Jakes Chance


Published on Jan 11, 2008


Jake was quite the rest of the time we shopped. I wasn't sure if I did something to upset him or not. I don't really know him well enough to know if I did something to piss him off. I figured once we got into the SUV I would ask him if everything was ok. We picked up a few more items to make a salad and a pasta salad and checked out. We headed out to the SUV and loaded everything and got in. Jake started the engine and drove out of the parking lot and back onto the road.

"Ok, what's up?. Did I do something to upset you?"

"No... why would you say that? He asked.

"You've been really quite ever since we met that girl in the produce section."

"Chance you didn't do anything to upset me. " he paused and started again. "I guess I'm just tired.. Damn... I hate that I cannot even go to the grocery store without someone asking if I am who they think I am."

"You know If your tired you can just take me back to the hotel and we can call it a night. The fame thing.. Hell... I cannot even begin to imagine what its like to have all these people fawning over you and watching your every move. I would never be able to handle that."

"It is hard a times.. But I guess I just need to get over it since it is part of the price of fame."

"There you go... suck it up. Be a man." I started laughing, as did Jake. "I'm just kidding.. Really, I feel for you.. Like I said I cannot imagine what it would be like to live the life of a star. "

"You will get a taste of it since your going to be hanging out with Kirsten and I the whole time your out here. There will be paparazzi around almost all of the time."

"Your kidding me, right??"

"Not at all. They follow us every where. As soon as I leave the house they are usually following me."

"Shit Jake that sucks.. I guess we wont be double dating and having sex in your car then. "

He started laughing and said "unless you want it all over the news that night."

"Not me.. However I'm sure millions of women and men alike would love to see your naked ass again."

"I bet they would, but from now on I wont be doing any scenes with my ass or anything around that area exposed."

"Oh my god!!!!! You have just shattered every gay mans dream. Hell for that matter every straight woman's dream."

Laughing he said "Well, they will just have to get over it."

I raised my hand and said "I have a question??"

"Ok, What's the question?"

"What the hell was the deal with the Santa hat in Jarhead?."

He smiled and said "it was to cover my NETHER region. My personal space.. You know... My frank and beans." as he made a circular motion with his hand above his crotch.

It was my turn to laugh.. "hmmmm frank and beans.. hmm.. Well I have to say as I sat and watched the scene I kept thinking.. Damn .. Jakey is going to be getting coal in his stocking this Christmas.

With a confused look on his face he asked "Why am I getting coal?"

"Well.. I don't think Santa is going to be very happy with where you had his hat!"

Jake looked over at me "You are something else.. I can see why Kirsten likes you."

"Well everyone cant be as entertaining as I am. Thank you very much."

Just then he turned into a driveway that was gated. He reached up and pressed a remote control button and the gate started to swing open. Once the gate was out of the way he continued to drive up to this big but really beautiful house. "Jake the house is awesome." I said.

"Thanks. The inside isn't as put together as the outside, yet. I am having some remodeling done so the only places that are livable are, the master bedroom and bath, the family room and the kitchen. Everything else is pretty tore up. "

I opened my door and got out. I walked to the rear of the SUV waiting for Jake to open the door so that I could help carry the groceries in. We loaded our arms up and headed into the house. He was correct it was tore up.. We took all the groceries into the kitchen and then Jake gave me the fifty cent tour. The house was going to be stunning when they were done with it.

Jake excused himself and headed upstairs to change into something more comfortable. I went into the kitchen and started pulling everything out of the bags. Jake was back down and in the kitchen with me within a matter of minutes. He grabbed my arm and escorted me out of the kitchen saying "Go take a load off and relax... I will take care of everything from here on out. `

"ookkk ok.. ok " I said holding my hands up in defeat. "cant I just sit at the bar and watch you work. I like watching men work up a sweat for me."

"Sit where you want.. But stay out of the kitchen." He instructed.

"good god... OK Martha Stewart. I swear.. I will stay out of your way. "

"Ok Chance my turn.. Here's a question for you."

"Ok, what's the question?"

"At what age did you know you were gay?"

"I didn't really know what gay meant until I was in my teens. I knew I liked boys a lot more than I liked girls at a very early age."

This is the way the rest of the night went. Both of us asking tons of questions of each other. I would have to say it was a very nice night. The food was great... and yes, as I'm sure you have guessed. He would not let me back into the kitchen to help him at any point throughout the night. I finally made it back to the hotel at about 1:30 that night. I laid down on the bed fully clothed and thought "Kirsten has herself a great guy` and passed out from exhaustion.

I woke the next morning to my cell phone ringing. I rolled to my side, pulled it out of my pocket and answered it with a very groggy "Hello"

"Did I wake you?" Jake said laughing.

"Yep, I was out really late last night with this unknown actor." I said yawning.

"Really?" he said "Would I know his name?"

"I doubt it... He hasn't had very many high profile roles. He said he was going to this movie.. Umm what was it.. Deadbeat mountain.. I think that's the name. But someone else got the role. He said the guys name that got the part was Jake something or other. Another unknown actor."

"Ha ha ha.. Very funny.

"what can I say.. I live to make you laugh. Why are you calling anyway? I could have used a few more hours of sleep." I said yawning again.

"Buddy.. Its almost noon, you need to get your butt out of bed."

"Jake its almost noon here.. Its not even ten where I come from."

"Too bad.. Get up.. I'm coming to pick you up and take you to lunch. So get up, get showered and change your stanky clothes. I will be over in about 45 minutes to get your happy ass."

"Its going to take more than 45 minutes for my ass to become happy. If you know what's good for you.. You better bring some coffee."

"What kind?"

"Your resourceful.. Surprise me."

"Ok, I will. See you in forty five." and he hung up.

I got up, took a peek outside to see what the weather was like and jumped into the shower. Jake arrived while I was drying off. I wrapped the towel around my waist and answered the door.

"Geez.. Your worse than a woman. Your still not ready?"

"I Just got out of the shower funny man. I saw that he brought the coffee and said "Oh my god you're a god send, what did you get me?"

"A Java chip Frappuccino. " he said as he followed me into the bedroom. I saw that he also brought his clothes with him to change for the party. "Jake go ahead and hang your clothes in the closet. I will be out in a minute," i said as I went into the bathroom to finish drying off. I walked back into the bedroom with the towel again wrapped around my waist. I grabbed the clothes I was planning on wearing and laid them on the bed. I dropped the towel and proceeded to get dressed with Jake watching me and talking the whole time.

I grabbed my cell phone and the key and asked "so where are we going anyway?"

"Were going to lunch at Chalet Gyllenhaal and afterwards I have an appointment to get my hair done."

"Were going to your house for lunch?"

"No, were going to my parents house for lunch."

"What!.. I practically shouted. "Do they know that your bringing someone to lunch with you?"

"Of course, I called them this morning."

"Well ok then, lets go." I said shutting the door behind me. "what were you saying about getting your hair cut?"

"After we leave my parents place I have an appointment to get my hair cut for tonight," he said messing up his own hair.

"And you think I want to watch you get your hair cut? How exciting is that?" I said sarcastically.

"Well... I thought we could get yours cut at the same time." he said already cringing.

"what makes you think I want to get my hair cut?" I said giving him a dirty look. "what's wrong with my hair?" i asked.

I could see the wheels turning rapidly in his head trying to come up with something. "nothing.. a fresh hair cut always looks better when they are taking pictures, and believe me they will be taking lots of pictures tonight."

" I never even thought about that. Ok... fine... I will get my hair cut." I said pouting. We made it to his mom and dads house, had a greatlunch and great conversation. They are very nice people and very down to earth.

"Jake what time is your appointment at the beauty salon?" i asked

His parents started laughing as he responded with "its not a beauty salon.. Its at the Beverly hills spa and salon."

"EEWWWWW fancy" I said "that's just another name for a beauty salon. Except you pay a hell of a lot more."

"My appointments at three and yours is at four." he said as he rolled his eyes.

"Hey buddy don't roll your eyes like that... I probably pay one tenth the amount you pay to get yours cut. Plus I could buy dinner for my whole family and probably go out clubbing."

"Chance you are so full of it."

"Yeah.. yeah.. Whatever." I said waving him off. "Well then we better get going so you can get beautified. "

We thanked his mom and dad for lunch and made our way to the spa/salon. I walked in with Jake thinking.. Charge it.. Credit card bill here I come. They were actually able to do us both at the same time. I was done about fifteen minutes before Jake. So I sat in the waiting room of course 'waiting'. Jake came out a little while later. To say I was stunned would be an understatement. He looked awesome. They had cut his hair short all over except left it a little long in the front. And that hair was styled so that it stood up. It was a great hair cut.

"Jake you look awesome" I said standing and walking over to him. I walked around him so I could see the sides and back. He grabbed my arm and spun me around saying "So do you Chance... I love the highlights and the way its layered is great. They did a good job."

"Hell yeah, on both of us." I added.

We paid for the cuts (three hundred dollars later) and made our way back to the hotel and sat around and bullshitted until it was time to get ready for the party. I jumped into the shower again to wash off the hair from the cut and got dressed as Jake showered and dressed. I was sitting in the living room reading when he came out. I looked up and was stunned and amazed at what a beautiful guy he truly was. I stood up and walked over and straightened his tie for him and said "You look like a million dollars buddy."

"Well I guess that would put you at about a million and a half." he said removing something from my lapel. "Well then lets go dazzle them with our beauty." I said making gagging sounds the whole time.

We walked into the party at exactly seven as requested. Kirsten was scheduled to be at the Hotel at seven thirty. So Jake and I mingled. I really didn't know anyone except Jake and his mom and dad and Kirsten's family. Everyone else Jake had to introduce me. Kirsten made it to the party a little after eight.. She always did have to make the grand entrance.

Kirsten saw me from across the room standing with Jake and immediately walked away from the people she had been talking to. The closer she got the faster she was moving. By the time she reached me she was practically running. She threw her arms around me and jumped up wrapping her legs around my waist. I was completely caught off guard not realizing she was going to do this and fell backwards with her wrapped around me. Once we hit the ground we both were laughing.

"Why didnt you call and tell me you were coming to town." she scolded.

"ummmmm geez... Don't you think that would have ruined the surprise? " I asked.

"I cannot believe you're here.. This is so awesome." she said very excited. I looked up at her and asked. "do you think you could get your bony ass off of me?" She hit me in the arm and finally got up.

Jake helped me off of the ground and started brushing off the back of my suit jacket as I did the front. but he kept going lower and lower until he reached my ass. I jumped forward saying "Hey.. Hey.. Watch the hands man.. No free groping tonight.. You wanna touch this.. It will cost ya."

sarcastically he said "sorry I don't have any dollar bills on me. Maybe when your twirling yourself around that pole tonight, at your second job. I can get some change."

I stood Shaking my index finger at him "let me... You know... Your not... shit.." I said starting to laugh. "Ok, that was a good one.. You got me there." so I high fived high for a job well done.

The party was a great success. So much so that we all got totally wasted.

Jake ended up staying in the second bedroom of the bungalow since i wasnt about to let him drive home with how much he had to drink.

Ok heres chap 3.

let me know what you guys think. My email address is jakeschance@gmail.com

thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 4

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