Jakes Boys

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 13, 2020


After they had made love, Jake and anthony got into bed in their usual position, with anthony nestled into Jake spoon style, Jake's leg thrown over anthony, with a hand on anthony's left nip, the more sensitive one. Jake wasn't a deep sleeper, and anthony expected that, at least a few times during a given night, he'd feel Jake gently playing with his nip. When he was caged, it could get frustrating. Jake had, for whatever reason, not locked him up that night. anthony feared that something was bothering Jake. His Dom usually managed to clear, as he called it, his "mental inventory" before getting into bed, and anthony could see as something almost like a veil would leave Jake's handsome, rugged face. It didn't happen tonight. And there were other smaller things besides the cage and that look. One of Jake's rituals, for example, was to lay out his clothes for the next day before he went to bed. He didn't do that tonight. anthony had to remind him to bring the glass of water he would sip on if he woke up - which he insisted he never did. "I have no idea what goes on in that studly head of his," anthony had told John once. John's response was "if you ever do, let me know. A lot of people would like that information." Still, anthony saw the respect that the scientific world paid his lover - even if he understood only about 1% of it. He had overheard conversations between Jake and others on his cell phone, that had degenerated into screaming matches over ideas like "particle duality" and "pion nuance" and stuff like that. "I guess it's the price," he had once thought.

Jake was also prone to nightmares. anthony knew when they were happening, because Jake would begin speaking - arguing in his sleep, before they got really bad. Frequently, Jake would be crying before they were over. When he heard Jake talking in his sleep, anthony would squirm to turn around, and maneuver his head onto Jake's shoulder, or Jake's onto his. For some reason, it calmed Jake down.

The nightmares were almost always about Jake's past lovers and boyfriends. In his sleep, he would replay the relationships, changing what he did, or the other man did, and then the conversations would start. In the nightmares, things never worked out, and Jake was abandoned. Somehow, in his sleep, he knew he had anthony. When the nightmares crested, he would hold onto anthony tighter and tighter, as if he had to hold onto anthony so he didn't leave him. That's what was happening now. This one was different though: it was worse. First, there was the argument. Then the "grip of the kraken" as anthony jokingly called it, because Jake's long arms, and long legs, would encircle him like a huge, hairy octopus, and all the bodybuilding skills in the world couldn't get anthony out of it. That kind of "kraken grip" did give anthony a certain erotic charge , especially when he struggled, but tonight, it was different. Jake's grip was tighter: MUCH tighter. He also had one knee pushed up into anthony's crotch. Without the cage, anthony had very little protection. Then the howls began. Low, deep, animal sounds. No words. Just the sound you would expect if a wolf had been wounded or something like that. anthony was scared. He didn't like doing things like this, but he began to try to get Jake awake.

"Jake. Jake my love. Please wake up. Please. You're scaring me. Jake..." He kept it up and then he saw Jake's eyes open. The look made him really scared. "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME? DID YOU FORGET TO CALL ME SIR?" Jake broke his grip on anthony and rolled onto him, pinning him down. "I'm sorry Sir. I'm sorry. I was worried, really scared." Jake laughed. "Yeah, you were scared. You were scared I was gonna find out about you cheating, weren't you. WEREN'T YOU?" He began half awake half asleep , to work anthony's nipples very, very hard. "NO SIR. I wasn't cheating. I swear. I wasn't. I.. I wouldn't do that to you.." anthony was trying to reason with a man who couldn't reason, and the nip play was getting to him erotically. Soon, he wouldn't be able to think either. "I oughtta punish you by chewing these off. HUH? Then what would you do for fun?" "I'd kiss you Sir. I'd take your tongue in my mouth and have it fuck me the way I want you to fuck me now" "OH, you want me to FUCK your cheating ass? Well, that's a given." He pushed anthony's legs in the air and shoved in all the way all at once, and anthony screamed. The scream woke Jake up completely. anthony could see the change in his face. "OH MY GOD ANTHONY. WHAT THE FUCK? " "It's ok Jake. It's ok. You were having a really, really bad dream. " anthony ran his hand through Jake's hair. "Please finish what you're doing Sir. Last night wasn't enough. Fuck me again. Please." Jake bent over and whispered into anthony's ear. "Tighten your mancunt, babe. Tighten it for daddy." "Yes sir. OOOOOH yes Sir. Feels even better now. Daddy's always right. Yes, he is. Kiss your boi, Sir. Kiss him. Fuck him and kiss him. Make me know who's boss." Now fully awake, the lust he had for anthony took over, and Jake began to pound his ass. He caught a quick look at the clock. 4 a.m. He had a class at ten. So the fuck what? The students didn't pay attention anyway." "You. Just. Better. Understand. Boi. I. Am. Your. MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN" Jake pushed in with each word and anthony yelled "YES SIR. YES SIR. MY DOM . MY TOP. MY DADDY. MY EVERYTHING. MY LOVER. OOOOOOOOH YES." Then anthony squirted out a load. Jake looked at him. "Why the fuck aren't you caged boi?" "I think you gave me the night off, Sir." "Well, we're gonna fix that this morning. " "Yes sir. Sir, can I get up? I forgot to lay out your clothes, and to get your slippers where you like them. Do you want some water Sir?" Jake was sitting up, shaking his head. "DAMN. I didn't smoke anything, I drank one glass of wine. What the fuck happened?" anthony was back at the bed, his arm around Jake. "Let's go back to sleep Sir. I think I know, but we'll talk tomorrow. Get some sleep first." He took the initiative and kissed Jake. "I love my Topman. I love him so much. Please don't scare me anymore Sir. Please." "I won't anthony . I love my anthony too. SOOOOOOO much."


anthony made it his business to get up before Jake that morning. He was sleepy, but he could nap after he got Jake off to class. He showered, put on a pot of coffee, got out bread in case Jake could handle something on his stomach. He slipped into a pair of burnt orange pants that he would never wear outside, but Jake had bought them because "they make your ass look so damn good," as he said. He cleaned up his chastity cage, and lay it out near the coffee pot for Jake. "Good morning sunshine." anthony saw Jake up, and in his robe. He still seemed a little groggy , so anthony poured him coffee. "Thank you gorgeous. My gorgeous boi." He gave anthony a kiss. "Babe, I have to apologize for last night." "No Jake, you don't have to. Someone else does, and we're gonna make sure he does, and then we're gonna move on with our lives." Then anthony smiled. "My cage is next to your saucer Sir. I'm waiting for it... but if you think you're getting another piece of my ass before tomorrow, think again, stud." Jake reddened. "Did I hurt you last night, anthony? " He looked like he was going to cry. "Did I? Did I hurt you?" "No Sir. I'm not hurt. But you reamed me pretty damn good. Twice in four hours. I'm not that young anymore." Jake laughed. anthony was younger than he was. He knew anthony was lying, but he'd never deliberately make Jake feel guilty. "Get over here and drop those sexy pants." "YES SIR! " anthony hurried over and let them drop, smiling. "GOD you smell good boi. I just wanna eat you." Jake began locking the cage. anthony thought he might have trouble, but he was fine. "Sit next to me boi. You think you know what's wrong?" "No Sir. I KNOW what's wrong. It's a four letter word. Pete. P.E.T. E.

You can't get him out of your mind" Jake started shaking his head, but then "I know. I know. Look, if I could get him away from here, away forever. .." "You can Sir. I can help. And I know just how to do it. " "How? I'm listening." "Well, this is what we're going to do: and WE'RE gonna do it Sir, because Dom/sub doesn't mean one person decides everything. This time, trust me, I know what we need to do. You're gonna tell Pete I left to visit family, and then invite him over for "old time's sake." Treat him like you used to. Get blown, get anything you want. Take him to bed. Tie him down. And then.... " he saw the wicked glint in anthony's eyes, something he had never seen before "Then I'm gonna fuck his worthless ass. And he's gonna know: if he ever shows up around here again, this bottom is gonna turn into a raging protective top because, to paraphrase Ms Lynn "he ain't woman enough to take my man." Jake almost spit out his coffee. "I would never think you were like a woman anthony. You're all man. But fuck him? I can't see you doing that?" anthony looked at him. "You know, some university gave you a PhD. Who the fuck did you fuck to get it? You don't see it?" "Sorry anthony , I don't." anthony went off to the bedroom, and came back with something behind his back. "How many bottoms do you think go to bed every night without a Top to take care of them?" "Oh, I don't know. A lot." "Yeah, a lot. I used to be one of them. But you know, we bottoms all have a "portatop". anthony brought his hands out. He had a 4 inch and an 8 inch dildo in his hands. "If he could handle you, he could handle 8. But... when a clumsy bottom does it, and does things like, oh, I don't know.. forgets the lube.. And maybe uses the 11 incher instead." Jake looked at him. He had never seen this wicked side of anthony. "Where is this coming from boi?" "It's coming from someone who's tired of this shit mind fucking my future husband and ruining our lives." He paused to let that sink in. "And the movie WILL go to that bitch Hilary. And maybe Melissa." "Geez. You're cold." "No, I'm protective." Then Jake stopped. "Were you joking when you said your future husband?" "FUCK NO. Damn it to hell Jake. You are going to marry me. You are going to get on one knee and propose to me the old fashioned way, I'm gonna say yes, and we're gonna have the mother of all weddings, because Melissa is gonna pay for it. Just watch." "C'mere boi. C'mere." anthony went over to Jake, who held him close, and whispered "Will you marry me anthony?" "Not until I get a proper proposal. And you can tickle me silly, squeeze my tits until you get milk, and lock me up until you reach retirement age, which I think is six months, you old fart, but not until I get what I want." "Remind me not to cross you, boi." "That's ALPHA boi to you Sir. " Jake laughed. "I gotta get to class. Let me get dressed." He stopped. "I don't say thank you enough. Thank you anthony. Thank you for picking up the slack." "Speaking of slack, Sir, we haven't used the bondage chair in a while. Just sayin." "That's gonna change tonight alpha boi." anthony smiled. "Kiss me you fucking brutal Top" Jake dressed and went off to class. Anthony had his schedule, so Jake called and made up a faculty meeting he forgot to tell anthony about. "No probs Sir. I'll spend an extra hour at the gym." And during that faculty meeting, Jake made his way down to 47th street, and visited his favorite jeweler. "Max, I need an engagement ring. A really GOOD one." He pulled out his phone and showed him anthony's photo. "It's gotta suit this boi." "Let's go look," Max answered. And Mazel-Tov Jake. A good Jewish boy like you shouldn't be single forever."

Next: Chapter 12

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