Jakes Boys

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 9, 2020


If anyone thought the quartet of Jake, Gunnar, anthony and john were party animals, they'd have been mistaken. Dinner was at 5, and there WAS a silent agreement to finish at 9. Salad, vegetables, chicken, rice, the massive chocolate cake (more than half of which would go to the doormen), less than two bottles of wine, and lots of water and fruit. john and anthony were very rigorous about their diets, because of the gym. Gunnar tried to stay away from alcohol, because he knew that it brought out anger that he didn't like, and Jake just didn't like feeling full or impaired. He attributed a lot of his success to literally always being hungry. Indeed, anthony had observed that when Jake made love to him, it was like a starving man.

anthony had decided to take the risk, and had put on his "Pete outfit:" the white buttondown shirt, the brown corduroy pants , to wear at dinner. Jake smiled and made a little bit of a growl. "I promised you a hot night after dinner, and I mean it. " He came up behind anthony, put his arms around him, and as he felt him up, nibbled his ear. "You wear it WAY better than Pete does. And I'm gonna prove it." "Oh, Sir. You already have. I'm banging around in this thing like crazy." "Heh heh. A little longer. Maybe more than a little longer. We'll see." He kissed anthony and then turned him around.

"Tomorrow, love, I'm home. And we're gonna spend time with each other. We're gonna take care of some business stuff too. Like getting you in a good gym, and getting you registered for classes next semester, and then... we're gonna discuss you and I going forward." anthony gulped. "Am I not doing something you want, Sir?" Jake laughed and hugged him. "Sweet pea, you're doing EVERYTHING I want. I just want MORE. We'll talk. But don't worry. You're up for all of it." Jake might very well have shoved anthony to the bed and demanded a blow job, but the door rang. It was Gunnar and John. It had been a while since Jake had seen John, and anyone could tell, there was still affection between them. Gunnar took a look and smiled, and then he saw anthony's face. "Gotta do something about that," he thought to himself, and came up with a plan for later than night. During dinner, Jake was sitting next to anthony, and whenever he got the chance, he dropped his hand to anthony's thight. anthony would squeeze it. "You know, I honestly knew: you two were gonna work out . I see it has." John spoke, and that was unusual. He usually asked Gunnar for permission to speak, but this just came out. "I'm not gonna talk about anthony in front of him," Jake said. Then he turned to anthony. "I just wanna say I am BLISSFULLY happy. My work is better too. This boi is responsible. Kiss me you sweet hairy stud." anthony didn't know that Gunnar had called Jake earlier that day, and had offered to let John stay over for the night, "for old time's sake." The thought of sleeping with John again was not unappealing to Jake, but he turned it down. He knew that, as the DOM, he could do this if he wanted to do and anthony would have to deal with it. He didn't want anthony to have to deal with it: if anything like that were going to happen, he'd check with anthony.

Dinner was drawing to a close. Goldie had gotten up and had come over, wagging his tail. "He needs to go out. Is it ok if I take him Sir?" Jake was going to ask him to wait until he got a handle on the dishes, and that's when Gunnar spoke up. "How about letting me take a walk with these two blonds? Doesn't happen much. You and John can handle dishes. " anthony wasn't sure if he liked the idea of them being together, but Jake smiled. "Don't worry anthony. I saw Pete around again tonight. I just want someone out with you." "You know I can handle myself Sir." "Yeah, I do. But I don't want Pete to start haranguing over you being by yourself, late at night, yadda yadda." Gunnar smiled. "C'mon kid. Give an old man a break. I barely know ya." anthony shrugged his shoulders, got hold of Goldie, and the three of them walked off to the elevator. Gunnar smiled as they went down the elevator. "Do I make you uncomfortable anthony? "No Sir. I'm uncomfortable at john and my DOM being together. Gunnar smiled. The boi was well trained. And he said it right out. GOOD. Best to get it in the air right away. "anthony, let me assure you. It'll be ok. John doesn't have permission to do anything than to give Jake a closed mouth kiss. " "Thank you Sir." "Beyond that though." He grabbed anthony by the hand. "Do you have ANY idea how head over heels Jake is about you?" Anthony blushed as they left the elevator. He made a joke. "I guess from the number of times my heels are over my head, I should have an idea." Gunnar laughed. "It's more than that anthony. Jake needs a pretty boi. But he needs more than that. He's told you the tales of some of the guys he dated, and how it didn't work?" anthony laughed. "Sir, it sometimes seems that he spent 15 years looking for the right man." "He did. And he thought he found him in John. Maybe he did. He just didn't think that John and I would make up again." He paused. "He was skeptical when John told him about you. Then he met you." He laughed. "You know, he'll deny it, but Jake was calling EVERY day with some question along the lines of "how's anthony? did he asked about me? How was his workout today? Is he dating anyone ? Are they better looking than me?" anthony stopped walking for a minute: "JAKE acted like that?" He blushed. "I'm sorry Sir, I mean, Master Jake acted like that?" Gunnar laughed. "it's ok, I won't report you unless you want me to. But yes, it's true. OH, he was obsessed with you. And then... after your first date. OH MY" "Tell me Sir. Please. " "Well, Jake needs someone who'll challenge him, but ultimately give in. He feeds on that kind of energy. And you challenged him." "I did? " "OH YEAH. You know, anthony, you and john are different from many subs. Usually, they just say 'yes sir,' and take an easy path. Their Doms do the same. But not the two of you. You both want to have something to say about your lives, your love making, everything. And you think." He saw the younger man pondering this. "Jake told me you approached him about taking classes." "Well, yes Sir. I love living with Jake, but not working... it's boring. It gets very boring." Gunnar smiled. "Now you see, most subs would find some outlet like porn, or shopping, or something like that. You want to learn something. Jake was mightily impressed. Also... dare I say anyone who's ever dated Jake knows what a control freak he is about what his boi wears." "He's pretty strict about that Sir." "Well, he didn't pick what you're wearing. THAT I know." anthony blushed. "He told me that there was one night with Pete that was perfect. And he was wearing what I'm wearing tonight. I was trying to show him that I wanted everything to be as good as it was. " "You know of course he noticed." "Yeah, he told me. " "Let me tell you a little secret about Jake. He doesn't want anyone to know. When he's aroused, he does two things. One, he eats chocolate. Two: if you look at his face, it's not attractive, but his right nostril twitches. anthony laughed. "He ate more cake tonight than I've ever seen him eat." A big smile from Gunnar. "And when we get back, just take a quick look at his nose. " He looked behind. "Is that Pete following us?" anthony looked and sighed. "Yup. One and the same. " "Call him over anthony. Let's see if I can get him to go home." "Yes Sir. HEY PETE. COME MEET SIR GUNNAR." Pete looked like a deer in the headlights for a minute, and froze. Then he almost galloped over, smiling. He held out a hand "Hey, I'm Pete." "Gunnar here. Nice to meet you. Heard a lot about you." "Hi anthony. What's going on?" "Not much Pete. Gunnar and John came over to have dinner." "Yeah. Jake's two last bois. And I understand, you were one before that too , Pete." Pete blushed. "Well, yeah, but..." "Know what ? Jake and I are trying to put something together. Jake's bois. All frolicking together. While their Masters... or mistresses watch. You interested.?" Pete looked shocked and scared. "Uh, uh... I don't know... do we..." "It's only in early planning stages pete. I'm sure Jake'll let you know as we go forward. He told me you're around a lot." "Uh, I don't know. I don't know if my wife will let me." "Well, let me have her number. I'll call her." "No, no.. She doesn't know, uh... I gotta go. Nice to see you anthony. Nice to meet you Gunnar. " And he tailed off. When he was out of sight, Gunnar let out a huge laugh. "OH, that was FUN. I made the whole thing up." anthony began laughing too, and then, overcome with the laughing, he collapsed into Gunnar. "Thank you Sir. I think we'll be free of Pete for a while. Gunnar put his arm around anthony to steady him. He pretended to have to adjust his feet, so his crotch wouldn't be touching anthony. He didn't want anthony to know about the hard on he just had. "Jake's a fucking lucky man," he thought to himself. "C'mon Goldie, let's get home."

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Back in the kitchen, Jake and john were finishing up the cleaning. "So, Sir, how are things working out with the new boi?" Jake smiled. "John, no question, he doesn't have your smarts, your background, but he's just a wonderful guy. So sweet . So honest and open. John had worked as a therapist before he gave it up to be with Gunnar. And before that, he had been "all but dissertation" in Old Testament studies. So he listened for what was being said in the spaces. He heard it. "You're wishing he challenged you more. The way I did." Jake laughed. "Well, yeah. It's like this. We'll make love tonight. I'll tell him to get on the bed. He'll tell me yes sir," and go." "sounds just like me so far." "Right, but here's the difference. I'd come into the bedroom, and sometimes you'd be crunched up and say something like "you'll have to work for it tonight," and I'd have to get you to submit and beg for it." "I always did Sir." "I know, and it was great. anthony will go in the bedroom, get undressed, and ask me if I want him on his back or on his belly." "Nothing wrong with that Sir." Jake sighed. "I know, I know. I just wish.." John came over, and put his hands on Jake's bony shoulders. "You know Sir, I think it's gonna be ok. I think it's gonna change. anthony never met Gunnar before. Now that he knows I belong to another man, who's got a pretty short leash on me, well..." Jake smiled. "You think?" "I think you need to get anthony a slave collar Sir. Or something he can look at that reminds him he's yours. " "You always were the smart one in the relationship." "And you always made me feel like I was special. Still do." Boldly, John moved in for a kiss. Jake didn't put him off. And while they kissed, he ran his thumbs over John's nipples. "MMMMMMMMMMM. OH SIR. Do you do that to anthony?" Jake stopped. "I shouldn't have let that happen. Yeah, I do. And I'm gonna do more of it tonight." John smiled. "I think my work here is done." They heard the key in the door. Goldie tore into the apartment, ran to his food, and everyone started saying goodbyes.

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After John and Gunnar had left, Jake looked at his watch "8:55. I promised you 9. Get to the bedroom. I'll be in in a minute. " anthony was trying not to laugh. He had been watching Jake since he came in. His nostril had never stopped twitching. Jake washed his hands, gathered his thoughts, and started to the bedroom. Such a short bit of time - no more than 4 hours - and he had learned so much. Apparently, so did anthony. There he was, on the bed, fully dressed, on his belly, in a sort of fetal position. Jake felt his cock twitch. "This is how you prepare yourself for your Dom?" "If you're my Dom, prove it." Jake laughed. "Oh, I'm gonna prove it." He reached for the space where anthony had pulled his arms into his sides, thinking he'd get his fingers in and slowly twist him over. anthony pulled in tighter. He was too strong for Jake to make progress this way. "Hmmmm. Look at this boi. Closed up like a clam. As far as I can tell, there's only two ways I can make some progress. One is with your feet." He began taking anthony's shoes off, and anthony thought. "OH SHIT. If he tickles my feet, I'm done for. " "But that's gonna be too easy... I know... " He smiled, and he moved to where anthony had locked his thighs together. It was tight, but he could get ONE finger into the space, and he began to massage anthony's thighs, gently. "THERE we go. Like how that feels anthony?" anthony did, but he wasn't saying anything. They could both hear how his breathing had increased though. "OH, I think you do like it, handsome. " Jake leaned down and began running his tongue over anthony's ear. This position protected a lot of anthony's body, but his ears were right out there. "OOOOOOH. The sensation had its effect, and anthony relaxed his thighs. Jake got two, then three fingers in. Then he got his hand in, so he could get a grip on anthony's balls.

"FUUUUUCK Sir." Jake squeezed and chuckled. "Roll over boi." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Jake whispered. "Just.. Roll. Over..." He squeezed anthony's balls a little harder. "Ok, ok. I will . Please. Just stop...." anthony let Jake get his hands in under his arms, and turn him over. He pinned the boi down at his wrists. "THERE's my boi. Now I can see his beautiful face. The one I love kissing. " He lowered his lips down and began kissing anthony's eyes. Then his nose, and then, finally, his lips. "MMMMMM. LOVE the way you kiss me Sir. " "You want the restraints tonight anthony boi?" "Yes sir. Please Sir.. " "Heh heh. You were getting them anyway. " Jake pushed each of anthony's wrists in a cuff and locked them. "NOW I've got my boi, exactly where I want him. "Make me submit Sir. Please." anthony whispered. "MMMM. Sounds good to me. " He untucked anthony's shirt, and then began opening it. He brushed his hand through anthony's ample chest hair, before he settled on a nipple. "Just like picking a candy from a box of them. You go for the best one." His touch was much lighter than usual. And he was arousing anthony more than usual. When Jake flicked his tongue into anthony's ear, the boi nearly exploded. "OH SHIT SIR. You're turning me into mush." "I hope not your ass, boi. Cause I want a nice, firm ass." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" anthony moaned, as Jake took his second nipple. anthony began to writhe on the bed. "It's so easy to make you squirm... " Jake lay down next to anthony. He continued to squeeze one nipple, and he rubbed beard over the opposite ear, and neck. "Just gonna do this until... you give..." anthony knew that was gonna be soon. This combination: nipple and ear when he was tied up, was devastating to him. Hell, he'd let GOLDIE fuck him if he did that to him. But he fought it. He moaned, he squirmed. He begged Jake to stop. And Jake said nothing. He just lay there, and smiled. "I GIVE. FUCK ME SIR. PLEASE. I GIVE. I GIVE. TAKE EVERYTHING YOU WANT. TAKE ME. FUCK ME. I SURRENDER TO YOU." Jake stopped, and covered anthony's mouth with his own, and pushed his tongue down his throat. "Who's my boi. Who's my ONLY boi?" "I am Sir. I'm your boi. I belong to you." "Yeah, you do. Tomorrow I'm gonna make sure you know that." Then he kissed anthony again, as he fumbled and got his pants opened.

After he got them, and anthony's red speedo off, he began to run his finger around anthony's asshole. "OH PLEASE SIR. OH.. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. NNNGGGGGG. I want your cock. I WANT YOUR COCK SIR." Jake smiled. "Are you my boi?" "Yes sir." "Then you take what I give you - when I give it to you." anthony felt one of Jake's long fingers enter his hole. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Yes sir. Yes. " Jake pulled out the finger, and tasted it. Then he whispered into anthony's ear. "You're my one and only boi. I love my anthony. " "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. OH SIR. I don't think you said that before." "Well, I said it now, and I'll say it again. I LOVE my anthony. " There were tears at the corner of his eys. 'I FUCKING LOVE MY ANTHONY." Then Jake pushed two fingers into anthony . The boi spread his legs a little more. "I love my Sir. My Sir Jake." He whispered, as he felt the fingers move in him "OH GOD YESSIR." Then the fingers came out. Now it was time for Jake to play. He put his hands behind anthony's knees. "you sure you want cock?" "Yes sir. YES SIR." "But you made me work for it." He began to gently tickle the back of anthony's knees. "HEE HEE HEEE HEEE. Please stop Sir. I just, I just... DAMN.... " Jake had distracted him, and he didn't even see him begin to slip his cock into him. "OH YEAH. OH, SIR. I thought about this all through dinner." "Me too boi. Me too. " Jake moved very slowly, and anthony writhed. The chastity cage was rubbing against his cock. He dearly wanted to be free, but... it also felt so good. Jake was moving into him so slowly. It felt like less than half of his cock was in anthony's ass. "Ya ready boi?" Jake smiled, and then RAMMED the rest of his cock in. "OH SWEET JESUS" anthony moaned. "OH SWEET JESUS DO THAT AGAIN SIR. I PROMISE. I'LL NEVER ASK FOR THE CAGE TO COME OFF IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN." "Hah hah. But I'm gonna take the cage off anyway. And I WILL do it again." Jake pulled out and reached over for the key. He unlocked anthony's cock, which sprang to life right away. Then he started again. It felt so good, that anthony thought he was in an altered state. He pulled against the restraints, and it felt even better. "Time to dock the ship" Jake laughed, and he RAMMED into anthony again. This second one did the trick... for both of them. Jake began to shoot into anthony as anthony finally shot his load all over himself. "OH. OH GOD. OH. I never had such great sex Sir. Thank you. THANK YOU." Jake was a little over come, and he dropped down on top of anthony, kissing him all over. "NO, sweetpea. Thank YOU. Thank you for... oh, shit, for being anthony. " He smiled as he looked at him. "I meant it. I love my anthony. " "And I love my Sir." "Shower before bed? " "Is that an order Sir?" "It is. And when you come back, " Jake held up the chastity cage. "Back on it goes." "Yes sir."

Next: Chapter 11

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