
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on May 9, 2020


Gregory Patrick gp932260@gmail.com

Jaiden -- Chapter 18 05-09-20

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G. A. Patrick

Good morning, love. Jaiden rolled over and replied, "Good morning, Peyton. Come here." "I scooted close to Jaiden and he put his arms around me and pulled me tight.

"last night was intense for me. I am sorry you didn't get the attention you deserved." "Jaiden, I understand, I was there, remember?" "Yes, I remember, and thank you for the privacy you gave to Mom and I. That was sweet of you to do that." I leaned in and kissed Jaiden softly on the lips. Then I pushed him over on his back.

When he was on his back, I moved on top of him and began nibbling on his ear lobes, which drives him crazy. Then I kissed him behind the ears and worked my way to his neck. That is when he started giving a low moan. I purposely worked his neck in spots I knew would make him extra horny -- and it worked.\

Jaiden had such a stressful day yesterday that I was determined to make the morning last. I grabbed the Albolene cream and began lightly massaging his chest, working my way down to his phallus. When I got to that zone, I didn't just give Jaiden a BJ, I did everything that I knew would drive him wild and he responded accordingly. It only took 10 minutes to get the flood gates open. When he had spent all he had, I got up, went into the bathroom and cut on the shower to his favorite temp. I went back and got Jaiden by the hand and told him, "come on."

When we got to the bathroom, he and I stepped in the shower. I took the soap and a nice, soft wash cloth and began gently washing him all over. I finished his bath and washed and conditioned his beautiful black air.

Suddenly, Jaiden pushed me against the shower wall and held me there. He fixed his steel blue eyes on mine and just stood there. After a few moments, he leaned in and gave me an extremely sensual kiss and, without saying a word, picked up the same wash cloth, soaped it well and began giving me a soft, loving bath. He washed my back and when he got to my butt, he gave me a good whack and woke me up more so than I had been. He turned me around and began to wash my face. He did so ever so gently,

After bathing my face he told me to rase my arms and when I did, he took the bar of soap and washed my arm pits and then cleaned my arms, He moved to my chest and washed and rinsed the top half. He put the wash cloth down and washed my pecs with his hands playing with each nipple in so many ways that he had me standing on my toes. I have never felt that so intensely. "Jaiden, where'd you learn to tweak nipples like that?"

He smiled and didn't say a word. He finished washing round zero and then my legs. He stood up and washed and conditioned my hair. That's when he pushed me forward in the shower as far as I could go and told me to lean back on him. I obeyed and he reached around my body, grabbed my erect penis and began to very slowly move it up and down, for maybe 10 minutes until he drained me of every bit of spunk I had in my body.

Jaiden rinsed us off, cut off the shower and began to pat me dry with one of the towels in the bathroom. Quickly, he dried himself off and we got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. Mom had already left for work so it was just us four boys. Dale had cooked some bacon and made homemade pancakes that were better than anything we could have gotten at the Griddle House. After breakfast, we would have to sit down and have a talk about Saturday. We would be flying down tomorrow.

We all went to the den and were sitting so we could see each other. "Peyton, Dale, I am sorry, but I won't be able to buy the airline tickets and add you two to our itinerary." Dale and Charley were near tears, but Dale spoke up "I understand, you tried." "Yes Dale, I tried. The reason I couldn't make the changes is because each of you parents and my and Peyton parents already made the changes, paid the fees, and got the airline tickets." Dale and Charley both had alligator tears in their eyes. Dale asked "my parents actually contributed on my part?" Charley asked "and mine too?" "Yes, all four of your parents."

Everything will be in the glove box when we pick up Peyton's car, all we have to do is read our instructions. "Dale asked "do you know where we will be going?" "No idea, Dale. That information seems to be more closely guarded than Fort Knox.

Charley spoke up and said "We need to do something for the ladies at the office. Why don't we fix them lunch and take it to them?" "Great idea Charley, but what are we going to prepare? Jaiden, "does your mom like tacos?" "She loves them."

"OK. I found several packs of taco seasoning in the cupboard. There is a couple of pounds of lean ground beef in the freezer we can defrost in the microwave. Here is a head of lettuce we can shred, tomatoes we can dice, an onion we can chop. We can get the tacos cooked and stop by the grocery on the way in and pick up a couple of gallons of tea and some salsa."

Jaiden called Brenda to make sure a drug rep wasn't bringing lunch today. She said not today, so he told her we would be bringing lunch for the office at 12 noon. Brenda said she'd let everybody know and they would be looking forward to it.

We got everything cooked, chopped, diced, and sliced, got it all packaged up and headed toward the office about 11:15. We stopped and got a few gallons of tea and the salsa at Tom's Grocery and then headed for the office. This time we parked behind the clinic and went in the back door with Jaiden's key. We took everything to the break room and got it set up. Jaiden went up front to let Brenda know everything was ready.

All the ladies came to the break room followed by Mom. They were all wide eyed and dove in to fix some tacos. Becky took a bite and said, "Dang these are good. Who cooked them?" We told her Charley prepared the meat. Brenda asked, "Charley, I can taste the taco seasoning, but there is something different." "Yes, mam, it is Mexican adobo peppers and dried poblano peppers. I learned to use those when my family lived in Texas." "Mom said, "Charley, these are delicious." "Thank you, Mom."

We finished eating and the guys cleaned up the break room and deposited the trash in a bin outside. Everybody got a hug and a kiss and said we'll see you this weekend. Jaiden looked like a deer in headlights. "You will be there this weekend." "Wouldn't miss it for the world." Jaiden gave the ladies a hug and a kiss on the cheek and said, "Thank you, I can't wait to see you there."

When we got in the car and started to leave the clinic, Jaiden said, "Charley, you scored a hole in one with that lunch." Charley shot back, "Nope, the hole in one will be scored tonight." We all laughed as we saw Dale turn a shade of crimson. That was funny.

Peyton said he guessed we needed to head back home and start packing for tomorrow. Everybody agreed, so that is what we did. The tuxes and shoes were in the travel bags, underwear, socks, shirts, and pants were neatly packed away in our luggage. Dale and Charley both said they would have to get the suitcases back to Mom's. Peyton told them, "No you won't those are your other graduation gifts.

Our new black silk kippahs were in special boxes in our suit cases." "Marriage licenses? Peyton asked.

"In the leather portfolio attached to the handle on my suit case, they'll stay with me in my hands," Jaiden replied. "All four of them?" "Yes, sir, all four."

Dale had a hard time accepting everything. He'd never had anyone do so much for him. He sat down and put his face in his hands. Jaiden sat next to Dale and gently rubbed his back while I did the same for Charley. "Dale," Jaiden said, I know everything has been hard for you to accept, but what you don't understand is what has bee done for you is done for others everyday in the Jewish community. We don't talk about it, but my grandfather in the picture on the wall, he saved over two hundred children from the murder camps in WWII. There is no count of how many Jehovah's Witnesses and gays he saved. Goodness and Godliness is what my family, and most Jewish families, has always been about.

We went5 downstairs and watched a movie on the Movie Channel. We made out during the entire movie and when it was over, we decided it was time for a clean-out and some "physical exercise'.

We ran to our rooms, stripped down, got business taken care of and jumped into the bed. Jaiden and I got so passionately into out love making that we were thrashing about like two fighting pit bulls. As the old southern saying goes, we were sweating like pigs. In the course of our thrashing about, Jaiden somehow had applied a condom and lubed it. He pushed me forcefully onto my back pushing my knees to my chest and then drove himself home getting a bit of a yell out of me.

He gave me the pounding of my life and then he let out a loud "AHHHHHHH, when he started to cum." After he had drained himself of every bit of spunk he had in him, we laid there until he naturally slipped out. He pulled the condom out and flushed the evidence." Jaiden said, "Let's take a shower babe and relax for the rest of the afternoon." "Sounds good, love." On the way to the bathroom, I couldn't help it and said, "Damn, Jaiden, you look freaking awesome when you are naked." "And you look the same to me, babe."

We went into the commons area of the basement den, and the other two came out looking spent, but refreshed. "Have a good time guys," Peyton asked. Charley looked at Peyton and I and replied, "Damn straight we did. If you can imagine it, or think it, or have read about it in some book somewhere, I guarantee you we accomplished all of it." Dale spoke up and said, "Jaiden, you know the chandelier in our room? "Yes, why. Well we may need to tighten the screws a bit." We all about died laughing at that comment.

Since Mom kept about 10 pairs of military grade binoculars for guest to use for watching wildlife, I suggested we each get a pair and see what kind of wildlife we could see. Dale was mesmerized by several nests of eagles he found, and Charley being a redneck southern hunter of sorts found a large herd of elk. I found Peyton as he spotted a mama bear and two cubs. "Peyton, if they look like they are heading toward the house, we need to go inside and get a rack of firecrackers and light them. If they don't run from that, we'll have to go inside and shut and lock the doors while I get out the deer rifle and the shotgun and load them. " "Deer rifle?" "It's necessary if they try to come up to the house and make it inside."

Keep watching for the bears to make sure they move away from us. Gimmie shot one one-time when I was a young boy. She took a small sharp knife from the kitchen and had that huge bear skinned in 10 minutes flat. Then she took the meat to the garage and cut it into steaks, roasts, filets, and ground some for hamburger. We ate bear for a long time and it was really good the way Gimmie cooked it.

After about an hour of animal watching, the bears were fairly close by so we went in and put `Love Story' in the CD player and compared our lives to theirs, and there were a lot of similarities. And, while we watched the movie, I loaded the shotgun and the deer rifle and put the in the open gun case.

I called and let Mom the bears were around so she would be extra careful. She has a .45 magnum she keeps near her and said she'd have it in hand when she got out of the car in the garage.

When Mom came into the house, she walked down to the den with her pistol in hand, looked out the French Doors and saw the bears in the back yard. "Put your fingers in your ears boys!" She grabbed a set of shooting ear muffs, opened one of the French doors, stepped outside and fired one .45 caliber round.

We were at the door watching as Mom fired that shot. It was hilarious to watch as the bears were running away and craping themselves at the same time.

Well, gents, it is prime rib and asparagus night at the club and that is Jaiden's favorites, what say we head that way. We all headed for Mom's car and went to the country club where the food was awesome as usual.

When we got home, we all retired to the den while Peyton fixed some coffee and brought it to us, "Mom, here is yours, one sugar and light cream." "Thank you, sweetheart," "You're very welcome."

It was fun to sit around and tell stories about college, our lives, and to swap notes and find out that as people, we aren't that much different. Mom said we had an early flight, so it might be good to get to bed early. I was shocked, and I think Mom was too, when Dale and Charley went over and gave her a good night hug and a kiss on the cheek and told her "have a good night, Mom." Peyton and I followed suit and headed to our room. What put the icing on the cake was when Dale turned and said, "Mom, when we get back, may I go to synagogue with you, Jaiden, and Peyton?" Mom replied, "sweetheart, that would be an honor to me." "Thanks, Mom."

With that, we all went to bed and to sleep. Perhaps not Mom so much with the sleep, she' more likely than not be pondering Dale's question.

Next: Chapter 17

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