as he was getting from the dude himself. Jack groaned as he released Josh's red lips from his, and nudged his head right into the crook of the boy's neck, kissing and caressing with soft flesh that he found there, kissing all the way alongside Josh's strong, lanky neck, until he reached the boy's lips once more, being dwarfed into his own by an equally horny Josh.

"Dude...we only have a few minutes...I need your dick and I need it fucking now..." Jack whispered urgently, as he took Josh's hand and lead him to one of the stalls, after which he closed the door behind them and locked it, before he smiled happily as he took Josh's hands into his own.

"Where the hell were you this morning? I haven't seen you all fucking day..." he whispered, reaching down and cupping a solid feel of Josh's hard as hell, teenage dick, the latter hissing his approval at what Jack was doing.

"I had to...Jesus, that feels good...I had to do homework during recess cause me and Tommy was late...FUCK..." he whispered as softly as he could, as he saw Jack kneel down on the tiled floor and starting unbuckling the best to this school trousers as fast as he could. Jack licked his lips as the buckle finally flung open and he pulled the zips down, pulling the entire material clothing down with it, and suddenly Jack was face to face with Josh's stone hard dick inside his boxers' shorts, staring at him, smiling at him, like cotton candy in the hands of a toddler.

"Boy, have I missed having you in my mouth..." Jack snickered as he rapidly pulled down the boxers and grabbed Jack's steel hard teenage fuck stick inside the grip of his hand.

"Jesus, Jack..." Josh hissed towards his buddy, who simply winked at him and proceeded to take his hard phallus into his mouth with total and utter glee.

Josh clamped both of his hands over his mouth in a sworn attempt to keep quiet as hell...the last thing on earth that he wanted to do was to have someone come in her and see what they were doing...his reputation as one of the most popular boys in the school would he well and truly down the drain. Jack moaned as he quickly started to taste Josh's welcoming pre cum in his mouth, savouring every bit of juice that was positively pouring out of the boy's flaring piss slit. Josh closed his eyes as the sexual desires and feelings seemed to RIP through him like tin foil, he could do nothing except reach down and gently caress Jack's beautiful, long blond hair as the latter kept giving his penis the respect that it so richly deserved.

Jack was like man possessed as he continued his oral assault on the teenager's genitals, licking along the sides of the hard dick, tracing the various veins with his tongue as much as he could, before sticking said tongue nervously into the quivering piss slit for more of the fruity pre goodness that was still leaking out of that gaping hole like a broken faucet. Josh's entire body shivered as he felt Jack cheekily trace his teeth across that rock hard cockhead, before engulfing the hard as hell matter into his hungry throat once more. Up...down...up...down, over and over as the feelings started to totally devour him...he was horny as hell, he had a beautiful, sexy boy fucking worshipping his cock like he was the king of the world.

Jack took the red, angry phallus out of his mouth and jacked it a few times, before he pressed the hard organ against his cheek, as if it belonged there, for ever and ever. He smelled the aroma of a hard teenage dick after a long day at school, he slurped up a final bit of pre cummy nectar that had been leaking still, before he continued the jerk off the bottom half of the boy's penis, placing his desperately thirsty mouth over the cock head itself, forcing a sucking motion that would rival that of a Genesis vacuum cleaner.

"DUDDDDEEEE..." Josh was really going ballistic above him, his cock had never been this hard, this rigid...this on fucking fire as Jack clearly knew what he was doing. His sucking skills was fucking next level, as he sucked and sucked, willing, coercing...forcing the ball juices that he knew was hiding inside Jack's babymakers to get into his mouth and fucking fast.

One minute remaining before the school bell would ring.

Jack was still sucking that stone hard cock when all of a sudden, all that he was granted was a morbid sigh and a soft groan, followed by Josh pushing his groin right into his face, before a FLOOD of teenage protein spurted out of the boy's penis like lava from a fucking volcano. The sperm was all over the fucking place, white richness splattering every where you God damn looked, and even a cum hungry tosser like Jack was unable to get every silvery drop into his gullet as he intended to.

The moment that Josh finally came to his senses after his intense orgasm, was literally the same moment that the final bell finally rang out, to which he quickly turned and reached for the toilet paper, and rolled down several sheets with his still, shaking hands.

"Quick, help me!" he hissed towards Jack, who simply giggled before he too helped mop up the access sperm that had been leaked just about everywhere that they were to look. Both boys froze as they heard the doors of the bathroom open, with several boy's voices seemingly drowning out the serenity that they had been enjoying with just being together, all alone, before Jack looked quickly towards Josh.

"See you out there..." he whispered, before he leaned in and kissed Josh, opening the stall door and disappearing faster than you could ever try and say BUSTED.

Josh was still semi naked, when he realised that his bag was still in the classroom, and he couldn't get changed into his athletics uniform without it. He smiled as he looked down at his cock, still leaking out a little leftover sperm somewhat, before he reached down and swopped it up in one solid go. He looked at the cold, thick liquid on his fingers...and for the first ever time in his life, he wondered how it would feel to actually do the same to Jack, what the boy just did to him?

Could he actually do it...he thought...wiping his hands clean on his school uniform, as he did so.

It was one thing to kiss another boy and starting to develop...way more than just friendship feelings towards him every single day that passed...

...but could he really do what Jack does so fucking easily? Would he EVER be able to pleasure Jack, like he deserved to be?


Jack was still smiling as he walked into Mama Hartman's home that same afternoon after athletics practice. Despite Tommy giving him multiple murderous looks the entire afternoon an then driving home without offering him a lift, he actually didn't give a single shit at what the idiot did or how he behaved. He giggled as he shook his head, thinking again at what he and Josh had gotten up in the bathroom earlier...his own cock was still giving him the evils for not giving it some satisfaction, which he planned on doing after he had eaten something.

As he placed his sports bag down on the kitchen table, only then did he notice the strange car in Mama's driveway, before he frowned, and walked into the living room, where he could hear people talking excitedly from afar.

"Jack, Honey, is that you?"

He sighed, just wanting to get something to eat and go to his room and fucking jerk off his hard dick until he was screaming Josh's name as he came, but it wasn't meant to be, as he heard Mama Hartman calling for him once more. He slumped towards the living room area, where he could see Stacy, as well as Tommy sitting at the huge dining table, and yes...the latter was still shooting darts at him...before he noticed Mama smiling towards him, complete with two other older people that he had never seen before in his life.

"Jack, good...you're finally home! How was athletics practice?" Mama asked jovially, as she winked at the two old people to her right, and he nearly snickered with glee as he saw Tommy roll his eyes at hearing his adopted mother's question.

"Fine, I guess...is something wrong?" he asked, as he immediately noticed that the strange woman had several tears in her eyes that was now quickly making their way down her cheeks, with the man next to her, placing his arm around her, but he too, for some reason was keeping his eyes fully focused on Jack himself.

Mama stood up and placed her arm around his shoulder, before she led him towards the table.

"Stacy...Tommy...why don't the two of you go to your rooms for now? I'll be there in a while to explain what is going on."

"But I wanted to watch the United game..." Tommy started to protest, but the look on Mama's face was as cold as ice, as he rolled his eyes and stood up, taking Stacy's hand in his own, and leading her away with him, and Jack could have sworn that he heard Tommy mutter something about how unfair this all was, before he turned back to the strangers in front of him.

Mama sat down on her chair, before she looked at the old strangers, and then finally back at Jack himself.

"Jack...look...I need you to listen and listen good, okay?"

Oh Jesus...was he being taken back to the orphanage? Was that what was happening here? Was these people here to take him away from here? From Mama Hartman...from Josh?

Mama must have noticed the worry inside Jack's eyes, before she smiled once more and shook her head.

"No Jack, there is nothing wrong at all. I just wanted to introduce you to Priscilla and Eric Lavery. We found them, Honey. We found your grandparents!

Jack froze right on the very spot that he was standing on, and very much like the dream that he had the night before, he also couldn't dare to move any of his body parts...he just kept staring at Mama as if he was possessed of some sort, before the strange older woman wiped her tears and slowly stood up, watching him like a hawk the entire time.

"Dear God in heaven...he looks just like..." she whispered, before her husband patted her hand with his own.

"...like Curtis...I know..." he said, with a sad smile wretched across his face.


"Wait...so you're saying that the guy that I met in the park, the guy with the knife...he's...no shit, he's, my father?"

"LANGUAGE, JACK! For crying out loud..." Mama Hartman sighed as she wiped her hair with the back of her hand, before she looked apologizingly over towards Mr and Mrs Lavery.

"Teenagers...what are you gonna do with them..." she said laughingly, before she stood up and took her phone with her.

"I'll be back in a minute...more tea, anyone?" she asked, both of the Lavery's shaking their heads in negativity, because anything that didn't have something to do with their one and only grandson, was now null in void. Mama smiled at Jack, before she hastily left the room to where she was well and truly out of sight and ear shot, before she dialed Curtis's number with shaking fingers, and allowed the phone to ring a couple of times before the man eventually decided to answer.

"I REALLY hope you aren't calling me with some or other shit...this better be good..." Curtis said as he finally picked up, with Mama Hartman closing her eyes and praying for guidance, as much as she hated doing this to a good, decent boy such as Jack, she was way more worried about her poor mother still stuck in that old age home, still constantly under threat from Curtis and all the men that he seemed to have all over town these days.

"I did as you told me...I contacted Sheridan's family and arranged for them to be here this afternoon. Jack is in there alone with them right now..." she said softly, just loud enough so that Curtis would be crystal clear about what was going on.

Curtis suddenly cackled over the phone, and sighed with utter glee and smugness, such as was his total persona from the moment that she had gotten to know him.

"FUCK YEAH! Finally...all my plans are coming together...listen here, Sweetheart, make sure you tell those stuck up white snobs that I'm gonna be part of my son's life, come hell or highwater...and if they want anymore access to him they are gonna have to go through me...fucking rich white folk who thought that I wasn't good enough for their precious daughter...now they'll see just WHO is really GOOD enough...keep the oldies there, I'm on my way..." he spat out over the phone, before he instantly hung up, and Mama Hartman shuddered once more with the sheer cruelty of this man.

She HATED THIS! This wasn't who she was! She shook with fear and she proceeded to make herself some more tea, and took out some bread to make the kids some sandwiches for dinner...she was not in the slightest of moods to get cooking...not with Curtis on his way here.


"Jack...look, words don't mean much at this moment and time, but we wanted to give you this..." Mrs Lavery said quietly, as she reached inside her handbag and took out a neatly folded letter, using her wrinkled fingers to straighten the creases out as much as she could, before she handed it over towards him.

"Its not that I don't trust Mrs Hartman, but I do want you to read that on your own, later when you have a little time alone, okay? That...that has to be the final letter that your mother ever wrote to us, we never heard from her again, after that. We didn't even know, before she wrote to us, that you had been born, we had no idea that she was even pregnant when she ran away from home."

Jack shook his head, as he folded up the letter, and placed it in the pockets of his shorts, before staring upwards at his grandparents, frowning as he did so.

"I don't get it...why did my mom run away from home in the first place, and why did it take you guys like...what, thirteen years to suddenly arrive here and meet me? You must have had that letter for ages, why only come here now?"

Mr Lavery looked worryingly at his wife, before he turned back towards Jack.

"My dear boy...didn't Mrs Hartman tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"She telephoned us yesterday afternoon, and told us that the orphanage as well as the adoption agency had finally found us on their systems! She told us to travel all the way from Constantia to here, to see you, our grandson! I don't understand...she didn't tell you?

Jack looked back towards the kitchen where he knew his adopted mother currently was, his eyes as wide as saucers once more.

"No...no, she didn't tell me any of this..." he whispered, his voice breaking as he did so.


"I should have KNOWN this was a trap! What is HE doing here?" Mr Lavery shouted out in complete disgust and distain as he saw Mama Hartman walk back into the room several minutes later, with none other than Curtis behind her, smiling openly at the older couple as he entered.

Jack's eyes lit up the moment that she saw the man who had protected him so much against both Tyson and Daniel the other week...at the time he thought it pretty insane that he had actually threatened them with a knife when it looked like they were going to attack the hell out of him...but now that he knew this dude was his biological father...something he had yearned for, CRAVED for his whole entire life! JESUS! Was this really him? Was this tattooed man really his father?

"My son...my boy..." Curtis said as he walked over towards Jack and immediately enveloped him into a tight hug, watching the Lavery's with smug eyes as he did so.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM!" Mrs Lavery shouted, her manners inside another woman's home completely and utterly forgotten, before her husband held her back, as when it seemed she wanted to charge at Curtis with all the might that she had left inside her body.

"Mrs Hartman, what exactly is the meaning of this? We agreed to come and meet our grandson, you didn't mention anything about this...this animal before us!" Mr Lavery cried out, his eyes now bloodshot red and his chest heaving up and down at a furious pace.

"Careful old man...you don't wanna have a heart attack and die..." Curtis said with a straight face, winking at his son, as if he wanted to convince Jack that he was joking, when he really wasn't.

Mr Lavery sunk down towards the chair that he had been sitting on, because at seventy-five years with a heart condition, he knew that Curtis was right...he had forgotten how much this poor excuse of a human being knew about them...Sheridan had literally trusted him with her life back then.

"Now here is now things are going to work from now on...I'm Curtis September, his biological father, as you know. And with Sheridan dead as a doorknob...I'm afraid that if you wanna see him and get to know him...you're gonna have to go through ME...do we understand each other?" Curtis said, as cold as he possibly could.

Jack immediately tried his best to get away from the man, as the truth over what he really was quickly starting to sink in, but the latter's kung-fu grip had him immediately fighting a losing battle.

Mrs Lavery placed her hand on her chest, and took a huge breath, before she defiantly stared at Curtis.

"I wasn't afraid of you all those years ago when you messed Sheridan around and I am NOT afraid of you now! Do you hear me? You want be the big man, well, I have some bad news for you! Sheridan had information...information that can and WILL get you locked up in jail for the rest of your miserable life! That information is currently at our lawyers and BEFORE you get any ideas...if myself and my husband aren't home in Constantia by tomorrow morning, our lawyers will release that torrid of affairs and you won't see the light of day ever again! Do we understand each other?"

Jack managed to wriggle his way out of his father's grasp as the older woman spoke her peace, her words enough to make him lose grip on reality and what was happening, his eyes dark and desperate as he looked the Lavery couple straight in their eyes, back and forth, one after the other.

"You're fucking bluffing...you lot ain't got nothing on me..." he said softly, dangerously...his right hand reaching towards his side pocket, where Jack knew well enough...that's where Curtis kept his knife hidden.

Mr Lavery coughed a few times, before he too stood up, and grabbed his belongings, before he took his wife's hand and led her towards the front door.

"We know everything, you sick son of a bitch...Sheridan got us everything...so I guess this is the end of this..." he said, before both Lavery's took one last look at Jack.

"We'll be in touch," he said, nodding at his grandson, before both Lavery's left the Hartman home.


"What the hell is happening...I don't understand any of this? Mama? What...why didn't you tell me you found my real family?" Jack asked her...not even bothering to look at the woman, totally depleted, his face as white as a sheet, tired as hell from everything happening at once, from finding out he had actual living relatives, to that his biological father was not only alive, but he was a nasty piece of work...he didn't know how much more he could actually take.

Curtis turned towards his son, and grabbed his arm viciously, pulling to teenager to him in such a force, that a sharp pain shot through his arm as he did so.

"FAMILY? You call those racists family? They treated me way worse than they treated their animals back then! All because I was a coloured man and their precious daughter was a rich white brat! Did they tell you that Sheridan was hooked on cocaine so badly at some point, that she didn't even know what the hell her name was? Did they? Of course, they wouldn't! Fuck this, you're coming with me right now..."

Jack pushed back his father with a vivid vengeance, before he sneered at the man, that he had so longed to actually meet...

"I ain't going anywhere with you! You ain't my fucking family! You're a piece of scum!" he shouted back, giving as good as he got, very much being his father's son.

Curtis gave Mama Hartman one warning look, before he took two steps towards his son and SLAPPED his face as hard as he could, leaving poor Jack to fall to the ground with a massive thud, staring up at his father with a shocked expression on his face, his hand covering where Curtis had smacked him a good one.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to, boy? Have some fucking respect! I came all the way to get you, after your no-good mother ended up running away with you and gotten herself killed! I could have left you to rot..."

"YOU DID! YOU DID LEAVE ME! I was in an orphanage for fucking years!" Jack shouted back, finally getting up, his blond hair now completely loosened from the intense hit that he had received to his face, and was hanging all across his head and shoulders.

Curtis cackled once more, before he reached forward and grabbed Jack by his neck, holding him in a solid grip, just doing enough to not physically choke the boy.

"Your whore of a mother chose to take you from me, what the hell was I supposed to do? You ungrateful little bastard! You got fucking soft, boy...you need your papa to sort you the fuck out...just look at you...God, you look just like me, you're more like me than you wanna admit, don't you, boy..." he smirked towards his son, before finally releasing him, allowing Jack to stumble backwards and coughed a couple of times, before he smiled nastily up at his father, a smile which could have just as well been the twin of his dad's...

"If we're so alike...I suppose you suck COCK just as well as I do?" he shouted, at the top of his voice, a defiant look streaming across his face as he did so.


"Jack...no..." Mama Hartman whispered, her eyes widening as Jack's scathing words bounced off every single echo in that living room.

Curtis's own eyes narrowed, placing both his hands firmly on his hips, ever so slowly as if he heard what Jack said, but his brain had somehow refused to register it.

"You...you're...wait...you're actually one of those...nah, it can't be...no, that's simply ain't true, boy...because you see, no son...NO SON of Curtis September would EVER be one of them...hell no boy..." he whispered, coming ever closer to Jack himself.

Jack hastily retreated just a tad, before his focus was suddenly elsewhere, with clear police sirens that could be heard, coming closer and closer but the second.

"WHO THE FUCK CALLED THE COPS?" Curtis thundered over the noise, before he hastily tried to grab Jack one more time, but the boy was way too quick for him, scattering way from his father, before Curtis nervously looked through the window, where the sirens could now very clearly, be heard.

"This ain't over...both of you...and you...you can say goodbye to your mother, MAMA!" he screamed with a sneer across this face, before he kicked open the front door and scurried away as fast as he could.

Mama Hartman rushed towards Jack, who got way from her as quick as he could, staring at her with disbelief inside his eyes.

"You knew...you did all this...you arranged all of this..."

Mama placed both of his hands over her face and shook her head as the tears streamed out of her eyes.

"I had...I had no choice! You heard him, he was threatening to kill my mother!" she managed to get out, before Jack simply knew he had to get the hell out of there. He didn't know who or what he could trust any longer.

There was only one person...only one person in the whole, wide world, that he wanted to see right now.

Be with, right now.

And it sure as hell, wasn't Mama Hartman.


"Gimme a minute...I have to fucking get my head around this..." Josh said after Jack had told him the whole entire story that had transpired over at the Hartman house.

"I think either Tommy or Stacy called the cops, Mama had sent them to their rooms before Curtis got there, he didn't even know they were there. I dunno who else it could have been," Jack muttered as he sat down next to Josh on his bed.

The latter boy blew out some air, before a huge sense of sorrow developed his entire body. The boy next to him seemed...so disheveled, so helpless...so fucking vulnerable that he didn't even know where to begin to make it all feel better. He placed his arm around Jack's neck, pulling him closer towards him as the two boys hugged each other ever so tightly. They sat in that position for a while, before Jack looked up at Josh with his big blue eyes.

"He's gonna come back for me...I know it. I always...like always wanted to meet my family, wished, prayed, hoped to God that somehow, somewhere, they were out there somewhere and would one day come and find me. I just never...I never thought that..." he said miserably as he placed his arms around Josh's neck, leaning in towards him, as the boys leaned their foreheads together for a moment.

"I didn't get the chance to tell you, but the reason that me and Tommy were late this morning...Curtis cornered us RIGHT in front of the school gates. My dad owes him money...that's how he was able to afford sending me to Nationals. He STILL owes the guy like R8000!"

"Fucking hell, dude...where the heck is he going to find that load of cash? Josh, for real, Curtis...he's fucking dangerous! You didn't see him this afternoon...he fucking hit me, just like that! As if I was nothing to him! As if I wasn't his son! Well to hell with him! No, seriously, if THIS is who my father chooses to be, then I don't WANNA be his son!" Jack hissed, the tears dripping from his eyes as he did so.

Josh was there in seconds, holding the boy close to him, placing his head in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent, breathing in his essence...breathing in JACK himself.

"I...I don't wanna go home...l can't go home to that woman...and oh God...what's Tommy gonna think about all of this, he hates me enough already..." Jack whispered against his chest, holding him even tighter against him.

Josh kissed Jack's blond hair, before he broke the embrace, and held his hands in his own.

"You're going nowhere, okay? You're safe here, at least for the time being. Curtis has never actually SEEN us together, so he wouldn't come and look for you here. At least I don't think so," he muttered underneath his breath.

"Oh, that DOES make me feel SO much better..." Jack said sarcastically, rolling his eyes, but he immediately laid his lips on Josh's as the two boys continued to make out for a time.

"There's something I wanna show you!" Jack said happily as he broke off the kiss, reaching into his pockets and pulled out the letter that his grandmother had given him.

"How old is that thing...seriously, who even writes letters anymore?" Josh said, as he took the letter in his hands, turning around in his fingers, before Jack snatched it back.

"My gran gave this to me...this afternoon. This was the last letter that they ever got from my mother. She told me to read it when I was alone...but I trust you with my life, Joshy Boy...come on, let's see what it says!"


"I can't...you do it."

Josh's eyes were full of pent-up emotion as he realised that Jack was physically unable to read what his mother had written. They had gotten to actually opening the letter, but as far as reading the words...the moment that Jack's eyes fell on his mother's handwriting, the last thing that she probably ever wrote, it all became too much for him.

"Jack, you finally have something of your mother...I know you wanted this for a long time. Don't you wanna read what she had to say?" he asked, softly, with Jack immediately shaking his head.

"NO...I just...I can't LOOK at it...please, Josh, I'm gonna go fucking mental if I have to look at that thing...please, just read it, and get it over with!" he said, refusing to look at Josh, or at the letter in his hand.

Josh nervously sighed, before he opened the letter, clearing his throat, and he started to read the written words out loud.

"Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm writing this letter because I'm sure that by now your phones are all being tapped by the Ravens. Curtis is on an insane mission to find me and I wanna stop that from even happening. I'm sorry...I'm so sorry that I got messed up with those people. You tried and warned me, but I wouldn't listen and look what happened. If I ever get home, we are going to have the biggest group hug possible...because I miss both of you."

Josh was silent for a while as his eyes flickered over what was coming next, as he nervously looked over at Jack, who was now shaking with wreaking sobs, inflicted across his entire body. He pursed his lips together and read the last bit out loud in shaking voice.

"PS...you have a grandson. His name is Jack."

"FUCK..." Jack uttered at last, he sunk to his knees as he continued to silently bawl his eyes out, so much so that Josh wanted to hug the hell out for he boy he...the boy he cared for so much, but Jack shook his head, and signaled at Josh to carry on with his task. Josh's own emotions was starting to get the better of him, but he knew he had to keep strong...he had to do this. For Jack. He cleared his throat and read on.

"He's so precious...and I know you guys will just adore him once you get to meet him.

PPS...I have loaded..."

"What?" Jack asked as he eventually got up on his own two feet, wiping majority of his tears away successfully, as he turned around to actually face Josh for the first time in several minutes.

"Dude...listen to this...Jesus, this is just like a fucking spy movie..." Josh whispered, before he carried on reading.

"PPS...I have loaded everything I have on Curtis...all his crimes that I know of, onto a memory stick and I've hidden it in the one place that they will never think to look. Just incase this letter gets intercepted; I'm not going to tell you where it is. If you know, you lives will be in danger too. I love you. Both of you. Sheridan."

"But...I don't get it, my grandparents TOLD Curtis that they knew where the info was...that there, proves that they don't! Fuck...I swear they made all of that crap up because they knew Curtis would have killed them right there and then if they didn't...Man, where the hell could my mother have hidden that God damn memory stick?" Jack screamed, his arms swinging wildly as he did so.



Jack finally knows the truth, and it came at great cost. What next for himself and Josh? A blind man can see they are crazy about each other LOL.

And just WHERE is that memory stick hidden...?

Only three more chapters to go! I've decided I'm gonna end this at Chapter 8, so please send me some feedback, comments or if you just enjoyed it to liciousryan@gmail.com LOVE YOU GUYS!!

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