
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on May 8, 2020


Gregory Patrick gp932260@gmail.com

Jaiden -- Chapter 17 05-05-20

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G. A. Patrick

`Jim, this is Peggy. I got so excited the other night I completely forgot to tell you why I called. Jaiden realized the other night who Mary really is and it tore him up because he didn't think he would ever see her again.

When I showed him an earlier picture of her holding him at about a year old, he screamed "Ginny." After l finally got him calmed down, He said, "Mom, I know recitation of the Shema generally requires a quorum of 10 men to recite it properly, but I have to do this, please forgive me. He went over to the French doors in the den and opened them widely. He took Peyton with him, laced Peyton's fingers with his, raised their hands to the Heavens and stood there and recited the entire Shema perfectly, word for word.

Peyton actually recited the Shema brilliantly at the same time as Jaiden. When they got through and said Amen, we were all in tears. I was so proud of both our boys I just forgot to tell you. Please forgive me.

Peggy, the entire Shema? From memory? Perfectly? "Yes, sir. Perfectly, even brilliantly." "Have you told Phyllis yet?" "Not yet, Jim." '"Hang on Peggy. She just happens to be here."

Phyllis, line two, Phyllis, line two. Quickly, please, it is about Jaiden and Peyton."

Dr. R ran to the waiting room and summoned the Rabbi who was in the Lobby. "Rabbi, you have to hear this!" Phyllis, Peggy, Rabbi Schlottman is on the line with us. Peggy, please tell them what you told me." Rabbi and Phyllis were astounded. Rabbi put his face in his hands and wept saying over and over: "Recited the entire Shema from memory, perfectly, brilliantly even, a young person, Oh Hashem, thank you! Thank you!"

"Phyllis, it was so awesome! I had no idea Jaiden or Peyton could do that, NO IDEA!! I wanted you and Jim to know about that so you would be as proud of them as I am." Thank you, Peggy, I really appreciate this. I am going to send our boys a card letting them know how proud all of us are of them. I'll give it to them on Saturday at the party. Talk to you then."

When Phyllis hung up, she went outside the clinic and leaned against the wall, tears of joy flowing from her eyes. She would call Jenny tonight and tell her what Jaiden and Peyton had done. But, first, she had to collect herself.

When Jim closed the vet clinic for the night, he and his wife went to the country club for a celebratory dinner with Rabbi and his wife joining them. Everybody sat there in a stony silence. The Rabbi's wife, Atarah, looked over at him to see tears rolling from his eyes. "Admon, what is wrong, dear?" He didn't look back at her, he just said, "A young person, recited the entire Shema from memory. Perfectly. Today I have seen Hashem's blessed works. I didn't think that could, would happen in today's times. Praise be to Hashem!" Nobody else said a word until they had finished dinner and were leaving for home. Emotions were proudly running very high.

"Jim," Rabbi said, " you realize we are kvelling over your boys. They each are a mensch and, now, to me they are mishpocheh. They have provided us with a spiritual mitzvah."

That said, all went home for the evening.

Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley got up Tuesday morning in time for a morning stroll before breakfast with Dr. Mom. Peyton had a surprise for breakfast for everyone: Lox and bagels for everyone. Bagels, sundried tomato cream cheese, a slice each of tomato and onion.

Dr. Mom came in for breakfast and was pleasantly surprised and said, "I don't believe this. When did you guys pick up the supplies for such a great surprise breakfast?" Peyton replied, "last night on the way home. We spotted a Jewish Deli open and I asked Jaiden to stop by. The rest is history, Mom."

"Here is your coffee, 1 sugar, light cream. Enjoy!" "I will, Peyton. Thank you for such a nice surprise." "You're welcome, Mom, but it is you who deserves the thanks around here." Peyton got a wink and a smile from Mom on that statement.

Dale and Charley took care of the clean-up and after they were finished and everything was put away, Jaiden said, "Ok guys, ready to do some sight-seeing? Let's hit the road."

"Where are we headed, Jaiden," Peyton asked. "Boone, North Carolina. It's 52 miles from Abingdon, a beautiful city where Appalachian State University is located. Beautiful city, wonderful people, fantastic restaurants. If we get away in time, I'd like to take Dale and Charley to Ashville to see the Biltmore Mansion.

They reached Boone, and went straight to the Probate Court Office, paid all necessary fees and walked out of the courthouse with their marriage licenses. All four stood on the courthouse steps and glared at the licenses. Their marriages were coming to fruition -- and with all their parent's blessings.

"Have you ever been to the Biltmore, Peyton?" "Not that I can remember," Jaiden. "Do any of you know anything about the Biltmore Mansion?" Peyton said, "I don't?" "Charley, Dale?" "Nope."

"Well, the mansion sits on more than 3,000 acres, has over 250 rooms, a veranda that overlooks probably a thousand beautifully manicured acres. It takes two and a half hours or more to tour the mansion.

"Charley finally spoke up for once, "Just how big is this mansion Dale?" You could put the State Capital of North Carolina in it. They have a sitting room on the first floor that drops to the basement so they can bring up fresh flowers every day without breaking any of them. You will love the place or hate it. There is a lot of walking, but you can ride busses to get to the back of the property to see the winery and the farm acreage."

Traffic was light so it only took us about 45 minutes to get there. We boarded a bus in the upper parking lot and headed to the mansion. As we made the last left curve to head through the gate to the mansion, Dale caught a glimpse of the Biltmore and said, "damn, Jaiden, I couldn't live in that place," "Why not, Dale?" "It's too big. I could never go to sleep wondering what was lurking around every corner?"

Jaiden replied, "Dale, there are so many guards and guard dogs in this place that it you even got onto the property at night, you'd never get near the mansion. But, quite frankly, I agree with you, I couldn't go to sleep in there either." Dale just laughed.

It took every bit of three hours to tour the mansion. When we left, I asked Dale which room he liked the best and he replied, "The concubine's room between Mr. and Mrs. Biltmore's room." We all had a laugh on that one.

When we get back to the car, we can ride to the back of the property and have lunch at the restaurant.

We ate lunch, toured the tasting room, and purchased a few memento gifts We heard an old lady tell her husband, "Homer, if you ever build a house like that, I promise I will shoot you right between your eyes." Everybody who heard that comment nearly doubled over in laughter.

We headed back to Mom's for dinner and a cozy evening. Charley wanted to fix a southern specialty for dinner tonight, so I told him to have at it. He prepared dredged and lightly sautéed cubed steak. He left the grease in the pan and made a roux. He added crushed tomatoes to the roux and stirred the mixture until it got rather thick. Then he added water and brought it back to a soupy texture and added a cup of Half & Half and a light salting with pepper. While the gravy was cooking and he was stirring it until it hit the right thickness, he cooked a large pan of homemade cateye buttermilk biscuits.

It was an awesome meal that Mom raved over saying her mother used to cook the same food and she missed it. She gave Charley a big hug, said thank you, and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Peyton smiled.

Mom said she wanted to sit in the den with a nice cup of coffee Peyton had made and talk for a while. So that is what we did. Then I asked Mom if she would like to take a slow stroll in the cool mountain air since we wouldn't be able to do that regularly in the near future. She jumped at the thought and said, "Let's do that now, Jaiden."

I guess we walked about a half mile when I said, "Mom, do you have any idea if the trip we are supposed to take after the party involves a plane flight anywhere?" "Yes, I do, Jaiden." She broke into a grin and didn't say another word.

We walked about another half mile, arm-in-arm, when she started laughing hysterically. "Jaiden, you and Peyton are too predictable." " Say what, Mom?" "Jaiden you two are so predictable to me, Phyllis, and Jim that we have laughed about it" "So y'all have talked a bit?" "We keep in touch weekly. They are friends I have come to love dearly and you are responsible for that." "Really?" "Yes, really, Jaiden. Thank you." "You are welcome, Mom. I didn't know." "You'll become more intuitive when you get older and become a parent."

"Jaiden, Jim, Phyllis and I made sure Charley and Dale are in your trip plans. You and Peyton love them too much not to include them in your plans. All three of us will put spending money in your accounts for when you get to where we are sending the four of you, and that, son, will remain a secret until we are all gone and you get in Peyton's car and look in the glove box."

Jaiden fell to his knees, and screamed, "Hashem, what did I do to deserve all this? I don't know what it could be. I have tried my best to always be a good son, to live by your laws, to do mitzvahs that I thought would bring honor to you, that you would want me to do those mitzvahs. I don't know what it is, Hashem, but thank you! Dr. Mom just sat on the ground and held Jaiden. Peyton was outside and heard Jaiden's scream and ran that mile in record time.

Dr. Mom and Peyton got Jaiden home and took him out on the patio to sit and relax. Peyton had great intuition and slipped quietly back inside and went upstairs to the den. Dr. Mom held Jaiden's hand and began to softly talk to him.

"Jaiden, all those mitzvahs you handed up to Hashem, you completed all of them in very special ways. Most of those mitzvahs also concerned Dale and Charlie, and that so impressed me and the Rileys. When you went to the French doors the other night and opened them and then laced your fingers with Peyton's and lifted your hands to the heavens and the both of you then recited the Shema from memory, that tore me up emotionally and I cried myself to sleep. It was so beautiful, so worshipful, and so respectful to me, to your father, and to Ginny. I had no idea your faith was that strong or that you could do that recitation so perfectly from the heart."

The last few days, you have done so many things that have made me so proud. You and Peyton are just like your Dad and I were together. I miss him terribly. In many ways you are just like your Dad even though you didn't grow up with him in your life. You have made me proud as your Mom and you have made me so proud of the young man you have become." I thank Hashem for bringing Peyton into our lives. We have been so very blessed, and there is no doubt in my mind that those blessings have been given to us because of your faith." Jaiden leaned over and put his head on his mom's shoulder, she leaned her head over on his and they sat there for several hours without saying a word, just loving each other.

Next: Chapter 16

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