
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Apr 10, 2024


Gregory A. Patrick


Jaiden -- Chapter 202

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Greg Patrick

Peyton had gone to the kitchen and prepared two cups of coffee, one for hi8m and the other for Jaiden, the way he likes his coffee. He walked onto the deck, handed Jaiden his coffee and asked, "Watcha thinking, love?"


"Nunyobe, what is that supposed to mean?" "Peyton, you're from the deep south, you should know what Nunyobe means." Well, Jaiden, I don't; so, what does it mean?"

"Peyton, Nunyobe means Nunyobe. Think about it and then tell me what the word means."

About that time, Peyton's telephone rang and it was his mom. "Hi, Mom: what's up?" "Peyton, I just had a feeling that I should call and check on you and the family. Is anything going on? "I don't know yet, Mom, it depends on what Nunyobe means."

"Peyton, you are from the south and you have heard your dad say that a million times if he has said it once." "That may be, mom, but I haven't heaqrd it in so lone that I don't know what it means anymore."

"Well son, let me lay out the term for you: Nun means NONE. Yo means You, and be means business. Nunyobe means none of your business. Ring a bell now?" "Yes mam, let me talk to Jaiden and I will call you back shortly." "Uh oh," "Precisely, Mom; let me call you back."

OK, Jaiden, what do you mean by telling me that what you are thinking is none of my business? You have never said that before." "Well, babe, I've never wanted to say that before. What I am thinking is intensely private to me, and as soon as I get things sorted out in my head, we'll sit down and I'll tell you what it is about. Please, give me an hour or so to get my thoughts together." "OK, you have an hour. If you don't tell me in an hour, Dale, Charlie, and I will take all ten children and get them so many donuts and ice crem that it will take them a couple of weeks to come off the sugar high."

"Peyton, you wouldn't!" {"Have I ever said I would do something when I have been upset and then not done what I said I'd do?" "No, not that I can remember." "One hour, Jaiden!"

Peyton, sit down and listen. Don't say anything, just listen."

"Fourteen years ago, I saw you walking across the campus at Wellstone and instantly knew you would be the one I'd love and be married to for all my life. What I haven't been able to figure out is why I felt that way. I had never felt that way before, and I can't figure out if Hashim had His hand in the situation. I hope He did."

"My mind was completely blown when I walked into the dorm apartment and there you stood in all your handsomeness and splendor. I never told you how I almost fainted with you standing in front of me.

I remember going into the bathroom and showering and wishing you were showering with me. I completed my shower, wrapped myself in a towel and went into the bedroom and lay on my bed while you showered. When you finished your bath, you came into the bedroom the same way I did and put on a pair of briefs and lay on your bed. I couldn't take my eyes off of you and I especially thought you had the most beautiful package I had ever seen. I was dying to know if you were feeling what I was, and I wondered how in the world I was going to talk to you about that. I didn't know what to do or what to say, but I knew I had to do something."

"I decided to take the towel from around me and to lie on the bed in my birthday suit. I figured if you felt the same as I that you would say or do something to reassure my mind. I had my head turned so I could see you amazing body and I almost lost it when you removed your briefs and turned to look at me. It was than that I was sure there was, and still is, a spark between us. And then you smiled. I don't know if you realized you did that, but you did."

"When you told my mom what I did that first night, she was furious with me, not having known me to ever be that daring."

"And the next day, you showed me Charlie and Dale's beds and how they had put them together. That night, we went to the mall to get some sheets, and you bought a pair of silk sheets and made up the bed while I was in the shower. And what you did next almost made me jump out of my skin. I never imagined you would slip into the shower behind ma and that we would bath and pleasure each other in amazing ways."

"You gave me the most amazing oral sex I had ever had. I had never done that before, and you made the first time so loving. I surprised myself by returning the favor. I had never before done that, but I wanted to make it as loving for you as I could. I hope I did."

"When we got out of the shower and headed to bed, little did I know you had purchased the silk sheets and had gotten them on the bed before you got into the shower with me. I will never forget the feeling I had when we slid between the sheets and cuddled until we fell asleep. The next morning, we were still entwined like we were when we first went to bed. And the one thing I really remember is the scent of your body; it drove me wild then and it still drives me wild. I can't get enough of the smell of your body."

"And then that night, your dad came into the guest room and asked me what the hell I thought I was doing and then told me to put my stuff with yours in your room. He said he knew we were sleeping together at Wellstone and that he saw no reason we needed to stop that just because we were at his and your mom's house. So we slept together and got some amazing rest that weekend and during the rest of the week that we were in Orange Beach."

"Do you remember what happened next."

"I do, Jaiden. Dad embarrassed us to no end by saying look in the night stand and have a good night. The best lube available and the best condoms made for gay individuals were in the nightstand drawer. Then Dad said "have a good time tonight and rest well! We were both scared shitless and knew he'd be upset if we didn't use some of the supplies, he got for us."

"Peyton, that was one of my most favorite nights ever! I knew I had been accepted by your family. I had never had that kind of acceptance from anyone -- ever!" I knew you were tired on Saturday, and I remember how you fell asleep on my lap and slept there all that night. We made your mom cry the next morning when she saw just how much I loved and still love you. You panicked when we woke up around 10:30 Sunday morning. Jenny was there and she and your mom sat at the breakfast table and cried together. I was the most comfortable I had ever been at that point in life."

"I love my mom more than anything in the world, and I appreciate the sacrifices she made raising me, but the truth is, I have never loved anyone the way I love you. That love grows stronger by the day. Love, that is the essence of Nunyobe." The children were playing in the back yard and squealing up a storm. Jaiden said, "Peyton, look out in the yard. Those children you see, we wouldn't have if it hadn't been for Jenny and her love. So much greatness has happened that there is no doubt in my mind that we followed Hashem's will and that for our doing so, He has blessed us beyond every means we could have ever dreamed of."

"Sweetheart, the one thing that sticks in my mind and on my heart is how I hurt you that time at Mom's. I still have a hard time dealing with that. I wanted to do something exciting for you and me, and I horribly messed up. I am so, so sorry for that day."

"Jaiden, you say you messed up. Think about it this way: would we be as close as we are today if that incident hadn't happened? Would we have what we have today if that day had not occurred? For me, that was the day when I realized how much you truly loved me; how much you wanted only the best for me. Yes, what happened hurt, but it hurt in a good way because we learned so much more about each other. Would I change that night? Perhaps in one way, but not in many others. Now we talk more, disagree less, love stronger, and minister to others more emphatically. Our community lets un know that we matter to them and that they look up to us. We have five, happy, incredibly smart rambunctious boys, two brothers, by choice I might add, who have four sons and a daughter who love us unreservedly. Jaiden, what more could we want outside of what we already have?

"Peyton, kiss my butt! You're always right in my misery. You always have the right words and I always have the wrong words -- literally! You see things I don't want to see, and you think in ways I don't want to think in, and the major problem I have with that is you are always right. It's not that I feel like I am wrong, it's that I know you are right. And believe it or not, it makes me love you even more because it teaches me that you always have my back and you'll do what is necessary to keep me from messing up. Now, may I have a long, slobbery kiss?"

"Jaiden, where are our boys? Dale and Charley took the children for a hike up the mountain, and then they are going to the beach." "So, we have some time alone?" "At least three hours. Why? Do you have something in mind?

"Let's go into the den."

"OK! We're in the den. Now what?"

"Well, the first thing is you are going to shut up and stand there while I do what I am about to do!"

"And that is, Peyton?"


With that statement, Peyton looked at Jaiden and said, "Jaiden, that shirt is at least 10 years old; It's past time that it should go! Peyton grabbed the neck of the shirt and ripped it down the middle, took it off Jayden and threw it on the floor."

As the shirt landed on the floor, Peyton reached for Jaiden's belt, undid it, and pulled it through the loops of Jaiden's pants and then threw it on Jaiden's ripped-up shirt. He unbuttoned and unzipped Jaiden's pants and pushed his lover onto the couch as he snatched his pants and briefs off his body. Jaiden literally had to pick up his jaw off the floor and Peyton then threw him over his shoulder and headed for the bedroom.

When the two guys got to the bedroom, Peyton threw Jaiden onto the bed. He then got a wild look in his eye and then started slowly removing each piece of clothing he had on his body. When he was as naked as a newborn baby's butt, he pulled some rope from the nightstand drawer and began tying Jaiden's left hand to the bedpost followed by his right hand. That done, Peyton pulled Jaiden's legs wide and placed a large, rolled pillow under each of Jaiden's knees and then tied each of his ankles to the bottom of each side of the footboard of the bed.

Jaiden suddenly had a look of horror in his eyes as a tear flowed from his right eye. "Peyton, what are you doing?" "Jaiden, shut up! This has been a long time in planning and now, it is about to happen. So, let's see what YOU think about what's fixing to happen to you!" Jaiden noticed a large tube of lube on the dresser behind Peyton and wondered why he wasn't reaching for it. Peyton didn't say a word, he just starred at Jaiden as he paced repeatedly around the bed.

Peyton walked to the picture window in the bedroom, got a straight-backed chair and placed it at the end of the bed. Then, mysteriously, he sat in the chair and stared at Jaiden with wide, menacing eyes. No matter how much Jaiden questioned Peyton, Peyton never said a word.

Jaiden's eyes grew big when he saw Peyton get the large tube of lube off the dresser and walk toward him.

Peyton walked to the left side of the bed, and with the little bit of wiggle room in the rope, he turned Jaiden slightly onto his right side and began to lube up Jaiden's glory hole. Peyton wasn't rough in what he was doing, but he wasn't exactly gently either.

When Jaiden was well lubed, and his sphincter muscle had relaxed sufficiently, Peyton spread lube on his phallus, he got on his knees between Jaiden's left and slowly laid on top of his husband without saying a word. When he had fully lain down on his babe, he began to slowly move into a most advantageous position from which he entered his husband rather quickly versus his normal snail's pace. Peyton's change of motion threw Jaiden off and made him wonder even more what was about to happen to him. Peyton had never pushed into him so quickly with such force. Then Peyton stopped like a car with a dead battery. He just starred into Jaiden's eyes with the most gently smile Jaiden had ever seen on his lover's face.

Peyton said, "this is how you do it, Jaiden; fast and unexpected, forceful yet gentle, scary because of the unexpected. Then Peyton started pumping in and out of his husband while giving him the most sensual kisses ever.

When he had unloaded inside Jaiden, he lay on top of him without so much as one work being said.

Peyton got off the bed and untied Jaiden's feet and then flipped him over so his torso and legs would be facing downward, his head lying on crossed arms. He sat in the chair at the end of the bed for maybe 20 minutes before he climbed back on top of Jaiden and entered him once more. Jaiden winced a bit in surprised, again without a word being said, as Peyton began moving in and out of his husband with gyrating motions. Peyton lasted just over thirty minutes before he again filled Jaiden with more copious amounts of semen.

He lay on top of Jaiden until his penis became flaccid, at which time he went into the bathroom and began filling the jacuzzi with warm water to Jaiden's satisfaction.

Then, Peyton walked back to the bed and untied Jaiden's lift hand after placing a handcuff on his right wrist. He pulled Jaiden's arm behind his back and braced it with his knee as he cuffed Jaiden's right wrist and then untied his right hand.

The feat accomplished, Peyton untied Jaiden's legs, helped him off the bed and into the bathroom's jacuzzi. Handcuffed, Jaiden was placed sitting in the water. Peyton walked to the sink after that and washed his penis thoroughly and then went back to enter the tub facing Jaiden.

Peyton placed his hands around Jaiden's throat as if he were about to push Jaiden's head under water. He pushed slightly downward on Jaiden's head until Jaden slid slightly down in the tub at which time Peyton stuck his penis in Jaiden's mouth and began ever so slightly massaging the back of his throat. Jaiden gurgled a bit with the massive phallus working inside his mouth and throat, but by his moans, he was enjoying everything Peyton was giving him. Once again, Peyton let loose of everything he had left in him and then removed the handcuffs on Jaiden.

Finally, Peyton was going to talk to Jaiden after almost two hours. "Jaiden, love, that is how you have fun as you wanted on the night that still haunts you. Doing what we just did brought me so much happiness, so much pleasure. I wanted you to experience that so you might possibly be able to let go of the angst you still harbor."

Jaiden looked up at Peyton and burst into a torrent of tears. Peyton lay beside him, each on their sides, in the jacuzzi. He held his lover and let him get every ounce of stress, angst, out of his system. Then he looked at Jaiden and said, "Now, my turn!"

"Peyton do you mean ....?" "That is precisely what I am saying, Jaiden."

"Peyton .... Jaiden said hauntingly." "Jaiden, my turn, and you are going to do to me what I just did with you. Making love that way is something I've wanted for a long time and something you have needed to do for a long time. So, come on."

Jaiden got out of the tub, tears cascading from both eyes as he walked hand-in-hand with Peyton to the bed. Peyton laid on the bed and placed the rolled pillows under each of his knees and told Jaiden that he knew what to do. Jaiden was shaking so badly that Peyton had to softly talk him through everything he needed to do -- step by step.

Finally, Jaiden lay atop Peyton and slowly entered him and began gently thrusting in and out of his husband, tears gushing everywhere. Like Peyton, Jaiden lasted about 30 minutes before he unloaded inside Peyton.

That done, Jaiden put the handcuffs on Peyton's left wrist, untied him, and flipped him onto his side and handcuffed the left hand to the right. Then he untied Peyton's feet, flipped him over as he had been flipped, and reentered Peyton thrusting until he could not hold himself any longer. Afterward, things happened just as they did as Peyton was the dominator.

They still had an hour before the children and Dale and Charley were to be home, so they showered, dressed, and called Dale and Charley and told them to meet up at the seafood buffet.

Thirty minutes later, everyone met up at the seafood buffet to the excited screams of the children. As soon as everyone was seated, the waiter took the drink orders: coffee for the adults, and hot chocolate-coffee for the children -- with marshmallows!

When the drinks arrived, the dads took their children to the buffet and let them get whatever they wanted, in moderation of course. Most of the children got lots and lots, and lots of shrimp, catfish filets, walleyes filets, hushpuppies, and only Heaven knows what else. The dads watched the children eat so much that Charley commented that he was glad the children were no longer in diapers, because he would hate to change five diapers after what the children had just eaten. Jaiden replied, "You and me both."

On the way home, several of the children farted on the way home causing Dale to say, "she-it!" to which Peyton said, "Fo real, bro! Fo real!"

When the family arrived at home, the children had their play time in the showers. Since the boy's showers were huge, all the boys showered together and played with their water cannons. Alaina Noelle, she had a scented bath as she laid back and watched her favorite cartoons on the small television her dads had installed for her.

While the children were having their fun, the dads went onto the deck to enjoy a cup of coffee that Dale had made for them. Jaiden looked at Dale and said, "Dale, I think I'd rather have a cup of your coffee than to sit on a hot beach in Maui to which Dale replied, "I'd rather have a cup of coffee on the beach in Maui." Charley spoke up like he was in Britian's House of Commons as he said, "Here, here!"

The next Saturday, the families went to temple with the children and there was a boy in their class who was taunting the quieter of Jaiden's and Peyton's boys. Alaina Noelle told him to stop twice, and when he didn't, she cold-cocked him and put him on the floor -- with a very bloody nose and lip. A number popped up on a screen in the sanctuary alerting Dale, Charley, Peyton, and Jaiden that they needed to go immediately to the children's classroom. When they got downstairs, the children's teacher informed the Dads what had happened and asked them to take their children into the sanctuary with them.

Dale looked down at his and Charley's daughter and asked her if she had told the boy to stop. She told her daddy she had done that and he still kept picking on her brothers. Dale and Charley looked at Mrs. Steinbrook and said they didn't see a problem that required them to remove their daughter from the Sabbath bible class. Charley said she told him to stop bullying her brothers and he didn't, so she stopped him. We don't have a problem with that.

While Dale and Charley were tending to Alaina Noelle, they praised her for taking up for he brothers but explained to her that she needed to tell the teacher and let her stop the bullying. Alaina looked at her dads and said, "Daddy, I did tell her and she didn't stop her grandson from picking on my brothers, so I did it myself."

Mrs. Steinbrook, is that true?" "Well... yes, it is true. I saw it as little boy's horse play and that's the reason I didn't say anything." "Well, it might be a good idea to stop the problem in advance. If Alaina continues watching her brothers be bullied, she will be a lot tougher next time she has to stop the bully. When the children take up for each other, we generally pat them on the back and say good boy or good girl. OK!" "Yes, sir, I understand and will take different action next time it happens -- if it happens again.

On the way home, Dale was explaining to Alaina that just because some other child was picking on her brothers, she needed to let them learn to take up for themselves. "Daddy, does that mean I can't whup'em when they don't stop picking on my brothers when I tell them to? " "Yes, baby, that is what it means."

Alaina Noelle didn't like her dad's answer. She lowered her head and quietly said, "fuck!" Dale did a double-take at Alaina's response and Charley's eyes almost completely popped out of their sockets. Peyton was laughing so hard he couldn't breath and Jaiden was so shocked he spit coffee and snot all over the dashboard and windscreen of the van.

When they got home, Jaiden told Dale that what Alaina said and how she said it was hilarious and that he wondered what the children said when they weren't around. "Perish that thought, Jaiden, I really don't want to know the answer to that question!" Later in the afternoon, the Rabbi walked over to Jaiden's to talk to Dale and Charley about what had happened in the Sabbath class. Dale told the Rabbi what had happened and suggested he speak with Alaina as well. He did. And when Alaina Noelle ran back into the backyard to play with her brothers, the Rabbi was standing on the deck laughing his butt off. He said, "Dale, Charley, Mrs. Steinbrook is gonna have to learn that if her grandson keeps picking on other children, one of them is going to kick his butt. Damn, that was funny!"

Charley spoke up and said, "Rabbi, it's a shame he wasn't ricing a mule." "What do you mean, Charley?" "If Alaina Noelle was defending her brothers, she could kick that boy's ass and watch them ride off into the sunset." "That really got the Rabbi to laughing. Dale went inside and got the Rabbi a cup of coffee, and they sat on the deck swapping fishing lies so to speak.

As they talked a bit more about that mornings fisticuff, Jaiden said he was upset about the incident and it causing him to have to leave the sanctuary when the Rabbi was delivering one of the best sermons he'd ever heard. He told Rabbi that he was going to have to get a tape of the service so he could hear it in its entirety.

Jaiden was astounded when the Rabbi looked at him and said, "Well, you know the temple charges $50.00 for sermon tapes!" "Rabbi, are you CRAZY? $50.00 for a sermon tape!" "Yep, the price went up exponentially when you said it was the best sermon you'd ever heard!" "Geez, Rabbi, that's highway robbery!" "Can't be highway robbery, Jaiden; we live in the city limi9ts and the highway is across town."

"Jaiden sent a cutting glance toward the Rabbi and they both burst out laughing -- as the Rabbi handed Jaiden the tape he wanted."

The Rabbi then said, "You know, guys, without you and your children, I've come to believe that life around the temple would be boring." Peyton said, Rabbi, we couldn't agree with you more." The Rabbi didn't like the reference Peyton made, but he knew it was only an affirmation of whet he himself had just said. As for the temple, it is anything but boring; lively, loving, active, supporting. Any good adjective could be applied to the temple and its membership.

The children had played so hard that they were ready for a nap, so they went to their bedroom, got into their respective beds and fell asleep. Jaiden and Peytotn took advantage of the lull in activity in and around their home, and Jaiden lay on the living room couch with Peyton laying his head across Jaiden's left bicep and Jaiden's right arm draped across Peyton's torso such that Jaiden was able to gently touch and fondle Peyton's nether region. Ten minutes later, as the children had done, the dads fell fast asleep and didn't get up until Dale walked into the den and found Jaiden asleep with his hand stuck inside Peyton's briefs.

"Hey, Jaiden, you having a good time?" Jaiden awoke suddenly, realized where his hand was, and pulled it rather fast from Peyton's briefs. The problem therein was that Jaiden was cupping Peyton's balls and almost snatched them from Peyton's underwear eliciting a distinct yelp from Peyton. When Peyton stood up, he had trouble walking on anything but his tiptoes. Charley being himself, was leaning against the wall leading into the formal living room LHAO!

Next: Chapter 196

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