
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Sep 9, 2020


Gregory A. Patrick Jaiden Chapter 60


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G. A. Patrick

Marty and Angie called Dale and asked if it was OK if they arrived on Saturday instead of waiting until February 15th.

Dale told them it was fine, and he and Charley would meet them at the airport when they arrived. Marty said their flight should arrive in Erie at noon.

Dale and Charley let Jaiden and Peyton know that Marty and Angie would be in Erie at noon on Saturday. Peyton said that was awesome, and they would take the ladies to the Country Club for lunch as soon as they arrived.

Dale let Ginny know that Marty and Angie would be in Erie Saturday at noon. The Amigos would grocery shop Friday after school to ensure enough food was on hand for the ladies.

All the guys and Jenny and Jennifer got up early Saturday morning, showered, ate breakfast, and got ready for Marty and Angie to arrive at noon.

They all left the house for the airport at 11 that morning to pick up Angie and Marty when their plane arrived. Shortly after 12, the group saw Marty and Angie coming down the escalator. Dale and Charley met the ladies at the escalator's base, where the ladies stated their luggage would be at turnstile 2.

Charley and Dale escorted the ladies to the turnstile and retrieved their luggage. Once in the car, they headed to the Country Club for lunch with Peyton, Jaiden, Jenny, and Jennifer.

When they arrived at the club, there was a grand celebration once everyone was inside and seated. Shortly afterward, Ginny, Gampy, Granny, and the Reverend joined them. Granny commented on how beautiful the ladies looked.

When the food arrived, the Reverend said grace, and everyone began eating. Even though the Amigos are Jewish, they did not mind that the Reverend said a Christian blessing. Their acceptance of the Reverend's blessing is called acceptance without reservation.

After lunch, the entire group returned to the Riley-Reynolds home; Dale fixed a pot of coffee they drank as they sat on the deck and talked for several hours until Ginny told the ladies they needed a nap, especially Marty and Angie, after such a long flight.

Before they went to their new bedrooms to nap, the Amigos took the ladies to see the nurseries. When Marty saw the little girl's room, she got emotional and had to sit down for several minutes. They especially liked the unique, small bathroom Charley's Dad added for the little girl.

When she and Angie saw the boys' place, it blew their minds how large the room was and how massive the bathroom was. When they learned the reason for how large and open the bathroom was, they laughed. They could picture Dale and Charley trying to round up four little boys and get them bathed before putting the boys to bed.

When Marty and Angie had seen the nurseries, the Amigos took them downstairs to see the new bedrooms. They especially loved the fact that the beds were adjustable like hospital beds. It was evident to them that the Amigos and Dad Jacobs went out of their way to ensure their comfort.

The Amigos surmised Ginny would show up the next morning and have breakfast started before they awoke. They were not disappointed when they got up and went downstairs to prepare breakfast.

Ginny was already there and had prepared a low-fat, low-salt breakfast for everybody. When Jaiden sat down to eat, Ginny looked at him and smiled as his cue to keep quiet about less fat and salt. As she had said earlier, his butt had gotten big enough.

After breakfast, everybody retired to the deck for more coffee and discussed what the ladies would like to do in the afternoons until the babies arrived.

The second weekend of the month had arrived, and the Amigos took the ladies to the beach to walk. It got them out of the house and provided them with a little exercise. Marty and Jenny got tired very quickly and asked to go home. The Amigos accommodated Jenny's and Marty's request.

When they got to the house, Ginny looked at the ladies and then smiled at the Amigos. The boys knew what Ginny's smile and glance meant.

Monday, it became very evident that Jenny and Marty were in labor. Dr. Schrader was notified and told the Amigos to bring the ladies to the clinic immediately. When he examined them, the ladies were fifty percent effaced.

Dr. Schrader admitted the ladies to the labor unit and advised Jaiden and Dale that the triplets would most likely be born early the next morning.

Jaiden and Dale called their professors and told them they would not be in class Wednesday morning due to the triplets' impending births. The professors excused them from class and said they would email them a video of the day's lessons. The professor would not count the young men as absent.

Jaiden called his Mom, and Dale called his parents and let them know the triplets should arrive early the next morning by C-section. Peyton and Charley also called their parents with the news.

Each of their Mom's booked the first flight to Erie that evening. They would be in Erie no later than eight that evening. Dr. Mom called Becky and told her to rebook all the appointments two weeks out.

Dr. Schrader was correct in his assessment. The C-sections began at eight the next morning, and by noon, five little boys and one little girl had been born.

Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley signed the birth certificates and went to the clinic's nursery to see and hold their newborns.

Their Mom's stood back and cried as they saw their sons with their babies. It was such a lovely sight for them to behold.

Suddenly, Dale and Jaiden realized they needed to go home and get clothes for their babies to wear home and get linens on their beds. They forgot Ginny was there.

Gampy and Rabbi Kravitz arrived at the clinic with clothes the babies would need for their trip home - and with news that ladies from the temple had gotten the rooms ready for the babies arrivals.

The Amigos got overly emotional when told what was happening at their home. Shortly after Gampy and the Rabbi arrived, a dozen red roses came for Jenny and Marty.

Jaiden and Dale called Rob and Tom to let them know the babies had arrived and that Jenny and Marty were doing well and resting comfortably. Rob and Tom said they would call their wives early in the evening to talk with them and make sure they were still OK.

The Amigos charged Marty's and Jenny's cell phones and got them to the ladies.

The ladies finally got to see the babies and commented that they looked like Jaiden and Dale when they were born. The little girl looked just like Dale's Mom.

You have never seen four young men look more proud than the Amigos looked as they were cuddling their children. Little Alaina Joelle was incredibly cute as she looked up at Dale and smiled from ear to ear.

It was quickly evident that it wouldn't be Dale's Mom or any other grandmothers spoiling Alaina Joelle; it would be Dale who would spoil his little girl.

Jaiden had tears flowing from his eyes as his Mom sat next to him and gently told him to talk to her.

"Mom, I wish Dad was here to see his grandchildren; he would be so proud. I am missing him so badly right now."

"Jaiden, your Dad is looking down on you right now, and I know in my heart that he is very proud of you and the babies." Jaiden leaned down and kissed little Ethan Robert as his Mom said what she did. Jaiden's Mom had to walk away when he did that. When she got around the corner away from the clinic nursery, she broke down and had to be supported by Phyllis. For such a happy occasion, it was also a sorrowful time.

When Dr. Mom had composed herself and washed her face to hide evidence of the tears she had shed, Mom Phyllis walked with her as she went back to be with Jaiden.

Each Mom's eyes flooded with tears as they watched their sons holding their babies. They had never imagined it would ever happen.

As things calmed down, the new grandmothers began snapping pictures of the grandchildren to send to their husbands.

Somehow, word had gotten to the new crew friends the Amigos had made. They showed up at the clinic with their cameras in hand. They would report to the nation that the triplets had arrived. Two more babies would be born to the Amigos and their surrogates at the end of the week.

Saturday morning, Temple Anshe Hesed congregants watched streaming video of the young men and their babies heading home. That night, the evening news across the country would show the same video to their viewers.

As the Dads and their babies turned on to Landings Way, they were surprised to see all the neighbors standing on the street applauding as they passed by taking their babies home.

When they got to their house, the Kravitz and Gray clans were standing in the driveway. Jason and David were excited beyond belief. They couldn't wait to meet their new "cousins."

The babies rode home in style in the Lincoln Navigators while the surrogate moms made the ride to the house in a stretch limo.

Dad Jacobs had never been more proud of his son, which was evident to Charley, and his Mom, Lindsey, standing at the nursery door beaming with pride.

As Dad Dale was holding Alaina Noelle, Elijah James woke up. Dad Jacobs picked him up and sat in a rocking chair with him as he and Charley shed some alligator tears together.

Alaina Noelle was awake, so Dad Dale picked her up and rocked her in her rocking chair as his tears dropped onto the onesie she was wearing. Dale sat next to his Dad, put his head on his Dad's shoulder, and cried with him.

When the Amigos got home with their Dads, they took their Dads to the nurseries to see their new grandchildren.

As the Amigos met their Dads, they hugged and held each other as they cried alligator tears. As they stood there, a news blurb showing the new Daddys and their babies played on the airport's televisions. Everyone around the Amigos started applauding and wishing them well, shaking hands with and hugging the Amigos and their Dads.

The Grandads said, "Well, fellas, we are at the airport if you would like to come pick us up." Their sons jumped up, hopped in both Lincolns, and headed to the airport to pick up the new Grandads.

At three pm, Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley got a phone call from their Dads asking what they were doing. Jaiden responded, "sleeping while we can." The Grandads laughed at his comment because they knew exactly how their sons felt.

Granny had joined Ginny at the house, and they were like giddy children with a new puppy. They couldn't be more excited about 'their' boys, nor more loving to their new 'grandbabies.'

Mom Reynolds made both her sons lie down and get some rest while the babies were sleeping. If the babies needed something, they would take care of the needs while the Daddies got some much-needed rest.

Mom Riley knew what Jenny was doing to Peyton and winked at Mom Reynolds. Both Moms started laughing hysterically. Jenny didn't keep up her antics for long as she began to see how tired Peyton and Jaiden was.

Moms Phyllis and Peggy helped Jenny and Marty with their after-birth needs and got them settled in bed. It would be the new Dads responsibility to wait on the ladies hand and foot. Each lady had a bell to ring when they needed or wanted something. Jenny being the jokester she was decided she was going to bug the snot out of Peyton by making sure he waited on her while Jaiden got to rest.

When Jaiden and Dale and their spouses got the babies home, the boys had soaked their diapers. Dale and Jaiden learned to change diapers very quickly. Their real challenge would come when the diapers were more than wet.

Hashem could not be more present, and Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley could not be more blessed.

Sunday morning dawned, and the Amigos got a knock on their bedroom doors. Each was greeted by Dr. Mom, who told them to get dressed in a hurry that Angie and Jennifer were in full labor. Those young men had never gotten dressed so quickly in their lives.

Dr. Mom had already called Dr. Schrader, and he and the Ob/GYNs were waiting in the delivery rooms at the clinic. Angie and Jennifer were rushed to the delivery room when they arrived at the delivery clinic. Thirty minutes later, the last four of the ten babies had been born. Everything went so well in the deliveries that the ladies and the babies would be home by nightfall since Dr.

Mom was at the house and could monitor their recovery. Never in her wildest dreams did Dr. Mom ever think she would be helping the birth mothers of her grandchildren recover. It was indeed the highlight of her life, well, next to Jaiden being born.

About eight that evening, the Amigos friends from Fox News showed up at the house to film the Amigos with all ten children. When Jaiden answered the door to usher them in, they had dozens of colored roses for each of the ladies.

They had not seen the additions to the house, especially not the nurseries. When they walked into the three babies rooms, tears rolled from their eyes. To them, their niece and nephews had just been born.

They filmed the babies in the nurseries and lying on the den floor with their Dads. The next evening, all the news networks shared the babies' births' footage and stories and their adjustment to being in their new home. Emails flooded into the network's newsrooms praising the reporters for developing and sharing such an incredible news story. Monday morning, dozens of mail bags with cards and letters started arriving at the house. The deluge of mail continued for the week.

On Monday afternoon, after the babies' births, each of Charley/s and Dale's professors and one classmate chosen by classmates from each of their classes arrived at the house with gifts for the babies.

Unbeknownst to Charley and Dale, their classmates had designed devices that could be attached to all ten of the car seats so the babies could be fed simultaneously in the den to keep them from getting fussy when they got hungry. When the babies had enough food or needed to rest while eating and spit out the nipples of the bottles, the bottles would automatically tip upwards. When the babies were ready to resume eating, Ginny and Granny, or their Dads, only needed to tilt the bottles down for the babies to continue eating until they were full. The devices the engineering students had designed and built were nothing short of amazing.

On Monday morning, the Amigos got up several hours earlier than usual and changed each baby's diaper and washed each baby off with a clean, warm washcloth.

Their moms heard them stirring around and got up to change the babies and help get breakfast ready before the Amigos had to head to school. They were amazed that their sons had already taken care of everything the babies needed, had eaten breakfast, and were ready for school.

Ginny came into that surprise and was so proud of her boys that she and Granny couldn't help the tears that trickled from their eyes.

When the boy's Dads came downstairs for breakfast, they made Ginny and Granny sit on the couch in the den, where they served them a country breakfast.

Their day would consist of being pampered by the new Grand-Daddies in appreciation for everything the two wonderful ladies had done for their sons for the past two months and for what they would do in the coming months and years.

Ginny looked at Granny and said she could get used to the treatment they were receiving and wondered if they should get Gampy and the Reverend over to the house to let the boy's Dads teach their husbands how to wait on them. Then they burst out laughing. They knew that wouldn't happen, but they could hold out hope.

When the young men got home from school, they immediately went to the nurseries and made sure to kiss each of the babies and make sure they had clean diapers. Then they went to the den to greet their parents and the ladies. Their mothers commented to each other how proud they were to see how their sons had acted when they got home. Every thirty minutes, each of the Amigos checked on and kissed their children until they laid them down for the night.

Pete called to check on them and the babies. His and Allison's triplets were growing and doing well since they were born a few months earlier. Pete said Jason was chomping at the bits to see his new cousins.

Jaiden told Pete to bring Jason and Ally to the house to eat dinner with them and spend some time with the babies. When Pete got home, he did just that.

There were enough ladies there to help watch Jason and Ally so Alison could have some time to rest. Heaven knows, she could use the rest even though Ginny and Granny had recruited one of their church friends to help Allison with the house and the cooking.

As if there weren't enough people at the Amigo's house, there was a knock at the door at eight that evening. This time, Peyton answered the door and was shocked beyond belief to see his grandparents standing there. They all teared up as they hugged Peyton and Jaiden.

They had not seen the house before and were amazed at how beautiful it was. When they saw the nurseries, they were beside themselves and told Dad Chuck the work he and his crew had done was beyond amazing.

When the great-grandparents laid eyes on the babies, tears rolled down their cheeks. Jaiden and Peyton asked if they wanted to hold their great-grandchildren. They did, but since the babies were asleep, they didn't want to disturb them. They would get a chance to hold all ten during the week while they were in Erie. The men stood with their wives in the nurseries and looked at their great-grandchildren with total amazement.

Each of the Rabbis at the three temples the Amigos and their families were members of called daily to check on the children so they could send out emails to their congregants to let them know how the babies, their Daddies, and their grandparents were fairing.

Letters, cards, and gifts were arriving daily from all over the US and Europe. The Amigos and their children were a sensation across the globe. Pampers and Huggies Corporations contacted the Amigos and told them they would be providing them with all the diapers they would need for four years.

Osh-Kosh and other similar children's clothing companies contacted the Amigos and pledged clothes through the children's first four years. Shoe companies did the same. Oprah and Ellen called. They wanted to come to Erie to do their shows around the babies and their Daddies.

Gerber and Heinz contacted the Amigos and said they would be donating all the baby foods they would need until they transitioned to whole foods.

Hashem was blessing the Amigos and their children in a way that was almost incomprehensible for the Amigos.

Neighbors were bringing groceries to feed everyone helping with the children. The people of Erie had restored the notion that there still were good people in this world. They were proving it every day.

Every time the Rabbis saw the babies, tears welled up in their eyes as they each said, "nine bris ceremonies, in one day, yet another unbreakable record."

The campus bulletin at Wellstone carried weekly stories of the babies' progress and printed their pictures with their Daddies. Raising these children has become a village effort spread out over the entire country. The response to the births was unbelievable!

Doctors Sims and McLauflin, their wives, Carolyn, and her husband Jerry, called and then dropped by to see the babies and congratulate their Daddies. The cutest homemade cards poured in from the students at the schools named after the Amigos.

The Amigos parents sat on the deck and talked about how amazingly the Erie community and their sons home states had rallied around their grandchildren's births. They had never seen anything remotely close to the public's fantastic response to their grandchildren's births.

When the new Daddies got home from school, they acknowledged everybody as they walked past them and headed to the nurseries to check on and kiss their children. That struck a chord in the heart of each parent. Their sons knew well where their priorities should and did lie.

Around four in the afternoon, the babies started waking up hungry. As they awoke, their Daddies changed their diapers if it was necessary and loved on each child. Jaiden's and Peyton's Moms had already prepared their formula and got it out of the refrigerator to start warming it,

The Daddies sat the babies in their carrier seats, and the bottles were attached to the apparatus Dale's and Charley's classmates had made. The device worked beautifully, and the children drank their formula until their tummies were satisfied.

Their grandparents then picked them up and began spoiling them rotten.

Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley spent time holding and talking to each of their children. Each of the babies cooed and smiled the entire time they were awake. Not once did any of the babies cry or hint at crying. Their dispositions were remarkable for newborns.

Phil dropped by the house and left enough Italian food to feed everybody four or five times over, and Tony called to make sure everything was OK.

The ladies sat around the house and watched the new Daddies interact with their children and knew that they had made the right decision based on what they were seeing. Each of the young men had changed drastically over the past week.

Dale's and Charley's Dads got it right: their sons had matured in unbelievable ways. The Dad's parents enjoyed getting to watch their sons learning to be good grandparents.

You can call it "The Circle of Life!"

Next: Chapter 58

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