
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Sep 7, 2022


Jaiden Chapter 177

Gregory Patrick


Jaiden – Chapter 177

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Greg Patrick

"Gosh, Charley, I am glad to get back to the office and to work where it is quiet. It makes it much easier to concentrate on the formulas for getting the tensile strength of materials going into the building correct." "As much as I hate to admit it, Dale, I enjoy getting back to peace at work after a weekend with all the children. Don't get me wrong, I love those children, but they can be a handful when things go wrong."

Dale's phone rang, and when he looked at the caller ID, it was Dan Stanislauski.

"Hey, Dan, what's up?" "Dale, I have a case on the docket at 11:00 today involving a child I believe has been mentally abused. Do you think you and Charley could come to my chambers, speak with the child, and tell me what the two of you think about him?" "Dan, we aren't psychologists, but if the defense council stipulates to us doing that, I don't see why not." "I don't think you will have a problem with the defense counsel seeing as how he was the one who asked me to call you." And who would the defense counsel be, Dan? "None other than your neighbor, Pete Gray. He was impressed with the work he saw you do with children in the school district, and he wanted to see what you could do with this case."

"What time do you want us to be in Court?" "Is 11:30 OK?" "Charley and I have a meeting at 11:30, but tell you what we can do: is anyone available to bring the child to our office right now so we can work with him for a few minutes here?" "Hold on just a second. Pete, do you think you could take Andrew by Dale's and Charley's office right now and let them talk with him? They have a meeting with their bosses at 11:30?" "Sure, I can; I want to help this young man now so he doesn't have to deal with issues later in life like the children in Mt. Cashel in Newfoundland are having to do." "Dale, Pete is on the way to your office with Andrew. Talk with the child and let me know what you think we need to do?" "OK, Dan, give us an hour or two, and I will call you as soon as I have an idea in which direction I think we need to go." "Thanks much, Dale." "Judge, you are certainly welcome!"

Ten minutes later, there was a knock at Dale and Charley's office door. Charley answered the door and said, "Hello! You must be Andrew. Pete, good to see you, y'all come on in." Dale and Charley sat on the floor and got Andrew to join them as Pete sat in a soft office chair.

"Andrew, can you tell us why you are here to talk with Charley and me?" "I can try. I get upset when I have to talk about what happened, and I get choked up." "Maybe if you get it off your chest and realize that Dale and I are here to help you, it won't bother you so much. Did Mr. Gray tell you we are good friends and neighbors and attend the same synagogue?" "No, sir. We haven't had much time to talk this morning, and he was just appointed to my case yesterday afternoon."

"Pete, are you guardian ad litem in Andrew's case?" "I am, Dale. Dan asked me to take on the task yesterday, and I couldn't refuse. This boy took a beating from his biological sperm donor, and his bio-mom laughed about it. I called DFCS and had them bring the boy to my house. He will be staying with Allison and me. He and Jason are friends, and Jarred, James, and Jonathan think the sun rises and sets in Andrew."

"Andrew, do you have any marks on your body where you were beaten?" "Yes, sir, Mr. Dale, I can show you my back – and I have marks on my bottom and my other private parts." "Hm!" Dale pulled out his phone, dialed a number, and waited a few seconds before his call was answered. "Riley-Reynolds-Andrew's Pediatrics, this is Ashley; how may I assist you?"

"Ashley, this is Dale. Are any of the good doctors available to speak with me for a second? "Dr. Peyton and Dr. Peter are available; which one would you like to speak with?" "Put me through to Peyton, please."

Dr. Peyton, Dale is on the phone and sounds furious about something." "OK, let me talk with him."

"Dale, this is Peyton; what's up?" "Peyton, Dan Stanislauski called me and asked me to talk with a young man whose parents severely abused him. He showed me his back and said he had worse injuries on his buttocks and genitals. I looked at his back and thought he needed to see a doctor like yesterday. Can you see him If I send him over? His guardian ad litem is Pete Gray, and Pete will be the one bringing the boy to see you."

"Dale, I am about to go into surgery, and I will be in the operating room for at least two hours, possibly three. Tell Pete to bring the boy on over to the office. Richard or Peter can see him, and I will find out as much as I can when I get out of surgery. Peter is standing here, so he knows Pete is bringing the boy to the office. I'll tell Ashley to bring Pete and the boy back as soon as they get here." "OK, thanks, Peyton." "You bet, bro. Love you." "Love you too, Peyton. "Mr. Dale, you told the doctor you love him. Is he somebody you know well?" "Andrew, he is one of my brothers. I have three brothers who are doctors, and the other doctor there is my brother-in-law."

"Wow, that's kinda neat!" "Want to know something even neater?" "Yeah." "Two of my brothers are married to each other, and they have five sons. Mr. Charley and I are married, and we have four sons and a daughter, and we all live in the same house." "The same house? It must be crowded with ten kids and four adults." "Not really, it is a huge house, and we all get along well. You'll see when you come for a visit."

"You mean I can come to see you at your home?" "Of course, you can, and you can call Mr. Charley or me whenever you want. I bet Mr. Pete will bring you to our house tonight. You can play with our children and with Jason and his brothers, and you can taste some knishes that I make for company."

"What's a knish?" "It is like a flat donut you get at the donut shop, filled with fruit. I mostly put peaches or strawberries in them." "Have you ever made them with blueberries? They are my favorite. Not yet, but I bet there will be some with blueberries tonight!" "Gee, thanks, Mr. Dale." "You are very welcome, Andrew. Pete, Peyton, and Jaiden are about to go into surgery, but Richard and Peter will be there to help you. Both have vast experience with children, and Peter has a long background in emergency medicine; he is probably the doctor you will see." "Good; I want to make sure Andrew is OK and doesn't have any internal damage or broken bones."

When Pete walked into the Pediatric practice, Ashley rose, went to the door, and showed him to an exam room where Peter saw the boy. He had Richard view the boy's injuries so there would be another doctor who could testify to the boy's injuries. When Richard saw the boy and examined him, the only way to describe his reaction was to say he went ape-shit and almost put his fist through the office door. He wanted the boy's bio-dad, and he wanted him badly. He relived Seth's injuries, and he was beyond furious.

"Pete, Peyton called from the operating room, and the surgery isn't taking as long as he thought it would. He will be back in the office in about fifteen minutes if you don't mind waiting for him. I want him to see these injuries – and I think you know why." "Andrew, we can go to lunch in the hospital cafeteria after Dr. Peyton sees you. Pete, I am sure this boy is starving, and as you can see, a few good meals won't hurt him."

"Sure." "OK, let me get Peyton and Jaiden, and we can go to lunch now if we don't have a patient waiting." Peter checked the roster, and they had finished seeing the patients they had lined up before lunch break.

"Ladies, close the office for lunch, and let's all go to the cafeteria; my treat." The ladies locked the office, and everybody headed for the hospital's cafeteria. When they arrived at the restaurant, steaks, baked potatoes, grilled asparagus, creamed potatoes, broccoli, and French-style mixed greens were on the menu. Ashley called the surgical suite desk to let Peyton and Jaiden know to join them in the cafeteria. When Jaiden walked in and saw what was on the menu – his all-time favorites – he grinned from ear to ear.

Andrew asked Pete if it was OK if he ordered a hamburger. Peter looked at him and said, "Son, you aren't getting a hamburger today; you are getting a big steak with all the trimmings." Andrew told Peter he'd never had steak before and didn't know what it was like. He also had never had most of the vegetables on the day's menu. Peter ordered him some of the mixed French-style greens, the grilled asparagus, and creamed potatoes to go with his steak. He eyed the broccoli on Pete's plate and asked him what it was. Pete forked a piece of the broccoli and told him it was Broccoli ala Lorraine. Andrew cautiously tried everything on his plate and raved over the mixed greens, the asparagus, and broccoli.

Peyton and Peter didn't touch their food for a few minutes as they sat watching Andrew enjoy his lunch to no end. Peter mentioned to Peyton that Andrew had never before tried any of the food he was eating, and you could see Peyton's face redden as if it were going to explode. "You mean to tell me that this child has never eaten food like this? Basic vegetables or steak?" "Peyton, that is precisely what I am saying." "Peter, I want to meet the son-of-a-bitch who has been keeping this boy and not taking care of him." "Peyton, I'll let Dan know, and I'll get the court date so you can clear your schedule and be there." "Thanks, I would appreciate that."

"Mr. Pete, I'm scared my dad will hurt Dr. Peyton; does he have to meet him?" "Andrew, I seriously doubt your dad can hurt, much less even hit Dr. Peyton. I think you will have a good time if you see your dad and Dr. Peyton get into a fight. So don't worry, it will be fun to watch."

Dale and Pete secured the court date and let Peyton and Jaiden know when it would be. Dan set the hearing for nine that Thursday morning.

Dale, Charley, Jaiden, and Peyton woke up Thursday morning ready to go to court. Jaiden, Charley, and Dale were in their most professional attire. Peyton wore torn work jeans, religious shoes with holes in them, mismatched socks, an old faded tee shirt, and a head full of unkempt hair. They all walked into Dan's courtroom and sat in the second row. Peyton sat by himself behind the defendant's table. When Don entered his courtroom and saw how Peyton was dressed, it took all he had not to look visibly tickled and start laughing.

When the defendant entered the courtroom, Peyton stared him down, provoking some ire in the man. Andrew's dad kept glancing back, and each time, Peyton had his eyes fixed on him. The man told Peyton to stop staring at him, and Peyton replied, "I ain't uh looking atcha, shit-face, so shut ya ass-trap and mind ya own business. That really pissed off Andrew's bio-donor and he threatened Peyton if he didn't stop staring at him. That threat drew a rebuke from the judge who also cautioned Peyton about his language in the courtroom, knowing full well what Peyton was doing and knowing he wasn't going to do anything about it regardless of what he said from the bench.

"Your honor," Peyton said in his thickest southern drawl, "I apologize to the court for calling this shit-head a shit-head. I don't know what to call this shit-head exceptin' to call him a shit-head. Only a shit-head would do to a young boy what this shit-head done to his boy." Andrew's dad turned to look at Peyton and said, "I done told you tramp, shut your mouth before you get yourself hurt."

"Your honor," Peyton said with a thick, slow southern drawl, "this shit-head just threatened to try and hurt me. I don't want him to hurt me, but I ain't gonna run from him."

"Sir, would you like to spar with him in the inmate's exercise pen next to the jail?" Charley, Dale, and Jaiden were about to roll on the floor laughing. Peyton has set Andrew's dad up, and the ignorant bastard has no idea what Peyton has done previously – or is about to do. "Your honor, if that is what the shit-head wants to do, I'm willing to give it a shot."

"Mr. Deputy, take these two men to the exercise yard and let them duke it out, and don't interfere with the fisticuff." "Yes, sir, your honor." "Gentlemen, get up, and let's go to the exercise yard."

When they got to the exercise yard, the deputies uncuffed Andrew's dad, put him in the fenced area with Peyton, and closed the gate. Andrew's dad approached Peyton and said, "all right, you little faggot, I told you to shut the hell up, and you kept running your mouth, so you are fixing to pay for your stupidity. The man drew back and let loose with an attempted blow to the side of Peyton's head. Mistake one, Peyton kicked him so hard he lost his breath, and Peyton had to stand there until the man could stand up. "You little faggot, you are going to regret doing that!"

The dumbass swung at Peyton again, and this time, Peyton hyper-flexed his elbow backward and broke it. The man let out a roar of pain, but he didn't stop trying to hurt Peyton. He took a running start and lept into the air, trying to land a kick on Peyton, who casually caught his leg and popped his hip out of its socket. If you think the man yelled when Peyton broke his elbow, it didn't hold cotton to this yell. The guy tried one more time to get up to kick Peyton, but with his hip out of the socket, his elbow broken, and his ego severely blackened, Peyton looked at him and asked, "Hey Shit-face, you had enough, or do you want to go another round. I'm not even tired yet, so if you want another round, I'm game."

When the deputies got the man back in the courtroom, the Judge asked, "Sir, were you able to get your anger out of your system?" "Yes, sir, Judge, would it be possible for the Deputy to take me to the hospital?" "No, sir, it wouldn't. You challenged the bum to the dual, and you lost handily."

"Sir, what did you do to the defendant?" "Judge, he tried to hit me, and I caught his hand and arm, and I accidentally hyper-flexed his elbow backward. I think I might have broken it. Then he tried to land a flying kick to my head, and I caught his foot, and I think I dislocated his hip. He couldn't get off the ground at that point until the nice deputy helped him get up. Judge, it's weird, but you'd think a big dumbass like him would know how to fight. He was as bad as a little girl in a pink dress trying to fight her momma. He just don't know how to fight or when to quit."

"Mr. Defendant, do you think you can leave the town's poor street people alone?" "Yes, sir, Judge, I don't think I want to mess with any more of them; this guy liked to have killed me." "Sir, from the looks of everything, the court has to agree with you."

"Sir, by taking on the task of being pitted against the defendant, you have purged yourself of any contempt charge I could have leveled on you." "Thank you, your honor; I certainly appreciate that." Peyton looked at the defendant and muttered just loud enough for the defendant to hear him, "you dumb fuck!" The defendant didn't look back at Peyton, and he didn't say anything either.

The judge said, "Drs. Peyton and Jaiden Riley-Reynolds, did you get a chance to examine the child in this case? When Peyton arose and replied, "We did, your honor, and our office will be providing the child's medical care and ensuring he gets well from the severe injuries inflicted upon him, the defendant almost swallowed his tongue."

"Dr. Peyton, can you describe the injuries you observed that this child incurred?" "Your honor, he has deep lacerations to his back and buttocks from what appears to have been a beating delivered from a leather strap. Further, his testicles were swollen, and he had bruising from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. He endured a savage beating relative to when he was examined in our office by Dr. Andrews and my brother, Dr. Richard. He is to have an MRI run this afternoon to determine any internal injuries he may have suffered at his biological dad's hands and any possible broken bones. The court will be advised of the results of those tests."

"Very well, Drs. Peyton, Jaiden, Richard, and Peter. We will set sentencing for this Saturday at 9:00 am. Mr. Deputy, please ensure the defendant is in court on Saturday morning at the appointed time. Madam Clerk, can you be in court Saturday morning as well?" "Your honor, I will be in court anytime the court needs me to be there to put a scum-bag child abuser or molester like this defendant in jail." "Thank you much, Madam Clerk." "You are certainly welcome, your Honor."

When Richard turned to walk out of the courtroom, he immediately spotted Sally sitting in the back row. "Richard, can you and I have a conference with Pete in the judge's chamber conference room or at your office?" "Sure, gorgeous; what do you want to talk about? "Not here, Richard, in chambers or at the office." Richard and Sally walked around the corner to Dan's office and asked to use the conference room for a few minutes. Dan's secretary showed them to the conference room and said she'd let the judge know they were in the office."

Dan's secretary entered the courtroom via the judge's door to the back area of his bench. He motioned for her to approach him, and when she did, she let him know Sally and Richard were in his office waiting to speak with him. "Ladies and gentlemen, there is a matter I have to take care of right quick, so court is adjourned until 1:30 p.m. today. Mr. Gray, would you please come to my chambers." "Yes, sir, Judge, I'm on my way."

The judge walked into his office and went straight to the conference room where Sally and Richard were waiting. "Hello, guys; what can I do for you?" "Judge, this case is just like the case Richard and Seth came out of, and I have spoken with Richard, and we would like to adopt Andrew."

"Richard, is that true, and is it something you want to do?" "Yes, sir, it is. I have examined the child, I know he has some problems we'll need to work on, and I don't know anybody who would be as good and helpful as a mother as Sally. She is the one who broached this subject, and we desire to adopt Andrew as Sally has said."

"Pete, will you and Andrew come into the conference room, please?" Pete and Andrew walked into the conference room, and the Judge told everyone to have a seat, and he even said please, something very uncommon for him to do.

"Andrew, do you know who this gentleman is?" "Yes, sir, he's Dr. Richard Riley." "Do you know who this lady is?" "No, sir, I've never met her before." "Andrew, she is Sally Riley, Dr. Richard's wife and the sister-in-law of Drs. Peyton and Jaiden, and their brothers Seth and Leon. Dr. Richard and Sally have proposed adopting you, and I will let them talk to you about it. You can give me your answer after you speak with them. I am going to go into my office and close the door. Andrew, when you all finish your discussion, I would like you to come to my office and speak with me for a few minutes. Will you do that?" "Yes. Sir, I can and I will." Pete, would you mind closing the conference room doors and sitting in on the discussion? "Not at all, Judge; I'd be glad to."

"Andrew, my wife and I discussed your case last night and how much it resembles what my little brother and I had to go through before Dr. Peyton's parents adopted us. My wife, Sally, wants to ask you a few questions we discussed last night. We want you to answer the questions honestly and not be afraid to do that. We can talk about any question you ask to make sure you understand what we are asking or to help you understand something you may question. Can you do that with us?" "Yes, sir, I can. I am nervous today being in court and worrying about what will happen to me, but I will do my best."

Sally pulled her chair in front of Andrews and placed her knees on the outside of his, a common technique for talking to children to reduce their anxiety and fears. "Andrew, Richard, and I would like to adopt you and make you our son. You will have your own bedroom with your own bathroom between your room and our son's room. They will become your brothers. You've seen what will be your new home because we live directly across the street from Mr. Pete. Richard and I would like to ask if you would honor us by allowing us to become your mom and dad. Dr. Peyton, Dr. Jaiden, and Dr. Peter will be your uncles and will become a huge part of your life. We promise you that we will sit down and talk with you about whatever concerns us, and you can sit down with us and talk about anything that bothers you, and we will not get mad at you, and you will never have to worry about getting another beating like you got this week. We may get upset about some things down the road, but we won't get mad."

"The decision is yours, but we want you to talk to Judge Stanislauski and tell him your decision. Once you and the judge have had time to talk about Richard and me adopting you, you and the judge will return to the conference room so you can let us know your decision. It is not a decision Richard, I, or the judge will make; it is your decision and yours alone."

With that said, Andrew got up and walked to the door of Judge Stanislauski's office, knocked on the door, and walked inside the office. He spoke with the judge for forty-five minutes before they walked back to the conference room together.

"Andrew, do you want to tell Dr. and Mrs. Riley your answer?" "Yes, sir, I do. You told me you wanted to be my parents because you wanted to and not because you had to, that I wouldn't have to worry about being abused and hurt anymore. The judge talked to me about going to counseling to deal with my anxiety and depression because of how my parents treated me, and I agreed to do that for him – and me. My decision on you adopting me is that I would love for you to become my mom and dad. I'll do my best never to disappoint you, but like the judge and I discussed, I can't tell you I'll always be perfect and never make you a little bit upset with me. If you and Dr. Richard want to adopt me, that will make me incredibly happy."

"Pete, do you have the papers drawn up?" "I do, Judge, and here they are." Pete handed Judge Stanislauski the adoption papers, and the judge read through them with a magnifying glass. Damn, Pete, you did an excellent job drawing up these orders. Dan took his pen out of his pocket, signed the orders, and handed them back to Pete, who took them to the clerk in the courtroom and filed them, making them official.

"Andrew, you have a new mom and dad who will love you in a way you aren't used to feeling, and you will finally be happy and not have to fear someone getting mad and beating you. You can go home with them right now, and Mr. Pete's wife will bring your clothes to their house."

"Judge, Allison can throw those clothes in the trash. I don't want Andrew to have anything that reminds him of his past; we are going to Mansour's and get him the best clothes money can buy, and he will choose what he wants. Jeans, dress clothes for going to the temple, tennis shoes and a pair of dress shoes. Since autumn is about to descend upon us, I know there is a jacket he had his eyes on when he went shopping with Allison and her children. He is going to have that jacket. What Andrew wants is what Andrew is going to get." "OK, folks, let's go back into the courtroom and make this official!"

When they walked back into the courtroom, Jaiden and Peyton were there with their sons; Charley and Dale were there with their children, Sally's parents were in the courtroom, and unbeknownst to Richard or Sally, Richards's parents were in the courtroom – with Seth. Two people nobody expected to be in court were in attendance: Tony and Phil.

When Richard saw his parents there, he lost it and sobbed uncontrollably. His mother hugged him and rubbed his back until he calmed down, and then his dad held him and talked to him most lovingly. Jaiden and Peyton were crying, which concerned their children until the dads told them their tears were happy tears. Charley, Dale, and their children were there, and they, too, had tears in their eyes. The entire staff of the medical practice was there - taking their lunch hour. The afternoon's schedule had been rearranged so there could be a huge celebration.

When Andrew had met all of his new family members, Phil and Tony were introduced as his uncles. "Andrew, when Jaiden's, Peyton's, Charley's, and Dale's children were born, I put a substantial amount of money in a trust fund so they could attend the best colleges in America if they wanted to. This morning, I put one million dollars in a college trust fund for you so that if you want to go to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, or any other ivy league college, you can without worrying about how to pay the university's tuition. Andrew started bawling as he hugged Tony and Phil. He could not wrap his head around the fact that so many people were coming to his aid and being so good to him. He wondered, "what did I ever do to deserve this."

The answer to Andrew's question was simple: he didn't do anything specific to deserve the good fortune being bestowed upon him. People were good to Andrew because they could be, not because they had to. They loved Andrew because they could, not because they had to because of an edict handed down by a judge or anybody else. Andrew was receiving help from some amazing people because they wanted to give freely of themselves and their good fortunes for Andrew. In short, what everybody was doing is what real loving families do; nothing more, nothing less.

Next: Chapter 171

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