
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on May 14, 2020


Gregory Patrick gp932260@gmail.com

Jaiden – Chapter 22 05-13-20

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G. A. Patrick

We hadn't planned much for the day and it was a good thing we didn't because a strong storm was blowing in from the south. Rain was coming down like sheets of water, lightning was striking all about and the winds were near gale force, Dale said, "Jaiden you do realize it is hurricane season." "Yes, Dale, I do, but the good thing is that hurricanes for some reason generally blow south of Maui and wind up hitting Lanai and Oahu." "But, since it is raining cats and dogs, I fully intend to take advantage of the situation and climb back in bed with Peyton." "I think I will do the same with Charley."

I got back in bed with Peyton and pulled him on his back. I kissed him softly on the lips and began kissing around his neck. I knew just how to make him squirm with delight and I kept that up for some time. I started kissing down his chest until I got to his nipples. I gently teased each nipple with my tongue and lightly bit each one making Peyton coo with pleasure. I played there for at least a half hour before I started moving down Peyton's contrails.

When I got to the Valley of Pleasure, I didn't take Peyton into my mouth. Instead I took one of his testicles in my mouth and sucked ever so gently on it twirling my tongue around it sending shock waves of pleasure throughout Peyton's body. He really got excited when I took both his testicles in my mouth and began gently pulling on them and swirling my tongue around each testicle. Peyton was about to go wild at this point so I moved up and took him deep into my throat and started a slow, rhythmic bobbing.

I would pull up to the end of his penis and tongue the sensitive glans head until he was panting heavily and letting me know it was getting extremely sensitive. I didn't relent and he finally exploded into his largest flow that I could remember. He pulled me up and we kissed softly for over an hour when his flag pole began a return to full mast.

I didn't try to make love to him; instead, I turned the tables and put the condom on him lubed the tip and told him to make love to me. He positioned himself and slowly entered me. He let my body get used to the pressure before he began a slow rhythmic movement in and out. He would pull out almost all the way and then slowly slide back in. It was so sensual, so sweet, and so enjoyable. We made love like this for an hour before Peyton released his load inside me. We laid there until he slid out naturally. He took the condom and flushed it and came back with two warm wash cloths and cleaned us up.

Peyton climbed back in bed laying on his right side and me on my left and we looked in each other's eyes for the longest as we softly stroked each other's face and talked about how happy we were, how much we loved each other, and how we were so looking forward to our future together.

From what we could tell, Charley and Dale were enjoying themselves as much as Peyton and I had.

I enjoyed Peyton laying his head on my chest, my arm around his shoulder as I rubbed his back for the longest. I just looked down at Peyton and thought how I loved him more than anything or anybody in this world.

The weekend was coming up and Dale had expressed an interest in attending Synagogue with me and Mom, so I started looking for a Synagogue on Maui. I found the Jewish Congregation of Maui that meets in a small home with a picket fence at the corner of Koanoulu Street and Alulike Street. Friday night Kabbalat Service is at 6:30 and the Candle lighting is at 6:38. This would be a good first experience for Dale and Charley. We all agreed to go to the service and we all still have our kippahs with us, so that should be no problem.

It was nearing lunch time and Andy had told us about three food trucks at the curve of Kahului Highway heading into Wailuku. There is a shrimp truck, a steak truck, and a Puerto Rican truck. We headed for the shrimp and Puerto Rican trucks. The shrimp truck with the fresh and numerous shrimp on the plate was extremely good, and the Hawaiian pasta salad is unbelievably good . The Puerta Rican truck had pasteles in beef and pork, so Peyton and Charley got the beef pasteles and said they were delicious.

The weather was still rather bad, so we headed to Costco to fill up with gas and walk around inside to find some snacks. Inside the store on the left was some art from the art shop in Lahaina. The prices weren't bad for the small photographs, just a mere $500 each with the large prints going for a mere $5K. But I have to say, they are truly beautiful and Hawaii is very expensive. We found and purchased the snacks we wanted so we headed back to Kaanapali.

When we got back to the room, we all stripped down to our boxer briefs and watched old movies on the television, Peyton was sitting in my lap and I was caressing his body not paying attention where. He had his eyes closed and was enjoying the attention when I realized I had been rubbing him between his legs. He tried to move and couldn't because I had given him blue balls. Apparently ,Charley had done the same thing to Dale, so he and I started the process of draining the blue balls so our spouses would be much more comfortable. By the amount of the floods that descended, one would swear we had not had sex for a month. We knew better, much better, since we have been making up for lost time.

Next: Chapter 21

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