Jakes Boys

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 28, 2020


Anthony lay there, wrapped up in Jake's arms, Jake's long legs (he had a 37 inch inseam) thrown over him, he thought back to the first time Jake made love to him - and it WAS making love, not, getting fucked, which is what he thought was going to happen. And he thought about that morning when he told Jake he was ready to be his boi. It was their fourth date. All of the other ones had ended with some kind of necking in front of Jake's building, or Anthony's. Anthony always wanted more, but the subject was off limits for Jake: they were going to do this HIS way. Jake was thinking about this young boy every single day. He was younger than any of the men he had been with - even that graduate student Pete (GOD he had made bad choices in his life!), and he had always told himself that older was better than younger, since you could get a "feel" for what they were like. He hadn't factored in, idiosyncrasies, and lack of flexibility. Anthony had his idiosyncrasies, no question about that, but the good thing was that they were "flexible" idiosyncrasies. The body building was a good example. On their third date, Jake had said to him:

"You know, I don't like my boi's body on display in front of other men. It's for me, only me. If I asked you to give up body building COMPETITIONS for me, would you do it?" Anthony hadn't expected the question. By the third date, he knew Jake was precise, so he knew not to ask "do you mean giving up BODYBUILDING?" Anthony liked competiions. He liked Jake more. "Yes sir. If you told me to give them up, I would." Jake smiled, and dropped the subject, at least publicly. He kept it in mind, because he was moving, more and more, to wanting this boi . "What about your job?" THAT was a harder one. Anthony had worked hard to get where he was in his field. He was the first one in his family to work in a real, professional job, and here was someone asking him to give it up. "Sir, why would you want me to give up my job?" "Because I want my boi to be home, taking care of my house and of me. He won't have time to work. And I make plenty of money. Both of us don't need to work." For one of the few times that they were together, anthony actually argued back. "Sir, are you looking for a dog, like Goldie, or a wife, or a boi?" Jake had smiled, and gotten up from the table. He left a bunch of bills. "I understand. No regrets anthony. Best of luck." "NO. NO. SIR. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please. Please. I just want to understand. I didn't say no." "And I haven't asked you to give up your job. I asked if you would." "I think the answer is this Sir. Not right away. Giving up competitions is easy. I'd miss them, but I get it. For what it's worth, Sir, since I started dating you, I haven't dated anyone else. I wait for you. Giving up my job is harder. I don't know. I just don't know. " That answer seemed to satisfy Jake. "I overreacted. I do that a lot. I apologize." He took anthony's hand and squeezed it. "You know, handsome, I'm falling for you. I'm falling for you big time. That's why I'm asking all these questions." Anthony blushed. "Sir, I fell for you the first time I met you. I was polite and asked John if you were available, but even if he said no, I was gonna try to get a date with you." That brought out a big smile from Jake. He pulled out his phone and checked his calendar. "You free this weekend?" Anthony pulled out his, even though he knew the answer. "Yes sir." (anthony didn't make any plans until he knew he wasn't going to be seeing Jake). "There's a gala at the museum I have to attend. Not black tie, but dressy. I know your sizes. I'll have an outfit for you. Come by my apartment after work. Bring Goldy." There was a pause. "And bring an overnight bag. I want you to stay until Sunday." Anthony could barely hold his excitement. "YES SIR. Is there a particular time I should come by?" "Six is good. It'll give us time to change and make an entrance."

The night before, Anthony packed his bag. Jake had privileges at the university gym, so he'd use that to work out. He packed gym clothes, jeans, casual pants, casual shirts, and a couple of his dress shirts, including the one Jake had bought him. "C'mon Goldie. Let's go visit Jake." When Goldie heard Jake's name, he perked up. Getting the dog uptown was always a bit of a challenge, but he could do it. Goldie was as gentle as they came, but so that people weren't scared, anthony muzzled him. He realized there were times when he wished Jake muzzled HIM. They headed out. That was the day he met Rafe for the first time.

"Oh yes. Hi Mr. Anthony. Professor Jake told me to expect you and your dog." He reached under the counter and gave Goldie a treat. "It's ok, Mr Anthony?" Anthony laughed. "Of course. Thank you. Goldie loves treats." He and Rafe were going to become great friends.

He took the elevator up to Jake's apartment. Jake was at the door, in a pair of tight jeans, and a black t shirt. He was smiling. "Welcome. I realized you've never been here. Let's have a look around. " He walked anthony through the apartment. The kitchen, the library/study. The living room of course. "Now this... this used to be an extra bedroom. I treat it as my playroom" He opened the door and anthony saw the collection of sex toys, the gags, the hoods , and yes... a muzzle. He laughed. "I was thinking of one of these today Sir." He pointed to the muzzle. Jake laughed. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

"I think this may be my favorite part of the apartment, anthony." He led him over to the glass enclosed terrace. "You can go out if you want, but at this time of the day, it's windy. You may want to wait until morning. "WOW. What a view. It"s just gorgeous, That's when he felt Jake's hands on his shoulders massaging them. "I've got a pretty good view myself. " He dropped his arms around anthony, and nuzzled his neck. "MMMMM. That feels good Sir. " "Kiss me boi." "Yes sir." anthony turned around and offered Jake his lips. Jake took them, dropping his hands to anthony's ass, and massaging it, pushing him slightly forward into Jake's body. "We're gonna be pushed to get to this event, but we'll get home early.." He smiled, kissed anthony's lips again, and then each of his ears. He saw the big smile on anthony's face. "You glad to be here boi?" "Yes Sir. I've wanted to be here for a long time." Jake smiled. "Go take a look in the closet. I got some things for you to wear tonight. If we're gonna be a couple, I'm gonna have to update your wardrobe." There was a blazer - anthony didn't have one - camel colored. A very elegant blue buttondown shirt, and a pair of very beautiful black pants. "You won't need a tie tonight. You're going as my date, so there's no need for finery. I'll be wearing one because, there's a good possibility I'll have to speak." Jake had changed to a suit: clearly custom made, over his white shirt, his black leather tie. Anthony would later learn, that the leather tie was his trademark. "Sir, can I ask where we're going?" Jack laughed. "I kinda forget things like that, don't I? The History museum is doing a new exhibit on string theory. It's the gala tonight. I talked them out of black tie , but we still have to dress up." He walked over to anthony, held him. "Believe me boi, I would rather you were here, naked, or we were out in our t shirts, just grabbing burgers. But this is part of me. I have to do it. If you're gonna be part of me, so do you." "I like getting dressed up Sir." "Don't eat too many of the canapes. If we get out early enough, maybe we'll go get some GOOD food up near campus. " They got downstairs, and the uber Jake had called pulled up. In the backseat, he put his hand on anthony's thigh, squeezed it. He was smiling. "I may have said this already anthony. Let me say it again. I'm glad you decided to spend the weekend. " anthony put his hand on top of jake's. "Me too Sir. I hope I don't disappoint you." "I hope I don't disappoint you." It ran through Jake's mind, and later he thought: was that the line that convinced me he's the one?

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In the car, anthony asked "Sir, you've always called me anthony, never tony. Why is that? "Why would I call you Tony? You said your name was anthony." "Well, you never asked, or.." "Do you want me to call you Tony?" "Well, no, it's just that everybody assumes." Jake cut him off. "People assume a lot of things. People assume when they see me that I have a portable whip in my pocket." He laughed. "That's not always true. But seriously, on names, everyone picks the name that suits them. My birth certificate says my name is Jacob. Do I seem to be a Jacob to you?" anthony giggled "uh, no Sir." "How about Jack? Because I get that too?" "Jack is closer, but, no. " anthony wanted to add that he wanted a look at his beanstalk, but that really wasn't Jake's style of humor. "Ok, then let me ask you this. What name would you use to talk about me besides Jake?" "I can't really think of one Sir." "RIGHT! It's the name I picked for myself. Just like you picked anthony. Anthony suits you." He squeezed the boy's hand. "It's softer. it's more malleable. Tony comes across as rugged, macho, maybe dirty." "you don't think I'm macho, Sir?" now anthony did make a joke. Jake took it seriously and looked at him. "You're adorable, you're handsome as all get out, you've got a gorgeous smile, gorgeous eyes, a killer body, and you're as sweet as any person on the face of this earth. Macho? No." "Thank you Sir. Those comments mean a lot to me." The driver pulled up in front of the History museum. Jake turned to anthony. "One button tonight, kid. After we leave, two buttons opened. Until I open them all. " He smiled, and anthony thought of that beanstalk.

Anthony had never been around so many wealthy people before. He was surprised how many of them knew Jake. Jake introduced him to a lot of them, and he noticed something: most of the men checked him out: head to foot, and just smiled. They also pretty much ignored him. The women on the other hand, wanted to know everything about him. He liked one woman in particular. She said her name was Melissa. "Antoni" (she used a southern pronunciation), you and I are CLEARLY both from the south. Don't tell me where. When we have lunch, we'll guess each other's heritage, because I am NOT letting Jake keep you locked up and away from me." Jake laughed. "Wouldn't happen Ms. Rotner. I'll make sure you and anthony get together. "You do that Professor Jake. "OH, I see the chair coming over. I think he probably wants you to talk about the string thing. Antoni. " She put her arm through his. "Come help momma get another drink." Anthony looked at Jake, who smiled. "Well, you never turn down a lady, anthony. You're a southern gentleman. You know that."

In the car ride home, Jake took deep breaths. "You know, handsome, I love those events, and I hate them. I always get the feeling that everyone is thinking of me as "that smart faggot." "You think so Sir? Because I think they only think of you as that smart guy. At least that's what I got from Melissa." Jake laughed louder than he had in a long time. "Melissa. She's a doll. She's also the mom of one of my former lovers. Pete's married to a woman now, who's a professional dominatrix. Melissa hates her. Won't let her in the house, still wants me to marry Pete. And you know something anthony, tomorrow when the papers come out, go look at the pictures. There will be references to me as "The out gay physicist and professor " THAT's why they're there. That's what matters to these people. But if they donate money... He sighed. "By the way, why isn't that second button opened now?"

"Oh. Sorry Sir." "No. I'll do it. It'll give me a chance to..." Jake leaned over and after he opened the button, he slipped his hairy chin onto anthony's neck. He rubbed it back and forth and whispered "you are NEVER gonna forget tonight boi. EVER."

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"Should we walk Goldie first, Sir?" anthony asked when they got to Jake's place. "Good idea. Give us a chance to decompress a bit." They got the dog and as they started walking, Jake rested his hand on anthony's ass. Anthony was startled for a second, then relaxed, and smiled. He felt his cock grow again, as Jake said "I have been lusting after that ass since the bodybuilding competition." Out of the blue, anthony asked "Sir, do you keep in touch with many of your ex lovers?" Jake sighed. "Well, John of course. And Pete. Pete is at the university so I see him a lot. You'll probably see him at the gym. He does a lot of cardio . Long distance runner." He laughed. "Probably trying to get away from his wife. I speak to Robert once in a while. Others? Hmmm. Maybe once in a while, but mostly John and Pete. Travis I don't talk to at all, that fuckhead. Tony - yeah I had a Tony - nope. Don? Ha ha. Big nose, big mouth, big attitude. I hope he's happy." Jake stopped walking for a minute.

"Let's not talk about my exes. Let's talk about my present. and let's kiss, boi." "Yes sir." Goldie waited patiently while they kissed on a quiet corner . "Soon, you're gonna tell me why you agreed to date me anthony, but not tonight. Tonight... " They were back at the apartment building and up in the elevator. "Is this what a teenage girl feels like on her first date? " anthony thought. This was NOT his first date, and Jake was far from his first man, but he had never been this excited before. He always felt that there were negotiations with the other guys he dated: who did what to whom, how much, etc, etc. Jake was none of that. It was HIS way. And anthony liked his way.

"Don't get undressed boy. Just take off your shoes. Get on the bed. There are restraints at the corner. Slip your wrists into them." Anthony gulped. He figured that there were going to be ropes, he just hadn't thought it out. As he was getting ready, he watched as Jake, smiling, stripped in front of him. He had never seen Jake's long, thin , cut cock. It was amazing. He had never seen the mass of black hair all over Jake's body, or his sinewy, muscular legs. Jake lay down next to him, and began playing with anthony's navel, through his shirt.

"Like what you see boi? Wanna run away?" "Oh my, no Sir. I don't wanna run away. I LOVE what I see. Especially." "heh heh. You like Rathbone? That's my cock's nickname." "Rathbone?" "yeah, someone said I reminded him of Basil Rathbone once, so the name stuck. Now... Enough talking, boi." Anthony wanted to automatically answer "yes sir," but he couldn't. His lips were covered by Jake's. He kissed anthony long, and hard, while he began opening his shirt. Anthony quivered as Jake's fingers touched him. They played with his chest hair, and then circled his sensitive nips. Anthony whimpered like a puppy. "You know, a lot of top men want their bois shaved. Sometimes I do, but usually not. Anthony..." he bent down and kissed one of anthony's nips, and then licked at it. "Your hair is so much a part of you, it's staying." "Thank you Sir." "Now, tell me. If you could pick one thing you wanted me to do to you first, what would that be?" "Just let me feel your body on top of me Sir. Just let me feel you keep me pinned down." Jake smiled. "good answer boi. good answer." He climbed on top of anthony. "it's a cliche' boy, but my sport in school, was wrestling. Keep that in mind." "OH GOD it feels good to be pinned by you Sir. Almost as good as being kissed." Jake smiled again, and kissed anthony all over his face. He whispered. "your neck please." Anthony moved his head, and at first, he almost couldn't feel how delicately Jake ran his scruffy chin over his neck. The rubbing got more intense though, and he began to moan. "OH SIR. My neck is so sensitive. OH... AH.... " Jake had moved his mouth up to anthony's ear, and began nibbling and chewing. From the way the boy writhed under Jake, he knew he had found a hot spot. "Gonna have to play with those, every time we make love.." Anthony whispered. "please take me Sir. Fuck me. Own me. " Jake smiled. "Not yet... Not quite yet..." He opened anthony's pants, and fished out his cock. "Not insubstantial. With your build, and your dick... you could probably be a top man." "I don't WANNA be Sir. I wanna be your bottom. I wanna be the man - the ONLY man, who gets your cock. Please give it to me." "heh heh. Ok. I don't want you to burst waiting for it, sweet pea." He slid anthony's pants off, and stroked his thighs. "How about a little game, anthony? Keep your legs locked. Pretend I'm trying to force you. See how long it'll take for me to get into the castle. "hard for me to do Sir. I want you so bad." "Give it a try. it'll be worth it." Anthony's legs were strong, and Jake got to work. "Oh... you think you're gonna keep me out, don't you, sweetie? Well, tickling your feet would be too easy, but... " he began stroking the underpart of anthony's exposed balls. "UGGGGGH" anthony began to moan. "Yeah.. Doesn't that feel good. Want some more.?Let me in." Anthony whined, and fought, but Jake pressed his fingers on the insides of his thighs, and opened him up. "Damn Sir, you're good." Jake smiled. "And I'm not even in you yet..." He ran his finger up and down anthony's crack. "I sometimes wish I were taking you for the first time in your life anthony boi. But... trust me. It's gonna feel like the first time." It did. Anthony had been fucked before. Sometimes the sex was good, sometimes the sex was great . The way Jake worked his cock though, was like no one he had ever had, and he loved it. Jake was very methodical. And he talked. He talked a lot. Sometimes he talked dirty, about what he was gonna do to anthony (and he almost always did it), and sometimes he talked about how beautiful anthony was, and sometimes, he just talked. But he took his time. When anthony winced, he stopped. When anthony whispered "it's ok Sir." he continued. Sometimes he'd stop pushing, and either play with anthony's nipples or kiss him, or just whisper "you are the most beautiful boi I have ever seen. Luck was with me that day." All of it was driving anthony crazy. He had waited SO long for this, and it was everything he had wanted it to be - in fact, it was more. He didn't want Jake to come out. He began talking himself. "Take your BITCH, sir. Take your captive. Take the man you fought to capture. TAKE HIM. Take your hostage. Take the boy you dreamed of. FUCCCCCK ME"

"The kid's good," Jake thought. Images of himself on a horse, swooping down on anthony, grabbing him and carrying him off as his captive, filled his mind. That was anthony's doing. and then... he exploded in anthony. And when he did, he began to cry. It was the first, and only time, anthony ever saw Jake cry. "Hey, Jake, are you ok. Sorry Sir. I didn't forget. I just worried about my friend." That brought on a new flood of tears from Jake. "You are just an amazing boi anthony. " He didn't release the restraints, but he curled up with anthony, and kissed him over and over again. "How the hell did you stay available this long?" "Momma told me to be patient and wait for the best. I did Sir." Jake smiled. His voice darkened. "I wanna see you cum anthony. I wanna see you shoot." "Will you do it Sir? My cock belongs to you. I'll do it if you tell me to, but... I think you wanna do it." Jake did. He went back to anthony's balls, and teased them until the whimpers became deep moans. Then he began stroking anthony, almost like he was milking a big steer - not a cow, it wasn't that way. Jake had worked on a farm, and he remembered, before the machines, how they gathered bull semen. And that's what he was doing here, because Anthony was like a little bull. "SIR. I'M SO CLOSE. I'M SO CLOSE. IS IT OK. CAN I? CAN I? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" Jake saw a big smile pass over anthony's face, while anthony was thinking "I may get punished for shooting without permission. It was SO worth it. "

Jake looked at anthony before he kissed him. "I'm gonna release the restraints boy, but I'm gonna tie your hands before we go to bed. You'll be able to control your cock if you gotta pee, but... no pleasuring yourself without me."

"Sir, that orgasm was so big, so incredible, I may not cum the rest of the weekend." Jake leered. "If you feel that way, I should lock you up. You want that?" "No Sir. Not this weekend. I was teasing. " "Let's go towel off and get to bed." Jake did cuff anthony before they got into bed. He threw his big long leg over anthony, and pulled him into him. Anthony felt safe. Goldie, who was used to making sure that anthony was ok, and showed it by licking his face before he went to sleep, just curled up at the foot of the bed.

As Jake fell into slumber, he was thinking "This was so nice. SUCH a DAMN fine first one. Almost made me forget how bad it was with Trav." He didn't think more about that. He could hear that anthony was already sleeping the sleep of the innocent. He joined him.

Next: Chapter 5

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