
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Aug 22, 2020


Gregory A. Patrick Jaiden – Chapter 56 08-18-20

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G. A. Patrick

"Jaiden, what a beautiful morning! The birds are flitting about, the raindrops on the leaves are glistening with the sun hitting them, and there is a cool breeze blowing. It smells like Dale is cooking waffles for breakfast, and that coffee smells heavenly. Slip your khakis and a tee-shirt on and let's go downstairs."

"Good morning sleepy heads! Are you about ready for breakfast?" Peyton said, "Yes, and it smells delicious. What are we having?" "Blueberry Waffles, Boysenberry syrup, and Maui coffee." "What's the occasion?"

"I got a text from Angie late last night. She is supposed to call after breakfast and let me know about the ultrasound she had late yesterday." "Did she say anything else?" "Nope, Jaiden, just that she would call this morning. The anticipation is about to drive me nuts." "I can understand, Dale, but it won't last long and whatever the news is will leave you happy. As long as the fetuses are healthy, that is all that matters."

"Jaiden, leave it to you to be the level headed person for me. Fretting won't make her call any quicker." "That's true, Dale, but your curiosity about what she is going to say may very well kill the cat that keeps peeing on the post of the deck." "Jaiden, we should be so lucky! That is the hardest smell to get rid of. Thank goodness you found the spray that kills and keeps the odor away."

"Talk about the cat, here he comes right on time. Where is the slingshot?" "It is on the table under the television and the plastic pellets are right next to it, Jaiden."

"Well, I got a good shot and he ran out of the back yard – straight for the car and peed on the tire. I think we are going to have to start feeding that cat and put a sandbox next to the hedge-row and hope he'll start using it." "That's not a bad idea, Jaiden, but then there will be the issue of cleaning the sandbox and treating it with an odor neutralizer." "True, Dale. I think I will ask a few neighbors if they know who he belongs to. If we can't locate his owner, we'll have to get the ASPCA to trap him and find him a good home – away from our house."

"Jaiden, go tell the guys breakfast is ready, please."

"Peyton, Charlie, breakfast is ready."

"Man, these waffles smell awesome." "Charley, they will be, but go light on the syrup, it is a bit sweet and flavorful." "Charley." "What?" "Pass the syrup around so we can all have some." "Sorry babe, your cooking is so good that all I was thinking about was eating." "Charley, while you are at it, you can also pass the honey-ham around." "OOPS! Sorry guys."

"Dale, the waffles are delicious. Did you use fresh blueberries?" "Sure did, Peyton. I saw a farmer selling them when I went to the store and they looked too good to pass up." "Well, I think you made the right choice because these waffles are over the top." "Thanks, Peyton." "You are welcome, bro, they are awesome."

Jaiden told Dale that the coffee added the right balance to the breakfast. Dale laughed and said, Jaiden, you just love coffee in the mornings." "Yea, you are right but, somehow, you always manage to make everything you cook balance out."

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I am stuffed." Charley said, "We're all stuffed, sweetheart. Now we can go out on the deck and enjoy some more coffee while we shoot the bull and try to figure out what we are going to do today." Jaiden said that sounded like a good idea to him since it was such a beautiful morning. Peyton agreed, so they all headed to the deck.

Just as they sat down, Dale's phone rang. "Dale, this is Angie, are you guys having a good morning." "We are, Angie. It rained last night and the morning temp is perfect, the sky is clear and beautiful, so we are sitting on the deck shooting the bull trying to figure out what we want to do." "Well, Dale, are you ready for a bit of good news?" "Yes I am, Angie, but I am about as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs."

"Well, the fetuses are growing and are very healthy. When the doctor did the ultrasound, he saw a shadow, and, well, I am having triplets for you. He said an ovum split like Jenny's did. And there is more news. Are you sitting down?" "Yes mam, I am." "You are going to be the Daddy of two boys and one girl!" Dale lost it like Angie thought he would, so she let him cry until he could talk again.

"Dale, you are such an awesome person, and the way you are with Jason and David, I can't wait to see you with these children. I believe you are going to be a truly awesome Daddy." "Angie, there are no words and I have no idea how to thank you for what you are doing for me. You are so awesome and we all love you to Mars and back." "Dale, my whole family loves you guys. All they talk about is us going back to Erie on a vacation. Joseph told me what you said about the boys staying with you guys and he and I being able to have a week at the Bayfront. The boys heard him say that and they are chomping at the bits to have another camp out with Jason and David."

"Angie, once we get settled with the babies, we'll make that happen. We are busy right now getting new furnishings for the babies, and getting the construction completed hopefully before the snow hits. I think you, Marty, Jennifer, and Jenny are going to love the color schemes. You've already seen the baby beds, there will just be more of them. We're keeping some things a secret until you get here."

"Dale, I can't wait to see what you are doing with the house. I know it is going to be beautiful. I'll keep you and Charley up-to-date as soon as the doctor lets us know. You guys stay well, we love you guys. Oh, before I forget, did you guys get the skunk taken care of in the car?"

"Angie, we love you too, and yes, we put the skunk on the deck for a few days, especially after the judge had someone deliver the skunk another Sonic Chili Cheese Coney Dog. I slept on the couch in the den for a few days." "Dale, you guys are a hoot! I'll talk to you later in the month."

Charley took one look at Dale after he hung up the phone and said, "Sweetheart, you are white as a sheet. Is everything OK with Angie and the babies?" Dale started trembling and couldn't say a word. His eyes got extremely red and watery." Jaiden got in Dale's face and held both of his shoulders when he yelled, "DALE, SNAP OUT OF THIS, NOW!"

Dale let the tears flow at this point. 20 minutes later, he was beginning to be calmer. As he settled down, the tears were still flowing as he looked at Charley and held up three fingers. Charley's eyes bulged without him saying a word. Then Dale held up two fingers on one hand and one finger on the other. Everybody got the message. Two boys and a girl!

Charley started to cry as Dale stood and hugged him tightly and cried with him. The tears were from pure, heartfelt joy. When they had calmed down enough to talk, Dale said he had to call his parents and let them know the news.

"Bergman, Dorfman, Cohen, and Anderson, this is Angela." "Mom, can you get Dad on the line with you, please." "Dale, you sound extremely upset, Son, are you OK?" "Yes mam, I am OK." "Dale, your Dad is on the line with us."

"Mom, Dad, we won't be having twins."

"Dale, what happened!" "Mom, Dad, there was a problem with one of the eggs that was implanted into Angie." "Son, what kind of problem?" "Dad, I'm not sure how to explain this, so I'll say it this way: an ovum split and we are having triplets. Two boys and a girl!"

"Son, your Mom, and I could not be prouder of you or for you. We are going to have so much fun spoiling five grandchildren. I want to go outside and scream to the world that I am going to be a grandpa...to triplets plus two. I can already see the wheels turning in your Mom's head, she is going to have a lot of fun doing things to get ready for our grandchildren to arrive. Son, I am happier than I have been in a long time. If Peggy Reynolds hadn't eaten me for lunch and then spit me out, I would have missed this blessing." When Dale's dad said this, he broke down.

"Dad, listen to me. I always knew you loved me, and I knew the anger you had was because you didn't understand why my being gay wasn't something I could, I can control. It wasn't a choice. As much as I love Charley, I wouldn't have chosen this life for myself simply because of the bullying I have endured all my life. But I am who I am and I always will be. And for as long as I live, I will love Charley and he will always be number one in my life, always. Even so, you are my Dad and nothing will ever change that. I love you. I have always loved you, the same as I have always loved and will always love my Mom. Hashem has blessed me beyond measure and I will always be grateful to Him. Right now, I simply hope and pray that I will love and be able to provide for my children as you loved and provided for me."

When Dale said that to his Dad, both his parents cried gutturally. Dale Sr.'s boss closed the blinds in Dale Sr.'s office and closed his door. Everybody was to steer clear of his office and there would be no telephone calls. When Dale Sr., finally calmed down, the firm's CEO, his boss, called him into his office.

"Dale, I have never said to anybody what I am about to tell you, but, like our children, it is time for me to come out of the closet and admit that I have been right where you are. My eldest child is gay, is in a same-sex marriage, and I have had my problems with that just as you have had your problems with Dale. When Peggy Reynolds crawled your butt here at the office, one of the reasons I didn't say anything about the incident to you was because she was in effect chewing my ass as well. Because of her, we both have been able to understand, accept, and love our children unlike ever before. We both owe a debt of gratitude to Peggy."

Dale Sr.'s boss had tears flooding down his cheeks. He looked at Dale's Dad and said, "Dale, do you remember when Peggy did what she did that I took two weeks off to spend with my son?" "Yes, Sir, I do." "Dale, I want you to take two weeks with pay and spend that time with your son and his spouse. It won't count against your leave or vacation time. When the babies arrive, I am going to authorize Angela to take 12-weeks maternity leave with pay to help Dale care for the babies in their home in Erie. That time also will not count against her leave or vacation time. After his boss said that, he got up, walked around his desk, and hugged Dale Sr. as they shed tears together. Angela stood there in shock.

When Angela and Dale got home, they called their son and asked if they could come to spend some time with him and Charley. Dale looked at Charley who jumped up and caught him as he fainted and fell to the floor. Jaiden took the phone and told Dale's Dad what happened and said he heard what he said to Dale and that all the guys would welcome them into their home. So that they would have some intimate family time together, he and Peyton would go to Peyton's parent's house for the two weeks they would be in Erie. Dale's Dad asked if Dale was OK and if he could speak with him for a moment. Jaiden said he was sitting on the couch with Charley and he thought Dale could talk with him, so Jaiden handed Dale the phone.

"Son, I didn't mean to upset you as I did, I can't explain to you on the phone why we are coming, but when your Mom and I arrive in Erie, I will explain everything to you and Charlie. When I tell you, you will understand. We are coming to spend time with you and Charley and your Mom and I would like to spend some time with all four of you boys, so do you think you can talk Jaiden and Peyton into staying in Erie instead of flying to Alabama?" "Dad, they will be here, I promise. They will be here!"

After the father and son hung up their phones, Dale turned to Jaiden and Peyton and said, "You can't leave. Dad wants you to stay here so he can spend time with all four of us. So please don't leave because they are coming. It would mean so much to me if we could spend time together with my parents, and I know from Dad's tone when I talked with him that it would mean the world to him as well."

"Dale, are you sure?" "Jaiden, I have never been surer of anything. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever expected for my Dad to ask for this time together." Jaiden grabbed Dale into a brother's hug and held him as he cried until he could cry no more.

Peyton went into their bedroom and got one of the tablets Dr. Mom had left for occasions just as this. Peyton got a glass of water and gave Dale the pill and made him take it. Charley carried Dale to their bedroom and laid him down, clothes and all, and snuggled him as lovingly as he could.

Peyton and Jaiden turned off all the lights and went to their bedroom. When they knew Dale was ok, Jaiden called his Mom.

"Mom, I am sorry to bother you during your reading time, but I need to talk." "Son, I've never heard a tone like this in your voice before. What is going on?" "Mom, Dale's Dad, and Mom, just called and talked to Dale for almost an hour. I'm not sure how to describe how Dale and they are doing after their call, but Peyton got one of the tablets you left here and made him take one."

"Charley picked Dale up and laid him in bed, clothes and all, and then snuggled up to him. Dad and Mom Anderson took the news of the babies extremely emotionally and his boss called him into his office. Dad Dale's boss was nearby when you crawled Dad Dale about his attitude. To make a long story short, his boss was in the same situation with his son as Dale and his Dad was. His Dad told him that his boss said that you also chewed his butt without knowing it and because of you, he, too, now has a relationship with his son and son-in-law. His boss then gave him two weeks to spend with Dale and Charley. He will be paid for that time and it will not count against his leave or vacation time."

"Mom, it didn't end there. He also gave Mom Anderson the same time off with the same benefits. To go even further, he also is giving Mom Anderson 12-weeks maternity leave with pay to spend with Dale when the babies are born so she can help Dale and Charley. She will also keep all her leave and vacation time for the year. When they told Dale all this, he couldn't handle it and fainted. That is when Peyton made him take the tablet. Mom, every time I turn around, I am finding out awesome things that have happened because of you and it has made me so proud that you are my Mom."

"I know things haven't been easy for you after Dad's passing, but you pushed through and you did everything you could to make sure I was as happy as I could be as a child. I have been realizing lately just how hard you worked all those years to provide me with quality time with you and just how much you have supported me, truthfully, in everything when other parents would have given up. Mom, I love you so much and I hope I have been the son you wanted even though I know you wish things would have been different in my love life. This is all so surreal for me."

"Son, your sexuality does not and has never bothered me. It is something you were born with and I have known it since you could walk and talk. And you have more than thanked me for anything I ever could have or did do for you. I missed nothing in spending time with you, nothing. You need to understand that. You have always made me proud because of the person you have been and are. You are who you are because of your beliefs and your efforts, not because of something I did. How could I not be proud of you and love you? Yes, I miss you being here and I also miss Peyton being here. You could not have a better person to love you or care for you. The bond you two have is immeasurable."

"What Jenny is doing for you is hard for me to comprehend. She has to love you, not just Peyton, unconditionally to do what she is doing. I can tell you from my experiences that what she has done for you is extremely unusual. And for her sister-in-law and her friends to do what they are doing for Peyton, Charley, and Dale is extremely rare if not unheard of. Son, that alone tells me who you are as a person. And then the things you have done while in Erie and the recognition you have received with Peyton, it goes unsaid."

"Mom, thank you for everything, you didn't have to do what you have done for us; you truly didn't. I don't see how I can ever fully repay you for what you have done." "Repay me? Son, you earned everything I have ever done for you and you have more than repaid me without your even knowing it, and so has Peyton."

"What I did for Charley and Dale I did because their parents wouldn't at the time and they needed to know someone loved them because they deserved to be loved. Dale's parents didn't have the means to help him as I could, so I did what I did out of love for them. They cemented themselves into my heart before even I knew it. You four are more brothers than you realize. I don't think you could be any closer if you had been blood brothers and the kind of love you have for each other is greater than most people ever have. Embrace that love and be proud of it!"

"Son, do you understand what I am saying?" "Yes, mam. Thank you. I love you more than I could ever describe." "I love you unconditionally, Son, and I always will. I can tell you from my conversations with Phyllis that she feels the same way. Now, let me speak to Peyton for a minute."

"Hey, Mom, this is Peyton." "Peyton, I know it is late, but I need to ask you for a favor." "OK, Mom, and that favor would be?" "Kiss Jaiden for me!" Then all Peyton heard was a click.

"Damn, she did it again!" "She did what again, Peyton?" "She asked me to kiss you for her."

Three hours later, Jaiden drew a warm bath in the tub and he and Peyton got into the jacuzzi tub and cut on all the jets. An hour later, they dried off and went to bed – 3 hours later than normal. The sex was explosive and satisfying!

Jaiden's Mom is a very wise lady. She knew what he needed and she made sure he got it. It worked.

When Charley got up that morning, he left Dale asleep in bed and prepared breakfast for everybody. After they had eaten, Charlie remembered he needed to call his parents with the news on the babies.

"Jacobs Construction, this is Lindsey, how may I help you?"

"Good morning, Mom, is Dad there? "Yes, sir, he is, let me get him on the phone." "Hey, Son, what's up?" "Dad, is Mom still on the phone with you?" "I'm on the line, Charley." Dale talked with Angie last night and there is a change involving the babies." "Charley, is something wrong?" "Depends on how you look at it." "Alright, son spill it!"

"You were supposed to have 4 grandchildren, and that won't be the case anymore." "And that is because?" "Mom, Dad, you are going to have five grandchildren. An ovum split and Angie is carrying triplets, 2 boys and a girl."

All of a sudden, Charley yanked the phone from his ear and you could hear his Mom yell a mile away.

"Charley, when?" "Mom, Angie went to the doctor yesterday morning and that is when she found out and called Dale. I forgot to call last night because Dale got so emotional when he found out that he fainted. He was shaking so badly when he came to that Peyton gave him a pill Jaiden's mom had left at the house to help us deal with things when we got so anxiety-prone. I had to carry Dale to bed and I laid down with him and fell asleep."

"WOW! Charlie, we never thought we would have grandchildren, especially children you fathered. Your Dad and I hearing that we are having five grandchildren is surreal to us. It is taking all we have to deal with the anticipation of getting to hold, love, and spoil those grandchildren."

"Charley, I have a meeting with some clients I am building an office for, so I have to run. I'll talk to you later. I love you." "I love you too, Dad."

"Charley, now that your Dad is not on the phone, I can tell you that he has been running around like a giddy child who has just gotten a new toy. Your Dad and I have been married 34 years and I have known him since we were children and I have never seen him as happy about anything as he is about having grandchildren. He is so proud of you. He still cries at times over how he treated you after you told us you were gay. When Peggy confronted your Dad over his behavior, she flew into a rage and backed him up against a wall. That was the first time I ever saw your Dad cry."

"Since Peggy bit him on the butt like a pissed-off pit bull, he had spoken at several events about how people should love and accept their gay children. One man confronted him about how wrong he was and that was a mistake on the man's part. You would have been so proud of your Dad. He maintained his cool and took that man's logic and turned it against him. When your Dad got through with him, you should have seen how he and his wife broke down and sobbed."

"When the two calmed down, your Dad shocked me by how loving he became toward that couple. He and the man meet weekly for lunch and talk about how he can make up to his son for how badly he treated him for years. Your Dad told him he had to sincerely apologize to his son and simply start loving him as intensely as he could.

"A few weeks ago, the son came to the office and asked to speak with your Dad. He took the young man in his office and closed the door. Based on what I heard coming out of the office, the son let go of years of hurt, fear, and angst. Your Dad held him for the longest and let him get his emotions out. It got to me so badly I had to go outside to get my emotions under control."

"Your Dad spent over two hours with that young man. As he left your Dad's office, he hugged your Dad and thanked him for giving him the Dad he always wanted. That tore your Dad up."

"We walk on the new park trail that was built next to the bay. When we walked in the past, we just walked and didn't say very much. Now your Dad holds my hand when we walk and he talks to me about how proud he is of you. When he talks about you when we walk, tears fall down his face and he looks like he is a million miles away."

"Last Saturday, when your Dad and I were walking on the trail, he saw the man and his son walking together with their arms around each other. Your Dad didn't say a word. When I looked up at his face, tears were flooding down his cheeks. I told your Dad to talk to me."

"What your Dad had to say about all the time he missed with you, the years that he felt he had wasted, it made me so proud of your Dad and it made me love him more intensely than I think I ever have."

"I don't know where we would be had you not met Dale and had the two of you had not met Jaiden and Peyton. You said when you met Jaiden and Peyton you got the brothers you always wanted and never had; that you received acceptance from friends that you never had before; and that you walked into two families that accepted you and loved you unconditionally. Son, because of you, Dale, Peyton, and Jaiden, we were welcomed into those families and we have experienced the same love you have spoken of. Angie, Phyllis, and Peggy and I talk weekly about how you four are doing, how you are being recognized as amazing young men, and how proud we are of all of you."

Charley and his Mom had talked for two hours when the call ended. The call left both in tears. Charlie went to Jaiden and asked if he thought his mom would mind if they drove down for a week before summer break ended. Jaiden said he would call his Mom and make sure she didn't have plans to be anywhere. "Jaiden, please tell your Mom that I would like to talk to her, just she and I." "I will, Charley, I promise."

Jaiden called his Mom at lunch and told her Charley wanted to visit with her for a week before summer break ended. His Mom said to drive on down, that she and Becky would love to see him and his brothers. Jaiden talked to Peyton and he was up to the drive and so was Dale, so Jaiden told them to pack their bags and they would head to Abingdon after lunch.

After lunch at Tony's, they let Phil know where they would be for a week or so. They also called the Rabbi so he wouldn't be concerned about their absence at the house. Jaiden began the seven-hour drive to his Mom's. This trip made him very grateful for the gift of the Lincoln because the car was so comfortable, they never got tired on the drive.

They drove into Mom Riley's driveway at 8 pm. She took one look at her boys and said. "You didn't stop to have dinner, did you?" Jaiden sheepishly admitted they didn't because they ate at Tony's before they left and they wanted to get to Abington as quickly as they could.

Mom looked at them and said, "Come on fellas, we are going to get some dinner because I knew you wouldn't stop to eat so I didn't have dinner either. A new cafeteria had opened in Abingdon and that is where they wound up having dinner. The food was delicious and the `boys' thoroughly enjoyed their meal.

When they got back to Mom's, they talked for a few minutes and then went downstairs and got ready for bed. When they went into their bedrooms, they found a bottle of non-alcoholic-champaign and a box of premium milk chocolates. Mom knew the stress we had been under and she was specifically sensitive to Charley.

Morning rolled around and we enjoyed the fresh, crisp air in the mountains. When we awoke, Mom had already left for work. She left some money on the table and said the restaurant we went to last night also had a dynamite breakfast. Since it was Mom's idea, we decided it would be the better part of valor to go there for breakfast than to try to explain to Mom why we didn't go.

Mom was right. The breakfast was off the charts and Dale didn't have to cook and we didn't have to clean the kitchen and clean the counters, not to mention the dining room.

On the way back to Mom's, we stopped by her favorite meat market and picked up an 8-rib prime rib roast. Afterward, we went to the farmer's market and got some fresh asparagus, baby green sweet peas, and fresh salad greens. Dale was going to prepare Mom a dinner that would blow her socks off.

Dale seasoned the prime rib and put it in a large turkey bag so it would baste itself. It went into a preheated oven set at 200 degrees. It would slow cook to be fork-tender when Mom got home from work. The peas would be cooked with a packet of Goya Chicken Seasoning, a little sugar with a pinch of salt and pepper. He peeled the asparagus spears and marinated them in white wine and would grill them about thirty minutes before Mom got home.

When Mom got home at the end of the day and walked into the house she yelled from the entry room between the kitchen and garage and asked what smelled so good. Dale yelled back, "It's your dinner, Mom, I cooked you something special." "Dale it certainly smells like it."

When the roast was carved and the food was placed on the table, Mom took one bite of the prime rib and told Dale he was going to have to teach the chef at the club how to cook prime rib that good. Dale looked at Mom and smiled. After dinner, Charley asked Mom if he could talk to her on the deck, so she looked at him and said, "Let's head downstairs."

As they sat down, Mom told Charley she knew he had something he wanted to talk about and asked what it was to get the conversation started and to make him more comfortable talking to her. Charley began to talk to Mom about what his parents said when he called to talk to them about the development with Angie and the babies. You could tell Mom had gotten a tad emotional about what she learned.

She asked Charley about the pregnancy development and he told her she would be having 5 more grandchildren instead of four, and one would be a girl, the only girl who would be in the household. Mom was ecstatic, to say the least, about having a granddaughter. She was sitting on top of the world tonight. She grabbed Charley's hand and held it for the longest as she and he had some quality time with no one else around. Mom's smile said there was requited love in their conversation.

Mom went to her office to do some reading to relax before going to bed. Jaiden went to check on her He could hear her quietly crying. He walked back to the den and didn't say a word to Peyton, Dale, or Charley. That was his Mom's private time to happily think about the differences she had made in Dale's and Charley's lives. What mom did when she confronted and challenged their Dads went way deeper than she could ever have imagined.

We stayed at Mom's for four days before we headed back to Erie. We did go see Becky, Carol, and Angie and had lunch with them. We also went to the temple services with Mom and had a long talk with the Rabbi and the Rebbetzin. We had gone to lunch with them and had a wonderful time. When we told the Rabbi and his wife about the tenth child, a girl, he got up and danced as if he was at a wedding party. Mom got a kick out of the Rebbetzin saying, "So much love and so many potential doctors, how nice."

It isn't the aim in Jewish families for children to be doctors, rather it is extremely important to teach and give your children the information and skills they need to be successful as adults. As long as they are happy and successful. That is what matters, that and plenty of grandchildren for Booby.

On the way home we got a huge surprise when we noticed a Tony's Pizzeria about half way. Since we hadn't had lunch, we stopped to eat. As we walked in the door, we saw the mural on the wall. Then we heard the person behind the counter say, "Mr. Riley-Reynolds and Mr. Jacobs Anderson, your all meat pizza is in the oven. Have a seat wherever you like and Janet will get your drink orders. Tony will be with you in a few minutes.

15 minutes later, Tony walked through the door and said, "See what you guys started with all the media attention you got." What do you think of the design here?" We said it was awesome and we truly liked the layout. Tony said he had gotten an architect to design the building and a decorator to design the décor for all his new restaurants.

Jaiden looked at Tony and askingly said, "All your new restaurants?" "Yep, Jaiden, plural. I have ten more restaurants opening in North Carolina, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. And those don't even take into account the requests for restaurants in other cities along the east coast and Midwest. Thanks to you guys, Tony's has really taken off and I am making a fortune. THANK YOU!!!"

"Tony, that is awesome news. We're glad that our good fortune also turned into yours." "Peyton, if I had to pay for all the publicity I got because of y'all, it would have cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $10,000,000 for the television acknowledgement alone. You are on top of the world and you have put me and Phil on top of the world with you."

"All the servers I started out with in Brevard are now restaurant managers or district directors. Phil is now district director over the western half of Pennsylvania; Mark is district director over the eastern half of Pennsylvania. Janet will be the manager of the Abington store and as we expand in Virginia, she will become a district director. I suspect by the time this expansion takes root across the eastern part of the US, Phil will be a big-time franchise owner. The result of the news coverage has been unbelievable."

"I am not going to put the name of the Abingdon store up until it is ready to open. I am going to walk into your Mom's clinic and hand her a lifetime food pass and tell her then that Tony's opened effective that day. By the way, the Rabbi and Rebbetzin will also get lifetime passes."

"I have sent one to Rabbis Kravitz, Belson, and Schlottman as well as to each of your parents. I will begin building stores in Milton, Pensacola, and Orange Beach in the Spring of 2021 and they should be completed by August of 2021. When the babies are born, with permission from each of you, I want to change the wall murals to include the children along with Jason and David."

"As for the pizzas, we are developing a gourmet pizza for each of the boys with the help of their parents. They will be on our children's menu and will have multiple vegetables incorporated into the sauce. One of those pizzas will be called the Dale'. The all-meat pizza name is being changed to the Jaiden' and the Peyton' will be the Jaiden' with anchovies that we put on the sauce before anything else goes on the pie. The small all-meat will be called the `Charley'."

"On the inside on page one will be the story about how the Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charlie pizzas came about."

"Peyton, when you get home, kiss Jaiden for me! Dale you get to kiss Charley for me!"

"Peyton, Dale, something tells me we will be stopping at a hotel and continue home in the morning." "Jaiden, by the tent in my pants and in Charley's pants, I think you are right."

Jaiden saw a nice Double Tree by Hilton and pulled in. Each couple got an adjoining room so they could share some time together about 8 pm on. That should give them 3 hours and some time to shower and get dinner after their calisthenics on their beds. They made out and made love to each other in every position they could think of. Sparks flew, the fireworks show was beyond beautiful, and the roller coaster ride topped off their afternoon of amorous activities.

Next door to the hotel was a Ruth Criss' Steakhouse, so the guys celebrated everything going on in their lives.

When they got home the next morning, they were surprised to see Charley's Dad at the house and that the construction crew had started on the house additions. Charley's Dad looked at them when they drove up and said, "Surprise guys! I hope you don't mind, Ginny let me in and gave me a key and I stayed in the back-bedroom downstairs."

"This addition is going to take about 2 months, weather permitting. I would like to stay until the additions are completed to make sure nobody takes any shortcuts in the building process. My 10 grandchildren are going to have the best of everything, especially in their nurseries."

"Since there is going to be a little girl, who we are going to spoil the crap out of, I had the architect split the front nursery so she can have her own room as she gets older."

"The divide between the rooms can be opened while the babies are small and later on, as they get older, you can close the doors into a solid wall and lock them in place. When you all get to where your jobs will be located, that wall can be easily removed making the room one large bedroom for children or adults. Who knows, you may make your homes here in Erie. I think that would be awesome. Phyllis and I have thought that if you remain here, when I retire and sell the practice, we will move to this area to be near our grandchildren."

Charley said, "Dad, that would be so awesome if it works out that way. Dale and I don't want to leave this area. With experience and the certifications we will need for large projects, we can base our offices here and design buildings all over the country."

Jaiden said that since they had so much exposure in Erie and since the response to them has been so good, they intended to establish their practices in Erie once their internships, residencies, and specialized training are completed, and they intended to keep the house. They told Dad they hoped Dale's Dad would make sure their investments grew so there would be more than enough money for Dale and Charley to buy a home in the neighborhood so they can remain close to each other and start their careers without the added burden of having to build or buy a home."

"Guys. That is precisely what Mom and I have been davening for. Hashem will make it happen. I can feel it in my bones."

Ginny walked into the den and said, "boys, dinner is on the stove and I am headed home." Dale said, "Ginny, I know there is more than enough food cooked, so why don't you call Gampy and ask him to come eat dinner here. It bothers me when you prepare dinner here and them go home and cook again. Please!" "Guys, are you in agreement with that?" Jaiden handed Ginny his phone and said, "Call Gampy and tell him dinner is ready, come eat." Ginny's eyes got red and watery as she called Gampy. Thirty minutes later, he drove into the driveway. Ginny's boys were happy and Dad Jacobs finally understood the boy's relationship with Ginny. She was also Momma to them.

Next: Chapter 54

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