
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Sep 13, 2020


Gregory A. Patrick Jaiden Chapter 61


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G. A. Patrick

Jaiden and Peyton decided to trade off on getting up at night when the one of the babies started crying. A quick diaper change was all that was usually needed to quieten any of the children when they awaken at night. Peyton, Jaiden, Charley, and Dale have found out that their sons and daughter do not like a wet diaper for any amount of time. Amazingly the dirty diapers have not bothered either of the Dads when they had to be changed. The guys and Pete have talked about this and they think it is funny that Pete gags horribly when he has to change a dirty diaper.

It is Saturday morning, a time when the four brothers generally sleep late; however, this morning they were up at six. Jaiden and Charley were preparing the babies' morning bottles while Peyton and Dale were changing diapers and cleaning the children. The dads were swapping off these chores every other day since each had to be done at the same times every morning. Doing this also allowed each new Daddy extra bonding time with the babies. Besides, when it came to feeding times, they each sat together to feed and burp their children.

The young men's mothers enjoyed watching their sons taking such good care of their grandbabies and their Dads were amazed at how well they were taking to their new lives. Each grandparent beamed with pride at how well their sons were adjusting to fatherhood.

When diapers had been changed and the babies had their spit-baths, their Dads brought each one into the den to be fed. The four young men had set a schedule and were sticking to it. Did they seem to be bothered by their changing routines? Not at all.

Ginny and Granny had called by eight to see if their boys needed help with the babies. Dale told them he and his brothers had taken care of everything except the doting grandparents who had tried to beat them up to take care of the babies. Ginny and Granny laughed and told their boys to show their parents how it was done. The two ladies were so proud of the young men and how well they were doing as new Dads.

Jenny, Jennifer, Marty, and Angie could not believe what they had seen each day since the babies were born. Jaiden and Peyton, Dale and Charley, were doting Dads who were amazing everyone with their parenting skills. Nobody had thought they would do so well so quickly.

When the four ladies came up for breakfast, they were stopped in their tracks by the sight of Jaiden and Peyton lying on a pallet on the den floor with the babies between them, the lights dimmed and soft music playing on the stereo. The Dads and the babies were sound asleep. On the other side of the den, Dale and Charlie and their babies were likewise on a pallet on the floor sound asleep.

The ladies very quietly went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for themselves. The evidence was in the sink where they guys had eaten breakfast after feeding the babies. While they didn't wash their plates, they had washed the bottles and put them in the drainer by the sink.

The young ladies didn't hear Jenny's mother or Dr. Mom walk into the kitchen, nor did they see them standing outside the door as they were bragging on the new Dads and exclaiming how they had no regrets for offering to be surrogates for Dale, Charlie, Peyton, or Jaiden.

Dr. Mom and Phyllis had tears in their eyes after hearing what the young ladies had said. Lindsey and Angela were also in the kitchen and heard the bragging. Like the other two moms, they had tears too. They quietly got a cup of coffee and went to the deck to sit and talk.

They sat so they could see their sons sleeping so peacefully with their babies in the den. Seeing that sight kept their eyes moist. Dr. Mom snapped a few pictures of the sleeping Dads and babies and texted them to Brenda and asked her to forward them to the other ladies in the office.

Dr. Mom and Phyllis talked to each other about not only continuing the allowing the allowance they were sending for their sons expenses, they intended on increasing that allowance so that the babies and their Dads would have some funds to get out of the house and do something together. Phyllis said that Jim had talked to her about paying Granny' salary since Dr. Mom had been paying Ginny. That was something Dad Riley wanted to do.

Angela spoke up and said that Dale had talked to her about paying the utilities for the house and Lindsey said Chuck had said he wanted to buy the groceries for the sons after he had seen all that had been done for his son. The mother's resolved to snoop to find out how much their sons would need to meet their mother's and dad's objectives. By the time they would head home, they would know exactly what they would need to deposit to their son's accounts. They wouldn't tell their sons what they were doing unless they asked.

Dr. Mom noticed movement from Jaiden out of the corner of her eye. She had noticed that the little boys had developed the same peeing schedule like women in a household developing the same cycle times. Jaiden got up and headed upstairs and Peyton sat up while he was out of the room. Shortly, Jaiden returned with the baby wipes in the warmer and an arm-load of diapers. Dr. Mom and Phyllis smiled as they watched Peyton and Jaiden begin changing diapers. When they saw the diapers were dirty diapers and baby's Dads were wrinkling their noses, they started laughing. They remembered their husbands doing the same thing the same way.

Angela noticed Dale stand and look at Peyton and Jaiden while making a face in their direction. Then she saw Charley point upstairs without saying a word. Dale obediently went upstairs and came back with the baby wipes in the warmer and an arm full of diapers just at Jaiden had done.

Changing dirty diapers didn't seem to phase Charley in the least. All the moms laughed as they watched Dale wretch a bit at the dirty diapers as Charley laughed. That got the moms to laughing again.

Lindsey said Chuck, like Charley, never had a problem changing dirty diapers – so she always tried to make sure he did that when he was around and Charley needed a change. Dr. Mom looked at Lindsey and said, "You're a smart lady!" Then they all laughed.

They noticed their sons starting to pick up and talk to their sons and daughter. They could see the babies smiling especially after they were lain on their back on the floor as their Dads kneeled over them uttering baby talk. The mothers were still amazed that the babies never seemed to whimper except when they would wake up wet about two am every morning. They were happy, content children. That was in part due to the excellent care they received while in the womb and the awesome attention they were getting from their Dads.

The mothers saw the young ladies walk into the den and approach the Dads. Jenny hugged Jaiden tightly and step back a bit as she said something to him. Whatever she said to him, he grabbed her and pulled her into the tightest hug ever and when he let her go, the mothers could see tears on his face. Each of the ladies had done much the same with the brothers for whom they had been surrogates and the young men's reactions were the same as Jaiden's. The ladies were extremely proud of the daddy-jobs Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley were doing.

Nobody had seen the young men's dads slip into the kitchen, but there were there with prideful tears in their eyes as they were watching their sons interacting with their grandbabies. Like the grandmothers, they were so proud.

About ten that morning, Peyton's grandparents arrived at the house with a huge surprise. Charley's and Dale's grandparents were with them.

When Charley and Dale saw their grandparents, tears began to fall all around the den. They and their parents were shocked to see the great-grandparents there. Charley and Dale hugged their grandparents and rook them to the den to seen their new great-grandchildren. When they saw those babies, it took all they had not to lose it. They didn't want to upset the babies, so they had to control their emotions.

Each grandparent got to hold a baby and they didn't stop until they had gotten to love on every baby.

The babies were starting to get hungry so the grandmothers went into the kitchen to prepare their bottles. Again, they were shocked to see that Jaiden and Dale had beaten them to the task. They had put the bottles in the warmers to get them to the perfect temperature.

While the bottles were warming, Jaiden and Dale went upstairs to get the car seats with the bottle feeders attached and bring them into the den so their grandparents could watch the babies having their bottles. They asked about the devices on the carriers and Charley told them their classmates had surprised them by designing and making each device which the brought to them while the babies were still in the clinic.

Jaiden and Dale went to the kitchen and got the bottles of formula and brought them into the den. The rolled up their sleeves and tested each bottle of formula on their wrists to ensure they were the proper temp before feeding the babies.

The great-grandparents watched as Jaiden and Dale attached the bottle to the devices on the car seats. When that had been completed, each of the Dads picked up their babies and put them in their carriers and tilted the bottles down so they could have their `meal'. When the babies needed a break from suckling the bottles, they spit out the nipples and the bottles tilted up. That fascinated the great-grandparents. When the babies wanted their bottles back, they got fidgety but never whimpered.

Their Daddies, sitting on the floor between them, tilted the bottles down and the babies resumed taking their bottles. Charley looked up at his grandparents and said, "Isn't that neat?" His grandparents agreed as they smiled from ear to ear.

When the babies had finished and been burped by their grandparents and great-grandparents. They fell asleep. Jaiden, Charley, Peyton, and Dale took that chance to let their parents and the great-grandparents put the babies in their beds and see the nurseries at the same time.

Charley's and Dale's grandparents couldn't believe the expanse of the rooms, the beauty of everything in them, nor the huge open bathrooms. Mom Lindsey looked at the grandparents and asked, "Can you imagine Charley and Dale trying to round up four naked little boys running about and trying to give them a bath? This way they can close them up in one room at the same time and bathe them two at a time as get their baths twice over at the same time." The great-grandparents howled when Lindsey said that because the sight of Charley and Dale chasing around four naked, active toddler boys to bathe them was vividly set in their minds.

When the great-grandmothers saw Alaina Noelle's room and the special bathroom Dad Chuck had built for her, they put their hands to their mouths and quietly cried at how beautiful her room was, how special it had been made for her. They looked at Lindsey and Angela and said, "We know you two are going to spoil this little girl rotten." Angela looked at them and said, we aren't going to do that, Dale has already beaten us to that task." They looked at Dale and he smiled a wryly. They knew Angela had told the truth.

They looked toward the kitchen and asked, "what is that awesome smell?" Mom Lindsey said, "Dale has made a pot of coffee that only he can make smell like that. Wait until you taste it!"

Dale and Jaiden cut on the baby monitors and they all went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. Since it was 10 degrees outside, they sat in the den to drink their coffee and talk to each other. Dale and Jaiden went downstairs and brough up the love seats in each of the bedroom so everyone would have a comfortable place to sit.

When they looked over at the grandsons, they had all fallen asleep. Their Dads quietly and gently lifted them without waking them and carried them to their rooms. Daddy duties during the night had tired them out, but they were getting used to it and the `tiredness' was getting better.

There was no doubt the grandparents were proud of their sons and the support they were giving their sons. They knew things had been strained in the past, but what they are seeing now was putting true joy in their hearts, not to mention tears in their eyes. They could not be prouder of the progress their sons had made toward their sons. They told their sons that. Dad Dale and Dad Chuck looked at their parents and said, "You can than Peggy for that."

They looked at Peggy and asked what she had done and she simply told them she had a talk with Dale and Chuck and it made sense to them and they changed their hearts. She told them that she, too, was extremely proud of the changes she had seen and that she had, at times, cried herself to sleep thinking about how their relationships had improved so dramatically with their sons. She said no more than that, and neither would the men or their wives. The truth was that she had chewed their asses over their attitudes like a pissed off mother lion protecting her cubs, but the men's parents didn't need to know that. What matters most is that they are proud of their sons. Nothing more or less matters at this point.

All the babies were on pallets in the den and Jaiden was playing with all five of his boys and they were smiling wildly. The same was happening with Charley and his boys. Alaina Noelle was being held by Dale. He was talking to her, telling her he loved her, and making his parents emotional. He laid her on the floor and played with her and his four sons. Peyton was in the kitchen getting bottles ready for all the babies. Jenny, Jennifer, Marty, and Angie wee sitting in chairs in front of the French Doors at the deck in total awe of the young men and how they were interacting with and taking care of their babies. There wasn't one regret among them for being surrogates. Not only had they gained new found respect for Dale, Charley, Peyton, and Jaiden, they had also found new respect for themselves and what they had done, what they had accomplished, the blessings received for their mitzvahs.

The one thing they had noticed and talked about among themselves is that the new Dads were putting all their waking moments into their children and had taken no time for intimacy with their spouses. Jenny told them she'd talk to her Mom about that. There was one thing she knew for sure, her Mom would talk to Dr. Mom and that would ensure the young men took some time to focus on each other.

When Phyllis had talked to Peggy, Peggy sat on the couch for maybe thirty minutes when she stood up and told Peyton, Jaiden, Dale, and Charley to follow her upstairs. When they got upstairs, Dr. Mom told them to go to their rooms and she would be with each of them shortly. When Peyton and Jaiden went in their room and sat on the bed, Jaiden's mom went into the room and shut the door. She very plainly told them that they were going to have some intimate time together and if they came out of their room in the next two hours, they would incur her wrath. Then she turned, walked out the door closing it as she headed to Charley's and Dale's room. Like she did with her son and son-in-law, she closed the door behind her and gave Charley and Dale the same instruction she had given to Jaiden and Peyton. The would have some intimate time with each other and if they came out of their room before the end of at least two hours, they would answer to her, and the young men knew they didn't want to have to do that. She walked out of the room and shut the door and returned to the den.

When she got back to the den, she looked at Phyllis and winked. All she said was, "two hours or they deal with me." Phyllis smiled, she knew exactly what the comment meant. So did Jenny.

Two hours later, the young men came out of their rooms sporting huge smiles. Dr. Mom nodded at them and smiled. They definitely felt better than they did two hours earlier. Even so, the first thing they did when they entered the den was go straight to their babies and check their diapers. Mom Phyllis said, `Taken care of fellas. All ten." A few minutes later, Dale and Charley entered the den and likewise headed to their children to check their diapers. This time, Dad Dale and Dad Chuck said, "All changed and cleaned, fellas." Charley was shocked when his Dad said that and look quizzically at him. His Dad smiled and winked at him.

Mom Lindsey looked at Charley as if to ask him, "Can you believe you Dad did that?" Charley walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek. Then he went over to Dr. Mom, kissed her on the cheek and said, "Mom, thank you for everything, and I do mean everything." Dr. Mom gave him a bear hug and whispered "sweetheart, you are very welcome" in his ear.

Being Saturday, the bris ceremonies would begin at one pm. When all the family members arrived at the temple, they were amazed to see that the temple was packed. Everybody had turned out to see the babies. When the ceremonies began, Ethan Robert was the first boy to be circumcised as his grandmother held him and shed tears. Her Abe would be so proud if he was there and she was missing him more than ever. If only he could see his grandson and she could see his pride. If...many ifs. As each boy was circumcised, they were held by their grandaddies who beamed with pride that not even their wives had seen before.

The last circumcision was Charles Logan who was held by his Grandpa Chuck. Charley stood behind his Dad with his hands on his Dad's shoulders. Never in her wildest dreams did Mom Lindsey ever think she would see Charley and Chuck like that. Tears were flooding from her eyes as Dr. Mom walked up and placed her arm around Mom Lindsey's shoulders in support.

When the bris ceremonies had been completed, every member in the temple approached each of the new Dads and gave them an envelope, several hundred in all. They everyone piled into their vehicles and headed to the Country Club for lunch before Dr. Mom would fly home. When the Dads had placed the carriers in the wagons and buckled their babies in, the headed inside. The entire club erupted in applause and shouts as the babies were wheeled in. They first person to lose it was Tony. He had flown into Erie without anyone knowing it and he had been in the temple watching each bris procedure. Normally when the Amigos saw Tony, they would walk to him and they would embrace. This time, neither of the young Dads would leave their babies. Tony walked to them with Phil close behind.

The last two weeks had been extremely hectic, but the young Dads had enjoyed their parents being there to help with the children. Mom Lindsey and Mom Angela would be there for ten more weeks before they flew home, and the surrogate moms would be flying home at the same time. That was going to be a hard pill to swallow for the young men.

Everyone headed to the airport to see Dr. Mom and their Dads fly home. As Dr. Mom was riding up on the escalator, Jaiden let go of tears like he had never had. He looked up the escalator and said, "There goes the bravest, best woman I have ever known. Moms Angela and Lindsey walked over to Jaiden and put their arms around his waist. Like his Mom, they had never met anyone quite like Jaiden. He and Peyton had restored their families and the love that had been lost for a long time. The two gave their sons their Dads back.

When they all got back to the house, Peyton and Charley stayed with the children in the heated garage while Jaiden and Dale took the children inside one at a time.

Jaiden and Dale sat their children and their carriers on the den floor in an arch and sat between them and began singing to them, every nursery rhyme ever written. Jenny, Jennifer, Marty, and Angie watched in amazement as tears rolled from their eyes. They were in awe of the best young Dads they had ever seen. Flying home when the time came was going to be rough, but they knew Ginny and Granny would keep a keen eye on their `grandbabies'.

Next: Chapter 59

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