
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Apr 8, 2023


Jaiden Chapter 193

Gregory Patrick


Jaiden – Chapter 193

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(NOTE: This chapter is dedicated to my friend Rodney. May you find such a loving and exciting relationship!)

Greg Patrick

"Charley, what is so dog gone funny?" "Jaiden, Listen to this guy. Undoubtedly, he's from LA – meaning lower Alabama, not Los Angeles. He's too genuine to be from California!"

Jaiden sat on the couch for a few minutes and then called Peyton into the den to hear the man speak. "Peyton, love, is this man one of your relatives?" "Why are you asking me that, Kaiden?" "Well, listen. He sounds like he is from Orange Beach or maybe another area a hundred miles west into Mississippi."

The man on the television was talking to a television reporter about the storms that came through the area and tore up houses and ruined farm crops. He told the reporter that "Them storums come thrugh hear and they wuz like muh wife when she's uh mad at me. Thangs went ta flying through thrugh thu sky like they wuz never on thu groun. My ole dog, Budro, thought she wuz mad at me, and he got a bit pertective and went over to muh wife, squatted over her feet, and peed in her shoes, with her feets in'em. I ain't never laughed so hart as I did when Budro done that. Damn, that wuz funny."

"Jaiden, I don't think he and I are related, but I don't know. If we are related, I surely wouldn't admit it; I'd just tell everybody he was an in-law." That got Charley so tickled that he was about to roll on the floor, laughing his butt off. Dale was standing at the steps leading up to their bedroom, just as tickled as Charley and Jaiden. Peyton wasn't laughing too much due to embarrassment that someone from his hometown would talk like the man did, making people think everybody in South Alabama was just like the man. To make matters worse, the telephone rang, and it was Leon inquiring from Peyton if that man was a relative. That really pissed Peyton off.

To make matters worse, Richard called to inquire of Peyton if they were kin to the man. If Peyton didn't know better, he would swear that Jaiden put Richard and Leon up to calling to make their inquiries. When Peyton saw it was Richard calling, he answered the telephone and automatically said, "Hell no, I don't know him, and hell no, as far as I know, he isn't related to us. Jaiden had excused himself to go to the restroom, at least that is what he told the guys. It was funny that 15 minutes after he returned from the bathroom, Peyton's dad called. "Son, did you see the interview with our cousin, Jedadiah? He had a bone to pick with the weather, and I thought he was hilarious during the interview." "Dad, please tell me we aren't really related to that man. I don't want people to think everybody from LA is that dumb and hickish." "Peyton, he isn't dumb; he has a Ph.D. in Evolutionary Sociology. He simply doesn't want people to know that, so he acts like a hick when talking to the media." "Either way, Dad, I don't want to be associated with anything that makes us look like dumb southern hicks; we get enough guff from living in lower Alabama as it is. The only thing worse would be living in the Los Angeles suburb, Watts." "Peyton, people in Watts are good people and aren't necessarily uneducated. Most of them are just plain damned mean!" "OK, I'll buy that, but still..."

Peyton knew Jaiden put everyone up to calling him about the man on television. He walked over to his husband, bent over, and whispered into Jaiden's ear, "Sweetheart, you know how I love to hold your ball sack and rub it through my fingers and enjoy its softness." "Yeah, I really enjoy it when you do that. Your hands are so soft, and I love to feel your touch on the sensitive areas of my body." "Well, tonight, love, while I am twirling your testicles through my fingers, I am going to squeeze the crap out of them for your calling Richard, Leon, and Dad." "Peyton, why do you think I did that?" "Jaiden, the calls have your stamp of intent all over them." "That's mean to say, babe." "Yeah, I notice you didn't say it was truthful."

Charley, again being Charley, looked at Jaiden and said, "Jaiden, I have a distinct feeling that your ass is about to be grass, and Peyton is about to lite it on fire!" "Don't worry, Charley, I'll smooth it over when we go to bed."

Jaiden didn't know Peyton was standing where he could hear everything the guys were saying until Peyton said, "I don't think you are going to smooth that over, Jaiden; in fact, when I get through with you, you are going to be hurting more than you intended tonight." "Peyton, what do you mean by saying that?" "Believe me, dear, you will find out, and I will have a good time making you regret what you said about my southern relatives. And by the way, don't forget Virginia is considered to be the upper bounds of the south."

"Charley, I think I have stepped in it this time." "I'd say you did, Jaiden, and you aren't going to be able to rub it off your feet in the grass."

When Jaiden and Peyton went to bed, Peyton made Jaiden get ready to make love, and Jaiden was going to bottom. When Jaiden was ready, Peyton had him lye on his stomach while he got the lube out to ensure their making love would be pleasurable – to some extent. Jaiden didn't see Peyton pour a little bit of HEET muscle liniment into his hand and mix it with the lube. Peyton coated his fingers with the mixture and started preparing Jaiden for intercourse. A minute or so after he began preparing him, Jaiden turned and asked Peyton, "Love, what kind of lube are you using? That stuff is burning the hemorrhoids out of my butt!" "Oh, it's just a special formula I developed for people who question and make fun of my family heritage!"

Jaiden was squirming; his butt hole was burning so badly. To protect himself from the concoction he'd developed, Peyton placed a condom on himself and lubed it with more HEET liniment. In the middle of making love with Peyton, Jaiden shot out of the bed and ran into the bathroom to draw a tub of hot water to draw out the capsicum that was burning him alive – from the inside out! When his anal canal began to cool down, he applied ample amounts of the cooling Sarna lotion to himself and went back to bed – a foot away from Peyton."

Peyton giggled until Jaiden rolled over and said, "It's on, love; it is definitely on!" Peyton thought to himself, "I am in trouble now! What is Jaiden going to do to pay me back?" Jaiden, in fact, had just sentenced Peyton to his own mind to get back at him; he didn't intend to do anything to get back at Peyton for putting HEET in the anal lube. Peyton kept asking Jaiden what he was planning to get back at him for the rest of the week. And do you think Jaiden answered him? Not hardly! Every time Peyton asked about the planned revenge, Jaiden simply smiled from ear to ear." Peyton was petrified at the thought of what his husband intended to do to get back at him, and Jaiden was enjoying seeing Peyton squirm with worry." Dale and Charley got in on Jaiden's plan by asking Peyton why he was so fidgety every time they walked past him. Inside, they were about to die laughing.

When the children got up the next morning, they clued in and asked Peyton about his nervousness. Peyton spent all morning trying to figure out how to answer his boys without divulging too much information. It's funny that Peyton never figured out how to answer his son's question about his jumpiness. The other three guys were having a blast watching Peyton worry about how Jaiden would get back at him; however, they knew the truth about Jaiden's intent and wouldn't give that secret away to Peyton.

Ashley was concerned about Peyton's jumpiness the next day and asked Jaiden if he was OK." Jaiden said, "Ashley, when Peyton is up here in the front office alone with you ladies, as him if the HEET is on at home." Jaiden didn't say anything else, but he knew Peyton would be horribly embarrassed when Ashley asked that question.

That evening, Peyton's dad called complaining about it being too hot outside, and he asked Peyton if there was something causing the extreme HEET. Peyton told his dad he had to go to the bathroom and drop some friends off at the pool and would call him back shortly.

"Jaiden, did you call my dad and say something about the HEET?" "No, babe, I promise I didn't call your dad!" Jaiden told the truth; he didn't call Peyton's dad; Richard did – at Charley's urging. The entire family was in on getting Peyton back for what he did to Jaiden.

That night, Jaiden got ready to make love to Peyton. Rather than mix the lube with HEET, Jaiden shot a little Bengay into the lube, and when he went to make love to Peyton, you could have heard Peyton yell a mile away. "Damn, Jaiden, what did you put in the lube?" "Nothing, babe; it must be left over from what you put in it last night." Jaiden, I didn't put anything in the lube last night; I mixed it in my hand." "Here, love, rub some of the lube on your hands and see if it does anything." Peyton did as Jaiden told him, and it lit his hands on fire.

"Jaiden, I am going to trash this lube and get another tube at the drugstore tomorrow; there is no way I can tolerate this lube again." "Babe, are you saying you want to call a truce?" "Damned straight, I do, sweetheart, and I apologize for the prank I pulled on you." "Love, I hate to tell you this, but what I used on you is going to burn a good bit longer because I mixed a little serum with it so your body would absorb it better." "Jaiden, so help me!" "Peyton, don't say that; you started all this; I just finished it!" Jaiden reminded Peyton that he was the King of Getting Even and that he should remember that. "Sweetheart, believe me, my asshole is burning so badly that there isn't a chance I will ever again forget you are the king of getting even! NEVER!" "Good! Thanks to you, I know exactly how you are feeling right now.

"You know what, Peyton? I think I'll go get some donuts. We can enjoy those with some coffee. " "Tell Dale and Charley what you are going to do; they might like to have a little fun too." "What do you mean by that, Peyton?" "Eating donuts off the donut pole can be kinda fun – if you do it right! Just think, you can put the donuts on the donut pole, dampen them with a little warm coffee, and feel the amazing warmness on your flagpole." "Damn, Peyton, now I'll have to go through the drive-through if it is open." "Why is that, Jaiden?" "Look, you've got me so hot I have the biggest hard-on ever, and it is about to bust through my pants." "You know, Jaiden, it would be fun if Chuck and Nathan Robert saw your erection and asked you about it in front of all of us dads!" "Perish that thought, Peyton... please!"

Peyton had walked to the front of their office that morning, and Ashley looked at him and commented on how uncomfortable he seemed. "Dr. Peyton, is the HEET too high in the office?" Peyton spun around on his heels, saying, "I'll be damned," as he headed to Jaiden's location. "You told her, didn't you?" "Told who what?" "Ashley. You told her about the Bengay, didn't you?" "Babe, I have no idea what you are insinuating." Peyton was mad and went to an exam room to see a new patient. Richard popped his head into Jaiden's office and said, "You just lied like hell, didn't you?" "Yep, and you better not say a word about it." "Don't worry, I won't; I'm having too much fun watching the fireworks."

When the guys met in the hospital cafeteria for lunch, Peter and Leon joined them. When Peyton's food was served, he was given something wrapped up in a damp napkin and was told it was something Peter ordered for him. When Peyton unwrapped the napkin, there was an ice cube inside. Peter started laughing and told Peyton that he understood things were hot and that the ice cube may help cool down the burn. Peyton turned seven shades of red and purple and swore to Jaiden that World War III was on, to get ready." It didn't help when everyone laughed at what Peyton said.

When Jaiden and Peyton finished seeing their patients at the end of the day, and the ladies in the front office had gone home, Peyton took Jaiden into one of the exam rooms where they did localized in-office surgeries. Jaiden asked, "What's up, Peyton? What's going on?" "I told you I would get you back for the Bengay, and I am about to do just that!" "How?" When Jaiden said how, Peyton slammed him against the door, spun him around, and ripped his surgical scrubs off. He ripped Jaiden's boxers from his body with one quick, strong jerk, causing Jaiden to jump when his boxers caught his nuts when they came off. Peyton then took some nylon cuffs Roger gave him and cuffed Jaiden's hands behind his back so he couldn't stop Peyton from doing whatever he wanted to do.

After being handcuffed, Peyton turned Jaiden around and pinned him against the door. Then he got out a strong vibrator they used to treat muscle spasms in patients. Jaiden's eyes bulged when he saw the vibrator because he knew how strong it was and that if used in the wrong way, it could hurt. What he failed to remember is that Peyton knew the same information – and he knew how to use the vibrator to the Nth degree. Jaiden was against the door in a way that he couldn't move; he could slide to the floor but couldn't move away from the door. Peyton reached out and grabbed Jaiden's penis and began to make it rise to the occasion getting harder than it had ever been before. The half-dose Viagra he slipped into Jaiden's coffee didn't hurt, causing a raging erection.

When Jaiden was getting uncomfortable with the erection he had because of how badly it was hurting, Peyton cut on the vibrator and placed it against the glans head of Jaiden's dick. While Jaiden couldn't move away from the door, he took off like a rocket toward the top of the door. When Peyton greatly increased the strength of the vibrator, Jaiden's eyes almost popped out of his head, and he began moaning unlike ever before. Peyton began moving the vibrator wand around Jaiden's phallus, sending him into a huge orgasm – one that Jaiden would never forget. While a man generally puts out a teaspoon or two of semen when he ejaculates, Jaiden put out at least one-fourth cup of sperm. His knees began to buckle, and he slid to the floor. While he was sitting on the floor, Peyton maneuvered his hands under his feet to the front of his body and then got him up and leaned him over the end of the long surgical table. Then, Peyton took a speculum, lubed it well, and slid it into and out of Jaiden. After a few minutes, he began using it to stretch Jaiden's anus to relax his lover's bunghole. When maximum relaxation had been achieved, Peyton dropped his pants, lubed his penis, and slid it into Jaiden. Slowly and rhythmically, Peyton made love to Jaiden for almost an hour, edging his husband repeatedly.

When Peyton had gotten so exhausted that he couldn't go on, he allowed himself to explode into his husband, flooding his body with an unbelievable amount of semen. There was quite a bit more coming out of Peyton than had come out of Jaiden while the vibrator had been used. Jaiden lost so much energy during the `love session' that he couldn't stand up, so Peyton rolled him onto the surgical table and lay next to him until his energy began returning.

"Peyton, if I use Bengay on you again tonight, do you think you could do this again this weekend?" "I don't know, sweetheart, we'll have to see! But one thing is for sure, you'll have to do what you do best without the HEET or Bengay, and I'll do the same. First, I must get this speculum cleaned and in the autoclave." "If you don't mind, Peyton, I'll lay here for a few minutes and get my breath back. You've been amazing in the past, but damned if I think you'll ever be able to top this afternoon." "I love you enough, Jaiden, that I will figure a way to top today! That I promise."

Peyton cleaned and put the speculum in the autoclave and then got another set of scrubs for Jaiden to wear home. After what Peyton did with the medical vibrator, Jaiden's flaccid penis hung almost to his knees. When they got home, Dale and Charley were watching the children, and Ginny and Granny had already gone home, and that was good since Charley and Dale could tell Peyton and Jaiden had an amazing time at the office before arriving home. "Jaiden, you may want to take a quick, cold bath and put a bag of ice on that thing to keep it from hurting so badly tomorrow that you can't walk. In fact, you go take that cold bath, and I'll bring you an ice bag. Jaiden didn't argue with Charley, and he didn't try to hide his naked, swollen body when Charley entered his bathroom with the ice bag.

Jaiden got out of the tub while Charley was in the room, and Charley had to help him to his bed. When Jaiden lay down, Charley carefully placed the ice bag over Jaiden's penis and scrotum. Jaiden closed his eyes, and Charley walked out of the bedroom and closed and locked his door so the children couldn't walk in on Jaiden.

Charley walked out on the deck where Peyton was watching the children and asked, "Peyton, what happened to Jaiden? I had to help him to the bed because he was having a problem walking?" "Charley, suffice it to say I got my revenge on Jaiden when the office closed, and we had an amazing, amorous afternoon. I did everything and anything I wanted to do and got exactly what I wanted. You might say Jaiden got what he wanted too - and then some."

"Damn, Peyton, you're gonna have to show me what you did so I can try it with Dale." "If you do try it, it will have to be in the office where all the supplies are. The machine is too large to transport between the office and the house, and one of the tools of the trade has to be cleaned in the autoclave afterward. Plus, you'll have to get some nylon handcuffs from Roger Betterman. And by the way, Charley, you may want to go to your bedroom and let Dale take care of that enormous bulge in your pants before the children see it."

"Charley went to his and Dale's bedroom and asked Dale to help him with a problem. "What kind of problem, Charley?" "Look, Dale!" " Damn, Babe, what caused that?" "Peyton and Jaiden had a rather good time at the office before coming home, and Jaiden was so spent from their tryst, I had to help him from his bathroom to his bed and give him an ice bag to put on his dick and nuts." "Lock the door and walk over here, babe."

Charley did what Dale told him to do, and Dale unbuckled Charley's pants and slid them and his boxer briefs to the floor. Then he took in Charley's penis and gave him a very enjoyable BJ until he spasmed and emptied everything he had into his husband, who savored every drop fed to him. When he finished and cleaned Charley with his tongue, he popped Charley on his butt and said, "Good boy! The cream was sweet and good! Now for some coffee." Dale made the coffee and took a cup to Peyton and Charley on the deck, where all three drank their coffee and smiled. Peyton said, "Charley, you look much more comfortable." "I am, Peyton; thank you for noticing." "Charley, it isn't hard to notice with the bulge of all bulges gone." Dale grinned and said he enjoyed helping that problem cease to exist.

Alaina Noelle walked onto the deck, climbed into Dale's lap, and asked, "Daddy, can we have spuschetti for dinner?" "We'll have to wait for Uncle Jaiden to wake up and ask him. He didn't feel too good when he got home. When he wakes up, he may feel like going to Tony's." "OK, Daddy, I'll tell my brothers. They asked me to ask you because they know you won't tell me no."

Peyton was about to bust a gut to laugh, something he did when Alaina Noelle went back to the yard to play with her brothers.

"Dale, I guess your daughter has you pegged pretty good!" "I think you're right, Peyton. I'm gonna have to learn how to say no to her once in a while." Charley told Dale that if he wanted any peace and quiet, it might be better if he didn't do that to Alaina Noelle, that he knew how tough she could be.

Jaiden woke up and stumbled onto the deck, still very sore from his and Peyton's office escapades. "Jaiden, the boys put Alaina Noelle up to asking if we could go to Tony's to get some `spuschetti' for dinner. Do you feel like doing that?" "I could do that, Dale, as long as we can park right at the door. I couldn't walk all over the parking lot without risking people asking what is wrong and if I am OK. I'd hate to have to tell them everybody ought to have sex in the office the way Peyton and I did today!" Peyton interjected, "Jaiden, surely you wouldn't answer such a question truthfully." "You're right, I wouldn't; I'd tell them to ask you." Charley died laughing when Jaiden said that. Peyton was still blushing a bright crimson red.

Alaina Noelle ran back onto the deck when she saw her Uncle Jaiden and asked her dad if they were going to Tony's. Dale told her they were, so she rounded up her brothers and made them use the bathroom and wash their hands so they could go to Tony's for some Italian food. Dale and Charley took the children to Tony's in the van while Jaiden and Peyton went to the restaurant in the much more comfortable Lincoln Navigator. Jaiden loved his smaller Lincoln, but he needed the bigger Lincoln tonight.

The next day, the ladies in the office noticed Jaiden was moving more slowly than normal and asked Peyton if everything was OK with him. "Ladies, it is. Jaiden and I went horseback riding yesterday afternoon, and he is sore from riding the horses." With that, he walked to the exam room to examine a patient to ensure he was doing well since his release from the hospital. When the coast was clear, Ashley said, "Horse riding my butt, those guys were still in the office when we left yesterday." Maidie said, "I agree, Ashley, but for our sakes, it's better if we make no comments." You're probably right, Maidie, but I am tempted to ask some questions just to make the doctors blush." "They may blush, Ashley, but they could always get mad too, and we have never seen them mad. It may be something we don't want to see."

"Jaiden was standing outside the office door where the ladies couldn't see him, and he knew they knew what had occurred the previous evening, and he meant to embarrass them to no end, so he walked into the office and asked, "We may get mad about what, Carol?" "Oh, nothing, Dr. Jaiden." "Yeah, right, Carol. Peyton and I had a good time riding a horse yesterday, and I am so sore today that I can hardly walk." "Maidie got really gutsy and asked, "What horse did you ride, Dr. Jaiden?"

"That's an interesting question, Maidie; the horse's name just happened to be Peyton." When Jaiden said that, Ashley spit a mouth full of coffee all over her desk, and Jaiden started laughing. "Ashley, sometimes asking a question is more fun than not asking it!" He had never seen Ashley blush the way she did, and Carol was trying her best not to roll on the floor and laugh her butt off. Maidie was horribly embarrassed, and Jaiden loved every minute of her embarrassment.

When Jaiden walked off, Ashley commented that she couldn't believe what Jaiden had said. Carol said that Maidie had a way of not being too embarrassed to ask a question about anything. Maidie answered that comment by saying, "You'll never learn anything if you don't ask pertinent questions." Ashley looked at Maidie and said, "Maidie, sometimes there are answers to questions you don't want to hear."

"Ashley, we're all married and have fun our own way; there's no need to be embarrassed talking about what everybody already knows." Jaiden popped his head into the front office door and said, "Maidie, I couldn't agree more." Finally, Maidie was horribly embarrassed, and her big boss loved every minute of seeing her that way. Nothing further was said about the subject at hand.

When Jaiden and Peyton got home that evening, Jaiden asked Peyton if they could go to bed early and if Peyton could massage everything in, around, and on his but, that he was hurting pretty badly. He specifically requested that Peyton not use anything with a muscle liniment in it. When Jaiden asked that, Peyton's eyes got bigger than an old-fashioned, big cat's eye marble: he finally understood how badly Jaiden felt after Jaiden hurt him at Dr. Mom's house early on in their relationship.

"Jaiden, I need to apologize to you." "About what, love." "I finally realize how badly you hurt after I got hurt early on in our relationship at your mom's. I never meant ever to hurt you, and somehow, I have, and I am so very sorry. Tears were flooding from Peyton's eyes, so much so that Jaiden became overly concerned. Babe, you didn't hurt me; I am just sore from something I wasn't used to. I enjoyed everything we did in the office and don't want you to be upset about it."

"Jaiden, when I watch you and see how hard it is for you to walk, it nearly kills me. I love you more than anything in this world, and to know I have made you so sore that you hurt in such a way that walking is hard for you..." Peyton collapsed in the chair by the window balling his heart out. Jaiden walked to him, put him in a bear hug, rubbed his back, and kissed the top of his head until he calmed down.

"Peyton, please, sweetheart; I'm OK. I love you the same way you love me, maybe more; that's something that's hard for me to know for sure. I know how much you love me; you always show me that. It had been a while since we went all the way and made love like we did when we first met; that's all it is, so please don't be so hurt about me being sore; we need to make love more often than we have of late, it's something I truly miss in our relationship. We have been so busy and come home so tired that all we have wanted to do at times is fall into bed and sleep until the next morning. I'm telling you now that that is going to change; make no mistake about that. We are going to start going on weekly dates and make sure Charley and Dale do the same. We'll take a long weekend to ourselves monthly and ensure Charley and Dale do the same thing. I didn't realize until tonight how busy our lives have become and how much time together we have lost because of that. Jaiden turned Peyton's tear-stained face toward him as Nick did for Charlie in the movie Heartstopper, and he kissed Peyton the same way Nick kissed Charlie.

Next: Chapter 187

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