Jakes Boys

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 24, 2020


As they drove uptown, both Jake and anthony were thinking about how they had gotten here. For each of them, there was no question: it was what they wanted. The journey to "here" had been more circuitous for anthony, but isn't it always for young men? The night they met, Jake had been on a date with John. They had met on line: Jake had just broken up with another guy, named Travis, who was a married man . She had discovered Travis' "inclinations" as she called them, and had telephoned Jake, telling him to "keep your fucking hands off my husband." Jake had tried to contact "Trav," to offer him a place to stay until he could move out, but Travis never returned any of his calls. He changed his email address, and Jake never heard from him again. It was on the rebound, that he met John .

We all carry baggage, and John was no exception. To his credit, he was up front about his baggage with Jake: John had been part of a couple, with a man named Gunnar, for about 12 years. The relationship between he and Gunnar had always been clear: Gunnar topped, John bottomed. When they decided to move in together, again, the roles were clear: John gave up his job as a lecturer in theology at the local university, and became a "house husband." While he was more well read, and more well traveled than Gunnar, Gunnar made all the decisions about travel, where they ate, what they did together, what shows they saw, etc. He wrote out workouts for John (which John followed when Gunnar went to the gym with him, and didn't when he was alone), and controlled their finances, completely. John did laundry, the shopping, the cooking, and was ready whenever Gunnar wanted a bed partner. At first, that had been frequent. As time went on though, they were having sex at most, twice a week. John asked for, and got, permission, to play "on line." That was how he met Jake.

After a fair amount of roleplay on line, and eventually some phone chat when Gunnar was at work, they arranged for a date. John asked if they could meet near the gym where he worked out, because it was less likely that Gunnar would find out. When they met, both men were enchanted with the other: the photos they had sent didn't lie. John was a solid man: about 6'2" and built from all of his weight lifting. His clothes seemed to strain to hold him in (that was, in part, because Gunnar felt the way Jake did: his bottom should LOOK like a bottom, and that meant tight clothes showing off his body).

Going uptown to Jake's place was out of the question: it would have taken too much time, and aroused too much suspicion on Gunnar's part. There was a cheap hotel not far from the gym, and John had rented a room, using some cash he kept apart from the household expense money. (Jake reimbursed him so he wouldn't get in trouble). They spent a few hours fucking, and made a follow up date. Before he left, Jake told John

"You know, if things are as you say, you have to tell him. You owe him. And he WILL find out. If there's trouble, let me know. You can hide out uptown."

It took John a few days, and when he approached Gunnar with "Sir, I need to discuss something very important with you," he expected the worse. It wasn't. Gunnar was actually much more receptive to it than John thought he would be. He had a few requests: no sex with another man, in THEIR bed, John had to tell him when he was screwing around with Jake and, most interestingly, he wanted to meet Jake to make sure he approved of whom his man was sleeping with.

The meeting went much better than anyone expected. Jake and Gunnar hit it off right away. When John excused himself to go to the men's room, Gunnar filled Jake in on all of John's hot spots. Jake sat back after thanking Gunnar. "You're confident he's gonna come back. Otherwise you wouldn't have told me." "Yeah, he's coming back to me. When, I don't know, but he will. He just needs to get some of his energy spent. I'm not as young as I used to be, and I'm not satisfying him the way I used to." John was 34, and Gunnar was 49. They had met at a leather convention in Florida. John's sexual experiences before he met Gunnar, were limited. And after he met Gunnar, it was only Gunnar. In some ways, it was a late "coming out." He began to express his long suppressed superhero fantasies, and he kept a superman suit at Jakes apartment for when they acted out those fantasies. He had always been interested in body building, and so was Gunnar. They worked out together when they could, but since Gunnar did work, the schedules only seemed to coalesce on the weekends, or on a day during the week where Gunnar had exchanged workdays with a colleague. The two of them lived about 5 blocks from where anthony lived, and the gym that John and anthony belonged to, was seriously dedicated to body building. John and anthony had met, totally by chance, when John needed a spotter. Anthony, with the enthusiasm of a pup, had been eager to help. One thing led to another, and the two of them sat down to protein shakes after their workouts. John saw a lot of himself in the younger man, but only gave advice when he was asked. When anthony announced that he was going to train for a local competition, John knew he had no chance; however, he knew that the young man needed to try. He encouraged him all he could. When the tournament came, anthony asked if John would come to give him moral support. John was glad to do so. The day that anthony had asked him, was a week after Gunnar had sat him down.

"Look, we've got to give this another try, or we have to break up. Sleeping in the same bed with you, and not having sex, EVER, is not going to work for me anymore. I love you John. I'm sorry we've had our difficulties. Let's see a doctor, let's see a shrink, damn it, let's do what we have to to make this work." John hadn't expected that kind of reaction. It cheered him, and saddened him. Could they make it work? He would try. He liked Jake, he didn't love him. He loved Gunnar. He loved sex with Jake. But Jake didn't have his heart: Gunnar did. And the one who knew that most of all, was Jake. So when John told Jake that he was going to have to stop seeing him, Jake wasn't all that surprised.

"One last date for old time's sake, john?" That's when John had invited Jake to come to the body builder competition. He thought Jake would enjoy seeing the amateurs promenade their stuff, and he did. Especially anthony. "OH, john, that fresh face. That smile. He can't not smile even when he's posing. AND THAT ASS. GOD LOOK AT THAT ASS." "You used to say that about MY ass, Sir." Jake smiled. "And I'll continue to do so. But you're moving on. I have to as well. Now introduce us."

At the end of the competition, in which anthony had finished fifth, John was waiting. "HEY. Nice showing. Good work. You were probably robbed. Shoulda finished third but hey, that's competitive body building. Anthony, this is my friend Jake. I thought you two should meet." anthony took a look at Jake, and nearly wet his pants. "FUCK. This guy was everything his dream man would be. Facial hair. Tall. Brown eyes. Commanding attitude. (anthony couldn't tell how big his cock was, but he'd learn). "Please to meet you Sir." Jake smiled as he took anthony's hand and held it, just a bit longer than you would expect. "I enjoyed seeing you on stage. Wish I had seen more." He locked anthony's eyes. The younger man couldn't look away. "Guys, I need to get back to Gunnar. I need to make dinner. Why don't you two go have a coffee or something?" He paused. "anthony, I'll see you at the gym. Jake, Sir, I'll see you around." "Hey,did I?" Jake smiled. "No, no. We've kinda broken up. This may have been our last date, and it's sure ONE of our last dates." "Then you're available, Sir?" Jake smiled. He admired forthrightness. He enjoyed breaking it. "Depends on what you mean by available." The answer non plussed anthony. "Uh, I mean, I mean, you're single." "I'm single." "Maybe, I mean, maybe, we could, you know..." Jake smiled. "Know what anthony?" "Uh, have a coffee or a water, or something." "Sure. No something on the first date though anthony. I'm very traditional. One might say chauvinistic" "I'm not sure what you mean, Sir." Jake laughed. "I think you do. Check with John. Anyhow..." He pulled out a business card. "Here's my number. Office is on the front, home is on the back. Gimme a call if you're still interested after you talk to John. By the way anthony." "Yes sir?" "If you're going to compete , best to wear shorts that don't have golden lab hair on them. anthony blushed. "Oh, Goldie. Yeah. He's kinda my best friend. He jumped up on me before I left the house." "Can't say I blame him." Jake smiled and went to his car. That night, he masturbated thinking about anthony. Anthony did the same about Jake.

anthony knew enough about John and Gunnar's relationship to NOT call during dinner, so he waited. Actually, he didn't. He sent John an email to the account Gunnar didn't know about. "Hey. anthony here. Can we chat about Jake?" John smiled. He wanted Jake to be happy, and he wanted anthony to get some experience. So he started the chat. "What's he like John. He told me he's very traditional. Chauvinistic" John typed back. "You've seen how Gunnar and I interact? How Gunnar acts? That's Jake. Only Jake maybe moreso." "You mean Top? Dom? Demanding? " "yes to all three." "Is he hung?" "Yup." "Is he good in bed?" "Hell yeah." "good with ropes?" "As good as Gunnar. Maybe better. " "I gotta call him back tomorrow. Thanks."

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"Professor Gold here. How can I help you?" anthony only learned Jake's last name from the business card. "Sir Jake? It's anthony" "anthony from the gym?" "Yes sir." "I'm free on Wednesday. You want dinner?" "Uh yeah sir. Sure. " Finish your workout. I'll meet you outside. There's a good place where even a bodybuilder can find a good meal, about five minutes from the gym." "Yes sir" Then the phone went dead. "GOD, that was HOT," anthony thought. "No nonsense, no nothing. Just orders. I think I may have found my husband."

On Wednesday, anthony came out of the gym, in a white t shirt, a thin windbreaker, and tight jeans. He saw Jake leaning up against his car, and smiled. "Hi Sir. I'm glad.." "When you walk with me , your hands go behind your back . Gimme that bag. It'll make it easier." "YES SIR" anthony did what he was told right away. As they walked, Jake put a hand on anthony's left shoulder. He thought he'd melt. "I really appreciate you going out with me Sir." "Thanks. Restaurant is right here. I made a reservation. You can move your hands now." Jake had asked for a table where they were sitting together, rather than opposite each other. It was a good way for him to let anthony know who was in charge, early on, because he could get his hand down, between anthony's legs, and let him know: his balls belonged to Jake for the evening."

anthony didn't remember much of that first date, other than walking back to his apartment building. "Would Sir like to come upstairs?" "Nah, not tonight. But if you've gotta walk your dog, I'll wait for the two of you." "YES SIR! anthony smiled. More time with Jake." He hurried upstairs, got Goldie's leash, and they were downstairs in less than 3 minutes. Jake had an affinity for dogs, and Goldie was no exception. They were buddies within seconds. "And who's the pretty pup? Who? OH, it's you Goldie? Well, I think your dad is a pretty pup too." Jake was looking at Goldie when he said that, so he didn't see how anthony nearly swooned. "Maybe your dad'll let me walk you?" "SURE. " anthony handed over the leash. He knew exactly what to do, and put his hands behind him as Jake let Goldie lead. "I shoulda brought a second leash. Lead the two of you around." "FUCK" thought anthony. "Yes sir." After Goldie was done, and they got back to anthony's apartment building, Jake took anthony's hands. "So. Did you talk to John?" "Yes sir." "You know what I'm all about?" "Yes sir." "You interested?" "HELL YEAH SIR" It was the first time Jake smiled that night. "Gimme something with your number on it. I'm gonna call you tomorrow. We're gonna set up a second date. For now, we'll alternate: one day here, one day uptown. Any problems with that?" "No Sir." "Then gimme a proper good night kiss." Jake bent down a little, and stroked Goldie's ear to stop him from jumping up, as he took anthony's mouth, kissing and shoving his tongue down anthony's throat, making the young man moan, and desperate to hug Jake. Right at the end, Jake "accidentally" pushed his knee into anthony's crotch. "Tomorrow. I promise you, you'll enjoy the second date as much as this one." "Yes sir." Jake got in his car, giving anthony and Goldie a smile before he drove off. anthony waved, until the car was out of sight.

He sent John an email "I think I'm in love. I'm definitely in love." John didn't see it that night. When anthony wrote it, he was spread out, tied down, gagged, in his superman costume, as Gunnar began to methodically cut him out of it. John was long overdue for a body shave, and that was on the agenda. The restraints, dyed green, added to the atmosphere of superman in chains.

Next: Chapter 3

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