
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Sep 20, 2020


Gregory Patrick gp932260@gmail.com

Jaiden – Chapter 20 05-02-20

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Greg Patrick

The brothers headed to school after Ginny and Granny arrived at the house. The young men had already changed diapers, fed the babies, changed diapers again, and put them in their beds after they went back to sleep.

"Jenny, I have come to understand why my boys said that when we go on vacation, they wanted to come back to Erie."

"I also understand that they have the ulterior motive of another campout with Jason and David."

Jenny laughed at the last comment and said it was the same with her boys. They heard about the campout and the fun the boys had, and they want to do that too.

Peyton gave the keys to the Lincoln to Jenny so the ladies could go to the Wharf for lunch at the seafood restaurant they had enjoyed with the Peyton and Jaiden and their brothers.

After lunch, they were going for a walk on the beach and through the trails around the tour boat marina.

Jenny was a farm girl at heart, and she loved seeing the wildlife on the trails. After their beach trip, the ladies were going to the state park to see Erie's waterfalls.

Jenny and Jennifer had seen them with Jaiden and Peyton, but Marty and Angie had not been to the waterfalls.

When they got to the largest waterfall, Jennifer sat down and closed her eyes as she listened to the relaxing sound of the water falling and rushing downstream.

Her expression was telling Jenny she was a million miles away. Jenny asked her what she was thinking.

Jennifer said she missed her sons and thrilled watching the young men taking care of the babies; but, she was starting to enjoy the peace and quiet she had found in Erie.

Erie has everything Oregon has but at one-fourth the cost. Rainfall is similar to that in Oregon; both cities have snow in the winter, but the summers were cooler in Pennsylvania. As much as she would like to live in Pennsylvania, the family business was established in Oregon, and thriving beyond belief.

Jennifer looked at Jenny and said, "This is the perfect place to have a good vacation. You have a lake that mimics the ocean but without the salt. Here it is like being in Hawaii except when you turn left, you are in the mountains instead of at the beach. When you turn right, you are at the beach instead of being in the mountains."

"Ron and I have visited with Peyton, Jaiden, and Mom and Dad several times while the boys stayed with friends in Oregon. They want to see their uncles Peyton and Jaiden and visit their new cousins.

"They would also like to visit Orange Beach and see their Granny and Pawpaw. The experience we all have had has opened up so many ideas about things the family can do together." "After Ron assisted Rabbi Schlottmann with the weddings and visited Erie, and attended Anshe Hesed, I caught him looking out the picture window at the house while tears were flowing down his cheeks. He loves our temple and our family there, but he misses our relatives back east."

"I also miss my parents, my brother, and Jaiden, but I love Oregon. I love our temple and her members beyond belief and think coming back east would be a mistake for our family."

"Perhaps that is why Hashem allowed the invention of jets to visit family without wearing out our welcome. I can stay just long enough to needle the hell out of Peyton and Jaiden go home."

"You know, Jenny, this experience has exposed new horizons for my family as well. It is a great place to visit, but living here is entirely a different proposition. A lot of people here are too serious about everything. I like the more relaxed atmosphere of the west coast. We'll definitely return to visit and enjoy the northeast's beauty, but Oregon is home."

"I love Temple Anshe Hesed, and I think Rabbi's Kravitz and Belson are awesome, but you have to admit, our Rabbi and Rebbetzin are better!"

Jenny said, "I love you too, Jennifer, and I am sure the Rabbi and the Rebbetzin back home appreciate your comments and fondness for them." When Jenny said that, she and Jennifer started laughing. The east is a great place to visit, but Oregon is home.

When Jenny, Jennifer, Marty, and Angie got back to the house, Ginny looked at Granny and said, "Told ya that they would look and feel better after they got out of the house for a while." "Sister Stuart, I have to agree with you. We need to tell Ezra and the Reverend we are going to have a ladies day out one weekend and then take it."

"Ginny looked at Granny and said, "You know, the First Lady of the Church is right. We need a day to ourselves to do something two older ladies like us wouldn't normally do. Think about it, and let's come up with an idea that will blow our husband's minds."

Granny started laughing and said, "Mary, you are so much fun to be around. We can blow our husbands' minds, making them think we will do something crazy whether we do it or not." Ginny was laughing hard as she headed to the nursery to check the babies. Granny was right behind her.

Jennifer heard Ginny and Granny plotting their escapade and told Jenny she had rubbed off on Ginny and Granny. Jenny laughed and said, Jennifer, maybe I have, but at least they will have more fun after I go home."

It was three in the afternoon when Jaiden and Peyton got home. The first thing they did was check their children, change their diapers, and give them a kiss.

Since the babies seemed to be wide awake, Jaiden and Peyton took them to the den where they played with them, sang to them, and made them laugh. Watching Jaiden and Peyton with their babies made Ginny's and Granny's hearts swell with pride. It also made Jenny and Jennifer incredibly happy.

When Jaiden and Peyton had played with their children and gotten them tired out, the babies went to sleep on the den floor.

Peyton and Jaiden took advantage of that time to review and highlight their notes' critical parts and complete some essential reading for tomorrow's classes.

Just as they finished the reading, the babies woke up for their early evening feeding. Granny had already prepared the formula and had the bottles in the refrigerator. When she heard the babies get fidgety as they awakened, she put all of the bottles in the bottle warmers.

While the bottles were warming, Jaiden and Peyton changed all the wet diapers for their children and Charley's and Dale's children since they would be getting home from Penn State a little later than usual.

When changed, the carriers and feeders were set up in the den. Peyton and Jaiden got one child at a time, placed them into their seats, and gave them their bottles.

The children were good at not rushing their feedings, and, as a result, had very little gas after having their bottles. Thirty minutes after the babies were fed, Peyton and Jaiden once again changed ten diapers.

Charley and Dale had an unusually rough day with labs at Penn State and didn't get home until six that evening. As they walked through the door, Peyton punched Jaiden and pointed toward their brothers.

Jaiden whispered to Peyton that Charley and Dale looked exhausted. Even so, they went straight to their sons and daughter, kissed them, and told them how much they were loved. They would not repeat what they had experienced while growing up.

Dale started checking diapers when Jaiden spoke up and told Dale the babies had been fed for the early evening and had two diaper changes. "Dale, you look exhausted, so sit down and get some rest. Lay on the floor and sing to the babies while you relax.

I called Phil, and I'll be picking up dinner shortly. Neither of us needs to do anything more than make a pot of coffee.

Actually, since the babies and dinner have been taken care of, you and Dale go upstairs, shut your door, and have some intimate time.

Dale looked at Jaiden and Peyton and cut them a smile and a wink as he headed to the bedroom with Charley in tow.

An hour later, Dale and Charley returned to the den with ginormous smiles and reddened faces.

Peyton looked at them and asked, "feel better, guys?" Charley smiled and said, "what do you think, Peyton," as he winked at Peyton. Jaiden started giggling as he got up to go get their dinner from Tony's. The four ladies would be having dinner at the Bayside on the Bay to top off their day off.

When dinner had been brought home and eaten, Dale looked at Peyton and Jaiden and said, "you turn," as he pointed toward the bedrooms. He didn't need to say that twice.

Jaiden and Peyton disappeared in a flash.

Ten minutes later, Dale looked at Charley and asked if he saw lightning outside. Charley assured Dale it wasn't lightning he was seeing. Instead, it was light from the fireworks going off in Jaiden's and Peyton's bedroom. They were having a good time swinging from the chandelier and 'jumping on the trampoline.'

After about an hour and a half, Peyton and Jaiden got up, washed up, and returned to the den where Dale and Charley played with all ten children and sang to them. The babies were smiling at Dale and Charley as the couple played with them.

When Jaiden and Peyton walked into the den, Dale told them it was apparent from the looks on their faces that they had some fabulous alone time. Jaiden grinned as he patted Peyton on the butt. Peyton didn't blush; he turned crimson red. That made Charley and Dale chuckle.

After Jaiden and Peyton returned to the den, the ladies walked in with several shopping bags in hand about fifteen minutes later. Jenny said, "I am glad our husbands make good money because we just spent it," as the other ladies started laughing.

Jaiden commented that if they didn't reign in the instigator, the ladies' husbands would come after them. Peyton cut his eyes up at Jaiden and said his Dad had tried for years to reign in Jenny, but it never worked, and it wouldn't work for him or Jaiden either.

Jaiden told Peyton he never said it was Jenny and Peyton said he didn't have to because he knew without any doubt that it WAS Jenny. The four guys started laughing at Peyton's comment.

Jenny walked into the den and asked the guys what they were laughing about, and Peyton said, "an inside joke. Charley started laughing again as he asked Peyton, pun intended?" Peyton told Charley he knew it was.

Jenny's question was not directly answered. The pun flew so high over her head that she never realized it had been made.

The babies woke up around 8 for a diaper change and their last feeding of the evening. After the babies had their bottles, the brothers and the ladies burped each baby and played with them until they got tired and fell asleep for the night.

After the babies were put to bed, the brothers took that time to put some soft jazz music on the stereo system and finish their assigned readings. They were doing a truly remarkable job settling into a great routine with their children. Their time management was unquestionable.

Dr. Mom called to see how things were going for the children and make sure the noblewomen were recovering as expected. Since the brothers were busy enjoying their studies, Jenny talked to Dr. Mom and told her everything was remarkably good at the house and with the children. She mentioned how impressed she and the other ladies were with the brother's interaction with the babies and their time management skills.

Dr. Mom thanked Jenny for her comments and said that hearing what Jenny had to say about Jaiden and her brother made her heart swell with pride. Jenny said, "Mom, if I didn't know better, I would swear Peyton was an old fashioned Jewish Mom, and Jaiden, to me, is the quintessential Jewish Dad. You know what will be truly fun to watch is when the babies become teenagers, and Jaiden and Peyton have to stare themselves in the face."

"Charles Logan is the spitting image of Charley and already acts exactly like his Daddy, and Alaina Noelle looks and acts like Dale. There is no doubt the teen years are going to be fun to watch - and I intend to run a little interference for the children when I see them doing things I remember Peyton doing. I genuinely wish I had known Jaiden as a child so I could needle him the same way."

"Jenny, you crack me up. You are just like Phyllis when it comes to your mischievousness."

"As for knowing how Jaiden was, when I see the children doing things he did after I told him not to, I promise I will let you know so you can have some fun with that."

"My delight will be in watching you present Jaiden with a scenario he knows he can't argue with. That irritates the snot out of him when it happens. The only person I have ever seen get away with that without irritating Jaiden is Peyton. Your brother can do no wrong in Jaiden's eyes."

"Believe me, Mom, I know. I see Mother and Dad in the way Jaiden and Peyton treat each other. I often hope Ron loves me as much as I know Jaiden loves Peyton."

"Jenny, I watched Ron's eyes when he would look at you when the two of you would be at events celebrating some of Jaiden's and Peyton' accomplishments. I can tell you with a certain degree of accuracy that what you say you hope to have from Ron, you have. He adores you the same way Peyton and Jaiden adore each other."

"Mom, you really think so?" "Jenny, I know so, just ask your Mom and Dad. They'll tell you it's true."

"WOW, Mom. I have felt that Ron mirrors Peyton in the way he treats me. I see a gleam in his eyes that I see in both Peyton and Jaiden. I just never thought to associate that with the sparkle in Ron's eyes. Thank you for helping me to see that."

"You are most welcome, sweetheart. You have helped me understand why Jaiden loves you so, and you have also helped me find humor where I normally wouldn't look. Like Peyton has said many times, you are an amusing person to know and fun to be around."

Friday night had finally arrived and the Amigos would get things ready to take the babies to the synagogue with them tomorrow morning. They are sure their fellow congregants are antsy to see the children and they are ready for the children to meet them. The four brothers will have to take each of their vehicles in order to transport the children to and from the temple. The wagons Dale and Charley's classmates made for each couple and their babies were going to be given their first public appearance and inspection.

Saturday morning, Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley got up at six. The got the babies diapers changed, fed them, and twenty minutes later, they changed the diapers again. The outfits the children would wear to the synagogue were laid out the night before with shoes to match. It took each Dad nearly an hour to have the babies` diapers changed, bathe them off, and then have them dressed and ready to ride.

They had plenty of sanitary baby wipes to clean the children's hands after all the old ladies loved on and kissed them. That was Dr. Mom's orders: Meet, greet, and sanitize.

Jaiden called his friend at Fox and let him know they would be taking the babies to the synagogue for Saturday services, so when they got to the temple, every new crew and company you can imagine was there.

Reporters from Mobile, Pensacola, and Milton were there, Fox, ABC,NBC, and CBS crews were on site. Abingdon and Erie news crews had joined their fellow reporters and would be reporting the event in all the home towns. It was an affair that would keep Temple Anshe Hesed on the national map for years to come.

Jaiden's friend from Fox handled all the questioning and shared the spot with all the other crews who took their own video of the event.

The babies had been lined up in order of their birth position: Ethan Robert, Abraham Dovid, Mark Anthony, Jason Scott, and David Alexander.

Dale and Charley had seated their children with Alaina Noelle first, followed by Benjamin Dale, Charles Logan, Jason Alexander, and Richard James.

Tuesday, ginormous bags of mail once again filled the dining room at the house. Cards, letters, donations, and the mail did not slow until the end of the week.

It was still too cool to take the babies for a ride on the beach and they would soon be hungry and wanting a bottle, so they and their Dads returned home after religious services. The ladies stopped by Tony's to pick up lunch from Phil and take it home. When they got home with the food, the babies had been fed, changed, and were sleeping peacefully in their beds.

When Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley had eaten their lunch, they headed to their bedrooms for a `nap.' They were finally learning how to take whatever time they could and make it into an intimate moment. Jut in case, they had the baby monitors in their bedrooms instead of in the den.

Since Jenny still had the keys to the Navigator, they ladies headed to the mall to browse and get some exercise by walking the inside perimeter of the mall.

As soon as the ladies had left the house, there weren't any shouts of excitement, but the chandeliers began to sway, the brother's beds started bouncing, and the curtains on the windows were waving as if in a breeze. The only sounds that could possibly be heard from the bedrooms were two heavy grunts.

Whey the guys emerged from their bedrooms, their hair looked as if they had stuck their fingers in an electrical socket. Their eyes were wide and tired looking so much so that their eyelids appeared to be held open with toothpicks. What was most evident about the as they emerged from their bedrooms was the enormous smiles going from ear to ear across their faces. One could easily surmise that they had enjoyed a good time during their `nap'.

When the ladies arrived back home, Jenny looked at Jennifer and said, "Told ya! They had a `good time' while we were gone. Look at their faces, you can see it as plain as day. I won't have to call Dr. Mom again to make them have some intimate moments while the babies sleep."

Marty and Angie looked at the guys and then at each other as they asked Jenny, "why can't we look like that after we swing from the chandeliers and bounce the beds?" Jennifer was bowled over laughing when Jenny said, "I have wondered the same thing. If the Rabbi is smiling more than usual on a Saturday morning and his cheeks are red, you will know I found the answer. And when I find the answer, I will let the rest of you in on it." They all laughed after that comment.

Next: Chapter 60

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